Pov: Preparing For A Trip Last Minute

Im so excited to go on a trip with my friends! I am really big on journaling, I love to watch my goals come to life!

Hair Info:


❤Same Hair in the video:➤➤https://bit.ly/3fDWXOq

Hair Info: Water Wave 13x4 Lace Frontal Wigs 150%Density 22’’

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[ __ ] break it up, hey girlies, it is about this Friday, it's Thursday. Actually you guys, I have like a really really bad. Are you guys crooked? It'S like you guys are crooked, so I have a really bad headache. Right now I did take Tylenol, but I I kind of know where the headache is coming from, as you guys can see by the title we are going somewhere. We are going somewhere. So it's like I'm kind of stressed. I think that's what it is and it's because I'm performing at the country um you guys, will see probably on Instagram or you guys will see um on the next video but um so yeah. I need to do my hair for one um. I wanted to do like a curly, Vibe, um and also too, whenever I do go on a vacation. I do bring multiple wigs, so I'm trying to get the looks together. Um. Of course, you know I'm a little less mini because it is Thursday and I leave Monday morning and I didn't get anything I waited till last minute I was just so busy working and honestly, I didn't think I was gon na go. So that's kind of why as well, but you guys know I'm really big on speaking things into existence like I wanted to go, but I just didn't know if I wanted to go and that's like you guys, will understand once you see where I'm going. But you know, I can't tell myself: I'm gon na go on this trip. I'M gon na take this trip. This is like a once in a lifetime author, when your friends tell you they got everything paid one of your friends, so you got everything paid for and just booked the flight and go. Why not just go? You know what I mean: I'm I'm really excited for some great times, I'm so ready to just travel like I Journal that a lot like I'm so ready just to travel and enjoy all of my hard work, but it's just like. I always got something I got ta do but yeah, so I need to order some fashion, Nova um. It did say it would come tomorrow. So I have some clothes here. So I have found a really. I found cute pieces from Sheen right. It won't come until October 13th. My boyfriend was like why don't you just get a [ __ ] to the house out there? I don't want to even risk it. I'M okay, so fashion over. You know it'll get here tomorrow, um so, but I still have some stuff anyway. I still have some stuff that I was gon na put together as outfits, so I'm gon na do that today. I'M gon na put what I do have together now, um, so that I can just go ahead and pack my bag, because, especially because, where we're going, it requires me to be prepared, like I'm, not prepared at all, it's okay, I'm just so blessed, and I'm just So grateful I was, you know talking to my best friend I was just telling her like you know. My mom has sent me a video and I sent it to my friend as well, and it's basically you know everything is within God's timing like right now. I feel like we're in or some of us I know I am um, I'm in his waiting room and you know I know it's more for me, I'm just in a waiting room. You know just reading my little magazine skimming through and basically me going through the magazine. It'S just me skimming through life, basically like me, going through my day-to-day uh obstacles or day-to-day Adventures, whatever you want to call it, but, like I just feel like everybody has their time, everybody has their season and I'm really big on bad times. Don'T last forever. So don't dwell on it and good times, don't last forever so enjoy it. I'M really big on that. So I'm going to enjoy this moment as much as I can also have my airpod and I'm on hold. I'Ve been on hold for an hour and 34 minutes. It'S okay, but it's for good reasons, um. So if, in any point I may cut off whatever I was saying because they answered finally but um. What was about to say um? Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness. I don't remember why I brought it up. My memory is so bad like I said I have a really bad headache, so I'm so sorry it may come back to me later so we're gon na move forward, and so what I did. What else I wanted to say um, I did want to say, like I love journaling, to the point where I like to journal just to self-reflex, so I can go and look at what I was talking about and be like wow wow. I did it or, like you know, like you, really have to take Stepping Stones to get to where you want to be. You want to travel anything you can do in life, you start journaling and actually taking the efforts into getting closer to what you want. So you want to start traveling startling at different places. You want to go to you, don't even know where you want to go. You just say you want to go travel. Where do you want to travel to so then you will know like okay. I need things like this. I need to be prepared for things like this. I maybe want to try different types of things. When I go out there, let me look at the different excursions, like really start doing your own research for different things. You want to do in life like you want to become a high, paying hair stylist start doing research on other high paid hairstylists that you may, you know, use as inspiration or you like the way they work you like their logo, different things. You got to look into like you can't keep saying you want something and then don't go. Do nothing about it. You know, like