Your Hair Isn'T Wavy, It'S Damaged | How I Brought My Curls Back From The Dead (3A/3B)

better late than never i guess?? sorry if there are any audio issues!!! :(





PART A: hair history 1:29

PART B: the process 9:39

PART C: products 15:38

Rocio AKA RIsasRizos (tysm ):

my old videos:

curly girl-friendly hair products list:

what's your hair type?



title: blue boi

artist: lakey inspired


I know what you're thinking it is very, very, very contradictory of me to be filming a curly hair care video when I have straight hair - I'm not gon na be here, so it's now or never sorry, but I promise you. I know what I'm doing. I know what I'm doing it's been three years. I know what I'm talking about. If I'm that being said, if I make any mistakes, I'm very sorry, I'm not an expert on this. I just this is what I learned from YouTube and from searches and books and all this kind of stuff, so I'm gon na be teaching it to you. If you're too lazy to read the same things that I read, I may have straight hair right now, but this is what I look like with my natural hair anyway, Rosalyn interest might introduce myself. My name is Sarah, for those of you who don't know me for those of you who do know me, you probably know me on Instagram Twitter as if you've been here long enough. You probably know me as Vanessa. I was gon na get right into it because who wants a super super long intro, even though I probably were talking like what three minutes now anyway, I'm first gon na explain to you guys my hair history from not from beginning to end, but you know just Like a like, a rundown of it, basically all right, so when it comes to curly hair, my curls didn't develop up until I was about up until I hit puberty, I would say when I was like 13 14. So throughout my teenage years I straightened my hair. All the time, by the way, there was a brief period where I went through a emo fades. I want you to go internet right now and tell me if you ever ever ever seen an emo girl with curly hair. Oh wait! It doesn't exist right! No because that was the style is that you've had straight hair, pin straight hair. This is a really really embarrassing force on my life. Please don't think I'm weird, but whatever I did keep my hair natural. It was always like I like at most it was a to see texture. I will explain textures in the second part of this video which, by the way, if you're, too lazy, to watch all this, I will put timestamps below. I had a to see texture, which is the way theists. I guess texture of the wavy of the wavy category and that's all I had that's his curly and I thought my hair would ever get if you think your hair is wavy and you straighten your hair. A lot - it's probably not lady, it's probably when my hair started going through like significant damage is in March of 2014. I cut my hair, like my hair, was super long was longer than this, I would say, was to you know my mom, knowing I might not sure hair was like she was like I'm not gon na. Let you sit here every single morning: straightening your hair before University, no there's different levels to it, there's the mild, the medium and the extreme. I think I only used mild because after I did the treatment and everything and washed my hair and like let it dry, it wasn't 100 % straight, which is fine like I could live with that. So the keratin treatment only lasts about 6 months and after the six months, your hair, usually it doesn't go back to the way it was, but it won't go completely flat or damaged if you don't damage your hair as much as I did any. But after in about August, I would say so a little under six months, my hair got curly again and it wasn't curly curly. I would say it's more wavy again that same two sea wave that I thought I always had. However, by October 2014 I was straightening. My hair every single day again because my hand went back to curly. My hair fell straight again. The same way that my hair looks in this photo Emily by 2015. My hair was so damaged, standing around all the time and going like this with my hair, and I would pick up my hair a lot and I would pick at the split ends. I always take it this side of my hair, so it made it shorter on one side and longer on the other. Actually, I'm a picture. Yes that doesn't my hair look like in about 2015. You know what let's say January 2015. That'S what I look like so then in March 2015, one of my friends who was in hair school said: hey, let me come, let me cut your hair, I can cut out all the damage and we can dye it if you want. What happened was that I cut my hair short to here at first. That was the first session and I dyed it and it was supposed to go lighter, but it would darker. So when I came back from my second appointment to get my hair like to get the ends thinned out, I just didn't like it and I was so dramatic and I actually cried. I didn't just cry like a few tears. I was bawling. My eyes out, like my face, was swollen from crying. What made it worse was that I was going to an event in Toronto, where I was gon na be showing like doing like a Palestinian traditional dress. Fashion Show, and I was gon na - be part of it, and it was just like. Oh, my god, I don't look good like this. I don't like it and I tried to put the extensions in, but they didn't match. I had to make do with what I had when I went to the event. I did where they extensions, but I only wore them like this, because this is the only way that they would look natural, but they would blend because they were all so much thinner than my hair was and they were a bit lighter by the time. I came back, I was like okay, I need extensions, I went it was like a really crappy mall that we have here. I went to a hairstylist there and they had these like really crappy synthetic blend extensions, which means it's blended with synthetic hair and human hair. I think I paid like maximum, I paid a hundred dollars for them. I wore them and when I tell you they were horrible, they were, they were stiff. They were bad, they did not like they looked good in my hair, but just like feeling them like. I didn't let anyone touch my hair, but because I knew how bad how cheap they felt by May of 2015. I I bought Bellomy extensions, so the Bellamy extensions were much nicer. They were softer, they were longer they blended with my hair without having to dye them. Everything looked great like I've know, everyone thought they were so natural people didn't even know it wasn't. My real hair and the only thing was, though, if I wore these every single day, like you can imagine how insecure I felt about my hair. So then, by December of 2015, I