How To Fix Oily & Dry Hair Forever

  • Posted on 03 November, 2022
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous


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★ Secret to FAST Hair Growth ►

★ Top 5 Shampoos of 2022 ►

★ Get Healthier Hair in 1 Week ►

★ Olaplex Do’s & Don’ts ►

-- Products From the Video --

★ Pureology Color Fanatic Leave In Conditioner ★

★ Olaplex 7 Bonding Oil ★

★ Moroccanoil Oil Treatment ★

All right so you've got oily hair up here and dry hair down here and you're, probably wondering how is it possible to have two opposite things going on at the exact same time, this probably isn't a shock to you, but it means that your hair, routine is Broken but don't worry because it's extremely common and super easy to fix, so let's go over what's causing the problem and a quick two product, two minute routine, that will fix this for the rest of your life. If you don't know me, my name is Chris. I own a hair salon called Live, Love Wax where we test out products and bring the best ones to you. I make these videos because way too many people struggle with their hair, and I don't want you to be one of them. The problem is you've been taught here by people who are trying to sell you stuff they're, not trying to teach you anything all they want. Is your money, a ton of the influencer videos that you're watching are actually paid commercials. When you see Kim Kardashian's, former hair stylist say that you have to go out and get a six dollar bottle of Tresemme shampoo, you need to know that there's no way Kim Kardashian is sending out her assistant to go to Walmart and get her Tresemme. That'S just not what's going on. They want you to think that Kim Kardashian has great hair and this stylist did Kim Kardashian's hair. She says to get Tresemme, so if I get Tresemme, I get Kim Kardashian's hair, so you go out and buy it and guess what shock of all shocks it doesn't give you Kim Kardashian hair, so you get frustrated, give up and your hair never reaches its full Potential and this all happened because people who were pretending to teach you hair were actually just trying to hustle you for a couple dollars. So let me suggest a different approach today, I'm going to give you two tools, one to fix oily hair and one to fix dry hair, so you never have to deal with either of those things ever again. This is going to be fine. Let'S go all right. So, let's tackle dryness and it's actually really easy. Your hair is really similar to your skin and that when you're young, it basically takes care of itself and looks great. But as you get into your teens and 20s, you need to learn how to take care of it. The first thing that you need to know is that your hair wants to be dry. Its natural state is dryness, as you do everyday normal things. Your hair starts to get worn down everything from exposure to the sun and the environment, to coloring your hair to styling your hair. All of these things cause damage to the outside layer of your hair and that damage is actually holes in your hair holds the moisture. Can escape from leaving you with dry brittle damaged hair, not good the Hair Care industrial complex. Wants you to believe that the cure for dryness is some special magical product. If only you buy this product or this product or this product, your hair dryness will be gone forever, but the thing is, it doesn't work like that and they always introduce another product and another product and none of them ever work. The reason for that is because products don't solve dryness this strategy. Does you have to have the right strategy so today let me teach you the right strategy and knowing that the cause of dryness is moisture leaking out of the holes in your hair. We have to address two things with this strategy number one: we want to rehydrate the hair when the moisture leaks out. Obviously you want to restore the moisture, put it back in there number two. We need to retain the moisture so essentially you're putting the moisture in your hair and then you're, locking it in there preventing it from coming out of the holes. It'S important to note that you want the moisture on the inside of your hair, not the outside of your hair, when you're in the shower conditioner and a hair mask will put moisture on the inside of your hair, but most of the products that you use after You get out of the shower or only putting moisture on the outside of your hair, which doesn't do you any good most of the time you want to use a conditioner, but a hair mask is always good for a pick-me-up, and especially if you're, watching this video And your hair needs a ton of moisture. You might want to start off with the mask alright step. Two is moisture retention, and this is the part that most people don't get right or don't even realize that they should be doing. I want you to remember that. No matter how much moisture you put in your hair, it does not matter at all if you can't retain it, it's going to leak right back out and serve no purpose at all. The way you're going to retain moisture is actually super. Super easy. When you get out of the shower you're just going to towel dry, your hair and when you're done with that you're going to use a leave-in conditioner and start spraying it on your hair, a leave-in conditioner, not a leave-in treatment, and this is where people always say. Do I really need to use a conditioner and a leave-in conditioner, but yes, absolutely, there are two completely different products. They serve two completely different purposes. We shouldn't have named them both conditioner. That was a really bad idea, but it's too late. Now, anyway, the conditioner or hair mask that you used in the shower moisturize your hair. So it's a super hydrated State. Now our job is to lock that moisture in moisture retention, and we do that with the leave-in conditioner an easy way to think about. It is your conditioner adds moisture. It'S like a liquid. It'S like water, where your leave-in conditioner is like a Yeti cup. It contains that water keeps it all in there keeps it nicely seen field and protected. So, instead of letting all that moisture leak out of your super hydrated hair, it stays super hydrated instead of having dry hair, you have super super moisturized, hair, totally different ballgame and, let's be honest, that's super easy. All you had to do was add one product, a leave-in conditioner and suddenly, when you have the right strategy, hair gets really really easy. The only reason hair seems confusing. Is you have so many people telling you to buy this or buy that it's almost like going into a crowded market and all the shopkeepers are pulling you towards their stand? Like I have the finest meats and cheeses in the Lander like no, I have the finest meats and cheeses in all the land. It'S only hard because you don't know who to trust. You need somebody to come along and slap all their hands away and show you. What'S really going on, and that's really why I made this channel hair is not that hard. If you have somebody telling you the truth, all right so there's one more thing: you have your moisture from the conditioner and hair mask and you have your moisture retention from the leave-in conditioner, but some people are going to need a little bit more than this. So, let's do a quick, advanced class if you have extremely damaged hair from something like going blonde or using an iron on your hair way too much. You may have too many holes in your hair for this routine to work on you, so you need to listen to the next 10 seconds. The key for really dry really damaged hair is to repair the holes in your hair and the way you do that is with the product