Full Lace Wig Review | Luvme Virgin Hair | Short Bob

Hey Y'all!! I teamed up with LuvMe Virgin Hair and I'm sharing my first impression of this wig straight out of the box.

The wig I have is linked below!!


Let me know in the comments below if you would like to see how I customize my hair line and/or any other videos you'd like to see from me.

As Always,


Okay, let's get into the video, so I got anyway sent to me. Okay now just got here yesterday, so I'm gon na open it now all right. So the knocking looks like this. It just doesn't love me love me version here. Actually they reached out to me because they're doing a promotion, I think for short, like hair or summer hair, something like that girl. So I picked me on Kindle shortly so so the wig comes in this little bags is cute. They give you a nice little big head good, that I need one. This is cute and give you a nice little rat tail comb. Oh some bobby pins, a little clip. Okay, oh wow! They gave me a little band, so I can like tighten my wig in the back, we'll see how the wig fits first and then maybe I'll go in with this and like so that's on. If I needed some tweezers and then this. What is this? It'S a hair wax stick. So when you lay your wig down and got some slight waves over here, you kind of just smooth it down. That was nice. I like that, and I like this little bag. This is a nice little makeup bag. Tonight some long-ago - and I just need to put a couple things in here: usually hair companies, don't send you all this, they might send you some little cheap lashes or something, but that was cute. Let'S see what this way talk, don't smell. It just smells like a regularly, don't know the big smell. Oh wow, this big already comes with the band look at that I thought was gon na have to saw that one on that already comes with that. Okay and it looks like the edges - are already like. Pre plucked, I might have to go in there and customize it. You know more for myself, but it looks pretty plucked and I, like the part, the part don't look like I have to pluck too much. The hair feels soft alright. So obviously I can't just let this on my wig. I mean slap this on mouth it. Obviously I can't slap this wig on my head just yet. I need to like do something with my head first, so I'm gon na go ahead and do that then I'll be back to show you what this bit looks like it's supposed to be long on one side and short on the other, but um. It definitely does not, but I like it like this, that's cute, oh my god, the air feels so nice. That'S cute, though I look into you something I got Indian in my family. I really like this. Oh my gosh. I can't stop running my fingers through it. So I need to go ahead and cut the lace off, though, and also I need to thin it out here by the edges so that it could look more natural or not just like my hairline just starts right there. You know I mean, but first impression. Oh, this is cute all right, so I went and collect my edges. Just a little bit cut the waist off. Let'S see what we are working with it's to make it work so naughty. So I can't stop running my fingers through it. Look at that. That'S so pretty. I think I need to cut some face hairs, so I'm pretty much done with my hairline. I'M not really gon na do too much anymore after this letter take my flat iron. You kind of fix, like the roots a little bit, so it did come with this. Hair wax stick and I got kinda have some like flyways up here in the top. So I'm going to go ahead and put this on and see what this really does, so that wax definitely worked. I'M gon na see what this wax stick. Does my edges. Let'S see if I can hold it down, then I will probably just take some got something blue. Something like that. You just stick this tab down to this. Tab is flap in this little thing, but the band in the back is really holding a wig down. It will be plaid, which is good, because I don't have to get my actual hair, all messy, just to get my way to lay so this I'm cute. I don't want to show you guys what my hairline is looking, so I did do baby hairs and I like real natural baby hairs on into crazy nothing too thick mess. My wig cap, I, like the little. You know the little slips look at some different hairstyles. Go, I don't even know what we got back, but I will make sure that I link the exact way in the description box below, but this week is soft quality is amazing. They give you so many like little things. You'Ll definitely need to make your wig just let them it came with tweezers. He came with clips, which I needed. I knew that's what users I needed two clips. It came with an extra and for the wig, but it already came the ban on the wig like this is happening. This cube is giving me a little problem, though cutesy, but you know we can make it sexy nice little high school for the summer. I, like this love, definitely be wearing this Fotis. Let me know if you guys want to see more hair videos from me if y'all want to see how I pluck my wigs. How I do my baby hair is how I lay my wigs down. We can do that. If that's what y'all want to see you do that anyway, I'm gon na just keep playing with my ear. Okay, bye,

ImWounded: You look amazing! What was the hair density and the circumference?

BeautyforYou: What length was this bob and it looks like the hair is a silky texture.

NaturalBeauty214: It looks so realistic!

Rondita RKA: Still looking for the length...? Density? Love this look, but want a 14” in the same style. Thanks!

OK Nika: You killed this

IAmJust Rell: This is gorgeous what length do you have? Can you part this on either side?

donald owens:

Luvme Hair: Thank you so much for your video dearLovely work

Mica 1990: Really lovely on you What length is this ?

Monshay JP: I would love to see how you pluck this wig because I bought this one , just because I like how you did yours

MELANIN Queen: I love it

Angela Melinda: Omg this wig is so cute

Cynthia Vel: How do you secure your hair under wig cap?

CDam: You look super cute!!

Lily Dolmo: What customization did you have to do ?

coolfosterdad: how did you lay your hair down under the wig to make it so flat??

Kimberly Towns: Can you tell me what inch this wig is ?it looks cute on you.

Marylou Harris: Very great video,three days ago I buy the same product from newigstyle

Fabienne Cadet: Beautiful what length you got?

Jazmine Johnson: this is a lace front tho..

冯颖: Hello may i know your email, we wanna to cooperation with you to make a wig review

T M: What are the inches?

Peaceful Waters: that’s not a full lace

Bobbie Kendall: My wig was garbage from them. Will never buy from them again not what they Say on the Ad

nygal628: Girl, it was nice till u tried 2 add baby hairs..it ddnt need it!! Also, does this wig come a bit more "textured"? Tht looks like "indian" hair, which wud NOT look natural 2 me.

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