Pink High Ponytail! (Using A Full Lace Wig)


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Hey guys welcome to my class, if you didn't see part 1, make sure you check that out. So you can see how I did my stocking cap method now to get ready for this ponytail honey. Let'S go ahead and put this full lace, wig on and cut the excess lace off. Now, when I take our eyeliner and trace the shape of the hair line, now I'm gon na pull out my liquid lace lace glue. If you don't have it check it out, right now on galaxy, grow, hair, calm, so with the glue I'm gon na draw the shape or hairline, I'm just gon na make sure that I don't go outside the eyeliner line, cuz the front. So it's not gon na reach out there. Now I'm going to take the back of my tweezers and just spread the glue so we're gon na let that dry until it turns completely clear and then add a whole second coat. Okay, now time to fit this wig on is kind of tight, so I'm gon na have to do some pulling thing. Give it a good press. Now we can finally take our sea breeze and erase that eyeliner right here. I'M cutting the excess lace off all right. Now time to get into the back of this wig now to apply this, I'm not gon na use a water-based glue. I'M gon na use a silicon based glue and knows that I was clear, really sticky, glues because I just last and they are a little stronger. I don't like putting them in the front of people's hairline because they're a little too strong, so the back is perfect. I apply it a really thick coat and then I'm gon na, let it dry until it turns, are really tacky before you attach the back. Make sure you tell your client to put her head down if you attach the lace when her head is up the moment she puts her head down, the lace is gon na pop up and pull out. I'M overlaying going nowhere. Okay, now time to mold this ponytail, I'm not doing it dry, I'm doing a wet style. So I'm gon na pump the hair with tropical roots and call me through so the foam is gon na, make the hair nice and flat and make it look really tight. Even though we're not gon na put the ponytail on so tight, we don't want this frontal to pop up, because we applied a full lace, wig and not a 360 wig. I have to leave some hair in the back, so it still looks natural now, I'm gon na wrap her up and sit her under the dryer for about 20 minutes. Okay, now that she's done her hair should be nice and hard sturdy, and this ponytail ain't going nowhere for a couple days now for this ponytail, I'm not gon na. Do the braid method, I'm actually gon na go old-school and just wrap them both around. I have two full bundles and honey we're gon na make them fit in between wraps just so I make sure the bundles stay in place. I'M gon na put hair glue and pins on the tip of the last bundle. I'M gon na attach a string and wrap it all around. This is gon na make it really tight and a couple more pins now for the finishing touches, I'm going to take a piece of hair at the back lace it with some type of gel or edge control and wrap it around, but do y'all see Ashley in The back amazed, though so I know you guys - I shouldn't have been doing this last, but I have managed to pull some hair out to make some baby hair, so you guys this is it. This is a final result. Thank you so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed this class to keep these videos coming, make sure you subscribe and turn on your notifications. So you can be notification. Gay, gay, gay,

Easy Breezie: FOLLOW ME on Instagram @

Keira Jackson: First off, she’s gorgeous more baby hairs woulda made it pop just a little more . Too much hair for me, but i loved it

0fficial Keyhari: The gurl in da background had me weak asf ik she was bored. That's how I be when ma mama be getting her nails done

Jay Squared: She looks phenomenal!! That style is perfect for her and I LOVE that shade of pink. Loving your informative style! Also, those tattoos are rockin!! The butterflies are gorgeous!

Same Hoe42: Oml she’s so gorgeous, you should ask her what kind of lashes she uses

Hailey Chapman: Wow when you said you put in track glue AND pins I knew that ponytail was going NOWHERE

Dannellia Woodley: I got a headache just from watching.

TrishTakeOvaaa: I could see myself doing this whole process for prom or homecoming or just a simple night out. But as an everyday look? Not for me. Way too much. Still love it though!!

Emily Barbosa: I love when a hairstylist makes sure you look good and does an amazing job ❤️

Mac Sauce: When it comes to hair, you have to be a perfectionist...this is it sis❤️

Sara Lee: I'm so glad all these styles reminde me of how I used to wish I could look when I was a lil girl,now we can feel beautiful and have fun trying new styles ,*

Madison Rembert: This hairstyle is so cute‍♀️

Fatima balogun: So why not get the wig in that length instead of adding pieces

Mrs. Melly: I really appreciate all the details ~ from the different glues to use on the front and back of the hair, to sealing down the back of the hair (which most of the other videos opt out)! You gave me hope to perfect my craft! You're the real MVP! Great video and hair style  :)

Ella Vator: I'll never take my hair for granted again, you are amazing at what you do!

