Crazy Robot Hair Styler With Wallace And Gromit!

We bring kids' inventions to life and 10-year-old Tyron challenged us to build his Robot Hair Styler - so we did - and here's what happened when we tested it on Shawn!

See how we built it here:

A Massive THANK YOU to OKDo for supporting this challenge!

And a big thank you to Aardman Animations and the IPO for inviting us to be part of their Cracking Ideas competition!

Thanks to the IET for their ongoing support of our work:

You can sign up to our mailing list here, over the next few weeks we will be sending out a weekly (on a Friday) mailout with 5 STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) activities/ resouces for you an mini inventors to do at home!

You can follow Ruth and Shawn on Instagram and Twitter:


@ruthamos (on Twitter and Instagram)


@shawnmakesthings (Instagram)

@shawnmakes (Twitter)

Watch some of our other projects:

Ahmed’s Farting Staircase

Seren’s Water Firing Swing

Courtney’s Crossbow that fires a Zipwire

A GIANT Rube Goldberg Machine made out of 60 kids invention ideas:

Annabelle’s Sneeze Activate Flamethrower Helmet

Crazy Lego and Disco Jackets

Grace’s Edible Giant Cake Gravity Racer

Daniel’s Drivable Treehouse

Zander’s Robot Shopping Trolley

Email: [email protected]



Submit Invention Ideas at

Welcome to kids invent stuff, the channel where we build inventions designed by kids. Last month, we teamed up with some of our favorite inventors, wallace and gromit to challenge kids to come up with their ideas for inventions to make everyday jobs a little bit more exciting and ten-year-old Tyron challenged us to build his idea for a robot hairstyling machine. We'Ve built it it's behind me and today we are going to test it so because we're in the middle of a pandemic, people can't go to the barbers or the hairdresser's. So this is the perfect invention to be testing during a pandemic, so we have enlisted the help of Evie-May who is going to remote control, Tyron's robot, hair styling machine from two meters away, as we test it out for the first time. Go. Definitely some ear combing going on there. It'S not the most comfortable invention in the world. Tiggy. What do you think I am never going to go to the barbers again On a scale of one to ten Evie-May. How successful do you think the combing is 20? We have a 20 out of 10 for successful robot hair-combing. Would you you some hairstyling products sir.? I would absolutely love some. Maybe bit of mousse Bit of styling mousse in my hair please., Coming up wonderful, lovely styling, going on It's really good to style your lips and your mouth as well, My tongue, It tastes so bad. I think this is nearly the finished look for me. Oh, that was riveting mm-hmm a massive, A massive thank you to Tyron for his amazing robot hairstyling invention, we've had loads of fun testing out and a big thank you as well to Evie-May for controlling Tyron's, robot invention and also a huge thank you to OKDO, the Intellectual Property Office and Aardman Animations, who make Wallace and Gromit for supporting this invention challenge, and if you know any kids who might like their ideas brought to life, then me and Ruth are the people to do it and they can send us their inventions on our Website which will appear on the screen below and make sure you like this video and subscribe to our channel to see more crazy inventions designed by kids brought to life, See you next time. Bye,

H Pyle: I laughed so hard it hurt! Happy New Year guys!

abi su: Brilliant Tyron.☺️☺️. Austin Powers meets Brian Cox

Jack S: Love your vids!

Jannik Aurich: I don't understand why this channel is so underrated. I mean the quality is high, the ideas are graet..... and every kid has creativ ideas so. Why?

Richard Peck: Here's an invention idea (I turned 4 last week) - my nan is 94 has issues with mobility and her fingers have gout in them. She has carers going in every day, but in between their visits, has limited contact. Although she has a phone, her fingers are too stiff to use it. Why not make an invention which gives her two things: 1) a big display + 2) voice control, which puts her in contact with a list of people stored in the device. It could be developed on a Pi with either a cellular connection, or direct into the phone line. She already has an emergency call line thing, but it's only meant for emergencies. She needs something more casual, and that gives her access to people & information that she needs. If the device connected to the Internet, it could show information on the screen.

J S: News something to laugh? This video is made for you!

Jack S: Hi!!!

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