How To Grow Natural Hair Long And Fast|4C Natural Hair Care Tips|Lynda Jay

  • Posted on 02 April, 2020
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous


You've been asking, so I have delivered! In this video, I'll be sharing some natural hair growth tips that I'm exercising on my natural type 4C hair! Everyone wants to grow their natural hair long, healthy, and FAST so I am letting you guys in on the hair growth tips that have personally helped me. Type 4 curly hair DOES GROW and that includes my 4B and 4C sisters just like me! Watch as I share my TOP 10 tips to grow long healthy natural hair! Let's get some length retention!

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-Mist Spray Bottle:

-Tangle Teezer:

-Denman Brush:

-Haitian Castor Oil:

-Wide Tooth Comb:

-Scalp Massager:

-Silky Head Scarf:

-Shower Brush Dupe (not the exact one from Dollar Tree):











-Shop Just Like Me At My Amazon Store:

-Organic Feminine Care Products:







#LyndaJay #HealthyNaturalHair #4CHairGrowth

What'S up y'all, my name is Linda J, welcome and welcome back to my channel. If you are new welcome, I already said that be sure to click that subscribe button before you go and if you are already family, then thank you so much for joining me again. So this video is gon na be a little bit different, not gon na be much of a tutorial, but instead I'm gon na be giving you guys some tips. Lately I've been getting a lot of questions regarding hair growth, so this list of tips that I have for you guys is going to be geared towards those women be sure to keep on watching. Also, just in case anyone is wondering this hairstyle is a old dry braid out. I do have a braid out video already filmed already posted from last. I think it was about a year and a half ago. My technique is pretty much the same, so I will link back down below and it will also be in your upper right hand corner of this video right up here. So you guys can check that out whenever you are ready. Alright, let's get into these tip number by another class, because I really want you to get this. I feel, like you guys, have probably heard a lot of these tips already and if you know them didn't, do them and I'm speaking to myself as well, there are things that I know will help me grow or help my my hair flourish, and I just don't Do that and I keep hearing the same advice, which would probably tell me hey, this tip may work if everybody's giving the same set of advice, but I'm sitting here like well. It'S really my way: there's no shortcuts to growing your hair, long and healthy. You just have to go through the motion, so the first tip is make sure to moisturize your hair. I know that for me, moisturizing every other day is super super helpful. It not only prevents but dry hair, but dry hair leads to breakage and it leads to brittleness, and so you don't want that. If you want you here to grow, if you're growing something and it continues to break off, then it's like you're taking two steps forward and ten steps back. You don't want to do that. So the things that I use to moisturize my hair every other day is Haitian castor oil number one. I use that through my entire scalp. I don't rub it through my hair. I just focus on my scalp. I typically drench my hair in Haitian castor oil early in the morning and at the ladies early afternoon, and the reason that is, I've already done a video on this. But the reason that is when I apply my Haitian castor oil later on. In the day it doesn't really take at that time. My Scot doesn't really have enough time to absorb the oil. So when I go to bed later on that night, my oil will transfer onto my pillow now, of course, there's no benefit from my pillow to have Haitian, castor oil in it. So when I moisturize my scalp earlier in the day, it allows my scalp to really absorb it, to penetrate my scalp and for me to have less oil in my hair when I go to sleep at night so that I'm not wasting oil. Another thing that I do is feel my spray bottle. This is one of my favorite spray bottles, because it's a mr.. The difference between my spray bottle in the mister is that this sprays, the smallest amount of water, which is super helpful for me, when I'm not trying to dampen my hair look. That was a mate. The amount of water that comes out of my mister is literally just mist, so this will be linked down below in my Amazon story. If you want to check it out, I bought the I bought the pack that comes with two and I believe that it was $ 10 for the two, don't quote me, but again it will be linked down below. If you want to check out this um water bottle to spray bottle in this spray bottle, I typically put water Haitian, castor oil, but using oil that works for you, and I also throw in either a leave-in conditioner or a moisturizer in here, and I really just Focus this one, the remainder of my hair, not my scalp. The next tip is low manipulation. That is key. Now. I'Ve had my own experience last year and I think the year prior, even with a lot of manipulations in my hair, my hair responded, and it said I don't like this - don't like this, so my hair was breaking off like crazy and I have to tell you Guys the story behind me not posting as much hair tutorial, is because of what I was going through. I was really sad. I'Ve never gone through anything like that before, but last year and a little bit of the year prior is when I to do a lot, and I mean a lot of hair product hair company collaborations. I remember there was a day where I had to wash my hair three times in that one day, because due dates were coming up and they all wanted my work to be complete that week. So I washed my hair three times three different