Ms. Tariq Nasheed I Refuse To Let You Blame Your Hidden Hairline On A Non-Fba Lmao W/Mechee X

Checkout a list of black owned businesses! We have everything from sneakers/shoes to liquor stores and even black owned networks!

Liquor store


Last but not least...I'm a black business too so click the link below and see how I can help you become a black business also

Okay, I need this part. I can't start laughing already: okay, y'all right, hey everybody, how y'all doing hey okay um! I just want to say to everybody tonight right um, I'm not gon na, say anything um profile. I am not going to um um. Tell you about the government, We're Not Gon na dig deep. You know into um the rabbit holes of conspiracy theory, so I can talk about Kanye we're gon na talk about none of that we're gon na be Petty tonight, okay, so it's Saturday it is Saturday right. Yeah it's Saturday, I think so we just we I'm just here to be Petty. Okay, if you don't want Petty tonight, if you want something really nice, you can join me in January, I'll be put up the flyer tomorrow I will be the um the keynote speaker. I'M at a Martin Luther King event we'll be talking about you, know, economics and finances and stuff, and I will be serious there and you could come there um. You could come back tomorrow and I'll be talking about um Bill Cosby. They trying to me to him again, but not tonight, not tonight, no, no um, so y'all can come back and I'll be talking about some good stuff later. So I don't want to hear any Michi. This is petty. I don't want to hear um niji. We got other things to do not tonight. Okay, y'all gon na leave me alone and I'm gon na be Petty and the petty is well deserved, and if you don't like it just you know, go do something else. You know: go go to. Bed go pray, some Churches coming real soon. In the morning you got a couple hours it'll, be time to get them praise the Lord okay just go, and do that everybody all right. Okay, before I start talking, [ __ ] cause I'm gon na talk to about a couple of things about tarika nashika tonight: okay um. I love it that this man has clowned himself for as much as he clown everybody hit Uncle imma give him. He need a trophy of the counter of the Year. Y'All say he's so funny. You are absolutely right. This [ __ ] done clowned himself. We didn't even have to do nothing. Okay, um! This is Tariq. Okay. This is a real video of him. This is a real picture of him, we're going to play a clip tonight. You guys um of tarika um, actually stating that it's him and his excuses well, pull that you're an excuse when we get there. Okay, before we go there, though, I just want to say a couple things. I have to do this for black people in Black empowerment, so for one minute, I'ma move my my petties just one minute. Okay, you guys. So I need you guys to know that intersection. The of the description of this video um, I'm trying to stop laughing I've been crying laughing at this [ __ ] for two days. Y'All like tears tears. I think I got it all out, so I may not bust a tear the night laughing but um. You know they say you live longer when you laugh you release like this hormone. They give you more life, so I'm trying to help the black community tonight. Thank you Tariq for giving us the ability to live longer. You know and and release some of them happy hormones so um. I will say this seriousness. First, we'll get it out of the way. Okay, you guys um, but in the description description box of this video is a bunch of black businesses right so on a serious level, I want to say shout out to everybody: that's down there in the section, so I want to tell you guys: um go down There check them out. There are a lot of them. You may have already seen, But I add new ones all the time I still actually have like 20 more. I need to add so if you are not in my email list on my website, please do so um, because I send these things out. I also send out a whole lot of other stuff like when I go live. I didn't send out a notification tonight because I was being petty. I ain't know if y'all wanted that you know notifications, so I didn't send that out. Okay, but I sent out notifications when I'm live, because YouTube is hating, but I send out all kind of stuff for you guys so check out the bottom, like you know we're talking about. What'S going on with shoes and black owned businesses, we have at least five black owned sneaker companies down there in that list, right um with some really dope, sneakers right black on black people. So you know we talk a lot about the solutions. Well, there goes some solutions down there right um check out one of my students, I'm the most proudest of right, she's, one one of the dopest, I'm so happy for her. But anyway I spoke about her. Probably maybe a year ago, she's been doing her thing for a while, but we have a black liquor store you guys, that is in the description box as well right um, so you know y'all can play this game of liquor. It'S not good for the community. [ __ ] that [ __ ], whatever y'all drinking drinking, stop playing like y'all ain't, drinking um and y'all, giving y'all money to the Arabs and everybody else that own the liquor stores in y'all Community. Well, we have a black woman that owns a liquor store. That is in everybody's Community right and they will ship it right to your door. So let me be clear to you like: why would I go there for a bottle of Henny? Okay, keep going to the liquor store for your body, but if you have an at-home bar and you know you need to refill it go ahead and let her ship you your stuff for your bar right. If you know that you're going to have a party, let her go ahead and ship you, the liquor for your party, all of y'all got your drink on for Thanksgiving. So you know you finna, get your drink on for Christmas, go ahead and just order your liquor. Now and it'll be at your dough waiting for you and you will have supported a black business. Okay, so there's a bunch of stuff down there. If you are like me too, I already looked at the list. Well, look at it again, damn it it's the new ones. Right got some pretty um um a unique businesses down there to some things that I'm looking at like this is pretty dope. We got a sister that I don't know about y'all my fat ass. You know, because that's all Tariq want to say about me, but Tariq boy boy. You should have never said nothing about me, okay, because if you got something to say about you today, but there's a sister down there, she has a popcorn website. I love it because I don't know about y'all, but I like popcorn, but she got every flavor of underneath the sun. I didn't even know exist. She got some infused liquor popcorn. I don't know what that's about, but I ordered me some so I'ma try it out. Okay, um but yeah y'all go down there and take a look at that right. There'S plenty of stuff down there from gaming stuff to Furniture to [, __ ], I don't know uh, you think your boyfriend cheating on you, I'm sure it's the site down there that got a um. Some Nanny cams make sure that the nanny is not beating your kids and [ __ ] um. You know if you giving um Ray Ray your car. While you go to work all day, Tamika go ahead and plug in the little um, a charger that go into the wall and it record everything, but you can really charge your phone with it at the same time, that's down there on somebody's site too. You know I'm saying make sure that Ray Ray is not in there with another chick. While you at work on your couch eating your kids, fruit snacks, I mean Ray Ray shouldn't, be there in the first place, but we know that he is for a lot of y'all to just you know, go ahead and make sure everybody doing right by you make Sure he clean up really doing the dishes, while you at work paying all the bills: okay, but it's a gang of stuff down there. Y'All so go and check it out and in the Middle East. If you guys are like we'll meet you, I'm a black owned business too. Okay, so I'm shouting everybody else out. My link is all the way at the very, very bottom of that list, right, not at the top at the very very bottom, and you could go there and my consultations are open again. You guys so for everybody to keep emailing me to meet. You got ta get a consultation. You can now go, get a consultation. They will be closing at the end of the month, though um, because I have my