Haircare Mistakes That Will Ruin Your Hair

  • Posted on 25 February, 2023
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous


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★ Hair Washing Mistakes That Will RUIN Your Hair ►

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Daily Hair Care sounds really easy, but there's a ton of my clients who are still making mistakes that cause damage to build up and ruin their hair. So today, I'm going to show you what those mistakes are, how to avoid them and how to the best thickest, healthiest hair of your life, let's get into it with a story about one of my clients. This particular client told me that, no matter what she did, it was impossible for her to go more than one day without washing her hair. I probably don't need to tell you this, but washing your hair every day strips your hair of its natural moisture, which makes it dry and brittle and easily damaged the first step on your healthy hair journey is being able to go three days between washes. So I started asking her a bunch of questions to figure out how we can fix this. The very first question that I asked her was: how long did her hair stay clean when she got it done at the salon, and she told me that it would actually stay clean for four days, so we know it's possible. We just knew something was going on at home. We just had to figure out what that was. I ended up going over everything from her from the shampoo that she uses to her washing technique, which is actually really important to which products that she was using in her hair, and I could not figure it out. I had no idea a few months later. She came back in all excited she's like Chris guess what I figured it out. I know exactly how to go three days between washes. Now it turned out that she had been using the exact same brush for years without ever cleaning it. So, every time she got out of the shower and had clean hair, she would brush it with this old brush with all this dirty gross build up on it. Put it right back on her hair, make it gross so from then on. Whenever I'm trying to help somebody who has oily hair, I always ask them: how often are you cleaning your brushes because it can make a big difference and it's not all or nothing. It may be that you have a dirty brush. That'S taking you from four days down to only three or two days, so, even if your brush is only a little bit dirty clean it, it's not like you have to clean your brushes all the time. I would do it like once a month just to get rid of all the extra stuff in there. If you see white or any build up or anything in there, I clean your brush. It'S super easy to clean your brushes. All you have to do is fill up a bowl or your sink with hot water put a little bit of shampoo or a little bit of dish soap in there and then soak your brushes for like five minutes after that. Just take an old style, toothbrush and start scrubbing, it makes it really easy to get everything off of there. Now we have a ton of brushes here. So I like to take a shortcut. This is actually a denture cleaner, it's so much bigger, so much stronger. So much faster than a regular toothbrush. This is great for cleaning anything in your house, including the brushes. The only thing is, after you put soap on this, make sure not to use this on your dentures. It'S not for that. Believing some hot tools do less damage. You'Ll see some hot tools advertise themselves as safer than other Hot Tools, as in they do less damage, but this is really misleading. I'Ve had a ton of clients in my salon, completely destroy their hair thinking that these Safe products will protect their her and the best way I can show you is what I call the oven mitt principle: let's say that you're baking, some chicken in the oven - if You reach your hand in and try and grab it you're, going to burn your hand, so you can't do that, but you have an amazing idea. You are going to turn the temperature down to 350 degrees. That way it doesn't burn your hand. That'S an absolutely terrible idea and it's pretty obvious 350 is still going to burn your hand and if you change the temperature you're going to mess up the entire recipe, all you have to do to protect. Your ham was put on an oven, mitt and everything would have been fine, so you don't really need that plan at all, but that plan is the exact same thing that you're trying to do when you buy one of these safer hair tools. That'S because those safe hair tools are still going to burn your hair 350 400 they're, both super hot and they're, both going to damage your hair. If you don't use the heat protectant, the terrible thing is people usually don't use heat protectant with these tools, because they're labeled as a safe, perfect temperature, so people end up doing more damage with these than they would with other tools, and I'm top of that. These safer temperatures won't hold a curl or make your hair straight for days, so you have to go back the next day and redo it and apply even more heat, which is even more damaging to your header. The moral of the story is: don't pay some jacked up price for some secret magic temperature because they don't exist. If you want to protect your hair, just use a heat protectant, that's all you need, and by the way I know, there's a ton of confusion with heat protectants check out my recommended product list. It'Ll tell you exactly which protectors you need and when to use them. It even has videos to show you exactly how to use them using the wrong hair ties alright. So let's talk hair ties. If you know me, I'm all about the old school stuff, that's worked forever and will continue to work forever. Instead of The Tick Tock flavor of the months, but with hair ties, the old stuff needs to go away, it just needs to be gone, it doesn't work anymore. We have better stuff. Nowadays, the old school hair ties with the metal ring that rips, your hair out shouldn't even be made anymore. I don't even know why they put them on the Shelf. These should be put behind the counter with the cigarette. That'S where they're all locked up with the Surgeon General warning what these will destroy your hair, anything that catches, your hair and rips it out is obviously really bad for your hair, and these are some of the worst culprits and it's the exact same thing with old School rubber bands - yes, we have them at the salon. You need them for some Styles, I totally get it. Try to keep it to a minimum. Just be super careful when you're taking them out of your hair for everyday use. I would use a scrunchie or an invisible these things. The invisible bubbles used to be really really expensive. But now, if you check on Amazon, they're super affordable, there's no reason not to use them if you're not familiar. The Invisibles are basically shaped, like an old phone cord, if you're old enough to remember that, basically, what that does and make sure it doesn't crease your hair either. So you put ponytail without a crease, makes life easier. I suggest them drying with a towel when your hair is wet. Some of the bonds that are keeping your hair together actually are broken, and your hair becomes more fragile. That means you need to be a little bit more delicate with wet hair than dry hair. One of the absolute worst things you can do with your hair is drying it with what I call the washing machine method. Does it look like I'm doing it? Basically, you take the towel and then you spin it really quickly over your hair, which is an absolutely terrible idea for a couple of reasons. Number one like we said when your hair is wet, it's more delicate than normal. So when you're spinning the towel around, like that, it's really easy to pull a hair, put a whole bunch of tension on it and snap it and break it without realizing it. If you have perfectly healthy hair, it's not that big of a deal you don't have to act like you're drying, your hair with a Shroud of Turin. But if you have damage it's a really good idea to be extra, delicate and number two doing. This motion creates a lot of knots and tangles in your hair, and a lot of people at home tend to go straight through the knots ripping right