decided that I wanted to take out my extensions my hair had grown to about there. It looked good. I was fine with it everything. Oh it's again. I straightened my hair all the time by the way when you wear extensions and you have naturally curly hair - and you want your extensions to blend with your actual hair and make it look natural. What I think you're gon na do every day, you're gon na strain. Your hair everyday, and what did I not do every day I did not use a heat protectant every day, which is really stupid, we'll get to that in a second. So then, I took out my hair extensions. Everything was fine, again straightening, my hair every single day. Now, by February I was into 16, I started wearing my hair natural again. My hair was that this like weird to see kind of texture - and I thought again that was my not Twitter and I was fine and nothing was gon na happen to my hair. If I used heat on it, I know heat wasn't good for your hair, but I didn't think that it would do what it did by May 2016. At the summer time I started straightening my hair or like curling, my hair, every single day every single day without a heat protectant, so much so that by July of 2016. Yes, two months later, my hair fell flat straight and became this infamous little texture here. This was my hair natural without products, without anything in it strange, but then by August of 2016. I remember seeing this one post on Twitter. It was four photos in the tweet of this girl who, in the first photo she had the exact same here. I did. Second photo: her hair was like half grown out with like pieces of straight hair. Third photo. She had cut off her hair and then fourth photo. Her hair was very full and curly and beautiful. It was like a three-c texture, it was gorgeousness and she was talking about how she had damaged her hair and she did all these things to it and all this because of heat and whatever - and I was just like - oh my god - is this: what happened to My hair, so then I start searching. Why does my hair fall straight? Why didn't my hair go from curly to straight turns out that I had straightened and damaged and killed my hair to the point where it lost its curl pattern? Yes, this can happen. This is a real thing. I didn't think it would happen. I didn't think it could happen and it did it did just my luck. That'S when I went into full panic mode and I searched everything. I looked up videos on how to take care of my hair. I looked up articles. I looked up books. I looked up everything and the main youtuber who helped me with my hair is called a recess Rizzo's and I'm gon na link her channel in the description below she had the exact same problem. I had her hair. Looked exactly like my hair, I think she described it once as like shaggy dog hair, which is perfect a perfect description of what my hair looks like yes, and I all her my entire freaking scalp, because without her I wouldn't have there that I have today. Not this, you know the natural light, please believe me, I know what I'm doing. She taught me what to use what not to use how curly hair differs from straight hair and how to take care of your curly hair, how to like go from damage to curly hair. All of that, this is Part B of the video. This is probably where the timestamp has been a leap to, but this is where I start to tell you what I did and what I was taught again disclaimer if some of this is wrong. Forgive me: okay, I'm not wanting to present an expert on this, but this is what I learned. This is what I read so I'm gon na start also with another disclaimer - is that this won't turn your naturally straight hair curly. It also won't turn your hair. That is so damaged at one Street. It won't turn it Charlie again. The only thing you can do is grow out your hair, sorry. I know it sucks and it's going to take a lot of time and patience and I'm not gon na lie to you. It'S gon na take some money again damaged. Hair has to grow out to get to what it was, or even better than what it was like. I said, if you, you know, straighten your hair a lot and I think your natural hair is wavy. It'S probably not. The first thing that you have to do is to stop using heat. If you absolutely have to use heat, say you're going to like a party or something - and you want you know - to have nice girl hair, then use a heat protectant. And I say this because you need to get into the habit of using it. Okay, because if you just do it all the time continuously without heat, protectant, there's really no point in you doing this process like you're, just it's, it defeats the purpose so to help hair grow out. I use biotin and I actually still think biotin. So this is the one I use it's from nature's bounty, it's two thousand five hundred micrograms, so I take it once a day. It really helped me helps with my nails. It helps with my skin. It helps with my hair for some people though biotin does you know, I know one of my friends isn't use it because it breaks her out. It just depends. You know there's so many hair supplements on the market there are simple, is called phyto and they're a bit expensive. So I don't use them, but if you want to try them out, you can. There is also prior in which is um. It'S mainly biotin with a few other ingredients added in there. You can get that at Shoppers. Drug Mart, or I think you can get it at Walmart too. You can get it super store wherever superstore in choppers are convenient places medley high. You can also try to you, can try takis hair supplements? What does it go? Hey little beauty I mean. If you want to try, you can try them. I haven't, but main ingredient in them again is biotin, I'm pretty sure I'm broke. So I just used by two anyway, so that's something that can help with growing your hair. Another thing I can help is castor oil, so I used to make in black, castor oil. I would massage into my scalp once a week and leave in there for about 45 minutes, wash it out to make a black, castor oil. You can buy that. I know I don't know where else, but I bought it from Sally Beauty. Don'T use it on your eyelashes by the way that is not the type you use on your eyelashes. The type of use on your eyelashes is castor oil, us P, which is the medicinal one. So you can get that again from shoppers. The life brand. Has it this one. However, the Jamaican black, castor oil - you can put it on your scalp and you can put on your eyebrows. It'S gon na help and the most important thing, patience, patience, patience, patience. I know already said this, but it's it's gon na take such a long time for for your for your hair to grow up, but I promise you it'll go by