Braiding The Girls Hair & Heze Sneaks A New Hair Style Too!!!


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Is getting all dragged up over there? She had some mousse in it and now you're having to do that. Why do we need to do this priscilla just to set the hair in place, and it will stay a bit? It will say neater bit longer: okay, okay, we the grim ways, welcome to the show spreading good vibes. Don'T let everybody know this we're not to our land so watch everybody grow and everybody's welcome from the royals to the roads. Oh my days, yes, yes, grim weekend. Welcome back to our channel good morning, for another another day with us on the grimmo family, channel, hi houston, it is the day after hizzy's football tournament. We are home, it's just go, go! Go because like in true grim weight and fashion, we have got a full-on day today, like literally so so full of stuff. We'Ve got hairs. Being braided, we've got grandparents coming around, we've got football training later on this evening. We'Ve got business meetings just so much stuff and obviously wait a minute. I'M coming i'm coming. You know what let me just go to the kids good morning. Are you? Okay? Yes, you have one sock on and one sock off. Can you say hello to the groomer again: hey hi, everyone harper? How are you good, um, yeah, yeah wow? Oh, my goodness, okay, you have to go: hey, grandma, guys, hi jose. How are you darling good? Thank you good. What are you doing? I'M just going to get your money we're learning some live stream, audition, fantastic um! When is your audition tomorrow, tomorrow, okay, i've actually already learned the um going over them again, so that i have them in my mind, totally is: are you all right? Okay, oh you're, saying hi to your sister: oh, that is so nice you're gon na give her kisses. Oh, are you gon na give her kisses? You could? Oh, that is so nice did you enjoy our weekend? Yes, so much you enjoyed it so much yeah fantastic! I'M glad you did is it nice to be home, though yeah cause, it was good. We are gon na. That is correct. That'S why your hair is out in the minute. Obviously i washed it this morning what you washed it you shampooed it and cooked it come come up, so we can see you as well um. What did you say? Well, halley's getting there? No, i didn't i'm not getting my hair braided. I was about to say we're getting our hair braided, but i'm not am i ah. Can you explain to us what you're having done so i'm gon na have so in our uh previous video one of the pieces, one of them yeah. I have got some braids, not braids, yeah, awesome, hair hair for the braids, yes, and i got blonde yeah and brown yes and i'm gon na have like. Is it not the spray? Yes, that's correct. They have knotless, braids and they're gon na be quite long. Hearts, do you know what the difference is between normal braids and knotless braids like they're, bigger and then the other ones are thinner, so okay go and then almost nobody have. You have to put a knot in your hair to braid the hair. It will look like our natural hair or won't have a knot in it. So, with normal braids there's usually a bump at the bottom yeah, it would be like i was called the plaits already start from on your head, so knotless brace doesn't have that kind of kink or knot at the root. It looks like it shot. Yeah not just this second ru and houston have gone to the fridge and got it. We'Ve had breakfast anyway, um, yes, so auntie ruby. Your auntie was explaining that, to you last night, wasn't sure and how long do we think it's going to take for your hair to be braided girl, four hours, you think four hours, ten hours, ten hours, they're professionals, so i think it's gon na take like four Hours it's gon na take six hours six hours. I think you might be on the money there mate. I think you might be correct. How are you rupert um enjoy your drink, you're, good yeah? Oh sorry, half of two sex today i wanna get football kit from the shop because we're only going to get grandma's present. I want to get a kit from there. Yes, you did want to, and ever since we got grandma's present you've been like saying, i would like to get a football kit, please. My mate and you'll have to wait and see what happens at christmas. What are you doing? How long is it going to take an hour, wow that'll? Be so quick? Yes, houston, you want your hair done, you're going to have your hair done when mummy washes. Your washes you in the bath, because which yes grandmother it's one of them days, grandma dan. Can we do a match now? Can you do much all right? Go there go do match with her. I think i i think miley's gon na come down down to there. I think so. Sorry right. Yes, yes, ro papa's, not even nice. One rhubarb, love that keep the ball. Keep the ball good, good good, keep going stay strong! Oh you got me. Oh, oh, okay, lovely and i can see - there's i'm not sure, maybe like just types of singles, singles yeah. Something like that. Oh you want single players. Yeah something like that: okay, okay, sorry, why are you hitting my belly? Miss madden, okay, she's off, go on here, yeah, just something like that, but because what what was you thinking? Okay, i thought he was getting cameras, but it's fine! It'S fine! You can get what you'd like to do. Yeah i'd, probably get your hands on your place; okay, cool all right, then well, girls. I need to wet your hair yeah and then i need to blow dry. It put a bit of moisturizer in it as well. Actually, before i blow dry it yes and then we should probably come back when you're, actually getting your hair, braided yeah. Okay, all right! Yes, all right, we'll be back in a minute all right time now to blow dry, hosanna's, hair. First um i'm using a bit of cantu shea butter leave in conditioner i'll show you yep that stuff to put in her hair, just obviously she's washed it and conditioned it. I haven't like blow-dried it. Obviously it's air dried, so i'm going to have to wet it. A little bit more because otherwise all these curls are going to hurt when i try and blow your eyes and stuff ready. My hair looks like a pancake right now. It'S fine! It'S so good! Just need to brush it out a little bit with the tangle teezer. The hair is still a little bit damp, so hopefully it shouldn't hurt too much. We hope look at her face. Hussain is like mom. Can you please be careful with my hair? I'M like well, your sisters, don't know that much while i'm doing the hair and then what do you think is not as curly all right here we go. It'S not too bad because i'm going from the roots, it's not that bad! It'S not that bad usually go from the bottom, yes out and then go to the root she's telling me what to do usually guys i'll be using a hair dryer. That has a comb on the end, but i still haven't managed to get a comb yet from the other day when