Getting A Robot Vacuum For My Dog Hair Problem ~ Are Robot Vacuums Worth It?

I have a dog hair problem. I thought the solution was a robot vacuum. Are robot vacuums good for dog hair? Are robot vacuums worth it? Do I even need a robot vacuum? I tried 3 different robot vacuums ranging in price from $249 to $600. In this video, I'm sharing my robot vacuum comparison and robot vacuum cleaner review on the 3 brands I tested. What is the best robot vacuum for dog hair? I'm giving you my honest opinion after running the vacuums in my home for several weeks. And what I found surprised me! Money doesn't always buy value in this case. All of the details including pros/cons are in the video. It's full of information you need to know before buying a robot vacuum.


Currently available on Amazon for $249


Currently available on Amazon for $299


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Hey there welcome back to my channel, i'm so glad you're here, because today i am doing something a little different. Do y'all have a robot vacuum if you've been on my channel for a while. You know that i bought a robot vacuum back months ago back in the spring, when our dog pollux was shedding like crazy he's new to our house. I'Ve never had a dog that sheds and it was driving me nuts, so randy bought a robot vacuum. We we had talked to several people, we had neighbors and friends, and everybody said they had a robot vacuum. Well, i have never had one of these honestly. I never thought about getting a robot vacuum. They'Re expensive and i didn't want to spend the money on one and i just didn't see the point of it to be honest. But when pollock started all of his shedding and every day, i would look down on our tile floors and our hardwood floors in the front of the house, and there would be balls of hair like dust bunny balls of dog hair blowing in the wind down the Hall, it was time to do something about it, because i was having to get out my vacuum every day, sometimes two times a day and vacuum my house, so randy bought an inexpensive, robot vacuum. So when he came to me and said, i'm gon na get this robot vacuum. There'S this choice or there's this choice, and i saw the price difference immediately. Of course, y'all know me, i said well get the cheaper one, for goodness sake, so we did and i'm not going to tell you what brand i bought. But if you go back to one of my videos where i talk about dog hair, i showed you this robot going around the house and i absolutely hated it. I had it for five days and i returned that little sucker and here's why i am not exaggerating when i say every 10 minutes that robot vacuum needed my attention. It would send me a notification on my phone to. Let me know that it needed me. It would get stuck on every rug on every air vent on every change of height or carpet, or it was constantly stuck. It would try to go under furniture and get stuck. It would try to go around a corner and get stuck. It was like having a two-year-old child that i had to keep a constant eye on and take care of, or it couldn't do its job and y'all. Not gon na spend hundreds of dollars on a robot vacuum that i have to. I have to take care of. So it went back then randy without telling me bought a much more expensive, robot vacuum. I was out walking the dogs one day saw the delivery company go by and came home to find a new robot vacuum sitting on my front doorstep. It was a very expensive robot vacuum and we it does a great job. I got ta say, but the moral of this video, the point of this video is, i want to give you my thoughts on a robot vacuum. If you don't have one, let me just fill you in on how they work the qualities you want to vacuum and the qualities you do not want in a vacuum. What i think is an acceptable price point for a vacuum and i am going to review a brand new robot vacuum that is new to the market. This is big news. Y'All i was contacted by a company called cavall and they said to me they had a new cyber back that was coming on the market and they would love to send one to me for me to review on my youtube channel and which sounds fine and great. I would love a robot vacuum, but i let them know that number one i've talked about vacuums on my channel before and how much i did not like the one that i bought and number two that i did or my husband did purchase another vacuum and we Currently have it, i haven't talked about it, i don't, i haven't told you what brand i have so i just wanted to be open and honest with cavall and let them know that i have talked about robot vacuums before and their response is no problem. Let us send you the vacuum, you test it out, use it in your home, talk about it on your channel, give an honest review and we feel like we can hold up to any robot vacuum on the market. I said: okay bring it so here we are so today's video i'm going to show you the cavall robot vacuum, so i am going to use it and i'm going to tell you what i think, but this cover cyberback. This is the e 30 version, this vacuum on amazon right now, at the moment that i'm airing this is 249. So it really is a middle of the road from the one that i had and hated to the one that i have and like, and then i'm gon na continue this video in a couple weeks, because i feel like in order for me to give you my True honest opinion of this vacuum: is it worth your money? Is it something you should buy? I have to put it in use and robot vacuums. Take time to figure out your house, you cannot, you can't judge them on their first use. They really have to map your house and figure out where your furniture sits and where your levels of your floors change, they really just have to get settled in for about a week or so, and so i'm gon na. Let it do its thing. I'M gon na use it in my house every single day for the next week and then i'm going to continue this video and let you know my honest thoughts. So i've had the cavall cybervac vacuum running every single day for about two and a half weeks, because i wanted to understand all of its quirks. What did it do? What did it not do? There is so much you need to know, and there are pros and cons to having a robot vacuum, because it's not just as simple plugging it in and it goes it just doesn't work that way all right. So, let's get in to robot vacuums from the minute. I opened that cabal vacuum. I just didn't think it was gon na, be so great number one the price point. It is currently at the timing of this video 279 dollars. So i expected this vacuum to be exactly like the vacuum that i have returned. That did not do a good job, so that was my mindset going into this whole review of this vacuum. We have had this very expensive, 600 plus dollar robot vacuum for several months now, you're gon na say: oh what vacuum did you get? What what was the expensive vacuum? Brady bought the rhomba or no the irobot romba i7. Let'S get to the vacuum. I keep my house tidy. I don't have things laying around all over the place. Really the only stuff. That'S in our floor is pollux's toys. If i cleaned his toys up, he drags them right back out. He didn't like me picking up your toys, pollux, don't put them down there, boo mom's gon na vacuum. The type of flooring that you have is somewhat important. I want you to see his durability on this rug, because this rug look has things that stand up on it very high. Like i don't know what you call it hello, hello, pollux. Are you looking for him, but i want