Moisturise Dry Natural Hair In 4 Easy Steps | Detailed W/Product Recommendations

  • Posted on 27 April, 2020
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous

Here are the 4 simple steps I take to retain moisture in my natural hair. I hope you find this useful. Let me know which crew you are... LOC or OG-LCO?

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Hey guys, it's Layla welcome back to the channel, and today I'm back with a highly requested video. A lot of you want to know um what my midweek moisture looks like. I actually have a video on this that I filmed maybe like three maybe four years ago. Nothing has changed. As you know, I am a creature of habit. If something works, I like to stick to it: okay, guys so just some quick facts for you guys who might be new to my channel. If you are here, for the first time, hello hi, be sure to subscribe thumbs up uh Ring the Alarm hit. The bell ring the alarm, all that good stuff: okay um. I have low porosity hair, firstly, so that low porosity hair informs a lot of my techniques and decisions when it comes to my hair. This means that it takes moisture a little bit longer to penetrate my strands um. However, if I do manage to get it in there, it stays like longer. Okay, I allowed my hair to get dry. I allow my hair to get dry for the purpose of this video and by allowing my hair to get dry, I mean bam. This okay, look at it look look how dry it looks. It looks crazy, so we are going to take this. We'Re gon na go from this two this. Hopefully, if my editing is out to par okay, I don't moisturize daily. Even if I have my hair loose, it does not need daily moisturizing. My entire wash day process is really conducive in creating an environment where my hair retains moisture. If you would like to see more on that, please feel free to check here. It could possibly be right there. Okay, once you have your hair in your desired sections, I'm gon na go in with my lco method. You can also do the LC loc method, so you can do liquid oil cream, but I have always done from lightest to the heaviest product. So I go in with my lightest product just like skincare. You know you start with the lightest, and then you create a barrier with the heaviest. Please do whichever method works for you, I'm just showing you the steps that I take So within those individual steps feel free to, like you know, switch it up to whatever works. For you, okay, I'm first gon na put a little bit of moisture back in my hair using just water, so you can use water. If I have it, then I would use like either aloe vera juice and water mixed together in, like maybe a 50 50 ratio. Sometimes I would do like 80 10, so 80 aloe 10 water. Sometimes I just use straight top H2O. Firstly, we're just as you can see, I'm gon na go in and just pull out. My ends a little bit because they've coiled on themselves, um - and that is the nature of my particular hair texture. So I do this and then I'm just gon na go in with a little water. I don't want my hair to be damp. I just want to mist it lightly. As I have low porosity hair, I am going to warm my hair a little bit to help the water go in, I'm also going to squeeze my hair and by squeezing the hair it helps it to absorb the water. Much quicker and you can see right now, all the water beads are sitting on my hair and it would sit there for a while before it would be absorbed, because my hair is low porosity. So next, what I would usually use is either a leave-in like a regular leave-in or a moisturizer of your choice. You can use any I use whatever I can get my hands on, but these are some ones that I'm loving at the moment and I thought I'll do a little product recommendation. So once again the Camille Rose - and this is the whipped cream leave-in. It'S extremely moisturizing, extremely I'm just loving it wholeheartedly. I also have the original Camille Rose, moisture milk leave-in as well, which is very, very nice. I really like this one as well. I think I, like the lavender one slightly more um, but this is also again very. Very good any of my cantus, so sometimes I use the leave-in conditioner, but this version I tend to like this one slightly more for midweek, moisturizing or sometimes I'll, go straight in and use my coconut curling cream today I'll be using the leave-in conditioner by Cantu, always Starting from my ends, and then I work the rest of what I have in my hands upwards, I'm just using my smoothing motion. Okay, until my hair starts to feel like silky, which is smooth. That makes sense, so the hair will start to feel very smooth and then I know like okay, cool I've done a good job. Finally, I'm going to seal everything in using my oil, slash, whipped butter, so I usually use shea butter to seal my hair every now and then I might use an oil and today, once again I'll be using my wild seed with shea butter, the Botanical whipped shea Butter, this is the original version. Similarly to the other one, it's also very, very soft and it emulsifies really easily, which means it's nice and light, and it doesn't just sit on my hair and coat it okay. So that's the first section done and then we can just twist it out of the way foreign foreign okay guys. So we are done. We'Ve moisturized our hair in sections. You don't have to do as many like mini sections as I did. Sometimes I do four um, and that is sufficient. So this final step is the most important one, especially if you have low porosity hair, even if you don't. This is like an excellent way to really help the products you've applied to your hair. Penny treats okay mini spa day, so I usually take a plastic bag or if you've got like a shower cap or whatever you have, you can place that on your hair for about 13, 15 to 30 minutes, maybe 45. Sometimes I do it overnight. So, just before bed, I'll re-moisturize, my hair I'll, throw a plastic cap on and then I'll sleep with it today we're using plastic bag, we're actually using my bin liner because because covet and I'm just gon na pop, my head scarf over it because um I am And I just want it to heat up as much as possible in the smallest amount of time, so I can come back and show you guys what up guys. I'M back. I had some wonderful Fufu. It was so good guys like it hit the spot, but I'm back I've taken my plastic cap off and hopefully hopefully, hopefully you guys can see that my hair is looking moist urized, okay, it's moist urized right. It looks so much better okay, and I would literally just leave this because, as you know, I've got nowhere to go okay, but I'm gon na take it down, so you guys can see, even though you can already see, but that's fine, let's take it down, but This is such seek to see the hair is just in such a better State than it was when we started out. This is a really good way to lock in moisture in your hair, guys and my hair's not even completely dry, it's still damp in the middle, but that's fine um. This is for video purpose. Look at that shine, guys! Listen when you seal with that. Shea butter um something up my window, so you guys can see. We'Ve got moisture, unlocked on moisture on lockdown, okay and lock down. Look at that ciao look at my hair man and, like I said this is how I re-moisturize my hair. It hasn't dried, obviously, but whatever um it looks, buff. Okay, it looks ping. This is what it looks like. I hope you guys can see. Even though it's not dry, it looks so much better. It'S malleable, it's softer, it's shinier um and it doesn't look like how it looked at the beginning of this video. So, let's throw it out a little bit. The plant is in the way, because I had to move myself closer to the plant today. Just now um - and it's really annoying - I've tried to tuck it away, but it's not working so she's, basically saying to me you're in my spot you're in my spot, such a diva um, that's it y'all yeah. I hope you found this video helpful in your hair journey. I love you guys so much. I will catch you in my next video foreign

