The Replacemant | A.N.T. Farm | Full Episode | Disney

When Chyna forgets her homework, the history teacher has a breakdown. (TV-G)

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Hey students beautiful day, huh everybody's psyched, about the field trip next week, the Presidio interesting factoid, the Presidio was fortified in 1776 when the Spanish made of the military center of their expansion. Dude. Don'T try to make our field trip all educational. Now I'm going to collect your permission slips. I think I left my permissions have been home. I remember it was in my hand when I went to get some more shoes this morning. Well, at least I know it's in the fridge: hey it's mr. McMillan, no baby! Uh sorry, mr. McMillan, but I forgot my permission slip. You uh, you forgot it. You forgot important. Mr. McMillan. That'S me the kids always say well, guess what it is, your binky, actually it's bigger than a biggie except Jim gee. I can't bring it in tomorrow. Oh sure, tomorrow, that's what my girlfriend said to some clown just because he has a car, but what it's worth, I'm sure it's one of those tiny cars. Okay, why don't I go get my permission slip make you feel better, here's. What will make me feel better? Never seeing any of you irresponsible ungrateful little twerps ever again, oh, let's rose bushes outside a window, tore my pants everybody's 365 days. Exceptional! No, hey Dad! I have to write a thousand war paper about a neighborhood hero. Well, I am a highly decorated police officer. Of course, why didn't I think of that? Do you know how I can get in touch with Batman, because he is not responding to this Cameron. That'S ridiculous! Batman lives in Gotham City, not San Francisco. If you need a hero, what about me what's heroic about? You are you kidding me. What do you think I do all day yeah. Let us complain about how much stuff call us. Oh scratch, your self, hey, I'm out doing the streets fighting crime every day, come with me on a few ride-alongs you'll get your thousand words! Okay, but I'll probably need a permission slip from school. No problem, Justin we're gon na go, try it. You got rid of our coolest teacher. Look guys. All idea was forgetting my permission slip I mean no reasonable person. Would ever blame me for this China? This is all your fault. You have crushed the spirits of one of my teachers. That'S my job, don't know where I'm gon na find a substitute. Please don't get mr. Gregory, he dyes his nose hair to look younger. I would hire that loser, but it would be awkward given our romantic past. Look. It can't be that hard to find another teacher. I made olives eleven and she knows everything there is to know about history idea. Olive will be the new history teacher. A little Brainiac save me money. Yes, I can skip all those state mandated background checks. You haven't committed, any violent crimes have ya. I can't do this. I can't teach here. I don't even want to be a student here. You can, and you will don't worry, you'll have my full support and if you have any problems at all, just call my panic line. This is Harry Yuval Club Card you're. Only two steps away from a free back waxing. Give me that calm down all of your going to head really too late, Fletcher give me your shoe step to do a coma. I'M sure it's only for a few days, you always say history's find well, not Euclidean geometry, fine, but a close second, don't make it fine. I guess I could try that just don't ever make me smell, sweat your shoe again. My shoes don't smell that bad. Don'T worry how about it interesting that crow is never gon na be able to pick up that shoe. This is boring. We'Re staking out a bird killer. Police work is 99 % waiting, one percent pure adrenaline. It would have been so cool if something happened. Unit 51 respondent we're on our way a 1:39 whoo. What'S that breakin in Turin, shootout, better Pedro's having a special burritos for 1:39 buckle up what we trained for hello students. You are getting a new history teacher. I expect that you treat her with the same respect. You gave the last teacher they're, causing him to jump out the window and don't worry you're gon na love, our new teacher she's awesome. I said it was going to be olive dress me this new teacher, totally rules. Good luck! What are you doing? I'M doing to Toby making history fun sauce. Do You Know Who I am Wow? All of your outfits are usually out of date, but never this much. I am Queen Elizabeth, the first I ruled England from 1558 to 1603 good times. I know this may be fun for you, but for everyone else, yeah and not so much well, not yet we haven't gotten to the good part, will be reenacting the signing of the Treaty of Commerce. You me William cardboard, the first ambassador to the Ottoman Empire. I live, I'm not gon na wear this we'll just dip this on with a glue from gluco a space-age polymer, creating a permanent bond to any surface. You know, I really don't remember I'll get you for this. I don't know how yet, but I can twirl this while I think about it, trust me no bridges, Cuevas mobile, left or respective, and I you have reached principal skidmores panic line. We are currently closed to leave a message for one of our emergency responders press one. That mailbox is currently full good. Bye. Spitballs I mean che. Is that classics never go away? It'S old-school. China be fun. Okay, new plan danger. You need to take jobs, better command, respect. I get it so you're saying instead of dressing up as Elizabeth the first, I should dress up as Edward the second, the brutal and