No More Sponsored Hair Product Videos!? Natural Hair - Naptural85

  • Posted on 20 July, 2017
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous

Let's talk.. :)

Please note this is referring to HAIR PRODUCT sponsorships only, in an attempt to reduce any confusion regarding my thoughts on products. If you vote to end, I will still review and talk about hair products, but I just won't retain sponsorship for it.

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SNAPCHAT : @HeyWhitty

PERISCOPE : @Naptural85



*Not Sponsored

About guys, so I was actually in the middle of doing my makeup and I was kind of thinking out loud and I figured you know I might as well turn on the camera. Do my makeup, for you guys get ready with me and speak to you. While I think yeah, I'm sure you saw the title and were like what is this all about, I just been really thinking lately on sponsored videos and all the negativity that youtubers get surrounding it. I wanted to kind of give you a background about why I started doing concert videos in the first place, because I, the goal of my channel, I never started my channel in the hopes of you know getting sponsorships. I started my channel in 2009 and nobody was making money from this. We couldn't even monetize our videos at that point. It was literally my outlets, my hobby. I love doing this, so I love playing in hair. I have, since I was a kid so that was played on my friends, hair at school. It'S just I love hair. I love hair. Genuinely you guys didn't know before I did YouTube full-time. I was a graphic designer, so I went to school for being able to combine hair care with you know, videography and editing, and all that kind of stuff was just so cool and that's just what I did every day that I came home from work. I would just come home from work: do my hair film it and then edit and have a good time posted on YouTube and that's what I love to do. I wasn't getting anything from it, except for the joy of being able to connect with you guys and share tips, so it's not kind of like how it is today where people go into this like. Oh, this is my career. Unfortunately, youtubers get a bad rep now because, unfortunately, a few bad apples ruin it for the brunch. The more people found out that you could actually make money in this. The more people got into it for the money aspect, and so unfortunately, yes, a lot of people do go into this thinking. I'M going to be a youtuber, I'm going to get a lot of people to like me, so that I can work with brands and make money. That'S not what I got into this for I've been on the scene before you could make money, and I'm just personally not motivated by money and that's fine. If you are I'm just not motivated by money, I am motivated by helping people like I'm. Just a people. Pleaser I enjoy knowing that I have helped somebody, that's how I personally get my self-worth. So when I started YouTube, I wasn't doing sponsored videos, we've been making money, there was no auction for that and then slowly people started doing sponsored videos and I still wasn't doing sponsored videos. I didn't want to do sponsored videos. I wanted to teach you guys how to be independent with your haircare, because I found a lot of power in being independent for myself. That was Michael, because hair care products were so expensive at that time. I think there was like two hair care product lines like miss jessie's, which was like, if you guys remember, Miss Jesse used to be Maddox, and it was like 70 bucks for a 16-ounce jar cream. You guys remember that like, and I really got into DIYs and just making my own Hecker, who is my freakin. This primer is so cool. This is an eyeshadow primer from Smashbox, not sponsored, but I really like that as a brown, it's really cool. Anyway, I decided to start doing sponsored videos in 2014. The reason that I started doing sponsored videos is to help fund my projects. I had been working on a bunch of projects and, if you guys follow my blog channel, you know I've talked about this. A little bit I've been multitasking for a while, which is probably not the best idea, but I have a lot of ideas and I just want to get them all done. So I'm working on a few projects for a really long time and I needed to be able to fund them and you make money on YouTube with Adsense. But you don't make enough to kind of venture off and do other thing those making enough to live on. But I needed more to do my projects, I'm very independent and if I need something I figure out how to get it on my own. So, instead of asking people for money - or you know doing a GoFundMe or something like that, I decided you know what I have the opportunity to fund this myself. All I have to do is make some sponsored videos. That'S why I started doing sponsored videos, so I could fund my projects literally. That'S it. If you guys watch my vlog channel, you see that I'm not living large, I don't have a Bentley or an Audi or BMW. Okay, some even have a Jeep. We still drive our Honda Accords. I just upgraded one of them this year, just because I had another baby and we needed more space, and now we have a Honda Pilot, but we're still driving Honda's they're used and we still live in our two-bedroom apartments. That we've been living in for over almost five years now and we don't live large. You know they mean, like it's a very humble lifestyle that I live. Everything that I make goes back into my business and back into the projects I'm trying to do so. My reason for doing sponsored videos wasn't out of greed. It wasn't because that was my goal of being a YouTube wedding. Get into this just to be, you know, advertiser friendly, so I could reel in sponsorships and make tons of money and throw it up in the air and like be showing off on Instagram stuff like that. Like that wasn't the goal. It was literally because that was the best way for me to get funding for what I want to do my passion projects and not have to do like a GoFundMe or ask any family members, or anything like that. So it was a hard decision from you start doing sponsored videos in the first place. Okay is what I'm trying to tell you. So why am I telling you this because there are still a select few people who group every youtuber into the same pot and think that we're all the same? You know we're not all out here for fame and fortune. It'S really frustrating to me when people decide give them again brushwood where you come. It'S really frustrating to me when people assume that, because you're doing sponsored videos that you're untrustworthy all of a sudden, you know like I do sponsored videos, maybe once every three months I just so happened to have to back-to-back for like the first time in a really Long time, because, usually once every three months, if that the majority of my videos are not sponsored our DIYs, do it yourselves and then I have a sponsored video every now and then and then even in the video itself. I make sure that I say outright that it's a sponsored video, if that's really frustrating for me that, just because someone does sponsored videos, people automatically say. Oh, she just wanted video she's, not trustworthy, like how sway how I'm doing to do a little bit of orange right. So it's really frustrating to me to be grouped into like the bag of bad old youtubers. Simply because I have sponsored videos, because I take a lot of effort to make sure that my sponsorships are authentic and true to me or true to you guys in the case of like the Pantene anyway, I'm not trying to rant okay. This is not a ranting. Video, I'm just saying sponsored videos are very stressful, because is you can do everything right and still it's wrong just because it's sponsored this is a cute color who I get with the blue in the orange? Yes girl, yes, sheep has it. I don't enjoy doing sponsored videos for hair products. I get a ton of stress when I'm editing it. I get a ton of stress when I'm filming it, but I just know that there's going to be so much crap because I'm going to get so much crap for it, which is why a lot of times I'll, like hop on snapchat, just be like hey guys. I'M doing a sponsored video like giving you a heads up, I'm like don't be mad. I hate that feeling it's very stressful and I just try my hardest to do the right thing and it just doesn't turn out well, so you guys are like my family seriously. I think about you and every decision that I make as it pertains to YouTube. I think about you guys, and so I'm going to hand this one over to you guys. I want to let you decide whether I continue doing sponsored videos or not, and let me be clear, I'm talking about sponsored videos for hair products, because if that gets in the way of me being able to effectively communicate what products I use and products I like, Without you guys thinking that, I'm being deceptive, I'm okay with getting rid of it, so I'm going to let you guys decide it is now in your hands again it is my channel, but obviously if I hear you guys saying that you don't like something, I respect You enough to at least give you the opportunity to tell me why or to get rid of it so I'll. Let you guys decide whether you want to see specifically hair products being sponsored on my channel anymore, so I'm opening a poll it's either on the side of the side on which sides I'm going to have like a little pull button somewhere over here. So click on that poll and just answer the question: do you want me to get rid of hair product sponsorships on my video, yes or no, and then that way I put it in your hands. You are the ultimate decision maker in this. So if it's really that big of an issue - I'm okay, getting rid of it, just let me know talk to me by voting in the polls - that's pretty much it! I didn't get anything done on my freaking eyes, because I'm so busy talking using the color dream. Queen palette, by the way, I love this palette, please my favorite beautiful colors for black women. I think if I heard anything else I wanted to say I really just want to put this on you guys to decide so that we can all just be happy to move on, and I don't want you guys to assume that, because I do sponsored videos for Hair plugs that you can't trust my recommendations for other hair products using the em cosmetics liner, okay, which one is, I think, it's a sculpted, a little baby wing, no cutie cutie, just to elongate last a little bit. I can never get my wings to match, though this is a problem she's, so good, okay, so it turns out, it's actually really hard to do your makeup and talk on camera at the same time who knew okay, that's my cue. I have to go. I look forward to seeing the result of the poll. I hope that you guys see that I really do care about what you have to say. I care about your feelings. I respect you so much and I just want to give you guys option to make that change. If you don't want to see sponsored hair product videos anymore, I have come to peace with it either way. I look forward to seeing the results will pull I'll. Probably leave it open for about a week, so you guys can vote on it. So do I hope that you guys liked the video. I hope that it helps and I'll see you the next one.