Martha Griggs: Made me wanna go moisturize my hair real quick!

SLR Couture: Steps 1. Water 2. Leave In conditioner 3. Seal with oil or Shea butter 4. Plastic bag for 30mins to 1 hour to lock in moisture. You can wear overnight but not recommended to do every night.

Tfran2917: My hair wasn’t always low porosity. Very recently I noticed the change in how my hair was absorbing water and how I’d been struggling with moisture retention. I’m learning quickly that the plastic cap makes a world of difference. I’ve started doing it during wash day after putting in my leave-in too. You have to FORCE that water in! Loving the boho vibe of this video. ❤️

Judi S: Thank you so much for the straightforward explanation on the proper way to re-moisturize our curly hair! I never got that I needed to smooth the hair until it felt physically smooth or putting a cap on so the products could sink into the hair. That makes so much sense! I’m going to moisturize my hair this afternoon!!! I’ve been following you for years and always learn so much from you! Please keep up the good work. Stay safe!

Mariel _6: I transitioned abt 2 years ago and I have been struggling to find a way to moisturize my hair. I tried out this method and it worked thank you so much

Kelly Littles: I’m literally in awe. I dread doing my hair because I was doing like double the twists your doing. I didn’t think my hair would come out right in bigger twists. I was completely wrong. Thank you!!!

Renita Croom: I ABSOLUTELY love it!!! My 17 year old daughter's hair is down to her waist and thick like yours and we suffer with severe dryness. We're about to try it right now, can't wait!

Marcy Wise: EXCELLENT tutorial! I really appreciate your CLEAR and DETAILED instructions. Thanks for the product recommendations! Love the before and after. You AND your hair are GORGEOUS.

MyKeyBeautiTv: Applying the bag and covering it after moisturizing is an awesome tip. Thanks so much❤ Cant believe I didnt think about this having low porosity hair was a struggle for me for years. We focus so much on hair type and all that really matters is your hair porosity. I Definitely gotta make a video about this.

islandgirl8505: Girl I’m with you on using a bin liner as a plastic cap as that was all I had when I was deep conditioning the other day

Emma Morgan: My hair is low porosity as well people don’t understand the struggle. Like we soak our hair in water and some how the middle of our head will be completely dry ‍♀️

Frugal Joss: This extra step makes lot of sense! I saw someone else did and I've been doing it.It works well on low proracity hair.Thank you

Everybody's somebody: Love the style and the ease of this. This is the level of no hassle I am on these days. Thank you Laila!