i was even doing my hair and so yeah we're still just stuck with a hair dryer that won't turn on and the crush. So hopefully this doesn't the tangled season. This is a brush. Well, i call this a brush. Would you call it a brush or a comb? I hope this is a mess yeah, but okay go forward a little bit again as well, because it's plastic ready. Okay, i shall come back when i finished blow-drying all of her hair, okay, so gremlin gang i've blow-dried. You can't even see me i've blow-dried her hair out yeah. I blow-dried out her hair. Obviously it's not dead straight, but it's just stretched so stand up. For me. Here'S anna - and this is where it comes down to there. You go daddy's shouting being a little upstairs, but priscilla is here now priscilla arrived. While i was blow drying the head, it's one of them days, guys, like literally they're, just going just going going going as much as we can, and i'm just going to twist this into a big twist, so it doesn't re-knot itself. Was you really happy hosanna when mommy was blow-drying your hair for you? Why not because it just it was not massive, it wasn't nice, it's because you go from the trying to get it done quickly. It'S not good! For my hair, it's not good for your hair. You mean, if you're a scalp, is it hurting yeah? Okay, because i've got a lot of like just hidden knots in my hair and when you just think, there's no knots and you just go through them. There'S just i'm just like when i was younger. I was like my hair was, was so much curly than yours so and that's it for it. What i haven't told you is that i used to be there crying going. Oh, my gosh, it hurts it hurts and i used to play my mum off against my dad, so my mom would be doing my hair and then my dad would come in and go darling. Can'T you do it a bit softer than that. My mom won't be like she just needs to. Let me just brush her in houston. He sits down here. Your sister's hair has now been blow-dried, isn't it yes and it's very, very long yeah she's having her hair, because my girlfriend? Yes, okay, you're, not talking to us houston, okay, thank you! So much for showing us your skills. Oh there. He goes off doing this he's going son, so my husband is currently waiting for me to run an iron over his t-shirt and because he was upstairs getting ready, i'm actually sweating, it always really really decent. I think you should come down in decently. Basic you show us your picture: oh yeah, they're still there they are um. Yes, so he's waiting for me to iron, his top um. I have to catch my breath, i'll get so hot doing this blow. Dryer stuff, i must say i'm so thankful that priscilla was available today to come and blow not blow dry, come and braid the girl's hair because they said to me from earlier in the year that they wanted their hair braided. And i was like yeah yeah close to christmas thinking, yeah yeah we'll have time you never end up having time do you like everything is always on top and busy, but yes, i'm going to introduce you to priscilla and the first lady who has arrived to braid She'S going to be braiding, hosanna and harper's, hair; okay, as promised everybody, i'm introducing you to priscilla hi. This is i like shadow. This is who's here. One of the ladies that is here today to do the girl's hair. Shout yourself out from silly. It'S just a family page. The opinions you can just you know follow me on my little braid and journey there: okay, wonderful, wonderful, that's fantastic! And how long have you been writing here? For priscilla i mean, since i've had kids so about 10 years now, okay, and how many kids do you have? I have six in total: we're blended, family, okay, very good, very good one about four from my room. Four from your woman: okay, and what do you have boys versus girls? I got three boys and three girls. Okay, so do you have to braid a lot of hairs? Yes, i i had to just snatch off my little boy's hair, because i've had enough. Oh okay, you can cut his hair, so he's got shorter. Hair now came over here. So i'm down to three girls, okay, cool and who did your braids for you? I did them myself. Oh actually, i did them. Oh, my dad's, this guy look at them, hello, yeah, sorry am i going. I'Ve actually got to pop out and i'm getting car washed by. Are you, okay, i'm absolutely fine i'll be flying today at a million miles an hour as always, wouldn't have it any other way? Yes, okay! So we've got some burgundy on this side, yeah mm-hmm, very nice. How long did it take to see your own? Oh, my gosh in between making food cries express 100 hours, but you know, if i did it on, you would be about like four or five there. You go okay, wicked all right, so the girls were guessing earlier. How long they think their brains are going to take today? Hallie thinks four for each head. Six and we'll see you think four: okay, no pressure! No pressure! No embarrassment! I don't really mind how long they take. No gracious one, hey you're, touching the christmas decorations. Aren'T you you're touching the christmas decorations? Aren'T you um which child is this houston? Can you put it back, please uh-oh you're breaking him. Can you? Oh no. Can you please put him back, don't break? Yes, all right, so we have got priscilla over here and we do have another hairdresser coming and he's another hairdresser come in whether she'll be on the screen or not, i'm not sure. So i i shall ask first um, but yes to do whose hair's going to be getting done next hallie there we go. So this is the hair. This is the hair before it's done, priscilla is actually. What are you doing at the minute? I'M just parting the back bit, so we can get it cracking okay, okay, cool how's, it feeling so far, how's emma! Oh, it's good! Is it better than when mommy touches your hair? Don'T worry. I'Ve got a strong heart. You can say it feels a bit better, but yes, i just feel like with and what's called mums, it's your daughter so you're, not it's just gon na be this. Is it exactly and we just say just take it and let you get clients or whatever you want to be a bit more careful, oh okay! There you go again, no pressure. All right. We shall come back in a piece. Yeah. Look at these little braids. Look at you see what colors happen: halle blonde, a brown, let's see close up, hold them together and let's see them. Okay, so they're mixed with really brown i see and that kind of quite matches, because it looks like the ends of your hair quite light. Aren'T they yeah, so it looks very similar and yeah after this i'm gon na get two a few four or something strips of just blonde. Oh you really yeah yeah, it's all good! It'S all good! Hey hearts! Hey you all washed your hair as a washer blow. Dryer, i've done it by myself, but because it was taking too long, i was standing in the cold water. What cold water