Current Hair Care, Styling Routine & Fringe Tips | Fayesfix

  • Posted on 17 May, 2015
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous

I've been asked a lot recently about my hair care and styling routine so I thought I would film it for you. I also chat a little about my fringe tips.

Previous Fringe Tips & Hairstyles video:

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Hi guys welcome back now. I really wanted to do a hair video, because a lot of you have been requesting this recently and especially in my last video, where I had my hair similar to this love. You said it really nice, so thank you so yeah. I thought I'd bring you my recent Oaks of current haircare styling kind of routine and at the end I'll show you how I get it like this very simple, and I'm also going to talk through a few of my fringe tips, because a lot of you always Like oh and love your fringe - and I don't know how to get mine like yours and how to maintain it so stay at the end, if you want some hair and so fringe tips, so I'm literally just going to talk you through how I do my hair Everyday basis and kind of products that I like to use and how I do it so I start off by washing my hair and recently I have been using at the L'Oreal al vivre, fiber, ology, thickening, shampoo and conditioner. Now I tend to kind of put the shampoo all over my head, but I don't always put a conditioner all over. I tend to close around the ends of my hair and I do my conditioner just because otherwise my hair gets very heavy and very thick and kind of bordering on greasy. If I put conditioner everywhere so it's not a good idea, I tend to kind of switch up my shampoo in a week, so I won't always use that one. I will kind of use a head and shoulders it she's got one because recently I had quite a HD scalp, and that is really really good and I also use the Herbal Essences clarifying shampoo. I think if I was to use the other ones, as I said it would kind of make my hair quite sticky. If I used it all the time, so it's good to switch up your shampoos, quite wrinkly, and also I are you wash my hair every other day, so that is kind of that's now, my routine, I used to do it every single day, but I kind of Can'T keep that maintained and also it kind of it doesn't do your head good to do it every day, so I do it every other day. Now the first thing I do run across a shower. I put a towel around my head and I tend to leave this towel on. While I do my makeup, so this will kind of be on for like 5-10 minutes or, however long my makeups taking me. But then I literally just kind of rub my hair and make it towel dry. I quite like my hair to get quite dry, naturally, first, just because my hair takes a long time to do with a hair dryer, so it would take me forever if I did that, I then start to put a few products in I a couple at the Moment and I am using the Tresemme keratin smooth, hair protectant spray. This is really really good. Whilst the idea is to protect your hair, it also makes your hair is shiny and soft, which is why maybe some of you mentioned - I, my hair, look quite shiny because of this little thing so yeah. I love that a lot and it smells really nice as well. I also like to use this product at the moment, which is the urban fudge, or is it fudge Evan? I can never remember. I think it's a bunch of urban fudge, ice tropical cocktail miracle and smooth condition and seal. This smells incredible. I have talked about this a lot, but it really is pretty amazing, and I literally just rub this between my hands - get kind of a good sized dollop on my hand, and then I rub it on the ends. I only put it in the ends because, again, like I don't like to put too much in my hair and also you don't eat you much this, it's quite a nice thick kind of consistency, but it makes your hair smell, really nice and putting it in and Make it a lot smoother because I kind of said before I don't use too much conditioner. I then get on to kind of parting. My hair and I use a tangle teezer for this tangle. Teasers are my favourite now and I always use the tangle teezer and luckily my parting, that comes in quite naturally, so it's kind of super easy to get that in. I then use my hair dryer at the moment, I'm actually using at this fabulous Pro Italia, Brava fancy pantsy hair dryer, which I'm actually got sent. So it's a really decent hair dryer and it kind of dried, your hair very quickly. So that is really good, but I literally just really roughly dry my hair. I don't split it into sections. I don't kind of spend ages doing it. I literally just kind of my fingers. I don't use a brush or anything because I tend to let it get quite dry with the towel, so I don't really need to use a hair dryer too much or the see it's quite important, not to use heat tools too much. So that's why I tend to let my hair dry quite naturally. First I don't let my hair dry, naturally completely, because otherwise it goes a horrible kind of consistency. It'S a bit kind of greasy and gross. So I don't like it after I have dried my hair. I then move on to straightening it. I actually now do this in sections, because my hair is quite thick, so otherwise I just get kind of kinky, and it annoys me, as you can see, my hair is quite naturally straight, so I am quite lucky in that respect. I am actually using the cloud9 straighteners at the moment. I really really like these. I used to use ghd's, I'm still not sure which ones are the best, but I don't know you. Let me know what you think. The first thing I do is curl under my fringe because, as you can see, my fringe is quite long at the moment, but I'm not going to trim it right now, because I've got a head cut coming up. So I don't want to ruin it before the hairdresser gets to it so yeah, I literally just kind of take my ends. Don'T do this too much because, as I said not great to use heat tools, two minutes too much. Our hair is quite actually straight, but I do like to kind of kink up the top from the roots area. Otherwise my hair can kind of be a bit sagging there. So that's why I like to do now. That is what my hair looks like straight, and I tend to kind of do my hair straight most of the time, just because this is the quick and easiest way, but at the moment I have actually been doing my hair like this. As you can see - and this is what I did in my last video - so just quickly show you how to do that. Super super easy and I'm not even a pro like I'm haven't even done this very well, but this is how I do it. I use all these little plastic ties and I finally is it easier than using Clips, because my hair just does not stay in with grips, and so I've used that instead and because it's quite small, it's not that noticeable and it doesn't ruin your hair. Having that. In there and then let's use grab all the hair that I want to go in the top of it pick as much or as little as you want, and then I just kind of tie it in that, and then I just pull it through. As you can see, and it's kind of messy kind of yeah whatever you can kind of - have a few attempts at doing this and yeah super easy like that. So that is just what I like to kind of how it style and the bits that I use to care for my hair, and now I just thought I wouldn't run through it. A few clips for people with fringes, because I get asked is quite a lot. As I say, I tend to wash my hair every other day. So, on the day that I haven't washed it, it can be quite difficult to kind of play with and don't forget that when you're watching my video, that is about 10 minutes of my life, so the fact that it stayed out. Okay is pretty good and it's going to because it's 10 minutes on a everyday basis. If I need to kind of tame my hair dry. Shampoo is your best friend okay, this is the best one I think batiste. I tend to grab the top layer of my fringe, leaving most of it behind then spray. It then put the next bit down spray that, and then I just rub it all in. That is what I like to do when my hair isn't in a good condition. I then brush through it. I might have to put some more dry shampoo on it and might not, but always carry around a little dry shampoo with you, because it's a life Savior, you can kind of straighten it. Sometimes I do sometimes I don't depending on like what it is doing that day. As I say, Carrie rounding up comb carry around dry shampoo, and that is all really that I can kind of suggest. I would say: I'd read, trim line it, but I don't want to right now. But if you want to see me trim my friends, then let me know - and I will do a video on it, because I do it quite simply and yeah. Let me know I have actually done some other hairstyles with a fringe, actually quite an old video now, but I didn't kind of want to just do exactly the same hairstyles again, because there's not that many in the world, but I do so. I will link them in the box below for you to go and have a look at. I really hope you enjoyed this video and don't forget to Like and subscribe if you did so. I hope this was helpful. Let me know if you did find it helpful and ask me some questions if you want to know something else or if I didn't cover something off for you and I'll see you again soon.