you to see how he goes over. I call it a heat how he goes over the rug without any problems. Look at this he's gon na go off the rug and back on uh, oh ran into the chair, move pollux, look, no issue! That really is fantastic, but look at that. No problem, robot vacuums run automatically you plug them in they have a base. You can set a schedule and you can tell it to vacuum your house at a certain time every single day, so you can say monday through friday. Do it at 1, 30. on saturdays and sundays, do it at a different time or perhaps on sunday you don't want it to go. You can set a schedule for every single day of the week and you can tell it what time to go, which is fantastic. You don't have to pay attention to it. You don't have to manually start it, although you can, if you want to, but i absolutely love the scheduling, feature something i love y'all. I got ta tell you when i walk into a room or if we had the vacuum going and i was gone say i'm at the ice cream shop. Are we on an ice cream shop? If you didn't know that say, i'm gone and i come home and the vacuum was scheduled to run. While i was gone and i walk in and i come into our living room and i can see all of the vacuum lines in the carpet. There is something so wonderful and satisfying about walking into your house when it has been freshly cleaned, and there are lines in the carpet. Can y'all see the circle in the carpet where he's gone around that leg and the lines so see how it's redoing some areas and slowing down it detects that that area is dirty, so it's kind of concentrating on it right there and it's definitely gon na, find Dirty if it goes behind the couch from where pollock comes in with his muddy paws, i'm not gon na lie. I love that now. Cheaper vacuums do not do that the cavall and that i robot make perfect lines back and forth, and it's because they have a feature called mapping which i'm going to explain to you what that is. But i love the lines in the carpet. That is a huge bonus. Robot vacuums can be operated by a remote control. I choose to use them to operate them from an app on my phone. They all have an app you download it onto your phone. That'S where you set the schedules or tell it to go, stop you know whatever i just use the app on my phone. They can also be controlled by amazon, alexa and google, google, something which i don't use i use neither of those. I cannot speak to how those work - i don't have those in my home. I just use the app on the phone if i'm out somewhere and i'm like. Oh my gosh, my sister's coming over and i need the carpet clean, quick. I just pick up my phone and go boop clean and then the vacuum goes and it cleans my house when i get home vacuuming done when we first got our robot vacuum. It freaked the dogs out as soon as the vacuum would start up. They would run to the other side of the house. Maxie would hide. He was scared to death of the thing. Pollux didn't really care. He just wanted to get away from it into the other room. Now that they're used to it, they do not care one bit. They lay on the couch and they watch it go underneath them. Pollux will actually like play with the robot vacuum. He will intentionally get in front of it. He will intentionally lay down in front of it just to see if it's going to get him like it has become a game with pollux and he will put his toys in front of the vacuum. It is so funny. Well, it's coming after you paul. Let'S go mama got your bed in the kitchen here it comes now. What did you do that for wait? A minute? Oh okay, let's see what's going to happen here, what's it going to do when it hits the toy uh? Oh, oh, oh! Oh! If y'all follow me on instagram, i shared a picture of pollux i'd pulled his bed into the kitchen because i'd put all of his toys in his bed and needed his bed out of the living room, because i was testing the new caval sabovak and i needed The room like clean and clear well pollux was so upset that i had touched his toys and moved his bed that he came in the kitchen and laid down on top of all of his toys, like protecting the toys from me and the robot vacuum, and i Shared it on instagram, it's one of my favorite pictures of pollock's. It is absolutely so cute, but anyway your pets might freak out in the beginning, but honestly mine got used to it pretty quickly. They don't even care. Now. Let'S talk about mapping. Mapping is super important. Let me explain to you what that is and what it means to have it or not. Have it if you have a vacuum that does not have mapping the best way i can describe it to. You is like an old school pinball machine. The vacuum is going to go, it's going to run into something, and then it's just going to shoot it off into another direction. So the vacuum is just like bing bing bing, all over your house or whatever room it's in. There is no methodology. There is no system, it doesn't know that it vacuums certain areas and not others, it's just until it runs out of battery when you have a robot vacuum that has mapping which you absolutely want. It means that the vacuum has brains and over time it learns the room. It learns, the layout of your rooms and your house, and so the vacuum will methodically go back and forth and back and forth until it has vacuumed every single inch of the room. So it just goes like this back and forth back and forth, and if it does run into something it stops it pivots, it gets itself lined back up and it continues where it came from the longer that you have your robot vacuum, the smarter that it gets. The more passes it is made in your house, the better it knows and understands your house and where the furniture is, and so so, the the the better the more. How do i want to say this? The more accurate and precise the vacuum comes, the longer that you've had it. Your robot vacuum requires daily maintenance. Yes, you heard me daily maintenance, it has a bin and that bin gets full of all of the dust and the hair and whatever it vacuumed up the day before. So, if my vacuum runs today, the bin is going to be full or or it's full. In my house anyway, so tomorrow that vacuum is not going to run until i have emptied the bin, so you have to remember every day you have to empty that bin or your house is not going to get vacuumed. I am going to empty the bin before it gets started today, because i want to show you how much stuff is in this bin you're not going to believe this look at this look at that. This is on my floors every single day and it's from i'm gon na blame it on the dogs. Yes, i'm sure some of my gray hair is in there. You know probably one right there, but anyway, i'm gon na totally blame it on the dogs, but look at this. This is what my robot vacuum is picking up from my house every day. When i really stop and think about it, that's disgusting and when i really stop and think about it, and i see how much yuck is being picked up from my floors every day - 200 - something dollars for a robot vacuum. That does a really good job. And does this every single day so that i don't have to that's well worth the money? In my opinion, all you have to do is like look at that this is this. Is such pollock's hair look who's watching me? It'S this guy, it's his hair! What you doing boo, hmm, what are you doing? Am i talking about you? You have to do. I'M gon na probably weekly maintenance on the vacuum, the rollers and the brushes on the underside of the vacuum, get tangled up with hair and pieces