No Hair, Don'T Care: Women Talk About Shaving Their Heads | Get Real | Refinery29

  • Posted on 24 June, 2015
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous

Welcome to Inner Beauty, where four women get real about their decision to shave off all of their hair, all in the journey towards loving themselves, inside and out - and discovering the meaning of beauty.

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What I really thought when I shaved my head, that I was going to look in the mirror and really see myself for the first time, and that did happen. But then, after a while, I realized you're, never really going to see your true self in the mirror. It'S always gon na come out from the inside. Now we're going to be from the outside. I'Ve been asking myself that the question of you know: why is hair such a big deal to women? It'S something that we see all the time we have ever, since we were little girls commercials with women with like really long beautiful hair. I struggled with an eating disorder for a little bit and that was based more on self-confidence and looking in magazines and I'm wanting to be these women. So I was always a pretty black girl, like you're pretty for a black girl. You have nice hair for a black girl and I hated that comment that would always follow any compliment I received. Not only was I being objectified by men, but I was being fetishized by my friends and I didn't appreciate it. I was very attached to my hair and I started to do a little more soul-searching and realizing that my hair didn't define, who I was the feedback I got was a lot of like wow, that's really great, but like you're gon na grow it out now right Because girls shouldn't have short hair and so there's a lot of back and forth between me and like myself and being like, but I feel beautiful when I have short hair, I'm not hiding behind anything. I'M just expressing. Like my true nature, my intention was never to WoW anyone or do anything for anyone else. It was more just to kind of shed for lack of a better term. My mom's reaction um wasn't great because I think she was associating cutting all your hair off with like something traumatizing happening, but it was actually just one of the most empowering moments I've ever had. It also helped me grow in my confidence. I was able to embrace more of who I am, I didn't do and say, like hey, I'm a feminist. I did this and say hey, I'm an independent person, and I don't need anyone to tell me that. I look good because I know that I'm a decent person on the end the journey of finding my self-confidence, I guess, and finding the beauty that I found from a I couldn't really anticipate it. It'S about defining yourself and not letting the society or the world of the things around you define

Marie Just Marie: I am waiting for this channel to do a vid on women who let their hair go gray. I am tired of people asking me how come I don't dye my hair. There is a freedom in that too.

Gabrielle Rosa: I shaved my head three days ago and hearing these women made me feel so free for having done that. I already got some negative feedback from my family, my very much loved grandma said she was disappointed in me, which I couldn't resonate with and it made me so upset I cried. But it served as a lesson about me standing up for who I am and for what I decide to do with my body, and if someone wants to believe that that means I have a flawed character, so be it, they're not worth the trouble.

Calm Storm: I shaved my hair about a month ago. Although my boyfriend stopped talking to me I am kind of happy with it.

StarlingofAzerath: Funny how society cant understand women shaving their hair off and see it as a sign of emotional instability. I live in a traditional and conservative town and im the only girl with a short pixie cut. (Technically 1.5 inch buzz) I like being unique and though the weird stares are uncomfortable at times. I have fun imagining what is going on in their heads. Its fun making others uncomfortable just cause of my simple looks.

Ashley H: “You’re never really gonna see your true self in the mirror.” Incredibly correct. Who we are comes from the inside. The outside is just what we use to represent what’s on the inside.

mario baquiran: i feel like why do women need to explain everything they do to their selves in society I mean men dont do that why do we need to right?

TheSunday102: I always wanted to shave my head, but I'm afraid I will be to ugly.

Donkey Kickpunch: I relied too much on my hair and I shaved it off for the first time last year in March and again this year two months ago. Shaving my head was the best thing I've ever done. It made me more confident. So many people think short hair isn't feminine or cute but I really love the look. I really do feel more people should give this a shot at some point in their lives because it's wonderful no longer feeling a strong attachment to hair. It's wonderful to no longer depend on hair. I highly recommend it for anyone contemplating it.

