Can Acne Be Caused By Your Shampoo/ Conditioner?

  • Posted on 04 April, 2013
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous

Can Acne Be Caused By Your Shampoo/Conditioner? Grow Longer Hair FAST!

Hormonal Acne & Some Of The Signs/Symptoms!

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Hey guys so today I want to bring you a video kind of discussing whether or not acne can be caused by shampoo or conditioner and a little bit of a rewind. I actually spoke to some dermatologists about this in Prague, which was amazing, which is why that your video isn't up yet because I haven't heard back from them and I'm wondering guys, because I was gon na - do a series of video about meeting everyone there. That'S not gon na, be this video, but tell me, do you want me to post it now, even though I haven't gotten everything back from them like as far as information goes because I was gon na, like put it all together and make it a big happy. Video, but it's like, I feel like it's like it hasn't happened and that's just like there's no excuse for that. So, if you like, do you want me to just share what I do know or do you want me to wait for everything so anyways? I want to talk today about shampoo and conditioner, and whether or not I can cause acne or whether or not your hair can cause acne and first, what we have to think about is what's on our hair, naturally, and what are we putting on it on our Hair and actually we have oils that our scalp produces that lubricates. The hair hair is just made up of dead, keratin and protein, which is why it doesn't hurt to cut like our nails, because our hair and our nails aren't actually alive. They are dead. Protein and cells they're being pushed through our scalp and our nails, and things like that, which is why it doesn't hurt to cut it because there are no nerves in there. Now when it comes to shampoo and conditioner. On top of that oil, we're putting this stuff on and shampoos usually have a lot of sulfates which are in some skincare. You know, that's not really something. That'S gon na break a ton of people out. Unless you have, you know some sort of really sensitive skin or reaction. Um shampoos can strip the oil the hair of its oil, though um it can cause a little bit of scalp and balance imbalances or dryness um. This is just one that I actually love. This is the Paul Mitchell shampoo, but if we look at the ingredients it has water, alcohol chloride, more chloride, propane glycol, PG, 1 PG, PG ammonium or I'm sorry, amitiel, I'm glad it does not have ammonium. In there. Hydrolyzed wheat protein ginger extract more wheat. Protein algae extract, aloe, Barbados, leaf juice, which is all great for our hair, except for maybe the sulfates and some of the PG. But when you put that on our skin reacts a little bit differently Fuhrman it comes to things like olive oil or aloe vera. Those can be very healing for the skin, but when it comes to you know, root extract or wheat protein. Our skin isn't naturally meant to take that it, and sometimes our bodies even aren't meant to take that in then you think dairy derived or anything wheat derived. It hasn't really been a part of our system. Since the very beginning, I'm our skincare, you want to make sure they kind of avoid those. So, even though it's great for our hair, if that gets on our skin, it can be a problem also. Pe geez and the shampoos are basically like this goopy mess that bare minerals, commercial taught me this, and then I saw it in like science, but PE G is literally like this goopy mess. Um - and you know it's in some cosmetics - and it needs to be in some cosmetics because it gives it that texture, but in the haircare it's a little bit different because of what it works out with, and it really it just sits on our skin and kind Of penetrates a little bit and it really causes breakouts and unfortunate skin circumstances and those who have sensitive skin now. As far as conditioner goes, we all have conditioner. It makes our hair smooth. It makes us feel like a babies, but sometimes it's pretty darn magical. This is Pantene from the drugstore again. If we look at the ingredients, it has water, sodium, lauryl, sulfate little sulfate on different sulfates chlorine, glycol citric acid, sodium citrate sodium they miss applies fragrance all sorts of stuff - and this probably has fragrance too now speaking of fragrance spit fragrance, can cause a lot of Irritation because fragrance isn't naturally something our skin wants and sometimes that fragrance isn't derived in a way. That'S really good for our skin. For here it might matter, maybe not a ton, but the way our skin absorbs things. Our skin is very porous as compared to our hair. It'S compared to our hair. The skin is actually an organ that you know prevents against um. You know diseases and it's kind of an immune system barrier, but it also absorbs a lot of thing into it because it is a living tissue in a living organ, unlike the hair which is dead. But some of those fragrances can really cause irritation and issues and then also in a ton of shampoos. First off the alcohol isn't good because it could dry out our skin a little bit, but usually the alcohol will evaporate off pretty quickly. So I would about it. I'M an alcohol, your skin. Is it bad? Is it good its drying, but is it really that bad um, a lot of times conditioners, will have silicones in them and there are many different kinds of silicones: there's