Dropship Hair (How To) Dropshipping Hair Business

Dropship hair extensions and products as they have a very loyal fan base. You can build a very loyal fan base off this.

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About me-

My name is John and I have been running facebook ads for shopify, mobile apps, dropshipping, lead gen and pretty much every type of facebook ad you can think of for over 5 years!

I absolutely love running facebook ads because it is a never ending puzzle.. and I love turning $1 into $2 while I sleep.

I really love sharing my experiences and strategies through this youtube channel. We have spent millions on all type of ads and run our own facebook ad platform, Adchill.

Please take advantage of my facebook ad knowledge and ask me questions in the comments!

How'S it going in this video right here, I'm gon na show you exactly how you can absolutely crush it: selling hair hair products, hair extensions and yeah, literally everything to do with the hair business. I'Ve been doing extremely extremely well with this lately and I have a whole system. I'M gon na show you a twosie of exactly how to start this, how to find winning hair products, how to scale them up and then how to build your own brand and even how to sell your brand. So all I ask for in return for all of this knowledge, like you know, I spend millions of dollars every single year on Facebook Ads, I test 10 20 different products every single day. All I ask for all this knowledge is one like on this video so hit that thumbs up really quickly and that's all I ask is hit that like button and if you want more Facebook ad knowledge hit the subscribe and then lastly, you know, as you can See I test a ton of products every single day, just low-budget testing, to see what our winners and then I scale up. You know the winners. I want to scale up. That being said, I don't have enough time to scale up all of the winners, so I'll actually give you a ton of my winners for free, just go ahead and post ad chill winners in the comments below add chill winners below my name is John from ad. Show, and also when you comment, add chill winners below I'm gon na, give you our sales funnel. That makes us millions of dollars. Our conversion rate is absolutely insane, like 9 to 12 percent opposed to Shopify, which is like 2 to 3 percent. All our upsells are in there and you can just plug and play your winning products, whether that comes from us or whatever. So all that out the way hit that, like button comment, actual winners below and let's get going so before I dive in and show you the process. I kind of want to teach a couple things that you can write down and make sure you get a ton and ton of value out of this just right from the start. So if you're in the process of like trying to crack the hair business, maybe you've tested a couple products before you just haven't seen success or you see other people in the hair selling hair products that are absolutely crushing it and maybe you're, not that's. Okay, I'm gon na show you exactly step by step how to do all of that today. If you've tested a couple or even if you haven't tested, you just heard it's a good industry to be in well I'll tell you it is, if you do it correctly, and I have the correct strategy and I'm giving it all to you right now and it's A huge opportunity because, when you're able to dropship profitably, you know in the hair business it's great because, yes, you might sell them. Hair extensions. But what's cool is now they're they're on your list forever and you know that they like this type of hair extension or or this type of hair product, and then you can sell them more and more next week or the following week following week or the week After that, you can continue to give them more offers and once they're on your email list, you know exactly what they came for in the first place, so you keep selling them more and more products similar and it's you know it's. It'S infinitely. Scalable really really awesome to do. You know, prior to this I was drop shipping some hair stuff, but I didn't have a proven system like I do now, so I was having some success here and there, but I was getting a lot of losing products and spending a lot of time. A lot of money, a lot of effort on finding losers instead of winners, but now I have a proven system that works to find winners, and I'm gon na show you how to do that right here right now. So if we do this at a really high level, I'm Ally Express right now, if I type in here the number one thing is: you want to find products with demand. So if I look at these these first few products, this has 551 orders. This one has 1985 orders. This one has 7400 orders which product has the most demand, which product has the least demand. This one has the most demand, because there's 7,000 orders. This one has the least demand: it's 500 orders right, so you want to probably sell this product or this one, because they have more people who want them, and it's been confirmed on Aliexpress. Now. How do you do this? A little easier go ahead and search by orders, and now everything you see is going to be by a number of orders. Twenty-Seven thousand orders: nine thousand orders, ten thousand orders, so all of these products are good to sell. Usually I look for things with over. A hundred orders, that's step one. You want to make sure there's proven demand, so that is how you prove demand. You want to look through all these lists and you can see like it's such a huge niche. I could probably go to page five and they're still gon na be products with demand, but now there's a second filter I like to go through. You want to make sure that they're kind of unique extensions or hair products. You know for this example. I'M doing I just typed in hair, so a lot of extensions are coming up, but you want to make sure it's kind of unique, like you know a key. They can't just go, buy it at Walmart. It'S not basic like this one like this one seems like pretty basic with basic images right, and that leads me right to. My third point make sure, there's really really