like olaplex, 3 or one of its competitors. If you want to know how I have a complete guide right up here, all right, one more last thing for everybody: we need to make sure your ends. Aren'T dry ends are really stubborn. They'Re cut off at the end, so they're exposed they dry out really really easily, but you know what that's actually no big deal. We have a really easy fix for that as well. We'Re going to use something to retain the moisture inside your ends, so it doesn't leak out at all, and that is hair oil. Hair oil is the big time it's actually much better. The leave-in conditioner is sealing moisture inside your hair, but the thing is it's way too heavy. If you use it all over your hair, it's going to be super gross super dirty and oily fairly, and because of that, we're only going to use hair oil on our ends. It'S going to shine up your ends, polish them hydrate them and seal them to make sure they don't split on. If you follow the strategy, your hair will transform in front of your eyes solving dryness solves almost every other hair problem. It'Ll get much shinier much healthier. The breakage will stop, it solves almost every hair problem and that's why I call it a healthy hair, routine. I kind of snuck it in there on you, but this is actually what I call my Trinity, healthy, hair, routine. It'S just three products: shampoo and conditioner leave-in conditioner and a hair oil it'll solve so many of your hair problems. Everyone should really be using this all right. So, let's get rid of oily hair, given the most hair. Knowledge is actually sales material. Let'S do a quick reset everything that you've learned about hair, although old wives tale. I heard this. I heard that I want you to throw it out the window and, let's start from the basics, to get rid of oily hair. You have to understand oily hair and it may not seem like it makes much sense at first, but I promise you it's extremely predictable and easy to fix. If you know three things number one, you need to find your shampoo soulmate if you're having problems with oil, whatever shampoo you're using right now, is not getting your hair all the way clean. Even right after you wash your hair, you step out of the shower. You still have oil and bullet left in there. I call it Perma build up because it always stays in your hair and it's caused by using weak shampoos like drugstore shampoos and other weak cleansers. Drugstore shampoos, mostly just mask the smell of the oil. They don't actually get it out. That'S why 12 to 24 hours later your hair is already gross. You need to be using a professional shampoo if you care about your your hair. If you don't care about your hair, that's totally fine! But if you're watching this video, you probably care about your hair if you're on the fence - and you think, is it shampoo, just shampoo and isn't Pro shampoo like way too expensive. First of all, it's not much more expensive because you use way less and you use it way less often, so it lasts much longer and number two don't even get me started on, isn't shampoo, just shampoo too late. You already got me started. Let me tell you something that happens to me at least five times a day. Somebody will come up to me and say Chris, you said to use professional shampoo, but I don't like it and I always want to cut them off, but I let them finish, and I tell them the professional shampoo is not the same as drugstore shampoo. You cannot use them the same way. They are not the same product. Let me give you a quick example of why they're so different. You'Ve probably heard that you're only supposed to put shampoo on your scalp and roots, not your mids and not your ends, because that's where the oil is the reason you don't want to use shampoo on your mids and ends is because it will strip the natural oils Out, there's no oil from your scalp, but down here so the only oil it can take out is natural oils, which makes your hair dry. The reason you're able to do that with drugstore shampoo is because it doesn't actually remove oil and the lip it just masks. The smell and that's why your hair always feels oily so long story short. If drugstore shampoo can't remove oil from your mids and ends where there isn't that much think about how much permanent leftover oil envelope it's leaving on your scalp, where there is oil, all right! Moving on step, two is, you need to know shampoo, Kung Fu, and I know that you're very experienced you've been washing your hair for a really long time, but I promise you there's actually a lot of tips and tricks that make a huge difference. It'S extremely important that you get your hair 100 clean. I want you to think about if you're at a restaurant and they bought you out a plate to eat from even if it's just like a little bit dirty, you would still never eat off of it. It'S either 100 clean or not clean at all. If there's still a little bit of oil in your hair, it's going to spread and start to smell and get gross, which means you're not going to be able to go very long between washes and the first step on your healthy hair journey is learning to go. Three days between washes - and you have to get your hair 100 clean to do that when you get to three days, it's much healthier for your hair. You spend much less time on your hair and you use a lot less product. It'S a critical step and to accomplish this, you need to know shampoo, Kung Fu, it's a whole video in itself. You can check it out right up there for most people step. One and step two will solve all their oily hair problems, but there is an advanced class. So let's talk about number three for a couple seconds: there's a really good chance that some of the products that you're using are just too heavy and heavy products, weigh your hair down and make it feel oily much more quickly than it should to have your best Hair, you want to use the least amount of products possible to get the results that you want. That means removing all the heavy products from your routine and throwing them out. There'S a really easy way to test for this, and I call it the heavy product test and it's super easy. It goes like this when you do your normal hair, routine you're, going to leave out one product and see how your hair feels if you can go longer between washing and the hair, feels better and Light lighter and fresher you're going to get rid of that product. If your hair feels the same, keep it in there you're good to go and you're going to do that once for every product that you use so you're going to keep going until you've done all of your products to figure out. If any of them are weighing your hair down, making it greasy and oily too quickly, the only problem is, you probably aren't sure which products to replace it with, and that's why I have my recommended product list. You can find it in the description. It has a quiz to help you find your hair type and exactly which products would be best for you in each category. It'S kind of like my life's work. Alright, so congratulations. If you know those three things, you will never struggle with oil again. You now know a forever skill. You can teach this to your family, your friends, your daughter, one day, it's pretty awesome. I really really hope the simplified things for you today if you're wondering which products you should use from the categories that I listed above, you should definitely check out my recommended product list. It'S in the description of this video. It has a quiz to figure out your hair type, so you know exactly which products in each category you should be using it walks you through everything and makes life easier. Thank you so much for watching guys. I appreciate it have a good one.