Naptural85: Please note this is referring to HAIR PRODUCT sponsorships only, in an attempt to reduce any confusion regarding my thoughts on products. If you vote to end, I will still review and talk about hair products, but I just won't retain sponsorship for it.

Marriage & Motherhood: It all boils down to trust. I've been subscribed since kimmaytube gave you a shout out in 2009. I truly trust you would only present your audience with products you like and enjoy. I would never tell another youtuber how to make extra $$$. You've got to do whats best for you and your family. I trust you opinion.

GirlsLoveYourCurls: Whitney, 99% of your subscribers are beyond happy to see you get compensated for the hard work you put into sharing your knowledge. Unfortunately that tiny 1%, who hate on you, are usually the most vocal. You have almost a million subscribers, so that vocal 1% (9000 people) can sound very loud and significant, so I understand your concern, but trust me, WE support you. Make your sponsorship money. SET UP A GO FUND ME! You have a lot of true supporters, who will shed tears of joy at your success and would feel honored to help you get there.❤️❤️❤️❤️

DR: There are so many natural hair lines popping up now BECAUSE of YouTubers like you. Major cosmetic lines like Pantene weren't concerned about our specific hair care needs back when you started your channel. You and other Natural YouTubers shed light on an underserved market, and now Black women can walk into more and more retailers and find an entire section in the cosmetic aisle devoted to our specific hair care needs. If we're willing to run out and give our money to Procter & Gamble with our purchases, why shouldn't we allow you to profit too? Get your money, Whitney, and fund your projects. Some people will always try to drag you down with that crab mentality.

