How To Moisturize Seal 4C 4B Coily Natural Hair After Wash Retain Moisture Keep Moisturized Longer

  • Posted on 25 January, 2017
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous

How I Moisturize and Seal My 4C 4B 4A Coily Natural Hair and keep it Moisturized for longer & i also Did Some a simple Natural Hairstyle. Please Like Comment and Subscribe for more Videos and Thank You for Watching Praise Onaturals

Hi guys welcome back to my channel once again, so I'm about to show you guys know how I waitress my hair right after wash now. What I do is when I finish watching my data. First of all, I don't try my hair. I those are my thing. Anything at all, I literally just shake off excess water. From idea, as you can see, my hair is still very, very wet alright, so I don't use anything to dry, my hair, oh yeah, okay, it's my hair! Look it right up wash! I think it's been about. 20 minutes now so I'll kind of get my camera and everything ready. So I can show you guys yeah. So this is what my hair looks like whether the water is very soft right now so guys. The first thing I do when I come out of the shower - and I shake enters one of my hair - is ambushed reading and applying my some oil to my scrap anything like oil. It could be a boring, coronal, almond oil or argan oil abusing your Doyle abused. Any of the spoil, so that's what I do. I apply this to my scalp, it kind of drink. So I applied my fingers and then I just go in too much cup like so so I applied my edges as well, and then I'm gon na do to the other side, our planet or, to my scarf, give me a little. You know my friend another biggest rock, make sure that my scope is super moisturize. So now I'm ready. I can use my cane shrinking so bad, but this already anyway, so I'm going to go quickly ahead now, but other woman just whatever starts right now, all right. I want you to what's up to stay in my hair up, but I finished so I've just taken section of hair and then I go in with the conditioner. I don't put the conditioner on my scalp. Just on that, hey guys all right, I don't want anything to you - know cover mascot. It'S really this! This conditioner is, for the name all right going to help to keep the heads of stuff for longer. So using my triangle head with really get the book shaver. If you can, I go to domina apply a little conditioner before the book Shyvana my hair stay moisturized for a lot lower. So once you apply these leave in conditioner like sober, I make sure that you really really sue the ill. I go around with my shaver. I have oils in the shea butter. That'S why don't use any any other oil on top cause, it's gon na be too much. So I have my Luciana Robbie all over your friends likes it like this. Well, that's how I do it anyway and then apply all right, okay and then I take this a little bit of it, move it to the end, the extra at the end so now gon na go in, and I'm going to put my hair so because I Have water in my hair, just like I put too much product, but not really all right! We do what I the production, Beth, don't scrape it off right now. All I'm doing is just kind of rubbing it on Lisa's head so trying to scrape anything off right. So 2008, and then this lady, so here we are guys, I'm all done now. This is what my three start. Looking like, I have about 12 trees in here, so this is how I have to moisturize my hair. This may be. I really question my hair. It'S on our face and this 10 upstate, where consumer trends mouth for a week without me doing a little bit, but it depends on the weather outside, and it also depends on what kind of hairstyle I have my egg. If all my hair is out, then it will be my third day I'd like to go in a westerly to myself, but I like to go in on the third day, and we must raise my hair all right, because I don't like to allow the hair to Dry before I moisturize me, oh yeah, I like to do that. I like to moisturize it before it dries out physically, so also on a third day. Let'S go, have an afro puff all right and I was trans, my hair like this and there will be less. They are Puma, Hainan Africa. I can walk the Africa for three days without moisturizing without anything to my hair at all. Not even water Masek walk my Africa just like that, and then on the side. You are going to be considered after further like that before and my hair was actually still fun, but I like to watch that happen. Our balance, my friend my hair before it dries. I don't wait for it completely dries up and then ago trusted no. So, on a Thursday we see a pop up on a Thursday I go in requestors, my hair recruit my hair back of our. I don't use as much product as I do on the you on the wash that now I anyways you know what I'll show you guys, how I will shred my hair on driving as well. So I can moisturize on a third day little gift for an accommodation and then do my no more wash cuz. I was like I want every case and then I wash my hair again yeah. So that's how I moisturize my hair, so you guys are not going to see me on the in the morning, possibly yeah. When I have my, I have drought, so one thing I also want to say is: if you're doing it was the day I like to wash my hair, I like to do it either in the wooden or in the afternoon, so that when I push my hair, Like this, I have enough time for it to end right before I go to bed bye, because if I was doing this like justified, go to bed - and I put a cup of this - comes this cow - this know whatever is comes back. It would from the vineyards, awesome information system ooh this cup. I need mr. Sutton company, whereby somebody would sit through his wet right and then working on a pillowcase it. That means I would lose some moisture out of it right so kind of do it just before you go to bed, try to do it. I live like at least four hours for it to kind of end right before you tie for bed all right all right. So this is about two days now. The reason why I wasn't able to film that's why I took two things. I was going to do the next day for you, but, as you can see, my hair is still very moisture, so there isn't one I like to twist my here after I moisturize my hair is so that my hair would stretch like you see right now, which Would help me to reduce single strand naps, and on top of that, when I twist my hair after moisturizing, it means that my drying time would be a little bit longer. So this allows my hair to be able to absorb the product properly before the air. Dries me now, so after I rub on my hair, then I can now put my hair in all kinds of sounds that I want. This is a natural path right here. So if I wasn't aware this apple crop, it would take me like three days. I can wear this as a power for two days without moisturizing and then on the third day. I would go in we moisturize with a little bit products and then twist my hair and let it dry overnight. So this was one of the thousand like going all these stars are really just very quick hairstyles now the thing is certainly is just that the copy of ends allow especially the upper part and the style I'm doing right now, once your ends are out and not In the protective style you will tend to have to be moisturizing, maybe two to three days. It always depends on your hair and also the weather outside all right. So just fill your hair, you know you would notice. The only thing is that do not let your hair dry out before you leave my strike all right now wanting to try to always try to avoid all right, moisturize your hair before it completely dries up. Now I think I can see I'm really just using bobby things to really get like secure. My hair give it a little nice. You know funky little sour. This is why I love our head. Now we don't bother fixing my hair, as I can see. What I'm doing is using my submissively just cover it up, so we did her style. It would literally stay like this, except if it's wet outside my experience, a little shrinkage and then at night time. I will tie my hair into a pineapple, we could substance car and that's about it really so there you are guys that exactly how I was drying, my wet hair, thank you for watching and how these guys invited is important.

