I Tried All The New Wigs From Asos...*Shocking* Since When Did They Become So Mainstream?

Hey beauts, I saw on twitter recently that ASOS were now selling lace front wigs! So I snapped them up to try out and see what they are like...last I checked they're all sold out, xx

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Oh, this one looks like ramen noodles look at what the ends do feel like a cartoon character, hello, there beautiful people welcome back to my channel. I hope you are doing well today. I think our wigs are literally gon na be snatched off people literally yes, because today I tried on some wigs from one of the randomest places I can imagine, buying a wig from, and that is ageless. I find it like mind-blowing to see a day and age where you can just get my cup coffee and a wig at the same time like you, wan na, buy some shoes, sure doodle wiggle. That sure why not? I find it hilarious because I have been wearing wigs for the last 10 years and I know I'm not the only one like I'm selling you all women of color they've been wearing wigs, our grandma's have been wearing wigs, so I would have the church wig. Someone had the work week, we had the wig for the wedding's of wigs have been part of the culture for a very, very long time and nothing new, but wicks had always been not a little secret but like something that you like, let's not get into it. I remember like you know: you will go into work and stuff and yeah. My hair changed every two weeks and I would have people who would look at me just kind of work. How did she do it? How did she go from short to long? How does he go from blonde Sublette? How does she go from fringe to above? They would be so confused and it was a power of my wig and if you were in there know you were in the know, and it was something that honestly, that was a little bit of. Let me say, right embarrassment about what slightly embarrassment about you. Didn'T really want to say it's a week. You were more like extension piece, but you try to make it a bit more gentle FRA, but really it was a wig got slapped on got pinned in and you kept it moving. It'S so funny to see how things have transition. It'S not just Aliexpress, okay selling, wigs and it's not just the hitch, high knees, hair, vendors and all this underground stuff. It is now a zorse calm and I bet how do preset fashion over are coming with a bit fashion over wig line, so we're gon na get into it and we're going view. It. We'Ve got Frankfurt, Kylie Jenner. We'Ve got thanks to Ariana, making wigs a really cool thing right about now, so there we go. Basically, I went onto the Avis website and saw these wigs they're from Lulabelle. Now I'm not gon na night, I'm looking at these wigs on the website and I do think they look a bit synthetic AF weird this term, which is like a hat or hair helmet and plots, and the wigs are giving me that vibe, I'm not gon na Lie but they are 65 pounds 55 pounds and I'm gon na tell you right now these are synthetic. Now I don't normally wear synthetic wigs, but you know what change it up for an occasion, but don't expect much from a synthetic way and also by the time you've worn a synthetic wig like. Maybe you can work for like a week or two weeks and then you're buying another one. It'S gon na add up. Let'S say I cry and Schumann hailed Nick and I spend 300 pounds on it. I can wear that for a year. So let's do some math people lets me economical out here, invest in a good wig if you really want to buy a wig, but you know what let's get into it. So we have the Luna bells, Platinum, long, sleek and straight lace, front wig for sixty-five pounds. I can't see much detail because it's out of stock hello but she's ordered so here's the wig packaging, I'm not gon na lie. This is nice and corporate. I love this. Oh, it comes with a wig cap, so prep your hair. The flatter your hair is against your head, the better the wig will look, you can braid and pin your hair at the back, tie into a low pony and wrap it into a flat block or more get your head using gel and securing with pigment apply the Wig play so we can go ahead and pull forward to line up with your natural hair line and showing your own hair is tucked under then can adjust. The straps trim the lace. What in place give me two filament right about three millimeters, at least at Brentford, to look and you'll. Forget you till later, to make up brushes, watch your fingers playing and waiting to shine in the hair with the dry shampoo. If you want to hair, feel it bright, Beyonce people love using Beyonce's name in vain. Stop it. You can add a little wig glue or a DC to keep your wig in place on okay. They tried they tried, they tried. I don't know if I was to listen to that that I'll actually be able to keep the wig on its head. I'M not gon na lie. It'S actually really nice, like for synthetic hair. I bet, if I put I'm wrong I'll put my tongs in it. It'Ll be searing sear, the root is so jet black, it's virtually blue. The hair texture is actually quite nice and I love the color. Now we've got some catching at the end. Got a bit of smoking right here, but nothing to like die over. I just really hate how dark the roots are because they're like a