Emma Louisa: i kind of hope in the future it will be normal for girls to have short hair and guys long. or even for both genders to be able to have whatever length hair they want without being pressured by society.

Whitney Madueke: Related to each one of them. It's truly empowering, a confidence booster and it's just a great experience. I felt even better about myself; and still do after cutting my hair.

kay seibert: I shaved my head yesterday and I've never loved myself as much as I do rn and my mom wont even look at me but I realized if you dont think I'm beautiful that's not my problem ‍♀️... everyone is beautiful keep your head up ❤

TINYPhotos: I love this. When I buzz cut my hair three years ago it was so liberating. I felt free and did a backflip (not really) but I felt like I could take on the world. My hair grew out now, but I never forget how freeing it was to not have to deal with hair for a while. I loved it. I love myself with or without my tresses. Live free my beautiful women.

Tru3-R0y4lty: I asked my mom today if I could shave my hair and she said no. Though she is always encouraging confidence so I'm going to send this to her! Hopefully it'll help.

Leah Wells: I shaved my head for the first time yesterday and at first I felt like it was a mistake and that I had a weird shaped head and that my forehead was too small, but now I realize after watching this video and a few others similar to this, my hair doesn't define who I am as a person and only I should care about if I think I look beautiful or if I think I can rock having no hair. I'm still me and that's all I should care about.

just me: I shaved my head 4 weeks ago. At first I was too scared/ anxious about people's reactions. But now I really feel like I don't care as much anymore about people's thoughts on my appearance. It was freeing. If you want to shave your head but are too scared: this is your sign. I am. Your sign. Do it, it will free u

capybara: how is "pretty for a black girl" still a thing? That's so damn obnoxious

Uma Santini: I was extremely attached to my hair, it influenced a lot of my decisions (especially considering I straightened it so my mood changed with the weather). When I had cancer and decided to shave, I was able to see myself in the mirror for the first time. The confidence boost was immediate. I feel what these girls are saying, and I'm going to shave it again.

Alicia Cowder: I have real short hair already. I've always wanted to shave it, and after this; I'm going to. Probably today. Thanks.

Teg an: I'm proud of anyone who does this

imaginecreatebe: I'm going to be shaving my head next week! I'm in hair school, and it's a pretty big step for me. I feel like I'm going through a transitional period in my life, and shaving my head feels like a perfectly appropriate way to mirror that transition. I really needed to see this video to help reaffirm that I'm doing this for the right reasons :) I feel even more excited now!

Sophia Lovella: I shaved my head out of curiosity years ago, coming from waist length; I knew it was something I wanted to experience in my lifetime. I want to say that it was as empowering as I thought it would be, but to be completely honest- I regretted every second of waiting for it to grow back years to come. Looking in the mirror was sometimes so painful to me. For some, hair has implications towards spiritual ties & isn't "just hair." Shaving has shaped who I am & given more wholesome perspective on beauty & life but it wasn't all rainbows.

Eleanore S: I've shaved my head many times and this is still inspiring. For anyone else who does this, YOU GO GIRL!!!!!

Codex Noir: No more princess mentality. I'm not waiting for a 'prince' to save me and my hair does NOT define me. I LOOOOOOVE my short hair

8teen: I’m 16 and I’m not ready to shave my head yet because of all the backlash I could receive at school. I told my mom I want to do it in the future and I guess it’s hard for her to understand that it’s a way to gain confidence, she doesn’t want me to but I can’t let her opinions get in my head. I’m kind of insecure so this is the way I believe will force me to see beyond the superficial things in my life. I’ve always been complimented on my hair and so that’s the only thing I’ve thought made me beautiful and I want to change that. Sorry for my mini rant lol.

