Why Black Women Are Getting Cancer And Fibroids - Hair Care Products

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Second, to reach out, because I wanted to share something with you that I think I don't. I read the story in Atlanta blackstar and it really got me processing. You know a lot of this stuff and I felt that out of my concern for the sisters that are out here, you know the black woman that raised me. I felt compelled to make sure that I share what I learned and, and - and I will say this also as I get started - that I'm not a doctor, you know I'm not a person that knows medicine in detail, but I am a person who knows how to Read and and as a result of the fact that I do know how to read, I want to read the results of some of these studies to you that I just saw you know, sort of perusing online. It has to do with black woman's hair and and basically for the longest time it was really fascinating for a long time. They never really did any studies to determine like you know whether or not these chemicals that are put in your hair care products are good or bad for you um. They haven't done any studies like that, but at the same time you know a lot of people have speculated for a very long time that there was a connection between air care products and some of the other issues that you see with black women elected like the Issues with you know, with the cancers, you know all different kinds of cancers: fibroids Lobby y'all know a lot of black women will see y'all if you're here, you probably know some black woman who has had a fibroid problem, how to get fibroids removed. You know, and it kind of goes deeper and deeper, and so anyway, what's up so Tigris and Reginald Smith? How you doing? Let me know if, if you're on social media, if you're able to hear me okay and all that good stuff, because I want to make sure that the connection is good and all and everything else and I'm gon na text out people to let them know that I'M talking about this for a few minutes and what's up ms e and kill the mic when the greatest rappers of all time, Missy Jackson, let's go ESCO everybody else by the way Mike reach out to me man, because I want you to come to the next All-Black, national, you know he said the last one off and I would love for you to come back and so in the next time I will pay you because I know you did it pro bono and I respect you for that, and I do not forgive my Friends that do favors for me so hit me on Mike, because I want you to come back to the next convention. Actually, I'm in fact, I think I'd like Mike in David Banner both to come to the convention. So if you haven't learned more about the all-black National Convention, you can actually go to all-black National Convention calm. That'S all black National Convention, calm! So, okay, so let me share with you all way. I just read about black women's health and hair care products um. This was actually actually took notes. I can't I can't show this video because it was on say it was a CNN video and YouTube is always digging us with copyright violations that we share anybody else's content, and - and so so basically, I can't play the video, but I did find it on Atlanta Atlanta, black star, which is an extraordinary new site, I do approve of Atlanta black star. I love what they do. I think that they're very, very good, as, as you know, journalists, you know you got the fake news and the crap news and you got the bootleg sites like what is it the route calm, which is just kind of a front for white people. But then you have places like Atlanta black star, which I really actually appreciate and respect, because I get this sense that they really care about the community and want to do good, good work for black people. So I was watching this video headline news and there was a sister owned there and she was talking about what's going on with black woman's hair and one of the things that she said - and I took some notes, so I could actually share this with you. So you can share this with people that you love. Basically, they analyzed about 18 different haircare products that are commonly used amongst black women and they found this 72 % 72 % of the products that argue or the OBO. The chemicals in these products are sorry expression. 72 % of these products have chemicals that lead to problems with estrogen right. They create excess, estrogen production. Now, if you're not aware of estrogen and testosterone, all that women tend to have more estrogen than men, men tend to have more testosterone than women. Testosterone was a chemical and men that makes us aggressive and, and it's correlated with ambition and and and energy, but it's also correlated with abuse and infidelity. So just so you know like so. Athletes, for example, have a lot of testosterone. Some of the athletes even take extra testosterone, so they can have higher energy levels and compete at a higher level. So anyway, Kimmy says check your in your instagram inbox. I will check it. So thank you for telling me that, and so anyway, so 73 72 percent of these products have chemicals that lead to problems with estrogen which throws off your hormones. Now I've read some stuff on estrogen, I'm not a doctor. I'M going to talk to my sister dr. luyt, Angela Watkins, who actually is a doctor and I'd love to get her take on this. So maybe I can even get her to come in, but basically I did a little research on. You know what happens when you have excess estrogen. You know in your body what good? What can? What what can this do to you, and I wasn't surprised one bit one bit when the woman on the show on CNN go CNN HLN, which is a subsidiary CNN Headline News. I wasn't surprised at all when she said that that sxs estrogen is what is linked to the fibroid issue in most of y'all. I want you to just say some just type, yes, raise your hand whatever it is. You want to do. Tell me if you