through them, which does damage it's not a good thing. At the very least, it's just going to cost you extra time. Ideally, what you want to do is take your microfiber towel and just press it into your hair. You don't need to move it a whole lot, just press it into your hair, so it soaks up the water. That'S all you need to do. Detangling with the comb detangling with the comb is one of the all-time bad hair ideas. These things don't have any Flex in them or any give. So if you snag a knot, you're going to rip right through it and damage your hair, that's not what you want to do at my slide. We always detangle hair with a brush that has flexible bristles. The flexible bristles when they come into a knot they Flex away instead of ripping through it it's much healthier for your hair. This is what you want to use. These are called wet brushes and I actually spoke to someone the other day who was watching the videos and thought they were actually brushes that got wet. You don't need to wet your brush. This is just by a brand. That'S called wet super easy on Amazon super cheap check them out detangling naked hair. Another thing that you really want to keep in mind is that you should never start detangling your hair before you start putting your products in it. Detangling naked hair is much harder and takes a lot longer because the brush does not go through it nearly as easily as when you have products in it. If you know me, I always recommend a leave-in conditioner go on your hair. First, not a leave-in treatment, not a leave-in serum, not a leave-in cream, a leave-in conditioner. This is the base product of your hair routine. This is, is the easiest way to prevent dryness and keep your hair super hydrated. But on top of that, it's an amazing detangler, which reduces the risk of breakage when you're brushing your hair damaged hair is especially prone to breakage when you're doing this. So for all my blondes out there going blonde, usually means doing a lot of damage. If you find that your hair Tangles easily do not be afraid to use some extra of this to help you get through the knots, Don't Force It Through sleeping with wet hair. Some people say that sleeping with wet hair causes extreme damage and destroys your hair. But if you've slept with wet hair, you probably realize that you didn't wake up with destroyed hair. This isn't a complete myth. Like we said earlier, your hair is weaker when it's wet, but you don't need to be fanatical about this, so make sure to dry your hair every single time. It'S not that big of a deal we're not going to spend too much time here. If you want to sleep with wet hair every once in a while more power to you, don't worry about it. Another thing you need to be doing is: protecting your hair in the shower the most dangerous time of day for your hair is when you're in the shower. Let'S say you washed your hair yesterday, you don't need to wash it again today, but you still do need to take a shower. You need to understand that water is the enemy of your hair. The only time you ever want it to get wet is when you're washing it all the other times you need to protect it from liquid water and even humidity. Humidity is really easy to see when you go out and it's humid in the summer. Your hair starts to frizz and the texture just goes straight downhill and it doesn't look nearly as good as it did before. You hit that humidity. But what isn't obvious to a lot of people is that when they're in the shower there's a ton of humidity in the shower and water is also bouncing off their shoulders up into their hair, ruining the way it looks so any style that you have isn't going To last, nearly as long if it gets hit with that humidity, and even if you haven't styled your hair and you just air dried, it's still going to ruin the texture and make it frizzy. And that means that your hair is going to get gross faster and you're gon na have to wash again sooner that's bad for your hair, so here's a super easy way to fix it. All you have to do is go on Amazon and find a shower cap. They'Re literally, like eight dollars easiest thing in the world, the only thing is you need to make sure to get one with a terry cloth liner, because I promise you some humidity is going to get up under that shower cap. The terry cloth liner is going to absorb it, so it doesn't get to your hair. Never using a hair mask. Everyone should be using a hair mask once in a while I'll be honest perfectly healthy. Hair does not really need a hair mask, but nobody in the real world has perfectly healthy, hair, eventually you're going to be out in the sun for too long and that's going to mess with your hair or you're going to let your friend do your hair. For you and they're going to use too much heat and mess it up, something's going to happen along the way that makes your hair worse. If you leave that damage unchecked over time, it's going to slowly build up and build up and build up and you're gon na be like what happens in my hair. I can't believe this, and that's especially true because hair is like skin when you're 18. You don't have to do that much to it, but as you get older, it gets harder and harder to keep it looking good and I can sneak up on you really easily. So you want to do some basic maintenance to keep it healthy, that basic hair maintenance is a hair mask, and I would value this over everything else, because it is a thousand times better to prevent damage in the first place than trying to go back and reverse Damage, it's not easy at all. The hair never goes back to 100, so keep it at 100. The real question is: how often do you need to use a mask and the answer really depends on the state of your hair and how healthy it is. If you have super healthy hair, I would only use this like once a month and that's just to counteract whatever might happen, maybe you're in the sun too long. Maybe you gave it a little bit too much heat anything. This makes sure it stays in pristine condition. If your hair is really damaged, then I would use it like once a week, and I have clients, ask me: can I use this twice three times a week like? Is there any maximum to it, and not really, you can use it that much. But honestly, with my clients, I haven't seen any more benefit more than once a week seems to just be a waste. I would stick to once a week, but if you want to use it more, you can go for it if your hair is kind of in the middle and it's not super damaged, but not super healthy. I would suggest use this about every two weeks over time. As your hair gets healthier, you can back off and only use it every three weeks and then, when it gets super healthy, you can only use it once every four weeks. That'S the goal using shampoo the wrong way. There are time of people still using shampoo the wrong way, and it really bums me out I'll get emails from people saying. Oh Chris, I bought the shampoo that you recommended because I trusted you so much, but when I used it on my ends, it dried my ends out. Why would you do this to me? Why do you want me to have dry ends? I'Ve been haunted by this question for so long that anyone who buys shampoo for my salon gets one of these things with video instructions on how to use every single product, because I get it not. Everybody can watch all of my videos, but you need to know how to use shampoo. It'S extremely important. The first rule of shampoo is it never goes on your ends. Shampoo is meant for your scalp, where the oil is and where all the dirt is. This should never go on your ends because it will dry them out. The only reason you've been getting away with using Pantene on your ends for all these years is because Pantene doesn't actually work. It doesn't actually get your hair clean, so it doesn't dry. Your ends out, so please everyone within the sound of my voice. This is your one opportunity to do your good deed for the day. Please tell everyone, you know not to you shampoo on your ends. It will dry them out, spread the good word please. Hopefully, you learned something by hanging out with me today. If you're still with me, I really think you'll enjoy this next video have a good one, guys

