Amazon Headband Wig With Bangs !! | Julia Hair

Hey Lovelies thank you so much for tuning in. Check out this curly headband wig with bangs from Julia Hair.

Hair: Julia Curly Headband Wig with...


Background Music:

Track: Short & Sweet (DOWNLOAD FREE HERE)

Produced by: Aloster

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#JuliaWig #headbandwig #AmazonWig #AffordableHumanWig

Welcome welcome. Welcome welcome to my channel. My name is sneka for all of my existing lovelies welcome back. Thank you all for coming back so today, as you can tell by that title, as you can tell by the title, i have another wig review. Yes, i have another wig review and, of course it's going to be on this baby here. Yes, i'm going to give you all the tea on this hair that i am wearing. This hair is going to be sponsored by the amazon company, julia hair, so stay tuned. So i can give you all of the tea the details, the juice on this baby, all right. So, yes, again, this hair is sponsored by the amazon company, julie, hair. All the details for this wig will be in the description for you, so this hair here is going to be the curly hair wig with bangs. So this is the curl pattern is going to be considered the jerry curl. This is a 10a glueless non lace, front. Wig, okay, so this is not lace. Front, no worries, i'm going to give you all of the details on how this week is constructed and all of that, so this hair is 14 inches. So this length here is 14 inches and it is 150 density this week right now on amazon, it's going for 99.99. It also has a five percent off coupon attached um. So let's talk about how this week is constructed. This is my first time wearing a it's kind of like a headband wig. It does have a band on it, so a headband wig would bang so i'll get into that shortly. But yes, so, as you can see here, i have a headband on it. Let me remove this headband and you can see when the headband is removed. Kit has kind of like a black band on it. Okay, so this is considered a headband wig, but it has bangs okay, so i already had the tipping, so i just threw it on with this. So it's super easy to put on and again i'm gon na just move up a little bit closer. So you can see this is the black band that makes it considered a headband, wig, okay and then you'll just put your headband across okay, and this is what you have yes. So what i did to this wig is nothing nothing at all. Whenever i put this on my head, i just kind of did like this a couple of times and that's it. So this is a super super easy wig. All you actually do is throw it on your head. You don't have to do anything under my hair is in a low bun in this wig. So i'm going to turn around and kind of show you how it looks in the back just so you can get a good view. So this is how the back of the wig will look. Yes, so this that's the back of the wig uh. Yes again, this is 14 inches, so the 14 inches you know, hits me to my shoulders. This hair is super super full to me. It'S 150 density, but i didn't even tease this wig out a lot and it still looks super full, so that's gon na be a plus um. Let me tell you everything that came inside of the box, so the wig did come inside of this box here, um on the front it just has the hair company again, it's julia hair on the back of the box is going to give you tips on how To wash your hair and just tips and tricks on how to maintain your wig to keep it in good standing, so this is a human hair, wig um. Besides this here, of course, this wig came in the box uh. It came with this little insert inside of it to get some keep its shape and it came inside of this plastic bag here this wig also came with two headbands, so these two headbands will come with your wig cute colors, and it also came with a set Of lashes, yes, it came with a set of lashes, so that's all of the goodies that you do get inside of the box um. This hair again is super easy to wear and the good thing. I guess you would say a good thing about it. I'M going to go into my frozen my car shortly, but a good thing is you don't have to do anything under your head? You don't have to slick down your ponytail. Well, you have to slick it down, so it won't kind of look like it, but the good thing about this hair is so thick. You know even the bun in the back. I can't really tell that it's there, but um. This hair is super easy to wear. So uh, let's get into some of my pros and my cons on this wig i'll go over my pros first, so one of my pros is that the curl pattern is really pretty. I really like this curl pattern. It look reminds me of a wig that i just reviewed, but it wasn't a wig with paint so yeah. I really like this curl pattern and i really another pro is going to be how thick this wig looks. This wig looks really really thick and it is 150 density. But yes, this will look. Wig looks very, very full, very full um. Another pro is that it has bangs. Okay um. I think that's gon na be one of my pros. I'M gon na put that as one of my pros, because it's so easy to install because it does have the bangs, so that makes it like super easy to install. You don't have to do anything, so this is gon na be one of those wigs myself. Personally, i would probably just wear this to run like errands or something like that or if you know maybe a brunch, possibly um. It'S not no lace on this wig at all. So it's not one of those wigs where you know you can have your hair out. Okay, so under this is kind of like the top of the wig okay, so yeah, i can pull it down. If i wanted to, i think it looks better up, not so far in my eyes, but yeah uh. Those are going to be my three cons uh. I mean my pros. Excuse me, my cons is that i think for the type of wig my palms would be like this would not be a wig that i would probably wear out at night or anything. If i went out, this is just more it could be, but to me this is just more of like an easy, just throw this on my head to go run errands. It is super super cute, depending on how you dress it up. One of my cons, uh would be. Is i wish honestly? I wish that this band wasn't here, because i think it would look cute and you could still wear it without anything. But if that band wasn't there and you just have this wig - i think that looks super cute as well, without having a headband on it, because you have to find a headband to match your shirt. But that would be like i guess, my con, that it has. The band here it's a headband wig, but that it has the band. I think that would be one of my cons, because i have to figure out a headband to wear with it um other than that for what it's worth this wig is super super easy to install like i'm telling you. This is gon na, be one that you can just throw on your head and go ladies, throw your head and go so um thumbs up for that hair is super super soft, so, as you can see, i can run my fingers through it. So if you're looking for a easy to go wig - and really you probably could wear this out - i said that i wouldn't wear this out. It really just depends on where i was going, but how does how big this wig is and, like i have some big earrings on? If you dress this wig up right, this will look cute out actually, but the only thing is that's when it comes back to the headband trying to find a headband for your outfit, depending on where you're going so yeah. If that headband wasn't there, this would be a super cute wig to actually go out, so that would kind of stop me trying to figure out a headband. So where would my going out outfit, i probably wouldn't want to wear a headband with it so yeah. That would be my only con other than that. I really like this wig. It'S super super cute and i love the curl pattern. Okay, so yes, all of the details for this wig will be in the description and uh. Again i got this from the company julia hair off of amazon um. There is a five percent off coupon. So don't if you like this wig, don't forget to go check that out on amazon. You will get that five percent off of that price um, but yeah. This is a pretty good deal. I i'm vibing with this wig, i'm vibing with it. Yes, so thank you to julia hair for sponsoring this video and, if you all like this video, don't forget to leave a comment, and let me know, are you feeling this wig? Yes, no not for me. If you feel me go ahead and leave me a comment, if you're not feeling it leave me, a comment too, don't forget to hit that like button and if you're not already go ahead and subscribe and become a part of our lovely family and last thing. Last thing y'all know like oh my gosh. She has like a list of things for me to do last thing. Turn those post notifications on and turn them on, because i have some more videos coming for you. Yes, i do. I have more videos coming for you. So don't forget to turn on those post notifications, so you'll be the first to know whenever i drop a new video, all right, lovelies thank y'all, so so much for tuning in and rocking with me to the end of this video. Alright lovelies love ya. You

Everyday Goddess: I feel like this curl wig type is great for summer!

Pallavi Nayak: I never tried this looks amazing I love curly hair

R Will: I love the headband wig, looks super cute on you sis

Aria Rose: I am so skeptical about wigs from Amazon but that looks amazing on you!

Azan Ulhaq: Beautiful wig,you look wow

Iyainie Belle: looks good , i want one lol

Arise And shine: It's simple but unique

Taylor Akeria: It definitely already came really cute if you did nothing to it!!

Cooking with Farnaz: This wig suits you

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