Brazilian Kinky Curly Headband Wig Review | Cloverleaf Hair | Daneeondabeattv

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Let’s review this Brazilian kinky curly headband wig from CloverLeaf Hair.

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DISCLAIMER: This hair was sent to me courtesy of CloverLeaf Hair for review purposes.

Hey y'all, hey welcome back to my channel y'all, see the little headband thing with the no earrings on and my makeup is already on, so i can only mean one thing. I am back to give you guys a hair review, and today you guys, the hair that we are reviewing is from cloverleaf beauty and it is a headband unit and i was sent this via pr and i just want to say thank you to cloverleaf for thinking About me enough to send me this awesome unit to review disclaimer y'all already know if the hair is not good and if i do not vouch for it, it does not make it to this channel. So let's go ahead and get into so again y'all. We got a standard bag. Y'All know bags, don't bother me. It'S actually easier to house the units if it comes in a bag, doesn't bother me at all y'all, so um opening the bag y'all. I got a little thank you for your purchase card and, of course, this um. This seller is based out of amazon, so cute little panda bear on it and if you guys don't know, i love bears so. This is cute. The little panda bear - and they also gifted me some 3d eyelashes - i'm going to actually i'm going to actually wear these y'all, because these lashes look kind of bald. They look long yeah i'mma get into that, and they gave me a um deluxe wig cap and y'all. Already know the wig caps come with two in the un pack, and i don't know my friend jamie was saying that cheetah must be cheetah. Print must be the thing that's in because y'all i keep getting these. I don't know why i put the other ones, but i keep getting these cheetah print um headbands, but you know i guess this is cute. I guess it's all right, but um this cheated this this it's a lot of different contraptions different pieces, but it's a thick. It'S a thicker headband unit, and this has like that little twist little twist part in the front you get what i'm saying and then the actual unit comes in this cute little bag that says 100 virgin human hair and y'all. This is so cute and upon opening the bag. Okay and i'm going to leave the specs for this unit, of course, in a picture somewhere in the video as well as a link to it, will be down below, and this is how the unit is, and you guys this is a 16 inch. Human hair, headband wig and if you guys, are familiar with um human hair bundles that y'all already know how the hair has that hair that the hair smell yeah. I know i'm talking about that hair smell, but this is how it looks. This is how the unit looks, curls really cute, and it has the standard make sure standard. Four cones, two on the sides, one in the front and one in the back, and you guys i actually um, took the time to slick my edges down y'all. So they not really really, you know, i don't have no baby hair shoot the shoe. I just had them slicked back, because this is about to be washed and ain't got time for so let's go ahead and put this unit on and y'all i'm looking over here in my mirror. Okay, you guys. I actually think that this is shorter than 16 inches, but so i might have to check back on my order, but either way it goes y'all. This is really really cute, so it did say that it is 16 inches um, maybe because it's i don't even know, because i'm stretching the curls out in the curls, i'm not sure y'all, i'm not sure, but either way it goes y'all. This hair is absolutely gorgeous. It is so soft, it is human hair, it is um a kiki curl. The hair is actually really full on this headband y'all and, as you can see, i am pushing it over to the sides going it down the middle. It is so cute. Y'All, like it is really cute, let me throw on some earrings, so i can you know let the earrings finish the look, because this is cute yeah. Yes, this is really really really cute um. As i said, i do have my um edges out today and just to give you guys a look at what it looks like with the headband that came with it. I don't know if i'm putting this headband on right now, but this, let me see, let me see so this is how it looks with the headband y'all cute cute and even though the headband i've been just receiving nothing but cheetah print headbands, the headband on the Headband for this unit is this: headband is actually a lot thicker. It'S the one of the thicker ones from the headband units that i received to review this headband is a lot thicker. So i actually like that and y'all i'm just adjusting in the back, but this hair is really really really cute. It is human hair - and i do have some water right here and i just want to see something i should have got a towel. I'M just spraying. This water, but let's see okay, so as you can see just with me, wet in there, it really the curls start to really pop a little bit more, i'm not sure if y'all can see, but the curls are starting to pop a little bit more with me. Wetting, the hair can y'all see that y'all see how the curls are starting to pop, but this this is really really really cute. This is my first human hair headband unit, so i'm really i'm really liking this and y'all. The curls are really they're, really popping with the water being added to them, so yeah y'all this this is cute. This is cute. This is cute okay, so, even though it says that it's supposed to be 16 inches, y'all know how curly hair works. Curly hair, when it's just kind of like natural african-american, textured hair, the hair can shrink up no shrinkage. So i'm not. You know too pressed on the length issue because, like it's summertime, anybody trying to have all their hair down their back, but this is really cute. You guys, i really like this unit um like i said it is a headband unit from the brand clove relief. They did send me this hair to review and, like i said, y'all y'all know, i only give honest opinions on here. If it's not good hair, i will say so um. If it's not good hair, it will not make it to the channel, and this is on the side where i got it: fluffed out, fluff, fluff, fluff and then i sprayed it down with water over here and like this hair is cute y'all. I know i said with the other unit that i can't wait to wear it out, but i really cannot wait to wear this out like this is a unit that you wear out like. Where am i gon na wear this too? I'M looking at myself in the mirror trying to figure out this is like an indoor type date like an indoor activity, type date, yeah, that's what this week is gon na be left for, like an indoor activity, you know even outdoor activities, since it is a shorter Unit and it's hot - it's hot, you know, might be cute, but i want to spray this side down to y'all, i'm gon na spray. This and yes, i do have water dripping on me right now, but it's okay, but i just want to spray it. So i can, you know, match this side, it's probably still on my side, but it's okay matter of fact. Let me just because you know with these headband units, you can always put it to one side and have it cute and looking all nice and jazzy and stuff so yeah. I like that, and this is just our head and looks and y'all i'm gon na. Take heed me and becco cause. I just wan na had a black that came with just y'all. This is cute. This is like a little kid. I like it. I like it. I like it a lot y'all. So yes, this is a wig, a company that i am endorsing and i do believe for this particular unit. I do believe that they had 10, 14, 16 and 18 if i'm not mistaken in inches for this headband unit and um. Like i said, this is supposed to be the 16 inch and it could very well be 16. Inches very well could be 16 inches, but i thought it was on water. Real, quick, wait, a minute! Wait, a minute! Okay! There you go, it very well could be 16 inches, but it just the shrinkage. It'S a um kinky curly texture, so the shrinkage could very well be what's going on with, though hello. The shrinkage could very well make it be looking the length that it is and y'all i have on a plain white t-shirt, because i kind of knew that i was going to use my water bottle and i didn't want to mess up a nice shirt and plus That hit the bed in a second, but i received this unit and i just wanted to go in and review her, but y'all. She is she's gorgeous. She is gorgeous and, like i said she is a human hair, straight human hair, no human hair mix, just straight human hair and um she's cute she's cute. I like her. So yes thank you, cloverleaf hair for thinking of me and wanting me to review your product. I will leave the link down below to this headband unit as well as, of course, in the um video. There will be a picture of the unit somewhere um. I just want to thank everybody for coming through. Thank you for taking time out your day to watch my video make sure that you like comment subscribe and tell a friend to tell a friend wait. Y'All, i don't know. What'S going on my throat, i promise you i'm not sick. It'S probably my science has to be sinuses, but let me start over because sinuses come through and messing up what i got going on. Make sure that you like comment, subscribe and tell a friend to tell a friend that i'm back and that i have a channel and that you should come check it out. Okay, y'all bye, you

Jamie: Y’all comment below if cheetah is in so we know…… cute unit Danee

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