Headband Wig | Amazon Wig Review | Wenyu Hair | Wig | Deep Wave Wig

Hi everyone!!! In today’s video I will be installing a 16in deep wave headband wig, I really do love this wig it’s so soft and doesn’t really tangle. I definitely want more headband wigs. The installation process is so fast and easy!! Please make sure to subscribe!! #amazonwig #headbandwig #wigreview #deepwave #curlywig

Contact email: [email protected]

Instagram: @royalarmani

Link to the hair: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B08M5H2...

Hi everyone and welcome back to my channel today, i'm going to be working with when you hair and we're going to be installing a headband wig today, i'm actually very excited because i've really been wanting to try one of these and that's why my little edges are Sticking out so don't pay attention to that. But yes, today we're going to be trying a headband wig. So let's just go ahead and open the bag, so they gave me two headbands. These are really cute. This is the wig, so 16 inch curly wig, and this is what it looks like without the hair being wet. The wig comes with one two, three four combs and to secure the wig. You have. This velcro strap all right, okay, so basically what i did to prep for this hairstyle is i slicked my hair back into a ponytail, and i left out my edges and basically with the pieces that were hanging in my ponytail, i braid those pieces and then i Bobby pin those up to my hair, so they're not sticking out and they're, not bulky. It'S a curly wig so like it's not really going to show that much anyway, all right! So i'm just going to take this off so yeah. This is my hair slipped down. All right, what i'm gon na do now is i'm just gon na. Do my edges, real, quick and then i'm going to install the wig and y'all gon na see how quick and easy i'm assuming this wig is going to be all right. So if y'all see me looking to the sides, because i'm looking in the mirrors - and this is such a convenient hairstyle to me like because when you just want to have something real quick, you don't have to worry about melting, any lace, uh uh wow. My edges are drying, i'm just gon na sweat, the wig a little, because why not see it? Okay, so what you do is you're going to clip the top clip right about here and then i like how many combs this wig has, and i think they're in pretty um smart places all right. So then, what i'm going to do is - and we're done like this - is really cute. So what i'm gon na do is i'm going to fold this like this? Black band is really long so like it comes all the way down here about where you're down there. So what i'm going to do is fold it in half. I really like this. It'S very quick and easy like, especially if your hair is already slicked and your edges are already done, like you could pop this wig on and go in a few seconds. So i'm going to try on this headband because i think this one's cute this is so cute to me. I want to show you guys a few different styles that you can do with this wig. So so, aside from wearing it like this and in a side heart, i'm also going to and the good thing about this wig is honestly, you can pull this wig all the way up. I'M gon na do a bun because why not, but it's covered or you can do half up half down - and i also forgot to mention this is a amazon hair company. So you can order this wig straight off. Amazon, foreign

Crystal James-Owens III: Just saw your review on Amazon's website. Sold..new subbie! Love the singing at the end! ❤️

Mary Grace: Love it I need the wig

kim7887: I just ordered thanks you

Brittany Prince: This headband wig is so cute

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