Day(S) In My Life | Tiktok Account Banned, Hair Care, Drive Thru Zoo **Hilarious**

  • Posted on 16 July, 2022
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous

DAY(S) IN MY LIFE | tiktok account banned, hair care, drive thru zoo **HILARIOUS**

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What'S your name number 1466: this is your interview. What is up you guys? It is currently tuesday and we're going to be filming a week in my life. No it's wednesday. It'S wednesday might not be a full week, but it's going to be enough days. Okay, which is upset because he thinks he wants to go, see the kangaroos which we are gon na, go see the kangaroos, but we're gon na go see the kangaroos on friday and you know kids, they don't. He doesn't understand like days of the week right now. So he's just like wait, you told me we're going to go to kangaroos and now we're at moe's what's going on, but anyways. If you guys are new to this channel, make sure you guys click that subscribe button and turn on your pulse notifications, girl, but other than that we're just gon na get right into this video i'm gon na go into most because i'm freaking hungry. I have some amazon packages i need to drop off. I also need to go grocery shopping. Tomorrow'S p.o box, thursday. I need to go drive to go pick up this dresser from this girl that i bought. I bought one of her dressers and friday. We'Re going to the petting zoo, so yeah princess is not a happy camper. He said mom, i'm not hungry. I said okay! Well, i am but yeah. Today'S look is giving very much high pony so freaking cute, i'm in love. I got these earrings at target. Not me wearing silver and gold earrings who cares but yeah, let's just go ahead and go get something cause, i'm starving girl. So oh, this boy prince was doing the most mo's y'all. He did not want to eat his food, but he wanted to eat the chips in queso. I'M like, oh, my goodness. That was super good. I'M full we're supposed to go on a walk, but i think it's about to rain or something i don't freaking know. Let me check the weather and then we'll see if we go for a walk or not okay guys, so we found a walking park ew i needed a cough. We found a walking park, so we are currently walking this water bottle is really killing me like. It is heavy, it was gracious, but it's so freaking pretty out here and i need to start finding more trails so that we can walk because y'all i do not be walking anywhere. I'M gon na be getting no exercise, it's not in daycare or anything. So it's not like, i can go to the gym. I don't know, and i'm so scared to put him in daycare because of everything going on like that [ __ ] is so scary. Look how pretty the grass is. I can't hey. You got a walking stick. I'M not filming on my camera because i forgot to bring it, but also i needed to get a smaller, like handheld tripod for my camera. How am i being out of breath girl um, because the one that i have is like it's too big like it's for, like, i, don't know pictures or something or videos, but i need a handheld one, so i can just like hold it whenever i'm walking, how Beautiful y'all so freaking pretty. I can't because it's so beautiful, i see be very careful. You guys want to see something so crazy. Look at the clouds right now like what the [ __ ] look they're normal. It is so pretty over here and then it's like all mushed together or something that's so cool, be careful over there baby, okay, y'all, don't mind me um. I literally just got done with this p.o box haul and i'm chewing ice, but you guys i got my tic tac account back because i spammed them. I literally was gon na cry if i had to go any longer without it, but i'm going to show you guys all the stuff that i got sent from my p.o box, like just overview of what it looks like and then we're going to do. A time lapse of me cleaning it up because it takes a long freaking time. Okay, i got a juicy bag. I got all this stuff, you guys playboy decor, a juicy bag, cute cups, clothes like what the heck is going on right now, a louie bag like what i literally cannot, but tomorrow we're gon na go to the petting zoo. So i'm super excited it's one of the drive-through petting zoos so laura. If i can help nope okay, it is literally thursday night and it is currently almost two o'clock in the morning today was so freaking busy. For me. I went and picked up this really cute. Pink dresser, which i'll show you guys tomorrow and i had to do my p.o box haul, which took so long because there was so much stuff, and i also had to do some videos. Some content so today was super freaking busy. I am about to take off my makeup and tomorrow me and my sister and prince are gon na, go to a drive-through like zoo thing, and i am so freaking nervous y'all, like literally so scared. I feel like i'm gon na freak out. Also, i got these bracelets sent to my p.o box. Oh look! This one has like a cross which is so cute. Someone has a butterfly this one has like a little eagle eye elephant, so freaking cute. Now i'm about to take off my freaking makeup is so late. It is 1 44 right now, okay, i just got done taking my makeup off and washing my face, and now i'm about to wash my hair because it's been about a week since i