brands and I had to spy on my hair three different ways throughout the whole week. That is a lot. That is a lot. Your hair should not be going through all that in one week. That'S just way too much on top of having to detangle before styling my hair. Each time - and you know I was getting impatient so the further along I got in the week, the more impatient I got with my hair, so I'll be detangling and breaking off my hair. But I didn't care because I was just so tired and I just wanted to be done. Slow manipulation, guys, especially during this time of quarantine. My suggestion would be to put your hair up during this time. Allow your hair to rest so very soon, I'm gon na be practicing what I preach by installing some mini twists in my hair for pretty much the rest of this quarantine. All I'm saying is it doesn't take a lot to maintain natural hair. Speaking for myself, speaking of low manipulation, let's transition into the next tip, which is protective style, protective style protective style. I cannot stress that enough. When people ask me how I grew. My hair and people ask me as if I grew my hair overnight, but understanding that they just want to know what tips I'm able to give them so that they can try to follow through. When I cut my hair. Originally I cut it and I stuck it in protective styles for like two years, nobody saw my hair. Barely anybody knew that I cut my hair because by the time that I took my hair out and started to wear my natural hair again, it grew so much. Two styles that are highly highly recommend. Actually, I might recommend three, but these are the two styles that I used to do back in the day I used to just wear wigs, and I said we just wear Berets now with the wigs. Let me just say this: I did not ever glue my wigs on to my scalp ever I never sewed it nothing. I pre-made my wigs and I would take it off every single night and I'd put it back on whenever I would leave the house, and that was it. So, yes, there was no security. I am very much a homebody. So when I left the house, it was probably to go grocery shopping or to have dinner with somebody and then go back to the house. That was it so that worked for me. It may not work for you depending on how your lifestyle is, but for me it works. I didn't have to deal with tension on my head, which is something that you don't want and I didn't have to deal with. Hair loss relating to the amount of glue that I used in my hair or the certain type of glue that I used in my hair, because I do know that a lot of women who do wear wigs. I know, though, what links runs was it wait? Is it no, it's not lace rights principles. The frontals are very popular, that's when they they do. What are they Chah? Oh no, but I do know that there, certain installation processes that glue the wig down to your like forehead and I've seen some influencers. I know teairra Walker talked about that it can be harmful. Now I don't know what process she went through. I don't know how it escalated to basically her having a balding strip, a strip of like baldness, whatever young, on trying to help, but I will try to link that video down below, but the braids. Let me talk about that. Brains are no longer a protective style that I run to and I'll talk about that in just a second. But there are a few protective styles that are just not protective at all. They look good and sure your hair is hidden behind or underneath that hair. But how is your scalp doing? Sis is your scalp talking to you because you need listen, your hair does well. I want to see your hair talks to you, but in a way it kind of does if you're getting cornrows and your scalp is on fire. You should probably not continue to finish getting those cornrows. You should probably not rock those cornrows, because your scalp is saying: hey, I'm in pain and when your scalp is in pain that ain't good. It'S because your hair grows from your scalp. Your scalp is on fire and you go to take out your nose. You might experience a lot of hair loss because of the fact that you were not listening to your scalp when it was saying: hey I'm on fire. Now I don't do this. Take me up. That'S the same with braids I've seen braids and I you guys know out. Well, I don't know if you guys know I've said it before I used to be a hair braider. I'Ve seen plenty of hair, braiders or hair stylists do braids where the brain is like. Oh sure, if your it looked like shoot like these, women look like they were both and muscle would ache for these women, because I'm like bro you're, not gon na, have any edges when you take these. Ah, so please be mindful of your scalp when you are protective styling. If it is not benefiting your scalp, then think twice about it, because your hair grows from your scalp. That is the foundation, so you want to make sure that your scalp is taken care of now the protective styles that I do recommend. I don't know what I was saying earlier about break out braids. The reason why I won't do them is because I just feel like the last time I got them, even though I did moisturize regularly. I took them out and they were still crunchy and crusty so, and that may not be the case for everybody. Braes might do wonders for some people, but for me, the protective style that I'm going to be sticking to is the wigs that I told you about and the faux locs now the faux locs are gon na be number one, because I just love them. Not only do they look great, but I remember when I wore them for over, I think was about a month and a half. I was moisturizing regularly and when I said them, babies out the moisture was still sealed in locked in it was just phenomenal. I love for lots because of that my hair grows so much. I'Ve