Customise Your Synthetic Wigs! Drag Queen Wig Transformation Xx



Wig: Webster Wigs in the style Amelia in the shade Dirty Blonde

Hand steamer: Hand Steamer Clothes - Small Clothes Steamer  - Hand Held Steamer for Clothes - Portable Dress Steamer - Travel Iron Steam Generator - White - 130 ml Tank

T pins: 70 Pieces Wig Making Pins Needles...

Wig block: 21"-24" Cork Canvas Block Head Mannequin Mainkin Head For Wig Making Drying Styling Coloring 22 Inch

Wig stand:

Hello, I'm back back back back again and this time I have a mustache. It'S been a while hello, and because of this I haven't wanted to shave it off and paint my face. I'M gon na do a tutorial. Today, I'm going to show you how I, how I customize my synthetic weights, make them appear a little more natural, it's easy, but it's time-consuming! You take a good at the bat. I will show you what you need. A wig block just like this. A wig stand. Just like this, you know the drill and the wig. This is. This is a wig lovely long wig there has been untouched, it's straight out of the bag and it's gorge. Always this is a webster wig. If I don't make my own human hair, wigs I'll, buy it synthetic wigs from Webster wigs, because I know that I'm going to be guaranteed excellent wigs. This is the style Amelia. The majority of the ways that I buy from Webster's are the Amelia because they they're the longest the list, wigs that you can buy. Therefore you can do whatever you want with them. Unless you want a shorter way, a shorter wig, don't waste so much hair. I think it's called dirty blonde, either way I'll link it down below in the description box so that you can buy it. This has been signed, my cupboard for about two months untouched, and it's been killing me because I wanted to do something with it, but I've just been so goddamn distracted by everything, that's happening in the world: lots of hair, it's very full, as you can see the Hairline is quite thick no shade. I like a thinner hair line. Synthetic hair is always heavier than human hair. Stick the wick on the wig block just taking some like pearl head pins just to stick so the wig is vital, thinning scissors, haircutting scissors, some combs, no specific kind, some sectioning Clips, some other sectioning Clips. I don't know if these come have it out. If you've got either one of these cool, it's up both because I'm a hoarder and then you need like these. No, these not just like these. You need these. These are T pins, they are pins and they are in the shape of a key genius. You will also need a hand steamer. I use this in my last news. I used this in my last tutorial. My last book tutorial. They are a lifesaver. I use them on my clothes. I use them on my wigs. I use them on just those two things and a hairbrush, because it's it's necessary. Let'S do this. This is what I do to my wigs and a few people literally a few in English. I feel like that means three people asked me to show you how I fin my wigs out and I remove tracks, and I customize the hairline. One thing I can't take credit for is the hairline situation. That is all Ellis Atlantis. He has an amazing YouTube channel. So please go and check it out. You probably already know about it because it's way bigger than mine, he was the first person that I saw to customize a synthetic lace front. Wig perfectly. I will show you his method, but he does a full video on how to do it. I will link that down below we're. Just gon na put some t pins into the lace, the bottom corners of the wig as well, and just stick some pins in there too. So it's just very secure on your weight block. As you can see, you have fallen. Thank you with a lace front. Wig. Obviously, there is a portion of the hair: that's not it onto the lace, I've just sectioned this and all forward and divided it into two and then all the hair in the back. I'Ve just put into like a braid just to keep it out the way. Now I'm doing is beauty pins and just putting them just right where the lace meets the sewn in wefts okay said I will link Ellis Atlantis's video down below has they're the ones that taught me how to do this method. I like to work from the middle down to the ear, just because it's easier, I'm not going all the way around. I'M gon na take a section of hair at the top here and just make the parting with my finger just a little more jaggedy. So it's not too precise and then I'm gon na pull the piece of hair. Quite tight move my finger down a few times just so a lot of the hairs. Fibers sort of just come out grab about six of them and just talk like this, and I do this about six times on each section: it's at five or six okay, I don't know if I wasn't counting, then once you've done, that just home a piece of Hair and move it to the back and just keep on going with that six times on each section until you reach the end okay, so this side I've just gone round once - and this is how much hair I've ended up plucking. What I'm going to do is go one more time and six tugs on each section, 2 suits thinned out a little bit more just because that hair, even though that looks up a lot of hair that I've plucked out, it doesn't really show because the wig has Such like a high density I'll be back in one second, because you know already how I'm gon na do it it's a little less of a like a blunt straight line like there is on this side, as opposed to this, it's just a little more softer. This is how much hair came out of one half of the hairline, so now what I'm gon na do is the other side. I now plug the head on. So, as you can see, the hairline is quite a lot softer than it was before. It still got that sort of shape, but it's