I said I want to travel. I want to travel a lot, so it's like I'm doing the actions to start traveling a lot. I'M just really always busy, but what I do I can take it on the go. I can bring my computer with me, but it's just like I don't know. I think I got comfortable throwing up. I I did feel like I feel like I got comfortable, but I just want you guys to enjoy life like. I feel, like those that really do. Watch me. You know, engage with me or whatever like we're here so like. I really do want better, for I really do want better for you like I just I don't know I don't like people being miserable. I don't like people feeling sad all the time. You have something to be grateful for if you're watching my video right now you're grateful to have some type of source of internet or phone computer, something to have access to that's one thing: to be grateful for you got there. You got ta literally start thinking about the nitty-gritty, be grateful. You can brush your teeth. If you can brush your teeth in the morning, be grateful. You can brush your teeth in the morning because, like a hot shower you can you brought the toy, but it's okay. So she wants to play right now, but you know it's so many different things. You really need to start paying attention to and give yourself Grace within that, and you know I give myself Grace when it comes to my goals and you know what I want to do in life now when I make a bad decision, I'm it's not really much Of giving myself Grace, I made a bad decision, a careless decision, something that just didn't make sense type of decision like you know, I'm not going to give myself Grace like come on now, like I'm tired, you really like you really got. Ta get tired of your own [ __ ] to want change! That'S why you got ta talk to yourself, like I'm, tired, I'm, like I'm tired of you, like I'm, so tired of everything you just tolerate. I'M tolerate uh, I'm tired of all the things that you just let bypass you like. You have to get tired of yourself to want change, and you have to start talking to yourself in that way. Now you have to give yourself Grace when you start realizing like you're obtaining these things, slowly, slowly but surely you're obtaining all the things that you were talking about, but it's like no and you're wrong, you're wrong! It'S okay! You spent your last thousand dollars on something stupid all right. Now we got ta figure. Something else out like don't. Don'T give yourself Grace about that, because that was something that you probably knew you shouldn't did, but you did it anyway. You know what I mean like you: just got, ta want it. I win a lot so she's. So precious, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen! Just think about it, like okay, so you're, your older self right. Now your younger self you're, talking to him or her say all the things that you accomplished start pointing out things at your Columbus. I don't care if it's you accomplish your one of your classes, one of your courses, you you pass your driver's test that you can't failing 50 times like little things like point out, every good thing that you accomplish and start talking to your younger self. Like guess what we did like, I, we didn't got blah blah blah. We we did this, we went here. We did this start talking to your younger self more, so you really realize like wow, I actually you start feeling better about yourself. I feel, like you know like when you're trying to stop with self-love. You start pointing out things. You love about yourself, just start talking to your younger self, about the accomplishments that you did like anything so just start pointing it out, I'm just I'm telling y'all. I love talking to mind yourself like oh that's what we did guess what happened whatever whatever like just start, pointing out all the good out of your life. Okay, I was y'all know I feel like I just I just always want to talk about something, positive or uplifting, or just to get you guys to realize certain things in most of my videos, this was not the purpose of the video, but it makes sense. For me to just share, like you know, especially if you see a lot of you know the content creators that you like, don't ever, take it as a don't project onto other people. Just because you can't do something, don't project onto someone else more so either use it as motivation or just don't even pay attention to it. Don'T even watch it because you're going to just make yourself mad. When, honestly, you know it should be motivation like. Oh, I want to go there. I want to do this. I want that, like I want to see what this is about like just either that or it's either or it's because you don't feel like you can relate to them anymore, or they did something that you wouldn't do, or you know just any little thing but start Letting things inspire you versus make you uh envious person, okay, so anything you see like just put it screenshot it put on your Pinterest board. Put it in your notes. I like this. I want this just anything like that. You know what I mean like just start. Viewing life a little bit differently - um, that's all, but my wig is in the bathroom I had to over bleached it sorry I overleached the wig um. I had I put a dye on it, though, so it looks better. So we're about to do my hair first. So that my hair is out the way I don't got time because I do have some work. I need to do anyway, so I'm going to do my hair and then I will lay out the clothes I'm gon na order, my clothes and then I'm gon na lay out my clothes. Let me