already talked about all of that, so I would link that video down below as well. You guys know I got you, I think. That'S all I had to say about protective styles. I know think it's really hard not to go with the trends, but some trends are just cute to look at some things are just not worth having. There are styles that I've refused my clients, because I know that that style will not help their hair grow and I'm not gon na be held responsible for any crap that comes out of this protective style. Okay, I've spent enough time talking about protective styles. Next is a tip that I'm starting to follow now. Trim your hair regularly now regularly may look different for you, but for me I like to make sure that my hair is trimmed. Every three months, like I said, there's just different hair types, who probably don't need to trim as often some Naturals may even need to trim more often than that. Just do what works for you. But if you look at your ends and you see split ends and if you are 4c for being natural or if you just attack for natural, you are probably more prone to ferry, not those little nuts are so annoying. I just clip them bad boys off they're. Just it's just time to go and the reason why I ran from them for so long is because I love length, everybody loves length right. Well, maybe not everybody, but I love length and I just didn't want to cut my hair because I was afraid, but in the end your hair, my hair, grew even more and it was even more healthy because when my hair is not trimmed, it breaks off. Remember what we talked about earlier, my hair would grow so we take two steps forward, but because I wouldn't clip my ends, I would go and do styles or I'll take out some braids and my hair would break off because it's not healthy, so I would be Taking 710 steps back so trimming your hair, just look at it in a positive light. Yes, it's gon na be a smidge shorter, but in three months, nobody's gon na even be able to tell, because that hair that you cut off has probably grown back. Just do is this really there? You cannot skip this step and expect to grow long, healthy, hair neck, and we are halfway through we're on six number five. This is not a tip that I take personally, but I'll just tell you what it is and I'll tell you why I don't follow it. The next tip is stick with one stylist and the reason why I don't file out what I guess I kind of do. I am my stylist, I don't have anybody touch my hair do my hair. I just have heard so many horror stories that I don't want to live through. So I do my hair all by myself. So I kind of do stick to one stylist. I am the one stylist, but I say that because once somebody learns your hair and once you've found somebody that you know and trust and will put in the work to really help your hair grow, you don't want to keep bouncing around because, what's that saying, if They broke, don't fix it right, one, there's not a lot of professionals who know and do natural hair well, and so, if you find that one stick to them, because they've already learned your hair, you don't want to you, know Stacy's out of town for the week Or, what's her name? What'S her name? What we gon na call her Jen is out for the week and you need to get your hair done. Don'T go rolling over to Rebecca's house because Rebecca doesn't know natural hair and she doesn't know your hair, so she's an experiment and she's gon na mess up the work that Stacy was doing before she left when you could have just waited sis. Okay, let me do a little touch-up on these lips and we're back next. When I first went natural, I used to hoard products like crazy. I was a product junkie to a tee, so my sixth piece of advice is: do not hoard natural hair products that you don't even know are working for you. I don't know, I don't know what it is. I don't know if we're just obsessed - I don't know, but it does not take all of these 20 products to maintain natural hair finds a oil that works for you find a leave out that works for you, a shampoo, conditioner, deep conditioner. If you don't make your own, I make my own I'll leave that down below as well. You know I got you, that's really all you need unless you're doing a special style, but one just a regular. Let me maintain the health of my hair bases, shampoo, conditioner, deep conditioner. If you don't make your own, like I said, leave-in conditioner a moisturizer in oil, shea butter. What else I said Jo, but you don't really need that, so you really just need seven essential product. Please don't hoard products that you do not need you're, exposing your scalp to all these different chemicals. So if you use a product line, that's unnatural and you turn around and you're using something like. I don't want to put anybody under the bus, but using a product line, that's not natural. What are you doing, you're kind of defeating the purpose of using all-natural products if you're gon na turn around and use products that have chemicals in them anyway, it's totally fun to try new products, but again you do not need all of the 20 products. You really don't you really not in that same breath, be sure that you're using products that are not going to harm you so sulfates, no parabens, no come from Malta hides no. There is certain websites. I know one specifically that will tell you, what's in the product, that you're using in your hair be sure that you're reading those ingredients, because some companies they're real slick, they will say that they don't have sulfates and they will say that they don't have parabens. But they'll have formaldehyde in their ingredients and it's like what not be mindful of what you're putting in your hair. I know it takes extra time to do