know a black woman somewhere who had a problem with fibroids. Everybody tell me if you know of some black woman somewhere, raise your hand. If you know a black woman somewhere, who has had a problem with fibroids, it happens to damn near seems, like everybody, and it's usually mostly black women that have the Firebaugh reissue. I don't really hear a lot of women's. Were not black talk about five boy problems, and so what she talks about is um this term she uses called endocrine disruptors, endocrine disruptors, which disrupt your endocrinology. I guess in your body I don't know if I use the term correctly or not, but these endocrine disruptors are what causes the spike in estrogen, which can cause the fibroid issues etc. So what basically is you know? They'Re kind of concluding you're, not kind of speculated is, but I I think this is great, because this is the first time we have some really good. Scientific confirmation is that these chemicals are killing you straight-up point-blank period, they're killing. You um, I'm not here, to tell black women what to do with their hair. My god, you know my daughter is a hair and beauty expert. You know naturally trees. She does hair beauty, videos and she'll. Have a hundred thousand women watching, like literally there'll, be three thousand women watching about um? The videos done have a hundred thousand views, so I know a lot of it's a sense of variance a big deal. I'M not here in any way to tell anybody what to do with their hair. But I am here to say that there is scientific evidence that a lot of the chemicals that you were told to use that you were a little girl are killing you and and and and a lot of it you know so this excess estrogen issue um. You know I sort of you know knew about the fibroid think I already speculated that. But then I went a little bit deeper and I said okay. So what are some of the other problems that can occur with excess estrogen? So I missed a little research and I went to a site us waitwait and wellness.com. Is this random site, but it's articles written by Brenda, Thomas MS, are dld. So I don't know what all those letters are, but I guess she's got a Master of Science or maybe she's. I saw Rd me there's something related to nursing. She'S got a lot of letters, so seems like she knows what she's doing, but it doesn't say, MD sighs once you know that, but anyway um she does say, though, but she does write in a way that lets. It seems to imply that she knows what she's talking about and one of the things she talks about is hormone fluctuations that are led to excess estrogen or that akka link to excess estrogen. So she said: um hormone fluctuations off that often lead to PMS bloating, fluid retention and breast tenderness are usually thought of as a normal part of being a woman. These symptoms, however, may be a sign of high estrogen levels or estrogen dominance. The hormone estrogen may have you thinking that it's just a female issue, but men are also impacted by estrogen dominance, all registered dietitian. Thank you very much. Thank you for correcting me in the midst of my wolf ignorant, okay. So here's what they said in terms of health concerns related to excess estrogen. They said today, girls as young as nine and ten are starting to menstruate, and you see that honestly, in a lot of hoods more often now I mean you see little girls with. You know starting to develop curves and breasts and everything at a super early age, minstrel cycles at our early age and really, if you think about it, you know it's part of the culture. You do have a lot of these little girls that get that first straightener or whatever the hell it is that they put in the hair relaxer. I guess when they're like you know, infants, maybe 1 to 3 years old and and they said that other signs of estrogen dominance in women include irregular menstrual cycles. Endometriosis. I know that is looking up, infertility and hormonal headaches. A body sign of high estrogen is excess. Weight now pay attention. Now this is, I mean, come on eat on my black woman. Now, a body sign of high estrogen is excess weight around the hips, the thighs and the low abdomen, and difficulty losing weight. Now you know, I know, like I'm a black man. You know, I think a thick black woman is like literally the most amazing thing ever created since ice cream, but you know you can't pretend, like African American women's bodies are the same as everybody else's right. You can't act like that. We don't have some extra hips and curves and all that with with women - and I assume maybe these hips and curves, and all that would still be there even without the chemicals but they're saying that these high estrogen levels can, you know, can be connected to that. But that could be one of the signs of you know of this problem. So for some women she says: estrogen dominance takes a more serious and life-threatening form such as breast endometrial or uterine cancer. So now they're using the C word cancer now they're, saying high estrogen levels can connect to cancer right and in its scatter scatter. What'S that scatter yash wall says too thick is not good. I agree. I agree: there's a pin line between big and fat and that's a it takes scientific analysis in a barber shop for brothers to explain you the difference between thinking fat like they were talking with the hip to waist ratio. Women, don't always see it, but my brother's know brother's a little different seem thick and fat, but even think isn't always healthy and I'd. Rather you be healthy than to be thick. You know so I think that as men you know, we got ta know how to appreciate when sisters are really healthy instead of get mad because they don't have like 80 pounds of junk in the trunk. You know. I think that this whole big movie thing is very weird to me in the sense that, like now, you got people literally giving these crazy injections, and