great images, because you want to have great images to kind of show off how great your product is right. Number one but number two to make great videos. You have to have great images right, so those are kind of the top three things and then the fourth, which is you know my biggest necessity in order to kill it in the hair business, is to test at least five new products every single day. Until you find three to five winners, and the reason you want to test five products per day is because a lot of products are just not going to work on Facebook. Just because there's a lot of demand - and they have good pictures - doesn't mean they're gon na work on Facebook and what I mean by work is hey. If I put $ 10 in ads on Facebook, can I make a hundred bucks? If you can't do that, then you have to go on to the next product, but that's okay, because I'm gon na show you at the end of this video how to test five products in less than an hour per day. Usually it takes like an hour to test one product which is pretty crazy. So you know people are a little afraid to crack into the the whole ecommerce you know, especially into the hair business, because they think it's extremely competitive right and yes, it is competitive, but I'm about to show you a simpler process that makes you stand out from The crowd and nobody will ever be able to keep up so just in review for the kind of teaching segment of this. I want to go over the four points that I hope you you wrote down and just remember, because these are very, very important and then the second part of this video, I'm gon na, actually show you how I go through the process of number one: finding, the Winning products using the tips I just gave you number two launching them. You know in a way that I don't spend an hour, but I spend you know just a few minutes and then number three, I'm gon na show you exactly how to do the targeting and make the video and all that good stuff. So you know we'll we went over. Just now is number one. Fine products that have high demand always always always look at the number of orders make sure there's more than a hundred orders. If yes go to step two, which is make sure that it's a product that doesn't have a perceived value, make sure there's already its unique it's not something they can go down to Walmart and buy number three is make sure. There'S great images, because you want to be able to make really really great videos and I'll show you how to do that here right in a second and then number four make sure to test five products per day. Now what I want you to do from this point is: stick around hit that like button, if you've liked the content so far, and now I'm gon na show you exactly how I'm finding products, but remember at the start of this, I asked you to comment. Add chill winners below, I have a bunch of winners in here for you and I have a sales funnel that will absolutely crush it for you, you just put in your winning product. If you have a winner now or you're, looking to turn a product into a winner, I have a sales funnel. That will do that, for you comment ad show, winners below and you'll get that so let's go ahead and launch probably two or three of these products. So I'm gon na go one level deeper instead of just hair, I'm gon na do hair extensions and then I'm also gon na cap, the price here at eight dollars, because I want inexpensive stuff that can sell. For you know thirty dollars or so so remember you want to find products with demand. So this has a lot of demand, but the problem is, it doesn't have great pictures, actually not bad. Now that I open it up, so I'm actually gon na try sell this one. I like this one okay, so that was a easy one to find and it's kind of unique it's colorful. This could be a good one, we'll open it up to thousand orders, and then I know these go nuts as well open that one up, I'm not going to sell all of these right now. But let's find one more here that you can't find at Walmart how about? Let'S see this, I like this one, but I think the pictures suck you want to find good pictures yeah. It doesn't look like they have better pictures on here either. So you always always always want to find really great pictures. So we have this one. This one looks good. Has a couple good pictures, one two mhm yeah! It'S got a couple, good pictures! Okay, you know decent this one has some good pictures. Are they the same product? Yes, they are so I'll close that one out and then this one is unique. Its colorful, let's find one more. A lot of these extensions are going to look similar about this afro run I like to find pictures with people in them. Always always always always, and the reason you want to find products with people in them is because people will relate to you know what they see right. I really I'm curious about that. I have 401, so I'm gon na try this one too. It has some decent pictures. Okay, perfect! So I know now I have my three products, and this is kind of very special. You have to have a Shopify store, of course, to test products rapidly, but usually what I do is I'll just go ahead and click import product on Oh bear, low click import and do it for that first product. Do it for the second product and do it for the third product and your mind, is gon na be blown here of how fast I'm actually able to test these products? Of course, you so bear low if you're not already to help you save time on putting the products in your store, but the part I get really excited about is launching the ads, because that's where you make the money, so I'm gon na call this 24 inch. 24 inch invisible in hairpiece. I don't know, that's a good name, but let's go ahead. It'S 289! Let'S make this 1995 feel like that's pretty fair price, and let's do 39.95 is that before price, and you want to make sure there's really good images. These will probably do I'll click import to store, so that's probably number one being imported. Let'S call this. It'S tough reading their descriptions in trying to make a description, but I want to call this half one piece: afro, let's go ahead and put this at 1995 as well and what's cool is once one person adds us the car like, I know for a fact. I know what type of hair they like right, so that and that's you know what I mentioned earlier is like. When somebody adds it's a car, you know what type of hair they they want to have, so you can sell them products that are similar. Let'S call this colorful extensions and I saw one really good picture there. I want to make sure wow. These are inexpensive. 