got my hair done. Um, i'm gon na be using all flex number four shampoo and um olive flex, number five um bond maintenance, conditioner, so yeah and then after i wash my hair and i get out of the shower. I'M gon na go to bed because i have to get up super early in the morning: okay y'all, so i just washed my hair and she's back way. Every time i leave my hair straight for a long time. I'Ve been missing my wavy hair. So, first i'm going to pull these like pieces down on the front of my hair and i already brushed my hair before i got in the shower, so i'm not gon na brush it again. This is the milkshake whipped cream moving foam. It literally smells like a freaking cupcake. Also. I got my shirt at target for 20 20 freaking dollars. This is not a mousse or anything. I just scrunch my hair, while i put it in my hair and now i'm going to put cheese silk infusion with my hair do y'all putting vaseline under my eyes a lot of people will be hating on vaseline, but not me, okay, all. So this is what my hair looks like yeah. So i'll show you guys what my hair looks like in the morning, but i'm gon na go to sleep so i'll see you guys in the morning, okay guys, so it is currently the next day um. This is what my hair looks like. I haven't done anything to it. I just left the products in that i had um put in my hair last night but um. I am so freaking scared to go through to this um drive-through zoo, because literally i think prince is gon na freak the heck out, but i'm just gon na, let prince out of his car seat and i'm gon na um. Let him sit with amelia or my sister or um, just let him like be free back there and i'll have his windows down, because i don't want him to like be like in his car seat and not be able to move because y'all know them animals with Them big freaking heads be trying to come through the freaking, um windows and stuff, but prince does not even know like what is about to happen. I'M so scared. Are you ready to go to the zoo you so excited? He looks sad because we're taking a pee break um, you got ta, go potty. No, you ready to go see animals um, but i think he thinks it's like a walking zoo. It'S not a walking through it's a drive-through. I think they also have like some stuff. Where we can get out of the car, but i am so freaking nervous y'all, i'm so scared. I feel like these animals about to tear my car the freak up. I had a dream last night that somebody freaking broke into my car. That was so scary, but yeah. I just want to do a little update, she's going to pee in waffle house right now, i'm about to go after her, but yeah. Okay, you guys, so we just got to lazy five ranch. I think that's what it's called and i already see a camel. I'M so effing scared right now, but i'm so excited there's like a line for some cars um. So i need to hurry up and go, but we're gon na put the camera right here for right. Now so miley's gon na be in charge of making sure the camera doesn't fall, hey guys, nice y'all. We are so scared. It'S literally like i don't know, i'm not scared of animals, but then it's like when you see it in person, you're like what the [ __ ] is going on. That mess is big like they're, huge in person. I know france, are you excited friends, don't even know what is about to go down y'all, you don't even know, there's a whole bunch of kids over here, like a whole bunch of freaking kids. I don't even know how much it is. Let me look it up. I think it's like 11. prince. Are you excited yeah this kid though, and then they came from. I know hey okay, so there is like you can walk around the petting zoo too. So after we dropped, okay, okay, adult is 15 and children is 11.. So he's working look at the bus, let me see it how cool? Let'S just let's just get another 20 out y'all i am so scared. Prince, does not even know what is about to happen and he's gon na be so scared. I feel so bad duty they're going to be eating out of the car yeah, i'm going to let prince out of his seat whenever we get um after we pay. You want to stay with me, yeah. 41.. Wait. Let me look up to see how much the food is, because i want two things of the food. The feed buckets are three dollars, so i need six dollars, so i don't know how i feel about this. I'M so scared, y'all and the reviews. Somebody'S car was torn the heck of y'all, like literally they had scratches everywhere. I mean [ __ ]. As long as i could buff the scratches out, we'll be fine. All right, y'all we'll be right back whenever um we after we pay and we get up to where we can go through the drive-through zoo. I think you should pull up the back windows. Oh, if you want look, did you see y'all, we're literally about to drive through right now and we're so scared? Already i'm rolling up. Please do not feed animals through the fence. It was at their [ __, ] windows - oh my god, y'all duty get in the back, get in the back baby get in the back here. Can you hang all the feet? Let him get it back get in the back baby. You want to sit right. There. Yeah all right just hold on okay just sit right there: okay, [ __ ]. That was scaring the [ __ ] at me. No, that was so freaking scary. Oh my freaking gosh that was literally terrifying, bro the animals. It literally was just sitting