The Best Shampoo And Conditioner | Aloe Vera Jelly | Hair Care

I cannon emphasize this enough when I say that...I LOVE THIS STUFF! [ The Best Shampoo & Conditioner IN MY opinion..not putting down the other good stuff or discrediting anyone else ]

To me, It is liquid gold :D Please share your favorite products / conditioner brands with me :)

Good afternoon YouTube thanks again for tuning in today, I'm going to be talking about it's a very brief video, but I just want to quickly talk about the shampoo and conditioner that I use as well as um just a whole liquid part up like the moisturizing technique That I use so just going to dive right into it without you know, taking up too much of the you know too much of your time. So this is my water bottle, with my hair on it. As always, I just finished moisturizing, my hair. So it's that's. What'S in a high bun right now, but a few strands always want to scoot along, so this is my water bottle. I got it from Dollar almond, which is like the local dollar store here, so you can pretty much get one of these from anywhere. This is actually a gardening water bottle, but I can't use the small spray one anymore. It takes me like an hour just moisturize, my hair. This works wonders so the water looks a little bit no PS right um. I not sure you guys can see, but you also see bits floating in there. You can anyways. This is water mixed with aloe vera gel II. Okay, this is aloe vera juice, with the inner filet you can get the aloe vera there's like three four different varieties of how it's extracted from the aloe vera plant. So yeah this mixed with. I like distilled water right, um cold, not warm! I like cold. It feels better on my scalp and it seems to work better for me, so I want to share that with you guys watching, because I've gotten a lot of requests on people asking me like how to like what products I use shampoo and conditioner as well as My technique, and so I've shown you guys before the loc method, which is a liquid oil and cream. Whatever you use um for my liquid, it's aloe vera gel II with distilled water, 50/50 percent. Okay, I just spray on my scalp on my hair on my ends of my roots on my ends everywhere, once my hair is moderately wet and then I'll apply like the oils and then I'll have a cream eye cream after so just I want to share with You now, most importantly, a lot of people have asked me what shampoo and conditioner I have use. Okay, I mentioned this in videos before, but I just want to further. I could show you guys this. This is what I use. Okay, the brand is Kuro, and this is the Hydra shampoo, moisturize balance normal to dry shampoo, and then you have um the trust, light conditioner, which is moisturizers detangles and soft hands revitalizing its dead, pronounced. Alright. If I didn't I'm sorry these two I've, I don't think I'm going to switch again um before I found this product. A very, very good friend of mine actually recommended this to me. Go far for this product, I was using Himalaya organic, which is a really really good brand, but um. This work better. Not seeing that I'm not on disregarding that. It still give that a very, very good like rating, and I would still recommend that to everybody as well - but not everybody can find this, because this is such a small company that makes this. So it's really hard to find it um. It'S only sold in specific small, organic stores, so if you guys can find this pick it up like it's awesome, the shampoo really doesn't have any type of it's very either. No, that's the only downside, um shampoo, normally like people buy flavored or scented shampoo lily. Whatever the case blossom flowers right the the mist, this one doesn't really have a scent or a smell, which I don't mind at all, actually, like that, it's very neutral um. The conditioner is a little bit more, has a little bit more of a scent to it. Yeah, actually, the shampoo, I would say between the two - has a greater scent in the conditioner, but the point is they're, both sort of unscented, so it's very good to use on the scalp. I find that it works wonders for my hair. It leaves my hair feeling very untangled and very straight and very silky and moisturizing wet and just nourished. So I'm not saying it's going to work for everybody because there's like so many different types of hair textures, I'm not going to say it's going to work for you if you're watching. What I'm going to say is what I don't like to stick by, which is, if you have a routine using your products, you're getting good results. You know keep it up if not and you're tired of looking around for options or you're frustrated, because you use product a product B, product C and you've had kind of missed me in results. Then, if you find this pick it up, it's honestly something out. I swear by and I'm going to continue to swear by and use this for as long as I feel is necessary, or probably for as long as I think so, but you never know I might make another video down the road to say hey. This is what I switched to. If that's the case, though, I will definitely give you guys a very, very valid reason. The best thing I love about these two shampoo and conditioners is they only have about five ingredients each? The shampoo has, I think, one two. If you count water as an ingredients, one two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. If you count water, the conditioner has one two, three four five, five simple ingredients and all the ingredients are derived from coconut corn, cocoa and oat. So it's all plant-based there's! No. By grade chemical, like synthetic versions of additives or any irritants or any chemicals, you know carcinogens that cause cancer or chemicals that irritate the skin, that that block your pores. It'S very clean, organic stuff, it's about twelve dollars per model like each. If you guys live in like Toronto or if you guys have like a grow, organic grocery store, like ambrosia, is a very big organic store in Toronto. So it's like one that has a lot of products that aren't cured otherwise, but please check it out. If you got some find this anyways just want to end off by saying it's a really short video, I really wasn't even planning to make them video just to head out, but but as soon as I finish, moisturizing my hair, I was thinking I'm like I've, gotten A lot of requests for people asking me like, like hey: what's the aloe vera jelly or how do you mix it with water or salt? Just got just remember this really, the desert is a really good brand. Just like the coconut, the grace brown don't use, cheap, NACO alternatives, don't use crap, don't use imitations, buy the real deal. It'S like two dollars more about. Who cares? I mean I've wasted $ 2 on other, pointless stuff. Sometimes I stuff for five dollars and never used it. The point is: buy quality, stuff, you'll, regret it down the road. So if the desert is awesome, this could cost me like 22 or 23 dollars. That'S a big jug. This says last me like six months, so you won't run out of it anytime soon. So take this mix it with 50 % water you're gon na get sorta like a milky thing like this cold water. If you can use distill, that's better, it's not! I'M try to use cold water tap if you have to and sprint in your hair. Like you know, that's what I do just want to show that you guys I'm just gon na end up here, because any questions comments, concerns um. Anything please feel free to reach out to me. I do my best reply to everybody. Sometimes I miss notification. Sometimes they don't see them, but all in all, I do my best to reply back to everybody with that being said, I hope you guys have a wonderful afternoon. Please enjoy the rest of your week. I look forward to making my next video. Thank you guys for all your love and support it like I can do the harder you know the anyways. Thank you guys so much some of the commentary. They really make me smile. You know they brighten my day. We all have our ups and downs on day. So sometimes reading comments really makes my day. It makes a huge difference my day, it's what I need to you know get me by the day. So with that being said thinking, and for watching, please thumbs up my videos. If you guys have any other questions, please feel free to reach out to me and if you guys haven't already seen my previous videos for the new subbies, please watch some of my older hair videos. I do share a lot of useful information growing through my different phases and trials and tribulations for the app so peace out have a nice day.