Rashida6891: Honestly, we know when sponsored videos are done just for pay or if its a genuine recommendation. I've been with you since the beginning...never got that impression from you. And fyi, I want you and your family to have more....I wouldn't mind a sponsored video at least once a month. I want to see you on vacation, in a bigger house, and Ayo & her baby brother need their college funds!!!! We love you and that's, why we continue to watch.

octayvia25: Girl if you don't get your money and ignore these Negative Nancys.......and get yourself a jeep while you're at it.

Nicolle: LISTEN WHITNEY: You continue doing these hair sponsored videos. None of these people who complain about it are going to hand you their money. You have projects and ideas that need to be funded and you also have a family. If doing those type of videos are really stressing you out, meet in the middel. Only do sponsored videos on products that you really really truly 100% believe in and you trust. But like I said continue to make sponsored videos if you like because I'll still watch, like and share the video. Make that money honey.

Girl Just Wanna Have Funds: I have to admit that I haven't watched any videos of yours in over a year( up til tonite) bcuz I went from being loose natural to being loc'd, however I stay subscribed here. I initially subscribed when I was transitioning and after I big chopped but I stayed because you are easy to watch and learn from. You give great tutorials with great creativity and showed me that you really like what you are doing and that you enjoy hair care. I couldn't care less if you choose to do sponsor videos or not, bcuz you've always remained genuine. I still love watching whether sponsored or not. Do you girl! And congrats on the new edition!

Supa Natural: I understand what you're saying but girl you have been doing this for a long time and you are trust worthy. You can't please everybody. Get paid for doing what you love. I think the OG's in the YouTube game should be the ppl doing sponsored videos. We know you are creative, talented and honest. Girl keep doing you and get your coins. I will forever support your channel. No you don't have to drive a Bentley or live the lavish life but you deserve it as much money as those who do have those things. You actually teach and take pride in your channel. Whitney get your bag (I'm serious)

Finally Amber: I wish I could like this video MULTIPLE TIMES. As a YouTuber with somewhat of an audience I ABSOLUTELY get what you're saying about the stress with sponsored videos. Like you, I started doing YouTube LONG before we got paid for it, and I literally did it to communicate with my community from over on Hairlista! Then, like you said it doesn't help when people come in late in the game and try to speak for ALL YouTubers. I recently watched a video filled with so much negativity towards YouTubers it made me sad because it was like we're damned if we do, and damned if we dont! I try to space my sponsored videos out as well but I just got to a point where I'm tired of explaining myself and I honestly feel in my heart that it is a BLESSING to have company's that you've seen your whole life wanting to work with you and VALUE your HONEST opinion. (I've personally NEVER had a company ask me to lie about ANY review) Some people just can't stand to see a blessing. I'll still be watching, love! ❤️

wwnnn16: Child bye!!! Whitney, MAKE YOUR MONEY! If I don't want to try something that's sponsored, I'm NOT! Just like I wouldn't try something thats NOT sponsored, if I didn't want to. This is getting ridiculous.. YES, keep your sponsorships.

Rest Renew Rebuild: Wow! I am constantly shocked at the negativity of people. They only care about themselves. Whitney, I have been watching your videos since I decided to go natural in 2011! I have seen two of your children be born and have watched so many of your videos on your various channels. Any TRUE fan should know that you are authentic and doing the best for you and your family. It's evident that you work very hard on your channels. I think the poll shows that the sponsored videos are not an issue. The issue is that people are so unhappy in their lives they take the time to spread their negativity toward those who are successful. Keep doing what you're doing. I actually really loved the Dove video with you and Olivia.

Being Faith: Hi Whitney. I have been following you for many years and I'm so proud of all you've achieve especially your work ethic. In response to your video: 1) Your voice carries weight in this community and if something has worked for you most people will go and purchase the product because YOU recommended it. For that you should be remunerated for it, it's make business sense. Why should they be benefiting and you not? 2) Additionally if these hair company's were to go to a TV station and ask to promote their products they will have to pay and your channel is like a "TV station" you deserve to be paid. 3)Gurrrl you do not need our permission or vote on getting finances to fund YOUR projects. Please keep up the good work (and get paid/sponsored for the good work you do) we know you are not here trying to fool us into buying products and things you no not believe in. x

stay1ify: All your videos are bomb. Please don't limit your earning potential because some folks have problem with it. You are always so clear about your thoughts and intentions on youtube. Thanks for all you do! I've been watching your videos for years! Congratulations and continued success.

Rebecca.B.Drumming: Whitney girl, I've been following you for years. I love how transparent and original you are, who else offers thier viewers to opt in or out to change viewing content? That alone makes my heart melt. Continue your sponsored vids. We get you!

Stephanie M: Of all the YTers I've ever watched, you are the one whose integrity I have NEVER questioned. You make it clear when your videos are about sponsored products and you're HONEST about them - no plastic smile and over-the-top enthusiastic parroting of marketing bullet points like a LOT of others do.Keep doing your sponsorships, keep getting the funding you need for your projects and to help take care of your family.And PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE stop paying more attention to the few negative comments you get in a sea of positive comments. You have so many more supporters than detractors, we "know" you (as well as we can), we get you, we understand what you're doing and why.Don't change who you are and how you do things for a bunch of Negative Nans - they'll just find something else to harp on you about anyway.

Harmony Hall: Make Your money gurl, don't worry about the haters. Just make sure when you do sponsored videos, give a honest review and not a fake review on the product. Don't tell us it works if it doesn't. If it doesn't work tell us it doesn't work.