Jessie Banger: Wow this is beautiful. I hide behind my hair. So I can relate, in a away. I have always been told that my hair is beautiful and long and I shouldn't cut it but seeing this has really opened my eyes .

hammy the hamster: Shaved my head a week or two ago and if anyone is trying to decide whether or not to shave their own head... do it. It’s so freeing and honestly such a confidence boost.

kat the mouse: I just did mine yesterday! Every article I read said 'you're going to have a moment when your stomach drops into your shoes' but I never did. It was just fun and empowering and cool! I find myself more attractive now than I did with hair, is that weird? Idk, just glad I did it. <3 to all my baldie sisters in the comments!

Emi Quintana: JUST SHAVED MINE LAST NIGHT! I love it! Never felt more feminine Never felt more beautiful One downside: My head's cold

Tee: I love this!!! Really wish I could go back in time and tell my younger self that just because your hair doesn’t grow it doesn’t make you less beautiful Feel like I need to go on a journey of self love strip back on the weaves and makeup and just really love myself and my skin I’m in

Victoria Khammar: I absolutely loved this video. I have short hair and the one thing I resonated the most with was at 1:15. I love having short hair and I hate that people categorize women with immediately because of it. My short hair makes me feel like an empowered individual. Thank you for making this vid.

cowgirlup8769: Lost my waist length hair over 20 years ago to chemotherapy. Didn't realize til then how much I relied on my hair to define me. Since then I've never let it grow longer then a pixie, sometimes with a bit of faux hawk on top. People love it and those that don't , don't matter. What I find interesting is that as a single lady how many men comment on my short hair and how they like it but then say I would be more attractive with long hair. No second date there!!!! Ladies, it's up to you to find what makes you feel empowered. If its short hair, a red lipstick, or the perfect pair of it, live it, own it, rock it. And don't let anyone tell you differently about who you should be.

Yuge Yun: This motivated me to finally do it. Never felt so home in my body. I realized lately that I'm nonbinary and this feels like an extension of that realization. I know most women feel more feminine after having done it, but I feel like I'm finally embracing that masculine side of me and its been so empowering. Feels like people around me can finally see who I am on the inside. Against what I expected, they've been incredibly supportive. The hair makes me feel powerful. It seems to tell people who don't know me, that I'm a brave individual. As cliche as that sounds, it has helped me to come out of my shell.

RontschDaPontsch: I shaved my head a few weeks ago and it's amazing! So much freedom and since I have a filter for people with shaved heads on my eyes now I can tell you I've never seen anyone who didn't look great with a buzz cut! It makes the eyes pop and it's really like I can see them better/properly. So if you think about it, do it!!!! It's an amazing and freeing experience!

Elly: I literally shaved my head today because I was tired of all the b.s and said why not? It was def a scary and empowering feeling to sit in that chair and get it all off my head. I feel free and I'm on a new journey for myself. I feel like every women should do it once in their lives :) Fudge the double standards, and celebrate the powerful women in you!

Edith Prud'homme: I did it last year and kept it shaved for almost a year... I can relate. I found myself in a way. I don't need hair to be myself and love myself. If you think about doing it I encourage you very much.

Lauren Amber: I just shaved my hair off about two weeks ago and I absolutely adore it. I've had a pixie cut off and on for around 9 years, and just this year I finally made the big decision to shave it off. I resonate so much with the girl who was talking about how long hair on women is often associated with feminity and how the narrative is changing. I have experienced traumatic events in which I was objectified by other individuals, so not having hair makes me feel free and more secure in my identity, beyond my trauma. It makes me feel powerful. I'm so glad other women feel the same way. What a great video. ♥️

Deepali Boklund: I did my first buzzcut ever yesterday and I've never felt more like myself as I do now!

سيبيل: I'm feeling so represented by all these words. They said exactly what I felt the first time I shaved. And i've been shaving for 2 years. Being bald helps me to remember who I really am, without masks.

Cranstons mandible: You women are so brave!! I have always wanted to shave my head-- but I have been too scared to. You are proving to the world that hair doesn't matter. Hair doesn't define who you are. Shoes or clothes don't define who you are. You girls are awesome!