blue-black, but let's see, let's make this work. My hair line looks like it has been drawn with a protractor, what the hell that is smoothly circle. I'Ve ever seen in my life, who did this this actually sits really flat, I'm not even mind so when you have a hairline. That'S super straight like this. What you really mean like this is abnormal all right. Okay, this is abnormal. What you really do is that kind of like pocket to make it look quite natural. If you don't know, I'm sure lots of you guys know you don't know you need to pluck it to have this issue looking natural, but that piece of card doesn't make reference to it. That card a reference is cutting off the lace. So let's do that now? Oh smacking smacking all right, so it makes reference to cutting relays and then adding foundation on the lace to make it blend. In now, I never ever ever put foundation on my lip lace because that's when you get the grid shining, but this is what they're saying to do, and also this lace is definitely not my natural skin color. So, let's see what difference adding foundation to this lace? Will do now. This is my oh, it's kind of blended it. You know. Oh all, right people, we've got some blending in going actually made quite a big difference. I will give it to that lace, I'm not even mad. Now. What we definitely have is hair helmet going on because there is no part whatsoever, but I would I ever pluck that out or put some concealer on it. I'M away in this. I'M not hating. This not gon na, like this hair, gets a little bit like snugger D, okay, raggedy. Obviously like natural human hair extensions. Don'T do this, you don't need to keep combing the tangles out according to the paperwork. I should be done. Ah, God every direction you move it in you're, just getting more he'll. You can't remove this hair without it getting a lot. This reminds if, when you have a doll and you buy it new and the hair, so silky and soft, and then like few to many washes and dips in the Sun bit later exotic food max hairline check part in uncheck. So I don't want it to look hair helmet II, I'm gon na go ahead and use my concealer and a little angle brush and we're just gon na like just give it some room here. You know some room to breathe. These are the things that make the difference. You know. I also feel like I've got a bit of a facelift going on. Can you see this match of the face that that's what happens when you work at anyway? To be honest, let's fit it! That'S a free Facebook, fresh cornrows, free space, leaf new wig first facelift. I really like it. I really like how I look with this. Like am I mad. Is this a good map? This is meant to be a bone straight wig, but there's a kink from where it's been in the vibe, I'm gon na be risky and I'm gon na straighten it. So we've synthetic hair you're not really meant to burn and put any heat in it. But let's just see what happens? Well, we have a searing mess, or can we be gentle, I'm just gon na. Do it test a piece at the bottom? It smells like flames. It'S kind of alright, you know it haven't died. So there's certain synthetic air that up into a certain temperature you can straighten it. I can smell it, I can smell the flame, but it is straight and it hasn't burned off now. I'M not gon na tell anyone to try this at home. Do not try this at home. I don't want anyone having like a house fire because of me. Oh my gosh, I'm loving this with you know what I need a name. You guys name me. I would wear it. I would. I don't even wear in public. Well, I would wear it. I'M actually gon na write this a seven and a half out of 10 other than the fact that it keeps kind of twirling and twisting on the end, and you are going to have to be basically attached to a brush to not look like a bird's nest. I think the style is really nice, I think for the price. It'S really good, I love the color and it is snug and I got a PA. I got a very, very small head and this is really snug on me. I also say that I feel like the hell. I need some work, but, to be honest, you know I'll survive will survive to me. This is actually really really good semicircle, hairline or not. Next up we have the long straight jet, black wig comes in the same card and a wee cash. I'M not gon na lie. It. Has that really sympathetic, extreme jet-black, look that it is a bad. It is not bad, and you know I realize probably when you see like celebrities with like extremely long length of hair, it's probably synthetic. I have never seen anyone with 82 inches of hair, but I but you could do it with plastic. This makes me look like. I'Ve got an eighth forehead semicircle edges for the room, look at that over and you can place an egg right here. Just look at what the ends do. This is very gosh. You need arm strength tonight be able to let brush this hair. I'M gon na lie. I feel like this hair looks a bit more like Kony, on the top. The size of the cone is a dead giveaway about a week. I definitely feel like very Kim Kardashian. Circa 2012 right now, let me put my parting in because yeah hair helmet, I'm not gon na lie. I really like it. It does look a little synthetic II. I think what makes it look. Synthetic E is definitely the color and it's just a bit too