Inexpensive Beauty Supply Store Human Hair | Samsbeauty.Com



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Tired so which one come home and take that out rude, hey my beautiful people, how's it going as always. I hope you guys are doing fantastic, I'm so sorry about that. Okay, you know I had a long day at work, I'm tired, okay. Hence the reason for the very, very simple glam going on here I mean all: I really deal with some eyebrows. That'S really it it's a powder, so you know try to be in my leisure keys. Thank you. No I'm saying, but I wanted to make sure I got this video out so they're gon na hop right into it. Basically, I'm here to show you some new hair. Okay - and this is it right here now. This hair is sensing the courtesy of Sam's Beauty, calm. Now, if you're not familiar with Sam's Beauty, they're pretty much an online beauty supply store, they have so many different things to choose from hair waves, bundles whatever you need, they got it. I'Ve worked with Sam's beauty before I'm on quite a few. My videos I'll link some of those down below an information box, but I love Sam's Beauty, calm, um, they're, pretty much one of my top sites to go to when I'm looking for some new wigs, okay, the customer service has always been exceptional. Shipping has always been fast. I never really had any problems with them. Even if I purchase a wig on my own, so definitely make sure you check out Sam's Beauty, calm. I will have all the links listed down below in the information box, so the accident. I want to try out some bundles and I was like hmm sure it's been quite a while, since I've tried any beauty supply store, hair bundles Bend sometime. So I said you know what we're going to give it a go, because I know it is still some. Ladies out there that, still like to you know, shopping a beauty, supply stores, or you know if you shop on Sam's Beauty or things like that. Those kind of online sites you might want some bundles from there. You know so I said you know, give it a go see how it goes with. These are my thoughts, so this hair is by the brand secret beautiful here. I think that's what it is, but it came in a box like this. Okay and oh sorry, I just changed the color crazy home, but yet came in a little box and inside the box they did put some lashes in there, which is okay. I guess, but they sent me four bundles, not exactly the limps. I don't remember, I think, is 26 24 2220, but I could be incorrect, so I'm going to leave it right here across the screen um, but yeah. These are the bundles. I did bake this into a half wig. Okay, they did not send me a closure, so I don't know if this brand has closures or not. So you definitely want to check the site but yeah. They just sent me this. I also did want to mention that this is what it came in. It came in a little baggy like this and they all have the size massage. I have the length on here as well, and what this here is, it says it's a hundred percent human hair unprocessed version, remy hair now. One thing I really liked about this particular brand was the fact that they gave you this information here. So basically, it had this tag on it on the bundles and inside of it. It pretty much gives you instructions on how to care for the hair, which i think is really cool, gives you general instructions and let you know what this hair could do, how you should do it washing your stress instructions. So I really like that because I feel like a lot of times to get hair or we don't know how to properly care for it. I mean you, don't know how to properly care for it. That'S when it starts to get messed up, and then you know time to throw it in the garbage. So I like that they have that I'm not with this hair. They say that it's organic, it can be bleaching, dyed, a live, cuticle, natural hair, tangle free chemical, free, long, lasting we're. Now, as far as the hair goes, I think the hair very pretty it was gorgeous when I took it out the bag um. It had a nice body weight to it, which I really liked. It didn't really give me any issues as far as tangling or shutting as far as when I was running my fingers through the bun dude. I do think my 26th did have a few more strands than the other ones, but it was nothing crazy. The webs were pretty long and I'm yeah pretty easy to install like I said I made this into a half wig what I also liked about this hair. That is pretty full okay. Now this is four bundles. I don't know how much you can see fitness for bundles, it's pretty long on me, I'm. It goes a little like to my stomach, my gut. I was pleasantly surprised because Lynch like these, usually I feel like it, always looks a little bit too thin for me because you know the longer their hair, the shoulder with the whip, the shoulder the web. So to me, when I create my wigs, if I have it this long, I was for like never enough like never, so I was surprised that these four long limbs really mesh well together and really gave me a full look like this hair is full. I don't know if you can really see that on camera, but this hair is pretty full. I think that even with three bundles, you should be okay, okay, especially if you get shorter limbs, I think three bundles can definitely do the trick, but for definitely can work. So another pro to me would be the price for these four bundles. I don't know what at the top of my head, but I think it was like a hundred and four dollars or something like that. You know I'm getting inserted right here, but four full bundles around one hundred and something dollars where they do that at okay, where you getting that a. I think that's great okay