Hannah Abigail: Another option is to have at least 2 hair brushes that would be used Before and After Shampooing your hair to avoid dirt, oil, dandruff and build up from the same hair brush transferring onto clean hair. That makes a lot difference too.

Patricia Cromwell: Thanks mom for making me clean my combs and brushes after each time I used them. I took it for granted that everyone did that. Hair wash day was always once a week. Now I know why I've never had to wash my hair every day.

S: 1. Washing hair every day 2. Using old, unclean brush 3. Believing Some hot tools do less demage 4. Using the Wrong hair ties 5. Drying hair with towel 6. Detangeling with a comp 7. Detangeling nicked hair 8. Sleeping with Wet hair 9. Showering without protection 10. Never using hair mask 11. Using shampoo the Wrong way You Are welcome

Veronika Be: I know, I told you many times, but again: your recommendations saved my hair I can go 4 days between washes now and finally my hair is getting longer than shoulder length! Before I only could grow it to the shoulders and then they would break and get split ends. Thank you so much!

Paige Ross: Dermatologists say to wash your hair as often as you need. Every head is different. Some people are super athletic or have gross jobs and need to wash daily. Others can go days.

Melinda Blietz: Just found your videos and devoured so many of them. Bought the products and followed your system. Went four days between washes for the first time ever! I have fine, highlighted, aging hair and have always washed daily. No more! My husband hates the sleeping bonnet but he is just going to have to deal because it is a crucial part of the system! I truly appreciate that your advice and recommendations stay consistent, based on extensive trial and error with your clients. You’re not pushing the latest product or allowing yourself to be swayed by companies looking to increase profits. If there is a way to give back to you as a thank you, please let us all know. Your work here has been life-changing!!!

S N: Thank you for all your tips! I’m 47 years old with thick down to waist hair. I always go to sleep with damp hair and definitely it doesn’t ruin your hair. I never blow dry or use any heating devices on my hair and I also have never dyed my hair and I think that’s the reason I have healthy long hair.

Stephanie Z: Hey Chris! Thank you so much for the advice on cleaning your brushes! I use all the products your recommend for fine hair and couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t go 2 days in between washing! Made a huge difference. Today is day 2 and my hair looks great!!!!

Kira Cupp: I seriously can not thank this man enough for helping me learn how to take care of my long hair. It’s naturally curly and super dry. I’ve always washed it once every 1-2 weeks, but I never knew how to keep it looking good everyday. Now I have a basic hair routine in the mornings to go with my skincare routine. I absolutely love my hair now, and I enjoy taking care of it

Z M: I want to thank you for all your tips, it is universal! I'm Malaysian and live in a tropical country where I can't go more than 24 hours without washing my hair. We wash our hair daily due to the weather. After watching your video, I bought all of the recommended products and I can now go up to 5 days without washing my hair. No smells, no oily scalp, just healthy bouncy hair. I have curly hair and I felt awful for following all of the curly hair rules tips all this while; your tips  works on curly hair. i have a request can you explain protein and keratin hair treatments?