Blowout Professor: You can get my Recommended Product list here: ★ ★

DaDeligtfulDazzlingDerika: Everyone please listen to this man! I started following his suggestions only couple months ago. And i can not describe how much better my hair has been. I always had to wash my hair everyday because it was so oily and my scalp would itch so bad from all the oil if i tried to go more than 2 days without washing. But now i can go 4 days before i need a wash and i could even go more if i wanted! I have fine hair and all of his product recommendations and techniques have been life changing. My boyfriend even comented on how much nicer my hair was looking without knowing i changed products! And the frizz is way more manageable again amazing man doung amazing work

notahamster: Every bit of this is so true! From the monopolizing of the hair industry, to the regiment you recommend. Ever since I started using the products you recommended, the way you explain in your videos to use them, my hair’s never felt as healthy as it does now! Ironically, I have highlighted hair AND a cosmetology teaching license I have been REALLY enjoying your channel! Thank you!

Datcomicskateboard 94: I did your trinity hair routine twice now. Followed exactly what you said. It was actually really easy. WOW!! My hair looks so much better. Glossy, no fly away's on the top of my head, no frizz, plenty of volume and my ends actually looked healthy! My sister and mom even commented. Thank you so much for these posts!!

pacha 79: Please address this more! Women are getting bald more these days, me included, and I believe that the oiliness only makes the problem worse. Edit: if Kim uses Tresemme I use dish soap. What a joke.

Vicky Londres: Chris, you are a miracle maker, truly! YouTube recommended your channel last week, I’ve been following your advice for 7 days and am already seeing results! Since I moved to the desert, 10 years ago, my hair became unmanageable. I never liked using heat on my hair but giving the frizz and your advice on how to use a blow dry brush, it’s now like salon hair everyday.