mentorship program coming up, you guys, um, and that is starting in January. We only have a few spots left if somebody wants to do that so go and look at the site, you guys um and if you want to learn how you can have your own black business, I can teach you that too right. So let me say this one last thing and we're gon na get in on Tariq. I want to say to my students I had some of y'all say you don't have the replay, so the Replay for our last class uh is set to go out tomorrow morning and tomorrow afternoon, instead of going like three more times. Okay, so don't worry, you will get it for those that weren't in there. We have an extra class that we're doing on Thursday. So you'll get all of that information right and um. We have our sister Teresa shout out to her. She came in our class and so she markets websites for a living on social media yeah. You guys that's what she does, but anyway, she will be looking at all of y'all sites for those of you that are my students in this boot camp um for nothing. So make sure you go ahead when you get the information in the email and email, her your site and let her take a look at it for free and give you her opinion and maybe um fix some things. If you need some things fixed all right, so I think that's all I needed to say: oh no one more, we got a black owned Network and I'm gon na need y'all to go on and subscribe to MX Network and stop playing, stop playing and stop playing. Okay, if you have a subscription to Netflix - and you don't have a subscription to MX Network - you whack - for that - I just want you to know - get on my channel. Not really I'm just saying like how y'all got a subscription to Netflix, though right so y'all go check out MX Network. It is a black owned Network. You guys, okay with plenty of um content creators right they get paid. We ain't Dr Watkins over here for the stuff that they put on the network. Also, if you guys are over there, you would know - and we did put it here, but we do have a um update for D monterio. So for those of you that saw a yay for those of you that did let me update you. Um demon, Terio we've been following his case, and you know that they did not want to um charge, though that father and son and white people for shooting at that boy um they wanted to give them aggravated assault. They are related to the police officers. They kept. Giving them security, they were treating demonetario and his mother, like they were the criminals right. It was ridiculous, okay, but a lot of pressure stayed on their neck. So I want to thank everybody that called when we put the information on his interview um for the call to action for everybody who made those phone calls for all of the activists who constantly went out there and we kept our foot on next so um. He. Finally, has charges of attempted murder right so um we're moving forward, they had a um, a um Grand Jury, and so it is no longer aggravated assault. It is actually attempted murder, which is what it should have been from the very beginning they shot at this boy. Following him all the way to the freeway um and chased him out of town shooting at him, and if you guys ever were to meet demon Terio, he is the sweetest um young black man that I have ever met um. He was really [. __ ] up by what happened to him. He was really traumatized, he's been in some counseling and um. You know we think a lot of [ __ ] up should happen to us all the time. So we're all tough he's not tough like that and it [ __ ] him up what he went through right and I've seen it for myself and if any I mean nobody deserves that [ __ ]. But if anybody don't deserve it, it's demonetario, okay! It is what I know Thug he out here, working making a living. He is one of the sweetest um young men that I have ever met right. So I'm glad that he um got the charges he wanted now we'll follow the case. Y'All follow us stay tuned in to MX Network, you guys, um and of course, right here with me and then we're gon na. Let you know how this all plays out right, because we know that taking him to trials. One thing you never know what it's going to end up being all right, so y'all make sure that y'all go sign up at MX Network. You guys your first seven days is free, so you could um be janky. If you want, you could just watch it for seven days and then leave or you cannot not be Jakey and you could just stay after that. Okay, all right y'all! So let's talk about this like this video share this video subscribe. If you have not hit the notification Bell, Okay, so have y'all seen the video. There is a a link there that is pinned to the top of the comment section you guys. So I need you to push that if you have not pushed it, go, watch the 15 second video and come on back but go watch the video okay, because I can't play the sound that goes with the video. I picked that song you guys. I thought I did a really good job, which I think the song fit real good to the video. I picked the song okay, so I just want y'all to click. It go ahead because for anybody who keeps saying is that to Rick Nasheed? Yes, that is Tariq! Nasheed, this is not a uh. This is not a deep fake. This is not no [ __ ] AI computer generated this is not a look-alike. That is not an old video of Milli Vanilli. It is not that is Tariq Nasheed. It is, I am not lying. He has admitted that it is him okay. So if you've gone over to my community section we're going to bring up a couple of things tonight, so we're going to be Petty, but we're going to talk about how janky he is too. So how many of you know um pan-africanism, Strikes Back right. So then africanism Strikes Back be given Tariq that work and he is upset about it. Okay, somebody said meet. You rob the bank. Did I meet you rob the bank I did, but I got to do with anything. I know what I'm not walking around doing, though getting these hairstyles like Tariq. Okay, I might have robbed the bank, I don't know. Maybe I did baby. I did maybe you late to the party or you earlier. You know just talk about it. Maybe you know exactly what you talk about. I don't even know what the [ __ ]. They got to do with anything. How about? I did rob a bank [, __ ] and I know where you live, and I heard you got money under your mattress, so you might want to go like your friend. Don'T get the [ __ ], all my life, so to read to read, check this out because he's Petty on a whole lot of levels, y'all a whole lot of level. So this kind of ain't even funny all right. So apparently, he inspired a restraining order against Brandon. This is who pan-africanism Strikes Back is a restraining order? Did y'all know that Y'all Gon na Keep clicking that video on the top? So we can talk about it in a minute, okay, but he has a restraining order on Brandon. Okay, so Brandon is the one who showed you the museum when he first bought. It showed you that this [ __ ] is is because the shoe box he showed you that there's no parking. He showed you that there's no Zoning for them to build higher or anything like that with the building that he has. Okay, so the same building. That'S a reclaim that somebody vandalized by just putting sheets in the front of that [, __, ] and writing on it right. He ain't doing nothing to the building, but apparently they vandalized his building. He said I told y'all that was some Jesse Smith [ __ ]. There are businesses and cameras all around this motherfucker's um business, but he didn't call the police. He did not file a police report. He did not ask any other people around that have cameras on their businesses. Can we see your camera to see who came and laid these these these straight sheets and made up the sidewalk like it was a bed in front of my business? Nobody, he asked nobody, none of that to Rick, think we stupid, but I'ma start telling y'all. I think you [ __ ] that follow Tariq. I'M stupid, I think y'all are stupid for the people who believe in [ __ ] y'all stupid. You are so, let's run this down one more goddamn time, Tariq told you he was getting you a museum, a museum for the people right. So why is that museum not bought and put under the name of some type of an organization or entity that belongs to the people that actually has a board and other people who can actually take the money and make sure that what is bought stays with the People now I don't know - maybe