How To Keep A Full Lace Wig From Matting In The Back : Wig & Hair Care Tips

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Keeping a full lace wig from matting in the back is something that you can do by using a sulfate shampoo, among other tools. Keep a full lace wig from matting in the back with help from a hair and makeup artist in New York City in this free video clip.

Expert: Mark Weiss

Filmmaker: Victor Varnado

Series Description: How you will go about taking care of your hair depends largely on what type of hair you have in the first place. Get tips on a wide variety of hair and wig-related topics with help from a hair and makeup artist in New York City in this free video series.

Hello, my name is: Mark Weiss, I'm a hair and makeup artist here in New York, City and fashion print and entertainment. I'Ve had a lot of questions come to me about full lace: wigs matting in the back. How do you stop a full lace? Wig formatting in the back to honestly tell you there's no way possible to get it from not matting. At all. I mean everybody's hair. You know kind of does a little bit of tangling, but because it is a wig, it doesn't have the natural lubricants going on through it. So the best thing that I would say is to actually use a sulfate shampoo, sulfate free shampoo, which the one that I like to use is Veneto by Pravana there's also one from Matrix joy, Co. Wella. What happens is when you have the sulfate free? It'S not as harsh to the hair, it's much softer more gentle and then make sure you condition. I like to use a little spray in conditioner and I actually flip her upside down a lot of the times and just lightly spray through and then run my fingers through making sure that it's lubricated and through then also on top of that. What I like to do is add a little bit of Moroccan oil when I'm all done after you know it's washed conditioning set when it's ready to wear just take a little bit of Moroccan oil in your fingers and just kind of run it through. That will definitely help it not matte as much, and that is how you stop matting from the back of a lace, front, wig

Jennifer N: I've tried all 3 of these methods and mine still mattes in the back, it's so freaking annoying. I think at this point, my wig has just ran its course :(

T j: Thank you great tips

TheLinderword: A cheaper version would be to use dryer sheets and run them up and down the back part of the hair.

M A: handsome man. thank you for being honest. there is no way to stop it . you can only brush it regularly and pray. lol

A P: The best advice yet... Honest!

Brooke B.: Not sure what it being lace has to do with matting. All wigs matt regardless of it they are HH, synthetic, lace front, standard cap, or full lace.

Mactastic Me: Have you ever even worn a wig? If you have you would know these suggestions don’t do squat for tangles or matting. Thanks for trying.

Miss Debra: Voice for the End Times: This guy is very confused.

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