Huge Wig Haul | Cheap | Aliexpress

A huge haul of fantastic, budget friendly wigs from Aliexpress! Both the lace and hard front wigs shown herein, are the perfect units for any drag queen, performer, or do-gooder who wishes to revamp their look! Like, comment, subscribe and most of all, enjoy!

Remind me of high school gym class, what remind me of high school gym class very that girls. Today'S video is actually going to be [, __ ], epic, oh please, today, i'm coming at you with a haul video, hello content right. This is so fierce, so i have a ton of wigs that i ordered off aliexpress. These are all cheap wigs. I don't spend money on wigs. These aren't fancy. Very few of them are lace, fronts, they're, just some sick, sick, sick, wigs that i'm gon na be showing you i'm gon na model them all and we'll go through them. We'Ll see what's fierce about them, we'll see why i got them and i'll share the prices with you. Since [ __, ] brexit, you spa, boris johnson, you have to pay um the ate or like import tax on everything. It'S like. Basically, if you're ordering from the uk, it's no longer cheap to order from aliexpress, let's [ __ ] have some ridiculous fun in some wigs crack open a can of whatever this isn't sponsored. I wish imagine if coca-cola sponsored you here, we are with the first wig. This is for aliexpress, it's like a three-tone blonde. You can see on the tracks, it's like different tones, it's a monofilament part front, but it has like um a monofilament patch there to give like a scalpy moment. Retailing, i think, for 850 or something like dead dead, cheap um and shipping was next to nothing on it, so i got three of them. This is what it would look like double stacked. This is what you'd wear. If you were in in drag i'll, show you the one on its own first, you might be like, oh, my god, three of the same wig girl. What are you gon na do with that? Well, like i like to curl some of them, and i always like to kind of play around with them nine quid most people three nines is, i think, 27 yeah three nines is 27. I hope it's 27 or i'm gon na look stupid, but nine quid for a wig used to mean, like uh, like a fuzzy party wig from the joke shop, not of multiple different shades, layered, there's the more layers and the more colors there are, the more texture. The better it'll be it's kind of it's. Your kind of standard like face framing layers, there's this adjustable straps in the back, and it was nine quid. I love it and it's fierce the next one. This is this: is she with the double stack? I always double stack by using cable ties. You can see them there. I put two on there and then i let the back sit freely. So you can always stuff stuff in there. If you want to make it bigger and have a bump at the back to make it like kind of like big 60z something hair, this is stunning. I i don't give a [ __ ]. What anyone says, there's also a lot of snobbery and drag in recent years about like wigs, it's like oh, like is that a lace front? No one gives a [ __ ], what hair you're wearing as long as you're wearing it with a bit of style and as long as you're fierce. You know what i mean. No one gives a [ __ ] like nice, hair doesn't mean lace, front and girls. This is two nine quid wigs like. If you told me, you could get this for 18 quid. I think. That'S fierce i'll show you the nice little wee trick, get yourself a paper bag or something to stuff it with pull the convertible front down stuff it toss. It back over now this works better when it's like a plastic bag, and you haven't literally just shoved it up under there nancy sinatra wear. This is fantastic for 18 quid! Yes, please! Okay, this! This is a [ __, ] hat, okay, again, another hard front! This is an aliexpress moment, as you can see from the cable ties. It'S a double stack, so there is plastic up in there and these were an ash blonde version of these ones. You can see these are a little bit more goldy and honeyish. This is a cooler more ashy blonde. These were, i think, seven quid a puff. It needs a brush, a wash and a reset, but let's see what she looks like oh, like come on, even even when she's in [ __ ]. She looks great. That'S the thing about curly, hair girls: you can hide a lot of disaster, misery, whoa and even really small children in big hair. I think this is fun. It'S cute, the men love it. The women want it and you can have it. I'M trying to think who is this giving is this giving brenda fricker's glamorous sister and i mean brenda fricker from home alone too lost to new york, the crazy irish bird lady kevin. It'S very lost. Do you know what i mean, but her glamorous sister? It'S a bit of a way to go, but but go with me there, honestly. So next up we have these really fun: 613 kinky corkscrew, curly vibes. I got these after, i saw the say so: music video, because i was just like. Oh, i just need like bouncy hair, whatever got really into curly hair recently, i think. Maybe it's because my natural hair is curly. I got two because i didn't know would one be enough to kind of brush up and truth be told it wasn't. So when the time is right, i'll join these two and it'll just be bigger. These again, i