Full Lace Wig Vs Lace Front Wig & Hair Updates | Dyhair777




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Hey Everyone this is just my take on how Lace fronts & Full lace wigs are .I love both and i decided to share my opinions and thoughts. Both of these wigs are from Dyhair777 and are gorgeous!!!!



Wig 1)

❤10$ off Coupon Code 556102,

can only be used 100 times !

✄----Hair Info ----✄

❤❤ Cambodian Top Quality Virgin Human Hair Deep Curly Lace Frontal Wig 22' color 1B, cap M.

☞ Link to the hair: http://www.dyhair777.com/product_B-Top...

Wig 2)

❤10$ off Coupon Code 556102,

❤❤ hair info: 1B# Top Quality Virgin Human Hair Straight Hair Full Lace Wigs Natural Color cap M, 22" inch.

❀Order Now? visiting ☞ http://www.dyhair777.com/product_B-Top...

☞☞ Go to the Store: http://www.dyhair777.com/

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Hey guys, the things I say and I'm going to try to do something new on my channel, I had to wait here a whole new swing and a lace-front away. Now, I'm going to show you guys an update on these wigs because when I have been wearing for two three weeks and it's other one, I had to work for like a month and a half. So I'm going to give you an update on both these wigs. But first things: first, a lot of you guys that comment on my videos: don't understand the difference between a lace, front, wig and a full lace wig. So I'm just going to that real quick inside the difference of a full night's wig and a laser way, and then I'm going to go ahead with the update video on both of these wigs, noting both these weights were purchased from DIY hair. 7. 7. 7. Now, if you're interested in checking them out, everything will be linked below also, if you're interested in purchasing either one of these beads. I do have a $ 10 off coupon code, so you can go ahead and use that coupon code as well, and let's just go ahead and get right into the video. So first things. First, I'm going to show you guys this curling one. This actually is my lace front wig and I'm just going to flip it inside out, and then this one right here. This is actually my school lace wig and I'm just going to slip that one inside out as what now first things. First, the lace front. Wig is basically set up my fit. This is your normal netting that will be in the back of a regular wig if you were just to buy one from the store and then in the front. This is the length as well. Now you can see that the lace spreads from ear to ear as well, and it does have combs in the front to secure the lace and it does have a comb in the back to secure now. One thing I can say about this way is that I like the wig, is a really pretty way, but the only thing is, I recommend, if you are to wear this wig, that you might want to put an elastic band in it, or maybe you will want To glue it to your forehead or use tape, just because, for this particular way, when I was wearing it, it would slack these parts were flat, but on the ends just because nothing's secure holding them, you see it just kind of branches out. So, as you see on the other end, it branches out - or you could also use bobby pins bobby pins - is what i use in and kept it in place. So for this you want to use some type of method to hold down these inks because you just don't want them flapping up because nothing's securely holding them. Let'S get on to talking about the hair, so first thing the hair about there of this link. I really really did like it. It was more of like a curly, but it wasn't so tight. It was flushable, it was colorful, so it was really easy to maintain these curls and normally, when the crows will get out of place. I was just washing it. So Crosbie snap back just like that, so I wasn't a hard maintenance wig at all and, as you guys know, the full lace wig is more expensive, so this will be a cheaper alternative if you're interested now. Another thing is, with this lace: front wings: you don't get as much parting with the full night's week because it is only since much parting, so you get from here on now. As you see, this is about the width apart. You get from here to here now the lace on is pretty good. Like you see, you can see through me in this link, which is good because it'll give you a real natural, easy parting, it did come with baby hairs and not too many, but just enough to keep it looking natural, so that was really good as well. So with this one, I really do like this. The only thing is human need, finding tips or something to hold it down on the ends and the actual hair is holding up pretty good. The ends are still curly and pretty everything about this week still is holding its post. So I really really like this big and I, like I said our coordinates for two to three weeks. This is the Cambodian here and and if you're interested in purchasing this week, all the everything you would want to know is going to be listed below the links and everything as well. In the hair color I mean yeah the hair colors in that car. All that will be linked below and, like I said I do - have a $ 10 off coupon if your name sweetie now this is the full length that I have. This is just basically straight now. Another thing, like I said about this week, is you see that it's all mesh and even right here, even though it doesn't look as messy and this part, does it