the funny thing is it's not mostly African American women that do it, because black a lot of black women have The natural curves and all that, but I went to Columbia and medicine Columbia - is one of the capitals, the world capitals of plastic surgery. So I went down there and saw like booties that look like they were built in outer space like I'm some but like women. There would be like so tiny where you're like that ass should not be connected to that person. She looks like a cartoon character right now, but that's you know I saw I saw a lot of that. I literally was a little joking with dr. Alicia. You know my significant other and I said who has a wonderful natural booty by the way - and I said, let's count all the eight movies that we see while we're here in Columbia. That'Ll be fun, that'll be a little game, so we cannot allow. We got into the double digits and I stopped, but anyway they also mentioned when they talk about excess estrogen that comes from these hair chemicals, these hair chemicals, that that are manipulating the estrogen inside a woman's body. They mentioned also pay attention. They talked about cancer. We talked about of you know: hips thighs and low abdomen difficulty losing weight as symptoms of the high estrogen. Now they also talked about autoimmune disorders. Our only meaning affecting your immune system, like what boom lupus lupus now y'all know lupus, is all over the black community y'all know black women everywhere have lupus. I have very close friends who have homeless my aunt Debbie died of lupus. You know: loop lupus a thyroid. Itís tyrone problems, i think of another friend i new black woman who had serious thyroid problems, so they said, autoimmune disorders, including lupus and thyroiditis, have also been linked to estrogen dominance and other hormonal imbalances. Now they, you know, men can also um. You know have some extra estrogen issues if men have estrogen problems that can cause a loss of their sex, drive, increased abdominal fat, enlarged, prostate and prostate cancer. In fact, estrogen is a key contributor to 50 % of all prostate cancer cases. So I'm not sure I got ta. Look it up, but I wonder if increasing your testosterone reduce the estrogen so maybe staying for men from brothers, you know staying fit lifting weights, doing things that you know it strengthen. You can help you fight that a little bit, and I do know that I do know a black man one time this is where I you know when I talk all the time about how racism is is is bad for you. My racism also kills you racist was bad for your health. I knew a brother who was at his job every day and he was being treated badly. You know because he was black and he said it affected his mental health to the point where his testosterone had left his body and it was replaced by estrogen. He had a lot of estrogen, so he couldn't perform for his wife. He gained a lot of weight. He slept in a bed all day and and so that when they say emasculate when I thought when I heard that story, I thought about the word emasculation and literally they had zapped the the manhood out of him. You know and that's why I think it's important for you to teach your sons to have their own business so that if they want to quit a job, they can quit the job. You know they make up. The Cece Donnie says thanks for putting me onto the market yeah. Those are those are the key. I mean the three ways to build independent wealth to not actually have to have a job. If you want, if you don't want one, or at least do set your kids off of, that is to teach them real estate, make sure they take a basic class on just basic real estate, knowing why you should own a home how to buy a home? How to buy a second home, how to my property that you're gon na rent and eventually how to get a commercial property just understand the basics, even if they don't have the money right away. Number two investing in the stock market when every study looks at the difference in wealth between the rich and the poor. What they find is that the differential in wealth is driven by one major factor. One major factor is that rich people are in the stock market. Regular people, or not so the reason that there's a gap, you've probably heard people complain about the gap between the rich in the poor and how the gap has grown like over the last twenty years has grown astronomically well when they, when scientists, like me, finance PhDs, Like me, I'm not a guy who is just a financial expert, a financial manager or a financial consultant. I have a PhD, which means I train the experts. I train the managers, I train the consultants right, that's that's the level of understanding. So when scientists like myself, go in and do statistical analysis to figure out like, why is this gap so big? Why do some people have all the money and other people? Don'T they found that the people who had the most money were the ones who pretty much chose to invest in the stock market ago? They started maybe in the 70s, 80s and 90s, and they just kept doing it consistently consistently consistently and their money grew, and so that comes up a lot in these conversations about Nike. You know people say like I made a joke and I said: I'm not gon na buy any Knight anymore Nike shoes. I already got Nike gear. Look. This is a nike swoosh. I got Nike shoes underneath. Let me see, let me show you guys, I'm a Nike fan, I look, these are the shoes I train with my cross ranges right here, and these are my Jordans look at though they tell me. Those are not some slick ass, Jordan. So tell me you don't wish you have some Jordans and look like this right and then oh wait. Wait. I almost forgot BAM. Look at that! Look at that. So believe me, I am a fan of Nike, but you will never see me spend more money on Nike gear. Then you see me spend on Nike stock right now. Why do I say Nike stock? Well, that's just an