not as sort of severe once you plucked. You will also notice that when you've been like sort of tugging the hairs out of the lace, it's kind of some of them have like stretched and recoil back to make them a bit frizzy. That'S why the steamer comes in and just taking my brush or just steaming the roots, just so it's nice and smooth all over again, I'm also going down the ends of the hair to serve now that we've sort of softened this hairline we're gon na do now Is I'm going to show you how to like sensibly, take out some tracks to sort of give it a bit less thickness? What I like to do is section it from the sort of where the ears would be, and just section it round in between the wefts. Just to keep it neat and that's out the way, and what we have is just this bottom portion here, so I'm going to take about three weft out of this section. You'Ll, take your scissors and get the very very end of that left like a few strands and just cut right in to where the sewing is like, so so literally you're just losing like that much hair, sorry, bye and then just lightly tug and pick the thread With you t pin there you go. Obviously there are a few gaps, but as it's a long way and I went down, this is pretty much what the situation is. This is the bottom section, and I've just actually only taken two out of here and all in all we're gon na take about six out of the whole thing and everybody stick to like four up and three up: seven, six up or whatever I just kind of Go randomly and what I like to do is save these, because sometimes I like to sew them back into other wigs. There are different colors so that I can add colors, because it's like near to impossible dying like successfully dyeing synthetic wigs, so keep all of them. So it's already thinned out quite a lot. It still isn't very sort of natural. As you can see, the bottom of the hair is still extremely thick during this whole process. You have to keep on top of the brushing keeping your knot now, because it's such a long, wig and, as I said, the for synthetic wigs tangle way more easier than human hair. Wigs and what we're going to do is take this whole bottom section harv it some. What I do is literally diagonally go about quarter of the way down the hair and down and just turn down to three hairdressers are probably watching this going. What the hell are? You thinking I'm also gon na. Do it never half to three? It'S gon na brush all the hair brush down starting from the bottom and work my way up and it's all just fall out onto the brush and at first I was like. Oh my god. This is horrifying. What am i doing? Oh I've worked out that it actually saves these wigs and makes them look natural trust me. So that's the bottom section done it's looking quite a bit more natural at the ends and less sort of bulky and thick, because her naturally goes thinner towards the ends such fun and we just work up a wig. So now, as this is a wider section, I'm going to divide it into three and the top last section. Yes, so good, because they're thinning scissors, you know I should be doing that much damage as much as it looks like I am well. I got so defensive then, as if people like you're cuttin hair, that's talking to you Alex probably will in the comments cuz they're, always fun. You know again get it into a little parting. This isn't necessarily just so that you can have it in the middle parting. But you'll see what I mean no now I'm gon na take probably from about here up. What'S what I want to do is just put a bit of layering in the front. Take my actual scissors, this time going, diagonally and I'm just gon na go jaggedly down about there, so just keep cutting in to it and working your way down compared to the other side. It'S actually not that drastic and I'm going to go on the other side. There you go it's a little bit more looking a little more natural second-to-last things that we gon na do is get the steamer out again get my steamer. It'S all steamed it steamed. It'S done steaming! It makes the hair so much like softer. Now. This is the pretty much the last step of customizing, your wig, that is cutting the lace, different preferences on how they like to cut their lace. I personally like to leave about a centimeter and a half of lace in the front one for longevity of the wig and to mature clean. So I kind of realized that I'm not actually fooling anyone into thinking that I'm a woman because I'm not that's not. My aim, so that's why I like to leave a bit of lace, so I'm just cutting along the hairline and now finally only show you what she looks like on I'm in a full outfit you I think I am look, I'm even wearing a shoe but hey. If you want to just put the wig straight out the bag and onto your head and live your best life, please go forth and do that. I just thought I would show you my way of making super long, wigs, just a little bit more manageable. You haven't already and you're watching a video you may as well just subscribe, so you can watch a few more. You know. Oh look, follow me on instagram. If you really feel like you want to don't worry, if not my everyday instagram is at alex Pinder. 180 XP ind r100 and my dragons to Graham is atlona Bundy. Oh you, an APU and ey. Alright! Well I'll see you in the next one. There will be a next one. Soon. A few people have asked me for a Q & A because, for some reason you want to know me a bit better. That would be cool. I put up a Q & A thing on my Instagram, and I've got quite a few questions, so in the next video that I'm gon na do, I will answer some of those questions so stay tuned for that that will probably be in the next week. Also see you later,