went cold, but mommy came up and made sure it's hot again, yeah and then i had to wash my hair well done so girls. Let me ask you a question: why is it you actually wanted to have your hair braided in the first place? I just wanted my hair braided because i wanted something different, but i don't want to cut my hair so yeah. That'S what i call it you spend when the sun comes down in your hair, that it dies all over your head and my hair is like blonde and then it's kind of kind of it's light brown yeah daddy said when it was summer. It really was quite blonde and then it came a bit um darker, because it's when to dissemble out okay, the sun is not really healthy. And what do you think harper? Why did you want to have your hair break? Because i just wanted to look like rapunzel, and i wanted to do my hair longer and a little wait, let's hold up a minute, so your hair is long. Your hair is super long anyway. Well and yeah she's got the longest hair up everyone in this family yeah, and you said you wanted to look like rapunzel. What on earth is good about rapunzel that you'd want to do it like rapunzel, nothing. Oh, you said that yeah ally. I just want my hair. Well, no i've got long hair already. It'S not that i don't. Like my hair, everybody don't say i don't like my hair, i love my hair. I wanted a different look and - and i wanted them braided for a long time. Okay, so yeah, okay, but half of you said you wanted to look like rapunzel. What did rapunzel look like why, but i'm expressed okay. So so can you be anything other than what you are? No, no, so be happy. Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy with how you look? Yes? Are you sure? Yes, okay, so what is it about rapunzel? Why did you use rapunzel as reference run down, and it goes to the grass okay down to the grass? Do you know what i think rapunzel probably found her hair? Very i'm, i'm practical. She cut it all off at the end. She had it all right here at the end of the film she cut off her hair. Didn'T she now remember: rapunzel is a character. Sorry me in a fairy tale: isn't she? What do you think? Do you think there's many people that have their hair down to the ground? What if your hair was short? How would you feel about yourself if your hair was short glowing? Okay, and do you think it's important that your hair is long or do you think it's okay, that it can be short as well? It'S fine mummy's got short hair is mommy. Still beautiful, yes is mommy still happy. Yes, yes and it's important girls that when you have all these different hairstyles and i'm sure, we've spoken about this before in our vlogs and whatnot - that you're still happy with who you are and who you are and who you are as a person. Isn'T it yeah. I just wanted to oh you've got hair on your toes. I decided to get my hair braided um for christmas because it looked nice and having a little little like touch up something different, yeah yeah. I think there's nothing wrong like what hallie said and jose got. You finished you're gon na say another reason. Two more reasons is because, first of all, i wanted it and done my last birthday and last christmas. I can get them because there wasn't enough time, but that was fun. I still look lovely um and but it's good, but i'm not. The main reason is because um, what's called every morning, i have to get up and wet my hair and wait for like two hours for it to get done, not because not two hours for mommy to actually do it she's very quick of actually doing it, but She has to do a lot of other people's hair in the morning, but with braids i can just do it myself. Look normal look. I can just go like this and put it to the side. I can have it out and it won't look. Matted, okay and so yeah, that's the main reason practically is apart from it, taking a little while for it to get done in the first place. Obviously, practically in the morning, it'd probably be an easier hairstyle for you to have, but i mean i don't feel like what i was saying. I don't feel like there's anything wrong with you guys wanting to have like a different hairstyle just because you want to try it, but what mommy and daddy most concerned with? Is that you're always content within yourselves and happy with who you are as a person yeah and then once you have that as a base, then afterwards yeah, you can try things, but you just still got ta, be happy with being you yeah. Okay, i love myself and i love my hair, that's right because god made you beautifully how wonderfully you're perfectly made. Yes, it's important that you're happy with that now this begin over here, yeah one one with you, so i want to get my hair like this. Like this. Okay, that's one of the pictures. I'Ve had okay, let's see if we can show this. Oh there you go right. That is quite a sick hairstyle. Yes, so that's one that i've seen that i've really liked. But, okay, i'm not fully sure. Yet. Are you not feeling sure it's still guessing yeah, you better guess sure yeah i've got some time houston. What are you doing? Are you playing with hair? Can you not do that? Please sweetheart, because that has been separated. Thank you very much very much okay. So we have the big reveal of one of the girls. Don'T worry whose hair is done houston, whose hair is done? Is it this sister's hair here, or is it this one over here? It'S that one isn't it should we show off her hair, it's been about how many hours baby, what not baby it's been about. Five hours eight hours about five hours and we have who knows which child this is. It is hosanna with her new hairstyle. Oh my goodness, auntie priscilla says we still need to finish it off. Yeah we've got to put like the mousse in the top and do rag it and then dry it yeah and do some hot water things yeah all the professional teams. Well, this is the stick. Thank you, the hair accessories yeah. You can put those in it's looking lovely, you can have them now. I don't know if you can have them yeah. I don't really know because it's nice yeah, i like it possibly yeah. Well the good thing with the hair accessories. If you feel like you go in yeah, you don't have to have them, but then you can put them in another day if you want to yes, yes, this looks really really cool you're almost finished as well. Yeah, but don't show me, don't show you yeah. Okay! Okay, well, let's actually oh look at the length. The length is all the way past your bum. Oh my gosh wow. Are you happy? Yes? Oh that's what you wanted. Isn'T it yeah? What have you got say someone to priscilla? Thank you. Oh you're! Welcome, okay and grimoire again: oh my gosh. Does she not look like her that one looks mature anyway, but now she looks just i don't know everyone's gon na think we're sisters. So basically, the boys have gone out to football, and hazy wants his hair came