example. As a case study, it doesn't mean that that's all you should do, is I mean? That'S all you should hide. I mean like, I know, Nike stocks gon na keep going up. It just means that if you look at history and somebody who consistently bought Nike stock along with 20 or 30 other different stocks spread their money out, that person's gon na have a whole lot more money than somebody who just bought a bunch of gear. He'S gon na mean so I'm not trying to tell you not to buy your gear, I'm not trying to tell you to be. You know to have the coolest whatever you want out of life. You know I got an iPhone. I got the nice, I got the fancy iPhone and I get a Samsung ain't, nothing wrong with getting what you want. It'S just. You also have to make sure you get what you need you understand. So so that's that's! That'S my principal longest. You know so anyway. So say so, so the first thing is real estate. Second thing is to teach your kids how to invest in stock market, so they can get into that rich category as opposed to the poor category. They do it over a 20 or 30 year period. That'S how you set create the separation. You know the building wealth and building a wealth gap between yourself and average. People is like a football game. If the University of Alabama the number one football team in the country plays against the number 50 team in the country, they're not going to get a 50 point lead in the first 30 seconds. It'S not gon na happen quickly. It happens slowly. You know they run a play and another play in another play next thing. You know they get a few yards here in a few yards there they score and then, at about an hour later, you see that there's a gigantic gap in the score. So what wealth gaps are the same way? You know a lot of people, you know when I say you know: hey, don't buy Nike shoes buy Nike stock they're, making two mistakes based on what I just said, number one they're thinking that I'm saying just buy Nike stock and don't buy any other stock. That'S not true, you should buy all the stocks you should. You know spend as much on the stock market as you spend at fast food restaurants, unless you spend on shoes whatever and then the second assumption they're making is that this is going to happen in two weeks. It'S gon na happen quickly, like that happened with Bitcoin and crypto. I started talking about crypto and everybody thought that I was saying. Crypto was gon na make a trillion dollars in a month, and it's like no investing is a long-term game. You understand it's a long-term game so though differences in wealth that occur from people that make investments slowly but surely over time they happen over a 20-year period. Thirty year period, they don't happen in two months. They don't happen in two months. So if anybody talks about that or talks in that way correct them, please we need to kill the ignorance. Okay, third thing is um. Did you want your child? Knows you every black boy especially has to know how to have his own business, because when you have your own business, if you least not have those skills, then that means you can walk away and you can kind of figure things out and create a situation that Really works for yourself. I know a guy who had a good job, making really good money he's making six figures. He got on the job why people were acting white. Racism was all over the place, he wouldn't being treated right, he hated it and then he quit the job. And so when he quit the job, he forced himself to go, learn how to start a business. So he went out and he just he hustled. He grinded it was hard as hell. He didn't work your first but he's kept staying with it, kept being consistent being consistent, and he said I'm so happy that they fired me. I'M so happy that they mistreated me because had they not mistreated me, I never would have gone out and done this other thing. Now, I'm happier I do what I love. I work on my own schedule and I make 10 times more money now that I made on my job on my job. I made $ 10,000 a month now on this job I made at least twenty or thirty thousand dollars a week right. He makes a lot. They were like a hundred thousand a month, that's about how much he makes with with his business right so anyway, those are so those are some things that I would just was just sharing kind of. As a side note, the obvious first topic was the issue with black women and their health, and I'm a part of your health is driven. Health is hugely psychological, and money is deeply connected to your psychological health. Tell me you tell me this. If you don't believe me to, let me ask you this: if somebody took all the money out of your bank account right now, how would you feel we you feel psychologically healthy? Oh, would you be pissed off and scared to death? Would you be, would you be feeling good or would you be stressed out, would you sleep well tonight, or would you sleep badly? You probably breaking out in cold sweats you'd have physical symptoms, but I want to throw up right. That'S because you know what's happening here. Is connected to what's happening in your body right, so a lot of the illness that ever happens to black people? Hypertension, everything else comes from stress, which is connected to the fact that we don't control our financial situation. So the most important thing you teach your child is how to control their financial situation. So let me let me mention this again: are some social sources of estrogen places where estrogen might hit you? It looks like it says: toxic estrogen is called XL extra genes lead to estrogen dominance in both men and women, eggs or estrogens come from things that you may come in contact with every day, including plastic, water bottles, own cleaning, chemicals, pesticides and herbicides Wells, industrial chemicals. That can be found in air and water egg, so estrogens can also be found in food sources, mainly pork, beef