10 Reasons To Shave Your Head (Plus The Cons)

10 REASONS TO SHAVE YOUR HEAD (plus the cons)


MY PRESETS: https://sellfy.com/sorelleamore

Hey my ladies!

Brace yourself for 10 REASONS TO SHAVE YOUR HEAD (Plus cons against it)!


I've had my head shaved for 2.5 weeks now and it's about time to let you in on my thoughts of a shaved head.

And weeeellll...I think I like pushing my own boundaries too much also, because maybe I did (or maybe I didn't), shave my head even more. Hahah

Because why not.

Go big or go home right ;)

Big shout out to all those girls and boys breaking gender barriers.

A big shout out to all those girls that have already shaved their heads and felt liberated.


• My Advanced Selfie University: http://advancedselfie.co/

• My Photography Presets: https://sellfy.com/sorelleamore

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What has haha nicely this frame, every mom hello? Some of you might have seen me from episode stitches. I shaved my head two and a half weeks ago with milena Sophie and today I'm going to be discussing the top ten reasons why you should shave your head and also some other cons of shaving your head. There are some interesting ones in there as well, but in 25 weeks my hair is grown so much and it doesn't really look like. I had a shaved head to be honest and I know that some of the comments are gon na say, but Cyrill never actually had a buzz cut like gone all the way. So you can't even talk you're totally right, you're, so beautiful, okay, top ten reasons why you should shave your heads and also some heads you have more than one top ten reasons to shave your head and also some comes to give you a balanced perspective. On this experience, one of my fingers videos talks about why I decided to shave it in the first place today. I wanted to shave it because I was always jealous of the girls. I went all the way I felt like I was cheating so see you later hair number. One reason why I think everyone should shake the hair if you're inside the saying this is what you want to do, and it's been on your mind for a long time. Most likely, the only thing stopping you from doing it is fear. Your judgments, fear of what you're going to look like fear, is a [ __ ], and it's going to stop you from doing some the best things in your life. So I say: if the urge is there you do it number two reason is empowerment. You know like I, have your hair hide behind, it's just you and the world it's saying to the world. I am confident, I'm not afraid to be different. So whether or not you actually have that inner confidence to be like I'm a book and rocks stop now you have no excuse and you'll have to grow that confidence. It'S a really cool way to gain your confidence and push it up a little, because you honestly stop giving a [, __, ] or people think because you've gone to the extent of shaving. All your hair off. There'S not that many girls that have a shaved head and if you are out there and you've, got a shaved head, shake head crew, but we're still a minority, because apparently hair is a big deal in the world. According to the number of these one of my videos got, you won't be able to tell me if you look better with that hair or with hair until you've done it. Society'S filter is like well old. Girls, look better with hair, that's [, __ ]. It brings out my features and people don't focus on my head and they focus on like my cheek breath and my eyes and my jawline and my smile, which is really small, ha ha ha. I can do it again. My features are so prominent and I feel so much [ __ ] more beautiful number. 4. I think if we got [ __ ] people in my life Anais and I have a small friendship group and they're really close and they're tight, and I [ __ ] love them and they love me for who I am. They don't give a [ __ ] about my hair, if you're in the dating scene or just like friends and family as well, if they judge you for it and if they're, oh you're, we a [, __ ], it's so cool! It'S like that see you later. You don't need them in your life because they were poison in the first place, and now you just have that guaranteed like hell, yeah the [ __ ], see you like also definitely reads out: [ __ ] partners, because if your partner's like this [ __ ] Ain'T for me, they never loved you in the first place they fell in love with your hair. It'S a refreshing feeling like showering, for example, is one of the greatest things you're gon na experience. Now, because it feels so good. It'S almost uncanny, like the shower drop, is running through your hair. I had a shower just a second ago with my brand new buzz cut, and you know what, when you get out, you don't even have to dry your hair that follows on to number six, which is time to get ready. You have way more time to sit in bed, do whatever you need to, because your hair always looks good. There are no orchid hair days where you just cannot manage it or it like flows in your face where you're walking down the street. It'S like frickin, no destruction. For me. It'S a big one, traveling light used to have to carry two hair brushes. Sometimes I hear dryer hair products like serums and hair sprays and all that kind of [, __ ], and because I travel so light. But the only thing that ever stopped me from traveling light was makeup and my hair products. That'S a huge, plus worries about your hair. As you saw on my mercy, my own hairstylist video. I had almost like panic and anxiety in myself when I had to deal with my hair. It felt dirty it felt gross, but having no hair means I can concentrate