This Is Hairvivi'S Best Wig Yet! | Wig Review After 6 Months & Chit Chat!

▶ Hairvivi Elliot Wig :

▶ Hair Details: 16inches, Medium CapSize, Cappuccino Fake Scalp

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Hey GlamFam!

It's been a moment since Alison and I have done a wig review OR a chitchat video, so of course this was well overdue! Hairvivi has made several changes since the last time we did a wig review, so this was like looking at a whole new wig company! In addition, we chat about what life looks like for us now, "Karen Culture" and of course, shenanigans! As always, let us know your thoughts in the comment section below the video!

You know we love you boo, take care, God bless, and stay glam!

Alison and Linwood

FTC Notice: This description box may contain affiliate links. What this means is, if you click them and make a purchase, we may earn a small commission of your sale. This in no way impacts your price, or our recommendation, as we only do honest reviews. We know you work hard for your money and we definitely don't want you wasting it on garbage. However, the income we earn from this allows us to continue to afford to make free content like this. As always thank you for your support!

The purpose of this channel is to educate people on how to simplify proper hair care, and teach them how to do hair and styling techniques.Linwood is a licensed cosmetologist and cosmetology instructor, and he teaches high school aged students on a daily basis.

Hey glam fam: this is my beautiful wife allison here and myself. Linwood and today, allison is doing a wig review and i'm just here to hold this chair down and hold things. I guess so. Yeah um, the wig we'll be reviewing is from hair phoebe. This is her here. Her name is elliott, hey y'all my name elliot and not to be confused with missy ellie, because everybody always think of her we've already taken her out of the box. We haven't done any styling or anything to her yet um. Yes, we're about to nothing major, because that's one thing i will say i love about hair bb's. Wigs is they're pretty much out of the box. Ready like you, take it out. You slap it on and you go on about your day. There'S not a ton of stuff that has to be done, so you don't worry about tweezing bleaching, knots, uh, creating the fake scalp method. Anything like that. All that is already pre-done for you, which just makes it a really beginner friendly wig, and this one here is a nice color for autumn as well, so plus is all around for all the work they put into them. I don't think that they're extremely overpriced i've seen some really expensive wins online um and i just don't feel like caribbe is in that aspect of the market. They put the wig inside of this little linkary bag right here. So you know, if you want to put your drawers in there later, you can um. I mean i guess you could put the wig in there too. They also included this edge brush this one here. That is a fly away, tamer, which we tried out. It kind of worked on my arm hair a little, and then we tried it on my beard and apparently it's only for flyaways. It'S not to control your whole lifestyle because my beard was like you thought did. I include the comb. They got a comb in here which honestly i was trying to bend it and stuff and like it's, it's pretty good quality, two crocodile clips. Okay, anyway, they're talking about clips, you don't see them and this wig grip, which we were kind of curious about. So, let's, let's open this baby up, it's like a full silhouette. It'S basically a silicone headband with a bunch of nipples on it. So yeah! That'S that's my interpreter! It'S got the yeah on both sides. So, let's see what happens, i'm coming home, i'm just going to snatch off your whole for your child. That'S how i feel lord, i feel like you got to be careful with that. You might not have an edge jesus be an edge. You got it because you know, as you get older, you got to be careful what you're doing with these edges, so the wig grip is on on there. Okay, so i guess without further ado, i'm going to pass you elliot here, uh not to be confused with missy misdemeanor. Oh, let me show you the inside of the wig, so this is the inside of the wig here and you can see they have the uh fake, scalp method on there, uh, which they've changed out the material from the last time. We did a review. It'S been lord over six months, i want to say probably seven or eight months since the last time we did a wig review period, much less one for hair vvd, so some things have changed uh. Even to me the hairline looks a bit different. It looks really good. It looks like they've they've changed their their technique on the hairline a bit. I don't know if y'all can see that there, but it's really really nice. Looking um - and i mean it wasn't bad looking before, but i just feel like it looks even better now than what i remember and surprisingly, even though they're still doing like this bold uh cap line in here, because the uh material doesn't seem quite as thick. It just looks like it would blend a lot easier without leaving that straight line with the other ones, leaving you and slash your hand in there, since it's going on your head that way, they can see on your skin tone, hold it there we go see. This is why i'm here, the only reason so yeah y'all can kind of see there how that's blending with her skin tone - and you just saw it on mine, so i feel like, even if you are lighter or darker than allison, you could still easily work this Here there are three combs inside so one above each ear and a long one in the nape, and they have an adjustable strap now well, they've had adjustable straps before and it is removable. But um they've altered this piece here. You can basically adjust it to the tightness that you want based on these here, so if it felt too tight to you before or something like that, they have adjusted that as well uh. Those are the major changes. I think oh little brackets on here, sturdy too. The old ones were plastic, these are metal so yeah, it's. It