silicone, there's dimethicone and a whole bunch of other stuff. Um, oh, I said um again, I'm trying not to say em as much, but I'm like not doing too good. Maybe I should just save me al instead of um. Would that work I said like? No, I don't know it's really hard, but I don't bug some people, so I'm trying not to say I'm as much um I mean meow. The silicones in here are in some cosmetics and in some makeup um. No, I said some not them some in some makeup. There are silicones which you know again: they could put it in, they could take it out um. It'S the debate on whether or not silicones are good for us, because some say that they're silicones could cause problems with our pituitary gland, which is a hormone balancing part of our body that regulates hormones and if we mess with our little pituitary gland. None of our bones get messed up and that can cause acne. So it's the debate of do silicones cause this pituitary gland to go out of whack and there's a little bit in you know um in cosmetics and stuff. Is it safe? Is it not that's up to you, you opt out with you like and more they don't. I personally have noticed that they do tend to make me break out a little bit. Some people break out like crazy. Some people don't work out at all, but in shampoos and conditioners, there's a much higher concentration of them you're, putting a little bit of foundation all over your skin. Now, when it comes to shampoo and conditioner, we're not slapping them on their skin, but we are stopping them on our hair and so with all these silicones and all these products, you're saying when putting them on my hair and out of my skin. If I'd be really careful in the shower not to get it on, is it still causing acne? And the answer is yes, it could be because what happens when we have our hair down all day, it's all over our chest. It'S all over our back, and that was something we talked about in Europe with these dermatologists, which is what I want to bring you a video on soon is about hair lengths and acne, and the direct coil and the direct correlation to how much acne someone has On their back on the face in the chest as compared to their hair length, which was a fascinating study, now meow and you have your hair down all day and then at night, when you are sleeping on your pillow guess, what's between you and your pillow, your Hair, even if you try to toss it up behind you when you flip over it gets on your face, it gets all over you and what happens is that whatever is left on your hair, whether it's hair gel, whether it's hairspray or whether it's even just a Little bit of conditioner, that's still on your hair. That makes it smooth that is being pressed up against your skin and can cause acne, and if you think about it, we're sleeping for eight hours a day that can cause a that is a ton of time. For our skin to absorb stuff and our skin heals, when we sleep sleep, is a resting mode. It'S for our body to rejuvenate when our skin is healing. We don't want to have makeup on it. We don't want to have anything bad on there now, ah yeah and if we have our skin on there, it's gon na heal, but it's gon na trap, some of those silicones or whatever is on our hair. It'S gon na take some of that and transfer it onto our skin and heal that into our skin and, if you're sensitive skin, most likely gon na cause, you breakouts meowww um yeah, but that being said, we don't want to completely stop using hair products. I mean I need conditioner. I want my hair to be smooth and I want to smell like flowers and petunias instead of like greasy scalp, you know what I mean. I got ta get rid of my face cap with the shampoo. So the answer is that to stop using your products, what I do personally, if I put my hair up in a button, sometimes I even do it all. I said um yeah. Sometimes they do it all day, long, I'm just because it helps me, keep it up and out and I feel pretty sophisticated and pull back with my hair. If I don't know, I just feel sophisticated, sometimes ah, but but when you sleep, my biggest tip is either to wrap your head up in a bun or maybe put your hair in a towel um. If you can sleep with a towel on or something like that, whether your hair is dry or whether your hair is wet just try to keep it out of your face and then once you sleep on that pillow slip it over the next night. So that you don't have you know whatever is left on that pillow and then once you have, that you turn it inside out and then use the other two. And then you switch your pillow to a different one and you wash your pillowcases ah yeah. That is just what I know: that's what I've learned somewhat now. Someone did ask me about this, so I thought I'm just gon na post this video now so tell me what you would like. I hope that this helped you and if you've ever had experience with certain shampoos and conditioners breaking you out or not. If you tie up your hair, if you put it in a braid, tell me what you do and tell me what works for you, but I love you all very much. I hope that this helped you and I cannot wait to hear what you have to say and talk to y'all soon. Let me guys bye,

ordinarypancake: I know that having a gluten allergy really effects my skin and hair. I never thought to check my shampoo and conditioner for gluten because I wasn't ingesting it. Once I switched to a gluten free shampoo, my skin and hair changed drastically. My back and shoulder acne magically vanished, and my hair texture improved.

