*New* Fake Scalp Wigs | Bleached Knots, Natural Hairline | Ready To Wear Wigs | Ft. Poshlife Hair

Hi Loves,

I have some exciting news. PoshLife Hair Boutique is now offering Pre-Made Fake Scalp Wigs.

Our lace wigs come 100% ready to wear with Pre-plucked hairlines, pre-bleached knots, removable & adjustable straps, combs and now our Pre-made fake scalp. Our Pre-made fake scalps are one of the most natural looking scalps. You can part your wigs and have a perfectly natural looking scalp every time “NO MAKE-UP NESSASSARY”

In this video I’ll show you how our new fake scalp looks and how easy our lace wigs are to install. Thank you so much for visiting my channel and I hope you enjoy the video.



Hair Specs:

Wig Name: Nia

Length: 18”

Hair Texture: Indian wavy hair

Color: Honey blonde Ombre with highlights

Wig Includes

Bleached Knots

Pre-plucked Hairline

Pre-made Fake scalp

Adjustable & Removable straps

4 combs.

Want to purchase this wig click the link below

Use Code: IssaWig for $50 Off



Want to see all of our products visit us online or in store

PoshLife Hair Boutique

2516 Dawson Rd #F

Albany Ga 31707



Instagram: @PoshLifeHair

Facebook: PoshLife Hair Boutique

Twitter: @PoshLifeHair


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Instagram: @IamLaviniaLisette