María José Manzanelli: You´re so inspiring! It's the first time I see a man talking about a natural-based hair care routine. You're the best :)

IndigoWendigo: Yes Aloe is one of my favorite staples! I sometimes use it as shampoo and it makes my scalp feel the cleanest. Especially helps with irritated dry scalp in the winter months, and it makes my skin glow, it's the best! Thank you for your channel, your hair looks so healthy and I appreciate the tips!

Alicia Dunbar: You are SUCH an inspiration! Such a kind soul. Your giving nature leaps right off the screen. Thanks so much for sharing with us what you've learnt. Newly subscribed :)

Nymphaea Lotus: Hey lovely man <3 I'm literally in love with shikakai+amla+neem+honey as shampoo but I have to try these products and that aloe vera jelly (I use the Bioearth aloe vera 96%) and the fact that you use organic products is great because natural treatments require organic hair products :D but I'm Italian, I will never find them easily :( thanks for sharing, best hair youtuber <3

GhostPoint: Hi 2pape have to say love your videos,love the way you explain everything,your personality great videos honestly,i started watching your videos like 3 weeks ago and couldnt be more happier,i have a quiestion im starting to let my hair grow but its still very short im just starting from zero i had long hair before years back but it was frizzy there was no treatment at all cheap shampoo all that stuff,i want to start fresh and with good products i ordered a few you list what would you recommend for me starting from zero ill appreciate it and keep doing the good stuff 2pape

Billy Joe Riley: good stuff. I also been using the apple cider vinegar recently and my hair has been doing soooo much better without stripping shampoos. Biotin is also great for replenishing the thickness back.

halfmoonrisin: The Aloe Vera plant is a natural healing plant so I am glad to see that products are being made. another informative video thanks man.

Naturacleopatra LLC: Aloe is great! Love the stuff to drink and for skin too :)

Erika Iozsa: I use a few drops of pure rose extract in rose water to add a pretty scent to my hair, since the natural shampoo bar I use is also very neutral. Any essential oil can be used, so the scent is totally adjustable, and maybe switch rose water to lavender water with other scents, so rose won't penetrate. Unless you prefer rose, hahah. Anyways, maybe you prefer your hair not to smell like anything, this is just a tip if you do. :) You have beautiful hair!

DrinkSomeMilk: Hey! I'm looking to buy a really healthy/overall good shampoo and conditioner, and these Curelle ones look and sound great (are also cheap!). Before buying, I just wanted to ask you if you would recommend these Curelle ones over "Organique by Himalaya" that you mentioned in one of your earlier videos? Thanks!

