K'Ryssma Ombre 2 Tone Lace Front Wig Review Synthetic Where!!!!

Welcome back to my channel, if you are new, make sure you go ahead and hit that subscribe button make sure you get your post notifications bell so that you can get updates on every time I post on you guys. I am here with another hair review. Of course, you guys, I am just so happy that a lot of things have been going on. You know I've been actually working more towards being a brand ambassador and working more towards. Like my business, a matter of fact, if you guys don't know, I do on my own merch line stay pretty apparel um I do have body suits, I have shirts and I'm also coming out with a winter two-piece collection. So I am very excited about that. That information will be below it'll, also be in the description box. So make sure you guys check out my merch line. I will be doing a giveaway really soon, so make sure you guys are subscribed to my channel and make sure you post notifications, okay, because this is gon na - be a bomb giveaway. So without further ado, let's go ahead and get into this video you guys. I will be doing a review on this synthetic unit here. It is an ombre blonde unit that I did purchase from this vendor called K or yzma. So yeah, it's on amazon.com. The vendors called Kay charisma, it's the caterer, yzma fashion, ombre, blonde glueless, lace, front wig and it's a two tone: light brown: the root is brown and then also, of course, the rest of it is blonde and it's really pretty bouncy and long. Okay - and this is, does it say the inches - it doesn't say that inches, but I'm thinking, maybe it could be what 24 inches maybe 26 inches. It doesn't matter you guys this hair is so bottom, so I took it out of the package yesterday, fo it came in this Emma package. I ordered it on. I believe. Let me see, I ordered it on October 10th, got it on October 11th, because of course I do have the Prime membership. Those are the first. So this is a package from the vendor. It has the charisma, I mean, and it also has the email address on there as well and then what came in the package is the K ERISA. I believe it's like you, know a little business card, I'm it has the Instagram, it has the Facebook and then you know it has the return policy talks about what does it say? It has such high quality synthetic fiber minimum minimum, shedding minimum tangle heat resistance, smooth fashion, hair varieties, daily style party and das play oh and then the length is 22 inches. This says it right, one thing: so: yes, and then it also came with a wig cap. I do have a lot of these weight capsule again. This just goes along with the rest of the way, caps that I do have so you guys I have been getting into synthetic wigs as well. I do wear here my hair, wigs of course, but you know I wanted to tap into doing. You know synthetic wigs because a lot of people kind of shy away or they're kind of ashamed to wear synthetic wigs. But the thing is it's about finding the right. Fibers, you notice, when I read the flyer of the hair that it talks it talks about. You know what type of here it is. It'S a good synthetic fiber, there's no there's minimum tengo minimum shedding, so you got ta find good synthetic wigs like that. Now, if you go to your local beauty supply store and then you just get synthetic hair without looking at it or you know doing research on it, of course, you're gon na get what you pay for. So with this, when I took it out the package, you guys it was so freaking bouncy, I'm telling you like real bouncy, I was able to run my through it when I did put it on. I did use my shears because the thing about synthetic wigs most of them do come really thick. This one wasn't that thick, so I didn't have to do too much, but I did end up getting a shears there, huh shears, so I ended up getting some shears off of Amazon as well, so basically there's a thin part and then there's a thick part. So one of this is what you'll really want to get. If you start investing in wearing synthetic wigs, you'll definitely want to invest in this now. You won't have to do this more so with curly wig units or wavy hair units. I would say, because I don't know - I think, with wavy units and stuff, it gives you that value and it gives you that look. So I don't really have to do that with those type of wigs, but definitely with the stray hair get you so shares. They'Re. Not expensive at all, I think I purchased these for like what four four or five dollars I'll have this link in the description box as well, because it's very important you get these. So this is a side. Well, it wasn't any coming as a side part, but my mom was like try a side part with color. I want to see it so. Okay, mom, I'm about to show how I made this into a side part. I hope it didn't go back to a middle part, because I actually okay but yes. Well, I'm gon na go ahead and put on this wig show you guys how I install it. I will be using be got something: a little spray. Okay and oh my blow. Dryer, this is how the hair looks. It'S got that brown root. I do have to do my baby hairs, so