still pad it's not as messy, but it still holds its own as in color, because you can Still part it right there, even though it's way darker now, this wing actually comes with three combs in the front, which is oh yeah. This way actually comes with one comb in the front, so it was one comb right here, but I didn't like the way it was sitting on my head with that comb, so I actually removed to call my life believe the comb in and then it has two On the sides right here and right here, and then it has one in the back now this one actually has the lastic then as well, and so does the other one. I forgot to mention that so yeah it does have the elastic thing now with this one. I did put it on my head using the comb. I did wear it on my head and I didn't have a glue down or anything or tape, and it worked perfectly fine for me, but since this was my first full lace wig, I wanted to get that feel of wearing it on everyday basis. So I actually did apply to my head and I do have a video on that as well down below. If you would like to see it, and I that's why I sent the comb out because I ended up blowing the fourth gluing. The way to my forehead. Now it did work out really really good for me wearing this wig bleep in my forehead I didn't need a comb or anything because, like I said it was feeling my forehead, so I was already holding this home, so I really. I really really did like this way and they come with minimal baby hairs, and I did put those on my forehead. Like I said. Normally, I don't write them, they did have long one, so I did end up clicking the long ones out, but I just wore the shorter ones and it look really really natural. Now, as you can see with this one as well, you can see me doing a cap which is really really good, because it's letting you know that when you part your head and put this in that actual part over your real hair, it will look natural and A part will come through and it was pretty realistic only thing I can say about this week that I really wasn't feeling not that much was. It was 300 density. Now the wig rounder density is a normal hair type for someone wearing their normal regular hair. But with me, the purpose of me wearing wigs and all that other stuff is because I like that thickness and at longest, so it wasn't as thick as I wanted it now, when I tease and curled and brushed it off and stuff like that, it became big. But when I wanted to wear it in a more sleeker style, it wasn't as big as I wanted it to be. So that's only fitting, I could say about this, but it was 300 density. It was really good. Now, when I watch this big, it did come back for the Sun type of wave and go silky straight, which I figured it would come back with a week, but when I straighten it in and then washed it as well, it came right back with a week. Basically and this hair origin is Brazilian, so basically, this is the four legs wig and then this is the Lynx frontal way. Now they both can give you a very similar look if it was the same Eric's, hair origin, and it was both curly or they were both straight. But the only thing is with this one. You can't part, as can't part back as much as you would like to with this one. You can part pretty much anywhere. You were like so with this one. It typically ends up being one a flip over method or part a little bit, but still having you know, just a little flip over or more so just pulling it back all the way off your forehead and just wear it in the back stock. So that's pretty much the difference in the wig and that's why I said it is a price difference, but I mean you pay for what you get for it. So with this one you can part anywhere with this one. You only have parting in the front and then another thing I like about this curly wig is that it comes. The hair is all the way at the bottom. So if you wanted to pull up in a ponytail, you definitely could it wouldn't be like just extra weight on fabric or something hanging back. So I actually wore this been a pointer before and you couldn't tell the difference. It was pretty much good so, like I said, both of these are also doing really really good. A lot of you guys wanted an update on both of these, so I decided to do them both in the same video, because they are both from the same company. So yeah and so yeah, that was pretty much it. I really enjoyed this company py hair 7. 7. 7. These was my first two weeks from them and I'm really new about these two weeks. These are becoming my favorite week and they're, just real ones. Pretty got rhythm in you like them, they haven't, let me down at all and they both need very minimal products. So I wouldn't use too much so yeah. That was my review on Gy hair 7. 7. 7. If you're interested in either one of these wigs, they will be linked below, along with the videos that I said, will be linked below as well so check those links out and don't forget to comment like a subscribe and I'll see you guys in my next video See ya:

Soulr Sentral: I'm watching your old bids and I can really see a difference in your personality. You seem so much more happy now and smiling a lot in your videos. I love the new you ♥️

Lightskintay_capricorn24: Thank you for the coupon code ✨

chicagoskyfan7: ive learned soooooo much just from watching this video lol!!!

jasmineasia1: What would u recommend for density?

