Red Lace Front Synthetic Wig Outre Daisha Wig Valentines Day Hair Under $40

My Valentines Day Hair! Red Lace Front Install

Hola CHICOS!!! For this video I show you OUTRE Sleek Lay Part Wig: DAISHA. I also will share the link to my press on nails from This wig is so cute for Valentines Day look. It is HD lace front. LOOOOVE IT!!!

link to hair:

Link to lashes:

Bottom Lashes Strip & Top Lash- Long Eyelashes Kit 8 pairs

link to nails:

Vaveah 24 Pcs Matte Press on...

♥️my INSTAGRAM: GrifaBeauty

♥️my EMAIL: [email protected]

Okay, so yeah, i feel like this - is also cute. I don't know if i'm gon na upload this on time for valentine's day, but this is also a cute valentine's day wig. This video, i wanted to show you guys this cute wig that i got for valentine's day. I did wear her out already, as i already tried to make this video before and it just wasn't working for me like. I was running out of space, my lights, so it isn't going to be the whole unboxing of it today. It will just be me trying to put her on again and then she was giving you my pros and my cons at the end. The wig i got is the outra lick lay part, and i got her in the style daisha in the color red velvet. So it's this pretty um. Let me show you guys. Is this pretty wig it kind of has um. I don't know if you guys can see like little streaks of red in it. It'S like a burgundy with like little tiny streaks of the red spider red in it. It'S cute. It'S a left side part try cleaning her, so she should be clean. It'S about 35 dollars. I will leave the link to her in the description box if you guys are interested ear to ear lace and it's a pretty good size of parting, with lace on it as well, and then the two combs by the ears and the comb in the back. I would say she is big hair friendly, so it's on the thinner side. So since it's a flatter wig, i did put on two wig caps today to try to like make her look as good as she could. So if you guys are interested on seeing how i style and the pros and the cons go ahead and keep inside watching this tension, a feeling i never was expecting, i don't see the pros, don't know the cons. Forget the whites. Do you know why don't want to i ever wanted was a little conversation, a little conversation and the things you said a little conversation just a little conversation, a little conversation i just wan na lay here inside of your arms. Maybe we could jump back to the start and you never would talk to me then if we never met babe, if we okay, you guys. So this is my finished. Look for miss daishia, yeah daisha, probably see some other crust left over, because i didn't clean it right, but she is very, very, very cute. This is the other color that the collection comes in. If you guys are interested and it's a slick lay part. So that means it should lay as slick as possible. It has some car start the card stock, showing you that this is usually how the other wigs look. But this is how the slick lays down and i think yeah it's true. I think they do lay pretty slick depending on how you have your hair under there. That'S why i wear two caps for this one, because you do need the two caps and yeah. She is very she's, a silky texture. She has no jackie hello. I need some water. You guys could tell i vaped a little bit before i um before i started: recording um anyways. What was i gon na say she doesn't have no yaki to her, so she is very silky. So that would be like one of my it's not a con con. I guess that it does have some shine to her. It'S still pretty, but i feel like the shine, isn't as natural as it could be, or it should be so i will have to get some dry shampoo to wear this one out. She is cute. I love this wig and it doesn't seem to tangle too much so i feel like for this one. You don't have to carry that comb with you. This is her to the side. I like it like this. I don't know how it looks next, i'm concerned, but i guess you guys will get the raw look to it um, because most of my hair is back here. So sometimes i'm concerned about the back showing the tracks, but i don't know you guys will see. I guess we'll see um you like this color. I feel like red, looks good on me and this is like a subtle red. It'S like not in your face, but it does stand out a little bit. Love bob's. The only thing is that i'm i don't like cutting my hair. I like my long hairs too, so this is a good way to like switch it up and wear a bob without like having to cut your own hair or color your own hair. That'S the whole reason why i do wigs is because sometimes i want to look a certain way and i don't want to waste my time cutting or processing my hair. So that's the reason why i like wigs and i feel like most people, you know to protect your natural hair, but this wig is so cute. It'S affordable. She was about 35 or 40 dollars. I will leave some links to her in the description box. If you guys are interested in her also, i want to let me put some lotion on because i know my hands look, really really old and draculaish vampirish right now to show off these nails like. I don't want to show you guys my crusty rusties, but i also bought some nails from other press on nails on amazon they're cute, like i feel like. I don't know about the pink bottom, but it's cute um. They were like eight or nine dollars, so i will leave the link to them in the description box. If you guys are interested amazon, they have fast shipping, they do seem a little thinner than the other ones, but i don't think they're gon na be popping off soon. So i like that about them so yeah guys and also, if you guys, are interested on my lashes. It'S the same lashes that i use. So they have like the really bold ones and i'm wearing these right now, but all of them are cute and then, if you guys want to be a little bit more dramatic, they do have like three pairs of little baby ones. For the bottom lashes like this here, i want to see how this looks real, quick, oh, i feel so cute, okay, so yeah i feel like this is also cute. I don't know if i'm gon na upload this on time for valentine's day, but this is also a cute valentine's day. Wig. Let me try it for you guys with the hat, so this is the hat that i wore her out with the other day, because i didn't do the top really good. So today i don't need the hat today, but this is just to show you guys how cute she looks with a hat in this outfit. That'S it i guess i could have done length check, but so yeah again you guys. Thank you so much for watching. I hope this helps somebody done, okay, but other than that. I think that's it for my video, don't forget to hit the like button. If you liked the video, it does really help me so much girl my face had any questions for me. Anything you want guys want to know about me, i'm trying to do a q, a video so like answering your guys's questions. So is there any anything you guys would want to know about me? Please leave it in the comment box or just any comments about this wig. Also comment section. You guys hope you enjoy hope you guys are blessed stay, safe, love! You guys a little here. Conversation of your arms

Daisy Ortiz- Banuelos: You can seriously rock any color hair!

Nina Fabila: Girl, this is niceeee and the color You reminded me of Charli Baltimore although hers is more of a fuchsia color it's still sooo pretty!!

Naturally Nae: This hair is so pretty

Newyork hunny90: Very pretty color on you

Queenie petite: Beautiful red ❤️❤️

Queenie petite: Beautiful red ❤️

Rocio Ojeda: Love that color

Mariana Munoz: OMG

Natnice: Looking like Charlie Baltimore..amazing

Dromingo: Aww snap

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