Simone Gale: I shaved my head 3 times, that’s after letting it grow out for a year, each time I felt so free. It’s such a great feeling to let it go, don’t worry it always grows back!

SimsFreak Gaming: I shaved all my hair off again the other day and I feel amazing! I get a lot more looks because of the fact that I have no hair rather than my weight! If you want to shave your hair off, just do it! Screw what others think!

Taylor B: I shaved my head after watching this video. I decided I didn't care anymore and I think I look beautiful :)

RJB: My goal since I was 12 was to shave my head before I turned 30. On New Year's Eve 2018, right before I turned 29, I shaved my head. When Megan said in this video that she found the experience to be one of the most empowering moments she's ever had, that resonated with me. I finally see my most stripped down self. I feel simultaneously vulnerable and stronger than ever. It's been incredibly freeing to let go of the idea that there's a correlation between the amount of hair one has and the level of attractiveness one is able to attain. There are numerous societal concepts revolving around beauty that I'll continue to unlearn from this process, and I look forward to the growth that will come from that.

Lil_Jei: I shaved my head completely and have never felt so free. It was extremely liberating for me as a woman. Love this video! I shared this after I shaved my head and had several good conversations bc of it.

CutieKay: The girl in the rainbow shirt with the nose ring is honestly so beautiful I'm crying

My Rain: I've been completely convinced, I will shave my hair as well! Beautiful and empowering stories, they make me realize things about myself already that I've never thought about until now.

Mirna C.: I am glad I came across this video. I shaved my head 2 days ago and it's one of the most freeing and liberating actions I've taken in my life. I thought about a pixie cut but I got tired of relaxing my hair. So that random afternoon, I just got up and went to the nearest barber shop and got it done! And I'm freaking in love with it! I'm proud of all the women who dare to live boldly <3

Bslwithsparkle: Just shaved my hair and I feel amazing ... Really do! Can't stop smiling ❤️I adore it!

Traduttore Traditore: I recently shaved my head and I'm very happy about it. Definitely feels more confident and of course : no hairs everywhere ! No brush needed ! Drying your hair take 30 seconds literally !! (Washing it too !) Etc. If you want to try it, you should. It's awesome.

M. F.: Shaving my head was the best thing I've ever done for myself. I could finally see myself for the first time and I have never felt more confident. :")

Vera: I just shaved my head, I feel so good, so brave and super confident, it was so scary but I love it, I've been waiting for a good moment to do it, but I don't really think there would've been a good moment, so if u want to shave ur head then go for it! it feels amazing

Breanna Ditterline: I shaved my head three weeks ago and it’s amazing. I feel so wonderful, there is an intimacy with yourself when you no longer have hair. You really see yourself and you really don’t give a fuck anymore. It’s so freeing and wonderful. I don’t have to worry about hair care or products or doing my hair in the morning. I’ve saved so much money and time. And I’ve gotten so many compliments on how pretty my face is because there’s nothing else to focus on! Lol. Seriously, a shaved head brings such freedom. I love it.

Bigasstbone: This shows what true beauty is all about! Great job! Keep up the good work! Peace!

Alan: I love my buzzcut! Do it if you want it! You will totally rock it!!!

Maria Chiara Di Dedda: I feel all these girls as I did the same just last week and it's been one of the coolest things ever. I should have done it soo much earlier like I always wanted. So many times we are pulled back from our happiest choices by people who don't support us. Also, once I've shaved off all my long curly hair my family, boyfriend and girlfriends supported me and loved my choice. They never asked "why did I do it", instead they saw the happiest me and how this can really change a person's wellbeing all around. Just be free and inspire those around you who might be too afraid of other people's reactions!! Peace