I'm just dumb right - that you would like to believe I'm the dumb one, no you're dumb, and this is why the [ __ ] - we can't get nowhere in in the community, because this is the [ __ ] that takes place Tariq didn't buy the people, the museum he bought him, a building whose name is on the building. I'M serious as a [ __ ] heart attack, who gets to make the decisions with the building. That'S not how you buy [ __ ] for the community y'all gave him the money that building should belong to the community. So that means that if Tariq decides to step down and go away or his old ass have a heart attack, he already got this. Then they got plenty of gray hair. You know he just keep doing all of that. You know just for men and all that stuff trying to stay young and she having a midlife crisis and [ __ ]. I don't know what the [ __ ] going on with the dude right, but he always [ __ ] tarika his 50s going on 60.. I don't know who told you [ __ ]. He wasn't so. I just want to know when it comes time to deal with that building who is responsible for the building? Who has anything in that building? Do you have any Board of Directors for this um Museum? Do you have any board that makes decisions for this thing? That was bought for the community. Do you have any type of open, record or monthly meetings that talks about what the building makes? How much is needed for the building for the upkeep or any of that stuff or when funds come in? How they are delegated is fit no cause. You [, __ ] is dumb. You think you could give somebody some money and they can really just buy a museum in their name and that belongs to y'all, oh, but even though it's tariq's building, I promise you. He is going to get you [ __ ], every time he need to fund it because he hit y'all up every time. He need to fund his business ventures every single time, so he gon na need y'all to give him the money to bring in we're. Not going to say artifacts because, where the [ __ ] this [ __ ] finna put that hidden ass, [ __ ] that he decided was history for everybody. He'S gon na put posters and things like that. He'S not gon na have any artifacts, I'm not sure how this is going to be a museum, y'all, [, __, ], don't even know the definition of Museum, but okay y'all smart than the [ __ ]. We, the dumb ones we, the haters, we, the trolls, which brings me to you, know to read, got tennis in that building. So when Brandon went down to the building, because we're going somewhere with this Brandon goes down to the building. Now he's it's a public thing. It'S supposed to be for the public and for y'all y'all to spend your money to go, get the thing. Brandon goes down to report just to see what it's like he comes in and he talks to the tenants that are they are not expecting any [ __ ] tenants to be there right. It says. Oh, we heard there was some vandalism going on so now. Tariq is mad because he came and said something to the tenants and asked about the vandalism he was like have y'all been having any problems around here, because he's trying to figure out is this [ __ ] lying or is this some real [ __ ] see It wasn't real and Tariq, never told the tenants, because if it was real and you have tenants in the building, don't you think you should tell your attendants that people are vandalizing your building because nobody vandalized the building. So then, when Brandon went and said that to the tenants and asked them questions in a place, that's supposed to be for black people they're supposed to be publicly there for y'all, because you bought the [ __ ], they got upset and they started asking to read. What'S going on with vandalism, what are they talking about now? Tariq is worried about his tenants, so he claims he wants a restraining order so that he won't harass his tenants what the [ __ ] Tariq. Why do you have tenants in the building? That'S supposed to be being renovated and turned into a museum right now. We'Re gon na just be real quiet for a few moments and have a moment of silence and let that sink. The [ __ ] in foreign bought him a rental property. Is that what y'all bought was a rental property for Tariq yeah? He got tennis in a commercial bit and they're renting from him. There'S a real estate business. That'S already in there and there is a church. That'S in there see Brandon, undone, his research and because Brandon is just simply bringing y'all the truth. This [ __ ] got a restraining order against Brandon a restraining order to wreak really a restraining order because he claims that Brandon keeps around here. But last time I checked you [ __, ], ass, [, __ ]. You don't spend money to make two or three cartoons about branding you're, not spend money to make cartoons to try and talk [ __ ] about this man. But now you got to get a restraining order, you're a straight [, __, ] Tariq. Why does Tariq have tennis in your Museum shouldn't watch? He shouldn't be concerned about the tenants feeling no type of way he shouldn't be concerned about the tenants saying what's going on with the vandalism, because shouldn't attendants have like a 30-day or a 60-day notice, shouldn't the tenants, be getting the [ __ ] out of the Building so you can build the museum I mean I don't know do I do I sound stupid. Does that not make? Does that only make sense to me? Somebody said, depending on their leases, why would you buy a museum? First of all, let me tell you something: when you buy a property that already has tenants in it, you can buy a property with tenants in it, but when you purchase the building they let you know, building house or anything they let you know their attendance are Already in it now, you do not have to purchase it with the tenant, and you can tell them they have to get rid of them before you buy it, but even if there are tenants in it, when you buy it, you do not have to [ __ ] honor any [ __ ] lease that was with the prior person by law. If you get a building or a house with a tenant in it, you then have the right to start. The eviction process and know least, that they signed with a prior owner has anything to do with you. The only thing by law that they have is the right to any person that is somewhere, which is a notice. So I'm not sure if, in California the notice is 60 days if it is 30 days if it is 90 days, but all he has to Simply do is give them a notice. Why would you buy a building with tenants in it that you don't intend to get rid of if you want the [ __ ] building, so that you could turn it into something? But you have people in there so where the [ __ ] is the museum. You [ __ ], just bought Tariq, a [ __, ] piece of rental property. Tariq is collecting rent every month from [ __ ], California style. Do you know how much rent on a commercial property cost there? He has two tenants. He is collecting money for a building that y'all bought for your Museum. So you know what should happen if this [ __ ] was legitimate team, not a scammer. You know if I asked y'all to pay for all my business ventures. All of my businesses will work out too. Last time I checked. I thought that we should be asking the community for funds and for help to build stuff for the community, but when you're building, something for yourself and it's a business invention, [ __ ] you're not supposed to ask the [ __ ] Community, to fund you and Of course, he every time Tariq Faith. He do something he deliver [ __ ]. If I'm asking you for money to produce some [ __ ], that's gon na make me some money. Yeah, I'm gon na do a documentary with the money you gave me because once I sell that documentary, that's what I'm gon na make even more money. That'S called a business venture. Y'All ain't seen me because Mitch should be working. I am in the process right now of three [ __ ] business ventures and planning the next Black Agenda. I don't got time to be on YouTube. Have I asked her for a [ __ ] dollar? Have I asked you for any money to start up? My new business did, I ask y'all for any money to do. Mx Network see that's the [ __ ] difference. If they're my business, I [ __ ] pay for them. Y'All just keep buying Tariq [ __ ]. Well, he delivered yeah. He delivered he's creating a business for himself. Why? Wouldn'T he deliver? Because the Deliverance is not saving you, the Deliverance is filling his pocket. So absolutely if he collects