Claire White: 8:00 difference between the two wigs

All Trends With Samore: Awesome explaination. I like both just depends on style and quality of the wig for me

Summer Simmer: Both wigs are nice. My favorite one was the first one. I don't even know a lot about wigs though.

Mickey: thank you for this it's funny i was on dyhair777 website looking to order a wig and noticed they had these two kinds and didn't know the difference and so I youtubed "lace frontal vs full lace" and your video was the first to come up

Wolf Angel 94: Some of y'all on here need to calm down with the attitude. If someone doesnt understand something help them.....there is no need to be rude It's not that serious .

Sophie Always: Hey love I love the one you have on! Where'd you get that one from and how much. I know this is an old video, but I love the hair you have on. It looks super natural and elegant.

Mitchiee: You're so gorgeous Tay !!! love you !

a m: I remember when tay started from the bottom...shes so much more enhanced now..def the money..definitely.

II II: finally I understand the difference

Itss Ricaa: Thank You so much !! Very informative & helped alot !

ash torrey: Thank you for the explanation

claudia guzman: i have learn so much from your video thank you i dont use wigs but i started working for a beauty supply one week ago i need to know a lot about wigs and products that people use for their hair i didn't know the difference now i know thank you i need to memorize a lot more.

Mrs. Tracie Hicks: Thank you this helps me out a lot.

Courtney Curry: Could you do a make up tutorial for this look! Its naturally slayed!

Summer Hayes: Great job thank you!!!

BeauteByDai: Do full lace wigs tangle more than Lace fronts?

Tamara J: So the one you can part anywhere what kind is that one ?

Amber R: Hi what conditioner and shampoo did you use on the hair and how often?

Chef Wendy Kay Slay: I know I'm late..LoL.. But thanks for the info it helped a lot!!!

Augusta Gregory: Thank you for sharing this helpful video,you are so kind,I like your channel, I purchased the best quality one from newigstyle theree months ago

Love: Thank u so much for the clarification made my purchase easier

Airess Davis: Does the glue do any damage to the lace over time, and is it easy coming off?

Cori Willshaun: Sooooo, the only real difference between the lace front and full lace is the cap and parts ?

BombshellZaneTV: girllll, you look so beautiful!!!!

drea bright: Make up tutorial please

trecia hart: I don't know the difference...... I'm tuning in .... thank you!

Kate Taylor: I got the same full lace wig from newigstyle, I love your video very much

Nina: gorgeous

not kaitlyn: How long do they last ??

Audrey Boateng: Is it possible to tie both of them to a bun ? I'm a beginner

Yes We Cat: what do you raccomend for first wig?

A J: I wanna know what wig you have on RIGHT NOW

Janessa Yong: pretty~~love u always~

Lakeshia Carr: where did you get the wig your wearing in the video?

Barbie Brown: hi how long did you have the curly hair for and did you ever try straightin it

Oh MissCathy: she so pretty

Maya Watkins: Did the full lace wig tangle or shed ?

Damani La’Shelle: Hey Yur Pretty And Ilu Sooo Much Can I Have A S/o Please ....

Mariah Lexus: can u order me one

EVERYTHING renae: face is BEAT!!!

Rhei: what hair are you wearing in the video?

Amber R: All so I got the curly wig u got on.

Nyasia Edwards: Which is better?

jkjohnson10390: what hair do you have in now?

Mariah Lexus: just playing

Anthia Miller: Did the Cambodian wig shed hair  a lot?

Sara Risom: girl come down with the eyebrows

Cyannex Cyannex: R u related to mike tyson

Su Wen Xiang: bellewigs full lace wigs

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