feels like a whole new wig brand honestly, because they've made several different changes. Anyway, here's elliott you can toss around your head, see if that wig grip is doing anything or not, and i'm just going to be here for intro dance. Oh damn my bad girl, i just elbowed this man can straight up in the face. Of course, if you plan on wearing a long term, i would recommend putting it in braids. Allison uh doesn't wear any wig long term because she has commitment issues so um. So she just has her hair pulled back with bobby pins up in this piece because she's one of those that's like new day, new hair new me when she has infinity bazillion wigs up in this house. We need to go ahead and have an intervention. I see how that hairline is looking so yeah. It'S looking really good. This feels like about six inches back here, parting space on the sides you're looking at about from that very outer edge where they started tweezing, maybe maybe two inches, but i would really call it more like an inch to an inch and a half. So i guess from here we'll go ahead and get the lace trimmed off of here i'll. Have her throw this baby back home and do all that? I really don't know why. I'M up in here like what what my support, i'm like a nice brassiere, one of the good ones that hold you up and down. You know what i'm saying like you: don't want to be held too far up, but you also don't want to be held too far down. I'M like the one, that's supportive, so they're, not slapping you in the face when you run but still making you look perky for the you know the onlookers ain't that right, we'll be back after the lace is trimmed okay, so lace is trimmed and there's nothing going On right now, so there's no adhesive, no anything you guys can kind of see and, of course, there's a little bit of flappage around the ears, but i mean honestly also you want to lean in so that way they can kind of see how this is looking With no i'll zoom in some to this is with no adhesive anything like that. So if you wanted to tack down around the ears and maybe just a little here and there, you could, if you're not like huge on adhesives and things, so i just feel like that's fantastic. As far as that goes, i would recommend in allison's instance, maybe a little bit of foundation around that lace area, just because it's slightly lighter than she is, but the hairline aspect of it is blending really nicely. There are no baby hairs on this wig, which you know allison is kind of a fan of which, if you want baby hairs, you can cut them in there, but you know sometimes some baby hairs on them. Wigs can get a little out of control. Child wigs be fertile having so many doggone babies, just all over the place running through walmart cussing you out in the candy aisles just too much yeah all right. Let me explain to them what you're doing okay. Well, usually, i just use this spray because it seems like it holds longer and if you start sweating, it just doesn't pop up. Like the other um, like the actual glue um, i usually put the wig on first and go ahead and just spray down a little bit and i'll tie it down. Maybe for i don't know 15 minutes or something like that, and then usually it's good to go. So, typically in the morning, if she's doing this she'll go ahead and spray it down, she'll tie her scarf on it and then from there, she's, usually doing like makeup or she'll, go ahead and finish getting dressed or whatever the case may be. So, even though 15 minutes sounds a little excessive, it is when you're sitting in front of the camera honestly, because 15 minutes is long periodically time to sit and do nothing. But if you're, a parent at all you already know sitting around for 15 minutes, is really not a thing um, so especially in the morning, so it becomes like okay, throw this scarf on, go yell at the kids. You know um take care of business uh get dressed whatever the case may be. I'M trying my best not to get it too much on the other parts of my um for you just because then i'll have to wipe it off and put my makeup on and all that and i'm trying not to get it on the actual hair, because i Don'T like that sticky uh, this is wet. Look, it happens. It happens all the time. So i just try my best not to do that too much, i'm just using the end. Just because my hand would be heavy to put on here, and if i don't want that wet look, i want that dry. Look, um i'll use the end of it. On top of that, i will say if you have any type of oil on your fingers. Anything like that uh using those fingers to lay it down can actually cause the hairspray to not stick as well, so sometimes it can kind of help out to use the end of a comb. If you are using your fingers to make sure you freshly wash your hands which for sanitary measures, especially the ronin, and these creates, i shouldn't have tell nobody to wash their hands, but you know how it goes. It just keeps popping up. So i'm going to bring some of those hairs forward so that i can still keep a a dry look. I don't want nothing to be mashed down until i get ready to mash it down. Okay, so i'm leave that part along because i see it's still too wet to keep playing with and go over to this side. Oops i'm gon na spread the camera. You feel like that. Wig grip is making any difference so far. You know, i don't know. I don't know just because of their awesome: um uh strap technique. Um, i just that's. All i feel is just the comfort of that sitting there. So you would. How do you feel about this strap compared to like some of the other ones, because they've changed the strap like four or five times since we first started reviewing for them? Well, i like this one better because you can um adjust it because, depending on uh, your hair, if your hair, if you're going out your hair like me, uh later on i'll, have to adjust the chat, because the braids will start getting bulky underneath and so that Won'T be a problem later um or if i did not straighten my hair and i'm trying to just throw a wig on right, quick, it's going to need to be adjusted again because