Uglam Full Lace Wig Review !!

Here is info on a wig I tried from Uglam wig.

You glam, I am very disappointed. Okay, first of all, your customer service is unacceptable. I had ordered 24 inch deep wave for the 360 full lace. Wig 250 percent density doesn't look like a desert nope, not at all, probably 150 180 at the at the most and I'm just being nice, but definitely about 250 density. I emailed service at you, glam wig, calm and their response was after. I complained and stated that my coat mics order. Excuse me my order was incorrect and that I ordered the 24-inch 360 deep ways to lace, wig and 250 percent density, and I told them that I received something that was not towards a 50 % distance. It II had to have been something like a 150-180. I sent them a picture. I sent them all of the shipping and invoice details. I even compared it to another picture of someone who they sent hair to, which was when 80 % density full lace wig. It was basically the same as mine. It just was labeled as a 180 percent density wig. So just I'm comparing the two with the wig that I received and the girls wig online. Her wig was much fuller than lines much much fuller and on top of the hair, shredding and shredding and shredding shredding, am I saying shredding, I'm really saying shredding? Oh my god, I can't talk on top of the hair shedding tremendously. It'S definitely it's definitely not true to its title on what I purchased and I'm very, very disappointed. So somebody please please tell me that they have not gone through something that I have gone through mind you. I didn't even tape it down. I had it some adhesive. I used the got to be glued rank, breathing brace, that's the only thing I really like using. I don't like using there's got to be little gell anymore because it just it holds the hair, so rock-solid, it's just almost impossible to wash it out and it does kind of pull out your hair, which is definitely not something that you want to happen. So I would definitely try to refrain from using the dr. B blue gel. I used to spray to hold down the lace and it makes it look very, very natural. So I will give them that I got that it's not really down anymore, because this is like a wig that I'm aware for in your two days, but it is still holding up pretty well other than it lifting a little bit. You know I did my thing on delay, so you, as you can see there there's what that lace is, so we're just going to put it back down. So I'm not looking extremely cookies eating for the rest of this video, but anyways definitely disappoint it from the runway. Yeah. I'Ve got to do better. Guys, definitely got ta do better because there's people out here who are really searching for reliable, dependable and honest hair vendors. So you guys definitely needs to step up your game when it comes to the accuracy of the description and the hair products that you are selling to these people. Because if I wanted a wig that, when this type of wig this type of unit in this type of density, I would have paid $ 50 cheaper, I paid the same price for something that I was thinking that I was getting for more hair. I was thinking I was getting more hair and I definitely wasn't. I definitely did it so. I'M definitely cheated out of my money. Talking very very unhappy the things I know how to then mess and style wigs to make them look no decent, but this is definitely something that I just have to work with, to make it look cool and that, if it, you would stays like this because it Drops when it's dry, I might make another video possibly like an update, even though I know that it's already basically a no-go for this hair, but I needed it for certain purposes. So I bought this hair thinking that I was going to be satisfied, which I am NOT so anyone who is considering in purchasing hairpin ulam wig. I would definitely think about it and look more into other airbenders, because they are definitely not honest and true to what they are selling. This is the other side of the wig. I didn't hold it down. I just customized it that's why you can see the lace lifting right there, but I definitely just placed it right about so definitely not gon na. Do this again.

May Kay: This just happens to me with this company . Did you receive any refund ?

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