Rossinoo: an icon who is SO underratedddd

Ricardo Spriggs: Yes Pinder! When I can be arsed I’m totally going to do this to my super long wigs! Love the result! P.s love your cutting techniques

Hannah Ponting: As always a fantastic video, I’m going to use some of these tips on my actual hair as My hairdressers is booked up as they have about 3 people a day :p

Joseph Huynh-Janicek: You are beautiful before and after. Love it

Arron Ewer: Webster Wigs really need to do a collab collection with you, that is phenomenal transformation

Maya Sondhi: this was so satisfying to watch

Mark Rjay Sales: Wow, i'm so amaze of doing your make-up, i like it❤️

Watan.: Ur art ur accent ur voice ur face all makes me feel good ♥️

uptowncymru: thank you for telling us where you bought her she's available in this pretty shade still and a highlighted brunette i think i want both

Adriannd: Mother is back with more knowledge! also, peep that blair reference lol

Vlad Dubovan: Hello Alex . I started to watch ur clips and I came across with this video that interests me the most . It’s this technique applicable for toppers for gents too ? I’m a hairdresser and I have clients asking me if I costumise toppers ... haha not something I’m familiar with tbh :))) Love, Vlad ✌

Arman Youssef: You are STUNNING!

Eduardo Dadourian: amazing!!!!

Carlo Miclat: Yah your back HAHAH ❤️ create more videos❤️ always support you❤️

Kylie ABG: Omg I love youuuuu you go from the hottest guy to the prettiest girl. like what the fuck

Kylie ABG: Omg I love youuuuu you go from the hottest guy to the prettiest girl. like what the fuck

Richard McWolff: I love your every so often Thhhpt's ... reminds me of Bloom County! I think Opus the penguin does that allot! LOL

shenizzybeya: when you rip out the hairs like that, do they fully come out of the lace or does the root stay in


Jericko Escleto: WE MISSED YOU FOR REAL!!! <33

Nuaman kabir: You are so stunning

omer biller: Lots of love from Israel ! ❤️

Ryan Engstrom: You are serving 1970s gay boy cruising down Castro in bell bottoms on his way to a Milk rally. And SHE is stunning too

Medomsley: Moustache looks great Alex. Had hoped you would keep it-think the moustache with make up is a great look, so hope you will grow it again-good style.

Jericho Sarte: I really love youuu hope to see you HELLO from Philippines

Franz Lawrence Balgoma: Love you!!!

Winicius Ramos: you are awesome. in Brazil we love Pabllo Vittar

August BarbieDoll: Whoa a full mustache omg you look so different.... when you said "I'm a hoarder" I died

Duncan Leighton: Your glue on moustache is life

Javeonn Jamir: where did you get this wig ?

Perry Broaden: Idk how I missed this video ‍♂️

Adrian's Artistry: I missed you

Malik Arshad joiya 786: Nice

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