somewhat caddy 14th century monarch. No, I'm pretty much saying no costumes at all the things we women do to look good. Have you finished your paper yet finished it you're, giving me nothing. All I've done so far is watch. You eat the only arrests. I have a chance of seeing it's cardiac arrest, maybe not see that guy over there he's a suspicious character. I feel it in my gut what you feeling your gut. Is your knife burrito, I'm telling you. I don't trust that guy over there hanging out by the ice-cream parlor, don't touch my burrito, keep your mouth shut and put your hands behind you comb, but he's not a suspicious character, he's a delicious character. Yeah. I was gon na pass. Note coupons, what kind of coupons buy one get one free I'm gon na have to confiscate these coupons as evidence attention all units. I got a two-for-one, I repeat a two-for-one which, for you ignorant is, was a very slow March. You think this is funny. You know what funny starts with. I knew that one you just didn't give me time to answer. Sorry, I'm late. I was at this library that is unacceptable. You just earned yourself detention, but after school I have a hair appointment. Also at the library no talking wow you're, really taking the truth, good job, I said no talking I'll live. Nobody cares about what you were doing and my name is miss Doyle, young, lady, young, lady. I follows older than you a doesn't. You have detention too? No forget it, I don't even do anything wrong Parkes. You do not want to push me or what coming in, to discuss your daughter's behavioral issues, I'm ashamed of you, China, and pulling me away from work a two-for-one in progress. Four o'clock, I'm still stuck at school. I'Ve done it wrong man that girl is cruel, so I gave myself some dry erase tattoos cuz, I got don't mean it's bad to slow down detention. Blue we've been whole five minutes, I think, is a day if at night go on the afternoon. I just sang it in my song. I hear music, I said no deal house date, olive miss Doyle. Are you really gon na make a sit here all afternoon and do nothing course not you're gon na scrape the gum from under the desks? Oh, please, no sticks come on today. You know one of these has a tooth in it. Sia was it. If you guys are gon na act like wild animals, you're gon na be locked up in a cage like wild animals. If we're wild animals shouldn't, we be out in the wild, okay, you'll be locked up in a cage like zoo animals. Actually, both quarter zoos have abandoned cages in favor of open air habitat. Finally, locked up in a cage like animals in a really bad regional circuits, speaking of which I went the other night inin is a bad circus. I leave the dancing. Bear couldn't even do marabella's that hard. All you have to do is put your leg up like this. To get attention I'll live is completely out of control. I know right. She has to be stopped Wow for the first time ever you and I actually have something in common this day, just keeps getting worse. Look. We need to figure out a way to put an end to all this teaching career. I got it we'll replace her conditioner with an off-brand version. Her hair would be so flat and lifeless she'll never want to come to school again. Okay, let's uh. Let'S put that in our back pocket, I keep thanking you did. How do you call it Batman during the day? Oh, you got ice cream dirty in both. What about me, you saw the coupon is 201 buddy yeah, I'm doing my paper on mom. At least she feeds me I'm so so sorry. Here, sir, you dropped your bag of loose diamonds and watches enjoy your ski trip. Kameron this guy's, obviously a burglar ice cream cone. I knew this guy was up to no good dispatch. This is unit 51 Wow. My dad is a hero. This only six words. I need a thousand pictures worth a thousand words good idea, dad okay, say nothing without your lawyer, but don't go in there. A classroom is rigged to make sure olive will never want to be a teacher again. Olive said we were caged animals, so we're gon na turn her into a caged animal. I put blue in the lot, so she won't be able to get out. That'S not the prank. She said we were wild animals, so we're gon na show her what a real wild animal is like this soil is running late, so I'm filling in take your seats. Put your grumbling. We'Ve got work to do. I didn't do that trick in the circus. You put a bear in the classroom. You bent the low in the lock, you know, maybe in the future we should coordinate our price. I can't believe principal Skidmore followed to bear and walked away with only few scratches yep, but I hear that bear is gon na be a physical therapy for six months great. So now we're stuck with mr. Doyle necessarily. I think I have a new way to get rid of a miss Doyle. Tomorrow is our field trip, so I'm going to need all the outstanding permission slips miss Doyle. I forgot mine again, you forgot it. There'S no resources. Coffee in the teachers. Lounge is undrinkable not because it tastes bad, because my mommy won't, let me have any well, then why don't you just quit? I love my friend Olive back who's with me who wants all it back. Okay, let me rephrase who never wants to see miss Doyle. Ever again, I love you, love me, don't they so what is something after school today after school? Sorry, I have somewhere. I have to be another day stuck staring at the clock. I never should have put that glue in the lock the bear father principle and that bear did lose its load. Our detention, you you

your favorite monday: Who else hasn't watched this in like 5 years but was still able to sing along with the intro