Sasha Kögl: I binge watched hair shaving videos for almost two years and now I finally did it myself and I got a confidence boost

toka samer: I personally relate to this so much, Bec I've been through this phase of my life where I would always see all these women in the movies and social media in general just having beautiful hair and bodies and showing their bodies by wearing all these tight half naked clothes and being marked as beautiful , so I would try so hard to imitate the image of what is considered beautiful to society thinking that it will make me more acceptable by others and make me happy, but the outcome of all this effort didn't come the way I expected it to be, in fact I lost interest in my self and as a result I got depressed and at that time I was about 12, so what I was experiencing at that time was some sort of uncouncious self hate( I didn't confront my self with it, but infact I would always try to say all these positive self love phrases to try and love my self for real) well you might ask then what is uncouncious self hate well in my experience I would feel like I am boaring and not cool or pretty enough for other people when ever I looked in the mirror, and I didn't realise that God created humans in the best way and form possible , and didn't realise my beauty at the time, and always thought of ways to spice up my look like dyeing my hair different colours and wearing tight stuff to look cool and attractive and included as well, and I felt controlled and It was hard to find my self between all of this, and find a representation of my self that was both comfortable enough for me and also fits all what I've seen on social media about what a pretty, free, educated and open minded women looked like. So you can already tell by that, that both my soul and mental health weren't at a good place. but once I turned 13 my mum bought a head scarf (hijab) and joked about how she bought it as a gift for me, but she didn't went up to me and was like here is a head scarf and you need to wear it. But honestly what my mum did is she made me think about it, like what it's purpose and what affect would it have on me emotionally and mentally if I was to wear it ?!! Bec honestly I've been a Muslim since birth, but I've never considered wearing it one day, and honestly my views about it at that time weren't very good even though my mum wore it. well I live in a majority Muslim country but honestly alot of people here now a days don't wear it, at least they are married and have kids or in the last years of high school which is compared to my age at that time, I was pretty young to wear it, but I have a cousin who lives in the USA and she wore it at 12, soooo....yeah But here is a thing, when ever I saw a young girl about my age wearing it I felt kinda curious to know her story(the reason she wears it), and I am guilty of going with my mind too far and imagining her story myself and some times I would feel pity for her, little did I know that she was in a better place than I was, and all these bad thoughts were constantly building up in my head from social media until there was this barrier between me and the thought of wearing hijab one day ,and put in mind that all this time I haven't yet met any hijabi friends because of my young age, so it was rare to meet one, but once I turned 12 I met 6 girls who were hijabi and they were around my age, and I got to know them really well with their different personalities, and I found one common thing about them all which I didn't have, they were some how in control of there lives , they where so much mature than I was at that time, and even though we lived in the same environment and might have experienced similar stuff , but some how it looked like I was the only one struggling to love my self and understand that I shouldn't weigh my self more than what my soul can handle and realise what I am capable of doing rather than centring my identity as a female on my looks, and imitating what a free educated and pretty woman looked like in the eyes of social media and society, So at that time my thoughts about hijab changed a little bit, but I was still confused between what I'm seeing on social media and what I have seen in real life. So when my mum bought that head scarf I would put it on for a while to see how I would LOOK in it (still my obsession with the way I looked didn't fade away). And I remember saying things like what if I was viewed as less than a women,and when I grow up my opportunities at getting a good job would decline and feeling as if I was hidding a big part of my personality , but infact I was showing a big part of my personality, (an independent little girl), so I ended up somehow wearing it and it was completely my desicion. So I have been wearing it for about a year know and I am currently 14. So I think that is why I felt relatable to these girls even though the concept is quite different,is because they choose to remove something that has been a burden on them and that was uncounciously forced by society upon them and they felt as it was bounding them to see who they really are apart from their physical look , and they felt free by not following every thing society tells them to do, for many people they might look like they did something immature or have deprived them self from beauty, but hair is just an accessory, and it doesn't Identify who you are as a person, because beauty comes within a person, and looks doesn't Identify a person's personality. and I'm not saying that women who look like women on social media (like Instagram models in which I believe that the majority of people now a days are trying to imitate ) are bad influencers or aren't happy with them selves, Bec I can't identify a person's happenness neither do you, and as long as they are happy with them selves and are feeling comfortable showing who they really are then it is no one's right to judge them, and I don't necessarily think they are harming any one, infact they are just being them selves and we all should be accepting to all people of different personalities, races,genders, thoughts,religions as long as we are not harming each other.✌✌✌✌

Maddie Goss: I'm 16 and shaved my head a few months ago and while I won't say empowering, it was one of the most cleansing experiences of my life - I don't know about boys, but I feel like for girls hair has a lot of symbolic and emotional WEIGHT to it that feels incredible to shed. It was pretty rough trying to cope with high school bald tho...