of thread or string from your clothes that are on the floor. They require maintenance. You have to pop off the rollers. You have to get all the hair and the gunk and the pieces of carpet off of the rollers. You have to clean the filter about once a week. These are things you have to do so again: maintenance, it does require maintenance. Robot vacuums can honestly be annoying. I know they're doing a job for me. It keeps me from having to vacuum the house, but they can be annoying and here's what i mean when the vacuums are on carpet. They are super quiet. I don't mind it at all. I honestly don't even hear them when they're coming down the hall on a ceramic tile floor which has a little bump every time, there's a new tile or in hardwood they can be noisy and if i'm in the kitchen trying to do something like it, it can Just get on my nerves, and so there are a lot of times. I just don't want to hear it, and i just have to pick up my phone and say go home, because i just can't tolerate it. If you have a very set schedule, if you work outside of your home, then absolutely set the robot to do its thing while you're gone, so you don't have to hear it. Robot vacuums can only clean on one level of your house. They cannot get up the stairs. I have a step down into my living room, so the robot vacuum cannot go into my living room. If i want my living room vacuumed, i have to pick it up and put it down there. Robot vacuums have a home base that have to be plugged into a wall. This is where your robot vacuum lives when it is not vacuuming your house well, that base has to stay put, and you have to look at it. So choose a place. That is easy for the the vacuum to get to, but kind of out of eyesight randy, of course, plugged ours in right at the front door. When you walk in our front door, you are looking at the base to the robot vacuum. I hate it and i'm gon na move it after this video here's the cabal. This is literally, you come in our front door, and this is what i get to look at. I'M moving it y'all, i'm moving it, but here it is. This is this is what it looks like. This is the base and it does have to plug in because this is where it comes to charge. The cavall vacuum will run 150 minutes on a charge y'all. That is a long time that is two and a half hours that this little vacuum will run before it has to go home for a charge. What'S it do in pollock, see, look at that rub to hardwood floor. Doesn'T care oh bring, which is the best vacuum for what price, and i'm going to give you my opinion. My vote goes to the caval. It does a fantastic job. There'S really one thing that the cavall does not do. It is something that that i robot does that i miss in the cabal once the vacuums have mapped your house. It knows what your house looks like and where your furniture sits. Well, the perfect example is, i have a chair in my bedroom that, for some reason, is higher in the front and lower in the back, so the vacuums can go underneath there, but they get stuck, there's plenty of room to go in and they get stuck. They can never get back out, so the cabal is not smart enough to know. I should not go underneath that chair and there is no way for me to tell it don't go under the chair uh. The caval does come with some magnetic strips that you can lay down like if there's a room in your house that you don't want it to go in. You can put this magnetic strip on your floor and when the vacuum hits it, it knows it's not supposed to cross. It doesn't go in a room which is fine if you have a whole room and if you want those magnetic strips laying on your floor every single day, there is no way for me to tell it don't go underneath that chair or don't go in that room. It'S just simply it's just going to get stuck every time. So i've learned that i have to put something underneath the chair that when it attempts to go underneath there, it hits it and turns around rather than going underneath there and getting stuck, and then it's done. I got ta, get it out with the irobot, you can absolutely say when you're looking at the app you can see that room, you can see where the chair is, and you can draw a red square around it, and so the vacuum knows not to go. Underneath the chair, or if there's a room, you don't want it to go in on the app you just block off the room, but i put we have like a long pillow casey thing that i put underneath there so see watch he can't get underneath there now. So he's hitting it and he'll come back out and i'm hoping this does the trick. I just figured this out yesterday see he figured it out now he's back out he's going to go around uh-oh coming at me, rippers when the cabal comes in the bedroom, pollux gets on the bed to watch him he's supervising. Okay, let's see what he does now. This is where he gets stuck, let's see, oh see, he hit that pillow and he knew not to go underneath there. This is what i mean by mapping, see how he's methodically going back and forth and back and forth in straight lines, and so when it hits the wall, it does a little pivot and it moves forward and it knows to come back in the next appropriate line. This is why mapping is so important and there it goes back. Do you love it? Boo? Hmm, you love! It mama had to put your beds up here, so he doesn't. He can vacuum under pollux's beds, right yeah, we're just watching him. Let'S see what he's gon na do over here, perfect, so y'all, i'm running out of wind. This has been a long video with lots of information. I know in the end i highly suggest the cavall. I truly do not because they sent me a free vacuum. I know you think that is a factor in my decision and in this video, but it is not - and i made that very clear to the caval folks when they contacted me and wanted to send me the vacuum so for the difference in price 279 compared to Six hundred dollars, if i had it to do over again, this is what i would buy the cabal e30. I truly would for the money and for all the features and all of the great things that it does. It is absolutely worth the money. So there is all the scoop on robot vacuums. I know that's a lot of information, but i feel like it is very important information that you need to know if you are considering purchasing a robot vacuum, but i've kind of laid out the difference for you and if you ask me, and if i had to Do it all over again and spend my money to purchase a robot vacuum, i would purchase the cabal e30. It is a great price point. It does a fantastic job and for that really one little difference between it and the more expensive, our robot, the price difference. Y'All does not justify that for me, so i would purchase the cavall if you're interested in the caval e30 i'll provide a link in the description box below it's available on amazon, it's new to the market and it's a fantastic product. I have to give it a thumbs up. I really truly have to give it a thumbs up. So there's the scoop. I hope you enjoyed the video y'all. This has been such a long video to make so much research and time and effort and filming and studying, and a lot has gone into this video for you today. So i've had my vacuums turned off because i didn't want them firing up in the middle of my video, but i'm going to turn them on now, because my floors need to be cleaned because the dogs have been running around playing all day long. But thank you for watching and if you choose to get a robot vacuum, i hope you enjoy it as much as i do see you later.