the hair is going to be puffing up also also yeah for anyone who's been Missing alexa jenkins, how do you tell how's the work experience then? What'S going on in your life, you know: have you shanked anybody like what's going on like what are you doing? Tell them about tell them about everything, i'm at home, with my beautiful children and um. It is challenging, but you know you do what you have to do: um, because i love my children more than you know me risking them going out to school and stuff. So if i can make a way, i'm going to try to make a way the way i can, i feel really bad for the parents that cannot um home school because they have to constantly be worried about stuff, and all i can say about that is just You know just do what you can every moment that you can to do whatever you can. So for those who don't know or like didn't quite understand what it was that she was saying: they're. Basically, allison is still working but she's she's working a call job from home for the hospital um and then trying to juggle that with homeschooling the girls. So i was homeschooling and then, when school started back up, they started requiring me to go to teach students face-to-face. So i'm face-to-face instruction with students in the school and allison is working from home for the hospital and trying to homeschool and all that which presents his own sets of challenges as well, and so we've just been busy um, i mean even just the routine for me. Coming home and having to strip down basically go straight to the shower uh do all that before i can even hug the girls it just it's kind of surreal. I will say it kind of takes some of the fun out of coming home because i feel like as a parent you get so used to coming home and, like the kids are excited to see you um, the the kids. Are you know, yelling daddy, and i coming up and hugging you and all that and then for that first couple weeks i think it was really hard for them to kind of get past. The idea of like oh, we can't hug dad it's like zelena, would like wait until after i showered and she would like weird stuff like uh zan. We can touch daddy now. Come touch daddy, touch dad, and i was just like it's not that's, not really how that work. Okay, um so uh! Now it's just basically like living in the house with a whole bunch of teenagers because they nobody's thinking about me. When i come home i speak and they over here, like whatever i'm on the tv or the tablet, or it's like my school days down anything, nothing about you so yeah, unlike other people on youtube. Of course, youtube is not really like a job for us. It is, you know, kind of more like a side type of thing, hobby um, something like that now for those who haven't seen, uh elliott was supposed to come with like a little bit of a bump in her kind of like uh rachel on friends and so Allison is just kind of going in now and straightening out some of those bins that were in the hair. Just due to shipping i mean the wig wasn't looking terrible before, but it's just one of those things where it's like it just kind of puts that final. Polish on there, where it's like, oh you're, cute or whatever so yeah, you know i'm talking about during this video. Have you seen any of like the headband, wigs and things recently? I have, and i don't know much about them. I have not really looked into them. Um, just because i always i don't know growing up, i always thought that um, the headband situation was kind of. Like a. I know she didn't. She think that we supposed to think that's real, so i i'm just not really into the idea just because that's what people used to do when they didn't know what to do with their wig like when i had half wigs and i was totally into them. I would wear some of my hair out and blend it and all that kind of stuff, and whenever i saw people with headbands i was like girl. We know now. You know it's interesting because they're making a comeback and like we're going to be doing a review on one soon, we just ordered one. So we're going to see how that works out, but um. You know it's just something where it kind of makes. You wonder like what could be an easy way out for a lot of people that are worried about the the lace situation. Yeah yeah, especially like you, have one of those hair lines that sits a little lower. I think it's great for people like that um, because you're not having to worry so much about like okay, well, this laser. How am i supposed to blend my hair with this? How am i supposed to do this? I got to pull it all the way down to my nose to blend this lace down. You know um, oh my gosh people just like doing that. Do it just like i like to do it, i also be trying to turn the forehead into a one head or a half head. I don't understand like i need. I need you to have some space up here. Didn'T get give me four fingers pal dang. I got like 16. I had this so tight. It'S like maximize the time, i'm quite sure when you be like, oh my god, my hair's, about to pop. That'S how you know, and during this whole situation i totally forgot to put the combs underneath, like i normally do so in the back this week has been sitting up the whole time. I didn't even realize that i'm gon na put the combs in the back just because that always makes me feel comfortable like if i get in a fight or something like that somebody trying to pull my wig off, then they can't because it's like you know back There, why does girl make it seem like she's in the grocery store, like y'all ain't got no lettuce. No, because somebody it's it's real, simple, because i saw these videos and i was like man. This is crazy, so this lady was in the i don't know, trader joe no well she's a karen bed still she's in trader joe's, which means financially. You have enough money to shop anywhere. You want to so yeah, it's it's more expensive than home food. I think, and she was in there like i'm, not wearing a mask and i'm thinking like lady, if that's what the store says and just same thing, no, no shoes, no shirt, no service same thing. We just added this. It'S