Designs By Steffanie: Follow your dreams and if it takes sponsored videos to do that, DO THEM!!! If anyone thinks you lack integrity for doing so, they should unsubscribe NOW and move one!!! We the loyal followers got you!!! Thx for the honesty!!!!!

Cassie W: Don't stop doing your sponsored videos. I've alway know you were not motivated by money. If you make money so what! You deserve it and those that follow you know your intentions.

Natalee Mariah: Girl! If you don't stack your paper and ignore these bitter betties, I'm coming to Boston with a switch!!! Those that love you and support you will ride with you because they trust your vision. The doubters, naysayers and haters will ALWAYS find something to complain about. If you stop doing sponsored videos, it will be something else. You won't ever make them happy! Whitney, believe me when I tell you that your TRUE supporters have never and will never question your integrity. A few short years ago, these mainstream hair care companies were not checking for our brownness and now they are cutting CHECKS for brown girls like us! Keep collecting them checks!

MuslimahY: Dear Whitney please continue to do the sponsored videos. You are the most authentic YouTuber I follow and you deserve to get whatever revenue/recognition you receive from any sponsorships. Ignore the haters and their negativity! Your hair videos are timeless and invaluable and I regularly go back to them for hair tips and diy hair recipes and you continue to make informative videos for us natural hair ladies. I personally found the pantene video useful and would now consider buying some of that range. I trust your recommendations and any sponsored videos i have watched from you have always given your honest opinion. So I just want to say thank you and I will keep supporting your channel. Blessings to you and your family ❤

me10: you are soooo nice because I wouldn't have explained sh*t to anyone. your help is appreciated! period. IF YOU WANT TO DO SPONSORED VIDEOS...THEN DO IT! You will NEVER please everyone and I know you know that! YOUR FAMILY COMES FIRST. People who follow will continue to do so. At least you are honest about your reviews. Thank you!

MsRoRo: Don't let people that don't matter too much, matter too much. -Wes Moore Whitney, you need to do what's best for you and your family.

mariah Rushing: I took quite a bit from this video. I gathered how passionate you are, and how personal you are with your fan base. Sometimes that mix can get In the way of your goals. Almost like mixing business with pleasure. My only goal in commenting is to remind you of what you revealed to us.....YOUR reason for beginning sponsored videos. Those that hit that unsubscribe button (if you choose to continue) were obviously only meant to follow you for a season. You will NEVER be able to please people because it is our innate nature to be fickle. I'm sure you see it first hand in your daughter and hubby. With people being human and changing their minds just as often as they've showered, remember YOUR projects are YOUR passion. Boredom, a repetitive timeline, or just the feeling of boldness may have a lot to do with the negative responses; THEIR passion could have been excluded when commenting or posting negative feedback. Ending point with... don't give your subscribers so much responsibility, whether it's to your emotions, what you film, or who you sponsor. At the end of the day they will take up a percentage of your emotions that you could be using to film your awesomeness. ❤️ Hope this encourages you

Whitney Jones: Girl, stop worrying what people have to say about you. People will never be pleased with you no matter what you do. Your life was not made to please people. You do what you love to do and you do what you need to do for you and your family. Don't let people's opinions of you dictate where your life goes. Don't allow people to make you the prisioner of their negative perceptions. You better keep doing those sponsorship vidoes and let the haters go mope in their corner with their miserable selves.

Rhey: Whitney get your money sis! I think you are one of the most authentic beauty vloggers and I support you 100%. Use it to fund your project, save up, do whatever. No judgment here

Sonia N: Hi Whitney, I've been following you since 2014. Everything I learnt about doing my hair, I learnt from you. You have taught me so much and I support you all the way. Keep doing sponsored videos and get that coin!

Bridget Harris: your sponsored videos!!! Those of us who have been really following you, value your insight!! Get your money Honey!!

Jay Nisey: I've been following you since you had "short" hair. Back when you would never wear makeup and on the days you did, you still felt funny about it. lol. I can honestly say, I want you to do what makes you happy. You do your sponsored videos. You make your money. I will not, shall not tell another woman how to make her money. I'm proud of how far you've come. Don't go backward. Go forward. You're awesome and inspirational.

BelovedBre: You are one of the sweetest and most genuine people on here. Please keep doing sponsored videos if that is helping you reach your goals. And that shadow is incredible! (And I don't even wear makeup)

Charmane Greene: I admire your honesty. I truly enjoy watching your videos. You have given me a lot of great ideas for my natural hair. Whichever way you go..sponsored videos or not..I will be with you. You are a pleasure to watch. You are beautiful. Your hair is to die for. I just love everything about you. Keep on with the awesome job you're doing.

C Ra: Get paid girl!! Every company SHOULD pay for your voice and comment. They are not apologizing for a) the money they make from you vids. Forget the jealous broke haters.

MNC 1291: No ma'am! You have taught me everything I needed to know about how to transition and care for my hair and to not be scared! I have been natural for 2yrs now and I'm so thankful. You gave me the courage to go for it. Do you girl! You are helping us and changing lives, sponsored or not. Take care

Blossoming: I've been with this ship since the beginning and I'm willing to grow with you wherever you go! Girl you taught me how to grow my hair to elbow length! You are a fixture in our house. I'm with you!