for somebody who was pretty much on a budget who wants some good hair, but don't necessarily want to have to spend the hundreds of hundreds of dollars price tag for the hair. I think this is definitely you can visit and I think for three bundles. It was like 55 or 60 or something once again. I would insert that here if you have an event coming up or you just want to block someone care for a little hot minute. This head could definitely be an option for you. I really do like the way the hair looks. I wish I would have took a picture of it in its natural state. I did not get a chance to. I mean this is still pretty much in his natural state. I did not wash the hair yet, but I did curl it a little bit with a curling iron because the curls was dropping. I don't like the way it looked anymore, so I kind of code you just a little bit now. I did curl this like yesterday, so these are not fresh clothes via this pretty much. What it looks like now as far as curling goes Hannah curled um, but you know it didn't, hold the curl that long, the KO didn't last that long I'm, but it did curl, which was cool now. As far as tangling goes, I have only gotten any tangles. Thus far I mean this is what it's looking like right now, but yeah, no tangles, the only tangles I'm getting right now is pretty much in the nape of my neck in the back, which is where I usually get my tangles. So, okay, it is what it is now. As far shutting goes, this hair does shed the hair shuts. Sorry, it sheds it sheds a little bit more than I would like it to now. I did not seal my webs. Okay, I just don't have the time, but if you do have the time, I would definitely suggest you sue your webs and also try to avoid cutting it too much. I did cut this up a little bit more at the top, so that could also have contributed to the shedding now. Does it shed every five minutes? I touch it. No, but I do find you know if I'm doing this all day, I do get strand on my hair so, like I said to kind of minimize that deficit webs and when you're, creating a wig or anything like that. Do the fold-over method. If you don't know what that is, there's a bunch of tutorials online, but yeah try to avoid cutting it and things of that nature. So my biggest con with this head thus far is the fact that it does not blend it with natural here at all. At all, hence the reason why I kind of sat up a little bit higher, so you can't believe see the top too much, but I'm gon na bend down. So I'm looking at my computer, but I don't know if you can see that play it. This is my natural hair hair, which I'm pretty sure you can tell. Okay, the textures are two different things, but yeah. This is my little natural hair right here. Okay, I push some of it back underneath hair, but this is what it is. This hair, this lustre, is just too shiny for my natural hair. So definitely keep that in mind. Like I said, I don't know if they have a closure, but I suggest you definitely get a closure if your hair is like mine, I am natural. I don't know the exact number of my hair, like I don't know if it's a 4a or 4b and 4c, but I think it's in that full range. My hair is pretty kinky, so especially at the top, so yeah um definitely get you a closure check out. Sam'S boutique, I'm pretty sure they have closures on there as well. Hopefully, what I'm going to do is order me a closure and then I'm going to remake this wig and do it over. So I can rock this hair better because this - and I can't do it not also so that you can bleach and die this hair. I wouldn't know, as I didn't get a chance to do that, but if you do, I would definitely suggest you do a patch test. Just get you a small patch and try it out. First, before you just try to dive into our hair - and I think that's pretty much it for my thoughts on this hair - I will be visit this later on down the road. Once I get that closure and I can really probably really hook it up um but thus far, this hit is very pretty. I think it's very pretty for a beauty supply store brands. I think it's definitely something you should check out, especially if you're trying to save some coins and not go the expensive route. I definitely think this is an option you should check out. I think the hair is beautiful, like I said, just get you that closure girl. Okay, cuz again you're like mine, but definitely make sure you check out Stan's beauty, calm. As I said it earlier, I will have all the links listed down below and if you're new here please hit that subscribe button, I would love to have you? Okay, I'm a little metal tonight, like I said it's late night, I'm tired! So you know no crazy antics today, but I'll be back okay with the pocket. Oh, she might be coming out. She might be okay, no check outside Joe Joe in so my next video. I hope you guys take beautiful stay blessed. I see you soon, bye, guys

Star Hamilton: 35 for 3 bundles but 109 for 4? that seem a little off lol

Berickia Morris: Sam's beauty does have closures and they have frontals which is great

Krystal Monique: I need that sweater though!!!

Nikki Davenport: Cute! Where did you get your glasses from?

najah7791: that link sent me to 4 bundles for $109+ but it's ok that's still not bad at all

Shavon Stanton: I was over here like that's cute til I sen the top of your head...they tried it.

Telepathic Abilities: I fuckin loovvvvve her she is awesome and hilarious

Maria M: they do have closures ordering mine next week

Mrs. Kelly: What's the name of the hair?

Pretty Red: The way you pronounce route like "root"

sociaLEIcreated: Ayyeee posted on my birthday

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