there that even more so stevie baby there's a thing that was pecking at us: there's a whole bunch of those things. So what oh there's so much feed in here? No, what in the car? I know that [ __ ] was scary. Girl, i was trying not to yeah. That thing was like your mom knew her first. That thing was like this look. It was like i know, like just pegging his freaking head in here. Look at it. What is that a deer you see without yours, awake? It says animal's cake, prince was about to have a heart attack. I know y'all. He was so scared what the [ __ ] is going on. They'Re all just walking around dude. Looking out, you see him. Oh [, __ ]. Let me not do that. Look at the deer - oh my god, you see deer yeah, he's about to poo ew he's pooping, he's pooping! You see the deer yeah! You see the deer yeah hold on. Let me show y'all look at the deer. I don't know if you can see it. It'S right here, he's walking that is so crazy. Yeah, you see yeah! Oh my gosh look at the little ping ew! Oh my god. What is that they didn't even roll their window down yeah, because i think it's scary. I can't do it just roll your window down just do it amelia you have to. Oh, oh my god. Oh look at the little pieces. Oh my god, look at the little pig. Can you take a video of him yo. This thing is just standing in the way like excuse me ostrich. That thing is scary. I poured like food in his mouth. Oh this thing: don't they scary? Oh my god. Oh my god, those pigs are so cute. That thing is so scary. That'S so scary. Are you hungry, looking scary, do it jade it's okay, baby he's eating he's hungry, he's freaking me the [ __ ] out bye, bye, oh my god, that is scary. That just made me look at that one he's [ __ ] you! I can't so with the the what what is that [ __ ] ostrich they are they're. They can't [ __ ]. Do that [ __ ]! No, that one! I cannot do, oh, that one is big as [ __ ]! Please, please! No! Don'T do that! [! __ ], those ostriches are nothing to play with. I know that [ __ ] was knocking on our door like we owed it some money or something like dang. I see objects. I see you saw me bro them. Ostriches are scary, as [ __ ], like no do you love yeah? Oh look, mommy's gon na feed it okay are y'all hungry. You look hungry the white thing i forgot. This is just the beginning. No literally this kale and my animals cave. It is this. He did that on purpose to knock the food on the ground. All right, your turn, oh, want some food. This is egg. Want some food yeah welcome to youtube. They said [, __ ]. We don't want your cruise yeah. They they don't want. My food friendship was pecking like that one was way too scary, and no are you hungry you, big eyed thing, um he's so cute here. Do you see? Is this anymore? It doesn't trust me. You hear that those things are screaming what you don't hear those animals. It'S like bro that ostrich was not like. No, you didn't have to deal with it on your side, not necessarily the [ __ ] cute. What are these things? I don't know they remind me of the little things from open season. Yeah yeah, you know what i'm talking about. Oh there's, not an elephant. That'S a cow! That'S a bull! Oh he's! Wearing red [, __! ]! Stop yo! This thing made a mess. Imagine more we're about to see! Oh, my god! There'S one! That'S running it's running! It'S running don't do that. It'S a gold with big ass horns: [ __, ], big horns, which side yo the scariest animals right now are the freaking ostriches that one's skin don't be scared? Oh, oh, okay! This little thing. What is that mom? That'S an ostrich! Oh! That'S a um, a white deer baby. Isn'T it so pretty yep? Oh, look at all the ones that behind it they can pint it. This thing is on my side: it's coming. It'S coming! It'S coming to me. The horns is: what's scaring me. I know like he looks nice, but look dude, it's a donkey or a what the [ __ ]. Is that a ram? I don't know friends watch out. Oh my god. I don't think the camera can see it. Okay, oh there's one on this side. Yes! Finally, oh my god, i'm so scared prince how you feeling about this. That'S a girl! Oh that's a boy they're rough! I literally want i'm just like you know, really yeah like his. They look nice, i'm gon na have to hold them with both hands yeah. I have to on your gentle i eat day two well, the other one is the [ __ ] look at the little pigs. I'M scared watch out piggies. You might have to beat out please this big one's beside me again. Did you see you james? Am i good on your side? Yeah? Oh my god, you don't turn. No! You got a pig yay he's trying to take the goddamn ball. Oh my god! These things are ruthless. Oh look at the baby, [ __, ], pigs, bro! No right there come here feel bad. Look. It'S a baby pig! You see him yep. What is i don't have time for this? Yes, you do it's big, oh! Oh, my yo. Why do i always get these god? Damn? Oh both! Oh, oh, look at them! Big! Ass animals coming down - oh my god, i know y'all emily's about to have to eat [ __ ] god hold on. I got you. I just go yeah. It'S on. Yours are he's funny. Yeah eat the food eat the food eat them. Oh he's cute! Oh he's! Patient, oh, look. I see a pig that is a piggy. I think that's a little hole. Oh, it's got all the leftovers. They smart! Oh you got another