right as well and he's like i'm only. I only want it done today. I really want it done today, so i'm gon na go out and pick him up quickly, because harley's hair is almost unfortunate if it was just around the corner today. So i'm gon na go and pick him up, so he can come back and have his hair cane road, but hallie is almost finished. So i need to get her move on is getting all dragged up over there. She had some mousse in it and now you're having to do that, and why do we need to do this priscilla just to set the hair in place and it will stay a bit. It will say neater a bit longer: okay, okay, and what must you not do for headaches? What might you not do itch my head? Don'T scratch it! Let'S go! That'S right! You go down girl scratch, yeah! That'S right! Okay, i'm ready to dip! Now all right i'll! Go get the water, your hair is looking gorgeous hosanna, it's all finished. Now, isn't it yeah? It'S been dipped. It'S been moosed. Let'S get a close-up, wait! Wait! I need to get my blonde. Oh my gosh, it's looking fresh, it's looking super duper. Super duper fresh. I love it so make sure we've got the light on it. Oh, my goodness, we need to see the freshness of this hair. Bring your head down. Oh christmas, hair is done, yeah, wow, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, okay! Can we go and see your sister go and swap with your sister halle, because she's just watching houston at the moment, you guys can see harley's hair? Thank you. Oh there she is check her out with her braids. Oh, they look super cute. They look super duper cute. I love them yeah. Thank you. Do you like it yeah, i really like them and they're really long. They'Re! Really long! Look at that! Oh my gosh watch! When you don't sit down. You end up sitting on your head. That'S going to be so funny, it looks really nice, i'm saying, but you guys look so much older mommy's babies. Where are they? Oh, my goodness, you look so grown up. Yeah. Yes, you do. Do you like it yeah, you love it. Yes, okay, cool, and does it hurt or is it okay? It'S fine! It'S fine! It'S really light as well. Yeah! That'S because when i held mommy's hair um, it was really heavy. But now i've got my own hair on my own head. I don't think mommy always had the knotless braids. I can't remember, i think my first lots that had worked knotless and it's a lot heavier and also you've only had probably about one pack of hair and mommy had about three or something four. So it's a bit different, but this looks nice. I like it on your head. You'Re making me want to have my hair braided again. You should get your headphones. No, i just panned it, but it looks lovely yeah, absolutely gorgeous. Let'S give it get a bit of a close-up, put your head down for us. Oh it's looking super super duper fresh and remember: she's, going okay can't do twelve! Then hey check you out girlfriend. It'S looking really cool love, it love it love it and, last but not least, we're almost last of the girls. We have harper hooray sitting down there, hey girl. I know you can't really turn your head properly, but i want you for us to do is just started on your hair and um, we'll see how long you last for isn't it yeah you're gon na get your hair longer than the girls. Oh, my goodness, you are sure to say it's gon na come down further but yeah. Are you so excited? Okay? Well, i can't wait to see the finished result, but i think the greenway gang might have to come back onto another vlog to see your hair finished because we have to get on with our evening now. Mommy'S got ta, go and pick up some shopping and um yeah. It'S been a long day already. Isn'T it yeah? Where is oxford? Huh we're exhausted, you're exhausted, because you've been doing all the work. I'Ve been waiting for a long time or you've been waiting. Okay! Well, you don't have to wait any longer. Do you because your hair's been done all right stay still stay still, it's gon na look gorgeous but make sure you stay nice and still, okay, and over here we've got the boy that is heavy having his hair done. Yes, so you've actually changed the style of it from what she showed us earlier yeah, so um auntie, binti's doing your hair um. Well, i'm not gon na focus on it. We'Re gon na let the green white gang have to come and see on another vlog. I think, or go and check us on our instagram okay, come on at the grimway family for them to see the finished result like in in the flesh like not in the flesh, but this might be. I don't know your hair might be on the thumbnail yeah, but to see it in person with you moving around yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, so you've not had your hair done like this. Before, have you? No, i haven't it's the first time you excited yep. Yes, okay, very good. Well, we can't wait to see the finished results. Yep give us a piece out or something please. I just wanted to say we're putting all the information in the description box below for um priscilla and, if auntie been to her. Let me put her info in the description box, so she can get lots of work i'll. Do that as well. Yeah, okay, good um, because yeah man, i just think they just they just - do - have sick. It'S wicked um! So yeah look in the description box! If you wan na get your hair braided and you live in london um because boy, if you don't live in london, you know you're gon na have to pray. Hey! I'M gon na enough to pray. You'Re gon na have to pray. You'Ll have to pay the cost for the service, but yeah. So this one is over here taking pictures of herself miss hosanna because she said she wanted to see your hair yeah to tilly, and she said how was your day - and i said, um good thanks. How was yours and she said, good um and i was called - i said to her - i got my hair braided and she was like okay. Send me a pic. Well there you go she's, sending pictures to your friend. Look you anyway, carry on i'll leave. You be these girls now i like it when they have their head and they like it, bless them um. So yeah i'm gon na put all the information in the description box below and make sure you check it out and come back to see us on another vlog, where all the kids got their hair braided and done even miss houston. Was there like mummy hair done? Was like when you're, older and watch your robot rules start going. I want my hair braided, but i can't remember it for him um, but yeah. So we love you greenway gang thanks for sticking with us again for another day another long day. I hope you like the kids hair. Let us know if you like it in the comment section below much love, oh and rusev football. By the way. That'S why he's not here i had to go and pick hissy up from football with rue to bring him back to get his hair done, but tim and andrew are at football now, so they send their love and say bye too much love