oOCreamSodaOo: Thank you so much for your tips! I have your same hair type super straight and super thick and it's a nightmare to get it to do anything and getting my fringe to cooperate is nothing short of a miracle. My fringe is more of a side sweep but i'd love to see you trim yours! I'm always too afraid to trim mine by myself. I'm going to try switching up my shampoos and see if that helps. My hair is so long though I can't bare to skip a day of washing maybe dry shampoo will make it better though.

BellaGini: Please do a video about trimming your fringe! Your hair looks lovely!

Olive Kate: How does your fringe just go into the correct place and stay there? I'm so jealous, my fringe is my best friend as well as my worst enemy aha.. x

Ashleigh Elizabeth Murray: Love this so much! Your hair is stunning❤️

Lily Wright: If you like the Urban Fudge Iced Cocktail miracle ends you will love the hair spray in the same scent! I raved about it in one of my videos, I think it was end of April Favourites, and I love it! It has the best hold! I don't know if you use hair spray but yes, I agree with this range they are super amazing!

Lynsey W: I used the Elvive honey one and my head was soooo itchy, I went back to head and shoulders :)

jade x: loved this, really helpful too :) this reminds me of one of the first videos I watched of yours when I was looking for fringe hair care videos.. haha

Lia Metcalfe.: I have a fringe and its so hard to keep! The weather is my enemy, i live in quite a windy place as it it, so any advice for when the wind gets to your fringe and ruins it lol x

Jade Billington: You have the BEST hair & you are so pretty! Lovely video x

Tay Canuel: great tips :) i think this video has convinced me to get a fringe again. How did you do your makeup in this video?? Do you have any links to makeup videos that you have done?

nanda: this video is so good you really saved my life !!

Marleen G.: I do wonder why (honest question) you straighten your hair after because it seems *perfectly* straight using the blow dryer alone.

Megan Harnett: Always been one of my favourite you tubers x

Kathy Sue: Can you do a how to re ombre your hair video Faye? xx

Joanna Rich: You're so amazing

Rinkitori Quang Minh Tanaka: Love this video! You make a well make up! ♥

bella: How do you deal with the rain?

Julia Netherway: You have nice hair

EleanorJoys: I couldn't see the link to your hair styling video? I'd love to get some new ideas?

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