How To Style A Wig Into A Big Updo!

Today's video is a wig styling tutorial taking a single synthetic lace front and putting it into an updo! There are lots of ways to make an updo using your own hair, using ponytails, etc. but I thought I'd show you how I do it :)

For more info about curling and teasing, check out some of my other wig tutorials:

Wig is from Powderroomd! Code "onlinekyne" saves 10% off on your purchase of any wig:

Music cred:


Email: [email protected]




Hi everyone - this is kind, welcome back to my channel. This is the second time I'm recording this in show by the way, the first time I did it, it was like nods downloading onto my computer, so I'm like kind of pressed right now that I have to do this again, pray to God that this works. If you're watching this, that means it did because if I have to do this for a third time, I ain't doing it anyway, you probably don't care one bit. This is gon na, be a wig tutorial on the style that I'm wearing on my head right now. You know that girl from Charlie two Chocolate Factory, who like turns into a blueberry, I feel like I look like her. She had like dyed and crystallized, so I'm gon na show you guys how I styled this wig into an updo. I had got to look some requests to do like a beehive style wig, which is sort of what I was going for, but you'll see. This is a little bit more messy. I guess, but you could easily just swip this back and make it look really clean and neat if you wanted to have like a cleaner, smaller, like simpler up to you, can start off with just a shorter wig, something around shoulder length and then you'd have less Hair to put out - but I kind of wanted to I don't know, challenge myself and for some reason I just like to look like a cartoon character. This is what it looks like from this side and from the back as you can see, it is like quite big. I don't really wear updos that often personally, but when I do this is the method that I use to scale them. So if you want to see how then just keep watching okay, so I have our wig here on the stand. If I have to take a wild guess, I guess it's probably about 20 inches long, something around that. The reason I bring up length is because obviously an updo on, like a lace front, wig is gon na be easier when the hair is shorter, like almost shoulder length hair when the hair is longer, it's just adds more weight. It is harder to sort of defy gravity, but I wanted to show you how to do this technique on any length of hair as long as it's not like a pixie cut. Obviously so the first thing I've done with a wig is just pin it up here. Along the hairline, which you see me doing all of my wig tutorials another place, you're gon na want to pin it, which might not be immediately obvious, is gon na, be the back and in the back. I want you guys to stretch this back part down as far as you can. The reason. Why is because, if you go ahead and style, your wig and you find that it's comes up too short, you can't really stretch it out once the style has already been done once all the bobby pins have been in and once the hair has been nicely quaffed. So you don't want to have your boy hair showing the back, so you have to stretch it out in the beginning so that it covers up your huge man head. Let me just put this up in a little ponytail, so you can see. So if you see the back there's this little part here that goes at the nape of your neck and I'm gon na pin it down, and I prefer to use the longer pearl head pins for this. So I stretch it down and I pin it. I use about four of them I'll use two on each side, just like that, so I'm gon na go ahead and curl the wig. I know this wig already has some curls built into it, because it is straight out of the bag, but I want a tighter curl. I want our op2 to kind of have this like messy, like wavy vibe sort of like how Ursula's hair is like. I don't want it to be like super straight and perfect, so I'm gon na use these orange wire mesh rollers they're 7/8 of an inch in diameter and you've seen me curl my wig so many times. I don't want to have to explain it again. So I'm gon na leave some of my previous weight tutorials in the description, so you can see more in detail how to curl your hair and also how to tease your hair, because I'm also gon na be teasing. The wig and I'll do all of that in time-lapse, because I really want us to focus most of the detail on this tutorial on the part where I'm actually doing the updo. So I'm gon na go ahead and start doing this little grunt work. Okay! So now that I have curled this wig, we are gon na move on to the teasing and sculpting part of its tutorial. Now the key to an updo, or at least how I do it - is not necessarily about making all of the hair just stand up with a bunch of hairspray and making it defy gravity. The way I do it, I will actually take like the back forty to fifty percent of the hair here and then just fold it down. So it's just out of the way and then the hair up front. That'S the one that I'm really teasing and sculpting and using tons of hairspray to really like just be out of the face, but without being said, I'm still going to tease the entire head of hair, because even the