Łûšt: I just shaved my hair all off and this is the 2nd time, I got reactions and compliments but my mom and dad, sister were shocked again, but my family is fine with it, I’m ready to grow out healthy hair!

Geo Carter: I’m 14 and I’ve been shaving my hair for 1 year. I love it.

Tess: Wowww amazing! That's how I felt when I shaved my head! It was a liberating experience! And I felt more like a woman then I did with long hair! Beautiful women!✌️

Kirby The Dumbass: I shaved my hair a few weeks back and I've never felt more confident and sure of myself, at first I was wondering how the people at my school would react but I realized that I didn't care, I liked it and that's what matters, any "friends" that made rude comments weren't really my friends and I just feel like a weight has been lifted :)

🦋Celeste Winters🦋: When I was 14 this video inspired me to shave my head I'm now 19 and still haven't grown my hair out it's liberating and I've never felt more like my true self

Syeona: I just recently shave my head for all of the same reasons that these girls did and you wouldn't believe how incredibly freeing, light, and easy it feels to just not have to worry about your hair everyday. If you're going to shave your head just make sure you're doing it for the right reasons and that is something that you really want to do. Don't look back be bold, be strong, and remember that your hair doesn't Define you!

Hazy Blue: I got my hair cut into a pixie cut on june this year and it made me feel more like myself than I've ever felt. A month ago I started thinking about shaving my hair and though people always tell me that it won't look good and that I should let it grow again, I'm more determined to do it each day. For me, getting my hair cut was really empowering and I think that getting it even shorter will make me feel even better.

Mary Oconnor: I'm watching this in 2020. I also shaved my head in 2015.. I loved it after 6 weeks I started growing it back out.. Just like one of the girls said,. I was expected to grow it back!... Really thinking about doing it again.. Great video ❤️

Jessica Nell: Soon as I saw the first girl I was stunned by how beautiful she is! All these women are so stunning, I know I shouldn’t compare myself but they all have such a natural beauty!

coffeeeyes: beautiful!!!! this makes me want to shave my head again. and i'm so happy that there are other women who have felt empowered by the same thing

Rae: I've shaved my hair twice! the first time was in 2020 and all my classmates looked at me very weirdly for a while cause they've never seen a girl with a shaved head before but I didn't care because It was so refreshing having no hair to get in the way. And I just shaved my head for the second time about an hour ago<3

Kristin Zweng: This is amazing and I needed to see it. Recently I've been playing with the idea of shaving my head. First, I shaved my right side. Then my left, with only hair on top. Then I shaved it completely. It scared my mother I think, she was raised with the idea that women need perfect flowing locks just like me; we pass on common behaviors and ideals. I understand that now and it has been both a relief and something that's a little nerve racking. I'm putting myself out there, the self I want to be, and it doesn't match society's take. So what, I'm beautiful whatever path I choose. Sad we have to even have these sorts of talks, because different isn't bad. I don't have to hide anymore. ❤

Queen: I shaved my head and loved it. I was told to grow it out which I am and want to but so I can have dreads again and when people heard that part it was again me being told no. Point is do what makes you happy and feel good. I feel like people should try this it really helps you realize a lot about yourself

Black Girl Mystic: I love, love, love being bald. I am SO low maintenance with my hair, the idea of investing more time, money or energy than my $7 barber haircut is not at all appealing. Not to mention, it looks good! :)

Hella Holmes: I was diagnosed with cancer in December at the age of 16, and I can remember choosing to shave my hair off within two months of starting chemo. I was so SO self conscious over it and how it may damage my identity but then I watched this video and it made me feel so at peace with my appearance. Thank you for this gift of a video.

