10 Fascinating Reasons Why Your Hair Won’t Grow

  • Posted on 01 February, 2020
  • Hair Care
  • By Hollee Wood

Does it just seem like your hair won’t grow… no matter how hard you try?

Don’t feel bad if you said, “yes.”

An estimated 21 million women suffer from some sort of hair loss in America… and that’s not even including how many women have impeded hair growth.

But you’re here because you want a solution, right?

Well, the first step to figuring out why your hair won’t grow is to find out what’s causing the issue. The good news is that some of these issues are totally preventable.

Plus, I’m gonna share some of my favorite ways to speed up hair growth!

As always, if you’re having any health problems, please consult with your doctor. I’m not a doctor, and there may even be treatments for some of the more serious problems.

Just promise you’ll talk to them, k?

But in the meantime, let’s get to the 10 reasons why your hair isn’t growing… and some tips on how to fix it.

💡TIP: Pin this article to your Hair Care board on Pinterest so you can always reference it when you need to! 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

10 Fascinating Reasons Why Your Hair Won't Grow

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Reason #1: Genetics

Woman looking at hair brush.

I gotta get this one out of the way first.

I hate to break it to you but… your hair might not be growing as fast as you want because you weren’t meant to have luscious hair.

To further explain, I just quickly want to touch on the stages of hair growth.

At any given time, 90% of your hair is in the anagen phase, also known as the growing phase. This stage lasts 2-7 years before the hair goes into a resting phase and eventually falls out (these stages are called catagen and telogen, respectively).

Every strand of hair on your body goes through these three phases. They grow, they rest, they shed. It’s the cycle of life.

The length of hair is determined by how long it stays in the anagen phase. For example, eyebrows have a much shorter anagen phase and only grow to a certain length before shedding.

So here’s where it gets good…

The length of time your hair stays in the anagen phase is largely determined by genetics. Therefore, if you were predisposed to a shorter growing phase, your hair will always fall out when it gets to a certain length.

In other words, if it seems like your hair won’t grow past a certain point, it’s because it probably can’t.

If this sounds all too familiar, I highly recommend looking into clip-in hair extensions. It’s the perfect way to add length when you need it!

Reason #2: It’s Damaged

Woman examining hair damage.

This may sound obvious, but… if you have a lot of damage, your hair won’t grow.

Well, technically, it will grow, but it won’t seem like it.

You see… if your hair breaks off faster than it grows, it may even appear to get shorter over time. In other words, breakage is the enemy when it comes to growing hair faster. It should be avoided at all costs.

So here’s what you need to do: keep your breakage in check.

Trim your split ends every few months. Develop a solid hair care routine. Do deep treatments often to rebuild your hair.

On that note… Olaplex is an amazing hair product that actually rebuilds broken hair bonds. It’s a MUST if you want to repair damaged hair. It’s a little pricey, but I promise it’s worth every penny.

Reason #3: You Cut It Too Often

Woman getting a haircut.

Remember how like 2 seconds ago, I said you have to cut your hair often to prevent breakage? Welllllllll, you don’t want to cut it too often.

It’s really about finding that sweet spot between eliminating split ends but still allowing it to get longer. Just remember that hair grows about 1/2 inch per month.

If you cut more than that, it will just seem like your hair isn’t growing.

I’d recommend cutting 1/4 inch every 2-3 months if you’re trying to grow your hair faster. Make sure to communicate with your stylist that you don’t want to take much off… just the split ends on the tips.

And be sure that they’re on the same page as you. 1/4 inch can look different to different people.

Reason #4: You aren’t Getting The Nutrients Your Body Needs

Woman choosing healthy food to eat.

If you’ve been a long-time reader, you’ve heard me say this before, but… everything you put in your body comes out through your hair. This is why they can test you for drugs with a couple strands of your mane.

So, as you can imagine, if your diet is trash, your hair will be too.

If you’re deficient in specific vitamins and minerals, it will affect the rate of hair growth. Hair also requires a lot of protein, so make sure you’re getting enough of that too.

If you want to take hair growth seriously, clean up your diet.

Make sure to eat a balanced diet every day, avoid crash dieting, and drink enough water to support a healthy scalp.

On top of that, supplement with a vitamin designed to promote hair growth. I take the SugarBearHair gummies every day, and they’re pretty much amazing.

They’re tasty and give you everything you need for optimal hair growth. Just be careful, because they can initially cause some breaking out when you start taking them.

Reason #5: Underlying Health Issues

Woman worried about her health.

Unfortunately, several different health issues can impede hair growth… and sometimes, there’s nothing you can do about it.

Obviously, things like chemotherapy and blood pressure medication can cause hair loss, but there are also some not-so-obvious issues out there… particularly hormonal issues.

One of the biggest instances of hair loss happens right after having a baby. I know… having babies isn’t a health issue, but still worth mentioning. I mean, it is a pretty big hormonal change for your body.