Caroline Thompson: I’m so glad I bought a terrycloth-lined shower cap! It’s made a huge difference in my hair. Never would have thought of it without these videos ❤

A K: Do you have suggestions for swimmers? Wearing a swimcap isn’t always the answer and hair is going to get wet. What advice do you have when hair gets wet almost daily? If you could do a video to answer this dilemma, it would be much appreciated! Love your hair advice overall!

Alex Hudson: Hi Chris, thank you for your informative, no BS videos. I could do with some hair care routine advice. I can get away with washing my hair once or twice a week, BUT, I work out every day, and my thick, shoulder-length hair becomes a sweaty, frizzy mess. Because I only have half an hour to get ready, I throw it in a ponytail (without washing) and head off to work. As you can imagine, it’s pretty stinky by day 4, and it never properly dries out underneath. I used to wash my hair every day and let it air dry in years gone by, but don’t have the time to do that now. My hair actually feels healthier now that I’m washing it less often, but because it’s wavy/curly, I need to put product in it to define and hold the curl. As soon as I tie it back and it gets sweaty, I can kiss goodbye the idea of wearing it loose because it gets frizzy and the curl clumps get messed up. Any tips? Greetings from Australia

Nawrin: Chris, i've hated my hair for so long since i've lost atleast half of it due to anemia, rapid weight loss, etc. I still have a good amount and it doesn't look bad at all but i always kept thinking of what it used to be. i've purchased the products you recommended and it completely changed my hair. i am in love with my hair again! i get excited for wash days since your routine is so simple yet it yields such good results. thank you thank you!!

Kriss.Universe: I used to always follow the directions when I came to heat protectants but I never felt like I was getting the most out of it. I have extremely thick hair! I found the best way to make sure I was truly getting full coverage with heat protectant is to apply it with a fine tooth comb, section by section why my hair was still damp. It’s been a total game changer and I’ve been able to maintain a straight style for 3 days without having to do touch ups. Would 10/10 recommend using a heat protectant and making sure you are methodically applying it every time.

Kalia Johnson: I also wanted to add that I tried the “Invisibobble” and it also ripped out my hair for some reason. Maybe because my hair is super thick. So I immediately stopped and threw them all away. Now I stick to mostly big silk scrunchies and the thick black hair bands.

Sharlene De Paz: Everything you say is awesome ! But for me, my hair was horrible until I started washing it daily! I spent years trying to push my washes, and it would just end in my ends snapping off. Now I do the trinity routine daily! And my hair is much softer, less tangly more manageable! I should mention I don't use heat! Only because my hair becomes very unmanageable when I use heat. If I let it air dry then my hair is smoother and softer, more hydrated, the moment I try to blow dry or blow dry brush it, it feels like straw.

Vilija Leitanaite: Brilliant tips. I've recently experienced the heat tip myself - I've always been using a lower temperature, but having to touch up with heat every day. And my friend convinced me to try a higher heat (with protectant of course) and the curls lasted for two days when after sleeping in a bun and brushing!

Autumn Sikorski: THANK you so much for the digestible and helpful info. You've covered and answered every worry/concern I've had about my hair in a quick vid! Subscribed

doggypoo32: Thanks! I’ve actually started enjoying the best hair of my life in the few months that I’ve found your YouTube channel. You really know what you’re talking about! I enjoy all the content you put out because I’m constantly learning something new. Even the change from drug store shampoos and conditioners to brands like Redken and Kenra have made such a huge difference. It never even occurred to me that I was making hair care mistakes. I thought my hair type was dry and coarse. Haha oops!

michelle Garcia: Wow In all my years I’ve never learned so much about hair! It’s almost like most hairstylists want us to not know what to do so we can keep going back to them.

Monique Suykerbuyk: This man is a hair genius ! .I've been watching his video's and followed his tips and instructions . My hair has superimproved and growing superfast . He's explanations are simple , to the point and ( above all ) honest (!!) . So thank you Blow Out Professor for giving me healthy and beautiful hair . Greetings from Belguim .

Yashika Bhati: I am from India and it's very difficult to get the professional shampoo mentioned on the channel at a fair price since its imported. But somehow I managed to switch to professional Indian brands like Loreal Professional. Plus I got a leave in conditioner, followed the kungfu shampoo technique, got a scalp massager and made sure I use my conditioner shampoo and oil exactly like its suggested by Blowout Professor. I see wonders happening to my thin, straight hair prone to oil and buildup. I am enjoying the healthiest hair of my life right now and wonder how better it could be if I could get and use the exact same products he suggests. Every video has more or less similar points to communicate and still I can't get enough of this channel and continue to enrich my knowledge about hair care. Thank you for bringing such untainted educational content forward and transforming the hair health of thousands of people watching you!