Kibikayuki: I had hair down a few inches past my shoulders and I chopped it all off into a pixie cut. Idk what it was about chopping it, but it felt liberating because I didn't care what other people thought of me and my confidence came out like it hadn't before. The maintenance was also very nice while the pixie lasted. Now it's about a bob and I'm close to chopping it off again to get that high I got when I first cut it.

green tea: God I love them. I shaved half of my head and my family hates it, some of my friends think im cool and others hate it. But I did it because I wanted to be myself.

aka keopikake: I shaved all of my hair off at the beginning of 2018. I always wanted to do it, but I was always scared and kept thinking 'oh, I'm gonna look weird' 'people are going to make fun of me' and such. But when I actually did it (I had to anyways, my hair was horribly damaged), it felt really good. In fact, I felt extremely happy than I have ever felt in a long time. I shaved it off, hoping my hair would grow back healthier and longer quickly. After the cut, I am in no rush to get that beautiful long, curly hair like my friends or those models I love to admire all day long. I love having short hair, even though once it grows out, it'll be a hassle to maintain, but I still love my hair. I honestly think I came to love myself a bit more after this drastic change.

Johanna Meyer: I‘ve had short hair for years now and in may of 2017 I finally found the courage to have a buzzcut. I‘m very happy that I did it and I learned a lot about myself and other people but I realised, I like myself better with (long) hair - at least right now, this might change :) I would still encourage everyone who is interested in having a buzzcut/short hair to just do it. In the end it’s just hair and if you don’t like it you can always grow it back. So yeah, I really liked this video :)

sara fromuk: so brave and beautiful! well done girls xx

bob bobby: Shaved my head to prove a point to a family member that was judging people's principles fully based on how they look. It was a shock to them, as I looked like a different person yet I was still me. In the end they also shaved their head in support. Other than that most strangers I spoke with thought I was a Stanger Things fan, (I have never seen the show.) Or that I was somehow sick and they were uncomfortable talking with me. Not out to change the world, just challenging the ones I love to think.

Goff Ze Goff: I've had all sorts of punk hairstyles since the age of 12 but never had the balls to shave my whole head but after seeing these beautiful people with their beautiful hair I think it's time I go for it ;) thankyou for inspiring me xxx

Zee: I feel the self confidence bit so much, and the need to see the real me shine through. I just shaved my head today, and I've never felt so liberated.

Soni Winchester: I was always tired of my hair and didn't really like it in any length/hairstyle I had. This is why I wanted to shave my head so bad, and I did, and I fell in love with it. I feel great being this way.

Artemis: I just shaved my head, and it really does feel awesome to have. My dad wouldn't let me do it, because he said that I wouldn't look "pretty" anymore, so I waited until I was home alone and did it myself. It was a bit of a hack job, but I really love it and have no plans to grow it out anytime soon! I have had people at school ask me if I was a boy or a girl, as well as small children, but that's okay.

Jana Janevska: I somewhat agree to this. Yes, it is empowering to shave your head, and I've thought about it too. They are saying how hair shouldn't define us, well then why do clothes define us? Hair is a form of self expression, and as obsessed as some people are with it it goes the same with clothing. Fashion is art, and one of the best ways of self expression, why don't we just walk around naked to "love ourselves, inside and out." And look in the mirror and "see ourselves for the first time". The way we are on the outside helps express what is on the inside. Anyways, great on them for shaving their head that takes lots of guts! Hope I can do it one day just so experience what it's like :)

natalie smrekar: I really love these videos. I'm shaving my head in 5 days, and these videos just make me so excited. This one in particular has a couple girls with a widows peak, and I haven't seen someone with a widows peak have a shaved head, so it was nice to see a variety of hairlines lol

Madeline Eastep: I am so attached to my hair. I went through a really bad pixie cut when i was younger (and wasn't allowed to wear makeup) and I've been growing my hair out ever since. But it's almost the new year now and I'm so tired of dealing with my hair and being defined by it. I don't want to hide behind it, so I'm going to ask to get it buzzed in four days. I'm really doing it because I want to, and if I don't do it now, I never will. I'm so nervous that my head will look weird but I'm so excited at the same time.