the research, but it is worth it tip. Number seven gon na be super short. Super sweet wrap your hair at night period. If, if you are colored, that is a habit that you should already be in in my mind, you should have been raised on that habit. So that's something that you should carry into your adulthood using a satin scarf is probably the best thing to do. I used to use bandanas as a younger child, but those head wraps that contain cotton snagged my hair and so it's far better to wear a satin or silk scarf to go to bed simple. Just do it less breakage tip number eight use less heat in your hair. This is going to be super quick as well. I don't know how many years I wish to be like three to five years. I believe that I went without putting anything in my hair and my hair flourished flourish. Heat is not your best friend. I would let my hair dry for two days straight before I sit under a dryer. If I don't need to the only time where I'll make an exception is when I have like somewhere to be tomorrow. So if I have like a natural hair event that I have to be at tomorrow, and I'm just starting to do my hair tonight - and I know it will not dry within 12 to 24 hours - then fine I'll stay under a dryer for a little bit and Then I'll let the rest of my hair air dry, but usually, if I know that I have something on Saturday, I try to do my hair on that Thursday, so that I'm ready for Friday, because I already know how long my hair takes to dry. What that being said, I try to use as little heat as possible in my hair. I don't straighten my hair. The last time I blew blew blew dry blow dried blow dried. My hair was, I think, last year when I was doing my wash and go, and that was just to stretch the roots. So if you do not need to use heat, I would say: don't use it avoid it at all costs tip number nine scalp massages. I don't do it on a regular basis, so today I gave myself a stop massage, since I was already oiling my scalp. I figured might as well break these hands through that bang. You know I'm saying to get my blood flowing, but I remember that being a habit that my mom would do to my hair. She would do it here and there, but it wasn't on a regular basis. So maybe if I did practice that I would experience more girls, I'm not sure, but I hear that Scott massages are good. So if you have the time - and if you remember then just do it - it can't hurt the worse. It'Ll, do is nothing and the best it'll do is promote hair growth. So I don't see why not try it last. The last tip is o be patient when you are detangling your hair. Now you should already know that I have a video on my channel about patiently detangling your hair that'll be linked down below as well. Listen so type 4 before C natural detangling does not come easy. Have you seen them? Girls rake that little diamond brush through your hair, like it's nothing that is not my life. I have to sit down and section my hair into several different sections. I don't even know how many, but I have to make sure my hair is drenched and that it has slip and that I've Engler detangle first and then go back in with a wide tooth comb or a brush that takes a while. It does take a good amount of time, and so I try to make sure that I put aside at least an hour and a half to two hours when I do need to detangle, because not being patient with my hair is only going to hurt me and Then also regarding tools have a video about that too. So I have a video where I use my Denman brush and then I use my tangle teezer go watch that video I've demonstrated how each of them detangle my hair, and I would definitely say if you don't have either of those tools don't even sweat. Before I became a natural hair influencer all I had when my fingers, I didn't own any combs, I don't own any brushes and I felt like I've benefited. I benefited from that. A lot finger. Detangling caused my hair to break off a lot less and it taught me patience. I will say also another video that I posted. If you subscribe, you do you need a moment. Alright, I'm gon na stop right here and let you go ahead and click that subscribe button. I shouldn't take that long to subscribe. Okay, so I have a video where I found a shower brush at the Dollar Tree for just 1 USD and that actually works really. Well, for me, so go check out that video and I'll have that linked down below fighting, say that already but yeah. I would definitely say finger detangle and if you are a type 4 natural like I am, I would recommend using the shower brush or a wide toothed comb for detangling purposes. When I want my curls to pop. So when I do my washing goes when my hair is already detangled I'll go back in with the demin brush just so that I can get my curls clumped up, cuz we're done in brush. That'S one thing that it does do is it makes my curls pop, but I do not use it for detangling and that's pretty much it guys. I really hope these tips were helpful. I'M currently working on a blog post from the inspiring natural who is looking from afar, who wants to join the club but doesn't know where to start. You can take these tips along with you, but that blog post will kind of be a little more personal experience and my tips for when I win natural. What would have helped me what I wanted to hear, etc so be sure that you're also subscribe to my newsletter on my website? If you want to check that out, WWWE jay calm, which is also always linked down below in the description box man I got shot if nobody got shot. I gotcha that is the end of this video. I love you guys so so much and I will see you in the next video. If you are not subscribed, don't leave here without clicking that subscribe button. I got more tips on the way off. Veda