the money he's going to create the business because he needs that [ __ ]. So again, if that is your Museum shouldn't, that money be the Museum's money right, so the rent that he's collecting should go towards the building and it should go towards saving or fixing up. So, where are the public people that are part of the board that actually get to see the funds and hold him checkable for the funds that he has? Where is that at? Where are the people at to say, okay, Tariq you're collecting and I'm just throwing a number out there. So don't nobody said because I don't know for sure I'm sure Brandon probably could find the [ __ ] out. That'S why he got a restraining order on him right, but let's say he's collected seven thousand dollars a month. Y'All don't deserve to know that that's seven thousand dollars a month in rent belongs to the museum. That is money that he should be using to fix it up and do [ __ ] with. So when he comes to yard ashaw for the next [ __ ] fundraiser, you should be able to say [, __ ], how much money have you saved and collected all these months, you've been collecting rent off the building that we purchased, but that sounds too much Like right, like y'all love to be fooled, y'all love to be told dumb, [ __ ] right. So I think that it's really crazy that this [ __ ] got a restraining order on Brandon, so now you're getting restraining orders on people because they're exposing your fake ass, Jesse, smilowitz, laying sheets down, claiming that somebody vandalized your business, claiming a hate crime when nobody Did nothing to you, you lying ass, [, __, ], [, __ ]. Nobody did nothing to you Tariq ain't. Nobody vandalize that building [ __ ], you put them sheets there cause. If it was a real vandalism, you would have told your attendance. You would have called the police [ __ ]. You would have a [ __ ] uh, uh, uh paperwork on that. It'S funny how you went down the court and you got a restraining order on Brandon, although Brandon has never been within 10 feet of your [ __ ] ass to Harker Bay came to your [ __ ] reparations rally. You ain't, putting no restraining order on him. Brandon has never been around. You has never come near. You has never threatened to come near you or come around you. Why do you have a restraining order on Brandon? You don't even be at the damn Museum, [ __ ]. You got Mexicans in there having Church in a real estate office, whoa you're, not in the building to reach. So why is there a restraining order against Brandon like this? Is the [ __ ] y'all pimp ass y'all pip, ass smacking ass leader does as soon as somebody come close to finding out truth and they want to go ask questions and they're going down to the museum to bring information back to y'all. He got a restraining order, but it's okay, because Brandon's going to court. Do you know that his attorney said that if he would just stop talking about him online and leave him alone that they would drop him? So Brandon said no [, __ ] you I'm not! Gon na drop it Brandon's, actually gon na, go to court and he's actually going to tell the court the reason that he has gone down. There is because Tariq has been collecting money from the public and he wants to make sure that the funds have been used right so see Tariq. You talk enough and your day is coming brother because you do know to going to the courtroom and for him to be able to speak. You know charges can be brought against you. You do know [ __ ], that you are not supposed to take funds and say you're doing something to collect donations and not do it. That'S against the law, misses tariqa, nashika, that's against the law. So when they begin to ask the judge right, the judge says well, why is this man harassing you and he says I'm not harassing him your honor, I just went down there to find this out to find that out to do these different things and the reason Why we're doing this? Because Tariq is collecting money he's lying to the community and then the judge is going to say: hmm really, hmm, really somebody brought up a good point. They said Yup, non-profit guidelines see. This is the thing. If you're a non-profit organization and you're collecting donations, you actually open yourself up to more ridicule, because now they can come in and check your books and your records whenever they want, because even though you're an organization - and you can take money tax-free, you still have to Do what you say you're going to do with the money you do know that you can't give people a video or a commercial talking about. Oh we're going to give you a state of the [ __ ] art, um museum with two floors. We'Re gon na buy it and start building we're going to have an auditorium we're going to have a Michelangelo statue in the middle, we're going to have 12 foot walls of Jericho, we're going to have fountains, pissing gold, and then you turn around and buy a liquor Store that is actually against the law. You got those donations precated on one thing and you produced another [ __ ], so yeah Brandon want to go to court and Brandon said he gon na fight it. His attorney is 300 an hour. I have contributed and bought a couple of hours for that attorney. Sahaka Bay was crying for money. Talking about imma do [ __ ]. I ain't doing that. [ __ ] to you, because I have time for you wishy-washy ass, [, __ ], but I I donated to Brandon absolutely I bought several hours and I'm gon na buy several more for that attorney. It'S 300 a [ __ ] hour right so see. While you talk all that [ __ ] Tariq you've opened a can of whoop ass on your own ass [ __ ], because you like, oh just stop following me, see see. Brandon is not going and investigating your your your gym. I mean your your gym. You need to go to gym with your old. That'S right, he's not investigating your [ __, ], um Museum, or nothing because he's harassing you or he's hating on you. Brandon actually feels like you are a Cancer to the community. You have grifted and taken money from the black people long enough and produced nothing. [ __ ] tangible. Even though that's all the [ __ ] you scream is tangible. There is not one [ __ ] thing this [ __ ] has created. That has done anything for the black community to get them any [, __ ] closer to any type of Freedom, nothing that they can use. This [ __ ] is steady, screaming tangible without his [ __ ] juicy ass lips and guess what he does not provide anything tangible, some [, __ ] talking documentaries is not tangible. It ain't gon na get your [ __ ] ass, free, okay, it's not and all the people he had in his documentary. You could have just read their books or listened to their lectures on [ __ ] YouTube because they say the same [ __ ]. Every day on YouTube that they say in that [ __, ] documentary, I'm just saying so - that's not a tangible, that's, not a tangible at all, a reparations rally that was not [, __ ] uh covered by any major news. Medias. You had no [ __ ] politicians. There you had no [ __ ] plan. You don't have anything to go to the next step. There is no [ __ ] organization. You just collected donations jumped around on the stage to get a pat on your back [ __ ] and collect kept collecting donations even after the [ __ ] um of uh [ __ ] a March whatever the [ __ ] it was y'all did was there To Rally you will still collecting donations and you've offered nothing tangible to these people, nothing, nothing. Somebody said why am I obsessed with Tariq? I think that [ __ ], you said that [ __ ], like 10 minutes ago, [, __, ] um. Let me say something: I'm so sick of you, men who come in here. Let'S talk about that. All of you, men that come in here, defensory, I'm start looking at Chicago, because let me tell you something: let me tell you something any man that would sit here and talk this [ __ ] to me or anybody else as much as you sit the [ __ ] over there and you watch Tariq talk about every [, __ ] body else. Y'All! Stop me when I'm lying Tariq talks about everybody, even when they're not talking about him. When I spoke on this [ __ ] in months, he brings up my name. I don't be over here talking about tariko, but we talking about Tariq now, we'll talk about Tariq till I get sick of talking about Tariq. Whenever I have any [ __ ] thing to say about Tariq, I'm going to say it about to read, see, I didn't say: [ __ ] about Tariq for