How I Grew My Hair Back | My Hair Loss Journey And Treatment

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Today's video: a VERY different topic from what we're used to, but i've had A LOT of people asking for this (mainly in my weightloss video in the comments and via email and DM). Today I share with you my hair loss journey and how i was able to grow it back! Now, this wasnt a small feat, and it required dedication and regularly using the KEEPS treatment. I am so grateful to have started it and am able to share my experience with you! I hope this encourages anyone out here who felt like there was no hope and have hair thinning, hair receding or any level hair loss. This is how I grew my hair back!


Paul Fuenteballa

23986 Aliso Creek Rd.

Laguna Niguel, CA, 92677

Box #504


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You know what is good everybody and thank you so much for stopping by the channel once again from us over here at locus wild honey. So in one of my recent videos, I quickly discussed the prospect of potentially doing a video based on my hair recovery journey and I have to save the demand for video like that was actually crazy. Not only were you guys, commenting and liking people's comments about making that video happen. I literally gotten hundreds of dams and emails about making this video happen. Anyways guys do two very, very popular requests. This is my hair loss. Journey. Two out of three men will experience some level of male pattern baldness before the age of 35. I had heard the statistic for years and actually witnessed it firsthand in a lot of my family members, but never ever in my wildest dreams did I ever think or contemplate the idea that this would ultimately be a reality that I myself would have to come to Grips with anyways, there was a day when I had a little bit of extra time and I was just kind of scrolling through Instagram looking through some of my old pictures and posts and apart from gaining a little bit of weight, I noticed that my forehead was Looking smaller in the older pictures, but in actuality, that was very much so not the case. It wasn't that my forehead was getting bigger. It was actually that my hairline was receding. Now I'm gon na be completely honest with you guys, though I kind of knew what was going on, and I actually did come to the realization it wasn't till like maybe a week or so that I actually accepted it, because as silly as it sounds not accepting It was in some weird way like protecting my ego from there. I wanted a bunch of research. I started taking biotin pills as well as taking different trace minerals that I knew I was deficient in, but nothing seemed to be working. My hairline just kept going further and further back, and I have to say despite me, giving my very best effort. This whole process was insanely disheartening anyways. At that point in time, I'd seen a few commercials about the keeps program, but truth be told. I was actually doing my best to dismiss the idea of getting on the keeps program because to me I had this like underlying feeling that this was a program for people who are suffering from severe severe hair loss. I mean I knew my hair line was receding and that in and of itself was difficult enough to accept, but was I going ball in as well? That was it a truth that I wanted to accept just yet, and oh, my goodness guys, I'm so glad I got over that stigma. The timing could not have been any better for me to get on the program, because if I've learned one thing it's that prevention is key. That'S why it's so important to act fast and sooner rather than later. Obviously I didn't know this in the moment, but the earlier you start the program and you start being proactive about your hair loss. The more here you're gon na, keep ultimately now I'm gon na go ahead and share with you guys my testimonial, about what it's been like since I've started keeps and what it's like right now so a month into the keeps treatment. I really didn't notice any change at all now bear in mind. I was following the daily regimen to a tee as written on the instructions anyways. Despite that fact, I did continue the daily regimen and hopes I'd be able to see at least a little bit of progress moving forward now at right around the three-month mark. I think I hit an all-time low in regard to where my hair was at. Not only did I not see any progression, I quickly come to realize that both my hair line, as well as the volume of my hair, had significantly gone down. Yeah, I'm not gon na lie at right around the three-month mark. That was probably the worst. My hair has ever ever been now bear in mind. I was using the keeps regimen every single day, exactly as instructed never missing a day. It was to say I was insanely discouraged. I thought to myself. Well, it's like. I was trying to find a battle that I was bound to lose anyways during that time. While I was doing a little bit of research, I did decide to go ahead and learn a little bit more about the hair cycle, which ultimately led me to somewhat of the theory or my personal conclusions. But the hair growth cycle is essentially cut up in three parts. First, you have the antigen phase or the growth phase. This is where the hair is taking up nutrients and is healthy and is growing. Next is the catagen phase, which is essentially a transitional phase where the hair stops taking up nutrients and stops growing and last is a telogen phase where the hair is essentially moving up words towards the scallop ready to exit anyways. What I believed was happening during that one to three month mark keeps treatment, was allowing my hair follicles to take up nutrients, pushing my hair cycle forward towards the antigen phase. Of course, you can't get to the antigen phase without the telogen phase and the hair actually shedding anyways. Based on my hunch for my little theory, I decided to continue on the system because, hey, I really didn't, have anything else to lose. And, oh my goodness. I am glad that I did because, since that three-month mark, every day after that, my hair has gotten colder. Thicker longer and my hair line is back honestly guys the results of the keeps treatment far superseded. Even my law theists of expectations. I started the system in hopes of slowing down my hair loss, but on the way, not only did I slow it down, but I grew most of what I lost back until this very day. I'M still on the same system, and it looks like my hair is here to stay guys. You have no idea how thankful I am that I did decide to start this journey of being proactive, but more than starting this journey, I'm really glad to decided to stay. The course, through the duration and see it all the way through to get to the result that I did I'm so so thankful for keeps anyways. If any vest find yourself in the boat I was in before, and you feel like you're losing your hair go ahead and do something about it. Be proactive head over to Keep Calm, slash, locus or simply hit the link in the description. There'S gon na be a special promotion. It'S actually the same promotion that I personally signed up for get started with the program. Anyways guys, that's gon na do it for today's video, hopefully somewhat helpful and insightful, and hopefully some of you guys did get some encouragement. Despite this, video being sponsored, I did want to let you guys know that my story is 100 %. Real keeps did not reach out to me by any stretch is actually me reaching out to them for the opportunity of working with them, as well as getting you guys this discount code, though yeah, hopefully you found it helpful, anyways, guys and everybody here at locus, Mudhoney. I'M going to say peace and be blessed. You