Niaimogen: THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I've been struggling for ages!! I'm 13 and I've been trying to do my own hair since I was 10 but this video is the video that really helped me the most!! Thank you so much ♥️

corazoncha89: Thank you! I needed this video and it’s right on time. Relearning my hair again after my 4th big chop. My porosity has changed. Great video!

Brooklyn Londoner Vlogs: It looks sooooo juicy! You definitely reminded me of adding the plastic bag or cap to get the moisture locked. I haven’t done that in ages.

Scopolamine E: Even though my hair is short (I get hair cuts) I enjoyed this video. As a 4b low porosity girl I’ve figured out that heat does in fact help products penetrate my hair. The shower cap at the end is really the truth and the light

Platinum Branch: This was very helpful. Thank you, Laila, for sharing this moisturizing technique with us!

Beth Sands: I have the same hair routine except I shampoo then deep condition. 1. Prepoo with diy oil/ mask 2. Shampoo with Creme of Nature sulfate free shampoo 3. (Bi-weekly) wash with bentonite clay mix 4. Deep condition with DIY/ store bought 5. ACV or Hibiscus Fenugreek tea 6. Apply aloe all over hair 7. Apply leave in to wet hair and tea tree oil and water mixture to scalp 7. Seal with diy Ayurvedic oil Wham, bam, thank you mam!

Tiyya S: I’m wearing a few twists and one random braid(still learning) that are moisturized. This video was so therapeutic to watch and now I know to wear a cap after my sessions to seal it in

Carla Sings: Absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much for helping me to finally realize I have low porosity hair and how to properly moisturize.

Dria Ann Bull: Ok, thanks for the update! I have low porosity hair also. I do the LCO method also. But I never put the plastic bag over my hair when re-moisturizing. Only on wash day with deep conditioner. Cool!

Tracy Green: Thank you so much for sharing. I’m natural as well for about 3yrs now and I love ❤️ loving my natural locks. It has been a bit of a process at times finding the right products for my hair. Definitely keeping my hair moisturized on a daily basis. Your hair looks so healthy and beautiful. I DIY my hair but I have yet to get it trimmed. I’m not sure if that’s something I would do myself. How often should I have my hair trimmed? Thank you again for sharing your techniques with the Queens. I think it’s very important that we change our mind set of having to have straight/relaxed hair in order to fit into the social norm images, but to love ourselves as God “Allah” created us. We are beautiful people, we are strong . God Bless you and your family and everyone seeking a positive purpose and helping others.

Katice Harris: I can’t get enough of this video. It reminds me I’m doing the right thing for my hair.

Annette Samuels-Davis: Great results I sometimes use my heating cap with my leave-in, works great. Thanks

Lulu C: I think your idea to warm up the hands to create heat is great for application. I also love the idea of putting a cap on after the LCO method to help retain the heat. I will be incorporating these two techniques into my routine. Thank you

D H: Just to help clarify your LCO routine for me: L = water/aloe mixture; C = Cantu leave in or other moisturizer; O = shea butter or other oil to seal?? How often is your wash day and do you cowash in-between your wash days or just do this refresh moisturizing routine instead? Thanks and stay lovely and healthy!!

SMOOTH OPERATOR: I was about to do my hair, so thank you for all your explanations of what some of us do and why. Truly love your channel.

ci2013: What a great reminder to midweek moisturize! Thanks sis

Nap Freedom215: Love love! This is exactly how I have been retaining my moisture levels❣❣

EarthTarian Kyra Simone: Thank you for this video. We appreciate all the time and effort it takes to share and make great videos

SetApart AAY: I’m late to the party but, I absolutely LOVE your channel Laila! I use the LCG (leave in, cream, grease) method and I’m going to try this baggie method afterwards. Thank you for your expertise!!

Thando Ncube: I'm starting out going natural and needed to figure out what to do and how to do it when it comes to low porosity hair Thank you soooooooo much

Janiyah Lynn: A great way to retain moisture is oil rinsing, especially for my high porosity gals/guys. Do it every wash day, when hair is soaking wet(after shampoo and conditioner:deep conditioner), put oils on it. Massage it into your hair for 15-120 seconds. Low Porosity: Grapeseed Oil & Jojoba Oil High Porosity: Olive Oil & Avocado Oil

Tracy A. Anima: I was just about to figure out on how to moisturize my natural hair and your video popped up. AMAZING

50fitnfrolushous: Great video. I love your personableness, yet professionalism. I have low po hair also, but I think I only need the H2o, Leave in and some oil midweek b/c otherwise my scalp will itch. I have a lot of fine strands, 4b/c. Does that ever happen to you with too many products? Love the product recommendations also, easy to find and affordable.