like this. Okay, it's been four years already, because this is not what it looks like now, but you know what my hair looks like. Naturally, so while your hair grows out, you can do two days. So the first thing that I is what I did you can do little trims every now and then or you can just do something called a big chop. Now a big chop is when you cut off a large portion of your hair. Usually, when people do a big chop, it's like they let their hair grow for a few months and then they cut all of the damage off. Oh and some people just like shave off their hair completely, and then they start from scratch. So that's another option. You can do if you really wanted to if you have the balls to do that and more power to you. I was not brave enough to do that. So the first time I cut my hair, it was in September of 2016 and then I cut it again, which was a big art trim. This time I cut it again in 2017 and me by the way. This is what my hair looked like in the growing process, and then this is what my hair looked like when it was just like. You know. Before I cut it, it was not nice, but when I went for my hair cut with the curly hair specialist, my full hair length at that point, it was about there. Okay, the curls went from here to about here. Okay, I told her to cut off. Let'S say like this: this is what my hair was that I told her to cut off this much to just above my collarbone. My hair was so weighed down by the damage it bounced up. So again my hair was about here and I wanted it cut like this much and it bounced up to like here full length. I'Ll show a picture. This is May another 17, like I was expecting waves to come out of my head came out of my head. Was 3a 3b? By that time I still didn't see the 3d, but it was mostly 3a and then to see and everything I was okay with it. I didn't, I wasn't a big fan of the short hair, but I just I went with it again then I was just like you know what I'm gon na stop being a baby and just cut off all my damage in July of 2017, I cut off as Much damage as I could find and my hair ended up being about there when it was curly and every now and then I would cut off little damaged pieces that I would find straight pieces pieces that weren't curling out just to cut them off quickly by November Of 2017, when I cut off my last piece of damaged hair - and I was completely that much free, not a chemistry, but you know as much as I could be anyway. This is Part C. So this is where I explain to you products. You should use products. You shouldn't use what like, why you shouldn't use them and different. So this is. This is the first section. This is the final section of this video again, I'm gon na put a timestamp. So the first thing I wan na explain to you is the different textures. Look at this: these are the different hair textures. This isn't just for curly hair, it's for everything's, so the first category is the one category. Each category goes from A to C, so you have 1a 1b 1c. This is the straight hair category. The second category that you have is the wavy category. This goes from to A to B and then to C, which is my infamous wave pattern that I thought I had anyway. Now we get to the curly hair category, which is where my actual texture falls. This is the carny category. It goes from 3a 3b to 3c. Now my hair falls in the 3a 3b category and then it has pieces of to C, which is very normal. You can have mixed textures, it's 100 % normal and then there's the final category, which is the kinky hair category. I'M looking for a for me to foresee my hair texture again Falls and III category. So that's the one I'm gon na be talking about today, catering to today, although a lot of the advice that I give is good, for you know for type hair, 3 type, hair and even to type here for C, you explain that hair should be looked at. Like slides now, when you go down a straight slide, you get to the bottom, much faster correct, and when you go down a spiral slide, it takes longer to get to the bottom right. That is the exact same way: curly, hair and oil are the curly or the hair, the longer it takes for oil to get down to the bottom of your hair. That is why we curly hair your hair is very dry. The ends are dry, it's as dry and that's why straight hair gets greasy ur a lot faster. If I, the way greasy, isn't a bad thing like if I'm not saying this like it's disgusting and horrible. No, but that's also why people with straight hair can get away with washing their hair every day or every other day, while people with curly hair kind of have to wait. You know a week a week and a half two weeks I usually wait about so I can wash my hair that's pretty much the average depending on how much product I use. Sometimes I wash my hair once a week. Sometimes I wash my hair every two weeks. It just depends on the products that I use. How much I use it's just what suits your hair, the best it's just what you think is going to help your hair become as healthy as it can be. Now, when it comes to products, because curly hair is much more drying, you have to stay away from drying. Ingredients in those ingredients are mainly sulfates, silicones and parabens, and usually it'll indicate it on the bottle of whatever you're buying. If there's no sulfates or silicones or parabens or whatever, so this is my clarifying shampoo. This is from a V. No, it's no sulfates, no dyes, no parabens. So what sulfate does it's mainly found in shampoo and it's what kind of helps the shampoo foam up? This is Shea Moisture. This is their curl and shine conditioner with silk protein and neem oil. So this is no sulfates, no parabens, no phthalates, that was the chair, no paraffin, no mineral oil, no petroleum, and this is their shampoo, no sulfates, no parabens same thing, everything. The reason why you shouldn't use silicone is because silicone coats, your hair, to make it feel soft and look shiny and it's not biodegradable. So it's not gon na wash out with water. It does take a little bit more to wash it out. You know it's not only gon na take shampoo you're gon na have to clarify your hair hi guys. It'S Sarah from the editing future clarifying your hair is not specifically just for washing out silicone. It'S for washing out any kind of product buildup. I was just using silicone as an example. Here, sorry, I'm steak anyway. Carry on clarifying your hair is very good for you, but only if you do it like once a month, because again this is drying. Some people do it once every two months or once every three weeks, it just depends on how it works with your hair, like this is all trial and error. Everything is trial and error. Just