months on end, I got into my thing and I bought the trademarks and got Dr Watkins ass. He opened his [ __ ] mouth with. Nobody was talking to the [ __ ] go over there and tell Tariq why he paying two thousand dollars for [ __ ] weed in his head. Ask that [ __ ]. Do he have the money to oppose me for the FBA trademark? Go ask him that, because I don't want your FBA trademark, [ __ ], but I will gladly have you spending 10 G's out your pocket to oppose me. See I'm making you pay for opening your mouth, keep your name off me, especially when I'm not [ __ ] with you [ __ ]. I wasn't talking to you. Wasn'T nobody [ __ ] with you when you decided to throw me in your [, __ ] and talk about? Oh, you just should listen to these old ass old whole meters. They talk real on and say [ __ ], like you did you're the only old hoe on YouTube, saying you dig [ __ ], that's you now nobody else, but you Tariq you're, the old hoe who talks like that bro. So y'all kill me all of these men. Y'All come over here and be like. Are you obsessed with Tariq? Do you ask Tariq? Is he obsessed with me when he's constantly talking about people that ain't [ __ ] with him? Do you ever ask him that I mean I don't know all I did was go live to talk some [, __ ], real, quick and show y'all some pictures of how this [ __ ] clamped his own [ __, ] self. This [ __ ] actually went and paid. Somebody took the time to sit the [ __ ] down and tell them how they wanted me to look and made a whole cartoon about me. He went and paid money to get a cartoon made and took the time to make sure that they made it the way he wanted me to look who the [ __ ] is obsessed with, who I'm serious it's funny. How, when he's over there saying [ __ ] about everybody else, it's the funniest, [ __ ] in the world to you, [ __, ], ass man. But as soon as somebody else say, something about Tariq is you're obsessed with him. [ __ ]. You can go down my timeline, I don't talk about Tariq. I don't every time I speak on Tariq is because Tariq says something to me or he do some function in the community. But today we're talking about him because of your [ __ ], because for all you [ __ ], who want to sit up here and talk to me about Tariq Nasheed. Let me tell you something: I find it very interesting that Tariq nasheed's boyfriends is in here, and they are defending Tariq Nasheed, because you can't talk to me no more about being obsessed with somebody, because Tariq really would like to be a woman. Okay, Tariq wants to be a woman. I think Tariq want to be me. Okay for all you [ __, ] talking. I just want you to release. He biting his bottom lip he bite his bottom lip or did I'm looking at that wrong? He got it. Look at him just Milly vanillied up Millie van somebody in the comment section said other comment section said I just wanted to pins up like that to read: did you wear pants up like that? We gon na let this play for a little bit. You know, since I'm obsessed, go ahead. I wish I could play the music video. My My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and they're like it's better than yours. Damn right, it's better than yours. I could teach you, but I have to charge foreign okay. Let me calm down, don't start crying man from girl every time I think I've laughed enough of this [ __ ]. I laugh even harder. Every time I see it. It'S Not Over. Somebody said this: oh it don't matter! If it's old! Okay, let me show you something: let me show you something else see I can see. This is the real deal Real Deal. Holyfield baby hold on hold on hold on hold on y'all, who Tariq is always calling. Somebody moist and um, I'm not under see, have y'all ever heard of like a Freudian slip. Y'All know how like people, who are homophobic and [ __, ] they're, always talking about like gay people, all the time or you know, you're, always going after the things that you're hey clean up a doctor. He talk about people being moist. All the time he's like this voice negative. He always talking about somebody being gay, even on the um cartoon, where he did a brand and making him like a fat old bear or some [ __, ] or whatever he was doing. He got his ass protruding. You know what I'm saying focus on the ass crack like he does too much and [ __ ] you be in Atlanta, Georgia way too much for me, okay, but I just want to show y'all something. So look so look so look, so let me show you something: that's where your donations going see. Okay, y'all see that it's a lot just trust me. Okay, there's a lot of different prices, but it's a lot on coil hair that will be Tariq. You know because he FBA, so he got coil hair. It start at 2 200. This [ __ ] out here paying thousands of dollars on Wave [ __ ], my extendo ponytail was only 95 bucks. What is you doing? Dude? I could hook you up with my girlfriend. Don'T do that? No more, but wait a minute. He got a website. So okay come on. Okay, look. He won't be like the white man. Looking there, you go. It'S a ring, a hey boy! Look at him! Look at him look at him just feeling himself. This is real and this is Tariq Nasheed. I don't have to ever clown this [ __ ] again, don't worry for all the people that, like while you're obsessed with him I'mma lead to Rick alone, because I don't argue with the men who wear weave or lace fronts. I I could just argue with a woman, follow that I'm just saying for as much as Tariq talk about black women, so let's be clear: okay, so hold on hold on. Let'S go play tariq's response because y'all like is that really Tariq and yeah to be excited with him where's the video come on to read. Let'S, let's go find your Tariq wait a minute hold on here we go like you, [ __, ], huh equality. Looking like a [ __ ] on the couch hold on hold on here, we go sponsoring today's video they're offering by viewers a great deal just [ __ ]. It is right there, ladies and gentlemen, there it is right there there it is. We are back glad to have you all tuning in a lot of stuff we're gon na chop. It up about people, keep asking. No, I do not have any damn dreadlocks um, you know the trolls and some of the um sex offenders were posting an old picture. An old video from a couple like a year or so ago, of this non-fba system who experimented on my hair and put some [ __ ] in there that I immediately took out y'all, know Goodwill. I don't rock no [ __ ] like that, so yeah, it's just goofball troll [ __ ]. It is what it is. No, I don't have no damn locks that ain't. For me, I had a non-fba sister put some [ __ ] in my hair that I immediately took out anytime y'all. If y'all see me with a jacked up hairstyle a lot of times, some non-fba folks, did it all right? No, I didn't I'll. Let him do it. I [ __ ]. I took this [ __ ] right out, I'm like what are they? Where are they going with this yeah? You know a [ __ ], desperate when they just got ta dig for anything that is your beloved FBA leader. Everybody that follows this [ __ ], admitting that with him. Okay, so can we can we be clear that was Tariq? Tariq said that with him, okay so hold on one more again, I got ta get down with the stream yards y'all, so I could really play [ __ ] like I want to, and I could have body y'all something we could have laughed at this [ __ ] together, so I just want to um. I just want to now remember right, so he said yeah. That was him all right, foreign yeah. That'S him. He said yeah, that's him, and this is the fba's Fault. The non-fbas. This is your [ __ ] fault, Teresa yeah. They put some [ __ ] in my hair. Why you? Let it put you in a chance to beat you around like that [ __ ], My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and they're like. If you would like to hear this with the Wonderful soundtrack that was put on it, you can click the link in the top of the chat box 15 seconds. You can go come on back when you're done. Let me say something to you to read from a [ __ ], that's really from Detroit [ __, ], okay, you might have been born there whole, but you don't ever get to represent the [ __ ] D. Okay, thank you. I can't believe y'all let this [ __ ], say this and I watched y'all in the chat. [ __ ] eat it. The [ __ ] up yeah [, __ ] is looking for anything. They must be desperate who's, desperate [, __, ] you're, the one who goes and make cartoons about people you went and actually spent money to make a cookie