Real BriBri: When Harper said that she wanted to look like Rapunzel, I really didn't think it was that deep lol

Katie: I just want to hug Harper. Nothing is wrong with her wanting Rapunzel hair.

Naomi E: The poor thing just meant that she wanted her hair long like Rapunzel .It was all about the LENGTH of the hair. The face Heze as an older brother made at her was uncalled for. And so was the long speech . Poor thing looked so defeated .Be kind to the little one , she’s only 5yrs old.

Karen Franklin: The girls hair looks amazing! Mom give Harper her space to express herself. She seemed deflated by the sudden unnecessary lecture. Bless her little heart. Beautiful family.

Angie Jolicoeur: I feel like Reu wakes up everyday with ONE goal: get a new football kit

Renay Jackson: Aww Harper looked so sad I understand baby you’re a true girly girl

Tasha Peak: Hosanna really knows about her hair type! For length retention you have to be gentle and not rip through the knots!

paulie sanderson: Lol You can tell Heze is almost a teenager... Girls hair turned out beautifully :)

Bianca Carter: I watch your videos on my tv and I literally had to come on my phone to look at the comments. I knew I could not have been the only one that wanted to give my girl Harper a big hug!! I hope there is some reflecting on how Harper was treated. I get the message, but come on now she’s a kid who obviously likes princesses. All the hair videos on this channel and the compliments given about their length in each one, I would want long hair too. Even though this was shot days ago I hope Harper is feeling better!!

