The Benefits of Onion Juice for Hair Growth

Onion is one of those heaven-sent sources of nature that can benefit your hair in multiple ways. It is packed full of nutrients that add a new life to your hair. If you are on the lookout for multiple ways to incorporate onion juice for your hair growth to your hair care routine and how it will benefit then keep on reading.

Fruits, vegetables, and other natural resources have been used to beautify our bodies for ages. From ancient Egypt to Greece to India, people were fond of using these natural remedies to enhance their beauty and it has been passed on to us since then. When it comes to hair care we douse our locks in countless chemicals just to have the kind of results we want. These chemicals are not only damaging to your skin and hair but also sometimes damage our internal organs slowly.

You can use one of the most available ingredients: Onion. Did you know onion juice can help your hair grow faster and also reduce hair loss? Read the benefits of the onion for hair growth and how it help you solve hair loss problem.


Onion Juice for Hair

onion juice benefits

Onion has been used for hair growth and hair loss for ages. It is widely known for its dandruff killing properties without having any harmful side effects.

Onion juice is packed full of antioxidants that can add a lot of strength to your hair and prevent graying at an early age. It also effectively treats Alopecia Areata, inflamed scalp, and various infections related to the scalp.

Apart from all these medicinal properties, it also helps in beautifying the hair by strengthening brittle and dry hair, adding shine to the hair strands, and keeping the nits and lice at bay.


Does Onion Juice Really Help Hair Grow Faster?

onion help grow hair quicker

Now that you know what wonders onion juice can do to your hair, the question arises, does it really work? And how does it work? Onion juice is a natural source of sulfur that effectively that kills all the bacteria and germs present on your scalp. Since our hair is made up of keratin that has a high content of sulfur, onion juice helps repair those sulfur molecules and make hair even stronger.

It also delays the shedding of your hair which means you get to rock longer hair for a prolonged period. It is also rich in Vitamin C which promotes collagen build-up resulting in lesser gray and brittle hair.

In short, the benefits of onion juice are strongly backed up by science which is proof enough to make it a superstar in our hair care routine.


How to Use Onion Juice for Hair Growth, Hair Loss & Dandruff

Onion Juice Hair Soak

how to use onion juice for hair

If you are suffering from extreme dandruff and scalp inflammation then you need to add pure onion juice for your hair growth in your everyday hair care routine. To make Onion juice hair soak you will need freshly prepared onion juice and cotton pads. Thoroughly soak the cotton pads in the onion juice and apply the cotton pads directly to your scalp. Apply more onion juice on the problem areas to deeply cure the problem.

Let your scalp and hair strands soak up the onion juice and let it sit for about 20 minutes. Wash your hair properly in the shower and condition your hair for added nourishment. Continuous use of this hair soak will leave your hair strong, bouncy, and dandruff free.


Onion Juice with Coconut Oil

Coconut oil and onion juice are known for their amazing hair growth benefits. When combined together, they turn into a powerful potion for your hair. Mix one tablespoon of pure onion juice with two tablespoons of organic coconut oil and blend well.

Massage this mixture on to your scalp in circular motions. It will nourish your hair deep down and promote blood circulation in your scalp. Leave this oil and onion juice mixture in your hair for one to one and a half hours and then wash it off with a mild shampoo.

You can also use onion juice with any other oil of your choice. This treatment will make your hair softer, stronger and promote hair growth instantly.


Onion Juice, Mustard Seeds, and Almond Oil Concoction

Sometimes our hair needs a much-concentrated treatment to target various problems at once. If you are dealing with dandruff, inflamed scalp, frequent hair loss and bushy hair then you need to incorporate this magic concoction into your weekly hair care routine. To make this hair treatment, heat two tablespoons almond oil in a pan and add a half teaspoon full of mustard seeds in it and allow it to cook for a while.

Once done, drain the almond oil and separate the mustard seeds. Mustard is known for promoting hair growth faster than anything else. In this oil, the mixture adds two tablespoons of onion juice and gives a generous blend. Put this potion in a spray nozzle bottle and apply it to your hair. Leave the mixture on and massage it gently.

After one hour thoroughly cleanse your hair with a gentle shampoo followed by a nourishing conditioner to lock in the effects. This hair mask will give you visible results with a single-use, leaving your hair well-nourished and healthy.

Note: Always do a patch test on your skin to know if you are allergic to any ingredient of the mentioned home remedies.


It is always a better idea to opt for natural ingredients to incorporate into your hair care routine. Your hair has a porous surface and it can absorb a lot of toxins from the conventional hair care products that we usually find in the market.

Include onion juice in your everyday hair care routine to make them healthier, shinier, and bouncier. By using pure onion juice on a regular basis you will see a visible difference in your hair and earn infinite compliments every other day. So, show some love to your hair and make all the jaws drop with your glossy, luscious locks.


Check out more ingredients that help growing healthy hair:

  • Rice Water
  • Okra
  • Flaxseed Oil
  • Gelatin
  • Glycerin
  • Fenugreek Seed
  • Sugar Scrub
  • Cucumber
  • Cholesterol
  • Guava Leaf
  • Mango Butter
  • Vaseline
  • Aloe Vera
  • Avocado
  • Behentrimonium Methosulfate
  • Banana
  • Collagen
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