on my face and my other features, and that has no more weight. So I don't actually have to like cover it or hide it, or anything like that. I now get to play around with wigs and hats. The possibilities are endless to just play. This is like a blank canvas, so you can playing especially living in a cold country. It'S freaking cold, it's so cold, so I actually wear beanies pretty much all the time. But if you're living in a hot country, this [ __ ], don't matter you just gon na put a little sunscreen on the top of your hair. To make sure you don't get no sunburn, you save my hair products. I barely looked up to my hair and I barely did stuff to my hair, but, like I still had to spend money on serums and shampoos and conditioner and hair masks and hair dyeing and blah blah blah. I don't have that anymore ii spend more money on makeup and fun things like a week. A lot of people think that when you shave your hair, it's like this disaster thing that you were like. Oh i'm going through a tough time. I have to shave my head, it's more of an empowering thing and it also you just look like you're more together, i mean, if you're an expert in hair and your hair is always on point like we're on you. But if you don't know what the hell to do with your hair, you kind of look like a train wreck alone at the time. Well, I personally do it anyway, but now, when I have short hair, it just looks like I'm always like shigeko ready to go, and especially in a dress. I look classy as hell, because it's just sure and womanly I actually find it way more. Womanly than my longer hair, I feel like a woman, confident as [ __ ] and my features are standing out so much. I feel like I'm a gazillion bucks and I feel unique and, like I stand out because in the room generally, no one else has a shaved head snap, a few constituting your head once it's done. It'S done and if you don't like it and you want to grow it out, it's going to obviously take a long time. But if you like it, you find this new dimension of yourself that you never knew existed because you won't know what you look like with a shaved head until it happens and you might look better, but you will never know that until you do it. So it's a little bit of a risk. You got ta gamble. Number two con is that you don't really know what your head shape is like. It could be a disaster now. I'Ve also noticed that I've got really bad dandruff patches, which is good, though, because I get to put olive oil on it now and it'll just heal my skull, which is super cool, and to be completely honest with you, that's actually the only concert I can find Like I actually had to look them up on a different person's YouTube channel because I was like I don't know what the cons are on this: it's just such a cool experience. Man, just like Molina said, if you are uncomfortable about doing this, that's probably why you should do it and what I said at the beginning. Fear is probably the only thing stopping you from doing this. If you want to do, and if you watch this entire video, that means that you're interested in doing this and your gut is telling you yeah. This is gon na cool. You get to take it off your bucket list, as at least here are some tips, but when you actually do have a shaved head, confidence is key. You actually have no choice, but you're I'm going to become more confident. You don't get to hide when you have it shaved here, because people are still legitimately interested in when girls have shaved hips, because it's not unusual currents. So you will actually have to rise up to the challenge, because you can't hide for like six months until your hair grows out, so you appear more confident you exude more confidence. Your facial features stand out, even though you might think that you don't have facial features that they will actually be a lot more prominent to all the girls that I've messaged me about their bold hair and like how they're feeling a little bit self-conscious right now and To anyone, that's thinking about it, it's going to transition into this. I say own your boldness because I think that the word is were a section of you. So if you are actually hiding away and being shy about the whole situation, I'm like, oh no, I have shaved here. People are going to feel that energy and they're going to direct that straight back to you of the like. Oh, why don't you shave it here, but if you're like [, __ ], yes, Queen looks good, I'm rocking this [ __ ] people are gon na, be so attracted to that energy and they're gon na move. I highly recommend shaving your head. You don't have to go to this length. This is [ __, ] short, and I realize that now I like it, but I think I want to grow it out just a little bit, but at least I did it and tried it. I'M happy about that. It'S one of the funnest things I've ever done, and it's just given me this extra boost of confidence that I didn't even know existed. Good luck to you! Congratulations! If you're thinking about it! Congratulations! If you've done it! You rock, if you haven't, done it, it's not! For you, that's fine. Do whatever the hell you want to do until next time, a crazy little pumpkin, a good, still scrap the good melina just messaged me, and she just told me that she wants to shave her head. My hands grown a lot in the last two and a half weeks since I shaved my hair, so it doesn't really look like I even had my [ __ ] [ __ ], hate ha ha ha ha. I love it. Feeny, I'm so good. Having luscious long hair so good, having really sure wow, that's like nothing, crispy all right!