shiny, but overall, it's not a bad wig and says ripping through the tangles. I feel like this is a such a great option for those who can't let afford like really expensive, wigs or someone may be suffering from alopecia or someone who wants to just change up their look quickly. As I wear this and I feel so fantastic as for so glamorous in it like - I actually can't be mad, I really like it like I'm, not mad and like where I'm cloning up here. This is where I'd get like my curlers, and this is the secret to any high top wig press. It down press it down, and you know what it seems like this liquid can take some heat, which you know it's kind of like ironing clothes. But you don't need the iron on and burn the clothes you just want to like press out the creases all right people here she's here. I think this is a very wearable option. You guys might catch me in my youtube videos wearing this damn wig seriously. I would do it. Oh this is the chestnut brown angel Wade's lace, front wig. Oh this one looks like ramen noodles, ramen noodles. Let'S hope that this wave can be brushed out because it's just house it kind of separated nope, although this seems less tanga me than the other one. Why? Let'S get this song and you know what I'm gon na cut the lace not on my head. I hate brown hair on me, cuz, it nichy makes me look like I'm for lending into my scalp. I'Ve never been able to wear brown hair. Oh I like the style, I hate the color. I basically have to wear black hair or hair. That'S a contrast. You'Re, like a cartoon character, this wig is good, though I love the fit of this wig. Oh my gosh, I just need this wick in my a black. You know what or am i warming to this? Am I willing to this? I feel like any dark roots. Like if I had dark roots, this would work, I feel like I'm having a beyoncé moment, conceal the roots and it feels way less tangley. Do you know what is this nice? Is this nice? I don't know if it's nice or not, I feel like it could be nice. I feel like that was the easiest wig yet to blend and to like make look good. Oh, let's have a little side swing. I am living foods. You are taking the mick honey. You know we're gon na. Do we're gon na ecostyler gel it we're gon na baby hair it because we can we're gon na use the toothbrush the hair to brush and what I'm gon na do. Is I'm gon na pull out like some front? These are what they call grown-ass baby hairs. I'M gon na give them a little trim, gives you some babies cuz. You can see that you see that smooth coming in you see her swoop. Do you know what, because of the hair color you're not really catching the power of the swoop, because it literally blends into my bloody skin? This is the best one I just need in black alright guys. Here I am with my like brown chocolate brown, Auburn, curly hair. What I'm gon na say is that I love the fact that this is way less tangley than the other long and straight hair, which I find very surprising. I feel very bombshell right now. I wonder if I look a lot better with like and yeah. I would look a lot, but I think if it was jet black or something like that, but I am NOT Matt. Okay, we've got a little tangle, but this is way less timely than the other one. Yes, it does look a little synthetic II and shiny. It'S weird. This hair has really warmed on me now. So this is the Platinum, long, textured wave lace, front wig. It'S like the same as the other one, but I think this has a weighting, so I've noticed that the blonde is more like an ashy blonde. This is like white. This is like literally flipping storm. Storm white really storm white here: okay, people here is the final one, I'm probably the worst one for me, because this one looks quite Halloweeny because of the color of it. It'S a bit storm and it's not a bad wig like it looks really nice and I've noticed with the wavy hair. It'S way less tangley clearly because of something that they might do to there or something. But this wig is the least wearable. If you're trying to change your look - and I can see why you might want to try something like this - this isn't a wearable wig for like everyday. This is definitely more like special occasion or like Halloween or night festival, which isn't a bad thing. If you know that you're picking up a wig for something like that, then do that I am a highly impressed highly impressed quite annoyed that I'm highly impressed. I don't plan to be highly impressed because I'm really reflecting on my own current wickley action. I love the words that I have, I think, they're a really good point. I wear them all the time and they're lifesavers, but these are nice fun, quick change options. I will say that if you saw them walking down the street you'll definitely think wig synthetic wig, but does it look cute yeah I'll give it that it looks good and I'm not mad at that at all? From a price perspective I mean, when you go to the hair shop, you can get wigs like this away very much like half the price. I don't think is that bad I've actually highly impressed with this. So I'm gon na give it a thumbs up and say if you want to get a synthetic wig on a zorse, go ahead. Okay, guys, thank you so much for watching. In the meantime, I will catch you later. Bye,