Christina Ancile: Oh Gosh ! I tried your 4 steps to retain moisture and moisturise my hair at the midweek and.. let me tell you that your 4 steps are going to be used all the times starting now !! Because I have low porosity hair so i did this : spray my fenugreek spray on my hair, squeeze it on my hair and sealled with shea butter. Thank you so much.

Khadijah Pierce: Thank you for this! My hair looks most identical to yours and I have had a hard time keeping it moisturized so Thank you!

Kelly Street: Finally, someone with my hair texture! Thank you so much. I will be following your regiments! A new subbie here!!!

Sade: Absolutely love it! will be doing this the next time my hair is out

Alexandra Marks: I’m going to try this with 2b/c(?? Idk) dry hair. So new to this hair journey. Sooo much information it’s paralyzing sometimes. This is the best video / suggestions Ives seen. Thank you so much for making great content! Be safe. <3

Katice Harris: This video is still my go to when I need to re-moisturize.

Flauntit Natural: Yes, this was definitely helpful! Thank you !

Rachel Oshaks Music: Gorgeous hair and great technique ! ❤️❤️

Coralbluenumber7lipstick: Thank you for this simple video! I get overwhelmed when of Natural hair you tubers speak about their hair because it gets so complicated! I also have low porosity hair so this video was so helpful!

Michelle Samuels: Very helpful. Love all your videos. I've been natural now for two years and your videos helped the process 100%. Keep safe.

Dr. Mo: Your hair is absolutely gorgeous!! Thank you for the tutorial. love the music too!!

In The Mix With B: Hi! This video helped me so much after all this time. How do you maintain this style overnight? What’s been my main issue over the years

Pamela Queen: Your hair is beautiful and reminds me of my daughters hair. I shared this video with her and told her to follow you! Just beautiful!

Charisse Smith: Cantu is a staple man I love that line. Also, will be purchasing my shea butter because I love and trust everything you do and promote. You definitely now natural hair girl. I want to be just like you

Colleen Reid: LCO ! Love love love this method to retaining moisture for my hair and my girls as well!

Haus of R.Lateish: Wow... Your hair looks so juicy and hydrated... What a transformation. Thanks for the tips and info mama

TJ Primes: Great job! I'm going to use those steps next weekend when I wash my hair. Thanks for making this video.

SAndrew S: Long time subbie here I also use the LCO method. I've tried the LOC method but the LCO method works better for my normal porosity hair.

Sharon Perry: NEW SUBSCRIBER!!! I LOVE your content. I am also a low porosity natural. I'm always looking for new tips. Can't wait to learn from your channel ❤

Ashley T. Bethel: Awesome tutorial, with beautiful results as usual. I was wondering if we could use a hair steamer instead of the shower cap/plastic bag?

Siba Noamesi: I recently learnt that my hair is low porosity so trying to binge on YouTube to figure out how to deal with the dryness I experience. So I came across your video and stayed when you mentioned Low porosity As i watched i just said to myself, i like her, i should watch more of her videos then you mentioned fufu and i was hooked. ❤️

Prophetic End Time Ministry: Beautifully moisturized!!!

JG: Your hair is GORGEOUS! And so is your complexion

SP L.: Love your videos. They are so enriching. Very helpful and I have learned quite a bit from your videos. Love the tutorials.

Purple Farmdog: Hi. I have been waiting for this tutorial. I have been trying so many of these techniques for my super dry breaking hair. I'm gonna try this as my last resort cause nothing else has worked. Will let you know results. Thank you .keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing

Marlinda Romelus: Great video I love how detailed you were whoop whoop, can’t wait to try this

Blessing Bakare: Glad to know that I already use this method

kizzy: Thank you. I have low porosity hair and oh my gosh your hair is amazing. I'm definitely going to try this.

Becca D: Sis your hair is giving me vibes I will continue on this natural hair health journey

Ayishaa Blake: Thank you I have struggle so hard for years! Everytime I get my hair braided by the African braiders they would make me feel horrible and I am Caribbean Black with thick coarse hair. The comments they would say "OMG YOUR HAIR IS TO THICK AND DRY". Last month I got my hair braided before having surgery and the African Braider because I am unable to use my arm and hand on my left side. When I went in and she started to braid my hair she said" your hair is to think and dry I am hurting my fingers". I could have cried and she only put two goddess braids in my hair. My goal is to really learn to tackle my hair and learn to braid it myself while I heal. Your video was very helpful.

