Headband Wig Afro Kinky #Aliexpress

This is just a short review on the headband wig

Very partical

Time saving

Hair vendor: Mylockme hair

Link: https://a.aliexpress.com/_mMoqbMd

“20” Afro kinky

Hey guys and welcome back to my youtube channel um, it's been ages since i've uploaded anything but um. I don't really know i'm going to try and be a little bit more consistent, but anyways um, i'm back today with another video uh yeah. Don'T pay attention to my hair because i'm looking crazy right now, but obviously we're gon na get there so um today, i just wanted to review um a week there's this week that has been going around on youtube and on social media in general. The headband wig excuse me the headband wig, so i decided to you know, get one and review and see if it was worth the height so um. I don't want to waste too much time with my face. Looking like this, so i'm going to jump straight into the video. So let's get started so um. Obviously i got the wig from aliexpress and the vendor is my luck me and the wig came in this slick bag. So i'm going to open it now. Um um! I'M smiling at my sister she's just over here, so they gave like little presents. So i've got these hoops and a hairband. I suppose so right here i was just reading informations about the week and a little bit of love in between but yeah enjoy the rest of the video. So this is what the hair looks like guys. I don't think this. I don't remember what the density was. I think it was 150 but um yeah, it's very, very dense. I don't know if i'm liking the density. To be honest, but hopefully it looks good on me, but yeah so far it feels good um. It feels soft. So far i'm gon na try it now. Sorry guys it's so awkward because, like my whole, family is just sitting across the room. This unit comes with four combs one at the front, one at the back and one on each side with an adjustable strap. I'M just gon na put it on and show you guys in a minute, so i'm back guys and um so yeah. This is what the wig looks like right. Now, i'm going to use the adjustable straps and strap it to the back. I didn't put any of the combs in because obviously um, it's quite late, i'm not going anywhere and i'm going to take this out as soon as i finish filming this video. But this is what it looks like and um i like it. I don't know what you guys think, but i really like it. I think it looks. It looks cute. It looks quite natural and it's nice like if you want to go out and you're just looking for something quick to wear, and you don't have that time to you know to glue the your wig or anything like that. You know just put this and you know you're good to go and i think i've seen some youtubers um styling this in different ways. Obviously i'm not feeling inspired like that tonight. Hopefully i can make another video and show you guys how to style it, but so far this is the the look i like having my bands on my ears, but i guess you can push it a little bit back, but i like it the way it's looking Right now, and obviously this is not moisturized or anything i didn't put any water or nothing like that, but um i like it. I think it looks cute yeah because my hair is relaxed so um, it's nice to have the option to change. You know so. Yeah - and they had this in, like um, i think um they had mature, they had other, they had other wigs headbang, wigs um. They had traits um curly. Whatever you know, you're looking for yeah, they had it so uh yeah. You guys should try it out. If i can wear this, you know like just a quick you know put on your head and ready to go. It'S very um. Oh my god. I love it. I really really do yeah. I love it. I really love it. So maybe i don't know next time. I can you know, like i said, make a video where i'm styling it and maybe moisturize it a little bit and see what it looks like, but um yeah. This is this. Is it really like um? I wasn't. I said i wasn't going to make a very long video to be honest because yeah but um. Oh sorry, guys, like i said my sister's literally across the room and she keeps giving me ideas. So she was telling me to ask you guys to rate the look from one to ten. So tell me what you guys think and i will leave the link to the vendor in the description box below so that you guys can go and check it out. It was very affordable and um, but i got it on discount. I think it was black friday or something so um yeah. I'M sure you guys can go check it out if you like it of course, but yeah i'm loving it. So i'm going to try this headband descent as well with the wig and see what it looks like, so i'm going to put it on and i'll be back in a sec. So this is what it looks like with the head random and it matches my jumper. Like they knew but anyways um, i think this is the end of the video um. I really love it. I would personally rate it a um um, sorry um. I probably rate it 9.5 just to be difficult, because i think right now i don't know exactly, maybe because i haven't moisturized it yet, but um feel like it's a little bit stiff, it's soft, but it feels a little bit stiff, so um. I think i guess it's the whole shrinkage and i'm not used to you, know natural hair and how the texture is but um yeah, 9.5, but um. I think it was worth it. I made this folder two and a half weeks ago and the vendor kept me updated on my order. So i was very happy about that end of the video and you can like comment and subscribe to my channel so until next time, bye. So, okay, let me end this video now bye, guys, foreign

Kesha Charlostin: My goodness thank you for this amazing review ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Lauriellexo: You are making me want to buy another wigggg, loved the vid sis ❤️✨

Selena Marie: Your editing is really good for your third video keep it up sis the wig is cute 10/10

Monique Langford: Looks so natural I love it on you

DeSian BGowdie: Was it still stiff after you moisturized it ?

Hellen's vlog: Spray water on it and moisturise

Faith Is key: What density did u buy? 200 or 150?

Bonita Parker: Definitely a 10

mosthi100: How much was it?

Mrs HJ: what is the density please ?

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