Esther beamsforaballad: Thing is Harper is a girly girl with an introverted spirit. Please accept her for who she is let her express herself freely. Please

philesia J. wilcox-Bartsch: What beautiful hairstyles! The braider is really talented. Ella you look wonderful as usual. And Houston will be heard!!!!

Celeste -: This video is the most I've ever seen Houston disciplined. She needs it more often: She stopped touching the hair right away because you were firm with her. She understands right from wrong, and telling her "no" more often when she wants to have her own way is needed

Kia N T: Loves the color the girls got for their hair, and I appreciate Harper honesty and mom talking to them about loving their own hair and, being happy with what they have already. (Harper your hair is beautiful and pretty long so never doubt that!) ❤️.

Cecelia Davis: The girls are so cute and the hairdresser's are so good,they have so much patients, good job ladies

lyra Teal: Poor Harper, the response she got was so unnecessary.It was so Obvious that she wasn't referring to wanting to look like rapunzel because she was white but she admired how long her hair was-nothing wrong with that!. And her having braided extensions will make her hair look longer in a rapunzel way. Honestly sometimes it does appear that they pick up on the smallest innocent things the kids say and try to draw up these long lessons from it ,not sure if its for the kids sake or just for content but it not very nice to watch, a bit cringe.

Positive Light: The girls braids are beautiful!!! I just love Harper’s spirit ❤️ She’s such a humble child. I would love to see more interacting with her, giving her an opportunity to express herself more because it seems like she wants to express herself more. May God continue to Bless your family ❤️❤️❤️

Pat White: Everyone’s hair looks awesome! This video is influencing me to get braids in the near future. I’m a young 66 years of age & think I can rock the braids too.

Audrey Totheworld: Saw the girls' hair on Instagram, finally fulfilling to see the process ❤️

Trudie Rhodes: Hey gorgeous family love the braids. Many blessings and much love from Huntington Beach California

dimples deep72: The choice of style looks beautiful on hosanna how it frames her face love it

Queen Diva's Good Vibes Only: Hi Ella and Grimwade Family. Hosanna is correct about her hair. Not only am I a stylist and braider. I am also a woman of curly hair. With our hair, it must be combed or brushed from the ends to the roots. It is painful if not done correctly. It also doesn't take much time if you do it this way. As you will find it easier to comb or brush through as you go. Be sure to put it in four sections for the easiest and quickest way to finish. Their hair looks beautiful

Erika Gholston: The girls look fabulous. The braiders did a great job.

Feehan Fan: Love this family . My favorite moment in this vlog: when Ella mixes up the girls' names and says "which child is this?" This happens so much in my family!

Sylvia Ihems: Wow you girls look absolutely gorgeous I can't wait to see Harper Rae all done and looking as pretty as always

Dawanda Goodwin: I don't know of many girls growing that didn't want long flowing hair. We were not given long speeches on beauty and identity because our parents knew that it was because of all the Disney princess movies we watched. Whether a child of color or white it was our fantasy to look like them. Rewatch that video of you talking to Harper and see how her spirit was deflated. Sometimes we adults can make a problem where there isn't. Everything doesn't have to be a life lesson. Believe that you are raising them up Godly and let them flourish. This is just one of many opinions, take it as it was meant . . .with an open heart.

Sonia Paddyfoote: Love the braids on the girls,Beautiful!

d: Harper is a bright girl and I'm sure she knows that Rapunzel is a fictional character. She was only making a reference to express how she wanted her hair to look and not that she herself would take on that persona. The other girls were not drilled about why they wanted to change their style and Harper looked confused and hurt that she could not pretend or fantasize about her new tresses. Love you Harper girl and keep dreaming my luv. You are so beautiful with or without your braids my lovely Cinderella.

rebecca p: My word not everything has to be about race, the poor child meant she wanted to have hair the same length as Rapunzel (she said it twice!) plus Halle was called out by Hosanna for saying it first and she didn’t get embarrassed in front of everyone.

Art Monarchia: 2021, I ❤ the way your girls are loving their braids. They are prancing like little princesses.

MissX Rebekah: It’s like Harper can never say anything right bless her. I love her and can’t help to think she’s treated as the ‘odd one out’.

Guerdie Ajuste: I saw their hair in the gram looks amazing the girls are killing it with the braids Just get my braids done on Monday those ladies did an amazing job also was nice listening to them speaking French they wasn’t talking about me or anybody in the salon I didn’t tell them I speak French or anything just listen to them

Melanin Monroe: Hosanna’s right about her hair. I have a very similar hair type to hers (I have a black mother and a white father also) and I’d never brush my hair from roots to ends without thoroughly detangling it first from the ends up. It’s NOT good for her hair you’re breaking it off and pulling it out, we understand that you’re short on time so how about giving her the option to try to detangle her own hair? From what I’ve observed she’s surely responsible enough. My mom cut me loose as far as my hair at 12 years old and I was no where near as mature as Hosanna. I’m sure she’ll be able to at least brush her own hair out just fine

Kim: Hosannah your curly hair is beautiful. I have curly hair as well and would not change it for anything. Length is not important because hair is always growing.