not different, yellow in here buying spirulina spirulina. Why are you acting like? You can't wear a mask yeah like i don't know. I just feel like too much it's just too much and then everybody's walking around, like oh my gosh, and then the store person is feeling really uncomfortable, like oh my gosh. I'Ve never had to be in this predicament, and now i have to tell this lady, because my manager just like go tell her. You know, and then you call the manager over and they're not wanting to deal with it, and i want to be that person get out. Uh you're, not gon na send these people through no problems. They got ta work here. You just shopping for the moment, get get out. That'S what i wan na do so in case karen drags you by your wig, no she's, not because this is the other thing too is karen's gon na be so busy going like. You need to go back where you came from. You need to go and i'll be like this. Oh really, and then that's when you just go crawl. Just all crazy and she's, like oh, my god and she's gon na run out of the store and the home's gon na, be solved. Nobody expects that. Did you see the? I am legend karen? No like this girl, they locked her out of a bar or something i tell you like. She was running up to the glass like ramming herself into glass licking all on the window like it was a whole bunch of craziness and like, of course, it's this super extra dude. That'S like! Ah, oh my gosh. This has some iron legend type dish. Ah, it was crazy. I'M gon na have to show you the video when this is over. So moral of the story. Wear your combs on your wigs, so i'm gon na scoot in here just to see like okay. How is this hairline looking? So this is without any makeup on there um and there's a little bit of visible type situation here with the lace um. So, let's see here what foundation do you have on um? Do we really want to say the name and i'm just kat von d? I really like how this side looks. I i don't know if i messed up when i was cutting the lace, but it looks a little bit more natural than this side. Maybe i cut too much off of that. I don't know. I have no clue when cutting these and they make them so good to where you can um see every little little hair. That'S coming out it's hard to see where you should cut where you shouldn't cut and people are always messing up laces, i'm quite sure. So don't feel bad, i do it too. I don't know what brush you would typically use for this. I don't use brushes, i know, but like are you gon na put it on the lace with just your fingers? Yeah? Oh okay, will you yeah, i'm lazy and infection control brushes, do offer a good technique, though, but yeah let's see here, that's a fly away and i go down just because i don't want the um too much of the makeup to get on the actual hair. Now, of course, they do make which i'll try to find a link on amazon, because they do have like different lace, tints and stuff. Like that that you can get at some point. We should probably invest in some and see how they work, because we just like we've, been doing wig reviews about 27 lemon use and have never once tried a lace, tint um. I think it's just because honestly, the makeup is kind of instant and you can just keep on moving about your day. But if you're trying to save time or if you're trying not to really have to worry about wanting to wear a foundation, you just want to slap your hair hat on. You know you can go ahead and do that if the lace is tinted so yeah, which i will say, hair bb. This is the mid-tone lace here they have a darker lace in this as well and a darker cap to go under the lace. So if you are of a deeper skin tone or even a lighter skin tone, they've got a lace for that as well, so they have three different colors to select from. I think that's just my hair sticking through too. I don't know because i don't have a cap on and so the color of my hair is poking through on the side here yeah and then i just lift that up gotcha and that's the area we got hairline is low yeah. I wish it was low here. You guys can kind of see here how this her is looking. Let us know what you think in the comments section down below um yeah. It looks really good. I think, in my opinion, uh allison. You want to go ahead and give us that, but they can see how long it is in the back sean that bodyguard make it vibrate. So yeah, that's like top of her butt, uh type situation, so yeah now keeping my forefoot 10 is alison's height um. We are seeing some shedding here that could just be from the lace, because i never did. Oh you didn't finger through after you trim the lace off. No, don't do that! Okay! Well, some of this, i know for sure, is from the back as well, just because it's right here right there so yeah at any rate yeah. This is the length of it. This is the color. I think it looks really really good and even though allison just went through a quick flat iron with it, you can see like it has a nice shine to it. Uh, there's not a ton of bins and things in there. It'S got nice movement and this is with it being color treated in bleach, so yeah you wan na turn back around give me your final look spins, whatever awesome. What do you think about the color? I like it? It'S different. I like it. I think it goes really good with um my skin tone. I agree, and this comes from somebody who's usually over here. Like i don't know, that's not true. It'S not black. I don't know, that's not true, since i started going grab. I haven't been that way. I only do black or one beam yeah, i'm all graham old. Now and anyway, you guys. So i hope that you liked the video um allison hopes that you, like the video too and until next time, take care. God bless and stay glam, and you know we love you boo bye. Oh, i forgot to tell y'all all of the links and everything that you'll need for this. Wig are listed down in the description box below, as well as any type of pricing. All that, especially if there's a discount code there'll be one down there too, so make sure to check down there. If you're looking for details on the wig see you next time,