Naidalis1: I already knew this cause every time I put hair products on my hair I break out even if I keep the hair away from my face. My skin is extra, extra sensitive.

Sellee.Marie: Your hair looks lovely here c: I was really amused by the meowing lol. I think some shampoos and conditioners cause breakouts, specifically shampoos that are very drying and conditioners if they contain a lot of oils (especially jojoba- my skin really doesn't like it.)

Bamse Blåbär: I've noticed a change at my back acne since i started with washing my back after I've washed and conditioned. It has become alot better. I think you mentioned that on another video. Thanks alot for that tip!

Paige Belo: hey cass! for the past few weeks ive been using coconut oil on my skin and it really helped it heal. worth a try! even if ya dont like it its also great for hair too.

sarah dowd: I had been washing my face with really good facial wash for a year. I thought it was helping my skin but I was still breaking out. For one week I tried just washing my face with water and leaving it alone. Half my acne has cleared up its actually amazing! I believe all facial washes are just a waste of money unless you have to remove makeup. Leave your skin be trust me, let your skin breathe and go back to its natural oils!

Mary Fedele: Hi! A lot of acne especially on a persons forehead is caused from shampoo and conditioners. Usually the small bumps on a persons forehead arent actually acne but histamine bumps. This is caused by whatever ingredient in the product you are allergic to. A good suggestion to solve this problem is buying an organic shampoo and conditioner. Most health food stores offer hair products that arent very expensive and can totally transform your skin. Personally, this has helped me tremendously! :D

Sara: Hey! Could you do a video on getting rid of acne scarring? Thankyou for all your videos, so helpful!xx

vXvKUR0vXv: Its awesome how you are so informative and helpful. It really shows how much effort u put in your videos and i admire you <3

Megan Laurie: For me, Tresemme for blondes (especially the conditioner) made me break out so badly, especially as I dye my hair and had to condition it everyday! However washing my back and chest AFTER washing my hair has helped, and trying to not touch my face due to the oils on my hands. I really don't think you say um that much, don't let peoples comments bother you! Lots of love from Plymouth, the original one in the UK, not the 21 you have in the US! ;)

Elizabeth Wickens: Actually another technique that I learned when I was doing my studies was if you put your hair in a braid over night it will make it grow longer and faster. It will also not cause damage and breakage and will stay out of your face. So I hope that helped:)

Elle Reimer: I sleep with my hair in a french braid! It helps keep it out of my face, plus helps prevent breakage while i sleep! great video, xo! :*

Gennifer McHargue: I have been using Jessica Alba's shampoo and conditioner. The bumps around my hairline disappeared. Thanks for the great tip on the pillow cases!

Gina Kay: I do notice that a lot of conditioners break me out. I have pretty long hair and leave my conditioner on for a few minutes everyday in the shower. So, that conditioner is resting on my skin for those few minutes and I find that alone can break me out. I just simply clip up my hair once I've conditioned it, wait a few minutes and then rinse it out. I'm also on the search for a less synthetic/ more natural conditioner that won't break me out! Thanks for your videos Cassandra! MEOWW! <3

Song: I used Aussie shampoos for a month and for a month I had started getting acne around my cheeks (strange for me, since i never got acne there before, only on my t-zone area because it's naturally very oily there. and also my hair is in bangs so the oil from hair transfers onto my forehead alot) . that's the problem with acne... there's so many causes, you're not completely sure.

litowing0505: Meow!! You're great honey, very informative. And honestly, you're doing us a favor with all this information, if someone doesn't like the way you speak, oh well, you can't please the entire world. Ill keep watching!!!

McJHParker: There are certain conditioners i have found that break my back out. Even trying to "lean" while my its on my hair still makes me break out so i have found a few that are good.

ofbeautymatters: You always have such great informative videos. Love it! <3

Jasmine Martin: My previous shampoo and conditioner broke me out and caused the flare up of cystic acne. I have since went through accutane treatments and my dermatologist recommended Naturelle Hypo-Allergenic Shampoo and conditioner ($7.99 each) and I am now acne free.

Monica Rae: I have a question; I've been told that sun exposure helps rid you of acne and a tan actually mutes acne scarring by the time it fades. Does anyone know if this is true?