back, even though I'm folding it down. I want to tease it a so that it still has a little bit of volume back there and be because the teasing is very important in making sure that the hair has some resistance to it, so that when we put the bobby pins in it's not so Slippery - and they just slide right out so teasing, is a very important step. You know the way that I tease my wigs doesn't really differ that much based on the style like you can watch how I tease my wig in the video where I'm doing victory rolls or the video where I do the straight hair and it's all the same Sort of back combing technique: okay, I'm finally done teasing the whole wig, and this is what it looks like fabulous now, I'm gon na go ahead and start with the process of smoothing it all out with my brush, so that I can kind of get a feel Of what is even going on here, because I like I said I want to fold down that back part and I'm just lightly smoothing just the surface of the hair, the process kind of involves putting the head in like a headlock and then it's pretty awkward. But let me get out of the way all the hair that I want to keep up, which is maybe gon na, be this. So what we're gon na do to fold all of this down is after you've brushed it nice and smooth. Because look at this, we want it to look smooth, especially here on the sides. This needs to look pretty, because this is what people are gon na see so smooth it like this. Now I recommend doing these updos on a wig. That'S a little bit darker because it's gon na require lots of bobby pins and unless you can get like light-colored bobby pins or a bobby pin that matches your wig, which would be ideal. It'S best to do it on a color where the bobby pins aren't gon na be as obvious, so I'm gon na put a line of pins all the way down right here and by a line I don't just mean like bobby pins next to each other. I do it in this line of like X's, that I'm gon na show you and the X's just help to reinforce the pins and now you'll notice. If I let this go, it stays on its own. This is also a great technique for hair that you want to all part all to one side and not have it move is having this line of pins going down the middle. I was about to reach for this. This is furniture polish, that's not what you want to use. You want to use hairspray. The cans are both yellow right. So I'll just spray this with this back section once we folded it over and pinned it down the middle, we're gon na fold, it back one more time, but instead of just folding we're kind of gon na roll, so first brush this out again and then take It just with my fingers just like that and then I'll use a bunch more bobby pins, but this time you kind of have to make sure you're really doing a good job at hiding them, so I'll kind of place them within the roll. If you know what I mean like right here inside this fold, that way they're hidden once you think you have enough pins in there go ahead and add a couple more and then you'll be can walking in with hairspray. Even though we folded up about half the hair, this is still a lot of hair to tackle. So what I'm gon na do is again section it off, so I'm gon na deal with the front, like bang layer a little bit later right now, I'm gon na deal with a layer of hair. That'S right above that back folded down part. I believe it's called like a French twist. I just used my own language. Okay, what purpose does this hair here serve? Well, it's gon na be what's cushioning the entire updo it's gon na, be what's defining the height of the whole thing now right here is another edge that you want to brush really nicely because it's another edge that needs to be smooth, because it's what people can Look at now what I like with my wigs proportion-wise. I don't like my updos to really be wide over here. I want it to really be pulled back at the sides, and this is the side that needs to be pulled back right here. So I'm really gon na brush that down flush to the wig head. I can kind of see that there's that little wave pattern going on because of obviously how I curled it earlier um. I don't know if you can really see there. You can kind of see that little wave pattern. I think that's pretty so I'm gon na keep that and just kind of freeze it in place and put a bunch of pins in it. Do you see that remember how I said I like the sides here to be really flushed to the head and really flat? That'S where I require a lot of pins sort of right here, pulling it back. So that's where I'm putting these pins again, I'm putting them in that X formation now I'll. Take this little end here and I think I'll tuck it in a little bit. So you can't really see all you see. Is that really pretty wave, maybe I'll sort of fan this out a little bit? So it looks a little bit plumper! Isn'T that pretty ok? So now we fold it down one-third two-thirds of the hair. Now we just have this front third to deal with again. It'S up to your own discretion. How do you want it to look? Do you want it to be smooth? Do you want a piece to fall down, because you can also do that like? Maybe if I want this little piece to go over my ears, I think that's pretty I'll. Show you another up two, that I have that's just a