VespertilioFilms: Did you take just the pills or you were using minoxidil as well?

Agnes Alvaro: Fuck this hair prob bro. I just want to hug everyone in the comments who are having the same problem as mine. You are worth loving. We can do this! ♥️

Martin: Congratulations to you bro! Hair is a big part of our lives for us guys and losing them must’ve been one of the worst feelings ever. I’m glad this product is working for you and it will help many others experiencing the same thing.

Jack McGrath: I've been on Finasteride for like 5 years and I'm so glad I started when I did. I was going bald at like 18/19 and it was seriously affecting my mental health. Fast forward to today, my hairline is perfect and my volume is also great. I have accepted the fact that I'll probably need a hair transplant at some point down the line, but that doesn't bother me tbh! To anyone with extreme hair loss at a young age, I would just bite the bullet and go for it tbh.

Rodrigo Navarro: Dang man, thankfully I haven’t gone through this YET but thanks for being straight up. Takes a lot bro

SeeMorePayper: For a long time i was stressed how my family, friends and GF would react to me going bald, i actually thought that they wouldn't want to hangout/associate with me. After i accepted my baldness i shaved my head, to my surprise everyone around me embraced this new look. My GF is now my fiancé. Life is good. I recently started keeps with fin and min, i have no expectations, because with or without hair i am loved. To anyone else going through this i hope you also find that youre worth it. Its okay to worry and its okay to want to look good and youthful.

LaZrGaming: My biggest recommendation for all you kings with hairloss, get your thyroid checked. That was one of my issues that led to rapid hair loss. It's a simple blood test, if you don't have enough of that hormone or too much, there is an extremely long list of side affects, like weight gain and things, but on the topic of this video, it causes hair loss. I was undiagnosed for about 3 years when it went bad, and I'm now on my hair regrowth journey. My recommendation, since anything medical is expensive, look at the list of side affects, if you think that pertains to you, please get a blood test and check for thyroids.

Raul Lopez: I remember when I was in my late teens and thought I would never lose my hair because it was really thick. Then slowly but surely it became a little thinner and started receding. At the age of 36 I used a mirror to look at my crown and I was in shock .

John John Crisostomo: What helped me is I used the same Keeps product but what really sped up the process was that I used a derma roller during the whole treatment. What was done in a year was done in less then 7 months! Your completely right about the 3 phases, new collagen and blood need to circulate into the scalp. The best way to do that is derma roll your scalp. There is a lot of positive testimony for derma rolling your scalp with the help of Keeps or minoxidil on YouTube. My hair has came back and my hair is a lot thicker too! Plus I used a Biotin Collagen shampoo and conditioner as well. Great video though, just wanted to add some thought to your hair growth process!!!!))))))

Beautiful Thnigs: Thanks for that valuable information bro! Was wondering did you choose the plan that includes Finasteride & Minoxidil solution or which plan exactly did you get (in detail what it came with)? The reason I ask because I want to purchase the same one you did so I may attempt to get the same results you did. Thanks in advance dude

Smeech: I know there’s a point where we do get a mature hairline. But I want to know how far it will go or if it’ll stop. I’m only 24 and want to combat this before I regret it. My hair is luscious and my dad went bald.