recently I was you know, I've had dandruff and my hair was just looking very stringy and it was just not feeling great. I realized I needed to clarify my hair, I'm still learning as we go even three years on it's pretty normal. It helps your hair feel softer, look better, feel healthier when you style your hair, when it's curly, it won't be a stringy. It'S it's really helpful. It also helps wash out products that don't usually wash out with water and shampoo. Okay, for example, silicone one of my favorite gels is from Pantene it's this one here, it's a it contains silicones and I think it contains a few other products that are not healthy for your hair. But it's one thing that I use it's no big deal. I still take excellent care of my hair and I don't use it all the time, so I will put a link in the description to a list of curly hair, curly girl, friendly products, and you can look through them, brands that I like to use. So the fancy brands I use - I only use like I think, there's one called dad that I used before and I also have use diva curl in the past. But again these are more expensive, so it's harder to keep up with them again. I'M broke so brands that I really really love the number. One brand has always been there for me, kept its promises and has done everything in its power to help. My hair is Mellie Moisture my number one, my ride-or-die more loyal than men. You hear me anyway. The products are natural, healthy for your hair. Now you make your hair look great, they smell great, which is the big deal. I don't wan na smell like a lemon. I want to smell, like a tropical island, so my hair care routine with Maui Moisture the products that I use anyway, it's the curl smoothie and then I also use the Pantene sculpting gel another brand that I really really think with is Marc Anthony. This is the leaving conditioner that I use. I use either this one or the when it comes in a pink and blue bottle. This is the strictly curls curl Envy leave-in conditioner, and it helps the frizz and defined curls and also detangle, which is an important thing. You need to detangle before you brush your hair. That doesn't make sense. You need to put a detangler in before you brush your hair. Next, I would use the strictly curls curl Envy curl cream. This is quite thick, so if you have a thinner, hair, texture or if your hair is just thinner in general, I don't recommend this, but I do recommend the strictly curls curl defining a lotion. Oh yeah, those are my favorite combinations. When it comes to shampoo. I used a lot of the Maui Moisture ones. I use the Marc Anthony ones and now I'm using the Shea Moisture ones hair masks. This one is from Marc Anthony. I used to use the Maui moisture one that one was pretty good, I'm using this one. Now I'm trying it out it's pretty good, it smells nice makes my hair feel nice and everything again: no sulfates, no SLS, no parabens, no phthalates! This is the strengthening grow, long, repairing anti-breakage mask with caffeine and ginseng. So what I do with this is either I'm in the shower and I'll wash my hair with shampoo and then I'll put this in and put a shower cap and I'll leave in. For you know, while I do shower stuff, shaving and washing my body brushing my teeth, whatever I'm doing in the shower I'll, do all of that and then I'll wash wash out my hair, if I use it outside of the shower so I'll wash my hair with Shampoo and I'll get out of the shower put this in leave it in for about 45 minutes, then I will wash it out. The last thing I want to tell you to do is use a satin, pillowcase or a satin scarf tie your hair up in a pineapple like this. I knew where a satin scarf over it or you just think on a satin pillowcase just helps with the frizz. You got ta, let like your hair is, and it's frizzy. It helps with curl definition. It'S also just better for your hair, like it's softer on the hair, because cotton pillowcases are much rougher on curly hair. You can get a satin pillowcase, I think from Walmart. You can get it as well from I got mine from Sally Beauty after you shower. This is the last thing and I'm sorry I forgot this after you shower. You should use a microfiber towel or a cotton t-shirt. Okay, cotton should only be done on wet hair and not dry hair, so microfiber towel and cotton t-shirts will help Dee frizz. The hair will be softer on the hair. The microfiber towel that I got was from diva curl. You can get this off Sephora. You can get this at chatters, Hair, Salons anywhere, okay. I know I said that was the last part, but I swear to god this last part. This is the last part. Actually, no there's one more thing. So this is a brush. It'S a heat resistant! It'S it looks like a denim brush. I got this from Sally Beauty. I really like this. I use with my hair dry, my hair straight, but my hair is wet, might as curly. I use it whenever I love this brush. I use it when I use products like after I put the products and I'll brush my hair and then I'll scrunch, my hair again. I will link my old video description, so you guys can see how I did my hair and then there's this one, which I mostly use when I use a conditioner or when I want to detangle, and sometimes I will use it when I have products it just Depends on what I'm doing on that date again Sally Beauty. This will get very, very expensive. This is the last part I swear to God. So when I straighten my hair, I usually use a heat protectant that doesn't have alcohol in it, because again, alcohol is very drying on the hair. So usually what you'll get is a. It feels like an oily keeper, and this is from I'm not gon na, say the abbreviation for it, but it's beyond the zone because in Arabic, the abbreviation for it is not a nice sentence. So I'll say it beat easy. If you say Z like that, I usually say Zed, but when I see this I always think btz, BT, Zed and beyond the zone. I also use this one. So this is the keratin smooth keep protecting spray. It has marula oil antifreeze, perfectly detangle, silky shine soft feel pains flyaways. I really like this smells great feels great on the hair and looks great anyway. I think that's the end of it. I hope that's the end of it, but basically that's everything that I did take it from my hair from this to this to this, and now this thank you so so much for watching. I will link everything that I said. I was gon na link in the description, I'll, try to link photos and lists of hair products and I'll link resource for those Rocio. Please don't judge me for doing this with straight hair, like I'm really really sorry like this is really stupid. It'S now or never. So anyway,