called Amici. Munchie you'll be going too far to the left, trying to roast people, [ __ ], and you done roasted your [ __ ] self right down into the grave [ __ ]. We don't have to roast you anymore. You roasted your damn self. He talking about. We desperate no [ __ ]. We just found your [ __ ] uh pictures you coming out the closet. So, let's be clear, I think it's really whack as [ __ ], that this [ __ ] tried to blame this on somebody that was non-fba. Do you see how the this [ __ ] won't even accept the fact that you went and [ __ ] got some weed in your head. You'Re still gon na put that off on the goddamn woman, and then you see how he brought up that she was non-fba. Why is everything a hate against somebody? Who'S not FBA, like he he's proven the point that we've all said right now when it comes to reparations and - and we are fighting for money. Yes, we know that that money does not belong. You know to other people other than American descendants of slavery. Right. We get that okay, but aside from that, why is he always causing division? Why is he always trying to to fight with everybody who's black, but but it's not American black. Why is he always doing that? Are you serious, [, __ ], you don't even you're, not even man enough to just laugh at yourself about that [ __ ] and be like yeah. I look dumb as [ __, ] y'all got me. This [ __ ] really said a non-fba. Did this to us and you dumbass [ __ ] [ __ ] in his chat, because that's definitely that's your daddy in a different kind of way. I don't understand how, after all of this y'all, come over here, really defending this man and getting mad about somebody saying something about him as much as he talked about everybody else. Are you serious and you really let that man blame this on somebody else? This has nothing to do with FBA or not FBA. Are you [, __, ] serious, this [ __ ] found a way to not even take credit for the hairstyle that he got and blamed it on a non-fba woman really didn't [ __ ] said whenever non-fba people do his hair, they mess up his hair. So now this has become another divisive thing between American blacks and immigrant blacks. Are you [ __, ], serious and y'all really ate that [ __ ] up in his comment? Section y'all are slow than the [ __ ] and I am so appalled at the dumb people that I watched. Follow Tariq and most of y'all are men and if you're in my chat just be honest with everybody tonight and tell them, you don't have a dad. Tell them you don't have a daddy admit that you don't know where your father is admit that you don't have a daddy yeah, because this is why you run behind this man and sniff his ass, every little thing that he says, and this is why you will Laugh when he talked crazy about every [, __ ] body else, but then you turn around and want to talk crazy to everybody else who say anything about him. Talking about somebody obsessed, you know who obsessed [, __ ], that subscribe to my channel. If you don't like me why the [, __ ] - you still be here, you let this man blame this [ __ ] on a non-fba. Are you serious? Let'S break this down, let's, let's be real, serious Tariq! Nobody is clowning you because you got a dumb hairstyle. So, let's be real, clear, [, __ ], we're clowning you because you are the first one to call somebody moist and you have weave in your hair, see we don't care if you thought it was cute or not, because the truth is her. Locks are not actually that bad. It'S the fact that you have them in your head, sir. So while you try to talk about this woman, doing your hair, crazy, she actually didn't mess up your style. We are more laughing at the fact that you have weave in your hair. So let us help you and your dumbass subscribers understand this roast. You want to play and act like you, don't understand the validity of this roast [ __ ]. You wear weave what grown man sit in a chair and say this woman say I'm gon na give you some dreads. You know you only got this much hair, so you know she about to add some more hair to your head. You knew she was putting weave in your hair before she put the weave in your hair bruh. That'S what she specializes in is putting we lock extensions in people's hair. You went and paid this woman thousands of dollars, so you were definitely interested in this hairstyle. Stop playing with me, I don't know about the rest of y'all, but I'm not I'm not that dumb. This definitely doesn't go over my head. It'S not the hairstyle bruh. Let me say something if that was a chick there, getting some lock extensions, her locks. Actually, look nice, you sat down and knew you was getting a weave. It was okay with that. That'S why we clowning you bro. You did not sit in that woman's chair and she did not say I'm about to give you a fade and you fell asleep and woke up with some unbelievable weave in your head and said girl. I didn't ask for this: take this [ __ ] out right away, but first you let her spin you around in a chair and take a [, __ ] video of you. Looking like Milli, Vanilli foreign black shut up more black says, I'm not up to defend Tariq, but I'm just curious to know who says something to or about who. First we can't we can start but can't tell others how to respond black Moore. Please shut the [ __ ] up. Please shut the [ __ ] up you, another [ __ ] ass, [, __ ]. In my chat. What are you implying huh, who said something to who first [ __ ] 1073 [ __ ] years ago? I said something about Tariq co-oping, a movement that was for the [ __ ] people, where you [, __, ], think that people get to step up and Co-op our movements and talk about their for the black community and nobody ever gets to critique them. So when I said something about the [ __ ] co-oping that he did 1750 [ __ ] million years ago - and I left it alone so now anytime, this [ __ ] want to say something about me, my kids or anything in my life. That'S supposed to be okay: are you a grown man, y'all sound dumb, who said something about who? First, I said something about the [ __ ] that he was doing in the community, [ __ ] and every [ __ ] thing I said, came to pass. I told y'all he was gon na Co-op. This [ __ ], I told you he was gon na make money off this [ __ ], I told y'all. He wasn't gon na keep up to nothing. This [ __ ] told y'all y'all was having an annual FBA [ __ ] conference every year he did the first one [ __ ] got paid now he's moved on to the next thing. So me, critiquing, Tariq, doesn't have anything to do with the [ __ ] that he says about anybody else. Sir. Let me tell you something, Mr Blackmore, I'm so sick of you, [ __, ], black men that are just dumb y'all [ __, ] [ __ ] break my heart: every [ __ ] day, I'm sick of dumb ass black men. I am so sad that so many of you are so dumb. You do know that when I said something about Tariq Nasheed, I said something about what he did in the community. You do know that he didn't respond to any of the things that I said about what he was doing in the community. He did not refute them. He did not address them. All he did was come back with jokes about somebody being fat. Are you that dumb more black black, more whatever the [ __ ]? Your name was that, as a grown ass man, you don't realize that when somebody is doing something in the community and someone critiques, what they're doing that, instead of them addressing the issues, they just start calling people names. Who said something about who? First? Are you serious, and what does this have to do with that? I didn't tell Tariq to get a weave, [ __ ]. I didn't tell everybody that sent me this video to send it to me. I didn't tell the ancestor to deliver me. This [ __ ] with his fake ass weave to me and his head on a platter, so we could just laugh about this [ __ ]. I didn't do that to anybody, sir. So what would your comment have anything to do with anything that I'm saying right now? It is Saturday and we're here to be Petty, so [ __ ]. I have time today I got time. What would any of that have to do with anything that I'm saying right now? I didn't put that weave in that [ __ ] head. I can't point it out. The funny thing is, he put the weave in his own head and we pointed out - and you got a problem with us, but every time he does something about us - it's not actually legitimate because he has to. He can't take some [ __ ] about me and talk [, __ ] about it.