N P: I love this real talk episode. I appreciate all of your hard work over the years. God bless you and your family!

Toni Chauntel: Whitney, DO YOU! I've been watching since 2009 and I've literally watched every video. You've been real, been humble, and you're raising your babies to be the same way. Make your money however you need to... BUT, if no sponsored videos means more vlogs I'm HERE FOR IT

Diyah140: Do what works for you! PERIOD!!! I can't imagine most of your viewers have a problem with it. I don't. Fund your projects the way that works best for YOU. You have your integrity. Their CHOICE not to acknowledge that is their own problem. We appreciate YOU <3

Monicall: Whitney I've been watching you for years. Sponsor or not you're my hair twin and I owe the health of my hair and body to you. The way you take care of your family with eating healthy is inspiring. PLEASE!! Do Not Stop doing what you're doing.

Elaine DeLoach: Whitney, You have been my Hair Guru for the past 3 years as I transitioned from permed , processed to now natural hair...which I Love. As far as hair sponsors, I am all for it. You should get paid what you are worth. These sponsors see the value and worth in what you offer. Your expertise and advice is priceless and much needed. You have more than earned the Right.

Naturally BigBritt: GURL I want to see all black women succeed in life!!!! If that means taking some sponsorships and making some money so you live comfortably and save for your passion projects.... I'm all for it! I've been watching you for so long and alway refer to you as the godmother of natural hair youtubers to my new natural friends so please don't stress about the few bad comments, live your life, your subbies will be here to watch :)

Cassandra P.: If it's a product line that you feel good representing, then go for it. I once did an ad for a product that went in a magazine and on a website and people assumed that I only did it for money. I did it because I really stood behind the product. Keep doing your sponsored videos.

Genae Young: Yes to sponsored videos. You are a trust worthy you tuber and you put so much time and attention into your work. I'd like to see you continue with sponsored hair videos.

Lisa Howard: Hey Whitney, Love your videos. They are so helpful to me. I'm almost 3 years natural. As far as the poll goes, i think you should do sponsored hair videos. It helps both sides of the community, helps the viewers to get more products inn our stores and helps the manufacturers understand what we are looking for to take care of our hair! Vid on girl!

LaNell Williams: Girl! I love your channel. I've followed you for years. I know you are legit! Do what you gotta do to fund your projects. bc at the end of the day, many people are gonna watch other sponsored videos. There is nothing wrong with funding your projects. We benefit from you funding your projects. <3

Naturally Dunn: This is very simple. If you don't like watching sponsored videos, don't watch. No one is forcing you to watch Whitney. Now for those of us who love watching Whitney's videos, let's show our appreciation by supporting her, liking her videos and sharing. Keep the sponsored videos coming

Belizean 2022: You're amazing!!! I am at this stage in my hair journey because of how honest and genuine you are! I follow all your diys and I do purchase products you suggest. You should still do sponsored videos and I'm sure you didn't support any products you didn't believe in. We all love and adore you Whitney ❤️❤️❤️ don't let the cruel world crush your vision and keep that beautiful head up and that hair long

Southern Curls: I love how grounded and genuine you are! I say keep doing sponsored videos because I feel whatever you do will be your honest opinion. And who are we to keep you from funding your DREAMS? If we could all be so fortunate.

Janee' Mitchell: I love your videos! Keep being you and doing what works for you! Those of us who are loyal viewers already trust you and know from the way you portray yourself that you do honest reviews. You have helped me a lot on my hair journey and I appreciate your work! There is nothing wrong with being an entrepreneur and part of that for you is the occasional sponsored video. I say keep doing it. The more successful you are, the more haters/negative people will have to say regardless. So keep getting your money and forget about them! Don't let anyone mess your money up.

Ashley Hamilton: Girl!!!! You do you! Keep your sponsorships You've always been so amazing, helpful, balanced and honest about your business. It's helpful to have a variety of options, I'd just like to make sure I get your full thoughts and in depth descriptions of these products.

Shanell Akers: Listen, you are doing us a service for free. You took your journey and helped out so many of us who were looking for someone who hair resembled our own. Remeber everyone: SHE IS ONE OF FEW TYPE 4 HAIR GIRLS IN THE GAME. THAT WE CAN TRUST, THERE AIN'T NO CLIP INS!!!! So if you do a sponsorship video here or there or dammit every where, I have no care. Its always informative and honest. And word to all of y'all we all have to eat, so let her do what she want to do.

Grannat Wat: Girl, I believe you are true to your heart. I've been watching you through out your journey on youtube. Do what you love! I enjoy your hair videos. That's why I went and stayed natural. I have locs now, but I still watch your video and I encourage other family member to watch and try going natural. Don't stop.....

lrpesq: Whitney, Please keep doing sponsored videos! I love to know your professional opinion on hair products. Don't let a few bad apples spoil the bunch. Your true fans love your channel, so ignore the naysayers.

nikkigardenia: Make your coins girl. I have been following you since I can remember and you deserve every coin you can get your hands on. You have been an essential part of probably millions of natural women's hair journeys. Dont let anyone make you feel bad. You are amazing and an inspiration!

Robin Moody: Whitney, you have been a blessing to me over the past three years of my natural hair journey! Please continue what makes you happy! I always come back to your channel sponsored or not! You have the ability/opportunity to sponsor your dreams, go for it! Don't worry about the haters! Love you, girl! Much respect!