Emma Maton: my hairdresser spent about 20 minutes trying to comb through my ultra fine, brittle hair with a fine-tooth comb and was basically ripping my hair out - it was so painful! I kept telling him that using this kind of comb is impossible with my hair and that he would at least need to use a paddle brush or a detangling brush before trying to attempt anything with a comb and he didn't listen to me and kept at it.. I feel like he did so much damage to my hair and I ended up looking a lot worse coming out of the hairdressers than I did before going in. And I ended up paying about 130 euros for a trim and an olaplex treatment because he is the 'head stylist'. Really bad.

Karin F: Hi Chris, your videos and tips helped me so much! Thanks for that. Only one thing is still not working. As you mentioned in this video, high humidity is the worst for fine hair. As soon as the humidity is a bit higher, I look like I haven't brushed my hair in days at all. Especially my white hair loves to do whatever it likes and not what I want. Any suggestions on what I should do? Thanks

Kianna Vaz: Hey Chris! I would love some tips on sensitive scalp. LOVE your videos! Keep preaching

I LikE mY dOnUtS WiTh jAm In ThE mIdDlE: When you talked about the girl using old brushes and having greasy hair... I have the opposite problem. I don't have enough natural oils at my scalp. I wash my hair once a week (every Sunday) and sometimes it's not greasy even after the whole week. I tried everything. My hair is NATURALLY extremely dry. When I moisturize my hair, it absorbs the product extremely fast and it often looks like I didn't even put it there in the first place. I never coloured my hair or anything like that. My hair is still the same length as when I was 9 years old. Please, help

C: Another viewer saying Thank you! Not only is my hair condition improving, so is my bank balance because, even with buying slightly more expensive better quality products, I'm using less of them & not having to use shower/drier as often saves on utility bills too. Really appreciate your expert yet easy to understand advice.

ItzSoso: Hi! I know how you always highlight how important leave-in conditioner is but the reality is that those are incredible hard to find at stores, at least where I live, to the point that I didn't even know they were a thing until I started doing more research about haircare. I find all those leave-in treatments, serums, whatever that you mention too, but a simple leave-in conditioner seems almost impossible to find (the only ones I found are on a more expensive side and still very hard to find)

Beautiful Awakening: Ok, so the only tip worth trying for me is the hairbrush. When I had dreadlocks I could go weeks without washing them. The only factor that is different is the hairbrush. Hmmm very interesting. Also I think with my hair moving around and me running my hands through it contributes to the oiliness

Antonia Pavić: You saved my hair! I have had oily hair since I can remember, and no shampoo or treatment ever helped until I watched your video of how to wash hair and how long should I go in between washes, and I used to wash every day or two, now I go 3 days and my sculpt has never been healthier, my hair too. Thank you so so much.

Berchy Zgb: Just to mention, if you don't have microfiber towel, just use regular cotton t-shirt, it does get more wet than regular towels, but it's much more gentle to your hair. I have curly hair and a towel didn't touch my hair for years, t-shirt does the job

Colleen Joudrey: My hair is a naturally fussy (Multi-textured, porous and dry) and I made do for awhile but between the breakage from BJJ and then post-covid hair loss, It definitely now has a story to tell. A couple months ago I decided to put a little more effort into taking care of my mop and I'm starting to see a difference.

Suz T: I have been implementing a lot of your advice. I’m using redken shampoo, conditioner, and split end treatment, I’m wearing a silk sleep cap, I bought a wet brush and I bought the redken blow out product for when I dry my hair (previously I almost always air dried). And I’m not vigorously rubbing my hair with a towel. I’m hoping to get some extra length that I lost through colouring my hair.

Theresa Messina: Good tip to try is to wrap your hair in a microfiber turbie towel when you shower. No moisture gets inside to your hair.

Vivian Raymond: Chris, I’ve chosen to stop coloring my hair and allowed it to go grey. It’s been 3 years now and is shoulder length with various shades of my old natural brown, grey and some lovely white streaks. I get a surprising amount of compliments… and on occasion I do use a purple shampoo or conditioner, but need both, to counteract the yellowing that occurs now and then. Do you have any recommendations on an alternative to purple products? I welcome your advice.

Ellymess: Hi, Chris! Thanks for your great advice as always! I believe I have a small challenge for you :) How can I desribe my hair? Like this: fine, natural, extremely straight, healthy, shiny from roots to ends, no frizz at all, aaaand an oily scalp. Problem - I cannot go more than a day between washes. I use redken products you recommend for fine hair, wash it twice, and it does feel clean after the shower... However, the next day my hair is heavy, with greasy roots that no amount of dry shampoo can save :)) I did your heavy product test, there was no change whatsoever. I also clean my hair brush every day (habit since childhood). Now, can you please tell me if there is any hope for me to go longer between washes (even every two days would change my life as I know it) or am I doomed to wash my stupid hair every day for eternity?