MrPiratebrain: Mechee this shit was funny as hell. I caught it sunday morning. I wasnt feeling well but you made my day thank you.

Christopher Parker: Sometimes we just have to have a "petty Saturday night". Especially when a grown man videos his new weave going on

JerichoThe85: I've never seen Mechee laugh this much

kevin smith: All these things are part of Tariq's insecurities: he doesn't like being dark skinned, so he married a bi-racial women and had light skinned children. He is losing his hairline and hair color, so he tried on some weaves and finally settled with lace front with sprayed on hairline. He's going through some late, very late, middle life crisis in his 50's and wants to attack others skin colours and hairlines in order to hide his own insecurities.

322 Petbe Blacksun: Salute Mechee X , excellent commentary about Tariq Nasheed ! Sending positive energy and blessings to you Salaam b1.


Robert Mustapha Muhammad: I love this don't wear wigs.. All praise is due to the most high God

Sunshine 2000: He was trying to go for kill monger look but failed. Mechee X I understand your frustrations trying to articulate to these dummies the truth. When you go to the salon they ask you what style you want so clearly he asked for it and if he didn't there's a mirror at the salon so you can see what is being done. You didn't see the supplies sitting out including the weave? After the 2nd loc why you didn't stop her? If I was her I would come out and defend myself because he putting dirt on her name.

King James: Tariq knows his audience very well and he knows they are not very intelligent so he can tell them anything or tell a joke and they'll dismiss whatever he does.


Yves Salomon: you always make me laugh you go girl .

Ra Sun: The two funniest comments and the live chat said tariq got the Ogun weave for sell now and the second one that tariq and Vicki go to the same place to get they wigs

Flawless: I been doing hair for a long time, and I can tell u he was very proud to be sitting in that chair

French Jae Media: Damn she got you Tariq with this one.

Sapi Ophilia: I love all your Lives Mechee, this one had me weeeeeak af! The message never gets lost in translation.

boYsie: It’s a time to serious and a time to be petty that’s in the Bible it’s a time for everything Love you Mechee

YungtalliE50: I’m here for this because he shot up your spot with the ice cream cookies he was selling Meechee Xream Cookies . But you bunkered down waited till you got Information that Tariq out here looking like Monique. I love both of y’all and let the war of jokes and pettiness continue


Akil R.: This was a good show. Sometimes we got to laugh. I remember when he started experimenting with hair extensions. He did a Sunday night broadcast with it in. I thought is that your hair? It grew awfly fast. He use to do a braid like a corn row. Then bam dreadlocks, but loxs take time to lock up. Then he took it off like a week or 2. It was short lived.

Niiji Psychology PhD🤴🏾: At this point, if melanated people are still listening/watching Tariq, Vicki, Bryce or any others. They need to be used for donations because ain't no magic in the world could make me watch or donate to the scammers

Cathi Young: I asked the same question about ownership. Who gives a person money for a business without a business plan, financial statements, and business registration.

Cathi Young: Brandon should bring a defamation & libel suit against him.

Phillip Rhinehardt: Tariq got roasted big time.

Homey D. Clown: Two snaps and a twist for that sassy Bay-Yang Ms. Riqqa is rockin’!

Kimberly Russell: This was epic! Thank you Miss Mechee for this!!

RADSeven7: “My ROBUST FBA Hairline” I like what Tariq do what Meeche do as well if you help black ppl I’m a support you. BUT THIS SHIT IS FUNNY “MY ROBUST FBA HAIR UNI... I MEAN HAIRLINE” Funny is funny I can understand a lil fibers to crisp the hairline but Tariq had the extensions lol this is just ironic as hell. Much love to Meeche & Tariq

KimPeace&Love: Mechee is the truth; ENOUGH SAID!

Pam S: None of my son's ever let somebody, fba or non fba experiment in their heads and spin them around

Tony Smith: You can tell from looking at his natural hairline that he is currently wearing a man unit

Majola Clan: This was great comic relief❣️ I needed the laugh therapy for real‍♀️‍♀️❣️

415 Fo life: That smile at the beginning says it all

Brittany: Mechee is aging backwards and hilarious as usual

Honey Kiss Royalty: I could not stop laughing from the minute the video began. I love her

Sharonda: It's sad that a woman had to assist with getting those animals prosecuted.Every BM in America should have been standing with Gibsonwow

Marcus Gibson: This was the funniest ish ever..."HIDDEN HAIRLINE"

sszndd Life: Tariq is done the cover is officially blown! We CLEARLY see the fake!‍♂️‍♂️‍♂️

Tommy Peeples: Mechee X is a complete fool! OMG my stomach hurt from laughing so hard. I haven't been able to catch your YouTube videos for a while BUT you had me cracking up. Thanks so much for all you do.

darrell b: Great Show Mechee, Fight Fire with Fire! Love it! Keep it coming! It is not petty, he needs to leave you alone!

Grandma G: Thank you. Keep TEACHING so we can keep LEARNING

Mark H: loved this Mechee keep on sis this bro with you peace and love

HOTSHOT PI-ZAZZ : Did you say Ms. Tariqca Nasheedca? . I'm deadStop it Mechee! You're too funny. Moreover, why do these men bother you? Really? They must stop this. Keep helping the people Mechee. May the ancestors fight for you & destroy your enemies. This is my request to Mother Universe. May the Devine feminine powerful energy cover you & your children.

lkdub269: MecheeX you and Brandon are killing the game. #PERIOD

Redpill Ras: Tariq lost his restraining order case against the native Americans lol He’s taking Ls everyday

Darrell G Alexander Sr: She said well why you let them put you in the chair and spin you around like that then, n@gga?! That had me crying!