Dana WB: This slowly became heartbreaking to watch! When you began discussing your humble lifestyle, I felt some type of way! There is absolutely no reason you should have to explain and defend what you do. The main folks making videos bashing sponsored videos are getting a check too! Ridiculous!!! Keep up the excellent work!

Doreen Kinley: Whitney, I've been watching your videos for about 5 years now. I did the big chop and my hair has THRIVED. Everything I do I learned from you, from your twist outs to your wash day routines to your Shea butter recipes. People ask me all the time how I got my hair to be so long and healthy and I tell them to watch your videos!!! Your sponsored videos have only helped me in my natural hair journey. I've tried many of the products from those videos and found ways to help my hair thrive when my schedule doesn't allow enough time for a DIY. Also, it matters to me that you receive compensation for the hard work you do--you deserve to live comfortably and have money for the things that matter to you. Please don't let the haters change anything about the way you film. You have given so much to the natural hair community. Please keep up the amazing work and DO YOU. :)

Gabrielle Buchanan: Thank you for your channel! I'm mixed race & I've had to dyi my own hair products all my life. Please do sponsored videos if you believe in the products. It really helps me & saves me time & money to see a product used so that I can decide if its right for me. I think the fear that people may have is that a sponsored video will be just another sales pitch, but as long as you are honest then its all good. You've helped me and I thank you. Please do what you feel is right for your life.

B. D.415: Hi Whitney, stay true to you and what works for you. I look forward to hearing your reviews because of your honest opinions - whether it is a paid sponsorship or not. Keep doing the videos when you have the time!

Joselyn Williams: Please continue to do sponsored videos! Do whatever makes you happy! I have watched you for YEARS and I have always appreciated how authentic you are and how genuine you seem, at no point have I thought that your sponsored videos take away from that. The real people love you and want to see you doing the best!

Kim: DO NOT STOP doing hair sponsorship videos! I trust you 100%. They're very helpful and I enjoy them! Thanks for honoring our voices and opinions. :-)

The One Where I Say: Whitney, I've been watching your videos on and off for over two years. Even though we don't have the same hair type you still inspired me to embrace my natural hair. You are making an honest living so I do not have a problem with your sponsored videos. I have visited so many channels filled with hate. I recently visited a channel and I just feel the person was trying to get viewers by putting down your videos. I want to say thank you for sharing your honest experience with coconut oil. Every time I have watched one of your videos you have been uplifting and I don't believe I have ever heard you put down any other YouTuber or their hair methods. Continue doing an excellent job. You are articulate. You have very good grammar. You are not always cursing, you are tactful and respectful. I see why companies offer you sponsorships. You are a great YouTube role model.

msvegavelez: I've been watching your videos since the beginning. They've helped me and my sister out so much! You've always been honest and kept it real. So I don't think you would do a sponsored video on a product that you wouldn't buy or use yourself even if it wasn't sponsored. So I say keep doing some sponsored videos if you want to :-)

TeeJaiP: I've been watching you so long I never thought twice about your sponsored videos. You've always broadcasted with pride and integrity throughout the years and I doubt you'd jeopardize your fanbase (aka family) for a few coins. Keep doing what you're doing and we'll keep watching! But what you need to do is start marketing some of your DIY hair concoctions..... hint... hint

Priscilla White: Whitney, keep being yourself! Even new subbers can see how authentic you are. I've been a long time subber and your channel completely changed my hair routine and helped me learn to love my hair. Be free to be you!

CMs9169: I began watching you in 2010. Because we know that you were not sponsored before we all trust your opinions to be honest and knowledgeable. Don't explain your integrity to people who hate on you. Your subscribers stand behind you. Keep doing sponsorships. Much love.

Christian Mommy Billionaires: You're super awesome and honest. This it's hard to come by these days. I love to see people like you win!! Get your money girl.

Shar Does it: What a great video! thank you for being so honest and open with us. We appreciate the hard work you put into your videos and for sharing with us!

S'MORE MINIS: I recently turned 60-years-old, and I love all my "natural-hair-care-baby-sisters," but you were the first one I started following and you have always been trustworthy and I will always take your advice. Please keep doing what you're doing!

Delicia Straughter: I've been watching you for a long while now...since I went natural in 2011. I personally have no issue with you doing sponsored videos because I've known you to be nothing but genuine. Anyone who has a problem is either ignorant, jealous or a combination of the two and probably has not been watching you for very long. Grow your channel, be successful and don't allow those few bad apples or haters to disrupt your progress. As long as you continue to keep it real do sponsored videos...that's my vote. Thanks

Z Beauty: Girl, get that money! Your real fans will support you no matter what like I don't see the problem!

Kiera Steele: You know I actually like when you do sponsored videos because I know you take the time to choose a company that you believe in and not just take sponsorship from everyone. For a young woman who is working 2 jobs, and doesn't have lost of money or time for DIY products, I like that you share some options I can buy (or ask my mom to buy) and see if it works with our hair. So keep doing what allows you to make you happy and get your real goals accomplished.