1995. 3995. I feel like that's a pretty good price point. Let'S go to images here and I want to find that one image this one right here and that one and perfect to import to store, so that's a pretty simple process of importing into the store. Now what we want to do - and I want to blow your mind here - is usually this process right here takes about 45 minutes, so you have to make the video you have to find the targeting and all that good stuff, and I do it super quick. If you want to look at the time stamp right now, what are we at like 14 minutes or so I'm gon na show you how fast this is, and I'm gon na walk you through I'm gon na talk you through it. So it's gon na be a little slower, but essentially I just went to the product, and I click create add, chill so add shows the app I use to launch products very very quickly and essentially it makes the video for us and then finds all the targeting And then makes the page post and l'ainte launches the campaign all streamlines, so we don't have to like go back and forth and you know try to work with Facebook and all of these other little things like make a video with Animoto or whatever you're using those Services are great; it just takes a long time right and what I'm all about is speed, so the faster I can test products and find winners. The faster I'm gon na be able to scale my business right and that's why everybody who comes and uses ad show absolutely crushes it. Let'S call this: what did I call this? 24 24 yeah click. Let'S make it a black thumbnail and let's click and make video. So while this is being made, we want to find some things to target, so I'm just gon na type in hair extensions and see who comes up Sally Beauty, perfect, who else remy hair? I don't know if that's a big brand, let's try to find the big brands, maybe glam seamless. I don't know if that's a big brand Tim Carly, so you want to find other brands that you can then target Facebook Ads too right. So, what's cool about ad Jo's, it allows you to actually set up the targeting inside that Jo and it finds other interests that we can target that you know I'm not thinking of like I'll, probably type in Sally beauty, and you can see the videos done I'll Type in Sally beauty and then actual will find others for me. So let's type in Sally beauty and if you already have custom audiences like I do, you can use them up here, but I'm not gon na do that. For now I want to show you the full process. I can select Sally Beauty and then down here. It'S gon na show me some other things like hair iron, uLTA Beauty, keratin. I know that's like a hair treatment and now it selects all of these and finds other interest based off with all those. So you know hair brush. Okay, there we go, that's a pretty broad one right, but now I have five interests that I can target and it will make ad sets for each of them. So all you have to do is pick your page now, and this is instead of going inside of Facebook. My pixels already selected, I'm targeting, Add to Cart, and I would say, aren't these extensions amazing. They are 50 % off, but for today only grab. Yours put the link right there, who else needs these question mark and let's put an emoji, no put that girl. Let'S go ahead and take the link, which is just my Shopify link. Let'S do women 25, plus I'm doing $ 1. Add sets because I launched so many of these a day and you could do five dollars you could do you know I probably want to go over five dollars, because this is just a test and boom. I'M done. I launched the campaign so for those that were looking at at the time stamp. I think that was five minutes, but I was talking a lot right, so it launched the full campaign. If I go over here to my actual ads manager, you can see that and launch the campaign to 24 extensions. It creates one ad set carotene right there, one ad set per interest, so we can really target in and see which interests are working United States. Women 25 plus keratin treatment, and you can see edit placements newsfeed only mobile newsfeed one day - click boom right there. If you use that you will get better conversions, let's check out the actual ad here. Aren'T these extensions amazing. They are 50 % off, but for today only so boom there we go so just a little test ad and I'll be able to quickly see Hayes in the winter or is it not now that you saw me do that? How quick it was watch me? Do it a couple more times, because it's really amazing, like that process, that I just showed you right there of launching that ad usually takes 30 45 minutes, and you know that if you've done this before now think about how many more products you're gon na be Able to test how much, how many more winners you're gon na be able to find. So, let's do it one more time with this afro one: let's go ahead and open it up here. I might want to do a little bit different targeting here, but at the end of the day what was working, the keratin was good tree mint and we had Sally Beauty there and, let's think of our copy, a little bit. Okay, that's such a good! That'S a good intro picture: let's go ahead and put one second, let's put thumbnail there and click make video so ad shows gon na make the video and I'm gon na target afro as well, and I'm gon na think about I'm gon na start. Writing. My coffee. Isn'T this afro bun amazing question mark it's 50 % off but for today only grab yours and then I'll grab my link, I'm just writing on my other screen. While I chill makes the video and then I'm gon na go back grab yours, who else would love this question mark, and that's probably good. So I wrote my copy over here waiting for ad show to finish. The video actually has to wait for Facebook's approval