Ms Sandra Lee #B1 DOAS TANGIBLES US TOO: Hey Mechee, I’m glad to see you back ❤️

Misti Blu: I absolutely appreciate you and this whole video. And congratulations to Brandon I hope he goes down there to the courthouse and I hope he tells them people everything. Can we please start a GoFundMe the paper this man's attorney!? Girl I knew he was a b**** the first time I laid eyes on him. Bless his dam gay ass Heart.

Everton Roper: @Mechex your man is so fortunate, you always bring tears to my eyes because I see your real love I hope I find someone like you am a Jamaican man living in America and I’ve never come across such a wonderful soul stay blessed

Redpill Ras: Tatiq has bitten ott more than he can chew in Mechee. Brandon and Tahaka Hea getting fully exoosrdy

Sarah Silva: The only reason Brandon would lose , is that if Tariq is really a agent and the courts go in cohorts to not incriminate him . I’m tired of Tariq , I hope Brandon win for us .

Veronica Martin: That was funny,she asked him why you let them spend you around like that?

Joselyn A: He got that after he enjoyed The Black Panther. He was trying to imitate Killmonger.

shawnneal for real: Yooooo I can't stop laughing.. ( hidden hairline ) ... I miss the live. But damn my Sunday is a laugh day thank you and keep it up ..

Jacquelyn Orta #1: Yes Meechie your right generally correct I love the content...Lead

Stanley Patterson: I LOVE YOU MECHEE -X❣️

Daphne Allgood: How is he financing his travels around the country? Last month he was in Hawaii and most recently in Atlanta, GA. Are the tenants paying for it or it is coming from public for personal gain? Uhmmmm! Is the museum a non profit? Fraud? I think the hair style is silly/stupid.

Vibes100: Tariq Nasheed know how to rip people off.

87 Cozart: It’s easy for people to get over on us cause we dont follow up or hold people accountable and when people speak truth about about it they say the person lying

Eigna: This is why they talk about weave all the time... They wear it also

Oletha Hunt: Mechee, you are the one too get someone together in a hurry. You are so loved by everyone.

TheSheriffess: You could never get my hubby, late brother my sons or nephews to put that mess in their hair. As a Rasta, I find that mess offensive. Taking the piss!

StepLively: The tenant are the artifacts for the museum.

Leo Go Live!: He said a non FBA sister put some bullshit in his hair and then in the same breath he said he don’t fuck with nothing like that. Why would he allow somebody to do it then???

A T Mac: So wait! Tariqwa really loosing his hair?! I’ve not watched him in years seems he has such vitriol for black women older than 32

Real Relle: Damn I'm really looking at him sideways now.

*mzzodiacc*: Tariqa~Nasheka!! That's Hilarious Mechee!

Genesis Reset: Tariq she got you on this one bro lol ….But MX WINTER IS COMING…

BlondeDivaTV Channel: The part where Charlie Murphy started laughing wasn’t fair. I saw what you talkin about on Mickey the barber channel

arnetta roberts: Yes Yes sis you right, his wife and family will inherited those business.

Dwight Quinn: I like what you do sister however you must mind your own business and stop pocket watch Tariq- be happy with what you do.

#vickivanlife: They sprayed black hair paint around his hair line.

1tmproductions: If it was a non-FBA hair dresser, then he was likely getting hair of non-FBA sources intertwined in his head. And his followers don't see the problem with this? And he talks about moist men but gets his hair styled like that. Anything you would flame someone else for, you have to answer for. So my question is was the weave he was wearing FBA weave?

Richie Lucas: This bussy dude is very heavily guarded if he comes up on top taking Brandon to court, will prove he's truly a agent. Let see what happens.

Lord King: Peace Sister I appreciate your content

Wilford Gainer: Spiritual Queen on scene ✊☝

Richie Lucas: That man weave is big business in Atlanta that's why he's back and forth down there. Reggie the barber is cleaning up amongst others who deal with men insecurities.

Gwen xoxo: Don't worry about Tariq! Just Focus on what You got to Do, To Make a Better Community-

Chris Stevens: Wow... His excuse is to blame a non-FBA woman?!? That's weak

YodaKhan: It was his feminine energy for me!‍♂️


B Luv: Damn Tariq…why you let her spin you around while biting your lip. Maaaan you can’t roast your way outta that bro. That was suspect asf and you can never call another man moist. Not even Roland or Marc Lamond Hill did that funny style type shit‍♂️

Ms Sandra Lee #B1 DOAS TANGIBLES US TOO: He’s afraid of loosing the extra money from the tenant that why he filed the restraint order

Ms Sandra Lee #B1 DOAS TANGIBLES US TOO: Those men are in the closet dreaming about their daddy playing with themselves

Gerard Freeman: Hidden Hairline

Keith Harris: I've always said she's a pretty black woman. I like looking at her sometimes when I'm listening to her she's funny and smart informative.

YodaKhan: He didn’t call the police because he knew they would have investigated and exposed the lie. Just like Juicy.

YodaKhan: “Hidden Profits”!

c ruffin: Please donate $500 to the Hidden Colors PT 9 featuring kilmonger

hopeislovely: Mechee I’m of the damn floor .

terrijack: So basically HE MAD because the shit didn't look right on him but the locs themselves looked nice. He only has himself to blame and NOT anyone else. This disdain he has for Blacks outside of Amerikkka is disgusting and divisive. We stay losing because of traitors among us.

Ddeendallas: I loooove Meches laugh

Abolitionista: Not me immediately dying laughing

Kim W: This man found another grift: ARUTISUSE ( pronounced Ah-rut-tee-SUS-see) Holiday. Complete with websiteS, a 5k run, and who knows what else. Why are we so gullible??

Corey James: The hatred for a person you never met is intoxicating we see..... meanwhile got time to be on YouTube

Queenjerian: He went out and bought like 40 silk scarfs for this occasion. Men should never ever come out the house like this

Warrior Life: I remember very clearly watching Tariq on one of his post with those dreads in his head, he was playing it off like it was his natural hair, he had them in for a time........"true playa's don't wear weaves or a lacefront, he will get no pass even though L.A. is a highly vain culture. He said later he cut them off because it was very uncomfortable for him to sleep on his pillow.........."What"?

Tyson Jordan Jackson: “I went a whole month without talking bout Tariq!”

Richie Lucas: Bussy cutie Tariq, with the locks bang, looking like"Milli Vanilli" revived. Bussy written all over his face. You don't have to say a word.

Jermaine Lightfoot: @58:00 Ms. X has called all black men to the carpet let’s go fellas we must do better and be men ✊ thank you for the constructive criticism Sister

ktlewis42: Well I would definitely agree that it is impossible for a man in his forties or fifties to have a hairline like an 18 year old boy but I mean you could look at that picture until that was some kind of lace front I mean he almost had no forehead so yeah that's I mean hes definitely I'm wearing male enhancing beauty products

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