one. You got a brown one y'all look at the little piggy hi, mr pigs. What are you doing? Oh? Let'S see y'all look, there's a freaking alpaca coming up. I think that's an alpaca or a long one. Oh my god. Oh my god. What y'all just hiding they're soft when they eat they're, not like crazy. Are you crazy? Okay, okay, bye, mr lama? Llama? Oh, my god, what the f watch out gene? What is he doing, sir? Back up um? Why are you doing what what are you doing? No, maybe no! He won't leave us alone. We won't it won't that one was confrontational that one, the other one was nicer than that one that one. Why are they all on my side? Am i about to hit him? I don't. I can't see. Oh no he's on my side. Bro there's people out like of the top of the [ __ ] truck that would be jane, hello, hello, say hi hi, how you doing yeah not stressed out y'all. Look at this look at my car. It is disgusting, i'm cleaning after this for real, like i can't hi. Oh, oh, what the [ __ ] is he waiting for. He has an attitude. He has an attitude. Okay, i don't want to feed you anyways ginger, that one had attitude that one said: [ __, ], yeah attitude, scary to drive around them, huh what you mean like the pigs that you can't see. I like, i literally don't know where they're at and i'm like. Oh, my god, because if you hear it, no for real. Oh my gosh! Oh look at these freaking things. What is that like? What the heck they have huge ass horns? Bro? Oh my gosh, that is so crazy. What is that jade give them? Y'All? Look! There'S giraffes over there and there's like alpacas and [ __ ] ostriches, oh my god, yeah we barely have any feed left. We have. I have this much in my bowl and she has that much and we're still waiting to feed the other animals. What the heck! Thank you they're all coming up. I don't think they're gon na come into the car ew. This one looks like a mom or something. Oh, my gosh y'all. Look at that thing. All his hair is so matted together. Oh my god. Look! Oh these dress. Oh, my gosh, it's coming yeah. We don't have enough food to give them any. I'M! So sorry, out back it's looking on the side jade, i thought you were about to fall off the it's looking on the side. Wow look y'all, it's a freaking zebra! Oh, my gosh you're not supposed to feed the zebra they're feeding it. Yes, y'all, look at the dress, yo look at the freaking zebra we're not supposed to feed it. So what do i do? Can i paint you? Are you gon na bite me? Can i pet you, oh hi, hi zebra, oh he's scratching his face you're, so cute. Can i pet you um come here here? Get him get him? Oh, he went away here. Maybe we can do this. Excuse me: excuse me, dear god, damn that big, this fat pig, that's a hug. Excuse me baby girl, mr piggy. How are you his today? What eggs the ostrich yo look at the freaking ostrich. I don't know if you guys can see with their big yellow yum prince wanted a pet zebra, but i don't know if he'll be able to here try to shake the food. What you see, oh yeah, all right pet. It did you pet, it say hi! No, oh, no um hello! How are you today here my fingers? Oh one, more holy [, __ ]! This thing is big as [ __, ] y'all. What dog? Oh my! Did you pet it i don't know jade, i wouldn't try. I wouldn't drive ew. Oh, my god, it should almost it's a small bowl. Oh my gosh, what the freak! What is that, though? That'S the question it was awards like? Oh god, hey give me my ball. Give me mom yo this [ __ ] just took the ball. He take. Oh, oh, my god, these little pigs huh y'all. What is going on? Oh, he literally snatched that [ __ ] there's a little piggy right here. Uh. What did the lady say? She started laughing amelia. What'S good? Oh it's! A little cow cow! Oh oh! These ones are mean like greedy, literally try to take it again. I'M sorry miss ma'am y'all, just [ __ ] up my oh, my god, my car, it's bad! Yes! Is there a pig? I don't know if it crossed the road check on that side hi! Mr mr pig prince, are you scared? Was this fun? I got it where their tongues were like in the car. Looking all in the car, i think that's it. Yo yeah open the door right now, yo jay to be scaring the [ __ ]. Out of me. She'Ll be pulling down the window. Take a treat all right, yo prince gets so mad when he thinks i'm getting scared because he doesn't want the animals to hurt me, especially don't damn ostriches, no, no monsters, ain't, nothing. He was like gentle, though, that one i'll was all i can get girl, uh bro. These animals are nothing to play with, at all friends, be having me so faint when you start screaming they'd be like no mommy, so many big animals, i don't even know you're gon na feed the rest of it. Oh, my freaking, goodness gracious! Please don't! Oh, my okay, all right all right have a good day. Bye, see you later that one was nice. It was nice but like there's a little piggy, there's a tiny one right underneath it airy. Oh my god! How let me get this, wait, there's no more food! There'S none, no sorry, they have a hair all in the eyes girl, you're girl, hi bambi. This is a baby baby, yeah hi. What'S your name number one? Four, six six! This is your interview. You don't have nothing to say all right have a good one. How are you doing, oh, how are you doing? Oh his feet are so ugly