Lauren C: Implementing these changes you recommend has REALLY helped my hair, thank you!! What do you recommend for people who work out though? I do intense workouts 6 days a week and I get SWEATY, dry shampoo just doesn't cut it :P

Tiziana Comensoli Cuter: You are my mentor. Thank you so much for all the suggestions and the hair improvements I have experienced.

Daisy O.: Do you have any tips for those of us who have "straight" hair, a little on the wavy side, and lots of flyaways? I don't think my hair is damaged, but all my new growth just sticks out instead of being straight like the rest. All hair at the surface just seems to do its business instead of wanting to be part of the pack. Makes my hair look so much worse.

cerulean vulpisvulpis: I have gone days without washing my hair sometimes nearly the whole week. For me I've noticed at least I even stopped breaking out on my face ever since I stopped washing my hair daily for many years. Honestly always felt like shampoo and conditioner was a scam anyways. But that's also just my head and how it is.

dufchick: I follow all the advice, and I could go 3 or 4 days without washing my hair EXCEPT that I blow out my long bangs and use hair spray to keep them in place. No matter what I do, I cannot manage my style without washing it first. My hair does look terrific after following all of this advice, even though I wash every day.

Branka VMin: So i might have made a mistake and bought a leave-in cream, the garnier fructis 10 in 1, up to 450F and no weigh down. I am really interested in the differences between a no weigh down cream and leave in-conditioner cuz the only thing close to a leave-in conditioner i could find is the loreal paris elseve hyaluron plump serum, although its a serum it has a watery consistency, everything else branded as leave-ins are creams or treatment so i dont know if the cream will do the job

Shellista: Its been a month since i watched your videos about dry hairs. It helped me alot Its been 5 years since i stopped rebonding my hair (its only my mom who wanted it) I wanted to appreciate and love my very thick and wavy dark hair but my mom never wanted that way. She wants its straight and no waves at all. But i rebel for my own sake. Now im starting to train my hair using your videos I cut my own hair a year ago so i went to the salon and I had a bob hair cut last week so i can start fresh. I will grow my hair well and raise it beautifully thank you once again

Ruth Crocker: Great video Chris! Thanks for touching on the brush cleaning. I asked about this a while ago. ❤

Pamela Gascoyne: Love all the tips. The only time I brush my hair is just before I wash or color it. And the only time I use a comb is when I do color my hair. I use my fi gers to comb and de-tangle my hair. And because I do color my hair I'm careful not to pull at tangles. I have curly hair so using my fingers helps to keeps the curls more defined. If I'm out in the sun for too long (gardening, etc.) I apply a small amount of mask or conditioner to 4 to 6 inches of the ends. I learned this trick from my cousin who was a model. I hope these tips help someone. ❤

Tracy Kinney: Chris can you PLEASE make a video on how to care for naturally curly (Wavy, curly, and coily)hair?? Products you recommend to keep hair healthy and how to properly diffuse hair to keep it protected from heat?

isapopstar: Wow! I was shocked on how my brush was dirty! All that greasy stuff that came out when I was cleaning was actually going to my hair! Thanks, Chris!

Sorchia Ireland: Brilliant video! Especially the washing your brushes, so important. I was taught as a wee one by my Nana and I passed that on to my kids. They would slack off and their hair would be so oily and full of fluff! It was hilarious.

Ms.Dicaplesias: All tips aside he's really good at talking to the point and keeps the listener glued to his voice. great skill not everyone possess

Bloodstryke: I would like to see a video from you with advice on how to deal with hard water damage for people that live in areas with hard water coming out of their shower.

paj 1492: I love the oven mit metaphor. Very true. Only using a hair dryer (w thermal protectant) and heatless curling methods really saved my very long hair.

Aditi Ratna: You’ve literally transformed my hair. Thank you soooooo much ❤

Susan Ekisian: I so look forward to every one of these videos! Thank you for letting us know how to clean our hairbrushes. I bought a new one and now I know how to keep it clean.

Karin Heggarty: What made the biggest difference to the condition of my hair...coconut oil. I have bleached collar bone length hair and nothing helped. I tried pureology leave in conditioner, rebel tame frizz dismiss and they were both meh. I used morrocan oil weightless mask and it too was meh until I remembered coconut oil from the past so hadn't tried it in a while so I put coconut oil on dry hair ,left it in for a couple of hours, shampooed out,put in pureology conditioner, and then applied the morrocan oil hair mask and the next morning, straight ,smooth hair for days. Hopefully now I have found a winning formula for me.

AR: Hi, Thanks for the valuable info. Two requests - 1. Can you please make a video on best hair treatments to manage frizzy hair. For eg - Keratin, botox etc 2. Can you suggest other options for leave-in conditioner? The one that you generally recommend is not available here in India. Thanks in advance:)

donnatrocks: It’s amazing to watch your videos are realize how just little tweaks can help our hair. I for one didn’t know about Washing my brush so often. Or using a shower cap. But it makes perfect since. Thank you. ❤

dldl: I hate invisi bobbles! I still get the kink and it doesn’t hold my hair in a pony well. Plus it feels horrible and tugs on the hair when removing. Much prefer a scrunchie. Gives volume and a bigger bun too when wearing up.