Emily: “Fear is the only thing stopping you” Well, yes. That and my parents.

Asher Grey-Phoenix: I’m gunna shave off my hair tonight!! Update: I did it!!

Rand: Her: you can’t hide for 6 months until your hair grows out Me: *laughs in quarantine

pancakewaitress: I once had a male co-worker tell me “a woman’s glory is her hair” poor guy.

Taylor Anderson: My dad says he won’t be seen in public with me if I shave my head and it kinda makes me want to do it more. I’m gonna do it tonight

Brittany Douglas: I’m going to get mine shaved tomorrow. I had asked my grandmother (adoptive mom) if i could. She told me no and literally sent me the message “LESBIAN!” when i sent her a couple pictures. little does she know tho...

I: wearing the hijab gave me this level of empowerment, especially living in a place that was very islamaphobic. Power to you, you look radiant!

Dina Teshome: I shaved my head yesterday and I’ve never felt more confident. My friends are in complete shock because I’ve always been the shy person in my group and stuff. The only downside is that my head gets really cold lol and I miss the colour of my hair, I’m a dark skinned girl and people from my country usually have dark brown or black hair but I had medium, chocolate brown hair. ‍♀️

Kreepier: I had told my boyfriend I was debating shaving my hair for solidarity and humility. he told me if I shaved my hair he'd break up with me. needless to say I was bald the next day and we broke up. even though i was insecure at first being the only bald girl in my entire school I've embraced the fuck out of it and I kind of love it. it makes me feel cool and punk as fuck and I recommend it to any woman. it's super empowering

hbelle asmr 🌙🤍: *finishes shaving her head* “you’re so beautiful” THE ONLY RESPONSE WE ACCEPT

Crystal Davis: I’m always tying my hair up, at work, home, going to bed. I almost never have my hair down, cuz I don’t like the feeling of it on my neck and i have a lot of hair. I finally got up the nerve to shave it and WOW! It feels SO light and fresh now


Wendee Olson: Sorelle, I first watched this video several years ago. I love your smile and energy. Well, now it is January 2020, and I am 52 years old and I finally shaved my head!!! Yay! I was laughing the whole time! Thank you for being my inspiration! You are amazing!

Chloe Neffers: Shaved my head a few years ago. Bonus was when I decided to wear a wig, if it started to rain I could just put my hair in my purse.

Vlogzzz Life: Fear’s not stopping me— My dad is Lol

ZuziTheSushi: I really want to shave my head but the only thing holding me back Is people judging me at school. :/

Angie Gomez: Shaving your head is such an empowering thing. I shaved my head and I began loving myself so much more. I often worried about what other people thought of me, but then I realized it doesn't matter as long as I'm happy Highly recommended shaving your head

Abigail Thompson: I’m 14 and I JUST told my mom that I wanted to shave my hair to help prevent and educate people about bird self-mutilation. Being a teen about to go into Highschool... she didn’t let me and basically said I’m going to get bullied. I’m starting to rethink this... :(

Elizabeth Giron: I told my boyfriend i wanted to shave my head and he said he would support me and shave his head himself. This video gives me even more confidence

Amanda Chaves: Her boyfriend is so cool. "U look beautiful"

sushmita giri: I shaved my head off around 7 months ago. And you are so on point. I feel so empowered and confident. I'm like.....well my hairs!!! My rules!!!! And one more pros...you can try sooooo many hairy styles!!!

BESERIL HELEYNA MARIE: I've been trying to find a good motivation on why I should shave my head for a year, because I'm afraid that I'll look ugly or I might regret it and this video... I think this is a sign!! Omg thank you very much for this video and since it's quarantine I guess this is the best time.