allie: Girl I literally just sat down to eat my dinner, trying to find something to watch & your notification popped up!!!! ❤️ Hope you & prince are having a good weekend ❤️

It's Kate: Prince really thinks his moms the coolest person on the planet and it’s adorable. You can see that he just admires her so much, it’s so cute!

martha: i heart jade n princy man so much, y’all deserve the world i know y’all will get far in life and accomplish all y’all’s dreams cus price has such a strong and beautiful momma who WILL accomplish it all <3

Alissa Carnes: omggggggg prince is so freaking adorable! Hands down one of your best uploads watching prince sit so patiently and so well behaved through the drive thru zoo was so nice to watch you are truly blessed with a beautiful baby boy

Angie Lavey: Lmao I’ve always wanted to go to one of those drive through zoos. Y’all are so funny I’m cracking up to myself especially with the ostrich

Danielle Marie: Girl oh no he was so scared bcs he heard it being said 100x, I used to tell my boy, your not scared your big strong and tough and it would work and he wouldn't be scared my little boy listened to my words more than I thought lol and reacted to them so if I said I was scared over and over then he would be scared lol loved this vlog it was so cute!!!!

Asmaa vlog 아스마 브이로그: your videos make people feel relaxed and entertained keep going your videos are beautiful ♥️♥️♥️

Alexia Marie: I have been watching you forever!!! I love you so much. I’m so proud of everything you have accomplished. Keep going boo. You motive me more and more every time I watch your videos.

Danielle Najunas: always find motivation in your content

Caitlyn Goodwin-Oster: Prince is literally your twin your vlog made me laugh and smile after such a horrible day. adore y’all

Chantelle Brooke: When you said you're afraid to put him in daycare/school, I felt that so much!

Dianna Marie: OMG, I was cracking up while you were driving through the park. That first Ostrich had Prince screaming to beat the band.

Nessa: Yesss girl we love long vlogs, love seeing you and princy man happy!! Love you☺️

Stephon Dodd: Prince was like (Get away from here!) and I felt bad for him cause that's how I would've acted when I was a kid Also Jade you look beautiful as always and keep being you and don't change!

Sidney Rae Paes: I love your YouTube videos!!! And I loved the week in your life and your sister is such a great addition!!❤️


Shanice Michelle: You should do a video about your hair ! :) how you grew it long, how you maintain the length and keep it healthy etc it’s sooo freakin pretty

Lauryn Jones: 23:03 is my favorite part , Prince is so adorable ❤ & Jade I'm so haapy for you that you got your tiktok account back. ❤❤

Baddie Laryssa: I love you so much jade you literally make my anxiety so much better when I watch your videos ❤️

ElaineMarie: Just what I needed ! Your such a good mom to prince !