Pokemon Doge: I never realized how the other students are clearly full grown adults

VirginiaHaugeVODS: Why can’t they have free seasons of Ant Farm full episodes like this one

dorothy: this wasn’t a bad show. it wasn’t incredible and it wasn’t bad, it was just there, and we all love it

naomi taya: Patiently waiting for Ant Farm to come on Disney+

The Blue Democrat!: Today's kids will never know how the good old days were

Johnny Rocketz: iNtReStInG fAcToId: the person who plays the principal on this show is a teacher on iCarly

Cor G: I just realized they have different clothes in every scene

Adenike Kuku: Why is no one talking about how well Chyna sang those blues?? And that was all live

Mason Mashiotta: Nobody: Absolutely no one: Me at 4am: Let’s relive part of my childhood

Cheebi Umi: 14:00 chyna showing she ain’t scared of no one not even a student teacher who is younger than her by four months

A J: 1:00 funniest quitting scene in a TV show! Seriously, the first two seasons are hilarious!!! It went all downhill in the third season but it's miles better than most of the current live action Disney shows.

Antwan Alex: This show is well beyond my time. I love the show!!!

Michael Rebhahn: When kids actually dressed like kids

carmine: Y’all remember the Halloween specials

fatimahh! ♡︎: Yay they have it on Disney + on!!! Time to binge watch:)

Rottweiler Entertainment: If Olive has a rock-solid memory, then why is she still a student? I mean she's, by definition, a child prodigy that graduates college at the exact moment she hits puberty

scpz ult: He said “Scratch your uh...self.” Me rewatching this after 7 years:

Alysa O’Steen: “The things we women do to look good” - from the words of china Anne McLain

Phillip Fritz: I miss hearing Olive stating interesting factoids...

Cadence Nalu: The fact that I actually started laughing at this says something

Softieeque: I love how right when the show starts something crazy starts

Kassie Rivera: This has been needed to been said: All the shows from back then where amazing! They were so interesting and funny and sometimes relatable. Shows today are incredibly boring! There is a Disney show about a girl and her car. Like are you serious

Kelis Hope: I really miss this show so much I wish they would make a spin-off.

Cheyenergy: This, shake it up, wizards of wavery place, and Good luck Charlie, Jessie were the shows I STAYED OBSESSED WITH. Let’s not forget Kc Undercover cause when Zendaya left Disney I stopped watching it. Edit: Austin & Ally and liv and Maddie too.

Iyaloo MWIIKINGHI: I love the part when China said I can bring it tomorrow .

Sophie Soares: The real question is, How was Olive allowed to quit, if she refused the job in the first place but was ignored?

Aya: 2020 and we still watching this ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Love Disney shows ❤️

Dovie Connor: Things I just realized They aren't as old as I thought They look different ages The pictures in the intro were photoshopped What ANT meant How funny Principal skidmore is Dang I miss this show and now I'm in my feels

carrie lewis: I don’t know why those upperclassmen surrounded her like they really were mad she made the teacher leave

Rhonda Knox: 11:06 The things we women do to look good

vasilev 6: Golden memories <3 From the time I adored Disney Channel and wanted to be an actor in Disney

esgay: when Disney Channel was actually good

mrsmxthxrs: i remember wanting to dress like them when i was a kid. they mismatched but made it work

JC Kenshi: Anyone else noticed the student behind Fletcher is like in her mid 30s

Pizzalover542 1: Knowing how this is high school, and Olive was really smart, why wasn’t she placed in AP classes instead lol.

Snoop Sity: Disney + gets created Ant Farm: Let me in!!! LEEETTT MEEE IIIINNN!

Megan Pearl: Its 2019 and I still want Lexis hair

Princess: 9:15 this makes me laugh every time.

Artistic Tutorials: Lets not ignore the fact that she actually mixed up orange juice and a permission slip.