Téa Jones: You should make a part 2 to this video where you finesse each wig and make it more wearable. Like plucking, baby hairs, adding roots etc.

K D: A tip for all my synthetic wig lovers; if you place your wig in a bowl of hot water with some salt and let it sit and then rinse it, it will be less shiny and less stiff

Pink: Patricia: wow the lace doesnt match, the black is blue toned, the hairline is wack, the part? non-existant also Patricia: I'd wear this

Damares Daniels: OMG the brown one makes you look like a Bratz doll I'm loving it

Alexis Weitzer: THE CURLY BROWN! Looks bomb on you, yes girl!

Grow With E: Quick tip for synthetic wig wearers: If you add a little translucent powder throughout the wig it will take that synthetic shine away and make it look less plastic

J Jen: I think brown hair looks lovely on you!! You looked like you came straight out of a renaissance painting <3

Paul Benedict: I’m a male, who have no interest in wearing wigs, and watched the whole video. Why?

Mickiimani: A few years ago in high school I did a big chop, and I couldn’t afford a nice wig so I had to buy one of those synthetic beauty supply store wigs. I got made fun of and called “wig girl” but whats funny is the bitches that made fun of me had ratchet sew ins with fried hair underneath ‍♀️ Like how are you gonna make fun of someone for having one type of fake hair when you have another type of fake hair? and this happened all the time in the black community. I’m glad the times have changed and people are more open about their hair now, whether natural or wig or weave.

Sean Phillips: I'm loving the brown wig, you look beautiful with brown hair Patricia.

Logan: Patricia: I hate brown hair on me. Also Patricia: Is this nice? Also Patricia: I'm living for this!!!!

T P: The Brown one winsI will agree the color Black would’ve worked better but you made that chocolate one look Gooood ❤️

Chrissy Collett: The brown looks amazing on you girl. Side swoop Yes girl :)

Eren-Aaleah Smith: It’s not a bad wig... *ripping through the tangles*

Rilzy: Patricia is so damn dramatic. I loooove it!!!!! . I always leave these videos with a smile.

Nneeka Estelle: Wigs did come a long way. There were days that I would change my wigs 3 times in one day. My neighbors were confused, lol

Renyce Noel: Would love if you did a how I style my wigs video of the actual ones you wear, you always look flawless! Love the video x

starkiid12: I wear my synthetic wigs for 2 1/2 months cause it’s the Maintence. I watch a lot of the wig reviews and take all their tips and tricks. I love your review because you always keep it real

Doll E: You’ve really brightened my morning with this review ❤️

irkskirt: I loved the brown curly one you wore the curls just looked so fluffy. You’re just so pretty you could pull off all of them

Rachael Divers: The brown wig looks stunning! I think you look gorgeous with brown hair! xx

Laura Besix: Holy shit the brown wavy wig after you side swooped it. Just wow!

Camellia: Uhhhh am I only the only one that's like £65.00 for a synthetic wig local hair shop please ‍♀️. The brown is gorgeous on you Patricia

Leo V: Had me snatching my wig off when you literally snatched your wig off!! so freaking down to earth and honest. Made me a fan and subscriber! Funny as hell! Keep up the genuine human feel to your videos!

c love: Her energy is just what I needed today♥️

jackie: that brown wig looks stunning on you girl

A.A.S❣️: The brown wig looks the best ! And it suits your skin tone more than the model

Jerley Damaskinos: I Loved how she was having so much fun and feeling herself! Had me all pumped over wigs i know nothing about!

Samantha Six: You look beautiful in ALL OF THEM! LOVE the brown curly one the best. I am obsessed with wigs for no reason and I just bought two (non-naturally-colored) ones yesterday and now I want to go get some more! xx

rena verdugo: I enjoy your videos! Your comments are too funny. You've introduced me to many online store companies. Thank you for your honesty on the products. I'm searching for my bachelorette outfit and Miami outfit. With your videos, I'm certain I'll find something I'll love!