RaluKid: Shaved my head 3 weeks ago. And I shaved it again yesterday. You are so right, I feel more beautiful than before and my confidence level is high up there. I love it and I am so glad I did it. You look AMAZING AND GORGEOUS by the way. All love <3

Crabbeet: My boyfriend is going to shave his head with me because I’m scared. He’s even gonna shave his beard he’s grown for so long! I can’t wait!! I’m so excited

kzirkharry_: Watching this video made me gain A lot more confident about shaving my hair ty! I’m young I am only 10 and I’ve always wanted to do it and I was worried about what people think but after watching this made me a lot more confident and now I wanna do it and who ever doesn’t like it I can F off :) hair doesn’t have a gender and I’m hear for it ! Ty so much for giving me more confidence:>


Jesus Christ: “You can’t hide” me and my entire family social distancing for the next few weeks

Marija Burceva: Thank you so so much for the inspiration! I was smiling throughout the whole video and now finally feeling brave enough to do it! Lots of love to you and your family <3

Hope Romine: I shaved my head a few months ago and I absolutely love it!! I had so many family members bashing me for doing it, but I agree that it definitely shows off everyone’s individual features. I’ll never have long hair again.

m a d e l i n e: i shaved my head today and wow... i’ve never felt so happy and confident. my hair was honestly weighing me down and made me look worse but a shaved head brings out my feminine features even more and people can see my skin my inspo was mai pang i never plan to grow my hair out again and i can’t wait to try out new makeup and wigs ☺️☺️

antonia holderbaum: I was never really satisfied with my hair. I thought about shaving my hair for the longest time, but I was always nervous about looking ridiculous and that the styles wouldn’t go with me. After watching this video and listen to her talk about fear I just went for it and just shaved my head needed a little inspiration

jaijam wannapat: I’m seeing this right now and it gives me so much more than courage! I have this thought about shaving my head for more than 3 years now and never reach it til now maybe I’m too afraid of what will follow. Thank you so much! You’re inspired and it is just the right timing! Chan from Thailand

Katie LaGreca: Best decision I've made! I feel more myself than ever before, I feel much more seen by myself, let alone anyone else! And my husband loves it!!

Sanne Van tunen: I wanted to do it ever since I saw your video, and it took me a long time to actually dare to do it, but I wanted to do it this Saturday and I did! And I am soooo happy with it I feel so good and everybody around me was so positive and sweet about it! Your video really helped me think about the pros, so thank you so much!❤️

Sarah: I just shaved my head...it was to my waist, I’ve been wanting to for so long...when my sister started chemotherapy, I said it’s time, it’s the best things I’ve ever done!

Butt Maggot: her smile is so big and beautiful. she looks like she should be in a marvel movie

Billie Tcherné: I really wanted to thank you for this video! It gave me the courage to cut my hair yesterday and shave it! Donated 40 cm of hair and so happy with the result. Showering is indeed a tiny orgasm and it’s so empowering! Thanks so much!

explodingdog: I DID IT. A few days ago. I'm so excited to see all these girls on youtube doing the same thing for the same reasons more or less. Starting to feel more like 'me' now... Yay for Shaved Head CREW :D

oliviA perkinS: 3:30 there’s this girl in my pe class, and I was explaining to my group of friends how I was gonna cut my hair, and I was asking how short I should go. I was saying “I’m gonna do it a little under my shoulders :o” and all them were like, “yea girl u’d look beautiful :)))” and I was so happy and smiling and then the one girl said something I forgot what it was but it lead to me saying, “maybe I should just shave it all off lol :-O” and then she said “nah nah don’t do that *then she backed away a lil then said:* I wouldn’t be ur friend lmao skksks ur funny haha :PPppP” and I looked at my other friend and she gave me the most disgusted look, and I looked back at her and mouthed “tf??” And this is the story of how I accidentally lossed a friend oops where’d she go Sorry for the novel didn’t know I wrote this much

Megan England: I have just discovered you, and I'm so happy I have! This video has just solidified that I will definitely be shaving my hair on Jan 1st to start 2019 off. Thank you so much! x

fishy fingers: I'm scared of my head shape if I ever do shave it

Trying With Clare: Watching this genuinely helped inspire me to shave my head, so thanks for making this !!!! I was inspired by you and documented my experience shaving my head bald too! :)

Isa: I just shaved it (I shaved today btw), after wanting to do it for two years I finally was able to do it, I convinced my parents (my das only acctually, bc my mom didnt agree with it haha), and I loved it! Best decision I’ve ever made, its totally worth it, I look so cute haha.