Lil_Jei: This video was what I shared when I first shaved my head. It explained everything to ppl. Thank you. I've never felt more free in my life since I went bald.

Darkhorse3211: These women are all beautiful. The message is: Do what YOU feel is right. NOT what others or you feel media/society tell you what you should do. You are you. Be different :) I love long hair because it's the easiest thing for me to manage in my current lifestyle. For these young ladies, short hair works for them. We are still beautiful women. :) Hair doesn't define beauty, the person and their actions do. :)

Tanner James: First video on YouTube to describe me. I do think people associate a shaved head with cancer far too much. I shaved my head because it's more comfortable for me, it's easy, clean and reminds me to remain humble, and not be overtaken by vanity. I remember the first time I shaved my head, It was out of pure curiosity, I had wondered how I would look. It was so freeing, even something peaceful about it that I continued to shave. Growing up, my mother always said:"You should look how you want and love who you want, it's your life and your body." She was very supportive of that. "It's just hair, it will grow back." she would always say.

Wendy Foley: I'm 50, and naturally grey (though I do dye it because I love color)... I'm going to shave my head and start wearing cool wigs just because I want to... freedom of choice has always been my "thing"... curious how my elderly parents and my HS students will feel about it - not that it will change what I am going to do, but more as a sociological 'interest'... I DO WHAT I WANT!! LOL

Dr Bitchcraft: I've had almost a buzzcut, pretty much a really short pixie cut and I LOVED it. It was so easy breezy and I always felt fresh haha

Myra Benitez: i just shaved my head a month ago and it's an inch longer now. we women and girls should do whatever we want to our hair because it is ours and don't let society tell us otherwise.

Rune Varga: I don't care what kind of hair you wanna get to express yourself, as long as you have a good heart and you're kind to others and love yourself really. express yourself how you want to express yourself. I CAN'T wait to get my hair all shaved off

Jenny Gutierrez: I got a buzz cut, and I love it! I think on a girl a buzz cut looks totally cute and feminine! And unique! These women on this video look incredible :)

$arah Princess O'Power: Thanks ladies!  I finally shaved my long locks right before I turned 30, and fourteen years later I still have short hair.  Love it for so many reasons, especially the feel of the wind, the sun, and kind hands on my bare head.  I feel like everyone should try this at least once.

IwqiwqnoM: I had this obsession with getting a pixie cut & now I wanna shave my hair cause why not?

Unicorn Girl785: I just shaved my hair and it felt so weird at first. I didn't saw myself when I looked in the mirror. I thought I could never look in the mirror but the reactions were so nice. I always got complimented for my natural cuirls and now I get compliments for my 5mm hair. It was such a freeing experience. I started new and that helped me rly. I'll search for my style and try to get better mental health. Now I sometimes forget I shaved it off and yh but I love it <33

Fuck Off: I’m a girl with a shaved head and this made me feel really good . I had really long hair( butt length ) that was curly and thick and when I shaved it off the only comment I got was “wow you looked so much prettier before you shaved your head “

OllyFromAlaska: I used to always have really long hair (the shortest was never above my shoulders) but a few months ago I finally decided to cut it almost all off. I left the top longer, but I have my sides and back shaved. It's definitely my favorite hair style ever.

Uschi Muckelkutsch: I've really been wanting to shave my head for a long time and I feel the strong urge to do it right now, but I notice how my fear of judgement holds me back. When I was younger I had my hair shaved off and I got very negative feedback at that time :(

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