Sduolc Epoh: Their hair looks beautiful

Veronica Williams: Beautiful braids on the girls! ❤️

sonya clark: Ella you are a great example for your daughters and you teach them life lessons. My mom always told us ( it’s five daughters, but we’re old lol) “I teach you to be young ladies but it’s up to you to become young ladies”. The same as I have taught my daughters. You are awesome.

Sheron Mitchell: Beautiful lady Priscilla - you have a lot of hair to braid, Hosanna's hair is really getting longer. Love the Grimwades

comment: Harper is so adorable

Blue: Girls look beautiful as always....Nice to have a change....and a break from styling for a bit too! If you don't want Harper to admire disney princesses don't let her watch it! Its natural to fantasise about being a character you've enjoyed and you acted like something natural was wrong.

dm gross: The girls look beautiful with the braided. They were so excited!!

Welcom Welcom: The Princesses look absolutely beautiful. Heze and Reu amazing. All so beautifully spoken and behaved. A real treat watching the Grimwade Gang

Kerry Fitting: Lovely hair girls! God Bless and Merry Christmas

videoqueen76: Their hair is beautiful! The ladies did a great job!

Melia Bennett: I am so in love with Rue. He's just too grown. Growing up great, the whole family. I love you guys.

Kathleen Evers: Rue is such an old soul he puts a on my face

Dee Dee Bak: The kids look wonderful! They are beautiful no matter the style, they are beautiful in their hearts too. My being white used to envy my black friends hair with all the braids styles and hair ties! Lots of hair accessories! I saw their moms doing their hair everyday and to me it looked like love ❤️ I still keep it in my heArt today. When my daughter was six, she had long blonde straight hair. All they hairstyles I learned as a kid was placed on my daughter. I sent her to school with a new crisp style every day. I box braided her hair and it literally took four hours, and my Fingers were jacked up. Lol God made each of you special with your mom and dad. Each of you are a blessing, beautiful individuals, God bless always

Ask Me Things: Harper Larper ❤❤❤ She's so precious, and super precocious!

Tiffany Blount: Great parenting! Always a teaching and learning lesson in everything. I'm so glad you didn't brush over what she said and let her know she is beautiful just the way she is.

Sophie Rowland: Harper is such a sweetheart, very very cute

Gary Copeland: Girls hair looks great!

Robin Crawley: Your hair looks really Nice, Enjoy your New Doos! Blessings Family❣️❤️

Folasade Adeseyoju: The girls are beautiful in braids. They even wear the same outfits.

Dar's Travel & Adventures: Beautiful girls, I love it. Merry Christmas Grimwade Gang!

Dee Dee: Reu has become so fluent awwwww I always love Harper regardless all your children are uniquely beautiful blended. ❤❤ This is one of the most beautiful realist family on YouTube they deserve millions of subscribers and views very humble loving family Ella and Tim. They look absolutely gorgeous.

Redemptha William: Loving the girls hair. Looking beautiful

Melia Bennett: Mom, absolutely. I think that conversation should be had with all young ladies. Thank you for addressing that very tactfully. Bravo!! We all should love our selves for who we are.

Sweet with a THANG: I’m getting my hair braided today too! Happy Holidays ‍

Sharon Coleman: To the Grimwade Girls the braids looks really nice I love it . Mom your children are so well mannered keep up the good work and May god continue to bless your family luv Sharon❤️

Lakadia Foster: They always look adorable n Hosanna hair has really grown those braids are going to make grow more

Bea Bea Jordan: I love the braids,they look so beautiful.

Shiquette Patterson: The girls hair look amazly beautiful and your such an amazing mom love to see your family may Hod continue to bless you all!❤

Vera Shepard Corhn: The kids hair looks awesome. Those ladies did a great job. The girls are so beautiful. Love you all merry Christmas from Knoxville Tennessee

Momma Awareness: Everyone, is Fabulous. Great job, lady braider. I could see, Hosanna point of view Mom, she's learning to express her point of view. Mom, she was sharing not telling you what to. I am very tender head. Because, my Mother, had 7 other children, she rushed to do my hair after a wash. I have thick course long hair. As an adult, today, I will not let other's do my hair. I couldn't say nothing as it was hurting or it was breaking my hair off. It was knotted. Anyways, Mom, your so Coo... Remember, daughter will challenge Mom. They are a future vigin of you. Very, old souls... please, hear her...

Peggy Vincent: Holly and Hozanna’s hair are beautiful. I their hair style, cannot wait to see Heze and Harper. Houston is so cute walking around playing with things she’s not suppose too.