w b: This is the regimen I do below, My hair is fine strand, lowpo, 4c, and I solved all my natural hair issues w/ this. I'm retaining length like crazy. I stopped getting matting or dreadloc hair completely. I learned it by finding a common link with a bunch of these type 4 long hair ytbers I've been case studying, including those chebe women from chad. freely share this info. 1. Shampoo (I use v05). Its important to use a real shampoo, not cowash. cowash does not remove product build up, making it impossible to hydrate your hair(hydration is when the water gets inside the hair shaft) 2. Rinse out condition (also v05) 3. *L(liquid)* I use a spray bottle filled with either fermented almost boiled rice water (the rice is near boiling before I drain the water, then ferment for a few days), any herb powder(chebe, ayuvaderic, etc) mixed with warm water, regular warm water and a squirt of rinse out conditioner, or herb tea. *C (water based cream)* A water based thick moisturizer. Should not contain hydrolyzed protein, silicones, mineral oil or alcohol(which make the moisturizer evaporate quickly). You can use a leave in that contains mineral oil if it is exclusively for *remoisturizing* inbetween wash day. But directly after washing any leave in you are putting is meant to contribute to you hair's *hydration* (water gets into hair shaft). I recommend soft and beautiful botanicals deep conditioning hair masque. They also have an actual leave in that is good. I prefer their hair masque, as its thicker, which means more lubrication and protection. both are good and thick though. Blue magic has some leave in creams that contain mineral oil, that can be used *exclusively for remoisturizing* , like their argan oil one. *G(grease)* I recommend blue magic indian hemp. It has mineral oil/petroluem, Lanolin(sheep sebum), and a bunch of plant oils (castor, olive, coconut, etc). It also has herbs that help hair growth. 4. band/thread the hair with ribbon or hair tie elastic. I do 4 sections. If hair is short, a ouchless head band alone will do it. Then band hair or thread with ribbon. Keep ribbon a centimeter away from ends, then use hair tie elastic to tuck hair into a mini bun, tucking the ends. Make sure when you are wearing wig, that you either use an inside out dome cap, or you use a satin scarf under a wig cap. This is better for hair. 5. Remoisturize and relubricate hair biweekly between wash days, using LCG. Wash day should be no more often than every 14 days, and you can stretch out wash days for 1-2 months or more. If you do, its imperitive, not an option, that you take the bands/ribbons down to do LCG 1-2 times a week, preferrably 2. *This is because LCG itself is a protective style.* I recommend this regime below to train curls. Once curl starts to define from roots after step 3 is rinsed out, you don't need to do it, the above regimen will define your curls with less work. Your hair looks like it already is trained, but i'm posting this info here for others who may read this. Always work in sections: 1. *if Low porosity:* 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of bakingsoda, a good squirt of conditioner, a small squirt of shampoo, and fill w/ warm water in an 6-8 oz or more applicator bottle or old conditioner bottle. Shampoo is added because of grease, and to remove any product build up of oils. *if High porosity:* A small squirt of conditioner, a small squirt of shampoo, 50% ACV 50% water in an old conditioner bottle/ 6-8 oz applicator bottle 2. Let sit under cap for 15 minutes, rinse, then deep condition over night. 3. The next day, or after you've deepconditioned, greenhouse effect, or steam for at least 30 mintues, do either a bentonite clay rinse, a clay wash, or blend an extremely overripe advocado in a blender and wear on the hair for 30 minutes. 4. Then, do LCG. Sometimes you can put aloe juice after the grease. Then band hair or thread with ribbon. Keep ribbon a centimeter away from ends, then use hair band to tuck hair into a mini bun, tucking the ends. 5. Take out bands and LCG biweekly until next wash day. No sooner than 1 week, should your wash day be. The reason is with fine 4c hair strands, they really cannot stand that frequency of manipulation if you want significant visible growth consistently. Ideally, no more often than 7-14 days, preferably 14. You can stretch your wash day to 1-2 months, or even longer. *The key is BIWEEKLY remoisturizing with PROPER LCG, inbetween wash days.* Otherwise you are going to stunt potential growth. Not just slapping on some oil on dry hair, not just spraying hair with water, that ends up evaporating in 40 minutes. Use LCG, because it isn't just remoisturizing, it is also Re-LUBRICATING, and reapplying the protective barrier the cream and grease give your hair. Lubricated hair means hair that doesn't mat, hair that doesn't break when detangled, and it is also pretty much a protective style, especially when using grease. Grease is better than plant oil is alone. It completely prevent matting, where as plant oil alone does not, nor does it lubricate as effectively. cream with grease is better than grease by itself. Everything I use is extremely cheap but I know how to use it, and it works. I never get matting, no single strand knots, shed hair slides out.I retain max length potential. *ppl that do biweekly or weekly LCO btwn wash days:* Naturally_Nica, 22nd century natural hair woman, what lies beneath the weave, Craving Curly Kinks, Fusion of Cultures, the Chebe women in Chad, Africa(they never wash, they just do unbraid their hair and LCO over and over every 5 days). Dephne Madyara uses LCG. All extremely long hair. *The key is they LCO or LCG weekly or biweekly* in between wash days, some using herb or tea as the L step. spray hair with water, or herb tea/rice water, use a cream and seal with a thick grease or butter. It is super effective. And yes the chebe women do use leave in, I watched the interveiwer's second video where she expanded on it. Threading and banding is better than braid/cornroll/twist. You dont worry about takedown causing needless manipulation. That Is why I band my hair. Its easy to remove. Also a seamless comb is great for dry detangling on washday. Only detangle on wash day.