Aisha Rodriguez: I’m convinced Allison can wear any hair she wants.

tammie williams: Why does every try-on she does, looks fabulous on her. She's just so beautiful to me. Lots of love from Leesburg GA.

L G: Too many baby hairs be running through the Walmart aisles & cussing you out in the candy aisles! Linwood, you have a very vivid imagination. This unit is beautiful on you Allison. Love the color!

MakeupMenaree: Ali can literally wear any hair! Love this on her. The color on her skin

Lorenz Dominique: “Show em that booty, girl. Make it vibrate.” Linwood always has me dying. We have the same humor.

BRE: Allison is classy, sophisticated and confident.

Lyndsey MacPherson: So good to see you, Alison! So pretty, and you make wigs look so easy. I lose my mind over lace trimming. I just know I'm gonna wreck it. Lemme just say, Commitment Issues: Why I refuse to have short hair, tyvm. Stay safe, you two! Wish you could both work from home. The anti-maskers don't get that the reason to wear a mask isn't to save themselves, it's to save everyone around them. So selfish.

Kr Gr: How you know Linwood is losing it in quarantine? He's making his mannequin talk. Maybe that's why Alison is in this video, like a wellness check

LeiD4u: I really like y'all! You compliment each other so beautifully

RockyStClaire: It is hard with kids and adjusting to the new normal. Our children are so resilient and smart though...a lot of kids are taking to this like ducks to water.

Krissie Christian: I have a couple wigs from Hair ViVi. They are all good quality, beautiful units and Alison looks

Angela Turner: BEAUTIFUL!!! I love how y'all explain everything so vividly! Sending much love from Mississippi.

Syneathia Bell: I am so enjoying this tutorial, you two are so funny... and the wig is gorgeous. Thank You for doing a tutorial on this one. I love it.

Tanya Flemon: That hair color melts into Alison’s skin. So gorgeous

Aisha B.: Yay!! so good to see Alizé Jenkins!!! Love the review. I'm trying to explore wigs and observing HairVivi for my next purchase. I mess up sometimes with cutting the lace. Would love to see that part next time. Thanks for the review and the discount code!

Kr Gr: I'm an entrepreneur and my 9 year old is going to school virtually from home. It is a struggle trying balance work and school at home. Sending you positivity!

Angel Decoartist: Hi, Just found your channel, and you two make me smile through theses hard times, all the time. Carry on these reviews, fab information for a newbie to the wig world. Nikki UK

Felicia Felicia: Hair vivi wigs looks so nice! I wish they made larger cap sizes.

cassie johnson: Omg I love when you both are in videos! I love ur humor and y'all energy, and the wig is everything!!!!

TheeFearlessGoddess: Love this wig! I am not a fan of the baby hair some of it is starting to look like swoop bangs instead. It’s too much. SN: Do you know of a good way to color the roots of a synthetic wig?