of the video. So that's why it takes a little bit of time, especially when there's a lot of images like this, but this should be a really good product. You can see the videos done perfect, perfecto, let's go ahead and hit next step, and I'm gon na type in Afra see what happens: okay long here, mm-hmm how about hair style, hair, serum and dreadlocks boom a bunch of interest. I can target and you can see. I kind of like to spray and pray right. Let'S go ahead and put in my text: let's go ahead and pick my page and let's go ahead and put in emoji: let's do women 25, plus not 5, plus 25 plus women $ 1. Add sets add, show afro, I'm done boom. So how long does that one? Take me 3 minutes you can see like. I am able to find so many more winners than anybody else in the hair business, because I'm able to test so many more products. So if you're not testing this quickly, you will not be able to compete with myself, but the cool thing is: is you can use this software and use this strategy and I'm gon na keep making more videos right? I'M gon na keep showing you how I work. So you can crush it as well. So let's do this one more time here with this last one, because I'm really excited about this color colorful extensions, because it has that unique selling point right: you want to find that unique selling point in all products. Let'S click create ad show test and this one's kind of unique because it's colorful right while that's working, I'm gon na just start writing my copy. Isn'T this? Aren'T these colorful extensions amazing? They are, and I always like to say, 50 % off. At least. Let'S call this colorful making a white background a lot, a lot of colors huh, I'm actually not gon na show all of these yeah might as well. It'S just a test, so you know I don't worry about the small things when I test, like you know these ugly pictures in here I do may worry about the main picture. Cuz, that's the first thing, they're gon na see and that's what's gon na catch their eye. I worry about you know, does the product have demand and then I just kind of let add she'll do the rest. You know I find some broad targeting. You know for this one, I'm probably gon na target Sally Beauty again, maybe the keratin treatment. Again, I have my copy that I'm writing over here on my other page. I just pull this up right here and I could grab yours, and so I'm saying something: aren't these colorful extensions amazing they are 50 % off, but for today only grab yours links to my store. You can see the video is done that will catch their eye right there, and then they can see all the colors. Let'S click next step, let's go ahead and put in Sally Beauty again. That seemed to be a pretty good one. Let'S do a beauty shop. Let'S do red hair, that's a new one, human hair, color, hair, color and perfect. So now I have five interests selected, i'm gon na click next step, i'm gon na go ahead and post that copy. I was right in aren't these colorful extensions amazing. Let'S put a rainbow boom, women 25 plus $ 1. Add sets, add chill colorful hair and then I'm gon na pick. My page don't want to forget that so this just pulls all your pages. Add to Cart. You could do purchases if you want. I do add two cards for the testing and then launch at so that's all like. I launched three hair products in the matter of like seven eight minutes right now, if you're spending 3045 an hour for each product and still testing five products per day, you know golfclap to you awesome job, because the key is to test five products per day. Use those tips I talked about at the start of this video - make sure there's demand right, make sure, there's great pictures make sure there's no already perceived value for the product, so you can charge kind of whatever you want and then test buy products per day. This is a quicker, more efficient way for you to do it. You can get Ad Joe there's a link below, but really I just wanted to show you the strategy and gives you those tips. So, whatever tools you use to do this you'll crush it by no means do you have to use, you know what I use, but if you use the strategy that I talked about, finding the man finding great pictures making sure there's no perceived value, testing 5 or Day, you will crush it in the air business and then make sure to use that email list that you build to send email offers. You know every week at least every week, maybe two three times a week right, like sometimes I'll, go overboard and send one every single day, because I know every time I send an email. I make money, so you can see here my ad account. We have probably two new products there or a three. We did together right, so afro twenty-four extensions and colorful hair they're. All done like that was no sweat off my back and I'm gon na figure out which one's a winner and then I'm gon na scale. It up with our sales, funnel I'll put it in the sales funnel put in upsells, put it in down cells. You can watch other videos on my channel for that stuff and, like I said you can have that million dollar sales funnel and some winners by typing. In the comments below add chill winners, so that's about it. I hope you had a wonderful time. I know I did thanks again. This is john from add show i look forward to seeing you inside of the next videos hit that subscribe button. You know all I asked for this whole. All this information is one like on this. Video hit that thumbs up doesn't take any time, money effort on your side, and I would really really appreciate it. So, thank you so much for sticking around hit that thumbs up hit that subscribe and comment add chill winners below if you want our sales funnel and a bunch of winning products, and also that being said, links to ad show below links to my full training, where I show you exactly how to start grow and automate here on seven figures store, so wherever you are whether you're starting or you're. Already you know growing. This is gon na help. You there's a link for that training as well below. So I look forward to seeing you in the next video hope you have a wonderful day and I'll talk to you soon. Bye, bye,