WELCOME TO MY CURLS: Do you have a robot vacuum? Did you get it because of a shedding dog or simply so that you didn't have to manually vacuum your home?

Jodi Watt: Hi Renee! Appreciate the time and effort you put in to share information on the vacuum. I have a King Charles Cavalier and this breed has beautiful flowing hair, however they shed so much that having a Kyvol vacuum would be a blessing. Sending snuggles to Pollux and Maxxie!! Hugs, Jodi

candicejs: You had me at “dog hair”. We’ve got 3 dogs...small, medium and large. I just ordered the Kyvol Cybovac E30. It had a $30 off coupon on Amazon! Let the vacuuming begin.

Floxendoodle: Thanks, Renee, for this video! Definitely need one for the crazy amount of crumb dropping going on in the kitchen! On the verge of making my family eat in the bathtub!

Jen Dark Energy 384400: Who would have thought we would ever see a day when our vaccum cleaners sent us texts to let us know it needed us. Aw I had a proper giggle at that Renee. The world is a weird place! I've always wanted a German shepherd but I couldn't deal with all that hair so maybe this could come in handy for that!

Ken Jose: Wow Renee !! What a great video you've made. So much useful information on this subject. Was thinking of giving my two sons (and their families) some financial help which they could do with over this period of struggling with isolation and unemployment. Maybe they would also love to have a robotic vaccuum which could be working wonders whilst they are home schooling their children etc. Thanks again, cheers Roz (not Ken).

Jamina Vazquez: I love your honesty!! You're right the cheap ones are no good, my son spend around 600 dollars for a good one. I'm so happy you made this video now everyone knows you don't have to spend an arm and a leg to get a quality product. Thanks for sharing!!!!

Questions always ???: I bought a Roomba several years ago, because of a cat litter tracking problem. I asked several people who had one if they thought it would work for me. Sad to say, the mess I had to clean up was terrible, litter was flying everywhere! It was returned, pronto! I'm appreciative that you put in the effort and time to do this for us. I'm considering the Kyvol model and it's being sold for $199.99 at several stores. Thanks, Renee, I really enjoy all your videos!