Angela Santos: Thank you so much for taking the time to educate us about how to take care of our hair.

Darrelyn Kelley: I love your videos! You always have helpful tips on how to achieve healthy hair! I buy my hair products from you. I placed an order two days ago and it has already been shipped & expected to be here Monday! Thank You! I appreciate your quick turn around! If I lived in your area, I would definitely visit your salon frequently. Thank you for sharing your knowledge on how to obtain healthy hair!

Ulqui111: Hey, just came across your channel, thanks for all your hard work and sharing the knowledge! I checked out your product recommendations, would you happen to have a suitable alternative for a leave-in conditioner that compares to pureology's but is cruelty-free? My hair is about 3ft long with tons of split-ends so I definitely need to get started on using some asap!

artemis1234567: I have super fine, flat, straight hair that I have to wash everyday. Even after getting my hair done at the salon, it looks super greasy the next day. I use and minimally apply professional products, too! When I had a body wave done, though, I could go three days without washing because it didn’t set so close to my scalp. Even though you say to go three days without washing, I go by your advice to not let anyone make me feel bad about how often I have to wash my hair!

Jola Kersberg: You are amazing and so very honest I am so glad that I found you. Honestly I appreciate you so much keep doing what you are doing. Everybody hide it’s trying to sell that expensive crap. But you are saying it how it should be. Thank you so much. ❤

Britta W: wow, thank you for all the information! Most hairdressers - mine as well - don‘t tell you how to treat your hair. I have really fine hair and have to be very careful with it. I‘ll definitely try some of your tips.

F M: Thank you for all the tips you share with us. It’s really helped with my fine hair. Here’s the thing though, what to do with a dry scalp?

Anastasia Dukarevich: Chris, what do you think of hair energy complexes which needed to be applied on a scalp to prevent the extra shedding?

Rebecca Hansson: What would you recommend for someone with a drier scalp? I am using a gentle shampoo but I also always have to condition my scalp (doesn’t matter what shampoo I’m using). But the conditioner that works for my scalp doesn’t work well for the rest of my hair, and vice versa.

Dreaming Dreamer: I hate when people say that no one should have to wash their hair every day. I have super oily hair and I live in Florida. If I don’t want greasy hair, I have to wash it every day. I could use a new brush every day and it’s not going to change the oil and sweat coming out of my pores. And before someone says dry shampoo, it does not work for me. I end up with greasy hair that now looks dirty on top of the grease.

Debbie Barnett: I always looked at those spiral hair bands and thought that looks like something that would cause a great big Knotty mess, maybe I'll try them. I've been using hair bands that are kinda like stocking material, no seams. Pretty much the only time I brush my hair is before I wash it.

TeachMeAandP: What do you recommend for swimmers as far as washing the hair goes? My daughter swims at least six days a week. Even with a cap it gets wet. Should she just rinse it after swimming or should she wash it every day? Luckily her hair is pretty thick and strong, but it does dry out.

I LikE mY dOnUtS WiTh jAm In ThE mIdDlE: My hair dresser told me I shouldn't use hair mask because it weights down my hair (my hair strands are very thin). What is your opinion about that?

Miff Morris: In-between washes, a boar bristle brush will help distribute the hairs natural scalp oils more evenly from the roots to the ends. This specific type of brush also helps massage the scalp to encourage blood flow.

PrimordialMeow: Following you're guidance for a few months now. My hair is beautiful. I only use heat 2x/wk and have a healthy respect for the damage it can do. Thnx for all.

Lisbeth T: I’ve never been able to sleep on wet hair, or leave it in a towel. For some reason it goes oily/gummy, and doesn’t dry at all. So I have to either air dry or use a hairdryer. I have no idea why this happens. I don’t think I’d like to sleep with wet hair now anyway. This was such a useful video! I’d really like to know what to about the transition between growing out grey hair and keeping length. I have long hair and grey roots, should I dye it grey? I love the idea of being grey, but I don’t know what the middle ground is.

Tattooed Gaymer Girl: I've been using Proties and really like them. They're silicone ties that have a latch so you don't have to pull the tie out. They aren't super cheap, but they don't pull my hair out.

eternitygirl7: I discovered your channel today and I am truly appreciating your advice! I have a question. I usually wash my hair every 3 - 4 days. The thing is my preferred sport is swimming! and i dont't swim as much as I would like because I am worried to damage my hair. I do wear a cap of course. But what else can I do? I have colored hair (red ) and my grey roots come out super quickly. I have fine frizzy hair and yes my ends are not doing well at all haha

Letha Brooks: I don't use any heated tools on my hair, not even a hair dryer. I bought a Wet Brush a couple of years ago and I love it!

Kelly: Would love a video on how to smooth hair. I follow the healthy hair routine and already use your recommended products but every time I blow dry my hair I get the frizzy-look. I have super fine hair so even with the best routine and oleplex I have breakage.