think cost 750 on aliexpress. This is like the opposite of a sponsored video. By the way, i would love to be sponsored by aliexpress. This is like the opposite of a flex, but i'm actually a diamond level customer at aliexpress, which just means i waste a lot a lot, a lot of tiny amounts of money. I wouldn't want to spoil your fun, mr cheapskate. It gives me kind of lily. Scent reaches from annie vibes, it stays on it's a hard front, so it's super easy to maintain. If you wanted, you could stuff this and throw it on in the back and see like come on. That'S supposed to be that, and two of these would set you back 15 quid. I think so. These are really just a delight. Okay, okay. I [ __ ] love this. I call this my jamie lee curtis from freaky friday hair make good choices. It'S very make good choices. I imagine like she's when she gets her hair cut. It'S very jamie lee curtis, i'm! Oh, i beg your pardon. Oh i'm like the crypt keeper. Okay, i think he used to be a david bowie wig, but i just cut the back off of it. So it's fierce this is some finger waves. I actually got this off aliexpress as well. This is about like seven or eight quid again. These are all like kind of under a tenner, and now i will say when this got to me: it like kind of wasn't finger waves. It was kind of just like tight short curls, so i had to kind of go in and kind of re do them. But that's you know you got ta expect that when you're ordering and things take like a month to get there final thoughts on this, it's giving me billy barry kid with way too much confidence. That'S what this is giving me to be honest. Now this helmet of hair - this is actually all joke shop, hair that i picked up a while ago. Um, it's four joke shop, mullet wigs! This is actually giving very chromatic vibes. They were each four euros at the joke shop. So all together. This is a 20 quid wig and basically there's the base wig. Here there is one sewn on or bolted onto the back of it with plastic inside and then the last two i kind of split them open, join them together and then cement them onto the bath. So the back two pieces are kind of huge up here, so you could, if you stuffed this up, you could make it gigantic i'll. Just stick it on now. This needs to be pinned on because this wig likes to go on sabbatical from your head, and this is when we just stuff the very uppermost pieces. How fierce is this? Oh come on girls. This is camp for, like this is great hosting here, because it makes you look like you're doing a lot. Did you know what i mean um without seeing the plastic and again this is a good like you could traffic people and up in this hair, like you, wouldn't know, just two black and white wigs that my drag sister sophia hart bought for halloween? They were just out of the bag like wigs with bangs um and they looked kind of shite and when the halloween was done, she was like eris, i'm getting rid of these, and i was like don't so. I took them and just put a set on them and cut them and lash them together and now, when this is stuffed off, when this is properly styled with a bit of hairspray and a and a a good bag up in the back. Ah, this is just a bit much now what the [ __ ] is mine there. Wigs honestly, you don't need styling, you need plastic bags and yeah just with a bit more brushing and like laying of hair. This is fantastic. Sophia bought these. For god, she couldn't have paid more than like a ten or each like they're, hard friends, um and yeah. This is, it makes great for a little hair, especially with novelty hair. No one really wants to be buying fancy wigs. You know, especially if it's something that you're just doing for a costume, so this is really kind of perfect. It was just cut curled and a nice brush out with a bit of spray can't go wrong like this is fab. You know yeah. This is a black out to purple um mid-length lace front. It'S actually got a lot of parting space in it. For me, that's i don't want more than this um. I got this at my local wig shop in stratford in london for 24 pounds, which should be what maybe the guts of 30 euro um, and this is fantastic. It has straps, it has my favorite type of lace, which is not a lot of lace. The lace is trouble you don't like if i have a lace front, wig the less lace, the better i just like it, so the hair can come up from something i don't do center parts. So i don't need all of that and the fiber of this wig. It'S the halfway between yaki and just like straight horrible basic fiber, so it's that fiber that has a kind of a bit of a a crinkle in it all the sleek wigs have them. Those are the wigs that linda used to sell it's this kind of hair. Again that you can wear and have kind of notions in like i love this, oh come on girls. I feel michelle obama would get into this, or is that just because she wore a different shade of purple at the inauguration? Come the [ __ ] through michelle yeah, so this is she. I think this is great. Now, girls 24 quid can't go wrong for a bar queen who's performing. It'S great talks about hair it'll, move about it's lightweight and because it's kind of crinkled, hair fiber a little bit of teasing in this, would go a