Handmade Wig Making Process By Toupee Craftsman With 40 Years Of Experience

Product in Video : https://bit.ly/3brzQFd


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Copyright(C) 2020. All process of world. all rights reserved.

This is'Seoul Wig Doctor', which has been developing and manufacturing only wigs for 40 years. He has 8 patents related to wigs Registered as a wig master in Korea, hair shape, picking Draw a hairstyle design, Fit the finished design to the iron frame. Liquid silicone silicone hardening Add fabric to the border dryer They combine different hair colors. According to the customer's original hair, color hair planting, All hair is planted by hand. It usually takes a month to plant all the hair on a wig wig shampoo styling. What an amazing hair combination and borderline! You look! 10 years younger, ),

All process of world: Product in Video (영상 속 가발) : '서울가발박사(Sgabal)' - https://bit.ly/3brzQFd 대표전화 : 02-720-2000 주소 : 서울 영등포구 경인로 828 __ Contact (채널 문의) : [email protected]

swiss miss: I enjoyed watching the process. The lady who put each hair in the fabric one by one was amazing. She must be really patient. The man was really good and fast. He must have done this most of his life. The finished wig turned out real nice. I like how they put little gray or white hairs in it. It looked really natural.

Arvind Ahuja: The Lady weaving each hair must be given a Medal for real!!

Denise Marques de Souza: Um trabalho perfeito! Uma Obra de Arte!

Adanze Smith: The fact that each hair strand was put in by hand one by one is mind-blowing. The lady must have the patience and precision of a Buddha

tomeallison: ficou simplesmente lindo, seu trabalho, é maravilhoso, obrigado por compartilhar seu incrível talento conosco aqui

Ana Lucia DRUMOND: Um trabalho perfeitos, uma arte. O sr ficou com a aparência de 15 anos mais jovem. Parabéns aos artesãos

aline gomes: Grandes profissionsis, tiro o chapéu pra vocês. Que trabalho incrível.

Simone Oliveira: Impressionante, trabalho maravilhoso

Cindy Lovett: From the welcome, to the seating, to the delicate touch, to the molding, to the setting, to the weaving, to the finish - very good! My first time seeing this. Very, very good!

Jeremiah Season: Such talent from each person involved! And such pride they each take in insuring the customer is satisfied! Bravo everyone and blessings!

Joanna Bucktrout: Remindsme of my first job. I was a wig maker, or more properly gents toupees, never did ladies. Loved it. Took a week to ten days to make. Didnt use a bowl though, we had wooden 'heads' and nailed the net and plastic to it, to 'knot' the hairs with a knotting needle. A room full of us would knot, chat and listen to the radio. Happy days.


Элла: А мужичок даже помолодел!!! Браво мастерам высокого класса!!!

Cris: Que maravilha de trabalho em equipe. Todos estão afinados e sintonizados. Parabéns

Chocolate Waifu: Was such a fantastic video I love watching the process but I have to say my most favorite part, was the ending. The look in that man's eyes, he almost looked like he wanted to cry... He had so much joy & and happiness. It brought tears to my eyes. Great video!

rakesh kumar gupta: It’s called transformation .A new life and a confidence building measure the great craftsman has put all his expertise experience and dedication in making the people change their lives .

Inessa T: Теперь понятно, почему так дорого стоят парики- это ж надо какая трудозатратам работа, особенно женщина, которая маленькими прядками через маленькие дырочки протаскивает 1_2 волосины. Удивительная работа!

Cynthia E Kettlewell: Awesomeness and the music was perfect for the video upbeat. The wig looked great on the client. I used to work for a wig shop never realized how many people wore wigs until I worked there.

nikki thomas: Wow, such talent!!! The man looked 20 years younger. Your talent brings such joy to your customers

Sandra Viegas: Que trabalho extraordinário. De paciência, habilidade e por que não, de carinho! Executar esse trabalho com perfeição, só tendo todo esse conjunto no perfil! Maravilhoso!! Ah! …. O senhor ficou muito, muito simpático!!!