Jaime Fitch: jade, you are such a smart girl and an amazing momma to prince, i wish you the absolute best :) <3

Sophia Anyia: i always love your editing girl !!!! you can see the hard work u put in ! you are appreciated

lii leutogi: It’s always a vibe with you girl u make my day brighter I relax n chill wit my wine and watch your videos

Bianca Ramirez: I was crying laughing watching the drive through zoo experience

Aleigha Dagenais: Girll so happy I found your YouTube. I watch you on both your tik toks didn't even know you had youtube. Keep doing what your doing tho sis you'll be big one day. Much love xoxo

its kaylee: your vids give me so much comfort prince is literally the cutest , hope y’all have a wonderful rest of your weekend

Courtney Strausser: Girl that looked like so much fun! I enjoy watching u n prince everyday much love ❤❤❤

Rakell Palmer: This vlog had me weakkkk especially when Prince started screamingi am down to go on one these one day ps i love you guys❤️

Melissa Marie: You could always try to find a gym with a daycare, that way you aren't really leaving him and he might get to play with another kid while you get a quick break

Destiny Hurtado: Ok jade girl, I feel so bad laughing at Prince but this something I would take my son to do & he would have this exact reaction & I would probably laugh still cus I was really tryna do something fun.

It's Autumn: Prince is so cute ! This was so funny he’s NOT fw them animals, and Jade girl you are a bomb ass mama ❤️ love you

VLOG GUY: Jade I am loving this vlog U are amazing mom to Prince he seems like a smart kid I love your hair style in this picture my new favorite color is Pink I am proud to be one of your subscribers god bless you and Prince

TJ: Girrrrrl! I can’t stop laughing at them damn animals and y’all screaming so much hahaha this was the most hilarious video yet you posted! Haha I love prince. He’s so cute. He wanted to like them so badly but was so terrified Lmfaoo y’all didn’t help by screaming too haha too much. I love it! You are such an amazing mama. Hope to meet you one day love❤️‍

Mansoor Gaming: Hey!! Jade you are such a inspiration for me and I really love your vlogs so so much you inspired me so so much and I wish you reach 80K Subscribers very very soon!✨

Emely Lizett: Omg prince’s reactions are so adorable but when he got scared I was dying lmaoooooo

Meriah Harris: Omg I literally was crying laughing watching this !! Princes reaction was so funny!! I have to go to one !!

Dani Young: love to see your growth !

Chelsie Taylor: Loved this so much!! Needed the laughs you guys gave me and the smiles ❤️❤️

Elianna Menchaca: Poor Princey man when she said “he’s wearing red!” about the bull love this video!!

Tiffani Bickerstaff: Jade is such a good Mom Prince is so smart and so sweet especially with his cute little smile an facial expressions lol priceless forsure. Jade is like super woman always taking Prince to do something he's gonna have so many memories to look back on most definitely. But anyways much love and support this way I always watch your and prince's videos Consistency is key and you never lack that ‍♀️

Chelsey Cree: Prince’s reaction had me in TEARS same dude

Deja Estrada: I’m screaming at prince w the ostrich baby is gonna be traumatized I’m so weak

Tiff Lovz: This video has me cracking up!! I would be scared also!! Love your channel!!

K C: Jade I love watching your vlogs with Prince

Ellie Smith: I love you jade love your videos your just an amazing person and beautiful stay safe and be positive

Kayla Bryant: Yooo Prince had me weak during the whole zoo drive thru

Onlyk__: lmaooo prince reaction was too funny! & when the animal snatched your bowl can tell they was hungry hungry

Jessica Beck: Loooove these episodes y’all have me cacklin now I gotta take my kids!!! Soooo funny

Diana Loves makeup: You guys are brave . There’s no way I would feed them lol

Hailey Bea: The ostrich looking in the window as you were pulling off had me CRYING

Kathleen Orellana: OMG girl love your videos !!! I’m a single momma too and you motivate me sm. Btww you and your sister literally talk the same lol

jazmyn jolie: the way prince just looks stress 24/7! LOL i love yall!!!

Simply Hauled: Girl you had me laughing so hard that I was crying! Those ostriches freaked me out!!!