Kata Tolnai: Sorelle, your energy is so contagious! I can't help but smile when watching you! Also, everyone tells me how beautiful my hair looks and that it makes me Me and I shouldn't shave it and somehow them saying that just makes me want to do it more? me feeling beautiful is so heavily dependant on having good hair and I'm starting to think that's not the best, either. the only thing I'm concerned about is my double chin, all the women I've seen praising shaved heads have beautiful sharp jawlines and I really don't. but at the same time I don't wanna chicken out of it and then, say, 30 years down the line see a bald woman and curse myself for not having the balls to try it in my twenties. anyone in a similar situation?

Rowena Bisschoff: Shaved my head a few weeks ago. I love it. Thanks for your energy and positivity. You rock!

Kellie Darling: I have already made an appointment to get my head shaved (bc I can’t do it myself) and I was still a little skeptical but reason 1 was all I needed. Thank you so much for the encouragement! You’re so gorgeous and you’re smile is so bright. Thank you!!

Mary in Training: Found this video yesterday because I was thinking about shaving my head and immediately after shaved it all off! 21 inch gone. Thank you. I love it

emipexu: mark my words...one day, ima shave off every last lock of my hair

A B: So true! I shaved my head a few years ago and confidence just peaked!! I then grew out my hair and honestly my confidence fell. Just shaved it (to like 1/3 inch) and feeling better than ever!!

Tilly Eq: My school has a rule saying that we cannot be bald. I currently have no plans to shave my head, but I feel that being bald should be allowed, how does it prevent learning?

Madelyn Robinson: Society: "All girls look better with long hair on their head" Also Society: "All girls must shave everything in order to look feminine"

Lumi: I want to shave my head so badly and this just makes me feel like doing it 100x more

ֆʏ: Shaving my head was one of the best experiences of my whole life. Im still wondering if I'll ever do that again someday, but for now, Im trying to grow my hair as long as I can get it before it starts bothering me. xD <3 I also highly recommend doing this at least once in your life, it will set you free in so many ways! even if you dont think its for you, at least you went and did it!

Samantha Mock: this made me cry and encouraged me to shave my head myself. just did it about 20 minutes ago and it's the best feeling in the world. thank you so much <3

king_spoon_toons: Today I shaved my head, after buying clippers with my own money I saved up, and struggling through the initial judgement of my family, I finally did it. And I wanted to thank you for helping me with my decision. During this quarantine and for a while now I've been wanting to completely shave my head. It's been short for a while now but never to that certain point. You were the first video of a woman to pop up on my feed speaking positively about this experience, which lead me down a long road of success and happy stories. I know it may be hair to you, but growing up the way I have, being 16, coming out as gay to my family 3-4 years ago, and finally being able to express myself correctly whenever I want to has been extraordinary. My sister helped with the cut because it was uneven- and she's very against short hair and such, and we don't get along very often, but she took the time to help me and make it look good. My mom saw me and she called me cool, even if she always told me to never shave my entire head. My girlfriend found me gorgeous, praising me, and my best friend of seven years told me I had the biggest balls he's ever seen for doing what I did. Even my niece, my four year old niece, told me I looked pretty over and over, and she wants her hair like me one day. To top it all off, I feel absolutely empowered and unafraid of the challenges ahead of me. And it all stemmed from the courage you had given me to do this. My hair is a big part of what makes me, well, me. Thank you. Thanks for reading through this long novel if you did, have a wonderful day!