Rose Jao: Hey Cass, I have so many of these little bumps all over my face, especially on my cheeks and forehead. They're like blackheads or something. How can I get rid of them? They're so annoying! Please help!

SecretDragQueen: Your videos are very informative! I keep my hair in a bun at the back of my head when I sleep, I just don't like my hair next to my face, I have shoulder length hair so, it's easy, but some pieces in the back come down during the night

bittenby bella: I have my hair in a bun almost every day and I sleep with a braid and I have no back acne and I just barely have any acne :)

Lisa Connor-Wacky: I now wash my face after I'm done w/ my hair in the shiwer & I've seen some improvement in my skin. I'm also more careful to rinse all hair oroducts off the skin of my body. A satin sleep cap has also helped my hair & skin.

Chelsie Whelan: I love you Cas 3 Can you do a video on how you get your hair so perfect?? Xxx

Kowa: I get lots of tiny little pimples around my hair line. I only wash my hair twice a week, but I think my shampoo could be the cause!

Caitlin Archer: I have a question: Do you know what ingrediant in regular body/fash wash can cause my whole body to turn rashy? Thanks! X

Itzel Rodriguez: This was a very helpful video but i thought sleeping with your hair wet ], wrapped up in a towel was bad because all the moisture in trapped in your hair and when bundled up moisture is sitting for too long it develops a smell, and what about your skin on your head, wouldn't it affect that too?

britishsky: I tend to get pimples/bumps along my hair line and I find that sleeping with my hair up helps.

TrixyKitsurashi: I've kept my hair up in a pony tail at night for years and I actually don't get breakage. I really think it depends on the person and their hair type.

kyme32: gril, every damn thing in the contact with your skin can cause acne, i have an delicate skin and sometimes laundry detergent give me bad nights with sweet itching the whole damn night and few days of iritation of my skin, so yes, everything can cause it even the texture of your pillow especially if it's synthetic

LaurinchenEliannah: Oh I never thought of the possibility that I could get more back acne when I have my hair down in the shower when I let my conditioner or my hair mask sink in.. I think I'll put my hair up in the shower, thanks for the advise :)

Lovesparclexoxo: Every time I listen to your videos I become smarter every time :) Love all your tips and videos !<3

quiche lorraine: Thank you so much for posting this video!!! It really explained a lot :D <3

Ellinor Hansson: Your videos are SO informative!! LOVE THEM!!

Danielle McMillen: When I read the title of this video I immediatly said yes. My skin isnt that bad but i dont want it to get any worse so i went to the doctor 5 weeks ago and found out i have extremly sensitive skin and im allergic shampoos/conditioners, face washes, and chemicals in nail polishes/removers. I have to take pills everyday + a topical gel. I use Free and Clear shampoo and conditioner. Its completely free of chemicals/sulfate.

Dana: I was getting pimples on my cheeks, really irritated ones. I had just changed my conditioner too...It was organic as well, had maybe too many oils? Stopped using it and breakout cleared up :)

MsSmileyBabe: I'm so jealous of your hair! You've the most beautiful hair I've ever seen. Perfect. Just perfect. <3

susieq242: I have a question Cassandra, since you are a model, what do you do to make your stomach look flatter when you have bloating during a photo shoot?

bubblybubblebunny: Dont sweat it, Cass, it will come over time and usually just expanding on your repertoire of filler words does the trick. Anyway, the mew thing was even more distracting but it was hilarious. Regards from México!

Shari Crone: I have used practically every brand of shampoo and conditioner under the sun. I've never had a problem except for one impaticular brand and that Suave. It broke out my shoulders and back. It wasn't normal zits though, I had really red and painful acne it was awful

Leodemol: same thing happened to me! I hadn't really made the connection until I watched this video, but I'm pretty sure it was the shampoo.

Amy Trumbull: I find that conditioner and even shampoo with coconut oil or cocoa butter break me out along my hairline and the back of my neck, which sucks because they are great for my dry hair! Bummed !

Lea Bell: I wear my hair pulled back into a bun or ponytail to sleep as well which has helped with the acne on my neck, and I make sure to wash my pillows and pillow cases at least once or twice a week, as far as products, I am allergic to a lot of them so I check the ingredients before buying a new product, also I've found that washing my face with astringent just after my evening shower but at least 15 mins before bed helps as well, any less time before bed and I will wind up with massive break outs.