and dairy cows that have been given growth, hormones orally or through injections. Although it is illegal to treat chickens with growth hormones, most chickens rates and confinement are given antibiotics. The antibiotics used to prevent illness and our last facts are stored in the fat. So when you eat these products, antibiotic residues can lead to hormone imbalances and estrogen dominance. So then they talk about prescription medications, birth control, pills and hormone replacement. Therapy can also cause estrogen dominance. Interestingly, the symptoms, many women experience as estrogen dominance are masked by these medications. These medications keep estrogen levels consistently high, so their hormone fluctuations are not felt and symptoms appear to subside. However, the cause of the symptoms - high estrogen, has not been addressed. Only mass, being overweight, just being overweight or obese, can lead to high estrogen levels in the body. Excess weight creates the stores excess estrogen in both men and women, so ways to that they mentioned begin so in case you just got here. What we're talking about is this scientific study that basically says black women are getting fibroids and cancers and other problems largely because of the chemicals that are being sold to black women to put into their hair. This there's a video about it on HLN, also Atlanta, black star covered stories, so I have to give them a shout-out because they actually made me a where of what of what of what was going on here. Let me see the story. The title is black women. Hair products may be a threat to light for researchers, say black women, hair products may be a threat to life, and I'm gon na share the screen. So you guys can kind of see it on the screen. So you can see what it looks like so here it is: here's assistant it's talking about it. I can't play the video because YouTube always dings us with copyright violations when we share anything that this is not ours, but this is the video. So in case you want to go: take a look at the article at Atlanta black star. The other thing that they mentioned is the ways to get rid of excess section from your body, one getting not eight or nine hours of sleep so get plenty of sleep to drink. Eight to 12 glasses of water daily make sure it's filtered not straight out of the tap okay. I'M messing up already because I drink my water out the damn tap, but I do drink a lot of water, I'm exercising several times a day, consuming a variety of vegetables, especially leafy green vegetables daily. They have some supplements out there that you can take. I'M not gon na recommend any of them, because I don't know this lady may be trying to sell supplements or something, but there is a website or an app. The black woman on the HLN thing mentioned called detox me at the detox we app. Apparently, you can find out more about chemicals that might be in your hair care products and better ways to protect yourself and your family. So if you have black women in your life, that you love or if you are a black woman, you know, then I hope that you will share this information to share this video. Also, don't forget, the all-black national convention happens at the end of this month in Philadelphia. We will talk about all the three kinds of topics I don't know if black hair is on the agenda, but I do know black love is on the agenda black politics. Black economics, black real estate, black education, all those things will be covered also, I'm gon na unveil my 100 year plan for black family, so one of the year plan for the black community how you can actually create a billion dollar family, I'm not making this up. I'M not being stupid, I'm not talking pie-in-the-sky, but literally you can create something now so that in 100 years your family will be worth a billion dollars. So that's that's something, and it's not a billion at least 100 million, and I'm not joking. It comes from the fact that I understand wealth in ways that other people do not, because you know you have a PhD, you see things in other ways. Other people can - and so if you want to know more about the convention or you'd like to attend or check out the live stream, you can go to all black national convention comm. That'S all black national convention comm make sure you hit the thumbs up button. The share button, the subscribe button, all that good stuff and also last but not least, if you want your children to join the wealth building program, I created for black kids, which is basically a black business school for children, feel free to take a look. It'S black millionaires of tomorrow com, that's black millionaires of tomorrow, calm, my stepdaughter is in the other room and right now the nanny is working with her on finances on the black millionaires of tomorrow curriculum, because I believe that our children can also get ahead in the Next generation, if we put them in business school now, if we, if you teaching your kids the game early, then they're going to dominate the game when everybody hits adulthood so ultimately, like mojo mentions the Rothschilds. I raise my children like the Rothschild any child. That'S around me is gon na be raised like a rockefeller or like the way. Honestly, even Donald Trump does with his kids Donald Trump's children. They never gon na be looking for no job Donald Trump's, kids, you know are raised in a specific way and I want my children. A no child is connected to me to be raised in a way where they're gon na be able to compete with that and not have to go serve. They'Re not gon na go beg Donald Trump's, kids for a job, they're gon na be deciding that they want to do business with Donald Trump's, kids and that's that's. What real power looks like so take care, guys I'll talk to you soon and have a great day I'll see you later. My father's called me. Someone called this fall talk to you later peace, you