GARCIA ESPEJO MARIAN: I shaved my head two weeks ago and was the best decision ever!! Also I relate to every plus and cons haha

Muskan Soni: You're so confident and positive. I needed some inspiration before finally doing it. Thankkkk youuuu❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Wayne B: I shaved my head because I was losing my hair. It was a really difficult thing to do, and if I weren't going bald, I never would have done it. It blows my mind that people with a full head of hair actually opt for the bald look.

shahd wael: I showed mom this video and i was like isnt she beautiful and she said she didnt like it and that just made me wanna shave my head even more because i think mom's judgmental af.

Jasmine: GIRL! I've been thinking about shaving my head for a few weeks now, and I love how you shared your thoughts on the topic. ALSO, YOU ARE SO LOVELY, and I like your energy. So thank you! :)

malia m: Shaved my head a month ago , growing back amazingly. When I first shaved it my parents judged me and brothers laughed but at the end of the day I LOVE IT that’s all that matters period. No matter what why your shaving your head only u should care what u think because it’s ur hair not anyone else’s. !!

Jamelis Mateo: Thanks to your kind and encouraging words I finally shaved my head last night ♥️ I love it so much

Moto Moto: "You can't hide for like six months until your hair grows back" Me, thinking about shaving my head during quarantine: u sure about that?

Kate Brant: I love her, her smile, teeth , head, eyes, eyebrows, clothes, head shape. But most of all her personality and confidence

Anna: I just shaved my head to this length. Best decision of my life ... even if it took me 8 years to be brave enough to do it. It's the first thing I do truly for myself.

Miss Bojangelz: Hahaha its crispy! I love you girl, you're beautiful inside and out! I just shaved my head like a week ago because I felt like my hair was holding onto a lot of emotional baggage and I wanted to practice detachment. Id love to follow your other social medias, my instagram is @miss.bojangelz

Cinnamon: Haha, god. I shaved my head a few days back and it was so much fun cause I did it with a friend. We can talk about how weird it is and support each other and so far everyone in my life has been so accepting. It's very scary tho, brings a lot of attention to yourself and sometimes has given me a bit of anxiety but I wanna be able to take this to work on my confidence

Kelsey Swan: I’ve wanted to shave my head for over a year now. I’m doing it today. Btw I adore your personality. ❤️

phill brooks: I'll shave my head if i get that jacket

Alex: I shaved my head yesterday and I feel much more beautiful. Sometimes I do miss the feeling of running my hands through my hair. My dad is kind of disappointed but I kind of stopped caring about his opinion a while ago.

Alexis Collins: I shaved my head to a 1.5 guard (3/6th of an inch or 4.8 mm) and I love it. It’s so adorable and easy to deal with. Honestly I might keep it shaved forever because it’s just so easy to deal with I went down to a 1 guard (1/8 inch or 3 mm) now but I don’t see much of a difference but it didn’t cut as short as I wanted so I was a little disappointed

Alex B: I’ve never shaved it all the way, I’ve gone down to a #3, since then it’s grown out a bit, as soon as it got 2-3” I started to feel that panic you were talking about! So I shaved it again. I don’t think I’ll ever grow it out. I LOVE it shaved!! I feel like it brought out my personality, my confidence. I always felt like my hair was hiding me. Now I can be even more unapologetically me!

Emma Möller: I shaved my hair 2014 and I was super hot! I was shaved a couple of years, but now I'm growing it out again because it was too connected with my cancer (that I survived). It's strange how much memories and feelings that actually is in your hair! Thanks for doing good videos!

Corydalus_Cornutus: I’ve wanted to shave my head for years, now you just gave me the confidence to do so. Thanks!

Grace Penton: I'm gonna do this during this time of isolation cause no one except my family will see me for like 2 months :-)

Paulus Rex: You are 100% right my friend, I did it and I love it. I was recently in the hospital for a little less than a month due to a very large hernia, for which I needed three surgeries. Well, in that time my hair grew, I got dandruff, it was smelly and embarrassing. The when I got better that I arrived home I decided to shave my head and ever since then it has been a blessing. My head feels more refreshed than ever before and the dandruff problem is gone so I decided to keep it that way it looks better and I have less to worry about. So is good advise for everyone, And washing my hair it's easier than ever I just use a towel and shampoo and water, and that's it. Sometimes it even takes less than 5 minutes.