Ketsia Severe: The only wigs I can afford is the ones from the snapchat filters

Kristen Bauman: As someone who knows absolutely nothing about wigs, I love videos like this. I always want to experiment and try new things with my hair but am terrified of doing something I might regret. I think wigs could be a fun option to figure out what I might prefer but I really would like to learn a bit more about them first. Would definitely watch another wig video if you decided to make one.

Miche Moffatt: You look amazing in the blonde - love it! This is so fab x Alsooooooooo if it isn’t heat friendly - you can use a clothing steamer to change it x

Z N: That brown wig looks soo good on you! PLS MAKE A PART 2

anamarie olivo: I love the brown wig on you! I got Tyra Banks vibes! You looked amazing in my opinion but I completely understand how it bends with your skin tone!!!

E H: I straighten/curl/style synthetic wigs using a steamer and forms or clips, works really well and no burning smell! Great vid :)

Si Sta: You look amazing with the brown wig!!!! It suits you so much!!! If you wanted dark roots, spray it with the roots magic spray by L’Oréal

Dee W: I LOVE the brown one on you! It looks so natural and really suits you :)

Iminth: loove this makeup. looks natural! could you please do a tutorial? <3

WEALTHY 570: All the wigs made Patricia look like she's in Game of Thrones

SweetnSour Potatoes: I actually love the brunette one the most! I would love to see you transform a wig, pluck it, style it and all :)

Victoria N: From what I’ve seen on YouTube, amazon seems to have decent wigs for literally the same price or less than these (for anyone wondering). You did well with making these look real though, that brown one was so cute on you!

ar ar: The brown one actually looked really good on you, it was my fav one, dark copper color would look really good on you

Ashley Cnossen: Actually Patricia the brown wig looked really nice on you! It looked very relaxed and feminine.

Emily Wilkinson: The brown wig looks SO GOOD OMG really suits you ❤️

Stina Steinsvik: The brown wig were so beautiful on you!!!

Spencer Lee: i have no interest in wigs... i watched the whole thing, you are actually hilarious

Pachese F.: Stumbled on your channel today and I’m an immediate fan!! You’re awesome .

Be Grateful: Yes to the: Church Wig, Work Wig, Get a Man Wig, Lose Your Man Wig, Hideout Wig, You Betta Show Dem Wig!!!

Marie S: This entire video was just pure joy for me. I loved it. Thank you

Shamama Shams: I love the brown on you tbh. It's giving me goddess old Hollywood vibes. Darker roots would be a plus but it's actually really pretty

Dr Slay: I actually love that third wig! The light brown curly one! That one looks really cute!

Its Ruth: That chestnut brown wig!!❤️ it looks amazing on you, I’m living for it!!

Rishipriya Acharya: Brown hair actually looks so good on you!!!

kaja k: cosplayer here! we add silicone lubricant (very carefully) to the wig to avoid the knotting/snagging!

Morgan Thomas: Patricia wears the wavy brown wig Me: That’s not bad Patricia side swoops the wig Me: OOOHH!!

Mackenzie Hartley: The chestnut wig looks amazing on you

Jessica: I LOVED the brown curly wig. I think in a darker outfit and a bit more of a smoky eye you may feel better about the color of it. I think it looked amazing

Eva Wright: You had me at wigs <3 I didn't even know ASOS had wigs?! But they are so cute! I love the curls and quality of the brown wig.

Julia Lindall: Not gonna lie, pretty excited to see the wig gentrifiers looking a mess in the wild.

Caoimhe C: That third brown wig looks phenomenal on you!

23Daaann: The brown curly one looks absolutely gorgeous on you!

