Watch Me Work | Closure Quickweave

Hey guys welcome back to my channel, I did a beauty supply store closure quick weave on my cousin so feel free to watch me during this process❤️Don’t forget to like comment & subscribe,let’s get me to 100 subs

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#closure #quickweave #laid #slay

Hey y'all recognize Nicole, okay, that girl and J, and I am back with another video. So today I'm going to be doing um. You just apply cook leave on my cousin, so I'm gon na start off by just sectioning off her hair. Can braid engage straight to the back? You all do not even mind I'll look in the video clothes on the road. You know think so. Don'T come for me. Don'T say nothing. Just you know, watch me work or whatever and yeah. That'S that all righty in these next clips here just gon na see putting caps on putting spritz on that cap and blow drying them in a like this really thick, like gooey consistency, stuff, I'm gon na put under here, and that is just will protect their own. It really stops it from like a goose dickens here here, whatever and make sure it just sticks to the cap, so I'm gon na be putting a lot of that on there and the washes right out with shampoo and conditioner. So it's not gon na damage. Your hair anything but is gon na protect, you know from the globe, so I'm actually gon na be doing um three caps and I'm gon na be doing and repeating each step with each cap to ensure that, like you know, her hair is protective. I know some people do the wrap strips or whatever, but this is just how I do mine, okay, all right so after I ended up doing three caps and repeating all of those steps, I'm just going to sew the perimeter. Um cuz. You know it's supposed to be a protective style. You don't want to glue the cap on or anything and then you know cause the hair to be pulled out when she's trying to take it out. So I just saw the perimeter of the caps and then after I do that, I'm going to cut the excess cap off and then I'm going to do the ball cap matter in the front. But that's a people jail and the guys two people spray. I'M pretty sure you guys have seen this on you too, a plenty of times, so I'm just going to do that and then I'm going to proceed to doing the closure. So, as you can see, I did the block at midday and I'm just a client make up for the caps, my trade skin tone and after that, I'm going to clean her forehead with. I think it's 70 % alcohol so that we can get ready to set up five layers of goo, and today in this video I will be using magic bond, it's about like ten dollars, the hair store and it works very good. It'S waterproof. I love that. So I really like it because you know it's affordable, like everybody, don't happen to be for, like a thirty dollar group, so Magic Man is like a really good alternative. I don't know what I hear stories that he's at is that the hair starting to me she was gon na completely clean for me and I'm gon na go in and apply those three layers or four of the magic bomb. So right here, I'm just applying the closure, and this closure was like relatively small. It was like a brand in Peyer and it was like one of those closures that has like closures and knots and then boom. He then like, after that, it's like track. So this coach was like really difficult to work with, but you know I did the best I could or just anything since what okay so now, you're gon na see me putting this scarf milk built whatever you want to call it on, so we can just make Sure that closure is tacked in good and then I'm going to glue the closure, I'm just going get in the shape of it. So it's like a u-shape just gon na glue that on in the blow-dryer and I've got one two. This heats the gluing the tracks and I'm gon na go tied to stand in a u-shape so that the hair will follow her face doing the cookie. We just want to measure the track out before you put the rule 1. So what I'm doing is I'm raising a chunk out, I'm gon na cut it stop saying, go on that thing and then I'm gon na plate. It'S just simple, you put the capo perfect and, as you can see I want to, I can, and I'm just gon na continue to put all of the types here and we'll be back after that. It is our sincere either. Harridan saw it, and now I'm just going to be dealing with styling. Somebody makes it apart. Let'S pluck it, I'm going to be cutting the lace off pressing it like everything, everything that you need to do to make sure that is lay down. It looks as much as possible baby hairs. All of that, so I'm going to be doing all of that and these next few clips, so you guys can just keep on watching for the finished result. I do lose one of the footage put some when I recorded this video at now. So hope you guys like the finishes up, don't forget to Like comment and subscribe. Ap know share video with somebody up. You

Nicole Ware: Ummm... you finessed the shit out of that closure good job keep up the good work

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