labneh: Hey! Long time here’s a new video where I show you some new techniques to maximize curl definition & volume (styling and shower tips) if you wanna see anything else, let me know!

jill m: i’m sitting here w bleached hair that i have been using heat on everyday and thinking about the perfect ringlet curls i had when i was younger and i’m so sad Update 2 years later: Lmao if anyone is curious, i stopped bleaching my hair and only lightly color it now, stopped using heat on it and my curls have come back a LOT not as intense as when u was a kid but still a HUGE improvement

urfriendjanice: My hair was in ringlets when I was little and now its like a mix of curly, straight, wavy, and frizzy

cheesonalcheese: Most people In these comments think they have curly hair because they had curls as a baby... the truth is many, many people have curls as a baby because your hair is finer and more wispy (I’m sure there’s more science behind it) and my hairdresser said that lots of people come in to her salon in a panic thinking they’ve killed their curls when they don’t even have them. I have curly hair and have always had curly hair, but the truth is you probably don’t have curly hair, even if it was curly as a baby.

Jenna Ranager: I had super healthy beautiful curls growing up (not just as a baby, up to middle school) but then I got into straightening it bc I thought I looked better that way and now I regret it bc I still am working on gaining that curl back, this video is SO helpful so thank you for posting it

Jsdhs Linen: I want straight hair so bad, but knowing I’m blessed with curly hair is an opportunity to find different styles other than wanting straight hair, although people say I look better with straight hair I’m going to try my best to keep my hair healthy heat free next year

Abigail Dietz: I thought I just straightened my hair so much it decided to cooperate

Rani: Just based on the title of this video, thank you. As a curly haired girl I see sooo many girls with "wavy" or frizzy hair and it's so clear that they got some curls hiding in there. But most just think they got unruly straight hair.

Emily A.M: At first I was going to keep skipping the video til I’d get to the “important” parts but I couldn’t skip a second coz everything you said is definitely worth hearing. Not many people talk about these things. Thank you for sharing this video and for your advices and for everything. Loved every second. Thank you thank you thank you!!!

kwecq: This video is the reason I decided to start taking care of my natural hair. Thank you so much!

Olivia Rodriguez: LITERALLLYYYY. I ruined my hair at a young age and trying so hard to get it back. Same story. I love this video and I know there’s others out here, that we broke too girl - We wanna hear those recommendations

cho: "your hair isn't wavy it's damaged" exactly the crisis I went through at 15 when I suddenly remembered where the hell did my baby curls go???

Madison Dietz: This is literally story of my life. I didn’t have curly hair till I was 12 and I started straightening it everyday. I’m 17 now and up until I graduated, I straightened it every day since middle school. My natural hair is very wavy now and I hate it cause it’s so poofy and frizzy

Elena Gergis: As an Egyptian, I can defiantly relate a bit. I used to have my hair blowdried straight every week since I was pretty young and it’s taken quite a toll on my hair. Ever since I was young, I was pretty much told by everyone around me that straight hair was the standard and that I just had to go with it. It’s a pretty big issue in the Arab/Middle Eastern culture. I’d remember hearing about my young family members getting keratin treatments and how they would constantly use heat on their hair. I also definitely understand the struggle of having to straighten your hair for a special occasion, lol. Overall, I feel like Middle Eastern people just don’t have a good grasp and understanding of how to manage their natural hair. Ever since I found out that my hair was naturally curly I wanted to style it that way. My mom would tell me that she has the same hair as me and that it wouldn’t be a good idea to leave it curly. She would tell me that it would be a knotted mess. I’ve tried several times in the past to keep curly for longer than 3 days, but I’ve always kinda ruined it. Thankfully, I’ve been able to convince my mom that my hair has heat damage. I haven’t used heat on my hair for 3 weeks and have successfully been able to keep it curly for 2. I’m so glad that I switched to natural. Already, my hair feels SO MUCH BETTER! I have some stray pieces that just don’t want to curl and my curl pattern is all outta whack, but I know that it’ll get better with time. My hair used to be a 3b, but now it’s a bit damaged so the pattern isn’t really defined. It’s still much better than what you started with. Also, wishing the best for Palestine to become a fully fledged country!

Yasmin Lin: Yup I lost my curl pattern my poor curly hair, I’m motivated to get it back though I literally brushed and straightened my curls away .

Carmen Mendez: I kept my hair curly through my goth "phase" (wasn't really a phase cuz I'm still goth lol) was after high school that I started bleaching, dying and ironing my hairs and ruined my hair and all my curls were I'm going through this process, happy to see my curls come back and to teach my children to love their curls

salisha Rampersad: 1) stop use heat 2) use biotin 3) massage black castor oil into scalp 4) have patience While hair grows out 1)trim hair ends 2) big chop

Mary-Simone Elizabeth Collazo: I was told growing up that my hair was beautiful & unique because I'm mixed, which I appreciated, but i always struggled with it, because of frizzy and dry it is. I was always told i had straight hair and treated it as so, while my older siblings had curly hair. I started bleaching constantly in high school, and had gotten it straightened at weekly salon visits most of my life. I'm 19 now, and a sophomore in college, and i discovered this past summer when researching how to research how to reverse the damage caused by the bleaching and extreme heat, that my hair is actually wavy/curly, but i was always taught to treat it as straight hair. I've been doing the Curly Girl Method for almost 6 months now, and my natural waves are coming back.

Angie Salazar: I had straight thick hair as a kid. By the time I started middle school, my hair got super thin and i realized my natural hair was curly. My mum has this super curly amazing full hair. My curls are bigger, much wavier but I was happy with them as I'm Latina. Everyone in my family has super straight hair. Over the years, I realized that bleach would straighten my hair. I dyed it 3 times in 15 years. It takes me over 2 years to fully change my hair. Whenever it's too long or bleached it's straight, frizzy and dry. I get a deep trim and I get back my curls. I totally understand how you feel about damaging your hair. I live in a pretty humid city so I usually blow dry it and use the straightener. Embrace your natural hair girls! I'm really trying to grow my curls again!

Wrennie: as a tween, i had straight pieces and 3a pieces in my hair. now its just a frizzy stringy wavy mess. im hoping those 3a curl patterns are still there but even less messy 2c like my sister would make me happy haha.

Dulce Mariana: Thank you so much for this video. I genuinely appreciate it. You did a great job at explaining everything in the video. ❤️ I’ve been looking for videos like this for the longest and I can honestly say that yours has been the most helpful. my hair is currently damaged and I’ve been trying to take better care and revive it but now I understand why some things I’ve done haven’t worked the way I expected them to. I’m inspired by you to do my own research and go through my journey (the correct way) to get the curls I used to have. ✨❤️ much love. definitely subscribing

Meg Mog: How would you categorize hair that has straight parts, wavy parts and then ringlets. My hair confuses me....