Tik Tokery: I don’t wear wigs but even I was interested to see what Asos was up to Edit: That brown wig is giving me lifeeeee, especially with that side swoop, lord *ps small youtuber*

Fiona Moran: 3/4s down the brown wig it gets really good. It looks darker and less plasticy than at the roots. I like the style of it on you

Black Forest Girl in Oz: you should try the "doll detangling spray" (fabric softener in a spray bottle)

loveLV life: No that brown wig looked amazing on you,you should start trying more brown wigs ,it has your skin popping

Charlie Book Fanatic: This video makes me want to wear wigs. I'm sad they're so expensive, though!

marieleelee: I actually gasped when you parted that wavy wig to the side. It instantly made it a 10

TheICEgirl6100: "WHEN DID THEY BECOME SO MAINSTREAM" ever since kylie jenner decided she invented them

Julia Carey: The brown wig looks amazing!!!!! Loved the side part

VampItUpManchester Chrissie: That third one would look amazing in a deep red on you. Those baby hair and parting tricks are fantastic!

G Thang: luv you Patricia you’re like a big sister ❤️ you’re gorgeous and amazing!!

ahenryXOXO: You KNOW Patricia likes the item when she starts to customize it

Alexander Ray Stone: 13:20 is the best part of the video and the first wig is amazing too <3

Jonathan Curtis: What we learned in this video is that you NEED to do chocolate brown waves (with dark roots) for summer.

Annalisa Brady: Please review more wigs love you queen

Rachel - Beyond The Beauty Hall: Please do a wig collection video! Plus, you look AMAZING in the brown curls!

LuSaHades: As a cosplayer I've had some pretty bad synthetic wigs XD honestly though I would kill for some of those wigs, they're such good quality imo

J S: "I would wear it, I don't know if I'd wear it in public, but I'd wear it"  LMAO I LOVE IT

sjlmorgan: Sis...first of all the initial wig snatch had me ROLLING! And then I was mesmerised by the BROWN wig cap...You did not link it but I damn sure Googled it! Anyhoo...loved these wigs on you, especially the brown/auburn(y) one! thanks for the review!

Jo S: I don't wear wigs, I've never seen or heard of you before, but this video just made me a subscriber lol. You're absolutely STUNNING and your personality is just the best

Carly Warly: When you said you don't suit brown hair... BISH WHERE?! ‍♀️ stunning

Ana Cruz-Pragana: Living for the chestnut colour wig !!!! love it :) you should wear it in a video

z414141: Yes, I agree the brown is so pretty on you the way it matches your skintone so well. My favorite video from you so far.

Kara Morris: The brown wig looked amazing on you

annmarie lane: I’m absolutely obsessed with the brown curly wig on you. I actually think you suit the colour! I love black and blonde on you but out of them all the brown was my favourite, especially when you put it to the side I thought I’m watching Beyoncé herself all you needed was a fan moment lol. Your so beautiful Patricia you can get away with any hair style and colour! Love you and your videos so much hi from Ireland. xx

ava dolshinsinger: you 100% need to wear brown hair, you look absolutely beautiful

babygirl dustin: The brown curly wig looks absolutely gorgeous on you

Emilio P: “Don’t use Beyoncé’s name in vein” 12:55 I feel like I’m having a Beyoncé moment

S: Personality = bomb Brown wig= looks amazing Subbed x

ALT: So as soon as you said, don't try this at home, I TRIED IT AT HOME. Now there are burnt synthetic particles floating around my room. Thanks PATRICIA. I don't hold you accountable.

Jay Menno: “My hairline looks like it’s been drawn with a protractor!” Oh my goodness

Arina Azizah: i personally think all of them look so nice on you!

AeroAngel: These are some pretty cute wigs, I really liked the brown curly one on you! :D

tilly williams: for those who want to get some cute/Kawaii wigs (including Patricia Bright) you should check out rockstar wigs (Which it would be fun if patricia bright did review on them) and youvimi (yes, youvimi has other things besides from wigs like korean fashion but also have a good selection of wigs).

pam mus: Love that brown one. It works perfectly with ur skin. Love love love Patricia

Sophie Snowling: “People love using Beyoncé’s name in vain” “i feel like I’m having a Beyoncé moment”

LAST FRONTIER MEDIUM: This is my first video of your channel and I'm LOVING these wigs on you. The brown last one is my favorite on you. So beautiful.

straitAstudent: You can soak the ends in fabric softener and some water to help the tangles. And you can use baby powder or dry shampoo to help with the shine. And the brown curly wig with the side swoop is super gorg on you just like the other ones

orenda griffin: Drawn with a protractor!! OMG hilarious never disappoint!

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