Zury Sis Beyond Synthetic Wigrab Hd Lace Wig Byd-Wg Lace H Dayla

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Hey youtubers and welcome back to elevate styles. It'S me treasure with the cookie wig cap and my little head. I don't know why my flaps are split. Flip flapping, but we're gon na make it do what it zoomed baby cause. I'M gon na begin. Do it like a jumpy day, do it baby anyways we're gon na be reviewing sis sister, so otherwise known as zory? If you don't know, beyond your imagination, we're going to be doing a wig grab. Okay, this is considered the edge saver of the wigs because it's not slip, they got the silicone band in there we're about to get right into it. As long as i fix the freaking band that i haven't created, anywho here's dayla introducing layla, hey girl. So you see one two, three steps: that's what we're gon na be doing one two three and then hopefully i'll be looking like a fierce brown skin, beyonce mm-hmm. So this color, i am gon na, be oh whoa, whoa whoa, i'm trying to get dark. It'S light and sunny over here honey. Today i am going to be doing the color in 1b, so i'm going to show you just off the the dome like a freestyle right there. Here'S the lace, hd transparent, i think so, looks very good right now, so it has like some little baby hairs as you can see it like little baby hairs. So this is giving me like a silky yaki, feel that makes sense. It'S nice and shiny. It doesn't have like that plastic synthetic feel like most of the synthetic wigs here, so i'm just gon na go ahead and remove this paper off of this. This doesn't inside. Oh okay, we got a velvet band there. You go look at this velvet velour. We got a little strappy wrappies back here. Let me just go ahead and put that velcro back one there, but i'm going to also show you that it's also released on this. So the lace is ear to ear ear air, and this is giving me like side, part vibes. So you do have the lace in the side part here and then of course, again. The baby hairs all right. So in the inside of this wig it has the velvet band that i just showed you the velcro rev rubber band, and it also still has the adjustable straps in it as well. If you need some extra like adjusting and only in this wig it has the back tuck comb, so the front we're not going to be tucking it all right. So this is the length it's like straight all right, so i'm going to go ahead and take this card off and use it as my guide, because it does have the instructions on it. How it's supposed to go is supposed to be a quick one. Two three and go alright, so i'm going to go ahead. Whoa whoa! Don'T look at all! But me. Why are you acting words? Anywho you see these steps right, so one we're going to adjust the man. How we want it to be addressed, then we're going to secure it, and then you know what i'm going to do. I'M going to cut the lace off for you guys, um, but first let me go ahead and test it now. This process right here, i do have a tent spray, so the lace spray i'm gon na be using is a medium brown. But if you have like concealer easy, there's nothing put your concealer on it and go so i'm gon na lightly spray. It never overdo it, because i can always go back and add more color. If i need to, i can never remove over doing it. Okay, unless we watch it and he's doing it, nobody, so they look, let's show them what we look like i'm going to refer to her as daylight. So you guys don't forget nice and you know tilted, but not too much so now, what i'm going to do? I'M going to take this band, i don't know if i'm just gon na, do it my way out cuz. I just got ta put this on first before i can adjust the band, because my head is too small. Remember all right, so i'm gon na put the wig on first. This is going to be my step, one all right, i'm going to do that first, because i can't do this, because if i adjust the end, then you know you know so step one flip it on your head. First step two take the velvet band: that's underneath then adjust it to your security level of pig. You need then step three, i'm gon na twist and adjust it to make sure it's where it's supposed to be: okay, either ear tabby the baby. Oh, this lace is good. All i did was spray it and it's blending. I know y'all can see that it's blended on my scalp like nobody's business. Oh okay, let me get my hand on the wig brush and i'm going to brush this baby out, because i messed it up putting it on and look at that. It'S so silky! So back in order all right, dayla you're, you're, giving me a vibe and i'm all about vibes. I like to catch a vibe. What kind of look at that? No problems brushing it straight through and you know what synthetic wigs we got. Ta brush it from the bottom up, but this is giving me no problems at all. I'M gon na brush this back behind my ear so that i can cut the the lace off for you guys, so i'm gon na go ahead and cut the lace. So i'm gon na do this just in my mirror here, but in the camera, so that you can see that i'm cutting it off. I just need to see what i'm doing. I cut it down the middle and i'm just going to take it each side. Now i never cut straight across, so it's up down, okay! So that's what i'm doing y'all! I'M just cutting this lace right off, even though it's the bone it got ta, go because more natural of the better. Is that better and take that one around my ears and then we'll do the same thing with this way, but the way i have to cut on this side, i got ta, go up and set it down like at the other side, simply because you know what It'S giving so i can't just do that on this side, i got ta like go up up up once upon a time when they heard it. I was ugly all right now that that is all all right, so we're gon na glue down these tabs this right here it don't need film, but these tabs. If we plan on bringing about our air, we can't hear this. We can lift another lifting, but look it's giving realistic parts here and then you need that here, i'm going to glue my sides down simply because we need them laid down. So i'm going to take the guys to be gel the black one, because it's clear and again my method never works for everybody, but it works. For me, i'm just going to flip this back and i actually am applying the gel to the darker wig, because guess what the wig is gon na go where it's supposed to go. I don't know if i'm putting the glue, if i put on my head, if it's in the right spot or not, you know i can put some dots on here and then, when i pull it down, guess what the lace gon na lay right when i left So, as i hold this and then i'm gon na take the blow dryer, okay and when i blow dry i'll, go from hot to cold hot to cool, so i can dry faster okay and for all my math heads what you do to one side. You must do to the other. I'M gon na use this at the end of this to pull out some of the hair for, like some baby hairs, y'all, not a lot of course, but enough for each side just like here in the front - and i know it already - has built-in baby hairs somewhere, But for me brushing it in not quite i'm not brushing it in. I have no idea where it went to so i'm going to create my own. So what i'm going to do is, since this is going to be going that way, and this is going to be this way, i'm going to break them up. So i'm going to cut this down and just like a little diagonal or whatever and then again my edge control, i'm not going to use that to be gel on this. I'M just going to use some edge control just to bring it down and i'm going to speed it swoop it up just open it up all right, bring that out just a little bit right here, all right, oh yeah, that's cool! This looks so freaking natural, like wow. This is actually like, really really cute, so i'm gon na go ahead and install it. The way that i would actually wear it. So i like to keep like a little piece of hair right here out fix my baby hairs, because i didn't move the hair around just a little bit differently natural different under the boob. You can see i'm going straight back, so this is so cute and natural juice. The part looks natural. I think that this is cute, you know, and then, if i need it, so i can just pull it back and just go about my business and it got a little bump. The link down below for dela daylet again is in a 1b, but it does come in other colors. We do have accessories as well, so go ahead and get your purchase on until next time. I am treasurer and i'm going to see you on the next review. You

Ms. Diva007: Zury It is one of my favorite we’re companies and I think They are slept on the way too much! Some of my best wigs have come from them. I have never been disappointed. They have the best color selection and I love discovering old wigs from them as well.

GuessWHOsGoing2Jail2Nite: I like that you’re actually taking the time to apply the units, gives a better view of what to expect or how it’s going to look. Also, the units are beautiful on you.

mzgeist: I been trying to get this shirt off SHEIN forever. It’s always sold outIt’s so cute

Alana Johnson: This unit is so convenient! ❤️

Review It With T!: It was 11:25 for me

Review It With T!: She cute!

Child of theKing: you have the wrong company name on the video and wig

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