Stephanie Mendes: What do you think about sulfate free shampoos (no poo/low poo)? Years ago I could go 4-5 days without washing my hair only using no poo products, but due to hormonal issues, my scalp got extremely oily and now I'm struggling to find a the right products :/

Rikavari: Buying a silk pillowcase is also a really good idea to protect your hair

Grace Anderson: I don’t wash my hair every day, but I like to get it wet even when I don’t wash it because I feel like getting it wet restores my hair to it’s natural state if that makes sense. I have wavy hair and if I don’t get it wet it seems like it loses volume. Any advice?

Alicia Janssen: Dear Chris, can you please give us your opinion about shampoo and conditionar bars. They're great to take along when you're travelling but are they benificial for hair?

18missmarch: Just discovered your channel and in love with it! Such a pity that not all the products that you mention are available in Europe. Could you do a video on how to pick a good HAIRDRYER? I feel that can make the difference too.

Di :3: I followed your advice. Got the recommended professional shampoo and did the double or triple washing. I still need to do a light wash the next day or it will be absolutely gross in the afternoon of the following day.

Frivolous Girl: 3:18 I totally bought the GHD platinum thinking it wouldn’t be as damaging to use. ‍♀️ However, turned out that 185°C is too hot for my fine strands. After each time of use, despite layers(!) of different high heat protection, my ends would be fried, fragile and split. ☹️ Personally would’ve benefited from being able to adjust the temperature at least down to 160°C.

Kera Lindsay: How did you know I was recently asking myself how to clean my brush? Is there a proper way to clean a blow out brush as well? Also what hair mask is your recommendation for fine thin hair?

Hets Girl: The redken hot sets heat protector made my hair sticky and gross, and I used it extra sparingly, just a couple of pumps per section, and only 4 sections, and I made sure to brush it in. That's when I noticed how sticky it was, and I really struggled to get my wet brush through my hair. I figured it must melt in with the heat of my blow dryer brush, but it left my hair extremely coarse and dry like a horse's. The 2nd time I used it I used even less, thinking I must've used too much, but the results were even worse. So I've wasted good money on this shirty product, I'll stick to my big blow out gel instead, that stuff is amazing!

Lizzie B: Wow! Thank you! Never knew about not using shampoo on the ends…that could be my dry ends problem! Thank you again…I’m typing this as my hairbrush is getting a good soak

CF: How do you talk to your hair stylist about not being rough with your hair while it’s wet?

Cathy Larochelle: Another very useful video with sound advice. I have naturally curly hair, and would love a video with any tips and tricks. I can usually go at least 4 days before washing. However, I feel like I need to refresh with products (no heat) at least every other day if not daily. I wonder if I used less products I could go longer?

Fidi987: For me, the problem is that sometimes, face lotion will wander up to my hairline and make it oily.

FireyGirl In Christ🔥🐸: I have thick natural salt and pepper grey hair. I go between 4-5 days with washes. I'm in the process of getting my soulmate shampoo and conditioner. But have already started washing my hair properly NOW. Even if I'm using crap store products now. I already notice a difference in the weight. I'm just air drying for now till I get my redkin heat protector. I already have(medium length) hair breakage and dry scalp and hair so don't want to make it worse. All that back story to ask if you could do a video or do you have a video that talks about grey hair over 40-50 and is there a difference to taking care of it? Thx so much for all your help.

Yeri: Hey professor! I'm an avid follower with a question: Can I use Olaplex 3 on never dyed/bleached hair? I'm having a bit of breakage lately

Is: What is the recommended temperure to straighten wavy hair? And how often can it be used?

Didi: Thank you sir..we trust hairdressers but some of them really screwed up my I'm just listening to you and I don't know why hairdressers get mad when you decline a trim

Christina Bakos: Just want to start by saying that I love your videos and have learned so much since subscribing to your channel; thank you! In previous videos, you've said that a hair mask can replace regular conditioner; using both is just a waste, is this still true? My hair isn't severely damaged, but I have been using a mask instead of a conditioner as a part of my weekly hair routine for a few months now.

Dana J: I’ve been noticing that my hair feels dryer/harder. I just got a trim because I thought it was because of my split ends but that didn’t help much. My hair never tangles so I’m not sure what’s happening. I use a good shampoo/condish and a leave in. I also never skip heat protectant when I style it. Nothing has really changed so I’m Not sure what to do at this point.

aleesha: I sleep with damp hair, but I put it in a low braid. That has seemed to help me out a lot!! like, a lot a lot! I have been washing my hair about 3 times a week, and sometimes one of my wash days I’ll blow dry. So not often am I sleeping with hair wet. But up until about a month ago I slept with hair wet for years. I have very healthy hair, so that could just be me. But it didn’t effect me at all, as long as I put it in a silk wrap up or a low braid! every hair type is different too:) Mine is medium/thick, never dyed and pretty long. So keep in mind it might not be for everyone!

Deb Private: I've used that leave in conditioner spray after the salon reccomended it to me. I didn't feel like it did much other than make my hair smell good.

KittenNani: I use Dawn Powerwash on my brushes. Breaks down all the oil so quickly and easily.

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