How To Quickly Install A Headband Wig In Less Than 10 Minutes Ft @Ali Pearl Hair

Hair I’m wearing: 20inch straight headband wig with free headbands

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Hi fam welcome back to my channel, so on today's video i will be installing this headband wig from alico, hey i'll, leave the details on the description box and yeah. Let me know what you think about the hate so on today's video, i will be installing this here. It'S a 20 inch headband wig from alipal hai as y'all can see. That'S very nice. So i'm just going to start by laying my edges and then i will put the wig on so i'll, be using this edge control from cpa's boutique. Sorry, supers, beauty, boutique i'll. Put that i'll put the shopping link for the sage control in the description box. So yeah, as you guys, can see i've already taken out my edges, so i can lay them properly i'll. Just look over there because my mirror is there so i'll just be looking over there for the mirror. So i can be able to style my hair properly because i can't see, probably on camera and i'm literally facing the sun, because i'm using natural light so i'll. Just i'm gon na use this side of the brush to scoop the edge control and apply it okay. On the other side, um quickly, it dries off quickly. Okay, guys, let me use a different brush because i'm struggling a bit with this one, it's my first time using this brush, so i'm gon na go get a different brush that i can't be using this one, because this is the way the edge control pressure. I'M used to and i'll just step tight, more edge control, it's not going to melt and then i'll just be using this okay. Now this is what i'm talking about. Okay guys this kind of dries off quickly, so you have to be very fast when it comes to doing the edges, because this dries up quickly. So one side is done. I have made my edges was really difficult and i'm even turning pink, because i had to scrub the hair from my skin because that's how quick the edge control dries out, but i would highly recommend it. Okay, so now i'm gon na put on the wig. They also gave me a couple of headbands and i'm not really sure about those colors, i'm not really a print person. I prefer paint, but these are the colors that they give you so i'll just decide once i have the wig on hmm so because it literally just came out of the - and i think it's a 150 density but i'll put the link on the description. Oh just within, like 10 minutes, you're done with your hair as long as your edges are late and the hair is straightened, you're good to go, so you guys would. Let me know what you think about this hair on the comment section down below and i'll leave the details on the description box, like i mentioned before. Thank you so much for watching see y'all in the next video

Esihle Gwangqana: your WORK is PERFECT sis .❤️❤️ haii sana you know what you are doing .❤️❤️

QueenLee: The quality of the hair this lewkkkk is definitely giving. I loveeeeee this. ♥️

Ali Pearl Hair: Thanks for choosing Alipearl hair!

Shiluva Mashaba: You’re really good❤️

Pretty Sekiti: Wow the hair sis is a

Gods Beautiful Daughter: skin care routine? cause OMG your skin is poppin

Sinalo Mlonyeni: Ikhona into engakfaneliyo? Thank you for this vid❤️

hope qhetsimani: Sis what are you using on your skin face and body

Nevaeh Christopher: Yeah but the link brought me to a tail straight hair that’s doesn’t make any sense when your showing is straight hair headband wig so can you provide the real link please

JazmineTiara85: The link you put doesn’t look like the hair you have. It’s more kinkier

Kgantsho Dii: Love ya work. Come back kaloku ne story time mantas

South African Border control: Ai man the lighting is very bad why ye you sitting on the sun?


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