Katie Rianne Harrison: The fact that you're washing your hair only twice a week could actually be the problem, rather than your shampoo! To avoid getting pimples and acne you should wash your hair more regularly and try to avoid letting your hair fall across your face because your hair gets more and more oily the longer you leave it unwashed. You could try switching to a different, more natural shampoo as well to see if that helps just in case! :)

noelle massei: I wear my hair in a bun everyday all day. I still break out on my back and chest.

Shannon Miller: Tresemme conditioners cause my break outs and also make my scalp itchy and dry (causing dandruff even when I thoroughly rinse) but make my hair so soft I only use them when my hair is so dead but be careful with them! :/ x

em emsy: Great video but to sum it all up just say: TRY NOT TO APPLY SHAMPOO OR CONDITIONER TO THE SKIN!

JulieM: Great video! Thanks for the info :)

Olivia Crabtree: The best thing to do is to shampoo and condition FIRST and then wash your face and body afterwards :) Also I've noticed that if I tie my hair up in a loose bun at night it doesn't get on my face and it doesn't get greasy as quick either :)

Kristine Brimmer: It can be hard to know whether or not hair products cause you to break out...! I check the ingredients on all the products I use for my skin and my hair. Also, you can put your hair back LOOSELY to keep it away from your face. If it's too tight, it's not good.

Banana: I was using a purple shampoo, and I broke out in a rash on side of my face,I think dermatitis I'm very sensitive. It went away when I stopped.good tips,tying hair up and changing pillow cases makes a big difference, especially if your sensitive or have rosacea no point be careful with skincare and then u doing g it with haircare leaving irritants on your face

catscratchgangordie: I used a Burt's Bees shampoo for about two weeks earlier this year and it broke me out on my temples soooo bad! I didn't put two and two together until I talked to my derma about it and she told me to stop using it. I guess the essential oils were the culprit and as soon as I stopped using it I stopped breaking out on the sides of my face and hairline.

Calishahur: Thank you so much. This is interesting information and it's so kind of you to share this with us. and give time to explain about it. this is useful for me Thank you.

Avantika Malhotra: Please tell us about how you started wearing makeup and how you convinced your parents. Thanks :)

Msc: I vote for ,,um".please make a video about healing the post-acnee scars.that would be very helpful!thank you for all your videos!

Emma Conway: I love your videos! But I'm just wondering where you get your information from? How do we know that this isn't just from your experiences or just your own theory? Did you get this from a professional?

Madison Parent: Heyyyy cassandra! Could you do a video on how to handle/ avoid a bad mark

Raylyn beatteay: I like it when u say um its part of your personality so if some people say they don't like it when u say um a lot. they don't have to watch your videos u shouldn't have to stop who u are because of others I just wanted to put that out their p.s. by the way love your videos :)

Pragya Singh: i'm allergic to sulfur. no wonder, i've always broken out on my forehead.

Madison Parent: This video helped a lot thanks!

ifollowrivers: I started using organic hair products and I have noticed that my skin looks better. I'm not sure if they are related, but perhaps.

Kandi Estrada: My forehead hates detanglers etc.etc. basically anything that has to be left in the hair makes me oily and break out. I just detangle in the shower with a good moisture rich condition on lower half of hair only.


And I Oop: I want to know if the body shampoos (like the ones from BAth & Body works) can harm my skin, or help it.

TheCanadianKitty: Omg this was a hard video to watch! I loved it and very helpful but I'm here laying in bed with my iPad and headphones and I burst out laughing a few times! Thank goodness hubby is a sound sleeper!!

Lizzie Appelhans: You're super pretty!!! And I love your videos they're so so so SO helpful♥

Bellベル: thanks! I'll try and not use pantene pro v now, since by reading some comments it seems like it can cause break I will try something more natural or something. But yeah..I never considered how it actually could be the cause of my acne.

XxAbanico: i really love it when you try to avoid "ähmm" ;) your "meow" or "miau" sounds soooo cute and i had to smile every single time you did it ♥

amahla: Herbal Essences conditioner makes my back break out really bad, be forewarned!

Markus S: Cass, can u do a vid on acne scars?