hundred percent up here. It is and brown again we have that little roll in the back girl. You had rolls all over the place in the back. It was disgusting. This one is just very corporate fish, it's all pulled up and out of the face, I think for our purple wig. I want to do something a little more fun and maybe like asymmetrical, I'm taking this hair little by little by little. So I have this section this front section and I'm brushing it's smooth. I like to use a little bit of furniture polish when it's hard and it feels like the hair is just super dry frizzy. It really just helps the brush glide through it and then right now it looks straight, but if you let it fall a little bit. You'Ll see that pretty wave pattern come back to life, so there's that hair that we've just sort of laid down there and I'm gon na freeze it in place. Obviously I'll add some more Bob because later, but I'm just guys praying this because I like the way it looks then I'll do this side over here. This is the furniture polish that I'm just having to make it look nice and smooth, and then I'm gon na lay this down as well and again, freeze it in place with hairspray and then finally, the frontmost piece still keeping by the way this. It'S a very important that is teased right here at the base, because that's what's gon na help it stand up, but I really want to brush out from right about the middle all the way to the end. I want that really nice and smooth, then adding that furniture polish, which just really makes it look milky and soft and shiny as well and then finding a nice way to lay it down that I like once you can kind of get the hair to stand up. It'S still not gon na be strong enough. The idea of an updo is it kind of has to be this helmet of hair, so it needs to be really hard. We'Re just gon na involve lots of hairspray and lots of bobby pins, so you need more pins and later on, we'll focus more on the details of making these little top ends. Look nice and pretty and making them lay right. But first we have to secure the base of all of these strands of hair and make sure that they don't budge once you feel that these strands are securely in place, I'm gon na add a couple more pins because I'm kind of paranoid about that, then you Can sort of focus on how these ends look up here, so maybe they require a little bit more brushing. Maybe you can lay it. Maybe you want a wave to come up right by your ear. Maybe you want to add to this thing: that's going on back here. If you see any frizziness, you can brush that out. Now that I like how these waves up here are sitting, I think that looks really pretty. I'M gon na lock some of them in with some bobby pins, because really hairspray is not gon na be enough to really freeze it in place. You want the bobby pins to mechanically hold them down, so maybe you wanted to bulge out a little bit more here in the front. Maybe you want it a little wider. Maybe you want a little skinnier do what you need to do with the bobby pins and then once you're truly happy with how it looks you want to freeze it like it's going into the next ice age. My hairspray philosophy is that if I see a part, that's blowing with the blow-dryer, I add more hairspray. I really do want to create a helmet of hair. That'S really gon na last a long time. I get lots of questions about how to travel with your drag and pack it so that the wigs don't get ruined and that's a whole nother video, but a big aspect of it is really hair spraying it down. This is the finished wig. I think I've put enough hair spray in this, usually when I put it on I'll still I'd like a couple more coats of hair spike, because I'm crazy, but this is a finished wig. I I'm gon na go change into some drag and put on some makeup. So you can see what it looks like on. So this is the finished. Look, here's what it looks like from the side and then from the back. Oh my god. Let'S just take a moment of silence for this highlight by the way I use this product from Mac. I know some of you gon na ask it's there dazzle shadow liquid, which is kind of just like almost like lip gloss, but it's like so glittery. Can you see that I've been like resisting the temptation to just put it all over my body, and then I put some silver stars over top of it, so you could really see it from a distance and in the words of Ronald McDonald, I'm loving it. You know what else I just realized it looks so fierce is if we had like a stripe of glitter up in this wig sort of like the Bride of Frankenstein, but like glitter that'll have to be for another video anyway. I hope you guys like this video and learn something cool and maybe get the chance to try it out on your own. So many of you have been tagging me in your pictures using my last week tutorial when I say I got so mediums of you guys cooking your wigs and pots and pans. Oh my god. It was so funny I'll put in some pictures right here of you guys recreating that last video. Please continue to do that because I love seeing it and let me know what else you want to see from me on this channel and maybe I'll do it next, but until my next video, I hope you guys are all doing well and I'll see you guys. Next time, bye