AidaJof: Another great video Renee and a very good review. Pollux is great at supervising, but missed seeing Maxxie. Loved Pollux getting his toy & leaving it in the path of the robot vacuum ... he's funny! PS: That's a lot of hair that it gets picked up every day!

nh cheyenne: Great video, Renee! It is evident you spent a lot of time planning and researching. Thank you. Hope you're feeling a little better since becoming an empty nester? That was such an emotional video--brought tears to my eyes.

bpoliche: Hi Renee...Greetings from New England! I just wanted to let you know that I found your channel through the Pollux adoption video and I have stayed due to your wonderful, positive energy, and all the hard work you put into making both informative and entertaining content. I really appreciate all the honest research you put into this. My sweet pittie mix dog may have short hair, but I swear that his fur literally jumps off him as he walks from room to room. I've been wondering about whether to invest in a robot vacuum and your video has had the most useful information I've found so far. Thank you! And, as always, I'm looking forward to your next video. bp

Jan H: I can so relate to having bought one of the lesser expensive robot vacuums that I had to babysit the entire time it was on because it got stuck on everything. Once you showed how much hair and stuff the Kyvol picked up, I clicked on Amazon and ordered it. Thank you for this very informative video!!!

Jennifer Lee: Thank you Renee, if I ever purchase one of these then I will choose the model you recommended. I really appreciate all your hard work. I was not about to buy one as your previous reviews have been spot on. I can see and hear the conviction in your voice as well as all the details that I would need to know and I really appreciate it. Watching Pollux and Maxxie was also too cute for words.

Al Whitesell: I have this very same vacuum, I also have four cats and this works great on both my hardwood floors and my higher pile carpet..... I have put the magnet strips under the room threshold so you don't see them, and it works fine

Kathy C: This is one of the many reasons I look forward to your videos. Your recommendations. I have ordered bras, clothes, shampoo, moisturizer, recommended dog food and treats to family with pets and other items, from your videos. Thank You. I have wood/ceramic floors and this will be perfect.

Patty Zimmerman: I love how you explain things so clearly! I’m loving all your was the two cute pooches that sucked me in!! Pollux reminds me of my grand-dog,lol.

Debra Clarkbrown: Thank you Renee! I will definitely be looking at the Kyvol when purchasing my robot vacuum. ❣️

James McDaniel: Thank you!!! I’ve been reading and debating for 2 hours which model to get, and I finally made a decision on getting that after watching this video. Very informative.

Cynthia: Thank you for the review of the Kyvol! my husband has always kind of wanted one! (I didn't want a cheap one and didn't want to pay $^00 for one) We haven't had dogs for 3yrs. now, but wish I would have had it then. Like Maxxie, ours didn't shed, but they certainly tracked in a lot of stuff! I ordered from Amazon on Thursday and got it yesterday (Sat). I ran it this morning and it picked up quite a bit! It ran for exactly 1 1/2hrs. before it went home to re-charge. Our house it large and I think it got most, but not all, of our downstairs. (I didn't let it go into our (master) bathroom, we have a no threshold shower that I didn't want it to go into and didn't want to put the magnetic tape down.) Again! Love your channel and your reviews and I love that you've given Pollux such a wonderful life!

Pamela A. Cobb: love this video! We had one a long time ago and I hated so bad that I told my hubby don't buy one again. You did a great job on your review and thanks for sharing ❤ Thanks Pollux for putting the vacuum thru its paces.❤

Sylvie Dionne: I tried a top of the line model a few years ago, really, really wanted to love it but ended selling it after 6 months. Whilst it did a good enough job, I found that I had to move furniture and things around every time I ran it (too many chair legs under the table, dog beds on the floor, etc). Also it couldn't fit under some low furniture so fur would accumulate there and then come back out when there would be a gust of wind (when opening an outside door for example) . Even when run daily, the reservoir was not big enough to capture all the fur during prime shedding seasons (I have two giant dogs) and I would have to empty it halfway through. Although I hate vaccuming, it was less of a hassle to get the cordless out every day for 10 minutes. Didn't work for my home but gosh I wish it did! And you're right, intelligent mapping is an absolute must otherwise you are just throwing your money away!

Debbie Cooper: Thanks, Renee! Another great video. Question: When vacuuming on the step up portion of the house does it know not to topple over that step?

TheReal LuluStar: Thanks so much for sharing. I have been in the market for a robot vacuum to help with my Lulu. I just ordered the Kyvol on Amazon and there is a $30 coupon available! It will arrive tomorrow. Can’t wait. UPDATE: Ordered on Friday, arrived Saturday, working like a charm Sunday. So far loving it. Very impressed with how it handles corners and rugs. Thank you so much for the recommendation.

tc robinson: Furballs blowin’ in the wind! (Kansas group).Lol Love my pets but wow the fur! Thank you for this info! Plus Pollux in the old days would’ve been afraid! Such good boy Maxxie too! Ps-My shirt laundered perfectly❣️

Missy Roy: Pollux laying on his toys in his dog bed was hilarious! I bought an irobot at costco but haven't used it yet - I'll have to see if it does mapping - because I agree seeing vacuum lines in the carpet is so satisfying!