Vickie Murph: Looking good young ladies! ❤

Gail Jackson-Chapman: Your girls hair is beautiful.❤️❤️

Ann Zwarych: Beautiful family ❤️ love the hair. Merry Christmas and God Bless ❤️❤️

wilma garrett: O my goodness.....girls I love your braids. So beautiful. And I cant wait to see Heze's new dew.

Marian Roberson: I love your braids girls so pretty. Great job well done.!

Fatima Kirker: All your children are absolutely Beautiful!

Christine Haire: Great job everyone looks so good

Berlinda Burnett: The girls are so beautiful and their hair is gorgeous. They are growing up so fast. Blessings to you all ❤❤❤❤

akapam57: Love their braids.

Andrea Baker: Girls hair looks so nice. They already haf beautiful hair and they just wanted to try something different gives them a break too from having to spend time doing their hair. Enjoy girls

chocolate diva: The girls hair came out beautiful ✌

Monique Scott: Hello Grimwades! Beautiful as always!!!! I understand mom's response, I do believe it should have been addressed off camera. Never fear Ella, your daughter's.......will not have issues w/ self love or self acceptance ( not w/ a confident and beautiful ( inside n out ) mom like you)....But I sensed, she felt she said something wrong.......I think she identified w/ the character because of the hair factor. The very best way to nurture and promote self love and acceptance with children of color is to provide examples of people ( young women) , outside of their inner circle ( family) who look like them.....incorporate those images into their daily lives. Start including in your book collection, ethnic themed stories , stories about princesses of color, etc....just a suggestion. Otherwise your a lovely family and you and dad are awesome parents.....Happy Holidays!

Kimberly Thompson: The girls braids really look very nice. I can't wait to see the finishing touches to Harper's hair I see Heze has picked out a style he like as well. I know all of their hair styles will be popping when it all done. Plus Ella you don't have to worry about fixing there hair for a few weeks. Now the girls can be on the go very quickly. Heze I know your hair will be looking fresh. Happy Holidays Gwimwade's

Karen Warner: Wishing the Grimwade Family a Very Merry Christmas Have a wonderful holiday and stay safe❤️

Elaine Moses: absolutely love their hair

lisa: I love braids I think there so beautiful the girls look beautiful either way curly,braided or straight hair is beautiful and meant to be enjoyed that's why it's versatile.

Monica Lovely Gant: Love to see people happy. Season Greeting

Brenda Phillips: The girls hair looks so pretty

J Vaughn: Beautuful styles on the girls love it not too tight. Happy Monday

Sidiqa Atira: The kids are adorable but I couldn’t imagine having that many kids.. and one on the way??? Whew chile ❤️

Berdine Visagie: Yesss they do look grown up.. but I love it!!! They look really lovely!!!

Clara Mcalister: The braids are beautiful, thank you for sharing

Florence Towah: I’m getting the butterfly locks braids get done in my hair!!!

Deb LaVan: Hosesnna’s hair looks fantastic!!

I am Selam: Harper ❤❤❤ you seem to be sweet, kind and humble.

dimples deep72: Halles braids look great too she is feeling herself for sure

Tian. na: I love this family so much ❣️ your videos always make my day ❣️

Sandra Hardin: I just love yall. Such beautiful well behaved children. You guys are great parents. The offer always stands, move to America and live with me. Lol

King Eldridge Royal: Her hair looking pretty. She's beautiful as always

SONIA HEARD: I seen it on the gram and it's beautiful on how hair braided. Love seeing the girls hair like that.❤❤❤

Joy Chisanga: Harper at the age where children get in touch with their emotions and use physical objects or ideas or or things they see on a daily basis to express their selves in a way that others around them can understand their thought process. Please don’t be hard on her she is just train to express herself the best way she can.

🦋 Butterflii WildRose & Lifestyle 🦋: I think Harpers hair Is beautiful as it is...& would still be beautiful longer. It's not a competition of whose hair is longer in the family or why. Hair is self expression. It's what you feel. Her life inspiration was Rapunzel. Like Hezes temporary inspiration was a scalp. I sat here & watched her heart break, as you all moved on when she was open with her family & you all didn't SUPPORT. & Siblings help improve not compete. ♥️✌ Butterflii Wildrose

Priscilla Robinson: Ella you are always so beautiful and have that wonderful pregnancy glow. Hi Priscilla ✋, I’m Priscilla too. All my children have hair exactly like Ella & Tim’s kids. I LOVE to braid. My hair is longer than Harpers and the kids in the school I work in call me Mrs Rapunzel because of my hair. Lol

꧁ ̊ೃcreating1_c1999• ੭ꠥ꧂: Very nice. Beautiful job. The ladies hair is awesome. Heading over to IG to see what Heze's got cookin'.

Nina: The kids look great….. come thru tweens!!!! Y’all look a little older with the braids I felt like an old cyber auntie. Very stylish ❤️❤️

Dimples Cotton: They hair looks so good

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