D Davila: I found Chris a few weeks ago. I completely revamped my hair routine based on his videos. This man is a genius!! I'm so grateful for these videos. My hair looked healthy and felt so soft after the first wash following his application and styling techniques with the products. I feel so confident knowing my hair is on the mend and looking good. Thank you!

andrea bell: Chris, Thank you for your videos and information! I started watching a couple weeks ago and following your advice. While my hair feels 'healthier', it still feels dry maybe day 2 after washing. Please do a hair care video on in-between washings - maybe focusing especially on dry frizz prone hair? If you already have, please LMK and I will most definitely watch! :) (btw I have been using Olaplex products, I started using the Pureology Leave In Conditioner after seeing your videos ;) ) thanks again!

Jordan Joestar: Hi Chris, I'm just staring out your wash/leave-in conditioner/oil tips and so far so good, but I want to keep my natural curls and my diffuser just doesn't do it for me. Is there a better product/technique--or even better--a way to prevent frizzing while air-drying?

M. J. D.: I'm 36 and a couple of months ago I had this urge to fix my hair and YOU SAVE MY HAIR! Thank you. Simple and effective!

Clare: OMG, I’ve wasted so much money on products for thickening, balancing, hold and everything for thinning, menopausal hair (including a fortune on Hairburst vitamin supplements) and everything you detail here is obviously where I’ve been going wrong. ‍♀️ Thank you sincerely, Chris.

Nikolina Lozic: I have made a change using the products you recommended about a month ago. And honestly my hair hasn't been this healthy in years. I hope you keep making videos. Thank you so much! :)

Loon E Bin: Thank you so much for single-handedly saving my hair. You are so generous with your knowledge and expertise and I have seen a remarkable difference in my hair in just a few short weeks. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Chris.

Gail Hyde: Chris I found your channel a week ago. Have binged watched all your videos! There is no one doing what you do. Not only do you recommit products but how to use them! Have already tried your trinity technique and my hair looks so healthy. The amount of products I’ve purchased I could buy a new car. Thank you, thank you!!! Keep the great videos coming❤️

BuySideBabe: Do you put on leave ins right after shower when it’s 10% damp or apply when it’s about 80% damp? Do you put oil after blow dry and before flat iron? Also, is it really any difference from Moroccan oil regular vs light? I truly don’t notice the dying people are talking about, my blonde is around level 9-10 but thicker texture hair.

Stalwart: Hi Chris .. thank you so much for all the information you provide. It's very informative Just one question if we are using olaplex 3, masks, leave in conditioners, hair oils (olaplex) regularly, how often we should use a Clarifying shampoo ? Also when it is advised not to shampoo the strands.

Heather Jennings: The tips you are giving is great for when you get out of the shower, but what if you need to moisturize your hair between washes? Can you apply leave in conditioner and oil a couple of days after you wash your hair, when it starts to dry out? As someone who lives in a harsh winter area, this is important to me ☺️

Noor: Girls PLEASE listen. The oil on your scalp is specific for your hair type and it is supposed to be the layer to protect your hair. Make sure you move that oil from the top to the bottom, because your hair gets the most dry at the bottom. I tried everything, products ruined my hair. The only time my hair was healthy is when my mother used to care for it washing it once a week and putting it in a braid. Other factors that damaged my hair was dying it and using different products and shampoos throughout the years. My hair got a little better after I left it alone, but thats just the baby hairs on to for now. I miss my healthy long hair..

J: Should your leave in conditioner also offer a high amount of heat protection (ie has a silicone as the second or third ingredient), or is it better to use a leave in with less silicone and a separate heat protectant with a lot of it?

Terese von Katt: I hear you and definitly useful tips, but what should I do when I've got naturally oily skin all over the body including the scalp? Is it ok to use dry shampoo to make the hair seem cleaner/freshly washed? My hair doesn't smell or is feeling dirty it just feels like that "oily" layer you get on your skin after applying any sort of moisturizer that starts to build up pretty much straight away and that's true for all my skin so not concentrated to my scalp only. No issue with damaged skin it simply likes being well moisturized on its own ‍♀️ I've used redken, maria nila, joico, loreal etc etc with exactly the same result all the time. So the basic question is dry shampoo the spawn of satan or can you use it to extend the time between washes?

Ylva Blom: Seriously listen to this guy, started following his tips about a month ago and my hair has transformed!!!

The Archetype Reader: Could you please do a video for swimmer's daily routine? I swim every day in outdoor pool for an hour.  Wearing a cap doesn't seem to do anything and the cap is annoying. I wet my hair in the shower before going in the pool and keep it in a tight bun. Every day I shampoo, etc. When it gets colder I even might have to blow-dry my hair. I'm in Spain and cannot find Pureology leave-in conditioner and the other products you recommend seem to be out of stock or not available here. I do have Olaplex 3, 4, 6, 7. Olapex 3 is a miracle. My hair was extremely damaged in the summer because they put way too much product in the pool. I could not detangle and I cut 15cm of my hair. I'm alone in the pool now so the water is not as damaging.