Kayla Marriott-Cooper: I shaved my head today. Thank you. You really have me that extra push to finally get the clippers.

KawellKasell: I SHAVED MY HEAD BECAUSE OF YOU AND I FEEL AMAZING!!!! (thank you for being such an inspiration! :))

Jayne Carrie: I’m going to do it tomorrow as my hair is falling out no reason, it’s getting tangled Did it 3 years ago, loved it

piou77piou: A friend shaved her long hair because she read long pure natural hair were a must have for people who want a wig after cancer. She sent the hair to a foundation and received a thanks letter and a photo from a happy breast cancer survivor holding the hair just before they turned into a wig.

Yasmine Dey: I shaved my head and kept it shaved for some months in my 20s, starting of1988 (before Sinéad O'Conner) and I loved it, as my backhead is the sexiest part of my body. My daughter did the same (without knowing I did it too) in 2003 and I used to shave motives into her growing hair, which really looked cool. A shaved head is for men or woman just a coice of hairstyle.

María Eugenia Caminos: Thanks for your video. I saw it after shaving my hair and hear some negative comments on it, but now I'm more confident than before! So thank you!

Maddy Church: I shaved my head because of this video, thanks for the courage!! I’ve never felt happier xxx

Matt Straub: I recently cut my hair short and I love it! I also have been seeing videos about people shaving their heads and I have really been thinking about it, and this video gave me a extra push but im still unsure haha.

Natalie van Harte: i love you sister girl, i shaved my hair 3 times before, and this time i love it, people are not use to it, they miss my stunning blond curls, its just hair it grows back healthier

Hannah Moore: I wasn't even thinking about shaving my head, but I watched this anyway - now I'm thinking about it and from this one video I already love you! I had short hair in my teens, at one point it was pretty much shaved and then I decided to grow it out and since then I've thought I look so much better with longer hair. But my face has probably changed a lot since then, it's definitely less chubby, and what you said about it bringing out your features has got me thinking XD

Safiyah Okilo: I love this video sooooo much! Especially the extra love at the end ❤️ I have a buzzcut and adore it! Thank you for making such a positive and high end video. New subscriber

Queen Nové: Lmao I love her big smile

Shade: Can I just say: I ADORE your smile and expressive face. It’s so animated. You have a comic book Harley Quinn face. so freakin cute and you’re just fun to watch!! You have such a great outlook on this and radiate positivity and self love

Thekla Mueken: You spread such a positive energy - I just love it I have a shaved head for 3 years now and I love it

Bria Mac: I started shaving my head in parts and my girlfriend isn't very supportive but I'm very confident in myself now and this video helped me a lot thank you! I'm finishing the final step next Saturday and im excited

Aditi Karande: I just shaved my head. Feels incredible!

Tawnya Foster: just shaved my head yesterday... it is amazing! I love it

Emily: My friend says I would look good with a shaved head. My hair is healthy, but also dead at the ends from dying it. I think I have a weird head shape, but I want to do it

dennistmennace: Thank you for this. This video inspired me to "just do it" Nike style last weekend. I hated it at first cause my head is a lot fatter than I thought it was. Lol. But it's really growing on me (:

Allana Heath: I've been debating shaving my head for a couple years and this video has pushed me over the edge, I'm shaving my head on monday!

Estelle Guerrier: I'm a french black girl and I just cut my hair very short a few hours ago because I got tired of hiding myself behind braids or hair extentions . No need to say that my parents are disagree with my decision but I'm 26, I"m a grown up and I just want to do what's better for me no matter people say about it. I want to encourage girls who wants to shave their hair off to do it. You'll feel so free, empowered and beautiful ! A truly amazing experience !


milkersfan: I just shaved my head. I was on break from school, I’m a bit nervous. Worst part is my mom doesn’t know, that I’m doing this... *Probably nobody cares but....* Update: I did this a month ago. First days I had a lot of stares and people were whispering but I didn’t really care Some days later nobody really cared and that was old news My hair has grown a bit more and you can put your hand through it a bit.

Julia Dzwonkowska: You have convinced me and I'm so happy that I'm close to crying. Thank you so much I am forever great full. I'm doing it tomorrow!

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