Zo Co: Currently regretting permanently straightening and damaging my curls.,... I Want my Afro back I HATED IT

stupid girl: thank you so much for this. truly helpful for me, i’ve been wondering why my hair doesn’t curl much anymore. just last year it was getting curlier and at its curliest during summer ‘19 (2c, close to 3a) but then i started bleaching it more, and also straightening it much more. so now i know i damaged it so much the pattern is gone. bc i tried to get it back to how it was, even chopped most of it off but so much broke off as well due to the bleaching. it’s gonna be hard to grow it out but knowing that there’s no other choice makes it slightly easier. thank you for the tips!

ria: this is giving me hope that I can find my curly texture again.

Helen: Thank you for your help, I’m on this journey now. You look incredible with your curls!

Eden Bluehope: Here I am just sitting with my frizzy, damaged waves after using a straightener on my hair for 5 years and finally starting to like my natural hair and looking back at my perfect ringlet curls that I had when I was little........yeah....I have a *lot* of regrets

Hail Immaculate Heart: Hey, I just wanted to say this is the best curly hair transformation video I’ve seen. Like you didn’t use a crazy amount of products, nothing too expensive, mega informative and you’re hilarious. Very happy to have subscribed! Thank you

Ana Arias: I thought my hair completely lost its curl pattern and watched this a year ago, she was right

Leo Stagi: It was so satisfying to see you after cutting all the damage off! You look beautiful even with the very short length, curls look amazing on you

Chelsea Vazquez: I just turned 21... and I’m JUST realizing that I might have curly hair after trying soooo hard to have straight her and straighten my hair everyday ! I do have a bit of waves that I’ve always struggled with

Noelle M: This is literally me my mom had been straightening my hair since i was 8, figured i had straight/maybe wavy hair. Been trying to not straighten due to hair damage after dying blonde and boom. Thought i was the only one smh lol

Girly Giraffe: I’ve had years of heat damage among other things and After watching this video I used the pink Maui moisture out in a leave in conditioner and dried it in a cotton t shirt and it went from 2a to 2b and within 6 months it’s currently at 3a

Shann: Thank you for this... I naturally have 3a-3c, but straight hair was alllllll the rage during middle school and high school. I didn’t know what products to use to control frizz and keep my curls defined so straightening was it for me. Before i even had a straightener, I literally would go to my neighbor/best friends house and we would literally use a clothes iron to straighten our hair (she still to this day has the most textured 3c-4a curly hair I’ve ever seen on a white person, and I’ve been out of cosmetology school and doing hair for 10 years now so...). After all the time I spent straightening my hair, I killed my curls. Curl pattern is gone. If I let my hair air dry, it looks exactly like that “shaggy dog” look. I’m still working on getting my curls back, but I appreciate that you are helping people who don’t know what they’re doing wrong. It used to take me 2 hours to straighten my hair, now it takes that long to put conditioner and curl creams in it and make it hold whatever natural curls I could get out of it. The top half of my hair is doing so much better, and I just did “the big chop” after 6 months of growth, I cut 5 inches of dead, straight, extremely damaged ends off. I haven’t styled it curly yet, I’ve only let it air dry but I’m hopeful. It’s hard to keep your hair long and still have healthy curls.

KittyKitcat: I know how you feel. I have the same hair as you and I destroyed my hair too. straightening, coloring, bleaching for years. I am now in the 2 week of my journey to save my hair. so still at the very beginning. Your video encourages me to keep going. :)

Я тебя люблю: Omg I had SUPER curly hair but I straightened my hair EVERY. SINGLE. DAY and it got damaged I thought my hair was just transforming into wavy as I was growing but I realized that it was damaged :(

todomo: i’ve always had curly hair. last year i started straightening it so i guess i’m lucky that i stopped sooner than most and am now doing the curly girl method. so frustrating to have some straight pieces and some ringlets

lo lo: Came back to this video just to leave a positive comment ✨ Labneh has such a lovely voice and overall peaceful aura, love the commentary!! It relieves me of anxiety and makes me feel comforted ✨

Mariam Gheith: i went through the big chop too and my hair instantly became curlier than it was before and i loved ittt

Marie M.: I actually shaved my head (twice). I have been letting it grow for over a year and now my hair, at least that part I don't keep in a bun all the time, is really curly. Maybe it's time to get my hair cut, embrace the curl and use this method. Thank you for the video :)

JasColeWood: The damn emo phase got the best of us all lol

Luna Dust: I haven't finished the video and I already want to thank you for making it. I feel a lot better seeing someone else talk about abusing their hair as bad as I have mine.

Julia Moreau: You’re really sweet trying to help other people ❤️ Good video, thank you

Deanna Apap: What a cool story of coming back to yourself through your hair. Thanks for sharing :)

Ariyam Fituwi: finally! someone that actually had the same problem as me. I just thought my hair was combed way to much! I'm going to try this for sure! Thanks so much!

Daniela: I feel like we made mistakes. We feel insecure with our hair when it’s fun, beautiful and it make us look absolutely amazing! We need to accept the journey and recover our curls

Lunar eclipse: As a baby and little kid my parents used to braid my hair a lot and when they stopped people started to think that I don’t brush my hair which was the other way around. I brushed, straightened and brushed and looked like a poodle. Only like one year ago I gave up and just let it be curly/wavy(idk which is it really. Some strands are wavy and some deadass spirals). Still long way to healthy hair.