A M: I have thick coarse hair and i always had hard time managing them. I came across one of your videos and got some the products tht you recommended.. to be honest i was a bit skeptical at first but with each application my hair got better and better. I don’t have to blow dry my hair, i apply redken leave-in conditioner on wet hair and use the morrocan oil on my ends. I use redken blow dry cream (the red one) when i blow dry my hair and hot sets 22 if i curl or straighten my hair. Olaplex no. 3 every 10days!! These products have changed my life. I don’t have wash my hair tht often probably every 4th day. I cannot thank you enough!! You are amazing and i love your shorts videos they r packed with knowledge and extremely entertaining!! Thank You so much!!! ❤

Nikka S: Chris, do you recommend L'Oreal Elvive Volume Filler Volumizing shampoo and conditioner as replacement for the Redken Volume Injection? I couldn't find Redken Volume Injection anywhere in the Philippines. A website that compares ingredients said that the L'Oreal Volume Filler is close to the Redken Volume Injection in ingredients. Can I use that as a substitute? Can you suggest other shampoos for thin hair?

Rae Amelia: Hi love your content :) Could really use your help with something. What's your advice on washing hair for people who exercise regularly and work up a sweat? Do you still recommend every 3 days? Some sites say sweat is like a salt water wash for your hair, others say it can breed bacteria and lead to fungal acne. Is this an exception to the 3 day rule? Thanks for the great hair advice

Victoria Corcimaru: What do you guys think: do heatless curls damage your hair?

AMO: Ok, I have a stupid question; after the shower, when your getting ready to put the products in, do you brush/comb it first or after you put the products in? Thank you! Love the staight forwardness of these videos; very helpful.

Cristina Martinez: Thank you so much for all of the honest tips! I found your channel around 3 weeks ago and I can already see the difference in my hair. Question: Have you ever tried the Biolage Smoothproof shampoo and conditioner? I am currently using it and really like it. What are your thoughts on it?

Blair Kosela: I can't wait until my Redken clarifying cream is delivered. I'm going to phase out my Aveda products and replace with what Chris says. Hopefully I can enjoy my long hair rather than putting it up in a bun all the time. Its already bad enough that I need to go light brown for a while. I've been blonde since I've been 12 but my hair is thinning. Time for major overhaul but the right way. Thank you for simplifying what should already be basic knowledge.

PP: I cannot even begin to explain how glad i am i found your channel. My hair has never looked so beautiful the way it does now

April Rayne: Hi Chris. Love all the info. When applying oplex 3, do I use cold, warm or hot water to wet hair and rinse hair? I normally do warm water and then my final rinse, I use semi cold water?

Amy Johnson: I love that I have been listening to your channel for a long time and you do not tout a new products all the time. But rather tried and true and dependable. Thank you so much!

Dawn Nash: Hi Chris, I'm new to your channel. Ques: I have fine, (super dry on the ends) wavy hair that tangles after I shampoo and it's a nightmare . What is the best routine ?

Lauren Perron: Are there any products that are fragrance free that will work as a trinity hair care routine? I am new to your channel and have looked over your website and videos but everything I have seen so far has fragrance in it. Is there anything you recommend that doesn't? My ezcema goes crazy with fragrance and I would love to have better hair. Thank you!

Tatiane Souza Maciel: Hi professor thank you for your help and great tips!!! I would like to see more videos about curly hair please. Greetings from Brazil

Simone D: i probably missed it, but when should i put oil on my ends and is it only ends or also mids?

Laura Campbell: I have viewed your videos (fine hair, dry ends, breakage and color) and have decided to invest in your recommendations. I am not all in due to budget restraints but I am a bit apprehensive about what I have spent so far. I am waiting for products to be delivered to get started with your recommended processes. I am literally praying that your trinity healthy hair routine works for me; fingers crossed and wallet closed!

Neha Jaiswal: Thank you for your recommendations, I really want to try these products. I am already using Morrocon oil, but shampoo and conditioner & leave in conditioner is not available easily in India. I request if you can suggest any alternative to these. I have fine and oily hair.