Noah: Hey Kyne! Just a tip about roller setting an updo: you want to set the rollers towards the back of the neck rolled upwards (or whichever way the hair will be facing in the end), otherwise you'll be fighting the way the hair is set. I did this with an updo a few weeks ago and it made a world of difference.

Montana Banana: I'm a drag queen here in Cincinnati, and updos are my signature style. I styled hair for bridal parties for 4 years. I now style a new updo for every show almost. You did great but remember to comb out the little sections on the top and roll back, you want to see how the hair is moving naturally. Dont bunch a big section of curls together. Also just incase the ppl watching think they're supposed to prep tease the hair for every updo the way you demonstrated, I would let them know next time that every updo is different. You don't really want to tease the hair the same method. Also you use good quality wigs but maybe ppl watching use old wigs or thinner wigs so they have to stack 2 of the same so would it be cool if you did a double stack updo.

Faekemon: You should have a mini time lapse of straightening this wig back all that teasing is gonna be tedious to undo.. Loved this , very drag Caesar Flickerman from the hunger games

MrMikesok: Your skin is looking really good!! I love all your videos btw

O Z: This makeup on you is giving me LIIIIIFE And not even to speak of the wig, which is absolutely stunning

Chuck Phillips: Loving the tutorial an I don't honestly know how I lived before I saw the complete outfit and hair, I'm absolutely shook at how your slaying it!

Heather Day: Used this tutorial for my Queen of Hearts wig which was my first updo wig I’ve done! I’m still new to wig styling and this tutorial was perfect!! My wig stayed styled after a photoshoot that involved laying on the ground and moving to multiple locations.

ShanteYouStay: I love watching you do your wigs!!! You're super chill and enjoyable. The furniture polish tip is cool! Also, do the glitter like Bride of Frankenstein!!!

Christopher Michael: Girl! I can't stop watching! Thanks for the content! Please keep it coming!

c: Loved this tutorial- color , curls.. thank you Kyne

Xia V: This is perfect for the cosplay I’m doing, awesome tutorial thx!!!

BeeInks: Thank you for working so hard on getting this video made!

kit hand: This looks so gorgeous on you! Please Could you make an amy winehouse wig tutorial? ❤❤

7swordMary: *NOW I know how to do a French Twist!* With 3 kids my mom did this every morning! I was always so amazed.

Bubbli Chardonnay: Werkkk! Wig updos always seemed so hard. Can't wait to try this out!!

A: Hey could you maybe do a cheap wig transformation with non-lace front wigs like from Amazon?

Old User: It is pageant season in my area so this is going to help out so much ❤️❤️


Stephan Castro: I absolutely LOVE all of your wig tutorials!!! I can’t wait to start styling my own wigs soon! :)

Miss Giggles: Spraying updo's with furniture lacquer used to be a trick used by pageant queens years ago way before product lines like Got 2 B hit the shelves. It was, of course, utilized on only the most flawless styled pieces as there was no turning back once done.

Russell Lash: Thank you gorgeous. Yet another incredible tutorial that I really needed. (So sad though you didn't do all your halloween looks this year). Would it be ok to email you a specific wig styling question?

D.J. Tyree: Your skin looks really good

nice ralph: hair up or down: you always look lovely

Tina Peterson: i always love ur wigs, my roommate does drag and i design her hair

r perreira: ...”but I didn’t die... I crystallized”

E Allen: Loved this. You look gorgeous. Amazing skill! Much love from Houston! ❤

Mercedes Lamb: Fairy Godmother from Shrek realness. Love it.

Billyjack Seymore: Ok so I'm new to doing hair and have learned everything from this channel but what I'm curious about is why you don't use the steamer to retrain parts and curl so the back hair is trained to go up so it's easier to put up later... Would that work? Or am I just hoping to much

Seán Flynn: Love it x

Pambi Sugar: New subscriber. Thank you for the furniture polish tip. I wear wigs everyday. Is there anything to stop the bunching in the back? Will the polish work for that?