LAYLAY0928: Keep doing sponsored videos. You started off on Youtube on an honest and genuine platform and garnered an audience that trusts you - well before sponsored videos became a thing. All of the negative people on here are just late to the game and had to have just came across your channel because you're trustworthy and so many of us know it. Don't let those people affect you, and keep doing what you want to do. You're always going to come across negative (and jealous) people, especially on the internet, but just remember that you have followers who support, trust and love you, and they are the ones who matter. That and a paycheck :)

Angelica Scott: I've been watching you for years! So let me first say that I truly admire and appreciate your work. I'm usually quiet on social media but I felt compelled to comment today..... SISTER! GET YOUR MONEY! If you have people that don't appreciate the duality of your work.... one you do it because you love it...and then it just so happens that you're able to monetize it... then... F@!K THEM! And then be sure to block they ass! Don't let the haters stop you from getting paid. And if your lifestyle WASN'T modest and you had a big ass house and fat ride behind making sponsored videos....soooooo WHAT! That would be great too! Pursue your goals.... UNAPOLOGETICALLY! I LOOK FORWARD TO MORE SPONSORED POST, AND YOUR NEW PROJECTS. I ALSO HOPE YOU CONTINUE TO HAVE MUCH SUCCESS IN YOUR EFFORTS... WHATEVER YOUR MEASURE OF SUCCESS IS! PEACE!

Steppie D.: I've been watching you from the beginning of my natural hair journey. You've helped me so much along the way. You have been the most detailed and descriptive, most and honest vloggers I've ever watched. Not to mention, you're beautiful as the person we know and in what seems to be inside and out! I'm sure it takes a bit if you're time to do these videos, as anyone's career would, and I see absolutely no issue with you doing sponsored videos. Being the person you are to us YouTubers, I respect the fact that you give honest opinions, no matter what the outcome! Thank you... for being a light for us naturalistas and keep up the AWESOME job!

Zsalaco: Whitney you are RARE and I mean that in the most positive way. You provide "realness"... the stuff that YouTube lacks now because everybody wants to be "YouTube famous". You have success because of that and you will continue to have success because you are just real, care about people, want to give honest opinions and that's what most people on YouTube lack.

Yolanda M: I totally trust you & your judgement. I've been a subbie for YEARS & you've always been transparent. CONGRATS again on baby boy!!!

Honey ASMR: Please keep doing you. I've been watching you since 2011 and you're so authentic. Please continue to love what you do. We trust you. Get your money, girl, but please be honest about the products.

Ladylove123: I've been following you from the start, and i successfully transitioned and grew healthy hair because of you!! There's no way I could ever think you weren't genuine. Anyone saying that is hating on your success!! Anytime people ask me what to do with their hair, I send them your videos or tell them about your channel. You help me and SO MANY OTHERS! Thank you and keep up what you're doing!!! Your hard work is paying off for ALL OF US, including the haters.

Lottalove920: I love the person that you are and always have been inspired by you. I really do not believe that I would have become natural if it wasn't for you. In 2012 approximately March I considered cutting my hair off and it wasn't until I watched your video 10 tips to Growing long hair that I actually ended up doing my big chop on March 19th which was a week after I watched your video. I was scared and after I did it I thought I looked unattractive but then I watched more of your videos and my hair started to grow and as it grew I grew to love it and to this day I attributed my natural hair to you.

Naturalspice: doyour sponsored videos. The people who genuinely support you don't care. It's not the end of the world people!!!!

pjacksone: Girl get your coins and keep it movin. You have paid your dues and you deserve all the accolades and attention from companies that you can get. I wish I COULD get a sponsored video. You must live your life for you. They talked about Jesus and all he did was help people. Life is too short to let other people govern it. Do you!

T Wrendy: I've been a long time subscriber! A sponsored video here and there doesn't bother me one bit. In fact, I'm happy for you. I believe that you are a genuine, upstanding individual and it's wonderful that you take your viewers into consideration on this matter. However, you have to do what's best for you. If sponsored videos help you to fund projects and attain your goals, then I'll watch knowing I'm helping you in some way just as you've helped so many of us!

Melody Maker: Naptural! I just LOVE your videos. I really don't care if they are sponsored or not. I just know that they work. Your DIY hair care tips are amazing, and to be honest your hair is your best advert to show that your hair treatments work anyway, so who cares what people think! You just keep being who you are. Amazing!!!!

MsTexas73: Whitney, I've been following you since like 2010. You were one of the first I began watching when I began wearing my now 20 years natural hair out more without braiding all the time. You Re such an inspiration. Please continue to do you, and do it UNAPOLOGETICALLY! If you wish to continue the sponsored videos, do it. Those of us who are truly for you and with you will continue to follow you. Love and respect. ❤️

HairScientist: Whitney I originally subscribed to your channel simply because you were real, the fact that you had bomb tutorials and recipes was an added bonus. If anybody should be making money on YT its people like you. Those who are trully in your corner wouldn't have a problem with it either. Because they know your an honest person. Not only that, but your one of a small group of people who has actually come up with original content. Practically all of the DIY recipes I used during my hair journey came from your channel. Just as I told curlyproverbz, its time you monetized something. You've given a wealth of information away for free. I pray you'll see a way to make money while still being true to who you are.

roren79: You're awesome Whitney. I fully trust your counsel when it comes to products and hair care . You do so much research and I think, your trustworthy-ness should be a commodity that you can use for your gain. I don't think it's right for anyone to have the power to take that away from you given how responsible you've always been with the information you provide to us. In other words, keep doing them!

najah7791: You've helped me learn how to take care of my hair and so many of my friends and family . I will support sponsored or not . A lot of products I have found and loved have been through Youtubers promoting it. Girl make your coinsssss!