Girl: I've looked at the recommendation list but I don't think it has anything that would work for my hair. Do you have any recommendations for hair that has very fine strands, but is very dense, and is curly (3b). I happen to have already tried 3 of the products you recommended for fine hair, but they weren't right for me, they caused my hair to frizz more than usual. My hair always has volume due to the sheer number of strands. But I lose my curl and my hair looks greasy when I try to use things for "thick hair". I currently use shampoo and conditioner and then a hair oil on my mids and ends. But that only ever gives me one day hair before I have to dye shampoo the roots and oil the ends again. I really don't know what to try, I feel like my hair doesn't fit into any of the normal boxes.

Barb Matias: Thank you, Chris! How long should I wait between applying the leave-in conditioner and the blowout cream.

Brittani Hopp: Can you give me some advice on keeping hair feeling clean if you workout/sweat everyday. I use dry shampoo but my ends seems to get really dry even when using oils and my roots get gross feeling after using dry shampoo for a second time

Magon Gajewski: 3 mins in and I can see a professional shampoo, leave-in and an oil coming Love your content ❤ I’m first

Maryam Emin: Please may you recommend fragrance free hair care products for each hair type and also pregnancy safe hair products for each hair type?

Lexi Jones: My hair was coming along and then of course I had to re do my blonde. EVERY time no matter what I do, there is damage and breakage. I really should leave it dark but I love it light. . I love the Redken Volume- but it dried me out. I went back to Pureology. It does make my hair staticky though. It’s so weird.

N Young: My hair thanks you!! Since doing your healthy hair routine, my hair feels amazing and I get many compliments on how great it looks.

Brianna Fernandez: What are your thoughts on powdered dry shampoo, I heard it’s better than aerosol dry shampoo especially after the recall.

Bee S: What about if you wear your up in a pony tail all day for work and your hair is sticking out on both sides. What products do you recommend to keep them in place without drying your hair?

Jessica Moreno: This has helped me so much I followed all your advice and purchased those products my hair has never looked healthier . Thank you !

Scout’s Honor 🐾💜: Many thanks for this valuable information I have very fine curly frizzy hair also very prone to dryness. The list you presented; wash, condition, leave in conditioner & hair oil on the ends ONLY ♥️ I’ve been doing for two years now and I cannot tell you how absolutely correct Dr. Blow-out is Some of my favorite products are; Virtue, IGK, Kevin Murphy, Biomega, Kerastase

Gia Energia: Love, I got the Redken Volume Injection and it's soooo foamy that I could build a snowman just with the foam it makes. If I use too little, it doesn't foam. But!! On the second time I apply it foam avalanches come up out of nowhere. So I do my best to reach my scalp with the tip of my fingers but it still feels oily and yuck. I do this 3 times in a row. Then, in time, I used the Redken conditioner just twice since I bought it and it greases my hair out that I can hardly style it. I hate it. Then, the Pureology, I spray 4 to 5 puffs from afar and it's ok. It's the only things that untangles what I messed up in the shower by trying to reach the scalp, pushing through the foam. I'm tearing up as I'm writing...I want it to work!!... I got the Olaplex 3 and I use it each Sunday coz that's the only time I can hang around the house 8 minutes while it's supposed do its job. The thing I'm really happy about is the Olaplex oil. Just a dash and it glows!! With all this, it's been 4 weeks now and my hair looks yuck. Oily, greasy, flat and without being able to style it. I use dry shampoo way more often now to get some volume out of the roots the second, third and fourth day. I wash my hair Sunsay and Thursday. Chris... what am I doing wrong??

IoanaIoana: Hello! Which leave in would you recommand for a fine,thin hair but bleached? I ve tried many,but they are too heavy for me..thousands of likes for videos!

Michelle Sparks: Seriously great information and advice. 100% worked for this 54 yo. Is there a particular ingredient that is superior for moisture retention found in leave ins or is it a combination? BTW-You rock, keep it up.

Meow Meow: You are the only person that made me understand that using Olaplex shampoo & conditioner is too heavy for my fine hair. Since I switched to the Redken for fine hair, my hair has body and doesn’t have to be washed every other day. I love you for that and so does my hair.

glorygloryglory: heyyy i’ve changed my hair routine based on what you said, and it’s been a few months and my scalp feels much cleaner, but my hair is still extremely frizzy and i have no idea how to maintain my naturally wavy, coarse hair. any tips ? i’m using olaplex and moroccanoil for shampoo and conditioner, using olaplex 3 and 6 as well, and using ouai leave in spray ( can’t get the pureology one where i live) and using coco and eve hair oil cuz the moroccanoil one is just wayyyy too expensive for a hair oil :/