Glenda McDaniel: Enjoyed watching the process by these masters. I could not tell that was a hair piece. Simply amazing and the gentleman looks great.

Chris Dooley: I never knew how these were made but I’m glad I watched this. Very interesting. And to give credit where due I think the customer looks fantastic! Suits him very well imho

Dana CeS: Meeeeeeu Deeeeeeus, é muita perfeição. Que coisa mais linda. Eu simplesmente amei. Muito obrigada pela postagem e sucesso sempre para você. Deus te abençoe e ilumine sempre

Любовь: Восхищена работой профессионалов!!!

Sammy Jo: Great job of using thinning shears to cut the hair. I always did this when I was a stylist as it doesn't leave straight chop lines but blends it altogether, No one hair grows at the same tine. Wonderful job of blending the hair colors, very natural looking. A very tedious job of applying each hair. The female artisan has much patience. Loved this video!

Donna Pagano: Wow, amazing, she put all that hair on one strand at a time, wow so tedious, what a great job they all did, looks so great


MIA: Trabalho incrível, principalmente da senhora no entrelaçamento das madeixas. Parabéns aos artesãos.

Flora Ralte - Thawnthu Huang: This is just amazing...i wish my dad could have one

Heba Alturky: Very wonderful making wigs is an amazing idea thanks to the skilled hands

Saliane Meres: Perfeito

Mara Alice Zacarias: Gente ficou perfeito

Wendy: Wow! Amazing job. I would never know this man wears a toupee. Everyone is very skilled.

maáh santana: perfeito...parabéns! eu estava cansada só de olhar, imagino vcs ,que trabalheira, o resultado maravilhoso.

p4elka: Отличная работа! Как парикмахер скажу, что прическа - важная составляющая нашей жизни.

Margaret Clinton: Very Beautiful process. He dose it all with his whole Heart into it. I love it. I am hoping one day he can design a few for me. BLESSINGS Always to his wonderful Hair Wigs Business.

Yoga meditation music: Очень качественный подход к своему делу. Безумно приятно видеть работу мастера. Супер

Deliveryguy: Absolutely gorgeous! It knocked 30 years off his age! He looked vibrant!

Lyn mae Francisco: Hello, i worked as a ventilator before of wigs in the Philippines, the way she do the half knot twist half knot is not so tight, but the she did the hkt-hk was so fast.very nice

Jessica Ochoa: This looks like satisfying work. These amazing ARTISTS deserve every cent they charge.

Jasper Moreno: OMG i'm from the Philippines and this is actually my mom and dad's work for so many years now and the process is exactly the same!!! It requires a lot of dedication to complete one!

Cemre Demir: I enjoyed watching the process. The lady who put each hair in the fabric one by one was amazing. She must be really patient. The man was really good and fast. He must have done this most of his life. The finished wig turned out real nice. I like how they put little gray or white hairs in it. It looked really natural.


Queens N.Y.: Looks so natural great job

Angela Londono: Maravilloso trabajo, el señor se quito 20 años de encima.

iraci rodrigues: Muito legal Deus abençoe sempre pôr esse trabalho Maravilhoso Parabéns ❤️❤️

theBigMoose: What a fascinating process, and transformation of the gentleman! Thank you for these videos. Amazing skill and dedication.

Vsegda V trende: Удивительное видео ,браво мастерам

Way to LBSNAA: I need this grandpa in my neighbourhood. Since I lost my significant amount of hair in my 20s...my balding pattern is from the middle of the head. I think these wigs can be helpful and easy to use.

Edvalda Maria: Perfeito ninguem diz que e peruca gostei nota 10 ficou maravilhoso

Kutsi Tekin: I congratulate the skillful hands, especially the patient and determined lady who sewed.

Zelia Lucia: Simplesmente demais que trabalho lindo , trabalho com cabelos ,mas confesso que estou apaixonada nesses profissionais, parabéns.

Luis Carlos: Maravilhoso demais parabéns

Penny Luke: Great job to both the lady weaver and male stylist!