Lynda Jay: Extra tip: Deep condition OFTEN. I deep condition on every single wash day (so twice a month) and am trying to make it even more often than that. Also, please remember that natural hair is not one size fits all. These are the tips that work for me. They may not all be useful to you so please tread lightly. Let's stay connected: IG: Twitter: Pinterest: Facebook:

Queen Madlambudzi: Am the only one that binge watches on Natural hair. If hair growth was determined by how many natural hair videos one watches, i would be waist length by now. I love your hair sis. Its so beautiful.

I Am Eloho: Chocolate natural Hair Queen yes I’m here for all the tips

MiVidaBellisima: YouTube is so miraculous for natural girls! I’ve trimmed and styled my own hair for almost a decade because I’ve had stylists rush and take off way too much hair!

Ashon C.: There's nothing wrong with using sulfates in moderation. It's what literally allows shampoos to do its job effectively.

𝒥.❦: I don't even have 4c hair but I find you so entertaining so I'm gonna subscribe and keep watching. My sister has 4c though and I'm starting to see her struggle when she has mental breakdowns

Mia Carter: I love your tips! They’re actually practical, straight forward, and helpful!

Aniexo: Hey boo! An advice for the box braids and your hair being dry spray your hair with water add your leave in conditioner then apply a good amount of She butter over them then blow dry your hair to melt the butter in the braids so it can penetrate through the braids.❤️

Black Cruella: When you said the braids make your hair crunchy, I think it’s the synthetic braiding hair. The chemicals make my scalp break out and my hair dry too. If I get braids with extensions I try to wash the hair before I install it. Lately I’ve been using my natural hair tho!