MeganAshleyMakeup: love and support always :) how is your hair doing since the coconut oil trouble, better I hope? interesting idea with the aloe water, I think I should give that a hair is always so thirsty I always need more to put in it without weighing it down with too much!

aldo125: good hair seems to be used to head and shoulders thats all and when i start getting breakouts on my scalp sometimes i have to use a tea tree oil shampoo and conditioner which works really well.  looking forward to your next vid have a great day.  ps you almost got the heart down lol

Katy FL: I'm a new subscriber :) love your videos... Can't wait for an oiling hair update !!

Sierra: I heard that rice water is good for hair too :) I decided to give it a try since I can't put my hands on aloe juice/gel :/ I think it'll work just fine too and plus it's not expensive x)

Natalie Robinson: Whhhhhaaaaaat?!?!?!??? You're awesome!!! I'm so glad I discovered you amongst this mini world of men into hair care! I love to learn about not only woman's takes on things but men's also! You're the best man hair YouTuber I've seen! xD...keep going! ^_^

LadyChic10: Admiring that big bottle of Aloe Vera jelly (lol).  I have the same brand, except I accidentally ordered the juice not jelly and I have this weird sized bottle (long neck, tiny handle) that I have to tilt sideways in my refrigerator so it can fit- it takes up so much space but I love to use it on my hair and I use it to make a basic Aloe Vera and Glycerin toner. As a cleanser for my hair/scalp, I mix warmed Aloe Vera juice with Betonite or Rhassoul Clay, Raw Honey crystals and Goat Milk powder.  Just as long as I make sure to rinse it ALL out, my scalp has never felt better and my hair is so soft.  I think I may switch out the Goat milk powder for Shikakai and Brahmi (or slippery elm powder) though because with all this hot and often yuck-tastic weather, I feel like I'd like a slightly stronger cleanse. This would probably not be the most cost effective for someone whose hair touches their navel but for shoulder length and shorter, it's pretty good :)

xingcat: Good stuff! I haven't tried the aloe vera before, but I see it in the natural foods stores all the time, so I'm going to give it a shot.

Marie Musica Chica: Wow! I really enjoy looking at your videos you are so intelligent an helpful. Keep up the great work! I love your hair btw

Dani Gotti: Good thing you do cold water. Cold water locks in moisture.

Jasmine Adrianna': So do you keep the mixture in your refrigerator?

Cherish Banhotra: Good vibes coming in.❤

RealBeautiful Beauty: Oh, oh, oh I really want to try the shampoo and conditioner. If I can't find them here I will come over and borrow some of

Christina Martinez: Does Amla Oil really work for premature grey hair? I saw uploads saying that Amla Oil darkens the hair naturally. I mixed Amla Oil with Mahabhmingaraj Oil and my hair smelled like peanut oil. It gave me a migraine. Any ideas to get rid of grey hair? I oiled my scalp with these oils and never saw any difference at all, I still had to dye my greys.

cricrilover: It is necessary that you use good quality products, very soft and not too many chemicals. The violent products that attack the scalp and make your hair fall out. From simple soap to gently wash your hair, as well as floral waters as cornflower water. and slowly brush your hair when dry with a soft brush. I love your hair, take good care

Christina Martinez: My hair is like 2a, 2b, 2c type porosity. It grows fast but will not absorb anything. When it is wet, it looks wavy and long and moist but when it dries, it gets dry and frizzy. I do not use hair gels, mousse or hair spray. It's so hard to have wild hair that I can't do much with, unless I was to start using hair products again. I have only been using oils or leave-in conditioners, and that makes my frizzy hair get wild on top of my head. Since my total thyroidectomy 6 years ago, my hair started doing its own thing/stopped absorbing all natural remedies and masks. I just started using Aloe Vera as a leave-in. What should I try? Thank you in advance.

Theresa A: Just subscribed, thanks for sharing! God bless :)

Carlos Clayton: You are so beautiful! And I love your channel :)

Normandy F: If the shampoo and conditioner have a smell to it most likely that means that there's more chemicals in it so it's better without the smell

Pam Potla: The product is not clear enough to get a snapshot. Maybe in the description box you can put the name of the product please

Maysoun Beate: I am here in Germany and I got problems getting pure Aloe Vera even in small bottle..I wouldn't know how to get a big canister

GhostPoint: Thank you 2pape I appreciate it

D R: New subscriber here. You so cute. Love your videos

ChanguMangu: Love u bro.  U r very innocent.  Lot and lot of love.

Diya: I was looking for you cause I m so depressed about my hair

Haya B.: You're really handsome! You remind me of Zayn Malik. :)

Kevin Hayez: hey can u make a update

ayeni sia: Oh wow you re so cutr with that bun and bear n moustache

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