I'm gon na go ahead and do my baby hairs. I cannot see in this camera so I'm gon na go ahead and do my baby hairs really quick, okay, you guys, so I have the headband on that. I did receive from my last unit. So there's my first time using this thing, so nofollow' crazy or not, but it's you know I just lay my baby hair, so we don't see how it how it works after I get done flat ironing the unit. So I just had to lay my baby hairs and then make sure the side part was perfect, so I'm gon na go ahead and for that ironist, I believe with this synthetic unit that it can go at least up to 325. That'S what I usually use for the unit synthetic units anyway, some can go to 330. Okay, so I couldn't even go to 400, but yeah imma just do it to 325, and let me let you guys know what I do use to lay my baby hairs down or do it like? You know if you want to do a ponytail. Anything to lay them edge is real good. It'S called the style factor edge booster. You can get these from your local beauty supply store, I'm telling y'all. This is the best. I'M sorry these flyaways okay, just keep going to my face okay, so this is the best edge control to use. I'M telling you this will lay honey. This will lay your stuff down. Okay, like you'll, be like yeah misty lay down. This will lay down all day literally, so you can get these in different types of arms and different types of colors. This one it is the pineapple scent, but I think they got like red. They got purple. They got different types of colors different since you can get, but yes definitely get this edge booster. This is the best one to use hands-down. I have not seen nothing better, but if you guys do know something better, let me know put it in the comments below all right. You guys. So this is the side part. I just look. My baby hairs a little bit. Yes, this is part, but yes, you guys, I am in love with this cover. Okay, okay, I will say that you guys these headbands are really crucial. Definitely get one of these. Definitely because if you put the gossipy glue on there, you can lay it down real good and then let your baby hairs down. You can kill two birds with one stone: lay it all down um, so, yes, you're all just unit is boom. Okay, okay! So this hair does not shed really at all actually when they say minimum tangle minimum shed. Yes, that's exactly that when I watched it, it was minimal shedding like barely any shedding and then when I flat ironed it you know really. Then it really didn't have that much hair. I don't even know if you guys to see it yeah. It didn't really have that much hair in the brush and the reason why I was flat ironing it like that, because really what synthetic was you really don't have to flat iron them? I would say um, but me I just like that yeah. Okay. So let me let you guys know how much I paid for this wig again, all this information will be below and also in the description box. So this is from from charisma, wigs, that's the vendor. This wig was $ 35.99 and I believe this is there. Isn'T any other options of this certain wig in this color, but definitely check out this hair? You guys this is beautiful and I was kind of nervous because I'm like is this blonde gon na be a little fun cuz. You know darker, you know, but it looks really good. You know fitness and I wouldn't say I say I would say the only con about this hair is that um it's thick. I just I. It wasn't too thick, I'm not saying that, but it was just. I just feel like I don't know why they add a lot of thickness to synthetic wigs. I don't know what that's about, but it's not anything that you can't maintain. You could definitely get some shears like I said, and then you know you could work it out, but other than that. The pros with this hair is that if Flatirons really good, it is really bouncy. When you put your fingers through the hair, the hair feels so good. You guys it does not feel synthetic at all. It feels like a human hair wig like literally you can run your hands through this okay and the length is really long. You know I'm only five two, so it's gon na be really long on me, but yeah definitely check out this unit right. Look at this all right! You guys so that'll be the end of this video. If you enjoyed this hair review, make sure you go ahead and hit that like button, if you will get this hair, definitely let me know in the comments below. Let me know what you guys think of this color and let me know what you guys. Think of the length is 22 inches again um and also, let me know what other hair reviews you guys want to see: you're not going back to that care reviews, i'm collabing with different hair companies. So that's this is very exciting. I really love this unit, so sure you guys go ahead and hit that subscribe. Button hit your post notification bells and I will see you guys in my next video

blackrosebeuty1: Yasssss you look beautiful girl just got a purple wig from them it comes on Sunday will wash, wear and take cute pics

unapologetic Ella: It says it ships from China is this true?

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