DrowningInGrace: Yes to all these tips... The dollar store shampoo bush was a game changer for me! So much so that I don’t use a wide tooth comb anymore. Denman also has a “shampoo brush” that’s slightly more expensive but also more comfortable to use. My type 4c hair is THICK (it takes 2-3 days to air dry), so I work with a minimum of 8 sections.

Lady Kay: Amen to the product hoarding!!!! I was guilty. When I first went natural, I was trying EVERYTHING on my thin, coarse, 4c hair because it was just so dry. I started keeping a log of what worked. From those products, I researched the ingredients in them & that's what I purchased which was waaaaaay cheaper than buying the name brand products. Love this video & your soooooo funny. Thank u for correcting bleeeew dried cause I would've fleeeewwed out if u didn't. Thanks 4 the tips Queen .

Norah Nakibuuka: Hi Lynda! Great tips! I’m planning to keep my hair in semi-mini twists (no extensions added) for a month without taking the twists down.   1.Is a month too long to wear a protective style without taking it down? 2. Any tips on how to moisturize my mini twists without taking them down? I’m afraid to wet them as that will cause matting and single strand knots.

Nancy Ogunyemi: I literally paused the video and did a massive chop Thanks for the courage. I knew my hair needed it but, I couldn’t do it But now it’s done and it feels sooooooo good! Thanks love ❤️

Irimara Gomes: I love your tips! I'm brazilian and here is so hard to find the right products for my hair, since I found you on Instagram my hair is so amazing and for the first time in 29 years I am loving my hair for what it is. Thank you for sharing, never stop please. Beijos daqui do Brasil

Patricia Valmyr: Omg I feel the same way about sticking to one stylist ❤️ I am very protective over my hair and I’m tender headed too

Paige Isanora: Hey girl! I’m a new subscriber trying to get my natural life together during quarantine so thank you so much for this video! The whole video I couldn’t stop thinking about how bomb your lashes are! Could you give the deets on them?

Lashall Carter: Thanks for getting straight to the point with sharing your HEALTHY natural hair tips!! I like that your genuine about it and not acting behind yo camera, and your pretty a well. One thang tho, change that battery in your smoke detector, and be blessed!!

Bianca Garrison: Your skin is everything! And I LOVE your hair color! I had a very similar color on my tips last year.

ROVET Senior: Girl you right on point I do the same things to my hair and my hair grow so much better. And I never glue my hair with no wigs . Hell no some people end up loose their edges by doing that. When I wear braids I plate them and I still go in and care for my hair and I do it too tight. So it depends on how they put in the braids. I also spray my braid while rocking them and it grew my hair.

Sisisjs Sieissb: Hi Lynda, Thank you making this video and giving me your helpful advise on how best to look after my hair.I look forward to watching your next utube hair video.✋❤

D. Ramos: You are gorgeous and your hair looks so healthy. Thanks for the tips

Corlyn Chevalier: All the best tips! Also, i love how you keep it moving with your bloopers. The blow dry blooper was was hilarious

Annisa J: Love your personality and energy! Instantly subscribed :)

Bri Gardiner: Soon as you said to use Haitian oil, I subscribed. I love that oil, it’s helping so good with my edges. Glad you suggested using it in the day because my satin pillowcase always get drenched.

Ms.Veenaboo: Another style that is not good is the ponytail. Every time I’d put it in my middle would eventually break because the comb that sticks in the middle of my hair dug into my scalp and it hurt. So the pain involved with the ponytail for me my hair broke every time. So I’ve learned is happy scalp happy hair from you.

Chillax: Yes castor oil is good for hair management You are gorgeous!

Ericka Vil: I love Haitian Castor oil, it is the best! Whenever my mom would come from Haiti she'd always bring back some because my aunt and late grandparents always made it from scratch. The smell is so strong though, lol. Love the video, God bless!

Claudette Johnson: Hi good day. I have a question. How much times can you use aloe vera gel in your hair? Also, can you suggest anything to help grow back hair on your hairline/edges?