just show you guys what I do have in my cart. Just so you can see, but all the other clothes that I do have so I can see what I want to put on. So let's do my hair first and then we're gon na get ready for the clothes, but yeah get your journals out just start journaling. I'M telling y'all to start journaling. I would love to travel more or I travel a lot I want to. However, you Journal do it? Okay, all right, foreign? Okay, I'm sorry! This lace is literally given like a curtain. I can't see nothing literally cannot see anything there. We go, I got ta cut that off. This looks like about to be a cute hairstyle. Let'S we'll scroll out the way, we don't need her right here. I wanted it to be. Like those you know, little pigtail Vibes up here, um, but let me see something so I am gon na have to pull the wig a little bit. Where'S mine, okay, hold it so that it's not you know all right. There we go. It looks pretty good where it's Ed, so I have these this tape right. I'M only going to put the tape here - and here I feel like this is the main place is where my wig starts to fall off um. This is super taped by true tape. Okay, so if I didn't have so, we are going to use my favorite glue. This is my icy gals Boutique glue. This is literally all I use at this point. She gives me no problems. She gives me no problems. Somebody'S gon na push the hair back well. Tie her up really quickly just to get her out the way I mean so far like, I think the hair itself, it didn't have a lot of shedding like a lot of curly hair. We have a really bad shedding. Oh my God, you guys were a little. You know do y'all feel, like you know, they're lopsided well honest, I'm debating if I wanna yeah, I'm gon na do glue just in case just in case just in case. I want to make sure this is pretty straight. It doesn't look as straight okay, so I'm gon na. Do it like this right, which I think I feel like the partner street right. It'S not, okay! Let me glue it down first and then we can worry about the part all right, so I'll put glue literally right here. Let'S see how I'm gon na do it does have his like all natural widow's peak, so I'm kind of putting the glue, I'm kind of putting the glue in like that formation, and also too, like with the wigs like placement, really does matter like. If you put it too far back it's going to extend everything like you have to have the right placement when it comes to wigs - and I am going to pack me some wig caps, like I'm gon na pick, all my wigs up just in case, you never Know I'll never get when I went to Puerto Rico uh, and we was just you know in the water and did not think the wave was going to take me. You got away wash me up and pluck me underneath and my wig slid back the wig wrapped around my neck can slip back. It was really bad and luckily you know like I said I always bring extra wigs with me on a trip because for one I like to change the style up. Why not? But you're okay cause like I said we don't have time, but we're not doing a lot of glue. I don't want so much glue, especially if, like I'm gon na be sweating because I'm going to go to the gym later today. What time is it? Let'S go on the clock, so yeah letting go. This morning I had some stuff. I had to do so once I finish my work today. I'M gon na go to the gym, but I'm just literally talking to y'all and y'all just watching I use my event. I use the red as well. I haven't got the black ever since I ran out the black I just use, yellow or red. Let me blow dry this real, quick spray. Wherever I put glue basically and when I tell y'all this is a really good hole. This is a really good okay, so we're just gon na press. It like that. Okay, because remember this is up here too. Don'T forget, don't fret, don't forget, don't forget, don't fret, okay, so I'm just gon na peel the white part off, but there we go there. We go okay and you can rip. You hear me ripping this. Yes, I'm ripping so that I can get it so that my ear is comfortable. My look see how that tape right there, okay. So while we had this going on, you know melting the legs simultaneously. Let'S get our bag together; okay, so I'm not gon na put stuff in a suitcase I'm going to let it sit on this couch over here. Beside the dog yeah, I don't mind the mess. Okay, I've been I've, been working out with babies, foreign okay, girlies. So, like I said, let me fix my little pigtails so, like I said, I'm not going to put no products in it, I'm just let it be in this natural state. My arms are hurting yeah. I don't know how to grow these heavy braiding it on here Brady on here, because the way my arm just started hurting just doing that um, but I was able to order my clothes from fashionama, so you guys will see that, like in another video you'll see My closed outfits, I either um either in another video or like on my Tick Tock, of course, but I laid out the clothes that I will be bringing with me. So that is what he said that that made me out of breath. Oh anyway, let's get up and say this nitty-gritty right, so I want to get as close as possible. I'M gon na get my mirror because, honestly, I've never heard of this brand so feel I never heard of this actual Hair Company, but I was excited to try their hair since mainly because I've never heard of their brand, but so far so good. I'Ve got no complaints, you know the lace wasn't too thick. It was a lot of lace as possible to the hairline we're gon na get some of this, so we're gon na get my spray right and we are literally. I need the end of the razor. Now you can use