Anonno Islam: Bro got his hairline back and got shredded. Confidence must be through the roof rite now!!! Let’s go

QuantumEasy: Hey brother I had a question about this product! I normally apply this product at the top scalp of my hair but I never put any of it on my hairline. Did your hairline grow and get better after putting the product on your forehead area? I hope to hear from you soon bro and best of luck to growing your channel base :)!

SS LINKS: I’m 21 and my hair line just been thinning and been getting higher and I don’t want to commit and say it’s going away but because of this video I’m gonna start and hopefully it thickens

John D: Thanks for this video. I am 23, losing my hair, and it makes me so self-conscious... actually depressed. I never want to go out or leave the house without a hat. I hate the way I look in pictures. Appreciate you.

flintlights: Most informative and in-depth progression video. Thanks for sharing!

Jose Ramirez: This is sick bro, this is a huge insecurity for a lot of people. I think sharing this will help a lot of people.

Divine7: Hey, could you do a update and follow up on this vid? How are you feeling now? How is your hair now? Any side effects from Fin / Min? Do you have other routines right now? Big ups!

Broo5: Thank you for your video. I just hit the 3 month mark and my hair looks worse. I know I have ti be patient but you've given me reassurance. Hope you're still having progress

Chi-Boy 23 45: I’m so glad you uploaded this! Keep up the great work on your content bro ✊ What were your side effects with this product If there was any?

David Espinal: I’ve been considering this product for a couple weeks now. Thank you for your review. Also, is this a product that needs to be taken permanently to maintain that hair growth?

Booster gold: Bro I started noticing that my hairline is receding so badly, I’m already dealing with depression. And this could kill me lol, so I have to start the program early. Thanks for sharing your progress

Cryptokazekage: Did you experience any side effects? And can you give us an update. Thank you

Frank Feng: I believe sleeping habit is very important too. Could you share at what time do you usually wind down and sleep? I am using both finasteride and minoxidil for about 2 years and the result hasn't been half as great as yours. But the thing I have to admit is that I tend to sleep at 1-2am.

Peter Musto: Are you taking Finasteride daily as well? You'll eventually lose the gains you made applying Keeps Minoxidil everyday. Hopefully you're addressing the DHT, that's the main culprit in Male pattern baldness. I'm 66 years old, and I too apply Minoxidil every day, along with 0.5mg of Dutasteride. Photo on the left is last April 2021. God bless you on this uphill battle/journey.

Michael Cooper: I’m 4 months into keeps already seeing my hair starting to come back but it slow like u said the first three months but after watching this hopefully my hair will start to really grow the more I keep using it

VelvetyOnion: I’m glad it worked for you Paul that’s fantastic! But you should explain to your audience the side effects of this treatment. Also when you stop using the treatment all new hair grown will shed - instantly. So this is a life time worry and investment for anyone seriously considering this option. Please read up on hair loss treatment and serious side effects it can have.

Zay: The minoxidil liquid or foam does not have any side affects unless you stop taking it. Your hair will revert back to where it was before. The pill which is finasteride is the one where you should consult with your doctor cause that’s the one that has side effects.

Grand Lake Paranormal Society: I started Hims 1mg Finasteride and Minoxidil Rogaine extra strength 5 mg back in December. I was taking my finasteride 1mg pill every morning and Rogaine twice a day, morning and evening. I experienced a little insomnia, erectile dysfunction and a much lower libido. But the doctor told me to cut the dosage to every other day for the finasteride and once a day for the Rogaine. And that has helped tremendously with the side effects. You're going to shed and that's a good indicator it's working because your hair has a 3 month cycle anyway. My crown is filling in and it's much thicker up front. So don't stress, it's all part of the process. And maintain a healthy diet and get fresh air. Stressing was one of my main triggers in speeding up the thinning process. I also invested in a derma roller and that has been a huge game changer as well.

Mr Conrad: You guys don’t understand pain My hairlines been receding since I was 14 and just been getting worse every year. 17(nearly 18)now and it’s looking ridiculous. I need some serious help man.

Its Edwin: I’m glad that your happy ! That’s all that matters.

Reza Adinegara: From Dr. Berg Videos on home remedies that regrow hair: 1. Onion Juice 2. Green Tea 3. Rosemary Oil 4. Zinc (red meat, egg and oysters) 5. Apple cider vinegar (mixed with water) 6. Consume more protein 7. Vegetables and sea kelp 8. Vit D or get your skin exposed to sun 9. Silica 10. Biotin Hope this remedies will help you.