Kr Gr: Linwood: We need to do an intervention Alison: **not bothered**

Kesha Stanford: This wig looks great and it looks great on her. I love the 4/27/30 blends of color. I love a balayage look.

V: That wig looks awesome on Allison! I am going to buy one, thank you for the wonderful review.

Angela Hagood: I can’t believe how natural it looks! Beautiful!

Medina Que: Yes, headband wigs. Perfect for winter.

Lena Smith: Linwood and Allison I love you both. Thank You for the information on wigs and hair care. That color lace front looks great on you. I have serious breathing problems I'm wearing my mask. When I go to meijer and kroger people look at you crazy for having a mask on.They stand close to you won't give space. That was funny Allison about the wig and store. My adult daughter said she wish that she had gas when people at the store stand close to her. LoL

Chayne Cotharn: this wig looks so realistic, it looks great on you as well!

Carlette Merrill: You two are such a joy to watch!! I love that wig!! Beautiful. Stay blessed.

Beauty by B: I can definitely relate to those work-from-home/home schooling challenges. It can be very exhausting, especially if you have more than one child.

Felicia Dunn: This blonde is everything girl! You’re so fortunate that you have a hairstylist for a husband.

Princessa G: I had no idea silicone wig bands were a thing! Great review

T-FirstName S-LastName: Love you two! Strong work! Newly subscribed after watching your braid tutorials!

Lindy Wheeler: It looks really good on you Allison. Glad to hear your going to do a headband wig they're really popular now. It saves a lot of time especially now. Do you have any suggestions on how to camouflage your edge when you don't have a lot of hair?

floria marshall: Allison looks good in every style i seen her!! Love it on you!!!

OKay Gee: Gorgeous! That wig looks flawless on you, Lady!

Karen Whittaker: Finally, someone who protects their edges when wearing a wig. T_T

linda walker: The wig is gorgeous and looks so good on Alison. She can wear any color and it look good on her.

Kai Black: I love it... the color compliments Allison's skin very well. Jesus I'm so glad she dont do those baby hairs its #teamtoomuch‍♀️‍♀️

ToriZee: Chile she can wear anything!!!! They always look great on her.

Ms T: You two just made my day . I am a two head so I am waiting for your headband/half wig review.

Tricia Barr: WOW, JUST WOW I'm never been into wigs myself..I'm 49 years old and I can clearly remember how bad wigs looked in the late 70's and early 80's... I've always mentally associated wigs with my memory.. obviously the movie style wigs were NOT the same as regular ordinary people daily wigs back then.. It's absolutely amazing how far hair wigs extensions and other such accessories have come... I'm completely shocked!

Zola Clark: It's good to see you guys again and are doing well!

Cassandra Walker: Allison looks amazing in this unit! Linwood is also super supportive.

kim morgan: Beautiful! I really like the color and it looks really good on Allison!

Michele H.: Hey guys! It’s Alison I love Alison’s reviews because she is super direct and all the way to the point And this wig looks GOOD on her! I love the highlights that frame the face. Onlookers

Claudia Jordan: Some of us haven't had access to wigs (being in Australia) and at 50 yrs old are just happy there are headband wigs to make life easier for us. I've never "melted" lace in my life or laid any baby hairs either.

Shirley Ann: I love her, she is beautiful. She blends perfectly with Her skin

Brownie_73: I love the look. This will work for me nice and simple.

Katelle Donkor: Love you guys!!! Y’all truly make my day

UrDestiny2: I love the wig. It fits you well. The color is perfect also.

JAB: This lace wig looks great on Allison, but can you do a review on a full head wig for us old school who don't want to glue edges?

Ms.Treecey Treecey: This wig is already preplucked and dyed, that's great. The color is gorgeous, the Money piece is popping.

Kendra Tucker: Haha! !! Ya'll are soooooo my FAVORITES!!!! Allison you looking amazing in that color!!!! I fell out when she started handling the "Trader Joe's" situation! !!!!

Neal Loving: I just started watching your channel. I am now going to subscribe. You too are so cute together and so funny. You made my morning. Another plus is that you two are very informative and I am learning things I didn't know.

Shar26 Ed: She looked beautiful! Love the wig and yall are so funny! Beautiful couple !. God bless!!!!

R Oki: I agree Alison it is hard, I love my babies to bits! We do what we can!