Eddy: Please do more updos❤️❤️❤️

Miguel Emmé: Do a tutorial with a cheaper cosplay wig with bangs next

Grū Josë: Girl you went MIA for so long I was contemplating on going 007 for you.

Joyful DIYS Joyful Day: Please do a pony tail for a really long wig I would love to see it I have a really long wig 56in and I don’t know how to use it

victorMtutorials: Love this kyne!!!

Iggy Von Moon: Sorry it didn’t upload. This is so worth the effort though!! Awesome job as always

Ashley: Omg -this queen has skills!!!!

Pedro Scholl: Please do some tutorial inspired by Farrah’s last episode in Drag Race with the pink hair

R R: Can you do a sewing/ wig styling essentials video?

Tate Parker: Can you do a tutorial of a cleaner, neater updo?

Will: give us a video on this outfit!!!

Luna Scarlett: Every time I open up your channel page, i just can't help thinking... What a Genius

Ew it’s Autumn: I didn’t think the furniture Polish was gonna have a use and I’m so glad it diiiid

reeooww: Hii Kyne can you do a video on how you take care of/store your wigs? Pls and ty

Ben phillips: To disguise pins a little bit more paint them with nail varnish the same colour as the hair!!

Danilo Neves: Give us another updo!!

periyana: You should dye your human hair wig! It would be such a interesting video. Try the water color method if you do it!

luis: Can you do a pageant style wig tutorial

Sassy Seminarian: Can always spray paint bobby pins to match the wig

Axell: best channel in the world! Send kisses to Brazil ❤

CharlieCab: Aye what a pleasant surprise! Missed you, Kyne!

7swordMary: A PERFECT Glam Disney Character!

Annabella-Bug: You are just gorgeous

eliseanne: I was watching this specifically to style my Ursula wig and the fact that you mentioned her scared the crap out of me

Shane Simpkin: How would you do a half big updo and half/some hair down?

Charlie Sparkle : I have started a wig after your tutorials. And boy i wished you where here. I have the feeling i am making just one big mess. And i havent finished teasing yet

MsKala: Everything about this wig got better on a humon head.

Phacesbydimples: "Once you think you have enough....add a couple more" lol xoxo

Oli M: Everytime i tease a wig it doesnt look like this haha im a failure

Ari Sixnine: Love u Bitch keeppppo up the good work

Kallisto Damore: What brand of furniture polish do u use?

Anthony Dunnaway: Love ur video

Precious Kandi: Now im just sitting here wondering why you have furniture polish on your work table?

Phacesbydimples: Yall do a video with a cheap wig let her use her nice soft looking hair or step up. I digress ENJOY YOUR VIDEOS

Ryan The Cyan: Giving me Marge Simpson vibes

Ryan The Cyan: Giving me Marge Simpson vibes

Ryan The Cyan: Giving me Marge Simpson vibes

Mauricio Trejo: Effie trinket style wig please

Ouch: I bought my first custom wig but I don’t know how to wear it so it doesn’t slide back or show my sideburns!

olivuh ♡: Mr Wonka, didn’t like the he had given me gum, and I blew up, but you know I didn’t die, I had crystallised and reborn into a glamazon bitch ready for the runway

Sam Rivera: Giving me fairy god mother from shrek vibes, cmon gen z queens

Precious Kandi: So that's what the polish is for

Anonymous P: We stan a shrek sister!

MommyOfZ&L: See what had happened was, after a long night of hooking, trade didn't like the session....probably cause I started turning into a giant blueberry when I started chewing this experimental meal replacement gum I stole from my last he had gutted me and set me on fire, but you know I didn't die, I had crystallized and now I'm a Glamazon Blueberry ready for the runway. - Jaidynn-Violet Diore Beauregarde-Fierce

luis: Girl you had rolls all over the back it was disgusting

Daniel Perez: After a long night of hooking...blueberry

1995 ASMR: It gives me Ursula from little mermaid


Victoria Nunez: WIG

Nolan Dempsey: Troll doll couture

MICHAEL TRUONG: Can you go back to vlogging

Billy Dalmer: Yes

Pastel-Paradox: First

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