Ada Ezeee: I honestly love your hair and your videos!

sherrylyn grady: Great Video and info, beautiful hair be blessed

Asmera Smith: You are so beautiful and love your hair too! Thank you so much for your content and your existence

kiki & k: Is out of topic but she is pretty

jhambrick27: New subbie!! Gorgeous hair BTW

beata: I moisture my hair with mixture of yolks and olive oil + aloe vera. It works

Vii'Vii Brown: I clicked the subscribe button so fast when I found out you were Haitian , like yessss Queen ✊

Naturally Focus: For me braids is my go too protective style. I normal do box braids and twists. The difference with me thou; I do not do my hair tight. I can't comb my hair very well so, I found a hairdresser to braid my hair. Normally keep in my braid for two months and I watch and moisterize my hair while in the braids and my hair has grown and continues to grow.

T C: Good tips! You are so right- the follicles will scream at us when they are in distress. I ignored the soreness, thinking the wig would stretch out and paid the price.

sharj: Gorgeous lady beautiful skin and hair

The Dana Blog: Thank u I really loved this video

Cee-Lina foster: Girl Girl Girl! Just found your channel and I’m loving your hair and personality.

zouky4life: Question for you: How does the Haitian castor oil (lwil maskreti) differ from the JBCO? Is the “stronger”? I always wondered...

Maniah Stallworth: Greedy video. Our hair is very similar, hopefully I can grow mine to your length. I’m really big in protective styles. I wear my braids, wigs, etc and just keep my scalp oiled up and it has helped a lot with growth. I feel like my hair is growing out more than down. When doing twistouts, I get big hair

MiVidaBellisima: Or do the Felicia braids/twists because we’re not leaving the house anyway LOL if I have to leave the house I wear a satin lined beanie

Peace Zentey: Hi sis. Thanks for these tips. My question is do you oil your scalp every single night or day or often?

Effie Lou Inc: You’re gorgeous. Thank you for the video, how do you keep your skin so clear

A_KINGS_KID: The length I want, thats all ❣

MsMarie0072: a home body just like myself, I had some breakage but it was because of dry scalp I didn’t moisturized my hair enough so now use Dax, Haitian castor oil and Cantu Shea butter leave in for my hair

Tarsha Newson: Yesss Beautiful The Tips R On Point

Myrna J: Love the Dope Content!!! Sharing this with my Girls so we all can learn!!✔ Question do you think that Clip-ins can be a Protective style? You and the Family stay safe out there.❤

zouky4life: When I saw that you were on top of having the same first name as myself (Lynda) I had to subscribe! Nice tips and hair color too!

Jamecia Reed: I just took out some box braids that were extremely tight I tried keeping them in but after a month my scalp was STILL sore and IRRITATED long story short my hair is thinnnn thin & my edges packed up and left

CARTERMADE 86: My hair can’t stand braids but loves twists and tends to grow much faster in them

Alyssa Halle: can this work for any hair type i’m 3b/3c ? and your hair is soooo pretty

MRS. W.O.: You are so beautiful. Great tips. TFS

Danielle Simon: Thank you! Thank you

Nathalie Eugene: I love this, you’ve got a new subscriber!

K Jay: See faux locs are a negative and braids are a definite YES for ME. I can keep my hair moisture in my hair

Mara: New subscriber, I'm glad that I came across your video, am going to try your tips , and you're funny!

Tiffany Wilson: Do you have any tips on maintaining and maintenance with natural colored hair?

Vanessa Sigourney Sinayigaye: Dear God please give me long strong hair like this natural hair queen Amen. I no longer detangle with a brush it's such a hot mess. My life has been saved since I started just running my fingers through my sections under the shower, after deep conditioning. Highly recommend, the hair just detangles itself.

Daniella Clayborn: when you use the castor oil with braids, do you wash your hair at any point? and how often?

Tracy Denise: Very pretty! Somehow, you remind me of Mary J. Very informative and detailed tips. Will adapt to a few.