Pretty Reddbone: I think Allison is gorgeous. Love this color as it compliments her skintone. God bless.

Reece c: Thank you so much from a single mother of many daughters , ... Autism disorders - quarantine also college bound one ... you are keeping me sane really! If you got any ideas about my son's hair? On the spectrum . Just thank you so much you make a difference in this family's life ... mom of 5, 3 on the spectrum in the middle of nowhere. Be blessed glamfam.

~Daphne Amy's World~!: Alison can rock every color wig

DL Jones: That color looks Amazing on Alison. You guys together on these vlogs.....hilarious.

dee MAVERICK: Wig $374.00. Love the look, the process achieve everything wanted but the cost is a purse on sale for me.

Anna J: Such a pretty color on her. Love the wig...

stephanie: Wow! It looks great on her. Such a beautiful couple

Latrice Byrd: Ms. Allison yes hunt ty. You really do look great in all wigs, and that color is awesome on you. Thank you for sharing.

Carnation: I love you two so easy to watch refreshing and upbeat

Ms. Peaches: You better rock that wig Allison it looks good on you and with minimal application

Alice Nelson: I love this one! I’ve missed seeing you guys. I have to get this one.

Yvonne J: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: somebody PLEASE find me a man that can do my hair too because should that happen, I know like, Alison, I will have struck gold! Greetings to Linwood and Alison, good to see you all. Looks like you all are doing very well and so glad, God be praised for that. I love this wig, love your videos. Hope y’all are satisfied ‘cause I’m going out to buy this unit afternoon, LOL. Thank you for sharing, we ❤️ you guys!

Kara Tee: The wig is absolutely gorgeous! But it was the lean and smirk for me 6:44

barbara mcknight: The Wig Looks Great On Alison! I Just Love, Love, It!

Jacqueline Hazel: That hair looks amazing on Allison! Beautiful!

Rita Burgess: Beautiful family. Love the wig.

Lyndora Burroughs -Robinson: Hey there Glamfam. They should have named this one after Ms. Tina Turner . Your wife is working this one. Does Allison look bad in any style?‍♀️❤

Tanya Flemon: I think it looks perfect good luck with home schooling keep the babies safe. Rona is real

Jen M: I like y’all and the wig looked beautiful on you!

Mel: I would love to see y’all do glam fam hair scarves, silk lined hats and those edge scarves things.

Chaquel Finney: Elliot is the one I wanted, but I chose Ariel which I love❤️

Hope Grace: That hair looked as if it was growing out of Alison's scalp, looks very nice.

Meemee Palmer: Hunny,that unit looks amazing on u!!! Wow it looks so natural,like it’s ur hair! I gotta check their site out.

It's DeeAnna Again: Love to see you two in a vlog together.

Shelia Maxwell: Good to see you two. The wig looks great on Allison. How is early voting going out there? I heard what your not-so-nice governor has done to try to suppress the vote. Yesterday, someone put burning newspaper in a ballot dropbox in the Los Angeles county area. You guys stay safe.

Aisha Parker: I love your channel!. This channel has help me temoudously my hair care.Keep up the Good work.

Bonnie Peele: You two are so talented and full of knowledge, I wish I could figure out a way to make you millionaires.

Beauty by B: That wig looks really good

Roblox tay: So pretty love the color❤️

Guera Galdamez: Alison omg you're GORGEOUS!!! lots of love from the 510!!!

Corvette Banks: It really looks good. Go head sis

Naomi The'Marketer: Ooooooooo I’m loving this wig and that amazing color. Haha you guys..... Hilarious!!

Essence Mariah: This wig is everything!!

Dinah Ewing: You're right, I'm late, there is Alison pretty face. She can rock any wig and style and still be beautiful ❤️ I'm here for it Glamfam❤️ I'm over here like oooooh

Derica Riley: That color is beautiful on Alison.

Vashti Perry: I'm judging the head bands too lol but some of them are cute enough to jog in

Mellisa Druiventak: Eliot looks amazing, i also ordered but i didnt receive all those extras you had in the box

Blessed T.: Wow that is beautiful I am heading to the site to order now

Tandoori: Linwood is there for the comedy relief and chit chat with Alison

Linda Flagg, MA, BCPCLC: It looks really good!!!

gbritaney: I love seeing the dynamic duo

Cynthia Melson: Love this wig.


Taja Gee: This look like she grew it out her scalp wow bomb ‼️

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