Regina Corbett: I love you and your channel! And it is so wonderful that you take us, your viewers into consideration when making decisions about your channel. You have NEVER been misleading in any of your videos. I trust your opinion. I have no problem with you doing sponsored videos.

Natasha Greene: Continue to be your true self! You make great, honest content. Sponsored or not! Don't stress, keep up the great work

Denise Harrell: Girl, take care of your family first. We love you and support your decisions. You're the one who made me so confident when I went natural. I'll always want you to succeed, even if it isn't your intentions. GET THAT COIN!

La Ken: you are appreciated. I have learned so much. I appreciate you even more knowing how sincere you are regardless of sponsorship. Keep up the good work and feel free to make those extra dollars! You deserve it!

livenlight: Whitney, I think you are amazing! You have been my go-to for natural hair since I first found you on Youtube. I have learned so much from you in managing my own natural hair. I send people to your Youtube videos and channel all the time! Personally, I don't think you need to worry about these people who feel they can't trust you due to sponsored videos. I think you always give your honest opinion whatever the product. Plus, all of your previous non-sponsored videos are still online for anyone who wants to DIY. My advice, do what YOU WANT TO DO. You have a gift, a calling, and don't let people hiding in the shadows rob you of that. If people are intimidated or haters because of that, then let them go to another channel. It's obvious that you love hair. You should be able to make money doing something you love. (By the way, I love how you edit your videos). Check out the audio-book "Be Obsessed or Be Average" by Grant Cardone. He talks about how listening to average minded people kept him from achieving greatness, until he realized he needed to acknowledge his Obssessions, passions and feed them, not suppress them! For the people who are complaining, those are 'their' insecurities, not yours. What contributions are they making to society? How are they bettering peoples lives? Who are they teaching? When you move forward in life, sometimes you have to leave people behind, because their minds are not yet expanded enough to go with you. "Forgive them, for they know not what they do" Follow your Spirit and Soar!

EnlightenMental: I've been following you since the beginning (though with a different account) and always loved you for your honesty, and authenticity. So I am of the strong opinion that if ever you did a sponsored video, it'd be for products you actually do believe in. I voted in the poll and noticed that like me, 90-something percent of those who have voted so far said it doesn't bother them. It's like that saying goes- "The people that matter don't mind, and the people that mind don't matter." You keep being you, keep doing what you do, we appreciate you for it. If you need to do a sponsored video here and there to broaden your horizons, please do! Also, Theo is ADORABLE! <3

Rochelle Health Coach: Girl! I've been enjoying your videos since I became natural in 2009.. you were real then and real now. Who cares if you take an opportunity to do sponsored obviously have something people and vendors want. Call it a blessing and keep it moving. You are doing a great job at balancing your content so I watch either way!!

txzee: You are one of the most authentic natural hair Youtubers I have ever watched. You have over 844,000 subscribers! How fantastic! We watch you because we value your input. I am not judging and of course, you should do whatever makes you feel most comfortable. Aside from your projects, you have been afforded financial opportunities that can also benefit your family. I say, Go for the sponsored hair product videos and continue to be honest with your reviews. We LOVE you!

jociew79: @Naptural85 you are so sweet to even ask your audience. That says enough in itself. I voted that you continue to do sponsored videos. You have always been authentic and I trust that you will sponsor products that you genuinely like. As a fan since 2010, I want you to financially benefit from your hard work - I'm excited to see/hear how your passion projects turn out. Kudos and much love to you!

Nat IsDivinelyBlessed: Hey Whitney !!!Beautiful, I have been following you since 2012 and I also trusted what you had to say about any product!! Like me,you are able to advise people of different products because you try them for yourself first and that is awesome! You love to see everyone happy but always remember regardless of what you do to appease others or the masses, it is never enough. So do you, hold on to your visions and push forward to see them happen . Much love you and the fam! Kiss the babies for me

Rorree Tillman: I appreciate your honesty and I feel you should continue doing the sponsored videos. You give so much of yourself and I know you are rewarded greatly. Allow the rewards to come in whatever way the Universe sees fit. I am proud of you and you are a real inspiration.

Edith Woodson: Whitney, we've been fans of yours since 2011!! You are beautiful inside and out with mounds of integrity. Because of you my daughters and I continue rocking our natural hair with NO apologies. And so is my 16 month old granddaughter.. Keep doing your sponsored videos. Period. We LOVE you.

Shantae Durden: I appreciate your concern and the heart of you for even addressing your concerns. I love you and I am concerned that you allow yourself to be stressed in anticipation of the opinions of other. Those who love and respect you, simply love and respect you. Those who don't aren't worth the stress because stress can LITERALLY kill you. I trust you to make the decisions that area best for you, your family and us in that order. Can't please everyone and even when you are doing good negative people who are not happy with themselves will take issue with you and various causes to avoid dealing with themselves. Please don't trouble your heart because of them... On that note...KEEP doing sponsored videos

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