Danie: I get scalp acne when I use conditioner. Any recommendations

Carrie caro: in Spanish "miaw" is the sound that cats makes so everytime you were pronouncing that i was laughing jajaja sound weird in a serious conversation jajajja lol, God bless you girl! and thank you for taking time to explain us about all these things!!! thanks for being a gift! ;)

Danya G: I have an oily T-Zone but on my forehead, nose, cheeks, and chin, I have flaky skin for going on two months now. I exfoliate and scrub but they won't go away. Moisturizers doesn't seem to help either. Can you make a video to help? Thank you!

Gsell Ruby: can you talk about pimples around the lips. its difficult to make it go away! PLEASE!! :)

Sarah: I use a nightcap...dorky but I find I break out a bit less and the less break outs the better :)

Angela Lisle: you know what, I haven't had the problem of acne, I'm very lucky really, but recently I had flu and got a really huge cold sore. I was so conscious of it I use concealer to cover it. I knew it would take longer to heal with concealer on it. So when evening came I cleaned the area where the cold sore was and applied antiseptic cream. I found antiseptic cream and fresh air as much as possible really worked more than anything else I could have used. Eczema creams work as well for acne, cortisone.

curvyb5quar3: what is your take on sulfate free and paraben free shampoos?? I see those all the time at trader joes they appear to have good natural ingredients

Bobbi Smith: I stopped using conditioner because I thought it was making me brake out and I replaced with a heat defence spray and that conditioned my hair pretty well! :) I wanna ask and change the subject why is your phone on the floor under a table? Lol :) xxx

Pixinerd: I am a teen with major acne on the back and chest, is there any kind of things that cover it up? Like a foundation for body or such?

Casey Couture: Great video Cass! <3

Laura Wright: your "um"s are cute! dont change a THING about yourself! you are wonderful and perfect how you are :) people will always be bothered by things, dont ever feel like you need to change xoxox

xxKeelyxx: Ly make my hair smooth but don't harm my skin either!

Aaron Zolanski: Im always scared that i get break outs when i put on my conditoonar :(

Jasmine Rogers: I've cut out all sulfates, parabens, coconut oil, palm oil, lanolin, and cocoa butters out of all of my shampoos and conditioners, creams, lotions, etc... And it has made an amazing difference!!!

Sakura71390: Question..if wheat is bad for you, how come so many people recommend putting oatmean on the skin? Good thing I never tried that!

Addison Glines: This is really cool! More videos like this?

beautytrioxo: I tend to break out a lot between my eyes and eyebrows..i also use baby oil to remove my you think that causes the break outs??

Alyssa: You should do a tutorial on your eyes! :)

IheartLOST06: yeah i think it does cass because like i used to use just normal shampoo and i would break out alone my hairline but then i changed to a more "organic", gentle shampoo and the acne kind of went away but now i just used baking soda and lemon to wash my hair and my hair has never felt better! and i dont get acne along my hairline anymore!

Saddia Shafaqat: yeah,that's exactly why i stopped using it also it totally dried up my hair :(

Mystic_Melody: oh, Diamond, you can say umm all you want! Don't let what other people say about you change who you are! You are truly an Awesome person!

Megan Linscott: a lot of good info gurl keep it up!

dencry711: i was blessed in the facial acne department as a teen but i got bad breakouts on my back&shoulders..i started keeping a claw clip in the shower&after i put my conditioner in(had waist length thick frizz prone hair bk then)& then id loosly pile it up&secure it with the claw..after i was about finished in the shower id rinse my hair head down so my hair saturated conditioner wouldnt make as much contact& 4 me it worked.never had an issue in the last 15 yrs.

babygoatsmum: I don't know if it's the hair products or just the natural oils from my hair that cause my back acne. My hair is as long as yours and I use the "no poo" method of not using shampoo and conditioner, and still get back acne and along my hair like. So cute you saying Meow, I miss my cat. Um, meow, don't change if you don't need to.

Stephanie: i used the new tresemmee shampoo/condition and i broke out along the sides of my face....don't know if it was the shampoo or something weird tho!

Lexi Peterson: You are such an inspiration! :)

oolaa1: please do a video on your workout/ fitness routine ! :D) Thank youuu!

Frances Locke: I have short hair now so I don't use conditioner very often and I noticed that my skin is always better when I don't, even though I don't use it near my face.

Elena DeKelver: Oh my gosh! you look so beautiful Cass! :) Love you, so inspiring!

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