huge way like. If you put a curl in this and tease it, this would be a really easy big glam. Wig, so that's this. This is two yellow afros that i got off of dhgate. I think they were 20 quid each big disco vibes, but it's fun. It'S a little bit unwieldy and heavy. It'S a bit heavy. I will say that maybe if i i think i need to cut into it a lot more and then brush it out a lot more, so i get the volume without the weight, but this is fun hair. This would be great hair for pride. It'S very fairy tale s very kind of ethereal, dreamy, fantastical, mystical, it's all those vibes. I love this yellow is my favorite color ginny lemon would love that. I feel this is your government hooker lady gaga, alejandro music, video with the dance break? Oh, come on girls. This is, this is angela merkel does fashion week: austerity, german power, [, __, ] woman, but there's this little kids book that i had as a child called. I think it was called the little stupendo or little stupendo, and he was this kid who wanted to learn how to fly really bad uh or, and there was something about mud pies as well in it, i think, but he wanted to learn how to fly awfully Bad so we went to flying school and the lady who runs the flying school has like helmet hair like this, and i'm always just like. Yes, this is alejandro, meets little stupando vibes. This is such fun hair and it's yucky fiber. So if you put a tease in this, it would literally stand out like that and be like club kitty but yeah. I love this hair and i can't wait to wear this in all seriousness. These are two of the same wigs they're, just like brown lace front moments. Actually i have three of the same there's one over there, but it's shorter i'll show you now in a second i'll. Show you the straight one. First, the straight one, to be honest, is lackluster. All of the hair is too long and main like it's kind of [, __ ] and doesn't give me anything see. It'S see what i mean. It'S weighty, it's heavy. It'S like hermione hair. Almost this needs layers put into it and see. This is why i don't like a middle part watch what happens now when i try and put a middle part in this wig. This is gon na look [, __ ], that's not fierce, like it needs something done to it, but contrast how [ __ ] this looked with how good the exact same wig looks with a curl put in. Did you have something to say to me sorry what i can't hear you through all of this hair? That'S what i can't hear you through. This is fantastic. It'S the exact same wig. It is literally this, but with a curl in it, it shows what happens if you just [ __ ], do something with your hair and don't just take it out of the bag and put it on play to the strengths of the wig see. This was just dying to be given a bit of shape, and this would look good for way longer with this curl than just straight up out of the bag. A ratty wig, that's straight, will look like a ratty wig way quicker than a curly one, and now this is then again the same wig but shorter, and this one again, a good way to get your wigs alive is just to turn them upside down and give Them a good brush out and then a bit of a spray, because this is we want volume at the back of this. So if you just shake a little bit of volume, when you throw this on it'll be a lot more. Nothing crazy was done to this wig, just a [, __, ], curl and a chop was put on too oh come on come on girl. This is fierce, so this piece of [, __ ], can go into this fierce moment that when the ends get all done and it needs kind of a freshen just chop it into this, this was like what a 25 quid wig i got this. I think i think i actually got this at linda's competing store on parnell street. So don't tell her. I have this a bit of old hollywood glam! It'S just actually do you know what this is. This is just a nice [, __ ] set that plays to the strengths of the wig. This would make everyone's face. Look good. This flatters everyone shows off the neck, shows off the jewelry love. It covers one eye, hides asymmetry in the makeup. This is like an advantageous piece of hair to wear but yeah. These are all the wigs. These are the girls uh that i got off that haul. I think that entire haul couldn't have come to more than like 80 quid and there's a lot a lot. A lot of wigs, so yeah go out and buy. Some wigs are like arguably like one of the funnest things in civilized society. Wigs are everything and everyone should get into them. Poor jody purr, but yes, so that's all for me today, like comment and subscribe hit up my instagram at iris blackstone, and i will see you guys again in the next video bye

Gifted light: Just subscribed....she is fierce. Love it beautiful!

Joe Caprani: Any of your subscribers not from Ireland are NOT going to get the Billy Barry Kid reference!!

Lleddir Werdna: excuse me but why do you never wear that last gorgeous stunner of a wig to brunch !?!

Joe Caprani: Are they 10p bags from Tesco or Bag for Life bags from Waitrose? Asking for a friend...

masacciu: How can you find these wigs!! I have been looking for cheap curly wigs but I can't find them on ali :(

g thompson: She’s a genius?

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