Zury Sis Beyond Synthetic Hair Lace Front Wig - Byd Pony H Ilit --/Wigtypes.Com

Zury Sis Beyond Synthetic Hair Lace Front Wig - BYD PONY H ILIT --/WIGTYPES.COM



*Lace front

*Super sleek ponytail

*No wax, no gel, no flyaway

*Heat safe up to 400 degrees

*Can be washed

*Medium cap size

*Light yaki texture


1, 1B, 2, 99J, FFT CORAL, FS1B/30,








Anyway, guys, if you have not seen the giveaway video announcement that I recorded well not recorded, but I uploaded it yesterday, please go look at it. I announced 9 giveaway winners and so far I've only had like three or four persons leave their emails. So, of course, I'm waiting for five more, so please go look at the video if you haven't seen it yet there was some people that won before that did win again yesterday. So if you feel one before - and you probably think well, my name would never be calling again. You just never know well look at the video if you haven't seen it as yet, because I'm still waiting on persons to respond to me and guys. You already know you have up until Thursday, if you don't respond by Thursday or Friday. I will put it for Friday because the video was uploaded a bit late, so you have up until Friday to respond. If you don't respond or don't leave your email, then the giveaway won't be going to someone else, but without further ado, let's get into this one. I told you in my previous review that this is my favorite just by looking at it. This was my favorite and I was praying to God that it didn't fail me that everything was just perfect and I couldn't ask for anything better. I think that the density on this one is great. First of all, look at this pull this to the front. So you guys can see what I'm talking about all this all this all. This is what I'm talking about. Listen, don't might be looking, though, I'm just looking at myself, because I'm gon na have a feeling in this wig trust me this one she's called eyelet and I'm we're here to call 1b know these wigs do come in all the colors as well I'll leave them In the description box, I'll leave the link to it in the description box as well. Just in case you want to go purchase it, but this is a link right here. It'S a super sleek ponytail by Teresa. You see that gorgeous and you can wear it down as right. You don't have to keep it as a ponytail. You can always wear it down, but I'm not gon na. Take this one down. Damn she's beautiful, she's big. I can tell even with having her in a ponytail look how big the ends are. Imagine if you take the ponytail out, it will be huge just like it is on the model. So of course it'll be really big. I have her in the back here. You can still see her because there's so much body we can still see it. Oh my God, look at this. What I love about this one! First of all, you get two bones up front, one at the back, but the adjustable straps basic cap construction. I would say small to medium and capsize: it stretches as if it's comfortable it is a lace front wig. I cut the lace off and it comes with a lot of baby hairs as well. So I did try to tweeze a little bit from the baby hairs to thin it out a little bit. Anything it out a lot just a little bit and I lit the baby here is done the only issue, learning issue, but the only problem. The only thing I would change about this is probably add baby hairs to the entire front, because the baby hairs actually end right up here. It ends right here, so that's normal baby hairs to the sides. You can't even make a side buttons if you're into side. Buns, you would have to actually take some out of the hair, which i think is an inconvenience, because if you're gon na make it sleek and you're gon na make it like that, just give me the whole front baby ears, if you're gon na do baby ears. If you're not gon na do baby, yes and that's fine, but once you're gon na give baby hairs, give the entire front baby hairs because sapone eat a little sweet ponytail, you don't wanna, have to take any out to make the baby hairs. No, the thing with that is that if you don't want to use a baby here, so you can always use yeast, whatever the case may be, and just brush it into the rest of the way, because the videos are pretty long. It reaches like somewhere down here. So you can just brush it into the way. It'S totally fine. You don't have to use a baby, but if you're into it, then you can always use it. So that's what I love. It comes with a nice sense of party you don't have to twist apart. It was clear enough, so all I had to do was add some powder to it and I like how sleek that, how sleek the ponytail is. Remember the last one that I did that I won that one wasn't as sleek and tight as this one, this one. I think they held it pretty tight back there, so everything is just sleek back and firm, but I love this okay. This is my favorite, like I said, I'm gon na have a field day in this. The hair, tired the bags, the ponytail pony tight at the back right here, you can pull it out. Let me see you, let me get the oh, you can pull it out is actually a hair tie is like a hair tie, but you can just pull it out to let the hero, so you don't have to worry about unraveling, anything, just pull it all the Way straight down on the I started so much on the start card right here. It shows you how to take it out, so you can just take it out very easy, and this is from the last one that I reviewed, but I'm gon na show you it. Regardless this is the hair tie and it comes with focus. It comes with a little comb in here, so you can have it. You can tuck it in please. This Is It. This is what you get around it. This is a pony type that you would get all right, the back okay. So it's just some hair. It looks like a really neat ponytail. You know you always wrapped the rubberband or hair tie whatever you use to make your ponytail. You always wrap it around with extra here. In this case, you don't need no extra here. You have these little pony ties that come attached to it that you can use and stuff like that. But anyway, the hair is heat safe up to 400°. If you do need to add any heat to it, for example, if you take this and you want to straighten it out, then you can definitely add heat to it. What I notice on this one is that the top of it is a little bit straighter than the bottom, because you can tell here it has like a really natural texture. It has a good natural, curl, critical line to it and up top it's pretty like straight. Even you can tell them a stock card the way she is when it's down you can tell that the top is a little bit straighter down the bottom. I'M not sure if you'll be able to see it on here. How are you gon na see it? The top is a little bit straighter than the bottom. Like I don't mind, I'll still rock dust like this, like I really don't care. I just know how big it is. I love how much hair I have yet. I have to wear there somewhere for the summer. I have to wear there somewhere, even if it's still a barbecue somewhere outside, but anyway. Thank you so much for watching. I think I rambled enough. If you have any questions about this here or anything else, leave it in the comment section down below I'll be sure to answer it as soon as possible. I hope I explained everything I needed to about this you these units, like I said, I'm, really excited about it. I was skeptical because they're always like a hit or miss, but I can definitely say that these are a hit for me personally, I love them. Love the construction and everything so I'll leave the link to it in the description box. Just in case you want to go purchase it and I'll see you guys in the next video bye.