So today I have some exciting news: posh life hair boutique is now offering pre-made fake scalps on all wigs. So, basically, if you're familiar with the fake Scout method, this is a method that I believe precious Marie started, and so over the past couple months, I've seen other hair companies providing premade fake caps within wigs. So basically, what this does is. It makes sure wigs. Look more natural, as of now posh life hair, is offering pre-made fake scalps within our wigs. Now this is an option. If you're not interested in this, this is totally fine and the best thing is this option is completely free. So if you want to try it, there's no cost to you all of our wigs come with the nuts pre bleached, and this is on all of our wigs. They come pre plugs with a customized hair line and now we're offering the pre-made fake cap. All of our wigs come in virgin brazilian hair and version indian hair. I cannot wait to show you guys this week. This is Nia and she is on the website. This is her natural wave pattern. She has been washed I'll, show you guys a clip of the style that she comes in when you receive it in the mail or in store, but once you wash it, this is the actual wave pattern. So all you wig wear is you guys feel me when I say this is absolutely amazing: you'll be able to save time. You know you won't have to bleach your knots. Look at that hairline beautiful. The parting is absolutely amazing as well. You can see the scalp, so let me show you the construction of this week so basically, like I said all of our wigs come with a knots. Pre bleached the Fate the pre made fake scalp is an option completely free. So if you would like to try it, all you have to do is select the option on the website and you can try it and, like I said some of our wigs are pre colored, so you won't have to do any coloring. If you want to try something, that's pre colored, so let me just show you the inside of this wig so, as I said before, I've already cut the lace because I've worn this week before so this is the pre made fake scalp. So basically, it's just sewn onto the complete perimeter of the front, or it comes with four combs three combs in the back and there's a comb right here at the bottom. There'S also a strap all of our wigs now come with straps, and the good thing about these straps is that I've always worn straps on my wigs, but I've always sewn them on, and sometimes you can sew them to tie something to lose and you have to Go back and redo them once again. This is a game changer because it saves so much time. So the strap in here is completely adjustable. As you see right here, it can be adjusted and it's also removable. So if you don't want the strap, the strap can be removed and this is a complete free service. It comes with all of our wigs. You see right there, so you can take this completely off if you want it. So, yes, the wig right out the box, you can actually wear this wig. All you need to do is fluff your curls, because of course, when hair is being chipped out, it can get bent up and just all discombobulated in the box. So you will have, to you know, revive your curls or the style that it's in, but once you cut that lace baby you put her on, you are ready to go that I am gon na go put a wig cap on because I do not want you Guys to see these Coolio braids that I have up under my little of I don't even know what this is but yeah. I don't want you guys to see these raggedy braids so I'll, be back in just a second and I'll apply this way. So you guys can see what it looks like and how easy it is to install alright guys so I've got my wig cap on here is Miss Nia gon na go ahead and put her on. I always start my straps. As you see, I had a back wig cap on, but look at the party. That is just amazing, so I'm just going to adjust it a bit talk about this hairline, so I try to get as close as I can. So you guys can see the hairline. Of course this is a glueless wig. I don't even know what glueless means, because these tabs, you have to put something on these tabs to keep these tabs down. If I was to wear my hair like this, which many of times I have just put it on, and I've left and you won't be able to see the size because my ears are covered, but if you want to wear this up, you're gon na have to Do something about these tabs and that's the reason why I use my old trusty got to be glue free spray, because I like to move my wigs at night, but this also when I'm out, if the wind blows you know, my hair is not flopping like this. In the wind you know so I do use this. I don't know what glueless means, because in my opinion, you have to use something on the tabs to keep the wig secure. So basically, this is the hairline, and this is how the hairline looks, which I think it looks really really good. The knots are bleached, so basically you saw how whether the fake scalp starts, which is right here, so you've got a little bit of lace before the scalp and I don't see like any demarcation line, but this looks good. This looks really good and let me show you the parting space to part. So if you want to change up your part, you're able to change up your part, so I'm just gon na go ahead and apply my got to be glued on this wig and put the hair up. So you can actually see how it looks. I'M not the greatest of doing baby hairs. So since this hairline is just really flawless, I'm not even gon na do any baby hairs you wan na wear their hair up. You could wear the hair up. I'M just in love with this pre-made face got way. Look at that Wow and what I'm doing now guys is I'm just using a little bit of mousse whenever I you just mousse on my hair, like it just makes it just lighthouse so much flatter it just makes it lay down flat I'll show. You guys saw that little hump up there will be playing boy. I feel like these. Wigs are just perfect for people who don't have much experience with wigs or you're, not a hair stylist like me, for instance, I don't do here, I'm not the greatest at doing hair, so I prefer things that are just easy and it's no simplistic way. I prefer things that are just easygoing because I'm a mom, I'm a business owner. I don't have time to spend a lot of time in the mornings to get getting ready to have a wig that I can go to and just like take out the box. Remove my and put on is amazing, so I feel like this right here is just easy for anybody and everybody. If you don't usually wear wigs and you're like you, don't look you're gon na be able to make it look natural because it is a job. You do have to bleach your nuts and you know to a pluck your hair line. It'S it's very tedious and time-consuming. So this right here is a saves time as effortless, so having these extra perks like the pre-made, fake scalp and the pre bleaching of the knots and the pre coloring of the hair it just it saves you time and that's what we all need so guys. I hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial if you are interested in trying out this premade fake scalp, like I said it is completely free. Did you hear me? It'S free. Everybody loves something free, including myself. This is just perfect, so if you want to try it just add the service online and we'll have the wig constructed for you for our in-store wigs, we will have some wigs that do have the pre-made fake scalp, but not all of our roots will come with The pre med, fake scalp, because it's not everybody's cup of tea, say, for instance, if you want this wig here without the pre-made fake scalp, you can order it online and just don't request it or if you see a wig in store, that does not have the Pre-Made fake scalp, then you can order it online and just request it or if you come into the store you order it in store and pay for it. You don't have to pay for shipping, we'll, have it sent to the store and you can just come pick up in the store or if you're not local, to our store, then you can just order it online and we'll have it shipped to you. These wigs are great quality guys the construction as you've seen the construction is great. It comes with all these extra perks, the adjustable, strap removable, strap free, bleach knots, your pre-made fake scalp. It comes with a four cone. It'S everything that you want in a way. So, if you're interested in purchasing this wig, I do have a code for you use code. It'S a wig and receive $ 50 off your first wig. What did you hear me right $ 50 off your first wig? Yes, if you have never purchased with us - and you would like to try these wigs out or you like to try out our pre-made fake Scout to receive $ 50 off of your purchase, now hope you are as excited about these pre-made fake Scouts, as I am Because I'm loving this, this is just gon na, be a whole game-changer for me. So check out the website. It'S posh life, hair, calm and, like I said use code, is a wig 52 receive $ 50 off. If you guys enjoyed this tutorial, please go follow me on Instagram and I am Lavinia Lucette go check out. Posh life hair! Don'T forget to subscribe to my channel. Thank you guys so much for watching this. Video and I'll see you guys in my next one

Temple Love: Girl you make me wanna go get me a wig

Queen Irii: I love this wig!! Great video

JordanDior TV: Beautiful love this

Unique Matthews: I can’t wait to support and purchase

Teresa Winbush: Beautiful

LifeAsLexx: Omg that hair lineee is everything

Antonio Edwards: Keep doing ya Thang homette!

Mila J.: It's beautiful

Artsy Marie: I want this

Teresa Winbush: How can I order a wig with color

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