Pregnant women don’t typically shed as much hair as they usually would. Sounds great, right? Well… after delivery, they tend to lose most of the hair they would have lost during the past 9 months.

And on the other hand, pregnancy can even cause hair loss in some individuals.

Additionally, things like thyroid disorders, anemia, and polycystic ovary disorder (PCOD) can all make it so your hair won’t grow.

The best way to fight these issues is to get your health in check. Talk to a doctor about treatment options, clean up your diet, and find ways to optimize hair growth.

Reason #6: Your Scalp Isn’t Optimal For Hair Growth

Woman scratching scalp.

A clean scalp is a happy scalp. And happy scalps like to make hair.

If your scalp isn’t in good shape, it will definitely affect your hair growth. So the goal should be to create an optimal environment for hair to thrive in.

First things first, if you have scalp fungus, extreme dandruff or psoriasis, you should discuss treatment options with your doctor.

Next, you should use a treatment system like Nioxin to clean the excess buildup and sebum from the scalp. This product was specifically designed to optimize scalp health… you can even feel it working when you use it.

Last, but not least, medical studies have proven that 4 minutes of daily scalp massage increases blood flow to the scalp and stimulates hair growth. There are some pretty cheap scalp massagers to make the process more enjoyable… or you can just use your fingers to massage your scalp in the shower.

…or if you feel like spending $500, check this bad boy out.

Reason #7: Age

Beautiful woman with grey hair.

As if aging doesn’t already do a number on .us…

Unfortunately, as we get older, our hair won’t grow as fast as it once used to.

Almost everyone experiences some degree of hair loss as they age. Every time a hair sheds, the hair follicle gets smaller, and the next hair will be slightly thinner. Eventually, the follicle stops producing hair altogether.

Hair also sheds more often and spends more time in the resting phase as we get older.

Again, to combat these consequences of time, make sure you’re giving your scalp everything it needs to grow hair. Nutrients, scalp stimulation, and a good scalp environment are all key to faster-growing hair.

Reason #8: Stress

Stressed out woman.

You probably already know this, but stress is SO bad for your body.

It can cause health problems, premature aging, weight gain, and more. So, as you can imagine, it’s not good for your hair either.

In fact, it pushes your hair into the resting phase, which eventually leads to premature shedding of that follicle. Plus, resting follicles don’t produce new hair strands.

In other words, if you’re overly stressed, your hair won’t grow.

Trust me… I know how hard it is to keep stress in check, but it’s so important for your health and hair.

Take a few minutes to enjoy nature every day. Go for walks on your breaks. Exercise. Do 5 minutes of deep breathing or meditation before getting out of bed. Make self-care a priority. Listen to positive self-talk.

Just promise me that you’ll do whatever it takes to get those stress levels down. Your hair will thank you, and your life will be so much better.

Reason #9: You’re Too Rough With It

Woman brushing hair.

Like I previously mentioned, if your hair is breaking faster than it grows, it will appear not to grow.

Hair is pretty fragile, and you need to handle it with care.

Wet hair is really susceptible to damage, so gently untangle it with a wide-tooth comb after washing. Actually, you should just be careful every time you brush your hair.

Oh, and whatever you do, don’t vigorously rub it with a towel after the shower.

Don’t braid it too tightly or wear it in a tight ponytail every day. You could even swap out your pillowcase for the satin variety to prevent damage while you sleep.

Just be super gentle with your hair. If you want longer hair, you need to be careful not to break it.

Reason #10: Alopecia Areata

Woman examining hair loss.

Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune disorder that affects 6.8 million people in the United States.

The bad news is that this disorder causes quarter-sized patches of hair loss; it happens when white blood cells attack the hair follicles and cause them to drastically slow hair production.

The good news is that the hair follicles are not damaged, and the hair can regrow when the inflammation subsides.

While there is no cure for alopecia areata, corticosteroids can be used to suppress the immune system, and prescription medications can be used to encourage faster hair growth.

Just remember that if you have this condition, it’s not the end of the world. While it isn’t favorable, it can be treated.

General FAQ

FAQ IconWhat do you do when your hair won’t grow?

Make sure to provide your scalp with the optimal environment to encourage hair growth. Eat clean, stimulate your scalp through daily massage, take vitamins, and take care of underlying health issues to promote faster hair growth.

Why is my hair not growing?

Age, stress, genetics, underlying health issues, hair health, nutrient deficiencies, and unhealthy scalps all contribute to slowed hair growth.

Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts Icon

If it seems like your hair won’t grow, remember that you aren’t alone. Millions of people suffer from similar problems, and many causes of hair loss are preventable.

Just remember to provide your hair follicles with optimal conditions, and the rest is up to fate. Take your vitamins, eat clean, lower your stress, and keep your hair healthy.

Stay strong and be patient, friend. You’ll have longer hair in no time.

Until next time,


YOUR TURN: Do you ever feel like your hair won’t grow? Do you have any hair growth tips you can add to this list? Drop them in the comments section below!


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