Jules: I am shook by what you did with the bundles. I’ve honestly never thought of doing that with a full lace updo. Would you maybe consider making a video with a detailed tutorial of the different ways to use bundles or extensions on a full lace wig? For instance, by looking at what you did, I’m convinced I can make realistic hippie dreadlocks with a full lace wig and bundles. And i have never seen a lace wig with dreads (or such a ponytail, for that matter!) that was realistic looking in the front, esp. if dreads are in ponytail. Anyway, amazing job. I want to know what city you’re in, I’d love to get my hair done by you for a wedding or birthday. So gorgeous.

Kanise Official: Sooo helpful with applying the back. Keep my head down, & use a silicone glueThankyou!

Kai Ringold: Hair was on point, video was very informative and understandable. There was a clear view of everything and how it worked. # You defenitely have a new subscriber ❤️

Çøøℓêy Dìâmønds: She's so beautiful I wish you would've put her Instagram somewhere

Ruslana Slay: This is satisfying to watch

Jessica Ann Bowman: So beautiful, i wish i had that talent!

Cher0kee: Yaaaaas wig slayer! great job!

LaToya Farrell: Such a beautiful young lady! Her skin complexion and the pink looks AMAZING!

Kiko Bangz: OMG you skated this in every detail! I love it!

Wolf Cien: You did soooo good with this!

Tricia Smith: I LOVE that hair!!!! I love the high pony!!!! I love the color! You are amazing at what you do girl!!!! I LOVER HER LASHES too!!!!! They look so freaking pretty!!!!! How long will that stay on with the glue? Can the hair piece be washed and restyled or is that the style it will stay if she wants to use it again?

Headchangee: Wow I wish I had a professional hair stylist like you here in my town ☹️I've been wanting to try wigs forever but I don't know how to do them myself . I need to practice

Jae Capri: Homegirl too damn grown to be having her shoes on the couch

Mara mellinger: Dang this is gorgeous . It looks so amazing

Darius Xo Lana: The beat tho

Shayy Johnson: The client is very beautiful you always doing your Shit keep it up Pooh

Jacqueline Daniels: Personally I love it. You are bless to have such a talent #StayBless

Cristiane Araújo: Quantos dias dura esse penteado ficou lindo

M.I.A. M.I.A.: Wow I never seen anyone do such a magnificent job, thank you for doing such a great tutorial showing front and back, that’s amazing because no one ever shows how to lay the back, new subscriber for life I can definitely learn a lot from yo videos ❤️❤️❤️

Luh Pereira: Mt bom Perfect ✌

Elaine Michelle: This was a work of art hunty! YAAAAAAAAAASSSS

April Banks: This video was very informative w/ great tips. Thank you for educating us about the types of glues to use for the front/ back hairline. Also I like that you stated when applying the lace to the back of the hairline ask client to tilt their head down so the lace doesn't pop up. ❤️

Beth Roesch: That is beautiful. I've never worn a wig so I had no idea what went into it but this gives me a whole new appreciation for the artistry involved in making it NOT look like a wig. My mom wore wigs in the 60s and it always looked fake lol. This doesn't look like a wig at all

Brittany Daniels: It's amazing to see how fast you have climbed! I was watching before the million+ views and 100k+ followers! #It'sABeautifulThing

Crystal Ward 💚: You are talented with them hands love this!

Rhonda: Great tips- especially ab the silicone based adhesive at the nape! Probably why others cant get the back to stay put lol

Krika Miguel: Brasil 2019 amo o que vocês fazem como fazem com as laces amor vocês

Alabama Jenny: This is truly amazing. The whole process is so cool. Beautiful result!

Jasmine Smith: This video made me feel like I was taking a class her hair is gorgeous

Shandy Cherry: I love your work !! When you create the line for the frontal what exactly is it for ? I’m asking because I like your method but I’m new to this

Kassie Palmer: Hello, can you tell me where I can find the silicone base glue you used in the back of clients head? Thank you for the step by step bald cap method?

Madison Reeves: I really love this and I don’t even wear wigs

Chasity Mccarty: And you killed that period

Samuel Cuellar: This is so beautiful omg

Auntie Em: You did a great job. She looks amazing!

Dovie Jones: Absolutely gorgeous!! Love the color❤.

Suress Spencer: I love it!!!!! I want this done for the summer.