Cotton Candy Bunny !!!!!!!!: I loved Ant Farm growing up! I watched it so much I could quote every word to every episode it’s a very. “Exceptional” show

Charlotte Decraene: Disney plus really needs to put this on it

Manveer Gill: This legit brought a tear in my eye. The good ol' days

Im shy: Watching this brings back so many memories

Lauren: why do i remember her being so much older? i was probably just young at the time

fawn the snail: This needs to be on Disney plus :)

Abriana Kiara Williams: I love when chyna is playing the harmonica and singing the school blues

Fathimath Umar: Its more than a biggie. It's a HUGIE. That'll never get old.

lia: Who else is sad that ant farm isn’t on Disney+

Maria K: That’s what my girlfriend said “I’ll be back tomorrow.. *TO PICK UP MY THINGS*

B Buster: So I never noticed the Whole Grown woman in the back of the classroom. Disney really Tried It when it came to Background actors.

Toby Faulkner: So happy that this show is finally on Disney +

pollen the potato: i laughed so hard when china said yOu wAnT sOmE jUiCe this show is so nostalgic i remember when i was a kid i loved this show i remember seeing this on tv in 2012 i watched it the day it primiered

Terry Whitney: Who else is watching this show for nostalgia?! ❤ #Disney2010s #Nostalgia

Taylor White: I love how all of the extras are like 25

EAT THIS!: Loved this show. The nostalgia geez...

Patrice Anderson: 13:44. China :"Young lady? I'm four months older than u" Me: Is this a meme yet? XD

Ala Ayesh: The fact that fletcher has vans

Venus: Chinas “ooh Oohs” are stuck in my head at eleven she had an angelic voice

froggo: Who really misses this show? This was my WHOLE childhood! ;(

Alicen Byrd: Please bring this back to Netflix I miss watching ant farm with my cousin

Daunie Kim: they grew up so much~<3 i hope to see them work together again

Ashley Efaw: Hey, Chyna's not a twerp, she's adorable.

Maxx H: No one: Olive: Interesting factoid…


Fruit Sandwich: I haven’t watched this show in five years... I loved this show

Da’Sickest: No one: History teacher jumps out window No one Rewatches child good Misses Ant Farm to death I am you are we are exceptional

Vincent Alvarado: Now that’s a Replacement Comedy

angely ramos: i’m still waiting for them to put this on disney plus

homie bob: ELEVEN???? OLIVES ELEVEN??? they always seemed so old to me but they’re so young omg

Kierra Monea: They need to put Ant Farm on Disney+

Bready to Die: why, of all the episodes, I remember this one the most

Rose Woof: Nobody: Absolutely nobody: China: “The things we women to you look good”

sr.: I miss the old Disney shows so much :((


sarah: we were truly blessed that we grew up with this and other classics

FishTheKid2k17: Rip Chynna❤️ you will be missed... I remember watching this growing up

m a r i s a: Just casually watching childhood shows while quarantined

Ireyswrld: The detention blues she’s so creative


Axeline Sparx: I loved it. Oohh, the memories! <3 lOvE iT

Khari Yeend: im miss this show soooooo much and you cant even watch it on netflix anymore or on disney+

ohnoitsjose: I need this show on disney+ already, i need new shoes to binge during quarantine

sily sister: Best show ever created and no one can change my mind.

Bri Burrouws: 2021 still love this show

Enjinks: This was such a good episode, I was only supposed to watch a few minutes but i couldn't stop xD

MitchellStudios: I used to watch a lot of Disney Channel sitcoms when I was younger.

Ienzio: It's been so long but I still vividly remember her singing in detention for some reason

Etta: No one: Chyna's dad: I am a highly decorated police officer

TheAmazingPotato: Does anyone remember when ant farm was on Netflix. I miss my childhood

Pineappleyummy 1234: I know I'm not the only one who loves watching this episode over and over again

Lindsay Rodriguez: China is my favorite character in ant farm she's just too funny and a beautiful singer!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Dorcas Shama: I watched this coz Uma from Descendants is here. Shes so realistic.

미아: just realizing that china’s outfits in this are soooo cute (edit: thanks for the likes, i mean it’s not that much i’ve gotten more but it’s still a lot)

Two-bit Zoro: I love this show so much❤️❤️❤️

blxiiz: Ahh memories I remember watching this when I was little

esgay: *THE MEMORIES!! *

Lisa Fresso: "He's not a suspicious character, he's a delicious character" - Cameron Parks

Ty'Leena Jefferson: I use to always sing the intro song ❤️

Nev: 2nd channel: This show is surreal nostalgia! I’m so sad that I doesn’t air anymore on Disney Channel

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