toothpicks. I said toothpicks pops grow something a q-sip for all that hair and we're gon na put it right on up here. So, basically, whenever you lift the lace, if it can lift that's where you'll put it see how it can lift right there yeah, I'm so like film, for you guys, especially like content like some travel content, because I feel like I don't really ever travel. Do travel constantly because I've been I'll be trying to enjoy the trip? You know what I mean, but I'll film this one for you guys. I got my two batteries. I'M prepared here we're just gon na place it down like this with the end of the comb and pull away any little hairs, that's literally flying away because you don't want it to get trapped underneath get my brush that I use for my makeup. I mean makeup for my hair. I don't put this on my face, so this is what I use the Ruby kisses cream. This is in the color Shades in or whatever not use both sides. I just get a little bit of that. I'M gon na spray it on this actually and rub the lace so that I'm not using the makeup on the brush or anything. I'M gon na make it melt one more time and I'll go uh spray, the hair just so I can give it that curl but yeah. This hair is 24 inches. So it's not that long, it's cute is it 24. I think yeah. I think I got 24 inches or 22 inches one of the two okay, okay, somebody's gon na melt that all into one. But I like I said I laid out the items I will be bringing got about a thousand one bathing suits. I have all my shoes in my closet. I just want to lay it out and it's in the way the clothes over there is fine, because I don't really sit there. That much but, like I said earlier, make the list of places you want to go to, and I said this in the video in a different video way before I think when I was just saying, like you know, actually putting in the effort to do certain things. Like you want to travel more look up places that you want to go to put it on put it in your Journal, put in your notes, put on your manifestation board, put it on put it somewhere, so that you can see it again, but I'm super excited. You guys I'll tell you who I'm going with. I can tell you who I'm going with or one person I would say, I'm going with I'm going with Paris. You know if y'all can follow me for a long time. You know me and Paris like this, but yes, so it's I'm going somewhere with Paris. So y'all know it's about to be fine. That'S all you needed to know I'm trying to make sure I have everything everything like if I needed to order something like I got. My I already ordered my clothes everything you know I got my makeup. My makeup is right in here got my jewelry. I got perfume. I have my. I have all the bags for different stuff because I just went to Hawaii, so I still have like my actual bags or whatever, like travel wise, to bring everything so yeah, I'm excited, let me go, let me get a spray bottle, so we can spray my hair. So I can see the full effect and the full you know shebang, because this is actually pretty cute. I got my spray bottle. Okay, I got my spray bottle. It was really giving me a headache, and I didn't really melt it - that long like I wanted to, but it was giving me a headache Okay, so she can get melted tonight right now. No body's got some plain old water, okay, okay, making sure, because I put apple cider vinegar in here before, like for my plants, so I was making sure but yeah. So all the information on this hair will be down below this is such a cute little hairstyle. I love this. It fits me like, like also too I save money. I did my little nails. You guys can watch my other videos, so you guys can see me doing my own little press on. I will be bringing you some more press ones with me. Just in case something pops off or I need to do them again, but I'm gon na bring my other um style as well, but I'm loving this black, especially it's October, super excited to film, for you guys my actual trip so stay tuned. For that make sure you guys, Arts subscribe to my channel and turn your post notifications, so y'all don't miss another one of my video or make sure you don't miss this next, video, okay and the one after that and and so forth, and so on. Okay,

Taylor G Tv: Ky The growth in your personal life , overall across your platforms is everything . The fact that during your growth you constantly commit to attract and create content that appeals to your supporters is everything !! This is sooo much motivation for me when it comes down to creating and putting out quality content on my channel , in more ways than one May this 4th quarter bring more success &happiness than the last 3. keep working & keeping God first and the rest shall follow. Sending you my forever support here from New Orleans xoxoxo

Risha J: I love you & your channel! So inspirational ❤

Wendy Pipkin: Why I feel like you talking directly to me wooow I said I want to be a high paying hair stylist and it was so surprising to hear you say that….thanks for the inspiration and being honest and giving tips on how to be honest with yourself and how to approach goals

Train Like a Goddess: "I'm in God's waiting room." - LOOOOOVE

Love Shonté: Can you make a video about how you get your background music without it being copyrighted

Prohodaction: good evenign, unusual !=)

Kimm Glamour: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Cherry Ivana: Heyyyy sissy! Where’d you buy your wig stand from?

Sammy Da Goat:

Tiffany Cierra: I'm first girl!

BABYDEEYAH222: Hey baby

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