ELECTRIC BEING: Girlllllllll this look is so cute. Beautiful queen.

Jeanette: I am not sure what type hair I have but as long as it I wet it is soft silky curly but once it dries it becomes unrecognizable ...dry, brittle, breaking . I use it to have long hair but heat and strong shampoos and job stress took it out. I have been natural for many years now (doing my own hair now).I want my hair back and shay butter is not for me ...unless I am doing something wrong. HELP!!!!!Thanks

Ely Tv and Rhymes: thank you for the tips

Transparent Lex: So I just asked my scalp “How you doing sis?”

Vxitmcia: i wish i could just moisturize my hair every other day, i have to moisturized my hair like 3 times a day omg my hair gets super dry and i hate it.

Kayla Anderson: I have a question? I big chopped like a few weeks ago and now protective styles are like my best friend, I ALWAYS moisturize daily cause my hair stay thirty but I’m starting to put hair oil lotion on my box braids so I can atleast try to moisturize my ends, is that good? Or is it a lost cause

A_KINGS_KID: I'm about to get into wigs, and I dont like glue ons either, the banded wigs work perfect for me.

Jesus Loves: Can you do a video on this makeup look!!!

beata: Thanks very much. I massage my scalp using hair scalp brushes.

xxo Angel: All I use is homemade shampoo, Shea moisture deep conditioner, Camille rose leave in & a Shea butter & oil mix to seal. Simple is the best

Chanel Pinas: You're so beautiful. Thx for the tips. Just subbed

WLHMC ALLNATURAL: Beautiful hair darl, lovely braid out

Candy Sweet: Hi Lynda! Great Video!! Can you do a video on how you install your wigs?

jennie atkinson: I'm jealous your hair is gorgeous!

Sassouu Sasoo: JUST GORGEOUS!!

It’sAlexilixYT: Idk why but ur eyes are so pretty! Thank you for the tips and tricks!

Foke Overare: I love’re too sweet and natural. Thanks for all da tips. ❤️ from London.

yyyolokazi: Hey, is there a video on your hair dye? Love it

Daughter of The Most High God: 29,132 views and I'm the one that give 1st like the video. Wow guys, where's the encouragement? Thanks for sharing sis, Haitian castor oil is one I can't do without myself. Stay blessed!

Amanda Burke: What type of wig do you recommend? And/or where do you find your wig(s)? Also do you have a trimming hair tutorial?

beata: As well, I wash my hair using baby shampoo.

Swt Suga: Wow, you're beautiful. I love the video you had some great tips especially the product hoarding. You were so bubbly and loved the several brain farts. They were too funny

Peace Masina: wow you're beautiful, I love everything about you. first time coming across your channel

Donna Brown: Thanks for the tips. Btw, love your hair color

Rochelle: You are so beautiful. Do you have a tutorial on how you dyed the tips of your hair ?

Rionel L: the lady at Sally's Beauty looked at me weird a few years back when I first saw the 360 mist bottle lol I was so excited I didn't even care but I apologized for startling her

Gail Thompson: Thank you!

Chanel Pinas: You're so beautiful. Thx for the tips. Just subbed

Deana Bradford: Anyone else think it was their smoke alarm going off the whole time?

Obaapa Pretty: Hey love your hair please i have problem with my hair, that is i have smaller short hair, some is long but not all that what can i use to make the short hair grow

Laura Germaine: Great video and I love your camera presence

Nancy Ogunyemi: Your skin is soooooo beautiful

IMJUST NATT: I just subscribe!!! Love your hair

Carmel Isaro: Girl you are sooo gorgeous like whatttt, how you so pretty. Love your vids, keep it up boo;)

Khando Wando: Remind me how long you’ve had the dyed hair...and did it make your hair a bit straighter when you first did it?

Kilah Harrington: You are gorgeous ❤️❤️

Treva Collins: Good stuff! New sub ****

Mia Porche: You have the prettiest face and smile!

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