Delvan Raundusi: Omg my hair is exakt so oily scalp and dry lengths … I spented fortunes on different products and hair treatments then I just stopped and my hair was better but stil dry. I will start from today to use your method! I will let you know how it’s goes. Thank you for all this gods and free advice ❤️❤️❤️

Harriet Broughton: Hi Chris I've been using 21 spray and Olaplex oil. Im trying to grow my hair long, I haven't had a hair cut for three months now . My hair is getting a little dry towards the end . I've used olaplex no3 as well. It doesn't seem to be working to repair the hair I'm not sure if I have split ends . I really really REALLY! don't want to get a hair cut . Do you think I should use a different type of hair oil or just add a hair mask? I'm not sure the Olaplex no7 and 3 are working. Help !!! I don't want to cut my hair I'm worried they are going to cut off all my progress How can I repair the split ends? or do I need to have another trim? Just to end up back at square one where I started . And if I do cut my hair ( at the salon ) should I put any products in before the trim ? Like 21 spray or oil? - after washing and shampooing of course Please tell me I don't need a haircut

Mohammed Bisher: I have medium wavy hair, and I've been using Nexxus Therappe Ultimate Moisturizing Shampoo. Do you have any experience with this shampoo? The first four or so ingredients match the RedKen shampoo you've recommended. Is this a bad shampoo?

Franchesca Chuchro: My hair is super thin and extremely oily in my scalp and from mid to ends is super dry. Is absolutely horrible. No body, no volume, breaks easily, doesnt grow, just blah hair on my head. It truly makes me so sad. I recently bought Olaplex N3 N4 N5 and N4C clarifying shampoo. Do you feel that I would be better off getting the redken line instead of the olaplex? Please let me know!! You have no idea how much these videos mean to me. I am spending thousands of dollars on my hair without knowing why nothing ever works. Thank you!!

Manuel Colón: I adore your content, but could you please do a whole video of brands rundown? Explaining if their products are professional or are actually any good. I am trying to learn about drugstore and professional products, and some brands I just don't know if they are actually hair salon oriented or just straight up cheap drugstore.

Natalia Błaszczyk: Hey Chris! What do you think about the Redken dry shampoo for fine and thin hair? Unfortunately, the one you recommend isn't available for sale in my country, so is the Redken one a good alternative? Thanks!!

Eleanor Chan: Can you please advise what to do if you are an active person an sweating causes it to get oily between washes? It's getting hotter now that summer is about to start in Melbourne, Australia. I often walk when commuting to and from work, as well as just doing everyday things (not exercise) due to the hot weather. I find that my roots get oily due to sweating. I use dry shampoo, but sometimes I find my head gets itchy when using the dry shampoo (even though it's doing its job). Am I putting on too much dry shampoo?

Michael Halbritter: I like that you said "Olaplex or one of its competitors". (I always have an issue with people insisting on only one brand.)

Apurva P: My scalp gets oily after 2 days of wash(that’s okay) but the problem starts when I get a little flaky on the crown of my head. I don’t understand what’s happening to my scalp. Please please please help me out with this. I have been following you tips and my hair isn’t dry anymore . Thank you thank you so much. You’re doing great

Charlotte Milam: Hello. Is there a heat protectant for both flat iron and blow drying that you would recommend? Love your videos ❤

Lychelle Lill: @Chris, you're going to have to find another shampoo and conditioner to recommend for fine hair. Redken has discontinued the Volume Injection range.

Julie Brown: I cannot wait to try the three step routine for my highlighted hair . I have so many products after being lead to believe they will fix my dryness. I love your videos only just found your channel.

Issy r: Help please! I have fine long hair, oily scalp dry ends and I want to transform it to my dream hair. I’ve watched many of your videos and come to the conclusion I need redkin volumising or pulp riot. However I air dry my hair and can’t get pulp riot is Australia . Would redkin still give good results from air drying? Also, the pureology leave in conditioner I can’t get, what are some good alternatives? Is AG hair fast food a good leave in alternative? Your videos have helped me finally figure out what I need, thank you for all the content!

Bezza Jo: Just to say, just found you on YouTube and I am addicted to your videos. I love the fantastic advice which I am totally following while I grow my hair fro shoulder length to long. I am 52 UK and my mam was a hairdresser so I thought I knew stuff. I knew sh*t. Love your videos, maybe I have a little crush on you, keep on making these awesome videos x

Clare: One question I have is: do you need to switch your shampoo regularly because your hair ‘gets used to it’? Or is that another money-generating myth?

Cat Sav: Do you recommend that men with short hair should be able to go 3 days without washing as well?

janna: Am i supposed to use both a heat protection cream for blow drying my hair and a iron heat protectant. Or do i only use the iron hear protectant if i Will use an iron after drying the hair?