Stacey Allen: Hi I enjoyed this video so much!! I just noticed some change with my hair and realized how dry it is. So I was trying to figure out how to moisturize my hair. Glad I saw your video!! Can you tell me what the name of the Shea butter you used in this video? What else Could you recommend if one cannot purchase the wild seed botanical whipped she’s butter? I don’t think this sold in America?? Pretty pricy too. I got to do something different with my hair and I am getting frustrated.

Beth Sands: I squeeze the water into my hair too. I also like to warm my leave in for like 10-15 seconds in the microwave and add honey and amla to it. GAME CHANGER!!

Trina McGee: LCO all day! I never thought to bag it though; how smart! Deep conditioning and will try this method next.

Hair Directory Africa: It’s an easy style and method and I love it

Lois Frempong: Is it me or her hair is growing right back up♥️

ymb6987: Mmm Empowered and inspired Laila-always love these simple steps to achieve super juicy bouncy hair!

UluvMeeks: Yes! YOUR HAIR IS THICK AND GORGEOUS!Thanks for sharing. This is how I moisturize my hair, minus the plastic bag, which I will do from now on. Lol. Thank you!.

Nicky Dancy: The plastic bag is how we locked moisture in back in the 80's when we had Care Free Curl...tfs

CAntoine 473: I have learned so much from you. I am 8 months into transitioning and find it so hard to style. Also I ordered the henna powder. Should I wait until fully transitioned to apply??

Tiffany Ott: thank you for sharing! Cantu does not penetrate my strands but I will try Camille Rose since I've seen quite a few people using it. I tried TGIN as well but that feels sticky on my hair and like it's just laying on top. Anyway, thanks for sharing! Your hair is gorgeous!!!

Obianuju Chris: I'm here for your pretty face, beautiful hair, and (most especially) your playlist, ngl. And you didn't disappoint

Tevin Royal: To be honest I've never really leant how to properly moisturize my hair, hut watching your video has helped me a lot. Thanks

Being Gabrielle: Loved this video, never tried that last step will definitely try and see if it makes a difference for my hair

My Curly Family: I have low porosity hair as well and it took me for ever to figure it out but I think I finally have mastered how to care for it.

Kim Killett: Perfect moisture locked! Thank You! One Love

J Summers: Thanks for sharing! you usually don’t use oil to seal in the moisture when you re moisturize? Would adding oil be too much buildup on the hair?

CMKE: GREAT video.... Straight to the point

Love Wins: I just realized my daughter has low porosity hair...thank you! You hair is beautiful!

Deedee☺: This has come just at the right time, so thank you

Kim Killett: Wow! Looks absolutely beautiful and transformed! One Love Thanks for the video

Alyssa Williams: Ooh girl I needed this today! Lol. Going to try some of your products.

Tee Ada: Your videos are so helpful! Thank you.

Faith Obinna: The best on moisturize I have watched so far. Girl, I love your spray bottle.

Dare Jones: I have lo-porosity hair too. I moisturize daily because it's short. I'll try your tips though

JJ: I have heard some really good tips from you more then ive heard in 9 years from others. These are great ideas thank you! New subbie here!

Lakeisha Morris: Absolutely Beautiful Thank you for the information

Amaka Amadi: Hi. May I ask where you bought the sheen/mist spray bottle from? Just want to make sure the one I get works in the exact same way :)

Adaora Onyema: Great moisturizing routine.

SMOKES WITNIYA: I’m low porosity as well, I’m using (not so mini) braids. Can you do a video on how to moisturize the braids?

Britteney Forney: How often do you do this to your hair? Is it as needed basis or weekly or between washes? Sorry so many questions Newly natural here ‍♀️‍♀️

allisonemma1: Not once did she use a comb or brush I’m happy about that because I feel it pulls unnecessarily from my daughters hair. I get the usage of a pick. But thank you. She has the same hair texture and I’m learning how to take care of it better. I tried the lco method recently on her hair and noticed a difference will be following you for tips. Thank you.

Tammera Calisha: THE best video I’ve seen on re-moisturizing the hair

Paz Audrey: Your hair is looking soo juicy. Such inspiration. Thank you

Free 2 Be Kinky: Very helpful! Thanks for sharing

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