Sherry C: That was an excellent review! I've never considered getting one until now and I can't believe I'm saying this. Thank you

Terry Ciavola: Hi Renee! Thanks for sharing, very interesting! Pollux is a hoot! Maxxie and Pollux are adorable. Love all you videos! ❤️

Joy Walski: Thank you for your time and research!! Seriously you are very thorough with your review! I ordered one before your video was even over! Lol! Will be here tomorrow and I am so excited! Hugs

Mary L: I have an expensive Neato that works good but I would definitely be interested in this one for the price and all the features! Very good information! Thank you

Frankie Willis: I have 4 small dogs that shed. You would think they would go bald with all that hair they shed. I don"t have a robot never thought of getting one. I do have a chargeable dyson which I love. You are so right about cleaning your floors every day. sometimes I do my kitchen 2 or 3 times a day. If I see some I missed down comes the vacuum. Quick clean up for me. Now my daughter has a robot what kind I don't know. Never even thought to ask her if she likes it but I will now. Thanks a bunch for taking the time to educate us. much appreciated.

carolina: Great review! A robot vacuum would be so helpful for our little house. I, like you, have long and curly hair and it gets all wrapped up in my vacuum's roller. I'm wondering if I'd need to clean the roller more often than a week on a robot. I'm seriously considering one. Thanks!

Karen S.: I always wondered about those things! You gave us a complete overview, better than a users’ manual.

Noe Napa: Pollux got on the bed, "he's supervising" Renee, you are so funny with your comments. But, on a serious note, I never considered getting a robot vacuum because of the price but you've brought up some important points that I like. Thanks Renee, I sooo appreciate your reviews and your videos are so fun. I look forward to your videos so, the length of this one wasn't even a problem.

Hiking with Wendy: Great video! I appreciate all of the work you put into it!

Jan: I really enjoyed this video. I am so new to robot vacuums. You said a lot of things that no one else talked about. I liked actually watching it run and all the surfaces that you showed and gave details on. I have a long haired dog and cat. I’m thinking I don’t want a self emptying one, I’ll be spending too much money on bags plus they take up too much room. I have 1 question. Where is it made? Thank you.

Debbie Lenoir: We have a Shark Robot Vacuum that was purchased for a little over $300. I use the vacuum whenever I am ready for it to run. We have a golden retriever and a long hair dachshund and a cat. I was running it once a week. Now, I run it every morning. I have area rugs all over my house. It is closed off to the litter box. There are no floating hair balls in my house. No piles of dust under my beds. I do not like to run it while we are gone because it can get hung on cords under the bed. My golden retriever would not get up and move one day and it got tangled in her tail! That was traumatic! Saying all that - I love that little vacuum that I call Rosy. My cat likes to slap it around but it just keeps on going. My dachshund hides from it under the bed until it comes under their. She gives me one of those looks when that happens. Speaking of the daily maintenance, I am continually surprised what it picks up every day, especially the dirt!!!!! PS!!!!!! Buy a seam cutter to cut the hair and threads off the brush very easily.

William Burr: You are very well-spoken, you think very analytically, and you're easy on the eyes; a trifecta for success!

Doina: The vacuums with a bristle brush (like yours) tend to get hairs and strings caught in them which requires some maintenance. The rubber rollers work best. Hair is less likely to get caught in them. At least that's what I've learned from doing some research. Still searching for the perfect robotic vac for me. :-)

Kerry Harding: Excellent review Renee- l was curious about robot vacs. I’m glad you found a solution for the hair problem. One question- do you find you still use a traditional vac as well?

Michael S: I watched it for the vacuum and loved it for the baby puppy. That's how all dogs should be treated.

Mimi Stout: So I take it that scheduling the robot vacuum to clean at night when everyone is in bed is probably a bad idea. I never would of thought about how loud it can be. Thank you for this video.....I appreciate all the information. Stay healthy and stay safe!

Dahlia Bristow: I have had a robot vaccuum for quite awhile. It was a gift from my son and initially I thought it was a great idea. I also have 2 boston terriers and a cat, all of whom shed mightily. I ultimately found the robot vacuum to be inconvenient and impractical. Why? Because of the obstacles it is constantly unable to avoid. Furniture legs and under-the-sofa vaccuming in particular. In addition, it did a terrible job of getting pet hair collected from anything forming a "corner" shape. Out of frustration I purchased a Shark Apex corded (yes, corded) vacuum. I don't have to pull hair out of the brushes any more as it is designed to not let hair tangle around the brushes in the first place. It is incredibly powerful and maneuverable and man, does it pick up the hair. It came with an attachment specifically to remove pet hair from furniture. The attachment has a self cleaning roller as well. So, no. I would not go with the robot vacuum ever again. Not unless I suddenly decided to become a monk with almost no furniture... and no pets that shed.

Jennifer Stroschine: Hey girl....awsome video. We were wondering about those. I had a doxy who passed a few years ago and would you believe every now and then i find her hair floating around and i am a really good house keeper. Lol....dogs. love your show.keep it up girl friend jennifer wisconsin

Donna Kotoff: This is so good!! Thank you for this review!!! And the cleaning tips!!!

paqueenb: I have three shedding labs. I’m afraid their dog hair would overwhelm the vacuum, And fill it up very quickly!