Gina Aguilar: Bahahahahaha I’m dead at this drive in zoo! we need more videos of y’all!

Kimberly: i literally love u jade ur my comfort person

Madison Aldridge: I laughed so much watching this, love all ur vidsss

Halie Parker: That one ostrich came to the car smiling like it knew y’all

Victoria Sam: Your hair right out of the shower, is beautiful. ❤️ you should def look into wearing it that way more, you’re beautiful either way.

slay: Prince is so sweet w the animals love his name btw. Good video

ken bell: Lmfao the part where ya friend said “ eat the food “ reminded me of that scene where this guy was feeding his alpaca leftovers

Amy White: Jade the first 2 gaint birds were Emu's from Australia and they are terrifying. Keep up the amazing work and Hello from Australia 2

Miranda Kaay: if you have dreams & you can remember them clearly sometimes it’s a sign! be careful pretty

Dani Lynn: “ What’s your name 1466 this is your interview” the way the deer backed up

Lex Torres: I literally LOL’d when that animal took ur bucket haha I wish I had these drive through zoos where I live. My kid Would love it.

Chyna: i love watching your videos so much. please never stop posting!!!

Emely Lizett: Your videos always make my dayyou the have the best vibeeee

Ashley Renee: This was HILARIOUS

Savv ___: I have the same earrings!! I also got them from target. Love your videos girllll much love to you and princey man ❣️

Alexis Hopkins: this video took up my whole night time routine

Crystal Shaffer: damn their so brave. i could never and if i did i wouldn't feed them from in my car. my car could get scratched.

Brentnie Serna: Love love your videos girl

Tiffany Baird: It’s the walking stick for me he’s so cute !!!

Mercedez Lasiter: The drive thru zoo made me laugh & what I have been dealing with losing my brother. I could not stop laughing. low key I would be scared too

Brianna Kinderknecht: This is my favorite video you’ve ever posted bro when it came up to the window like “what up bitch” I died with yall

Jasmyn Victoria: We love your videos!!!

vmadrid31: Girl did you know there’s a purple shampoo/conditioner olaplex for blonde hair.

Chelsee: I love these longer videos!!❤️❤️

RENEE: So cute! I’m in love with ur baby boy! Omg so adorbs..he reminds me of a mini drake. u r beautiful & r doing amazing.1 suggestion, & I mean this in the most loving way, please consider toning down ur language for him. He’s so innocent & pure

Melissa Piedra: lmfao every time your sister yelled jade jade jade prince we literally scream so cute but also so funnnyyyyyyyyy

Mouse of the House: I live in nj but when I was little they had a drive thru wild safari. They had a baboon section you would have to sign a waiver and take ur antenna off before u drive thru bc they jump on ur car like 5-10 at a time lol this video unlocked a memory

Adrianna: Make sure to bring some kind of weapon when you go on walks girl people are fr crazy and I would hate for y’all to get hurt

elisa jane: Every time you saw an animal you said ewwwww lmaooooo. Love you & your son ❤️

Amanda & The Chaos: You’re so beautiful and prince is adorable love your channel

Breanna Stroup: this whole video had me cracking tf up

Brooklyn Gordon: iv never laugh at a video so hard i was crying

PrincessTabs: Prince is literally the cutest

Danyella Joeanne: Knocking on your door like you owed him money bahahahaha killed me omg

courtney granderson: Me as a mom!!! He said mom im not hyngry and she said well i am

Madie Carroll: I live near lazy 5. It’s pretty cool feeding the animals!!

3danielle333: Lol prince keeps saying " scary as fuck"

Candice Franklin: New to your you tube. Came over from TikTok. Love your videos!

Briana Martinez: I love your videos

Sally Fae: the drive thru zoo was funny AF!

EmmaaElizabethhh: yall had me dead with these ostrich

shawnte boyd: Lmfaooo prince is when you say do you want to go to the zoo he's gnna scream NOOOOoo

caitlin convey: love you jade

Tessa K: Prince is never going to like the zoo again

Jenna Nicole: Girl- when I seen the 43 minutes I was like say lessssss

1_Ambitious_Slimmaz: Prince is so God damn smart!

Ebony Nelson: He is so adorable he lowkey looks like a young Derek trends

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