MzYumYum69: It's the food! Why don't people want to talk about the damn food and this polluted environment? Women in my family who never had perms got fibroids and cancer. But they all had poor diets and dealt with a lot of stress.

KimberlyKristen Experience: Thank you so much Dr. Boyce for this information. I have had an issues with fibroids and I could not for the life of me understand where they came from. I am someone who really takes care of myself and I did not understand it. I went natural a few years ago and through things that I have been doing health wise has changed the fibroids. So, thank you because this is going to help a lot of women.

Nekkiepooh1: It's been 18 months since I put a relaxer on my hair. I make my own conditioner and shampoo.

C0MEAGAIN!: Its bigger than hair products...

Nooo: What about contraceptives, in general....they are a huge culprit

arwhitman12: I have 5 big fibroids and I permed my hair all of my teenage young adult life. I thought i was unable to have children, but at 32 after I stopped relaxing my hair for years, I gave birth to my daughter.

You Tube: My mother never permed her hair so that's how I learn don't perm my hair and my girls. Learnt not to perm their hair thank you for this good information we don't need perms people blow dry and pressing Combs what happened to the old pressing comb

sonyablessed: I am a black woman who have had a problem with fibroid's!

A Omondi: I have very nice hips and I’m very fertile. I haven’t used hair crack in years. I’m 33 and currently pregnant with spontaneous triplets. ☺️

Ron T: A black real women really need to stop putting perms in their children's hair when they're young destroys the hair

7 5: Facts, great topic that must be discussed.

Laverne Summers: Hormones in foods also contribute to early development in females.

Tyra Richburg: I had fibroids. Had cancer and hysterectomy.

Linda Carter: NIKE sweat shops, what do you stand for ? Have you heard of socially conscious investments? Would you invest in NAZI Germany because they had great street cars and were partners with IBM? How about South Africa during apartheid, you would continue to support their businesses. Thanks for the info re hair products.

MysticalMermaid333 Ms Krystle: I live in a primary white state and I’ve only seen white women with Thyroid problem. I’m in the medical field. I stop using black products a year and a half ago. It’s sad but black women don’t feel comfortable in their natural hair.

Stanley White: If that's the case they shouldn't be mad at stores that keep those products locked up.

Black Jesuscom: More Black women need to take the $2.5 billion they spend on hair care products and create natural products they can sell to other Black women here in the US and globally. Add cosmetics and skin care for black women by black woman and a lot of wealth and jobs can be created.

Jamie S.: I haven’t had a relaxer in 9 years, but I do use leave-in conditioner along with Raw Shea butter. I wonder if leave ins are dangerous.....

Ms.Tina215 Ms.Tina215: i have be natural for 10 years

Cloud Tribe: Chris Rock made a documentary about this like 8 years ago this should be common knowledge. It's why if a see a woman with straight hair I'm immediately deterred. Not only is it an indication of their mentality but they will probably have problems like fibroids, early baldness etc.

B P: My mom had fibroids

King Abijah: My friend was diagnosed with breast cancer a month ago. She had an operation this morning. She told me it went well. This is a woman who has permed her hair for years and loves heavy doses of meat and dairy. She told me the operation went well. I told her she has to change her diet so it doesn't reoccur. She told me she's gonna have to give and take because it's too hard . Smh Black women don't care, ghats why they have the issues.

dionne king: well damn

Ibn He: Ok

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