WSD: I am allergic to the preservative in the fine hair options. With that said, how do I find a professional grade shampoo that I can use?

Rd: Please, can you recommend another leave-in conditioner? This brand is not available in Europe

Alexandra Garguilo: Omg I love how you called her out! We are here for education, thank you for all these helpful videos❤

Teena Covert: I have signed up twice for your product list, and it never arrived! Love your videos and tips!

Emily M: Can you please address how to use hair conditioner, how long to leave it in ring out excess water before applying or leave it drenched before applying? Thank you

Amy Kelly: Is the Redken Acidic Bond Leave in Treatment honestly a leave in conditioner?

Emily Pineda: Thank you so much for these type of informative videos. You are the best when it comes to i formative hair videos. ❤

Kassandra: Hi Chris I still use the volume redken shampoo and conditioner BUT I also use the leave in conditioner and after I am done with that I add some Innersense I create volume light kinda gel but my hair still feels dry

Kerry Drives: Omg, this is me! For the first time ever I have hope I can have nice hair. It’s been so bad that I’ve shaved it all off in the past.

Olga Goncharova: Hi Chris, what leave in conditioner can i use except of Pureology? Is Redken One United also a leave in conditioner?

Sabor Delicia: Be doing your trinity … and my hair looks great. Lots compliments from friends

Patrice Herring: THANK YOU!! I very much appreciate you making this for me. :D

Maria Menezello: Hi Chris, or someone who can help me out. I've watched A LOT of videos form Chris and bought ALL the recommended products for washing my hair accoridng to my hair type and for keeping its moisture (redken's both volume injection and the other one I forgot the name, plus the pureology leave in and the redken dry shampoo and 3 of the olaplex), however, now my hair won't go more than 3 days without washing it, regardless of the dry shampoo, while when i used tresemme I could easily go 3-4 days without washing it. I'm confused am I doing something wrong? Please help! thank you!!!

Your Access To The Red Carpet!: I tried REF which is a Sweden based salon shampoo to rid the oiliness and nothing worked. I’m so frustrated. Not sure if my peri menopause have anything to do with it or hard water in my shower. I don’t know but I’ve done everything I was supposed to do. I have sensitive scalp and easily build up.

Sara Rato: I'm thinking of buying a shampoo with acid salicylic. Acid salicylic is use to control oily skin so I was hoping it could help my oily hair (scalp). Do you think Volumetry by L'Oreal Paris Profissionel is a good pick?

Optimistic soul: Thank you so much for your genuine tips

Lakini: It would be awesome if you could do a video on how to keep hair healthy when you have hard water and what products to use to remove minerals and metals from hair if that's a thing or just a gimmick

Madonna Remon: Do we need to use hair masks every week? Could you please give us a guide about when and how to use hair masks? Your content is beyond great I am addictive to your channel ❤

Alaska Wilderness Living: "dont even start me on this"... "too late, you already started me on this" !!! ❤

divya mehtani: Just what i needed ❤️ also can u suggest leave in conditioner alternative?.. pureology is not available here in India

Patricia Bateman: I'm assuming that olaplex 6 is considered a leave in conditioner?

Vera Keys: I would love to hear your opinions on heartless curls. Or styles that you form while hair is 90% dry and sleep in

Narayani Ji: Hi Chris, is there a leave-in conditioner you can recommend without coconut oil in it? The Pureology and Redken United both have coconut oil. Please, please help! I'm using aveda botanical repair leave-in conditioner right now but I'm not getting good results.

Leona Ball: Hi Chris I am following youre trinity routine. Do I put the leave in conditioner on damp hair or wet hair ?and when do I apply the oil on the ends after the leave in conditioner while hair is still damp ? Would really appreciate you’re reply

Ileidis Martinez: Thank you for the longer video!

Michelle Smith: Can you do a video on caring for gray hair?

Dante Velasquez: I think you should call your channel the hunky hair guru LOL. Always great tips that we really appreciate

Ashwarya Arora: Please do a video on how to section hair properlyI’m always lost with what hair I’ve done and I put the sections one on top of the other and it’s a mix-match disaster

K C: I have long thick hair, I only wash my once a week. I am so tired of the chore, I love my long thick hair but I am so tired of the chore of washing it, putting products in it and straightening it in 1 session. It's takes too much of my time and I don't even enjoy the process at all. Short hair don't look good on me as my hair is so thick, shorter hair even harder to style, I thought about just going to get a trim so that I will get someone to wash my hair but I can't ask for a cut every week.

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