DonMega305: How long does the items usually take to get delivered using drop shipping?

Kia C: Great video but I chuckled when he said “not sure if Remy is a big brand”

In The Light: Thanks John! I'm going to try it!

Nemo Nightfish Supremo: Are you using branded products there? is that ok to use branded products to dropship?

IrieJonique J: LMAO thought i was actually going to learn about dropshipping!!! congratulations I played myself

Kim S.: Adchill winner nice!!! How have a question when you do realize it is a winner do you then go back and change the description and watermarks to make your own for your store ? Thanks

Billionaire NuNu: Great video!

Jimmy Edwards: Hey! Thanks for the video. Question, I’m about to launch a hair extension brand ( using private label) Do you like it worth branding the entire product in order to have a unique brand approach or use the strategy you use and sell the same image from AliExpress?

Adchill: Scale Your FB & IG Ads ➡️ Free Adchill Demo - https://www.adchill.io Join Free FB Ad Mastermind - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1912837845626049/ How can I help you with FB ads? Post your questions below. I answer everything!

Kennetha Styles: AdChill Winners!

Natalie Kuda: AdChill Winners!

keisha samuels: AdChill Winners!

Lawuan Williams: AdChill Winners!

Emmanuela MAKUELA: AdChill Winners!

Gigi Collins: Adchill winners!

Agnes Crentsil: Adchill winners!

J B: Boy remy is one of the best! dont you know! ?Lol

Ebany Renee: Addchill winners!!!

Oman Bilal: Where are the f***n results. You never show us your results. All you do is create a slideshow out of random photos and start running ads.. We actually don't know if it's working or not???

Jami Forbes: Adchill winners!

Grant Solomon: Adchill winners!

Brianna LuGrain: AdChill Winners

Gary Rex: Adchill winners!

Michelle Graham: Adchill Winners

Eeee C: How is he selling synthetic hair for fuck off amount of money

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