PDaddy: If you start on Keeps then stop, does this affect your bodies ability to grow hair naturally again? Does your body become reliant on the product and could your hair end up in a worse place then what it was in before?

fatalradius: Can I ask you, has Finasteride made you physically weaker? Did you notice any differences?

عطر السفر و التأمل Scents of Travel & Meditation: It really helps knowing that you are not alone! Fuck this hair problem. Good luck to everyone:)

Lucifer Of Atlantis: Just started finasteride, currently using saw palmetto & cayenne shampoo in conjunction. Cannot use minoxidil due to being prone to seborrheic dermatitis. Until now i was using saw palmetto supplements and microneedling which bought me time at least until i got my prescription. I will continue doing microneedling once weekly.

Daniel White: Hi it’s great progress glad to see your YouTube going well

Anthony Martinez: No one in my family is bald and I started loosing my hair line at 19 I’m 23 now it’s not that bad but it’s getting there

Tik TUBE: Hii sir! Greetings, I didn't cut my hair from last One year but now I have cut, and I'm noticing less volume and thickness in my hairs! Was the long hair responsible for it? How will I achieve my volume back ?

Jm Adiong: I wish I could buy medicine but I can't. I get depressed every time I see that my hair is bald. I never thought that at this age I would experience such a situation. I'm only 17 years old but this is how my hair is. I hope someone helped me so that I can buy something like this and get my old hair back. I beg you to help me. Thank you very much

YUVAN: Problem with minoxidil and finasteride is that with minoxidil, you're basically on dependency, the moment you stop using it, your hair will go back to the original state it was while finasteride has side effects which affects sexual issues like ED and low libido.

handeif: This is good to hear, I am contemplating this solution. But does one have to continue the treatment as long as one would want to keep the hair. In other words, would you lose hair again after stopping the treatment?

Parsival Ngongo: I messed up mine being my own barber Guys stop it stop it . I managed to stop and every time I go to the barbershop, I only ask them to give me haircuts without shaping the front . Now I have significantly recovered but I’m still not shaping the front until 2 years from now .

younes: I feel happy for him

Alex West: I been praying every morning and night and my hair line is slowly growing back

Mortal Komment: Did you suffer from dark circles under your eyes at all? I've been contemplating starting treatment but the dark circles kind of discourage me

Gravemind: Bro, if you're lying and got a hair transplant I'll be so fucking sad I don't know how I missed it, but I'm thinning in the front and the upper temples are a tad tucked in. My hair seems full on the very top, so I hope I caught this in time

K David: When did you begin the treatment? Which month and year? Did you take biotin as well? Also, what is your age?

Franky Gamez: Just realized today my hair line was push back about 1/2inch and I have so many thin hairs and my hair was so thick I’m going to start a program

SHINIGAMI XIII: I heard organic shampoo is best for your hair, I’ve alway stuck to basic dove shampoo/conditioner. Did you change your shampoo/cond? Right now I’m looking to find a good brand for thinning while also soon enough buying the keeps probram.

michael mckinley: Do you use minoxidil on your hairline as well? I’ve read they don’t support it helping but it does work for some people.

Josh MacRae: Very well done FUE hair transplant !

RedRoky: I really hope this is real and not a scam fo selling a product, I'm only 19 and my harline is already reducing so much I can't sleep at night thinking about it, seeing this is kinda motivational

John Ray Hilvano: I’m 18 yrs old and i have this,my friends is always making fun with my hairline I’m so embarrassed

Manny Singh: Hey bro, quick question, did you apply minoxidil on your hairline for the regrowth or your scalp?

Disco Rabbit: I’m lazy. Being bald is kinda easy . Still, i’m going to try it.

Picsmodes: Guys I'm 17 and my hair started to fall out :( i think this is not normal i don't want to be bald. I finally found the hair style that suits me but it started to fall out I'm soo sad about it :(((

D.A.R.E: Accepting yourself is the best way to do it ti with or without the hair, you accept yourself you shine brighter

Alex Rodriguez: Bald brotherhood isn’t bad at all though, respect though and congrats on the progress

Matt H: I’m only 25 and am loosing hair so fast it’s killing me

Suzuki rm: I’m 21 and I noticed my hairline is not as full as it was 2 years ago I also noticed my scalp is starting to be slightly noticeable in the middle especially out the shower and I also shed so much hair every time I run my fingers through I get hair on my hands and i used to not see my scalp at all I have dark thick curly hair should I not be worried or is this normal should I start keeps

Bob Williams: on which site did you buy it and what were the side effects

Mike Cirino: Did you experience any side effects from the finasteride?

dylan keenan: My problem with stuff like keeps is I just can’t accept that I’ll have to take medication forever to keep my hair.

eeiko321: Have you taken finasteride with minoxidil?