Asha Eskew: THIS IS WHAT I want!!! With some big hoop earrings?! Omg too cute! I’m also looking for a pony that looks like this so I can do an up do. Like Taraji had at the BET Awards!

Summer Breeze: Beautiful!! Very trendy. Love it! I could definitely rock this! Adding my to purchase list...

Monica Davis: These sleek ponytails are super cute. Great for summer heat.

AZIZ18691: I really love this wig. It’s gorgeous.

Naomi Strachan: Okay I like this one the best out of the 3. I would rank them 1. ILit, 2. Ibae, then 3. Ione. They were all gorgeous. I am in love with this ILIT ♥️♥️

Nadege Dieujuste: This is super cute and really love the hair texture

Cheryl Neville: Love it looks so natural.

K.Nicole Slay: Definitely could be my winter wig!

april G: I would love to add this to my collection this me all day

Ms. Mommie: This is cute AF! I need it ASAP.

DaMrs2yall: It’s cute gurly!!!! Omg I gotta add to my collection that and the Dutch braid one.... I was just thinking about one like this

iam_Eva33 Gibson: It’s pretty love it

Sherri 1962: Definitely Sleek! You can't tell it's a wig At All.

Sheila M.: Love it!❤

nvwhatuc: I love when she's feeling a unit

Andjeleane Michelle: I’m definitely feeeling this unit ‼️

Miss Pretty: I like this unit I hope it comes in different colors

masheka long: This one is lit too cute I luv her

sbb40: See how you glow when you really like a unit.

Blaçç Dymönd: Super sleek & gorgeous.... ❤❤❤

Sonia Richardson: Very cute!

Cheryl Artis: Now this is banging. ❤❤❤

Jewel Norman: I loooooooooove it both ways

Bella DaKid: THISSSSSSSSS oneeeeee I need. She LIT frfr . My favorite out of the 3 bombbbb

DyminMonique: My goodness this is bomb

Shoniie: It's definitely lit

patrice moore: Sooo pretty

Deva19xx Dee Jones: Okkkkkkkay....I like this one too...giving me some old school vibes

Elle Love: This is my favorite

Deborah Green: Really feeling those waves

Veneisha Davilas: Omg I order so much and I keep trying to win....I love all wigtypes wigs I have soo many

Donnie B: It reminds me of Chex I'll be getting this in two colors just like I did with Chex

Sabrina Bryant: This is

Melissa Virtuous Kay: I lit I lit I lit Yess this is cute❤❤❤❤

Val Dub: I Like Her! Your baby hairs is hooked up too.

Yvette Shanelle: Super cute, but I will have to wait till winter for all that hair

Kiki Kiki: ❤️❤️❤️

Monica Davis: Question....Once you remove the tie, can you put it back on?

Lisa Pierce: I know these won’t be part of the giveaway ....it’s so pretty

Angel Renee: I like it

Iesha Allah: Very nice

Danielle Brown: Will this wig be in one of your giveaway? I have no idea on how to enter

Princess A: Need a restock most of the colors are sold out!

Miss Khrissy: Just give them all to me! Lol

Ms E: Lays so flat, I thought you just had on a pony at first! So sad it's not bhf

pudden1986: Yassss hunni

BeautifullyFlawed: She is Full & She is L.I.T.!!!!!

shonla2000: Cute.

babykay876: Come thru Pocahontas

Enas Abdulhameed: Oh la laaaa

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