Luiza Ferreira Reis: Muito lindo Maravilhosoooooo

AppleAmor: The ventilation is insane! Amazing work

Samantha Saldana: Omg what beautiful work. So much goes into making one toupee. Skills on another level..

OVER50T: Very interesting. I enjoy watching others show their talents and skills. Excellent job

Mamaraider Vlogs: Wow! How long it took the lady to attach those hair one by one? I’m curious . In the end, looks so ver real. You can’t even tell that it’s a wig. Love watching studs like this one.✌️

Val Braz: Lindo trabalho e o senhor ficou com ar jovial

Fishman Fishman: Very interesting video. Did not realize such a demand for toupee. Apparently there is. Individuals working on this toupee are very good.

Юлия Гаранина: Обалдеть! Какой интересный и увлекательный процесс!

in the garden: That was great! Thank you for sharing. I want to learn hire to do this.

Айтунук Абжамилова: Мастеру слов нет, Молодец

Tanua Nechorosh: Руки от Бога . На сколько легко и сложно они это делают , словно играют . Работа с любовью . Может быть они устали от такой работы , но это не изменит тот факт , умения и легкости

frostbearer asmr: Какая же сложная и кропотливая работа.. Сил этим мужчинам

Marcia Silva: Parabéns ótimo trabalho

Просто Ксю: Просто офигенно!!! Как родные волосы! Супер!!!

Luciana Melo: Isso é inpresionante parabéns

Leila Mariante: Estou adorando ! Só mesmo tempo e lindo e assustador !❤️

Zeneide Bezerra: Que belo trabalho. Deus abençoe

JungJung K.: That’s amazing! he looks even younger than before

Lady McMeowzer: Thank you for listing the steps they were doing. ❤️

Ana Kalina Rocha Urtiga do Nascimento: Perfeito! Parabéns!

Aceleia Ongaro: Que Trabalho maravilhoso perfeito.

Sonia Maria: Ficou ótimo parabéns Top Valeu

Хабият Алискандиева: Какие же волщебные руки у вас. Дай Бог вам процветания

Jo Souza: Bom dia, trabalho lindo.tem esse curso aqui no Brasil sp?

evelyn hurtado j: Se ve súper bien..quedó guapísimo

Tina Collins: Absolutely beautiful work to you all I’m happy the man looked so happy

Krista Sionruva: Respect pour le travail que vous faites. C'est magnifique.!!! ❤️

Delia Alvarado: Es admirable y q pericia!! Q trabajo tan excelente!!! Ni parece peluca se ve muy natural!

venancio junior: verdadeira obra de arte. parabéns.

Claude Silver Rocha: Que trabalho maravilhoso, parabéns

Luba Greece: Ювелирная работа, браво!

Miriam Miras: Manos poderosas increíble trabajo muy natural

Pamela Krueger: Wow! Very tedious process. These workers are so patient and talented!

Nedina Maria: Ficou lindo Deus abençoe a todos a peruca e muito bonita

Angel Franks: wow this was fascinating! absolutely incredible trade!

Наталья Е: Я бы этому мастеру заказала парик. То что он делает, это потрясающе!

Patricia Villalobos Contreras: Maravilloso trabajo mil bendiciones para estás personas que realizan este lindo y presiado trabajo admirable

Sandra Nichlos: WOW!!!! What a great talent!! Looks really nice!!

Rose Mary: WOW great job,the wig is so well made that you would not know any better if you had not seeing it been made

Javonna: When I saw the wig oven . I knew they were about the wig business!! Weaving hair on a cap strand by strand is indeed a craft and skill. I wonder how long it takes? Good work tho!!

DM TV: Your content videos are presented keeping in mind the lifestyle of the modern world. Such informative videos increase the knowledge of people all over the world. Thank you very much.

Julie Farraway: I think that's the first time I've seen a wig that did not look like one most of the time you can spot them a mile away that looked really good

Yinuò: 6:25 what a pro level of art. not wow, something more than wow ♡ Respect!!

mary rutz15: Trabalho perfeito nem parece que ele esta usando peruca

Rosa Morales: Que hermoso trabajo le quedo muy lindo

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