Elizabeth M: Your video saved my LIFE my gosh my hair was so flat and I used some of the products you used and then had a big chop and omg my curls are back so quickly ✨ LOVE YOU

Mojojojo: I've been doing pretty well encouraging my curls finally this year & I never knew my hair could get this curly. Just did the big chop, but also added more blonde I'll get my hair to it's curliest eventually

Jamie Jackson: My hair is thick and curly. So it would get tangled very easily. And one day I have to cut off my curls because they got so bad. The hair style I had made me look so bad but it was necessary to be done. So I felt insecure and decided to straighten my hair for three years straight. Not to mention I was extremely edgy. I don’t even know what to do.

Ilayda Beyhive: Oh my god, girl you looked even more gorgeous with short curly hair

Hannah Kyle: Wow amazing hair transformation! Looks great!!! Thanks so much for this video!

Alisa Nikole: It’s insane how I basically had the same hair history as you! I just started keeping it curly recently. I do blame the emo phase for the beginning of damaging my hair though LOLLLL

skye void: i’ve been trying so many things to fix my damaged hair. chose to my scalp, my hair is completely straight and the rest is super curly. i will definitely start trying these techniques! i really hope they work for me

MJ: Thank you for addressing this I had the same issue con mis pinche pelos but anyways I used to have damaged curls and it was awful my curls had came back after 5 years I’m crying

사라*: Ladies, your curls deserve to live. Take care of it, grow it, tell young girls that their curls are beautiful and build their beautiful curl motivation. Enough of this damaging toxic straight hair is best culture.

Nicole Brown: We have the same hair life, like to a T , minus the fact I have curlier hair and also the damage was the same time frame. So crazy. We also had the same breakage, I couldn’t figure out why my hair was different lengths and was wavy/curly instead of my natural twist . Thanks for sharing! Still working on getting my hair healthy again

Charlotte Schryvers: Thank you! I want to try this so much!! I straighten mine after every wash! My natural curls are so wild lol

Christa Buehler: I am really amazed by the beautiful curly hair transition you have! My only thing is most of the products you have advised are still not healthy for your hair. Look up the app Think Dirty. It completely changed my perspective on what products to use. But thank you for renewing my hope in achieving curly hair!

Mariam Sanchez: You’re so blessed I literally hate my hair it’s frizzy and my curls are only defined when my hair is drenched I’ve tried flexi rods I’ve tried twists and twist outs now I’m just unhappy with my hair

hello kitty !! ⋆ʚ♡⃛ɞ: When I was a kid,my hair was so curly. Now it looks all frizzy and wavy and half straight, thanks!

Raven M: The aveeno shampoo has a silicone. The ingredient is amodimethicone. I just brought that shampoo too because I wanted a sulfate free clarifier since sulfate triggers my eczema really bad. Currently looking for another shampoo to use in between.

Lisa Luciana: I’ve been straightening my hair every single day for 4 years straight now and I’m at a point where I have so many split ends and even though my hair is incredibly soft I lost all my curls:(

jazz parker: Hey! I’ve been using heat on my hair since I was 12.. Im now 20. I’m mixed and have naturally brown hair which I also bleached for 2 years. It’s gotten so thin I’m not sure how to bring back the thickness and my curls are not the same. Thank you for this video. Anything else would help so much!

Lorena Morello: My hair isn't curly like that its wavy but now I'm worried if its wavy because its damaged. Is my hair supposed to be curly lmao? *UPDATE* I did a big chop in my hair and all my waves are gone I'm so sad and I wanna die lol. I went to a Sally beauty to get some curling enhancements and now we wait fml

yaxibanii: thank you so much for this! i've been straightening my hair since i was little bc i went to an all white school. and i wanted to fit in with the white kids, now that im older, i realized that my curls went from 3b to 3a in some areas, and in other areas it's just straight. so tysm for this video.

ADDISON: I had straight hair with very loose waves when I was younger and now I have ringlets, but my hair is frizzy and dry. I had a 2-3 month period where I straightened my hair almost every day, but never dyed it or bleached. Not sure if it's damaged or not.

love galore: omg i completely feel you, my natural hair was 3a and then almost three years ago i started straightening and then i got a perm to have it straight, and after that a few months later i cut my hair so short and right in that moment i started straightening it every. single. day for two years so the damage is so bad, my hair is broken and so messy and i don’t know what to do, it’s taking a lot to grow bc of how damaged my ends are :( this is so sad, the worst of all is that i started straighten it bc of how ppl would find me not pretty bc of my natural hair, once i got it straight i got a lot of compliments

Amelia Natalie: Oh I’m glad I found your video. I’m part Middle Eastern and I used to be emo so I’d straighten my hair so much (plus it was fashionable). Now I still have curly hair but it’s frizzy and fluffy too. Considering trying to restore it

Marissa Alvarez: It’s honestly kind of refreshing to see a curly gurl straighten her hair I always feel so guilty when I want to straighten mine because it’s so against the “rules”

AK Honeybee 907: I’m literally so frustrated with my hair! It used to be straight, but it’s transitioning to curly after having kids. It’s so confusing and frizzy and wavy, but fresh out of the shower I’m curly AF! I’m trying to help it find itself ‍♀️

Jennifer Campos: I love your video girl. I had my hair bleached and omg, I just paused your video and chopped more off. No other choice. Ok, now to finish watching. Love love

Jessica Henriquez: Thank you for bringing my hair back to life

namjune: Her hair makes me want to get my curls back

The Potato: this is so true. i used to straighten my hair like almost every day. after i started the cgm i thought i had wavy hair and i was fine with it tbh. i was 12 at the time. this random day after i turned 13 it just looked curlier and i was like OoF ok. so now it went from 2b-2c to 3a with some 2c hair but mostly 3a

Celeste Eason: I used to think my hair was just naturally thin and wavy since I’m mixed but when I big chopped I realized I was totally wrong

Kaylo Lyle: my moms hair has always been super curly, and I never thought I had curly hair, just frizzy and sort of wavy hair, so I have straightened down the frizz, now my hair is super damaged. Should I try going natural and see what happens? I am so tried of having frizzy hair, what should I do??