Sassy SlayJ: OMG <3 This entire video just gave me life!!!!!!! YOU DID THE DAMN THING SIS!!!! NEW SUB!!!!THANKS SIS!!!!!

bran: that colour is EVERYTHING

Ceejayy XMakeupp: Looks so beautiful ❤️

kg.: I love y’all videos so satisfying

Zano_ _T: I love the little sound effect And you guys are gorgeous!

Eclectic Interests: She is so pretty and her hair came out beautiful. ❤

Amelia The Rain Wing: Since you said it's kind of tight I was wondering if you're awake had the adjustable laces to where you can make it fit the shape of your head✨ please let me know

Jessica Laura: That look is AMAZING!!!!

Keeping up with Shida: Nahhhh this pink is a whole existence dpmo

Mr_trini_trucks MTT: Love the tutorial very interesting btw love the instrumental

Caramel Kisses: A hurricane will not remove that hair ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Samantha Mostowicz: I would love to have this done just for fun sometime haha

Akalia Wynn: I love how you do hair because it’s like you do it good and listening to you with Bluetooth headphones

Sam Parker: YOU are AMAZING!!!! I'm JUST learning how to style and pull my wigs into ponytails but I have a question for you - if my lace front wig only has frontal lace and NOT lace or wig combs in the back/nape, how do i adhere it so that it stays in place and I can pull it up? Can I use some kind of wig tape or the lace glue you're using on the elastic or what would you reccomend? BTW I wear different wigs on the daily - not trying to install it for DAYS lol, but my job requires my hair to be up and out of my face so should I still use the silicone base glue and lace glue you are using or is that a bit TOO permanent? Thank you for taking the time to make these videos - I'm a hairdresser but we don't learn this shit in school! <3 I subscribed can't wait to watch more of your videos!!!

Tyler Marie™: If I was a stripper this would be my go to hair style.... great job!!! I would be popping that thang everyday whipping my ponytail

Levi Ackerman: Love this ❤️

ArmyBombs BTS: This is so gorgeous It would so suit me in a light brown xx

EyeAmBella: I’ve never used actual glue on a wig so I was wondering if it would be possible for her to wash the wig while wearing it or would it just fall off? Also how long does a glue install like this last?

Lisa Ziegler: they are all gorgeous the way they are but I will say they look amazing

caydence cecilia: she looks so good !

BARBIE DOLL: Giving me easter vibes cotton candy

Gamer Kaxx: I really would love to try a full lace wig one day. Wanted to try one ever since I was a kid, but I don’t think I could do it even decent. & I don’t want to be looking wack

Tiffany Walker: Love this video very inspiring I'm going to try it on me first

Kpelyn Woiwor: This is sooo pretty ♥️

Kelli Scott: Yo.!!!! That is Amazing. It's EVERYTHING. YO DO THAT GIRL..

Marbella Velasquez: Beautiful!

Miss Eddie Blue - Kawaii Krafts: How long does this last?! Wow You did such an amazing job!! But it looks like the product changed the colour & bleached out the pink, I have pastel & certain products have done that to my hair too anyway I love it!

Jessica Varney: So beautiful!!

Alayjah Jones: I need her to do my lace fronts cause she do a good job at what she does

CAIRA DENISE: This is so dope!! I should do this for my channel

Sydney Broom: How did you know where to cut when cutting the extra lace off?

Nina: Omg can you come to Jersey and be my stylist for my wedding lmao you’re gifted girl keep up the good job!

nattalee: I can't wait til mines come in!you slayed this!.♥️that was alot of hair.An we was all amazed your talented.

LRose 93: This is so nice

DeAnna Marcel: On my mama if I lived in the same city as Breezie I'd be in that chair every week hunty Them hands do dat werk!!!!!

Tayla Ashlee: Soooo talented ❤️❤️

Having Tea With the Devil: Looks simple enough. Now watch me try this on myself and it turns into a hot mess but i will definitely follow this once i get a full lace wig. Thank you.

newnimprovesT3: Pink my fav color!! This trolls hair is everything !!

Santana Secrets: Great technique!

Brylee White: i love thisss!!! it’s so cute and poppin

It’s Maria: only 90k subs, girl you need moreee❤️❕people be letting talent like this slip away

LIlly . O: Anybody tryna mention how good pink looks on her costumer

A: I always watch these videos know damn well I’ll never do them

Alysha Wilson: I wish you were near me! This is so awesome!!

Frances Jean Louis: Gorg! Love it!

Paul Allen: Thank you for sharing this great video,you are so kind,I love your channel, I order the wonderful one from newigstyle four weeks ago

Shakayla Torrence: You do really good at these keep doing them.

kolsoy: that looks AMAZING omg

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