Sensationnel Synthetic Hair Empress L Part Lace Front Wig - Candice (Futura) --/Wigtypes.Com

Sensationnel Synthetic Hair Empress L Part Lace Front Wig - CANDICE (futura) --/WIGTYPES.COM

COLOR: DXT27/613

CANDICE is a lace wig with a 2 way L-shape part. It is made specially so that you can (1) Wear it as is, with the deep hand-tied lace parting or (2) Cut and blend with your hair. This unit is also curling iron safe from 350-400 degrees and the parting space is natural from edge to crown.





Hi guys welcome back to our channel, so i'm here again today with some more of the empress lace, wigs by sensational this one that i'm wearing right now is called candice and i'm wearing it in the color dxt 27-613. So this unit, just like the rihanna that i reviewed yesterday, it comes with a two-way l-shaped part, which just means you can wear it, as is, with the natural hand, side, lace, parting or you can cut it and blend your hair out with the wig so um. I'M sure you can tell right off the bat that this hair is pretty thin, like that's all the hair that comes on this, it's really thin, and on top of that it has a silky straight texture, so it makes it feel a lot thinner, but the unit Is really long, let me see if i can stand and show you yeah. It'S really long. It gets me at my waist and it can take heat from 350 to 400 degrees, so you can always put some heat to it. Um. It has like a barbie doll. Hair feeling, so it feels kind of like the synthetic plastic here, but it could take heat. It could definitely take the heat from 350 to 400 degrees. So this is what the stock card looks like yep. So, anyway, let me go ahead and show you the cap, construction, okay, guys. So this right here is a natural side, lace button then there's three combs along the parts so that when you cut it, if you cut it, you can secure it better and then there's three normal sized combs up front one at the back and the adjustable strap And, like i mentioned yesterday, if you decide that you want to cut this wig and blend your hair out with it, be prepared to either sew the wig down on your head or add some more wig clips to it. Just so it's more secure because the combs that come with it, it doesn't keep it down, as you would want to so you would definitely have to sew it or add some wig clips, but anyway um on the back of the stock card. It tells you step by step how to cut it, how to blend your hair with it. So just in case you don't know, you can always just look on the back of there and it tells you everything the hair can be washed as well. You can obviously wash it and the cap size is about medium to large, so it could definitely fit a big head, but let me turn around i'll show you the back of it and the hair do shed. I did get a good bit of shedding from it. Anyway, guys, so, i hope that this review was helpful enough to at least help one person to decide whether they would like to purchase this hair or not i'll leave a link to the unit down below. So you can check that out and just keep in mind. The hair is 100 premium fiber, so yeah, it's not human or human hair blend or anything like that, but it could take heat from 350 to 400 degrees. So anyway, guys. Thank you so much for watching. I hope that you stay tuned, because i have more reviews coming up next, so see you next time.

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