111 222: I used to have 3c to 4a hair a few years back but I continuously dyed my hair more than 6 times it’s so abnormally ugly and is no longer defined so it looks horrid.

Sara Abusaleh: I actually did a really BIG chop this summer(my hair was down to my waist, and now down to my shoulders), since my curly hair was heat damaged. After i chopped it off, i actually took good care of it, and used good products. P.s i did not use ANY heat on my hair since then, even a hair diffuser, i just let my hair air dry on its own! Guys just STOPPPP using heat! and take care of your curly hair :)

Gabriela Kiernan: I thought I had wavy hair. I cut my hair to a pixie and as it grew back I decided not to brush it for a while and I was surprised with a bunch of ringlets everywhere! After a couple years with ringlets it went back to wavy but it is also quite damaged so I hope I can get them back.

ur fav girlboss: Is it weird that I was having a bad hair day, straighted it, and watched it and it looks perfect now?

Aime Munoz: My mom has big curls and dad has tini tiny curls…I had straight hair growing up and had frizz in my early teens…I assumed it was just frizzy so then I just started straightening blow drying I’m 30 years old now…… and now realizing I most likely have very curly hair…….. this makes total sense….my hair takes forever to grow..ugh

rainepanda: my sister destroyed her curl pattern too by doing the pin straight emo hair too! straightening it every day she went from coily curly hair to nothing and tons of damage. She still won't embrace her curly and it's pretty sad

Mary A v: I'm confused because when i was a baby i used to have curly hair but then it became straight with some waves

Oldfashioned: Thank you for video. You gave me hope! I damaged my hair with painting in blonde....... I had 3C, now they’re completly straight :(

Cwazy: I had curly hair when I was younger (toddler) as I grew up I started dying it because as a teenager I loved experimenting with my looks. I recently shaved my head to have a new pallet. There was no saving my hair it was extremely damaged. just hoping my hair grows back curly again

stfumxddy: i had beautiful curls when i was younger. but then my mom started straightening it in first grade (i think it was because my mom didn’t know how to do my hair) and now i’m almost 17 years old. i want my curls back

Brianna Repple: I am 23. My hair stopped being curly at 21. I didn’t even straighten my hair. I had birth control. I have no idea what happened because I stopped using it; still no results.

Michelle Jensen: I went from 1a to 2b hair and thought it was a good thing until my hairdresser explained that it was my overuse of the wave iron... Bleech for years on top of that and all of a sudden I had a million 1 cm long hairs sticking up everywhere.. Severe breakage.. I still really want to use the wave iron grr..

Ahmed Hussein: Yesss a fellow arab hiiii (I'm a girl) ur pretty and btw my hair was like u the 2c type but lately I've been sort of doing a routine without heat and having somewhat 3a curls and It looks so good now

aesthetic katrina: Literally everything that you said in this vid is what im going through rn, the extensions, flat straight hair, everything im trying to stop doing it tho

Hannah Harvey: My hair is all of 1 to 3b. I almost permed my hair just because I found out I had curls but thankfully decided not to so now I only use heat every now and then, use leave in conditioner every time I shower and try to only brush wet. I’ve gotten so many curls back and I love it it’s so worth it

Alisha Briscoe: I love this video its motivated me to save my curly hair, also could you list in description your product list you used

Los Auténticos de San Luis: I’ve always hated my hair and a kid mainly because everyone in my class would have beautiful shiny straight hair and I didn’t . As soon as I could I started straight my hair, probably at 12 years and never did I let my natural hair breath . 13 plus years later I regret damaging my hair! No one believes I had curly hair because of how straight and “shaggy” ,as you said, my hair was! I’m gonna try this and see how it goes.

Lexi White: I had such bouncy curls like two years ago then I went through a crisis and bleached my hair so much :(

Zarah / Dani: My sister and I both had these beautiful ringlets from birth to about 5-6 years old and then all of the actual curls disappeared and turned into waves. Like a 2a-2b type texture. I really wanna go back to the curls, but I'm not even sure if my hair is curly anymore.

chelsiii whoo: I’ve been natural for years and I’m so proud of myself, trust me girls, the wait is worth it.

Nisha Nicolee: I didn’t know I had curly hair until a couple weeks ago I thought I always had just wavy hair until I used Cantu and i started really taking care of my hair more

Laura: When I was little, my hair was really curly, like those big beautiful curls, but when I was like 6 or 7, my hair began to lose the curls and now (I’m 14) it is a mixed texture, not really straight but not curly at all. It has no heat damage but I have split ends, and I really want to get my curls back. If anyone could give me some advice that would be great❤️ (I‘m sorry my English isn’t very good)

McNuggets: So my hair was super curly when I was 7 then my curls became wavy then back to curly and now I have tight ringlets and I love my hair ⚡️✨

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