Lynn1631: I have a robot vaccum, it doesn't map. I was thinking about getting a new one, I'm glad I could watch your review. I love how the Kyvol will go effortlessly between carpet and floor tiles. Thank you for such an honest review, I just placed my order for the Kyvol on Amazon! Can't wait to receive it and such a great price!

shawng7902: Wanting to get one of these for my parents. They have a lab and a cat. They have hard floors other than 2 bedrooms. I would think that would make it easier on any vac as long as the mapping works. Would you say this is my best bang for the buck on hard floors?

Katie Stancer: I’m buying it!! I hate vacuuming!! Thanks for the video. So far I’m buying this and the purple shampoo.

JaN uK: Can’t wait to get your vids, you give good information, I enjoyed this vid, thank you for your honest opinion. Pollux looks so happy, i love them both..stay safe ❤️

Phyllis Mueller: Hi beautiful, I think ii Have seen all your videos I was watching everything that came up on u tube I saw Pollux story and was crying I was so touched by u adopting him . Don’t ever listen to the negative about your hair or anything in your your hair and life journeys are precious . We only live once. And I know it goes by or behind us so fast like u I colored 20 years waited to let some grey grow out and said it is extra beautiful. I am66 in oct mom died when I was two I had everyone I met for a roll model ps tell max and Pollux mamas loves them and will always follow them love u Beautiful love your videos

Susie Davis: Thanks for the info. Never considered getting one but will be looking to get one soon. Appreciate you!

Beverly Heriyanto: Love ur posts ,so down to earth , love ur curls as I have them too ! & plenty of dog hair too , like all ur honest advice

anita hargreaves: I've got one for my budgie. Love it for the bird seed. Got a cheaper brand for under £100 but I do one room at a time. Not connected to my phone. I also have no wires on floor to get tangled up. Can't use on long haired rugs.

Stas: Hi Renee... I have the i7 iRobot vacuum like you and it works great with pet hair. Since I have 2 dogs and 2 cats it does get it all of the pet hair. Since I have multiple pets I run it everyday. Just a FYI for those are in the market for one there are 2 i7 models. The i7 model without the tower is much better than the one with the charging tower. The price difference is w/o the tower $600 and with the tower $900.

Annie: Okay, I ordered the Kyval on your recommendation because I'm constantly sweeping/vacuuming dog hair. However, the included user guide and user manual look overwhelming to me.

Barb S: Hi Renee, What an educational video. Thank you so much. Take care. I am now needing a Robovac. Do you still like this one? Thanks.

Jan Hankins: Great information, but I will probably skip any robot vacuum (even the most expensive ones). I not only have dogs and cats of my own, but often have fosters as well (most dogs we've ever had at and in our house-11, had an emergency rescue of 50 dogs that were going to die, so we tucked them into every nook and cranny we could find until we could find a more permanent foster for them). And that was just the dogs--I had 10 cats at the time, too (no, it wasn't a perfect solution, but it was that or they die, so it served its purpose for the short term). Don't think any vacuum would stand up to that (I'd have to empty the bin every 10 minutes). Plus, some of the dogs we have here are quite elderly (and will stay with us until they die--be it a few weeks, a few months, or a few years) and I won't spring that "scary" thing on them and they can't easily get up and easily move away from it. My house would probably drive most people mad--dog (and cat hair) isn't a big deal around here, a little grass or dirt on the carpet isn't a big deal (you should seem some of the other things that get on my carpet). We almost consider dog and cat hair a condiment! But we wouldn't trade it for a clean carpet. So for now, I'll stick with the manual vacuum that needs a human brain and a little elbow grease. Would love for some wonderful company, instead of sending me a vacuum, to send a donation to the animal rescue group I work with (it's tax deductible, companies!) Can pay a LOT of vet bills with $250 to $600, or at least make a nice dent in the bills we get for $5000!

Barbara LeMere: Thank you for the information! I am in the process of buying a new vacuum this month and I have been thinking about a robot vac.

Pamela Gower: Love your videos, you are so awesome with your dogs, I am glad to see info on this vacuum, thanks,

Wesley Knox: If you want a good robot vacuum you need to spend more than $250. I highly recommend the Roborock brand. They intelligently navigate and you can easily make barriers and "no-go zones" within the app to keep it out of problem areas in your house. For carpets I recommend the S5, S5 Max, S6, or S6 Pure. I've had the S4 (for hard floors and thin rugs) and the S6 Pure for a while and I absolutely LOVE them. Check out the channel Vacuum Wars for great reviews.

Ashley Moran: I wonder if it could keep up with a German Shedder? That’s always been my worry.

Felicia Moniq: Here’s what I am suggesting to Kyvol, please create a higher end self cleaning one that has technology in the Brissels to cut up hair so it doesn’t get stuck.

