How I Install This Flawless Gorgeous Bob Lace Front Wig Ft. Rpghair

The wig is from

----------RPGHair 2020 New Year Sale----------

$85 Off For 360 Lace Wig+Silk Top

The wig details in this video:

Pre-bleached Silky Straight BoB Hairstyle Lace Front Wig [BOB08]


Hair Length: 8inches

Wig Density: 180%

Hairline: Pre-plucked

Knots: Pre-Bleached

More Hot BOB Lace Wigs:

----Affordable Clearance Wigs at $69:

Hi guys and welcome back back to my channel and thank you guys for watching. So in today's video we are back with another hair video and this time it's featuring. This gorgeous gorgeous bob wig from rpg show hair and i've heard so many good things about their hair, but i've actually never tried it myself and wow guys. I am so impressed so they sent me over their 12 inch bob wig and i cut and customized it into this. So i think i cut it down to about a 10 inch, as you can see from here. I also bleached the lace and i plucked the frontal, but i didn't really pluck it all that too much, because the wig already came pretty plucked. But guys, as you can see this week, is so amazing. The hair is so lustrous and it comes really black as well, which you guys know i love in a way this hair was super easy to work with. I really did not need to do a lot of customization to this hair, even when i straightened it, it straightened so beautifully really did not take a lot of heat and yeah. I'M just super impressed by this hair. I know this is a wig i'm going to have four years to come and yeah just super in love with this bob look. What do you guys think anyways enjoy the rest of this installation, video and i'll catch you guys in my next. One also do not forget to check out all the links in the description box. So so so my me, you

what it do baby: Girl with all those hauls we need a closet tour IMMEDIATELY and some of your favorite pieces

Naswillshine Nikki: I'm loving this. Its the perfect bob.

sophia bennett: Love your hair so beautiful

Alice Plamedie: Third hair review in a row. Lisa really said I’m staying where the money reside all 2021! Gon head gurl get your p’s

Nicholas Tyson: Hi Lisa great job on the video and keep up the good work and stay motivated at what you do and I like your hair style it looks gorgeous and keep doing your thang and I like your outfit it looks gorgeous on you and you are a gorgeous young beautiful princess with a gorgeous body and keep risen to achieve your goals and stay positive in everything you do and I enjoyed the video and the hair style it looks beautiful and stay safe and have a great day and excellent job on the video and keep up the good work love you and keep doing what you do ✋✋✋✋✋❤❤❤❤❤

Keshia Justina: Love your hair

Dee Luther: Love your Video Stunning thumbnail tho Beyond gorgeous u are Makeup on Point Happy Sunday Hope u have a bless week Ahead Stay Safe always

braids gift: Short hair looks

Grace: beautiful hairrrr!! LIP COMBOs fire what is it pls??

Lashanti Love: what is your lip combo hun

Shaina: Where is your earrings from?

Sha Meek: First, rpghair is different than rpg show. Second your description shows the bob08 which comes at 8 inches but you said it was long and you cut it to 10 inches, girl I’m confused.

Brandi Prescott: She’s whispering lol but cute

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