Patricia Salaam: This video was so simple and informative! Thanks so much!

Queen Sheba: Yayy! Missed your hair tutorials. Your hair is looking so healthy and shiny sis.

Regina Cummings: Your hair is so healthy and beautiful. Thank you for addressing how to avoid single strand knots.

Aquisha Atlas: Yes finally somebody with my hair texture ❤️

Destiny Starr: Thank you so much for this video! you are helping me out so much rn. :)

Darren Brown: This was sooooo good! Thanks

Nana Githinji: Pretty much helpful ❣️

Deirdre Gaskin: Did you use one conditioner or did you blend a few oils together? Which oils? Also which oil did you put in the shea butter?

ajwa boateng: Thanks for these wonderful tips xx

My Finland Story: Thanks for sharing. Your hair is really growing and looks healthy. ❤

Elise Blake Whitaker: hi I would love to see your wash routine and the natural products you use

big mama big mama: What kind of sealer did you use I know you did the leave-in conditioner Cantu but what type of Shea moisturizer did you use to leave-in

MyNaturalMyChoice: Gorgeous hair!

Yolanda B: Great video!! TFS!! What leave in conditioner did you use?

Natural Queen: Beautiful. love the styles

Teish Hollis: Ur videos are the BEST!!!! im learning ALOT for my daughters DRY 4B hair

RingMaBelle: I love your videos and suggestions

i3abikay: Hi :) when you remoisturize do you spray with water first or do you just go straight with the hair lotion and then oil?

monique hage: How long did it take you to grow your hair ?

Lloyen Scotland: loved the hairstyle at the end

BlueGoddess4: C ( water based cream) what cream comes with none of these ingredients? I always see some type of alcohol, protein, silicone or what have you. Do you know of which ones we could try?

S. Jones: Oil don't adhere to my scalp when my hair is wet.

Savvy Sion: Love your channel! New Subbie.

Unique Flowers: what's your hair porosity your hair looks healthy

Patricia Phillips: Thank you for the tutorial bless

Unique Flowers: what kind of hair band you use for puff

Praise Onaturals: For Natural Hairstyle click 8:30

Monique Wright: Great job.!!

Ultrapro global solutions : I love everything about you,please do you prepoo before wash your hair

T G: Do u have a video on how you deep condition your hair?

Dinorah Santa Rosa BAPTISTA BARBOSA: Really nice

Wech Wech: Pretty curls

Dimples50: New subbie!

Lullabell: Praise i need help My hair i would say is very similar to yours it has a lot of shrinkage and when i wash there is a alot of tangles..i have just taken out braids and my hair has come out alot plus shinking I did an avocado n banana deep condition however i do not know what i am doing wrong

buzzard eggs: I love your accent!

LisaIsNatural: I love your accent x

Abigail Twum: wow i like your hair

esther Sam: are you from Zimbabwe or south Africa?

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