Barbara Bisson: would be great for people with allergies!

linda dicicco: The my old e30 is 249$. The one that cleans and sweeps (e31) is 279$ What do you think

jhamp244: I am handicapped and I have a very expensive robo vacuum, that maps my house which is great. I can also set no go areas right on the app and it also empties itself when it goes home which is the reason I have the expensive one because I had a cheaper model that did everything this one does except empty itself and it was just too hard for me to empty it. It does need occasional cleaning of the brushes but I can get someone to do that for me once or twice a month so that is ok. I love my robo vac. I got it for Christmas. Mine would also mop, but there again, you have to change a few things out and attach the mop thing which I can’t do so I just enjoy the clean vacuumed floors and let the housekeeper mop when she comes.

mmc: I got a Roomba 960 and absolutely love it!

Pamela Murchie: Some years ago I bought my Mum a robot vacuum. It was not entirely successful because it constantly got caught up in electrical wires from the tv, lamps etc. It was a shame, but from your video, maybe it didn't have mapping. Did you have a problem with electrical cords? Thank you from Queensland Australia.

Karen Hatch: I bought one because I have so many cats. I love it but it doesn't do the mapping. Now I am interested in the Kyvol. Thanks for the great video!

Elsa Cisneros: That was very helpful, thank you!

MissHappiness36: Great video! Can you tell me if this vacuum dings or damages baseboards or furniture when bumping into them? That’s the only concern of mine, really need one!

ollerpops: That's really great that you have dogs that don't bark at your Robo-Vac. Most dogs, I hear, freak out around them, mine do. Lol

Linda Kelly: I just ordered mine and found a $30 off coupon on Amazon. Can't wait.

courbry123: Such a great video. Thanks for sharing. I’m going to buy one.

Devon morrison: Excellent Review. New subscriber love your channel.

Jane White: Did you get to keep the laval vacuum at no cost to you?

Sneaker Sheik: I’m working right now, and I got your notification, and the title alone has made me giggle. I’ll watch at lunch break!

Norma David: Happy to see you video every time Have to tell you I have 4 robots, and infact the last one was very expensive even too expensive but still not do the job like your robot does must try for the last time and bye one like you have and hope it will get the job done without me having to rescue it every time and in the end I just work harder cleaning up places that it didn't go to, l love my cat and dog, but I just hate all that hair all around my house clothes and furniture

Debby Miller: Very informative!!

sorry: Well i wanted to ask , i am from India, we have different room for my dogs , in that room we dont have much furniture , mostly floor bed and chairs, definitely nothing like rugs , so wont it will be more efficient in such place ( will the hairs will flow in air by the impact of robotfan like snowflakes ?)

Ursula Mullikin: Great information most people hate those robots I'm sure they have improved them in the Years nice to see Pollux I'm worried about Maxie because he wasn't anywhere around I know it wasn't about the dogs but usually see both of them hope he is okay

Brittney Cappobianco: Does it have the capability to enter rooms if doors are open? Thanks!

Lisa Russell: I enjoyed your video it's been very helpful thank you

Kimberley Lyons: Thanks for the details✨

Paula Rose: One thing I notice is mine scuffs the baseboards has anyone else noticed this? I also can't let it run unless I am there it constantly gets stuck under furniture and many times doesn't dock itself properly. If I had to get another I would not. I have a Room a by the way

Rosie Lopez: Excellent info-thanks

LJ P: I couldn't stop admiring the beautiful grey hair!

Debi Smith: Way off subject but I have to tell you how much I'm enjoying the dipladenia plants I bought this spring thanks to you.....they are beautiful and non stop blossoms.......

Ddrhl: Thank you thank you thank you for doing this!

Denise Francis-Butler: Great video!!

Julie Kelly: You sold me. I ordered one!

michelle williams: How does it do around all the chair legs and other things on the floor?

Deaf Chick: I'm a clumsy visually impaired person. I'm not saying that all visually impaired or blind people don't like or don't want a robot vacuum. Me personally, no thanks. I seen one at a friends house, and kept tripping over it.

Loretta Bray: I enjoyed the video. Thank you Renee’

Daniela Biscaro: I do have one. Extremely annoying. It takes less time to vacuum the whole house than having this thing tolling around. I think they might be ok for singles with no one in the house. I have two american akitas, and they heavily shed twice a year. As soon as they start shedding, i bring them to the groomers and this help with the problem.

A Different Perspective: Great video! I have the Kyvol E30 also and love it. A friend let me borrow her IRobot Roomba before I purchased the Kyvol. I'm so glad I didn't get a Roomba. The Kyvol works so much better. Thanks for the video. And you are gorgeous!

PATRICKS HOLLYWOOD TV: I enjoy your videos renee. I know what u do and the daughters r students and pollux and maxxie do the dog thing but what does randy do for work? I just love ur non human children!!!

Lara O'neal: TY Renee so much bc I’ve thought of getting one. Is there one where u don’t have to clean the brush head?

AA Jefferson: Information is great to know

Meghan James: Sounds like RandY is a great guy. I love your stories.

Michel Cromwell: I've been looking at the robot vacuums...never knew what to buy.

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