Reza Adinegara: Worst feeling i found in my life is losing hair guys. Don't lose your hair keep it up. Keep the testosterone. Right now I'm trying to get it back. Your not alone fighting this battle, lets work on this. Do research on YouTube on people that successfully grow their hair back. Its useful. Right now I'm more about natural way use as topical such as onion, rosemary and ginger. The exercise is headstand and run.

LION 8894: I want to ask also from all the people who know what is the best products for hair loss? I'm 27 but my hair is bcm getting thinner. Not thick like before

Mazdasped: One simple question… should I cut my hair short in order to start keeps?

Ryanktran: I don’t have a receding hairline (yet) but I’m still watching

Iman Samsudin: Great video man. Ordered mine today too. Just wanna ask how often do you shampoo your hair in a week?

Kael: Good thing u recovered your hair, u look better now

Sting Bee: Does it have any side effects? Like your beard and body hair grow also?

KABAN KITAK: Losing hair make confident drop

Nuesenpil Elisan: hey bro.. can i ask if they ship in the philippines and does it contain azelaic acid?

Mario Garcia: Dope vid man thanks. I used your code, got try and save my hairline while it’s still somewhat intact.

David Ivey: I just turned 22, I wanna get a wife first then I’ll let it go . Glad I’m starting early tho. Best of luck everyone

kyunw00: FYI costco sells minoxidil as well.. much cheaper :)

Nick H: I just bought one the other day I'm only 22 and have a horrible receding hairline. I really hope it works and I will finally feel fine without a baseball cap on. I hate formal events because I obviously can't wear a hat even im dressed in a suit.

Daniel Lagrio: Did you get the overall thinning treatment?

Suxcess Music: This is so impressive

yyyjyyyj: Consistent hydration and nutrition is key along with topical solutions.

himanshu mahajan: Hello mam. Can u recommend good anti hair fall conditioner for very thin lame volumeless hairs.

Thots&Players: I didn't watch the video because I am looking for reviews and advise from guys with a similar genetic background as my own. I just saw your video in my research and stopped in to say your channel name is dope.

vitor_8889: Finasteride+minoxidil is the only working solution. Finasteride may have side effect just like everything else I life. Side effect are overblown but they do occur in about 2% of users. If this is you, sorry. For most the changes would not be noticeable.

superjare23: I have the issue of having too much hair? I am bound to lose it though. Should I just start now or when it starts to go?

J sinnott: so what was the regiment ? how often are you taking the pill and adding the foam ?

andres rivera: I was on this for two years and didn't grow back what I lost.

Marcos Ramirez: Once you take finastide do you have to be on and rely on it? I know it may come with a varies of effects

izzy villegas: How long do you stay on it? Cause i want to try it but i do not want to get sucked into a long term subscription. Also, if you het off of the program, do you lose it?

Xrandomdonalds: Im starting to lose my hair too. I swear its because of head and shoulders.

Andrew Atha: OMG THANKS FOR THE VID. I’m at my 3 month mark and my hair is a little bit more thinner than Normal

Tiansen W: I've used Keeps foam and Finasteride for 2 years, my hair is still falling badly... I'm afraid to stop using too.

E E: Inspiring brother!

cyb3rpunk: Yo bro I want to start the same regimen finasteride/minoxidil have u gotten any side effects?

D H: I truthfully believe u spoke this into existence for urself-subconscious effects.. great video

DizzyWhite420: 35... goddamned i'm 26 and my hairline is going back already

GIBSON REYES: Helpful routines that magically works for me: 1. Wash your hair with green tea. 2. Take biotin and fish oil. 3. Wash your hair with rice water. 4. Use egg mask at least once a week. 5. Sleep at least 7 hours. 6. Drink plenty of water. 7. Eat vegetables and fruits. 8. Message scalp every night. 9. Avoid stress and anxiety. 10. Exercise, then warm bath before bed.

Combustable Lemons: My hairline started moving back in high-school.

Evan: Besides Keeps, do you take any supplements or do anything else? I’ve been using Keeps for a while but the results haven’t been as drastic as yours.

Aatos Vuorma: How i grew my hairline back was that i have hightop(ponytail) on top and sides shaved i kept shaving my sides w razor and at one point i stopped and it appeared out of nowhere

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