The Best "Straight" Lace Frontal Install | Ft: Luvme Hair

#MELTSbyMini #MELTS #luvmehair #luvmehairreview #luvmelacewig

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Length: 22inch

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What'S up melts by minnie today is a new hair day and i am back again with another hair tutorial y'all. So before we get into this video make sure you, like you comment and you subscribe to the channel we on the road to 5k. You already know you guys: let's go ahead and get them, and on that note we about to go ahead and get right into this video all right. You guys i am back, and today's video is about love me hair y'all. It'S about love me hair. They sent me a beautiful luxury wig, you guys yeah, first of all, let's get into this packaging first. This is a nice cute little packaging y'all, but they sent me a 13 13x4 lace. Frontal wig, as y'all, could see hello but, as y'all can see, sent me a 13x4 lace. Frontal wig, as you can see, i already bleached those knots and the lace is very, very good. Y'All see that lace is very, very good. Well blended, as y'all can see. I bleached those knots i'll plug and this girl is giving it is giving right now so y'all. It'S given why it's not even on my head, but y'all, make sure y'all check out love me hair. They sent me a like. I said they sent me a beautiful 13x4 lace, frontal wig. I believe it was yeah. It was straight, it was straight, a straight wig y'all and they also in the box. They sent me, of course, the hair bag and stuff, like that. They said the wig cap. Of course they sent you away a little booklet that teaches you how to protect the hair, and they also sent me this cute little packaging thing which which has um. Let me open it. Let me open it. Oh, they sent me a new hair scarf, which i'm sure about to use today sent me a new head scarf. They sent me a love me clip. They sent me some tweezers and sent me a new edge comb. I love my edge combs and they also sent me some cute. Some bobby pins, so y'all make sure y'all check out love me hair. They did their thing with this. I love this packaging. I love this wig. This lace on this week is giving but y'all we bout to go ahead and get right into this. Video y'all sit back and enjoy and watch me install this wig foreign, so so so huh, so so so so so, hmm! So so so so this you, somebody hey my look. So do all right! You guys this is the final look of this hair as y'all can see. This hair is very, very flowy, very, very soft and giving y'all as y'all see very much scalp, giving scalp. All that don't mind my laces. It is a little bit cakey up here and that's because, as y'all seen early in the video i put a lot of glue, i put a whole lot of glue. It'S it's just a little bit cakey. I think it's because i put some concealer right there and it didn't work out, but i'm gon na fix that later, but y'all. This is how the hair looks. Y'All make sure y'all check out. Love me hair. Everything about them is going to be down description. Y'All make sure y'all follow them, go check out the hair. If you want the same exact wig, it's going to be down in the description below here, you go right here, very much, giving very much soft. I love this hair only thing i would say about this hair that it does shed just a little bit, but not too much it don't shed too much. It just shed just a little bit, but it's very, very soft, very very soft and the lace is very, very good, so y'all make sure y'all check out. Love me hair. I'M out with this video y'all i'll, see y'all in the next hair tutorial peace. You

Debra Morgan: You hair look beautiful like you doing good job

Shay sam: Can we see the plucking n bleaching process ?

Leah Leahh: I love you where do you get your bonnets From ?

It’s Nylah!: Hiiii

Life as Lazo: Bomb ass hair video but the music lol nooo that type of music has to go !!

Jewel love Edwards: Hey girl

yaniqueDivalife😈💯: Yaniquedivalife is here

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